CGA :: Volume #1

#14: Draws the lakeside

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Over the following two days, the life of Chen Guang as if has no change. The people, are that person, the car(riage), is that car(riage). 接下来的两天,陈光的生活似乎并没有什么变化。人,还是那个人,车,还是那辆车。 Mood good time, goes to a class, is unhappy, runs a car(riage), makes hundred block money. 心情好的时候,就去上个课,不开心了,就去跑个车,赚个百把块钱。 Just came out from Instant Sea, Chen Guang also feels, since oneself have become such fucking awesome, became hooligan God Emperor, what Redeemer that the Colored Glaze God Emperor mouth did not say, what day that should come to select to call upon the gods the light immediately, did the auspicious omen present world, have a meteoric rise? 刚从须臾海之界出来的时候,陈光还觉着,自己既然已经变得这么牛叉了,也成了流氓神皇,哦不,琉璃神皇嘴里所说的什么救赎者,那是不是就应该立刻来点什么天降神光,祥瑞现世,平步青云啊? This thought that particularly in the relaxed three fist two feet turn the Kim Jong Poon bang after the place are most blazing. 这种念头,尤其是在轻轻松松三拳两脚把金正潘轰翻在地之后最为炽烈。 Naturally, when his whole person wants to be floating, Second Uncle Wen to him took a class. 当然,在他整个人都要飘飘然起来的时候,文二叔给他上了一课。 Right, you truly were Redeemer, after Instant Sea temperance, today we are no longer as we have been, but cannot a palm of the hand leave behind a that deep seal on the tree! 没错,你确实是救赎者了,经过须臾海之界的锤炼,也今非昔比了,但还是不能一巴掌在树上留下个那么深的印子啊! But lets also is not only this matter that truly Chen Guang sobers slowly, but since these days, he discovered that oneself has not become dazzles specially cool. 但真正让陈光慢慢清醒过来的还不仅仅是这件事,而是这几天以来,他发现自己也没有变得特别炫酷嘛。 Family's matter is placed there, the economical gap is that big, oneself do not have the ability to cure mother sickness, without an ability minute/share of minute waved to fish several million bills due. 家里的事情还是摆在那里,经济缺口还是那么大,自己也没能耐把老妈身上的病治好,更没能耐分分钟挥手就捞个几百万来把欠账还了。 Should go to race car/taxi driver, must run, should attend class, is on. 该去跑车,还是得跑,该上课,还是得上。 In the final analysis, oneself is a seemingly ordinary university student! 归根结底,自己还是个看似普通的大学生啊! The Chen Guang exceptionally exciting strength, after these days precipitation, stabilized at heart gradually. 陈光心里异常的兴奋劲头,在经过这几天的沉淀之后,渐渐又安定了下来。 The food, must eating one after another, the road, must walking step by step, is not thinks, my fucking awesome, I went against heaven's will, really can an eyelid winking unmatched in the world. 饭,要一口一口的吃,路,也得一步一步的走,不是自己心里想一下,我牛叉了,我逆天了,就真能眼皮一眨天下无敌了。 But he does not worry, that female hooligan also said that then waits for own, but Test of 3,000 Worlds, trivial first Instant Sea, had such big change by oneself, according to urogenous that the blue cat mischievous 3000 asked that referred to the uncertain really also 2999 tests waiting for itself. 但他并不着急,那女流氓也说了,接下来等待自己的可是三千世界的考验,区区第一个须臾海,就让自己发生了这么大的变化,按照蓝猫淘气三千问的尿性,指不定真还有两千九百九十九个考验等着自己呢。 So long as conscientious completes the test of Exceedingly High Chalice step by step, sooner or later some day can also slowly unceasingly become powerful, does not know when can also be the same with that middle-aged person, has that what inner strength? 只要脚踏实地的一步步完成通天圣杯的考验,迟早有一天自己也能慢慢不断变得强大起来,就是不知道什么时候也能和那个中年人一样,拥有那什么内劲呢? Chen Guang is not anxious, he was anticipating in the heart the Exceedingly High Chalice next test appears. 陈光一点儿也不急,他只是在心头期待着通天圣杯下一次的考验出现而已。 Although the female hooligan is not quite credible, the speech is quite baffling, but fierce of Exceedingly High Chalice, is actually the half a point does not do false. 