CGA :: Volume #1

#13: 2 uncle's probe

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The Second Uncle has not listened to the request of Wen Wen eventually, although his responsibility here protects the Wen Wen security in secret, but in family he actually is really the Wen Wen elder, is not her personal servant and bodyguard, impossible everything to obey the arrangement of Wen Wen completely. Especially he discovered and Wen Wen suddenly got to know each other well entire three years of Chen Guang, unexpectedly looked like traded in one night individual general, this tremendous changes, Wen Wen can also be able to repress, but Second Uncle dozens -year-old person, experienced, had never heard this matter, the change of Chen Guang was too big, making his heart vigilance have. 二叔终究还是没听文雯的要求,虽然他在这里的职责是暗中保护文雯的安全,但在家族里他却实打实是文雯的长辈,不是她的跟班与保镖,不可能事事都完全听从文雯的安排。尤其是他猛然发现与文雯相熟了整整三年的陈光,居然在一夜之间就像是换了个人一般,这种翻天覆地的变化,文雯还能按捺得住,但二叔好几十岁的人了,见多识广,也从未听说过这种事情,陈光的变化实在太大了,让他心头警觉顿生。 Therefore the Second Uncle felt, only then a possibility, that is this Chen Guang from the beginning is not an average person, but he has hidden before very well, ships out an appearance of average person, slowly close to Wen Wen, today by Zheng He compelling the hopeless situation, has to put out some real skills. 所以二叔觉得,只有一种可能,那就是这个陈光从一开始就不是普通人,只不过以前他一直都隐藏得很好,装出一副普通人的模样,慢慢靠近文雯,今天是被郑河给逼到绝境,不得不拿出些真本事了。 Snort! 哼! No matter you are the scout who which family member sends are also good, the heart thief, made you hide unexpectedly the entire three years side Wen Wen, was my dereliction of duty. 不管你是哪家人派来的探子也好,心贼也罢,居然让你在文雯身边潜藏了整整三年,是我的失职。 However, making me make a move personally, tries your way, can always find some traces from your inner strength! 不过,让我亲自出手,试一试你的门道,总能从你的内劲里找到些蛛丝马迹! You gave up any idea of that conceals gets down again! 你休想再藏下去! Looks at a front this linen vigor attire, keeps the middle-aged person of capable short hair, Chen Guang is feeling the infant. 看着面前这个一身麻布劲装,留着精干短发的中年人,陈光心里觉得毛毛的。 He does not know how this is a matter, today runs the car(riage), without going to look for Wen Wen, but returns to the bedroom directly, finally ran into this mister on the halfway. 他也不知道这到底是怎么一回事,今天跑完车,没去找文雯,而是直接回寝室,结果在半路上就遇到了这位先生。 This bewildered middle-aged person opens the mouth called remote grove of Chen Guang to talk openly to the dormitory behind. 这莫名其妙的中年人张口就叫陈光到宿舍后面偏僻的小树林里去谈谈心。 Regarding this type, is excessively unreasonable, the unreasonable request, at that time Chen Guang was the rejection, I and you were not ripe! 对于这种过分的,不合理的,不讲道理的要求,当时陈光是拒绝的,我和你又不熟! You said your age, old arm old leg, if I looked like straighten up Kim Jong Poon to cope with you, what to do not careful injured you may? 你说你一把年纪了,老胳膊老腿的,万一我像拾掇金正潘那么来对付你,不小心把你打伤了可怎么办? Chen Guang expressed disdaining extremely to this middle-aged person, however, his acting with constraint and arrogance, have insisted this person of palm of the hand clapped on the side bowl mouth thick birch tree, left behind two fingers of deep close to to be in charge on the tree trunk, at once loudly collapse. 陈光对这位中年人表示一万分的不屑,然而,他的矜持和高傲,一直坚持到这人一巴掌拍在旁边碗口粗的桦树上,在树干上留下个两指深的巴掌印,旋即轰然倒塌。 Invited itself to talk openly the attitude when regarding this middle-aged person and method, Chen Guang only thinks that is saying two characters at heart, hehe . 对于这中年人邀请自己谈心时的态度和手段,陈光只想在心里说两个字,呵呵哒。 Uncle, we had the words to say well, do not raise a rumpus good? 叔,咱有话好好说,不要动手动脚的好么? We are the cultural worker, everything want reasonable, I respect you am an elder, you said that I did not say two! 我们都是文化人,凡事都是要讲道理的,我敬你是长辈,你说一我绝不说二! Is beyond control Chen Guang unable calm, although he is Royal Annie Ship two, although quite can hit, and had a low opinion of the enemy while Kim Jong Poon yesterday, the relaxed second fell this so-called Tae Kwon Do black belt three. 由不得陈光淡定不能啊,他虽然是皇家安妮号的二副,虽然相当能打,并且就在昨天趁着金正潘轻敌,轻松秒掉了这个所谓的跆拳道黑带三段。 However! 