CGA :: Volume #1

#12: 2 strengths and methods

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In another corner that in the people have not noticed, Wen Wen is searching the head, is looking here, if before, sees Chen Guang to be stopped up by the Zheng He belt/bring person, perhaps Wen Wen has flushed. But today's Chen Guang actually gave Wen Wen to bring the different feelings, she also wants to have a look on Chen Guang exactly to have anything to change. 在众人并未注意到的另一个角落里,文雯正探着脑袋,打望着这边,如果是以前,见陈光郑河带人堵住,文雯恐怕早就冲出来了。但今天的陈光却给文雯带来了不一样的感觉,她也想看看陈光身上到底发生了什么变化。 However in that flash that Kim Jong Poon begins, Wen Wen heart one tight, wants to rush out. 不过在金正潘动手的那一瞬间,文雯心头一紧,就想往外冲。 Because her distinct looks to, Kim Jong Poon acts extremely ruthlessly spicy, clearly comes to cause heavy losses to Chen Guang. 因为她分明的看得出来,金正潘出手极其狠辣,分明就是一来就要重创陈光 Hateful, Zheng He this fellow, this wants the Chen Guang life! 可恶,郑河这家伙,这是要陈光的命啊! Although if we had known Zheng He this goods rampant Ba Yi, but Wen Wen has not really thought, his courage is so unexpectedly big, unexpectedly really lets under Kim Jong Poon the heavy hand! 虽然早知道郑河这货嚣张跋邑,但文雯还真没想到,他的胆子居然这么大,居然真让金正潘下重手! Waiting for Wen Wen wants to begin, already late. 文雯想动手的时候,已经晚了。 That side Kim Jong Poon has soared, the right leg from the sky delimits a semicircle, from top to bottom, is dividing to the shoulder of Chen Guang. 那边金正潘已经腾空而起,右腿在空中划出个半圆,从上往下,正劈向陈光的肩膀。 In Tae Kwon Do, most important is the leg merit, Kim Jong Poon these acts, opens greatly gathers greatly, the swayed from side to side body made the strength on his leg be displayed the pinnacle, the whip leg even carried over whistling the wind sound/rumor, if were divided, perhaps the shoulder dislocation was light, likely the collar bone of Chen Guang must be knocked all of a sudden. 在跆拳道里,最重要的就是腿功,金正潘这一下动作,大开大合,扭动的身躯让他腿上的力量被发挥到了极致,鞭腿甚至带出呼呼风声,如果被劈个正着,恐怕肩膀脱臼都是轻的,很可能陈光的锁骨都要被一下子敲断。 Ended! 完了! Wen Wen from here at least also 50 meters, looks that helplessly the cutting leg of Kim Jong Poon is away from Chen Guang to be getting more and more near, the body somewhat becomes tender. 文雯距离这边至少还有五十米,眼睁睁看着金正潘的斩腿距离陈光越来越近,身子都有些发软。 In the meantime, stood rigidly same place Chen Guang to move fiercely, he first throws conveniently, throws in the cup in hand nearby raised flower bed, does not see any gaudy movement, he proceeds cross to go out one step, both hands builds, is supporting on the shoulder. 就在此时,原本僵立原地的陈光猛的动了,他先是随手一扔,将手里的杯子扔到旁边的花台里,也不见有任何花哨的动作,他往前跨出去一步,双手架起,正撑在肩膀上。 Snort! Wants easily to catch my cutting leg? Looked that I did not give to divide your both hands bone!” Kim Jong Poon looks indifferently, the movement is still smooth, so wants to say at heart. “哼!想这么轻易的接住我的斩腿?看我不把你双手骨头都给劈断了!”金正潘冷眼看着,动作依然流畅,心里如此想道。 A dull thumping sound, the cutting leg of Kim Jong Poon divided on the Chen Guang both hands small arm. 一声闷响,金正潘的斩腿劈到了陈光双手小臂上。 