CGA :: Volume #1

#15: In the lake saves others

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Could not attend to violating regulations, a Chen Guang fierce revolution of front, stopped the car(riage) in Huanhu Road close to the road serrated edge of picture lake on, jumped out of the car(riage), locked the car(riage) to rush to by the Shishi railing, stared to look toward the lake. Is seeing center the center of the lake, a gorgeous boat is creakying, after body section behind emits the billowing thick smoke, obviously that explosion passed on a moment ago from gorgeous boat position. 也顾不得违章不违章了,陈光猛的一转车头,将车停在环湖路靠近画湖的路牙子上,跳下车来,锁上车就冲到石狮围栏旁,瞪眼往湖中望去。就见着湖心正中,一艘画舫正摇摇欲坠,尾舱后面冒出滚滚浓烟,显然刚才那声爆炸正是从画舫这位置传出来的。 Chen Guang narrowed the eye to look at the past carefully, discovered that the lake water is belching smoke under that position rapid to fill toward inside from the gorgeous boat, this ship is sinking downward at the visible speed, perhaps according to at present this speed, cannot take 1-2 minutes, this value several million big gorgeous boats must depart for the deep thoroughly. 陈光眯缝着眼睛仔细望过去,发现湖水正从画舫冒烟那位置下面迅速往里面灌去,这船正以肉眼可见的速度往下沉去,按照目前这速度,恐怕要不了1-2,这艘价值数百万的大画舫就要彻底沉底了。 On the gorgeous boat is also one piece chaotic, many crew somewhat are helpless, some people want to jump the lake, some people try to run to try toward the gorgeous boat floor to stop that loophole. 画舫上也是一片乱糟糟的,不少剧组人员都有些手足无措,有些人想跳湖,也有人试图往画舫底层跑去试图堵住那个漏洞。 How? What's wrong?” Chen Guang does not have first to see the accident site after all, only thought that now that scene is somewhat alarmed, venerable has asked on drawing. “到底怎么了?怎么了?”陈光毕竟没有第一时间看到事发现场,也只觉得现在那场景有些触目惊心,就拉过身边一个老先生问道。 The venerable kept sighing, bad! Bad! A moment ago fortunately good, does not know how to do, behind that very attractive ship exploded all of a sudden, one braved big sparks/Mars, I not clear was what situation, but the important matter is not definitely wonderful!” 老先生长吁短叹,“糟糕了啊!糟糕了啊!刚才都还好好的,也不知道怎么搞的,那挺漂亮的船后面一下子炸了,一下冒起好大的火星子,我也不清楚是什么情况,但肯定大事不妙了啊!” The Chen Guang heart sighed, with similar that thought that mostly was the rear engine of this gorgeous boat exploding, the person on hope ship should not be injured, the opposite shore has launched in the lifeguard of standby, understood the river character crowds also to take off clothing preparation to launch to save others. 陈光心头微叹,和自己想的差不多,多半是这画舫的后置发动机给炸了,就希望船上的人别受伤吧,对面岸边一直在待命的救生员已经下了水,一些懂水性的围观群众也纷纷脱下身上衣物准备下水救人。 The dramatic team is making a movie on the gorgeous boat, on that at least 30-40 people, inside understands river character definitely is a few, looks at the explosion the position, should no one be wounded, some so many people launched, pours also to be insufficient what human life. 剧组正在画舫上拍戏,那上面至少有30-40人,里面懂水性的肯定是少数,看爆炸的位置,应该没人被炸伤,有这么多人下水了了,倒也不至于出什么人命。 This is the human life view day matter, the will of the people are the meat is long, although oneself and people in these dramatic teams are not ripe, but determined after these people should not be what big deal, his heart was also loose. 这都是人命观天的事儿,人心都是肉长的,虽然自己和那些剧组里的人不熟,但确定了这些人应该不会出什么大事后,他心头也松了下来。 