虽然女流氓不太靠谱,说话没头没尾,但通天圣杯的厉害,却是半分也做不得假的。 In an instant time then to weekend, in the bedroom Lady White Snake, Bear Two and small grove group platoon DOTA2, Chen Guang actually drives to go out happily long time ago. 转眼时间便到了周末,就在寝室里白娘子、熊二和小林子开开心心组排DOTA2的时候,陈光却早早就开车出了门。 The child of poor family, that is must manage a household early! 穷人家的孩子,那是要早当家啊! From paying was getting more and more near to the time of Pusi Company charges for medicine, yesterday Chen Guang and father were together right charged to one's account, the gaps of cash also thousand blocks, Chen Guang planned that ran while the weekend two days, by next Tuesday should just be able to sufficiently collect these thousand blocks. 距离支付给普思公司药费的时间越来越近了,昨天陈光和老爹一起对了一下账,现金还有千把块的缺口,陈光打算趁着周末这两天多跑一跑,到下周二时应该刚好能凑够这千把块。 Was tired tired, calculated, over the two days added at least to run 20 hours of car(riage), but by oneself current physical condition, continual driving of this intensity, should be able to support. 累是累了点,算下来,这两天加起来至少得跑二十个小时的车,不过以自己目前的身体状况,这种强度的连续驾驶,应该还是撑得住的吧。 Must say tired, how can not be tired? 要说累,怎么能不累呢? But said the pain again, Chen Guang does not feel the pain. 但再说苦,陈光却并不觉得苦。 He knows, the road that every km oneself present runs, enters to the medicine of mother mouth, according to the view of Pusi Company and doctor, this chronic illness, although is difficult to govern, so long as persists in taking three years of medicine again, later can using the dose gradually gradually reduces, five years later, perhaps one month only with taking a grain of other that medicine is good, when the time comes, oneself mother also fully restored the normal person. 他知道,自己现在跑出去的每一公里路,就是进到老妈嘴里的一颗药,按照普思公司和医生的说法,这慢性病虽然难治,不过只要再坚持吃个三年的药,后期就能把用药量逐步逐步的减下来,五年之后,或许一个月就只用吃一粒另外那种特效药就好,到时候,自己老妈也就完全恢复成正常人了。 Thinks of this, Chen Guang feels oneself pinch the hand of steering wheel becomes energetic. 一想到这点,陈光觉着自己捏方向盘的手都变得带劲起来。 At this time he around Huanhu Road in picture lake slowly is turning circle, he just got down the guest here, is two from the Dachuan cinema institute the female student who took taxi to catch up with, looks was very attractive, 这时候他正绕着画湖的环湖路缓缓的转着圈儿,他刚刚才在这边下了客人,是两个从大川电影学院打车赶过来的女生,长得挺漂亮的, Also is very active, chirp on the vehicle has kept. Like somewhat does not sit the attractive female passenger in Chen Guang car(riage) is so difficult to do actually, particularly heard that Chen Guang is also the student of Wujing university, after the weekend comes out race car/taxi driver, found the common language. 也很活跃,在车上一直叽叽喳喳个不停。倒是不像有些坐上陈光车里的漂亮女乘客那么难打交道,尤其是听说陈光也是五京大学的学生,利用周末出来跑车之后,就更是找到了共同语言。 These two catch up to draw the lakeside from the school, it is said is because will have the movie dramatic team to select a scene to make a movie in the picture lake today, star celebrity comes much. 这两人从学校赶来画湖边,据说是因为今天会有个电影剧组在画湖取景拍戏,明星大腕儿来得不少。 Two people pour can also in celebrity by dramatic team be given to have a liking for hopelessly, enters the entertainment world, they are only pursue star, the short distance feels the flavor that a movie photographs while convenient. 两人倒也没指望能被剧组里的大腕儿给看上,就此打进演艺圈,她们只是来追星,顺便近距离感受一下电影拍摄的味道而已。 When gets out these two also very warm invitation Chen Guang puts nearby parking lot the car(riage) simply, watches the fun with them. 下车时这两人还十分热情的邀请陈光干脆把车放到旁边的停车场去,和她们一起去看个热闹。 