Such, Chen Guang both hands have not received as he expected slightly downward, the figure of his whole person is gets down again short several centimeters, unexpectedly Kim Jong Poon this rudely gave catches steadily! 并未如同他预料中的那样,陈光双手只是稍稍往下一收,他整个人的身形再是矮下去几公分,竟将金正潘这势大力沉的一脚给稳稳接住了! What!” Under Kim Jong Poon in great surprise, he had a low opinion of the enemy a moment ago, meets a move that puts forth this quite to pull rank, after all Zheng He said with him, this is an ordinary university student, although fights very with raw hate, but is just the hooligan, with the Tae Kwon Do expert of this process orthodox training, is no comparison between them radically. “什么!”金正潘大惊,刚才他轻敌之下,才一见面就使出这颇为托大的一招,毕竟郑河与他说了,这就是个普普通通的大学生,虽然打架十分凶狠,但都只不过是野路子而已,和自己这种经过正统训练的跆拳道高手,根本不可同日而语。 Finally this foot was supported unexpectedly! 结果自己这一脚居然被架住了! I make you crazy!” Chen Guang roared, both hands grasps in turn ruthlessly, then pressed the right leg of Kim Jong Poon on own shoulder, the fierce finding out left hand, held the Kim Jong Poon collar from bottom to top, the right hand catches up, pressed from top to bottom ruthlessly his upper part. “我让你狂!”陈光咆哮一声,双手反过来狠狠一抓,便将金正潘的右腿压在自己肩膀上,猛的探出左手,从下往上抓住金正潘的衣领,右手发力,将他上半身从上往下狠狠压去。 Meanwhile, the Chen Guang right knee lifts, knee top to the back vertebra of Kim Jong Poon. 与此同时,陈光右膝抬起,膝盖正正顶向金正潘的后背脊椎。 If gave him these to withstand/top solidly, the vertebra of Kim Jong Poon must break. 如果给他这一下顶实在了,金正潘的脊椎必断。 Smells there is something wrong, the Kim Jong Poon body turns, reverses 90 degrees the body forcefully, the left leg flings from another direction, directly soars the Chen Guang forehead, the tip of the toe to the temples of Chen Guang, forcing him to set aside the right hand to defend. 见势不妙,金正潘身子一扭,强行将身躯扭转个九十度,左脚从另一个方向甩出,直奔陈光脑门,脚尖正对着陈光的太阳穴,逼迫他不得不腾出右手来防御。 Meanwhile, Kim Jong Poon is the waist abdomen catches up again, is ahead curving the back, simultaneously is sideways slightly, just evaded the knee of Chen Guang to hit actually. 与此同时,金正潘再是腰腹发力,将后背往前弯曲,同时稍稍一侧身,倒是刚好躲过了陈光的膝撞。 The flash of fighting, Kim Jong Poon knows, oneself was given the pit by Zheng He. 就这么交手的一瞬间,金正潘就知道,自己被郑河给坑了。 His where is what average person, although does not know that this fellow is what school, the method of but on this all of a sudden showing , indicating that this person absolutely is a expert! 他哪里是什么普通人,虽然不知道这家伙到底是什么流派,但就这一下子展现出来的手段,就表明这人绝对是高手! He responded is extremely quick, the method was cut-throat, even if the school were unclear, can only classify the hooligan, this absolutely was also the hooligan who was repeatedly tempered, was the true murder method, in the boundary 1 point does not lose to the so-called Korean martial arts Tae Kwon Do! 他反应极快,手段凶狠,哪怕流派不明,只能归类到野路子,这绝对也是千锤百炼出来的野路子,乃是真正的杀人手段,境界上一点儿也不输给所谓的大韩国术跆拳道! However, after I work loose, from using the leg law same can him rout! 