At this time, some people call out in alarm. 就在这时候,又有人惊叫起来。 „It is not right! The situation seems some is not right! Exploded time that two attractive female star also to hang a moment ago in! Right, you look at that side, the two draw in the same place also in the midair!” “不对啊!情况好像有些不对啊!刚才爆炸的时候那两个漂亮的女明星还吊在威亚上呢!没错,你看那边,那两人拉在一起还在半空中呢!” In this dramatic team isn't the most attractive female star, Jin Shiyue and Jiang Yage two people? 这剧组里最漂亮的女明星,不就是靳诗月江雅歌两人吗? Chen Guang catches the eye to look, really this, these two girls wore in the ancient times the hero female clothing, hugged in the midair mutually in the same place, frightening that was trembles. 陈光抬眼望去,果然这样,这两个女孩子穿着古代侠女服装,在半空中相互抱在一起,吓得那是瑟瑟发抖。 Jin Shiyue seems to be washing one's hands to try to help Jiang Yage untie bundle, but is anxious, more was the hand shakes, seized for quite a while, even the chiefs of Jiang Yage string had not found. 靳诗月似乎正抖着手试图帮江雅歌解开威亚的捆绑,但越是紧张,就越是手抖,捉了半天,甚至连江雅歌身上的威亚绳子的头子都没找到。 On gorgeous boat in great confusion, sudden, everyone brain is chaotic, no one can remember to put her two people. 偏偏画舫上乱成一团,事发突然,所有人脑子都是乱糟糟的,都没人想得起将她两人放下来。 That full beard director is actually calm, is shouting to roar, probably in pushes toward the control desk on a person of props master appearance, attempt makes him hurry to put two women/girls. 那个大胡子导演倒是冷静,正扯着嗓子在吼,好像是在把一个道具师模样的人往操作台上推去,试图让他赶紧去把两女放下来。 Definitely was the two right, this group of idiots, flustering anything were hurried! 肯定是那两人没错了,这群白痴,慌什么慌啊! The less than half fan as these two, the heart of Chen Guang also followed to clutch, the gorgeous boat must sink shortly, when really fell completely underwater, the equipment leakage could not move thoroughly, at all impossible to put two women/girls, perhaps others can also escape from the gorgeous boat, but these two also tied up by the gorgeous boat, this was must follow to sink to the lake bottom goes! 身为这两人的小半个歌迷,陈光的心不禁也跟着揪了起来,画舫眼看着就要沉下去,等真完全陷到水下,设备漏电彻底动弹不得,就根本不可能把两女放得下来了,其他人或许还能从画舫上逃掉,但这两人还被威亚绑在画舫上,这是要跟着沉到湖底去啊! Because the gorgeous boat center the center of the lake, that side lifeguard just now launches, several hundred meters distance, it is estimated that waited for them to swim to go to the place, the gorgeous boat has sunk completely! 由于画舫是在湖心正中,那边的救生员才刚下水,数百米的距离,估计等他们游到地方,画舫都已经完全沉下去了! Damn! Could not control so many! 该死!管不了那么多了! A Chen Guang brain heat, starts to take off/escape to set out on clothing. 陈光脑子一热,就开始脱起身上的衣物来。 Luckily this is in the summer, his upper body also wears a T-shirt, because what a pity the lower part net the request of company wears the trousers. 幸好这是夏天,他上身也就穿着个T恤,可惜下半身因为网的公司的要求穿着长裤。 In this so grave as to affect a human life time, has nothing disgraced, 在这人命关天的当儿,也没什么丢人不丢人的了, Took off the pants neatly and quickly, Chen Guang toward spoke in a moment ago that venerable hand with him the clothes pants a stopper, said: Old gentleman helps me take the thing, I saved others!” Then, Chen Guang wore underpants to step up to the Shishi railing, went toward lake Riza. 三下五除二把裤子脱了,陈光把衣服裤子往刚才和他说话那老先生手里一塞,说道:“老爷子帮我拿一下东西,我救人去了!”说完,陈光穿着一条内裤就跨上了石狮围栏,一头往湖里扎去。 