但是! But the buddy I eventually am also a normal person, you said that your palm of the hand does lay out to be in charge on the tree is a matter? 但哥们我终究也是个正常人啊,你说你这一巴掌就在树上拍出个掌印来又是怎么一回事? You must be so fierce, earlier said is not good? To ask me to ask words to grove, although I do not know that you must make anything, but I cannot the face not give! 你要这么厉害,早点说出来不就好了吗?想叫我到小树林里问一点话嘛,虽然我也不知道你到底要做什么,但我总不能一点儿面子都不给的嘛! Stands by grove, the cool breeze of summer night blows on the body, Chen Guang feels cool. 站在小树林旁边,夏夜的凉风吹在身上,陈光觉得凉飕飕的。 This mister, what matter did you have to say? Here does not have others, didn't need to arrive in grove to go?” Stopped in the nearby of grove, Chen Guang is not willing to step the step again, by him in the understanding of supervisory system the school, the position that two people stand now, monitors the boundary of camera, here had/left anything, but can also find the trace from the monitoring photograph, if oneself really stupidly followed this person to enter to grove, perhaps really can only , no matter what he pinched flat Cuoyuan. “这位先生,您有什么事情就说吧?这里已经没旁人了,就不用走到小树林里面去了吧?”停在小树林的边上,陈光不愿意再迈步子了,以他对学校里监控系统的了解,两人现在站的位置,已经是监控摄像头的边界,在这里出点什么事情,还能从监控摄像里找到痕迹,如果自己真傻乎乎的跟着这人进到小树林里面,恐怕真就只能任他捏扁搓圆了。 This uncle strength is too scary, has to instigate! 这老叔实力太吓人,不得不怂啊! Is willing to follow this odd person to walk several steps toward here, that is because Chen Guang slaughters for 20 years in Instant Sea, murderous aura to bystander has very keen feeling, although the middle-aged person is inflexible a zombie face, but the body has not disclosed true killing intent actually, although of unknown origin, death enmity that but should no unable to reduce and solve. 肯跟着这怪人往这边走几步,那还是因为陈光须臾海中厮杀二十年,对外人的杀气有着十分敏锐的感觉,中年人虽然死板着一张僵尸脸,但身上倒是并没有透露出真正的杀意,虽来历不明,但应该没什么化解不开的死仇。 Snort! Timid petty people!” The Second Uncle sees Chen Guang and enters grove not to dare, “哼!胆小鼠辈!”二叔见陈光连和自己进小树林都不敢, Only cold snort/hum, turns around at once suddenly, a fist rumbles according to the Chen Guang abdominal cavity. In this flickers, the Chen Guang heart has a fine hair but actually vertical feeling immediately, this person of seemingly simple fist, gives the flavor that he one type cannot resist with all one's strength unexpectedly. 只冷哼一声,旋即突然转身,一拳照着陈光腹腔轰来。在这一瞬,陈光心头顿时生出一股汗毛倒竖的感觉,这人看似简单的一拳,居然给他一种不能力敌的味道。 In Instant Sea, Chen Guang, although has not undergone the learn/study of what system, but experiences slaughters dozens over a hundred times, the life and death crisis that faces is also many, bragged that was also battle-trained tested, but this first time was he produced because of others fist so felt quite flagitious! 须臾海中,陈光虽然没有经过什么系统的学习,但经历的厮杀数十上百次,面临的生死危机也是不少,自诩也是久经战阵考验了,但这还是他第一次因为别人一拳而产生这般感觉,好凶残! Pondered without enough time how a matter, Chen Guang both hands toward middle one, are keeping off in the middle-aged person fist front. 来不及细想到底怎么一回事,陈光双手往中间一架,正挡在中年人拳头前方。 Bang, Chen Guang was rumbled continually by the strength of this fist draws back several steps, the back hits on a tree the reluctant anchorage figure, but on both hands arm actually transmits the extremely numb feeling, lifted unable to lift continually! 嘭的一声,陈光被这一拳的力道轰得连退数步,后背撞到一颗树上才勉强定住身形,但双手手臂上却传来极其酥麻的感觉,连抬都抬不起来了! Who is this person? 这人到底是谁? Quite fierce! 好厉害! By he hits time, besides his strength, as if a strange strength walks randomly in own both hands shortly, oneself responded quickly, connected the retreat to force this person of strength to diverge, perhaps injured! 被他打中的时候,除了他本身的力道之外,似乎还有股诡异的力量在自己双手里短暂游走一圈,要不是自己反应快,接连后退勉强把这人的劲道散去,恐怕就要受伤! Strange, without inner strength?” After the front distant place that middle-aged person makes a fist, has not actually continued to pursue, but looks the strange color, very wonders sized up his own both hands, does not seem to dare to believe firmly anything. “奇怪,没有内劲?”前方远处那中年人打出一拳之后,却没有继续追上来,而是面露怪异之色,十分纳闷的打量了一下他自己的双手,似乎不敢确信什么事情。 