Although two younger sisters are very warm, but Chen Guang rejected, although the beautiful woman is good, although the star is wonderful, but makes money is more important. 虽然俩妹子很是热情,但陈光还是拒绝了,美女虽好,明星虽妙,但挣钱却更重要啊。 Before having an accident at home, Chen Guang perhaps also to the younger sister beginning unnecessary thoughts of these two cinema institute. 在家里出事之前,陈光或许还会对这俩电影学院的妹子起点多余的心思。 But now, he really does not have that idea, he already not naive capital. 但现在嘛,他还真没那想法,他已经没有天真的资本了。 Furthermore, these two younger sisters, although is cinema institute performance department, actually did not have Wen Wen to be attractive. 再者,这俩妹子虽然是电影学院表演系的,其实还没文雯漂亮呢。 Chen Guang indicated that although oneself are hangs the silk, but the vision was actually raised by Wen Wen forcefully, thinks carefully, has this best friend, does not know that is lucky or unfortunate. 陈光表示,自己虽然是个吊丝,但眼光却被文雯给强行抬高了,仔细想,有个这种死党,都不知道是幸运还是不幸。 Today's picture lake seems especially lively, many people are lying on the stone lion parapet of lakeside take the telescope to hit Wanghuli, many both olds and youngs are making remarks to lake, selling candy bottle gourd calls especially vigorously. 今天的画湖显得格外热闹,不少人正趴在湖边的石狮栏杆上拿着望远镜打望湖里,还有许多老老少少对着湖里评头论足,就连卖糖葫芦的都吆喝得格外起劲。 Obviously is the merit of that dramatic team, thinks that the name of that two star, Chen Guang also somewhat is actually excited, but is actually planned finally turns around expunges toward other place, what order could not receive in the picture lakeside for a short time, here person heard that Jin Shiyue and Jiang Yage made a movie in the lake, how also to give up? 显然是那剧组的功劳,想到那两个明星的名字,陈光其实也有些心动,但最终却是打算掉头往别的地方开去,在画湖边一时半会儿是接不到什么订单了,这边的人听说靳诗月江雅歌在湖里拍戏,又怎么舍得走呢? That is Jin Shiyue and Jiang Yage! 那可是靳诗月江雅歌啊! Whole nation, artist star such as multitude of people moving to and fro, but can be remembered the name truly, remembers the appearance, is as for being familiar, throughout are so a handful. 举国上下,艺人明星如过江之鲫,但真正能被人记住名字,记住容貌,乃至于耳熟能详的,始终只有那么一小撮。 In Jin Shiyue and Jiang Yage, belong this is a handful the best that kind. 靳诗月江雅歌,就属于这一小撮里最为拔尖的那类。 These two, although is about 20 years old, but actually ten years ago has made a debut. 这两人,虽然都不过二十岁,但却是从十年前就已经出道。 At that time two people were the child stars, fire soap opera «Bosom Jade Young lady» ten years ago in developed two young housemaids. 那时候两人还是童星,在十年前大火的电视剧《怀玉格格》里演两个小丫鬟。 From now, these two star roads are out of control, soap opera movie that is one after another, does not know that is the heaven cares, two people simply one's good fortune on the rise, the played soap opera and movie are very high-grossing, lets two people of stars shines. 从此以后,这两人的星路就一发不可收拾,电视剧电影那是一部接着一部,也不知道是不是老天眷顾,两人简直福星高照,出演的电视剧和电影都十分卖座,更让二人一路星光灿烂。 But this has not made two people the basic reason of national idol, after all they also stay to the impression that the world makes, in two little miss levels that can act in a play, in this world will act in a play, not only their two. 但这却还不是让两人成为国民偶像的根本原因,毕竟她们给世人留下的印象还停留在,很会演戏的两个小姑娘这层面上,这世上会演戏的,并不只是她们两个。 Until two years ago, two people promoted a music big small dish in the form of idol combination for the first time, the world found, thinks two little misses who can only act in a play, singing was so unexpectedly interesting to listen. 直到两年前,两人第一次以偶像组合的形式推出一张音乐大碟,世人才发现,都以为只会演戏的两个小姑娘,唱歌居然如此动听。 