Surface distance Shishi railing at least 67 meters high, a Chen Guang dive sneaks in the water, enters the water posture to hit 80 points actually, without laying out the high spray, sees him to go all out to sway from side to side the body in the water, taking advantage of brunting of launching, same flees all of a sudden like a fish far away. 水面距离石狮围栏至少有六七米高,陈光一个猛子钻进水里,入水姿势倒是能打个80,没拍出多高的浪花来,就见着他在水里拼命扭动身躯,借着下水的冲势,如同一条鱼一样一下子窜出去老远。 Mixed the past these twenty years in Instant Sea, forcefully his non-swimmer making into wave unofficial receipt. 须臾海里混过去的这二十年,硬生生把他这个旱鸭子给弄成了浪里白条。 This does not have the method, Instant Sea has no land from the start, everyone almost from living to swim. 这也是没法子,须臾海压根就没有什么陆地,所有人几乎从生下来就会游泳。 Initially Chen Guang told Captain Anne not to swim, Anne that violence female captain only did a matter, is raises legs a tread, Chen Guang trampling. 当初陈光告诉安妮船长自己不会游泳,安妮那个暴力女船长只做了一件事,就是抬腿一蹬,就把陈光给踹进了海里。 In the world without land, the swimming with walking to be the same, that is the basic survival skill. 在没有陆地的世界里,游泳就和走路一样,那是基本的生存技能。 After ten seconds, Chen Guang flees the water surface, starts to wield the both arms to proceed to swim away rapidly, his both legs very orderly is whipping the water surface, the sturdy arm every delimits the water one time, can proceed to clash one section ruthlessly, looks like the speed boat to be the same simply. 十来秒后,陈光就又窜上水面,开始挥动双臂往前迅速游去,他的双腿十分有规律的拍打着水面,壮实的臂膀每一次划水,都能往前狠狠冲出去一截,简直就像是快艇一样。 The time that he embarks the lifeguard compared with opposite shore be close late for a half minute, how long him but without exceeded the progress of lifeguard fine. 他出发的时间要比对岸的救生员晚了接近半分钟,不过没要得多久他就超过了救生员的进度。 Chen Guang is about much the swimming speed to cause oneself here crowds to call out in alarm suddenly again and again, but that side gorgeous boat has started to incline to go toward side, many people have fallen to the water in one after another. 陈光快得惊人的游泳速度一时间引得自己这边的围观群众惊呼连连,而那边画舫已经开始往旁边倾斜而去,不少人已经陆陆续续掉到水里。 But truly anxious, actually also ties up two girls. 但真正让人揪心的,却是还绑在威亚上的两个女孩子。 In Chen Guang also has almost 50 meter/rice from the gorgeous boat, this ship one, was the thorough side turned loudly finally. 就在陈光距离画舫还有差不多五十来米时,这船轰然一声,终于是彻底的侧翻了过去。 Also stays the person on gorgeous boat, the luck good just can jump from the gorgeous boat, transports/fortunes angrily was leaned the thing that on gorgeous boat rifles through to hit on the body, the whole person is pressed to underwater, perhaps is more hapless, clothing was fluttered. 还呆在画舫上的人,运气好一些的刚好能从画舫边跳出去,运气坏一些的则是被侧翻的画舫上的东西撞在身上,整个人被压向水下,或许还有更倒霉的,身上的衣物被勾住了。 Naturally no one has hung two stars to be more miserable, these two are away from the water surface to be highest, as the gorgeous boat side turns, two people in tandem seem like the palm of the hand the same as pat in aquatic, two, toward underwater are then being towed at once by outrigger. 当然谁也没有还吊在威亚上的两位女星更惨,这两人距离水面最高,随着画舫侧翻过去,两人一前一后像是巴掌一样拍在水上,啪啪两声,旋即便被威亚的支撑杆连带着往水下拖去。 Suddenly, drawing around the lake that is calls out in alarm again and again , to continue with high voice. 一时间,画湖周围那是惊叫连连,尖声不止。 