How won't you have inner strength?” The middle-aged people tread suddenly the first several steps, compels to ask. “你怎么会没有内劲的?”中年人猛然踏前数步,逼问道。 Chen Guang zhang (3.33 m) two monks cannot feel the mind, what inner strength? What you said is the Qigong? I have not studied! I do not understand completely you must express anything!” 陈光丈二和尚摸不着头脑,“什么内劲啊?你说的是气功?我没学过啊!我完全不明白你到底要表达个什么!” Does not seem like the attire, it seems like doesn't he really know?” The Second Uncle is hesitating in a low voice, he never suspected oneself look at the vision of person, if Chen Guang really possibly causes anything to threaten to Wen Wen, he threat that this hid erasing, today cannot repress to intend to probe, was only the change that because last night Chen Guang displayed was too fierce. “真不像是装的,看来他是真不知道?”二叔低声沉吟着,他从不怀疑自己看人的眼光,如果陈光真对文雯可能造成什么威胁,他早就将这隐藏起来的威胁给抹掉了,今天按捺不住出手试探,也只是因为昨晚陈光表现出来的变化太剧烈而已。 Snort! Puts best into it!” Determined Chen Guang has not really practiced any Internal Fighting Technique, compared with can hit is just because is strong enough, the Second Uncle had no interest in continue test him, simultaneously in he captured the cell phone also to transmit the vibration, wants to come is Wen Wen detected that his action telephoned to act crazy. “哼!好自为之!”确定了陈光真没有修炼过任何内家拳法,比较能打只不过是因为足够强壮而已,二叔也没兴趣继续试探他了,同时他兜里的手机也传来震动,想来是文雯察觉到了他的行动打电话过来发飙了。 The bewildered middle-aged person turns around suddenly, several rises vanish in the deep place of grove, Chen Guang as if awaken quickly. 莫名其妙的中年人猛然转身,几个起落就消失在小树林的深处,陈光这边似乎才幡然醒悟。 Yes! He shook the method of hemp my both hands a moment ago, mostly is that anything inner strength that he said! 是了!刚才他将我双手震麻的手段,多半就是他说的那什么内劲 Oh, no matter this lord is nutjob, his is standard inner strength! 天哪,甭管这位主是不是个蛇精病,他那就是标准的内劲啊! Senior! Do not walk! The seniors please hold your steps! The seniors you looked that I am the talent different reported that is interested in receiving apprentice anything! Seniors! The seniors you come back!” Chen Guang has no more to do with pursue toward the woods, does to the opposite party to run the disappearing shadow. “前辈!不要走!前辈请留步!前辈你看我是不是天赋异禀,有没有兴趣收个徒弟什么的!前辈!前辈你回来呀!”陈光拔腿就往树林里追去,奈何对方已经跑得不见了影子。 Hi! Missed an opportunity!” Chen Guang air/Qi stamps the feet, embarrasedly however returns. “嗨!错过机会了!”陈光气得一跺脚,讪讪而回。 Chen Guang forgot actually, initially when he knew Wen Wen, fought with the fists the belly by the Wen Wen accidental injury, nearly makes into the internal hemorrhage, actually Wen Wen also has inner strength. 陈光倒是忘了,当初他认识文雯时,被文雯误伤一拳打中肚子,险些弄成内出血,其实文雯也是有内劲的。 But at that time Chen Guang was a standard average person, in addition Wen Wen inner strength drew the bow and not discharged the arrow, not like today's middle-aged person obvious, he has not detected. 只不过那时候陈光还是个标准的普通人,再加上文雯内劲引而不发,不像今天中年人这样明显,他不曾察觉而已。 However that he pursued afterward, lets hide the Second Uncle after tree actually calms down thoroughly sincerely judged, this boy is really only an average person. 不过他后来追出去的这一下,倒是让藏在树后的二叔彻底笃定了心中判断,这小子真只是个普通人。 Snort, but also wants to acknowledge as teacher? Really stupid, your side gathers round isn't Wen family's eldest young lady? Must study to ask her to study, I do not punch you well even, but also wants to study inner strength from here? Has your Spring and Autumn Period big dream to go! Although does not know why Little Wen does not teach, but don't I need to work as the one who keeps on good terms with everybody?” “哼,还想拜师?真是蠢,你身边围着的不就是文家大小姐吗?要学找她学啊,我不揍你就算好的了,还想从我这里学内劲?做你的春秋大梦去!虽然不知道小雯为什么不教的,但我也没必要当滥好人是吧?” Second Uncle Wen is rubbing the right hand knuckle, grins, but also really let alone, this boy, although has not practiced inner strength, but his bone is so how hard, knocks azure to me hurts. 文二叔揉搓着右手指节,咧咧嘴,还真别说,这小子虽然没练过内劲,但他骨头怎么这么硬,给我磕得青疼。 Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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