What is more commendable, in these two special editions, nearly half of songs are they write words to compose. 更难能可贵的是,这两人的专辑里,近一半的歌都是她们自己作词作曲。 As in the combination of these two Left and Right Hands sweeps away the annual golden tune list at the end of the year at one fell swoop, takes the best special edition best artist to combine and best single tune three awards, everyone awakens outrageously, originally, they will not only sing will write the song, but really had the ability of musical world giant star! 随着年底里这两人的组合“左右手”一举横扫年度金曲榜,拿下最佳专辑最佳艺人组合和最佳单曲三项大奖,所有人都悍然惊醒,原来,她们不仅仅是会唱歌会写歌,而是真的拥有了乐坛巨星的能耐! Result of film and television song triphibian all-round blooming, fierce at that time only 18-year-old two young girls pushing up peak. The world understand finally, two young dolls who can act in a play, really is not only simple will sing, can sweep away Jinqu Award, is direct-viewing manifestation of extremely good market reaction to two people strength. 影视歌三栖全面开花的结果,猛的把当时年仅18岁的两个少女给推上了巅峰。世人终于明白,很会演戏的两个小女娃,真不仅仅是简简单单的会唱歌而已,能横扫金曲奖,就是对两人实力和极佳的市场反应的直观体现。 Suddenly, the music circle calls out in alarm intermittently, the wolf came, the film and television circle feels the surprise, these two little misses have this talent in the back unexpectedly. 一时间,音乐圈阵阵惊呼,狼来了,影视圈则是倍感诧异,这两个小姑娘背地里竟还有这种才华啊。 Will act in a play, movie queen level ; Will sing, day later level ; Will create, palace level! 会演戏,影后级;会唱歌,天后级;会创作,殿堂级! When so many factors appear after the similar two people, chemical reaction that the fermentation comes out, is above the imagination. 当这么多因素出现在同样两人身上之后,酝酿出来的化学反应,超乎想象。 From now on, no one can block Left and Right Hands to sweep away the home. 自此,谁也挡不住“左右手”横扫国内。 Furthermore the Jin Shiyue temper is gentle, raises hand to lift in the feet to pass the flavor of stock lady, Jiang Yage is open, toward a there stand, made one to feel dynamic. 再加之靳诗月性子温婉,举手抬足间都透着股大家闺秀的味道,江雅歌开朗活泼,往那儿一站,就叫人觉得活力四射。 These two have the characteristics respectively, and from making a debut one, has never spread any negative scandal, made two people Left and Right Hands combination turn into the entire age, old and young and suitable idol and strength combination. 这两人各有特点,并且从出道一来,就从未传出过任何负面绯闻,更让两人的“左右手”组合变成了全年龄向,老少兼宜的偶像兼实力组合。 Although Chen Guang does not confuse the star, but has also heard the ear to have the cocoon to these two names, when he drives occasionally will also put the song of these two, is indeed interesting to listen. 陈光虽然不怎么迷明星,但对这两个名字也早就听得耳朵都起茧了,他开车时偶尔也会放一放这两人的歌,的确动听。 However, the star looks like the cloud of horizon, seems like again beautifully again moving, is can see unable to feel, makes own change to keep a family honestly, while Chen Guang was so sighing time, transmits a fierce deafening sound from the picture lake suddenly, probably anything explosion. 但是,那明星就像是天边的云彩,看起来再美再动人,也是看得见摸不着,还是老老实实去挣自己的小钱养家糊口吧,正当陈光这般感叹着的时候,从画湖那边猛然传来一声剧烈的震响,像是什么东西爆炸了。 At once encircles the people near Shishi railing, fierce emanation calls out in alarm intermittently. 旋即围在石狮围栏边的众人,猛的发出阵阵惊叫。 This calls out in alarm the sound to come towering, actually continuously, some guts small(this little one) girls even breaks open the throat to scream, while the whole body becomes tender to sob is lying to the ground. 这惊叫声来得突兀,却此起彼伏,一些胆小的女孩子甚至一边破开嗓子尖叫着,一边浑身发软哭泣着趴向地面。 Chen Guang heart one cold, had an accident! 陈光心头一凛,出事了!
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