The full beard director seems like some river character, is digging, clenches teeth toward underwater to drill, in the dramatic team that the gorgeous boat goes all out understands the river character person also same person so, but they after all are not the specialized frogmen, must save others on the gorgeous boat of submersion let alone continually, may not be pressed by the gorgeous boat carefully, gives to build oneself, they can only be unproductive eventually. 大胡子导演似乎是懂些水性,在画舫边拼命的刨着,一咬牙又往水下钻去,剧组里懂水性的人也同样人如此,但他们毕竟不是专业的蛙人,更何况要在持续下沉的画舫上救人,更有可能不小心被画舫压着,把自己都给搭进去,他们终究只能是徒劳而已。 Then, others said that was saved, Jin Shiyue and Jiang Yage situation, a narrow escape! 那么,别人都好说,都还有得救,靳诗月江雅歌的处境,九死一生了! Chen Guang feels high sea of heading on, knows that the ship sank finally, clenched teeth ruthlessly, sped up again the rhythm that the speed of wielding the arm, oneself will breathe made the adjustment again, he really put out oneself fiercest swimming condition. 陈光感受到扑面而来的一阵猛浪,也知道船终于沉下去了,狠狠一咬牙,再是加快了挥臂的速度,将自己呼吸的节奏再做调整,他是真拿出了自己最厉害的游泳状态。 Who that person is! Quite quick!” In the meantime, the person in opposite shore also finally Chen Guang that notices to approach fast, even can look at clear Chen Guang when with the person of telescope delimits the water fast, anxious expression that on the face once for a while reveals. “那人是谁!好快!”就在此时,对岸的人也终于注意到飞快靠近的陈光,拿望眼镜的人甚至能看得清楚陈光在飞快划水时,脸上时不时露出来的焦急表情。 At this time the nearest lifeguard at least was also away from 100 meters, suddenly actually many people wanting to place on Chen Guang, does not know that is the whose first head, the shore heard the shout that refueled gradually, no one director, started slowly unexpectedly becomes uniform. 这时候距离最近的救生员至少都还隔着一百米,一时间倒是不少人都把希望放在了陈光身上,也不知道是谁起的第一个头,岸边渐渐传来加油的喊声,也没人指挥,慢慢竟开始变得整齐划一起来。 This is not Olympic Games, but here snatches is not the time, but is the human life! 这不是奥运会,但这里抢的不是时间,而是人命! The two have sunk now completely underwater, drawing lake water quality, although is good, but the visibility over three meters downward, are only not outrigger not only three meters high, Chen Guang knows, the person who although launches are many, can perhaps retrieve Jin Shiyue and Jiang Yage in the water, really only then. 那两人现在已经完全沉到了水下,画湖水质虽然不错,但往下的能见度也不超过三米,光是威亚的支撑杆就不只三米高,陈光知道,虽然下水的人不少,恐怕能在水里救回靳诗月江雅歌的,真就只有自己了。 Does not have other what reason, since oneself ran upon this matter, that said anything also to the life of these two rescuing! 也没别的什么理由,既然自己撞上了这事,那说什么也要把这两人的命给救下来! Finally approached the gorgeous boat, at this time this ship had turned into upside down, the ship's bottom thoroughly also already in underwater one meter deep place. 终于是靠近了画舫,此时这条船已经彻底变成了底朝天,就连船底也已经在水下一米多深的地方了。 Chen Guang calculated next time, sinks launching from Jin Shiyue and Jiang Yage, by the present almost already past 20 seconds, every seconds so grave as to affect a human life! 陈光盘算了一下时间,从靳诗月江雅歌沉下水,到现在差不多已经过去二十来秒,每一秒钟都人命关天! A dive ruthlessly grips, Chen Guang dashes to underwater, you may probably insist! 狠狠的一个猛子扎下,陈光直扑水下,你们可要多坚持一下啊! Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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