不过,等我挣脱之后,中距离用腿法一样能将他击溃! While Kim Jong Poon is so thinking time, 正当金正潘这般想着的时候, Chen Guang actually in keeps off his left leg after the right hand, is Left and Right Hands draws unexpectedly respectively, holds his both legs, is proceeds to throw again, both hands make an effort, grab him to hurl directly toward under! And, because Chen Guang has been proceeding, as he regards the hammer the same as wield the body of Kim Jong Poon, is to make his back hit unexpectedly ruthlessly to looks at being in a daze some Zheng He in behind. 陈光却在用右手挡下他的左腿之后,竟是左右手分别开弓,抓住他的双腿,再是往前扑来,双手使力,抓着他径直往下方掼去!并且,由于陈光一直在往前,随着他啊将金正潘的身子当成榔头一样挥动,竟是让他的后背狠狠撞向在后面看得有些发愣的郑河 Zheng He moves aside, was hit by the back of Kim Jong Poon! 郑河躲闪不及,被金正潘的后背撞了个正着! That side Chen Guang has let go, while flash that the opposite party two people bump into, the body will retreat in the future slightly, raises legs again, rudely is stretching the legs the hit Kim Jong Poon lower abdomen. 那边陈光已经撒手,趁着对方两人相撞的一瞬间,身子往后微微退去,再度抬腿,一记势大力沉的正蹬腿命中金正潘小腹。 , Kim Jong Poon thought that own intestines must be kicked, was rumbled to fly upside down in the future by this strength, hits ruthlessly , is slanting on Zheng He that the body must drop down. 噗的一声,金正潘觉得自己的肠子都要被踢出来了,被这力道轰得往后倒飞出去,又是狠狠撞在已经斜着身子要倒下的郑河身上。 Coughs!” Kim Jong Poon turns over/stands up, covers the belly to lie on the ground is coughing desperately, Chen Guang this foot has left behind the internal injury to him, making him lose the strength of resistance suddenly. “咳咳咳咳咳!”金正潘一翻身,捂着肚子趴在地上拼命的咳嗽着,陈光这一脚已经给他留下内伤,让他一时间失去了反抗之力。 Suddenly having a low opinion of the enemy, then lets Kim Jong Poon immediately the disastrous defeat! 一时间的轻敌,便让金正潘当即惨败! Although the Chen Guang method does not have the repertoire, seems very barbaric, but is effective. 虽然陈光的手段毫无套路,显得十分野蛮,但偏偏就是有效。 This, is he slaughters the technique of 20 years of learned preying on Royal Annie Ship, does not need what gaudiness, no school, but practical. 这,就是他在皇家安妮号上厮杀二十年学到的搏杀之术,不需要什么花哨,也没有什么流派,但偏偏实用至极。 If not in the hand does not have fellow while convenient, fights tooth and nail truly, Kim Jong Poon at this time is a corpse that is placed in the ground! 如果不是手里没有趁手的家伙,真正搏命的话,金正潘此时已经是一具摆在地上的尸体了! Wen Wen step suddenly that to/clashes toward front, moves sideways, hid behind the big tree. 文雯往前面冲出去的步伐猛然一顿,又是一闪身,藏到了大树后面。 Her heart thump thump jumps, in this short flash, she saw one with past completely different Chen Guang. 她的心脏怦怦直跳,在这短短的一瞬间,她看到了一个和过去完全不一样的陈光 Exactly what happened on him? 在他身上到底发生了什么事情? Wen Wen is puzzling, but she knows, today Chen Guang will not have an accident, suffering a loss can only be Zheng He. 文雯百思不得其解,但她知道,今天陈光是不会出什么事了,吃亏的只能是郑河 Although that side Zheng He was knocked down on the ground, actually not by what wound, but he actually gives to have a scare. 那边郑河虽然被撞倒在地上,倒是没受什么伤,但他却给吓了一大跳。 Fierce of Kim Jong Poon, he is knows that otherwise this time he will not only lead a Kim Jong Poon person to come, but he has not thought that this Tae Kwon Do black belt three experts, unexpectedly by Chen Guang three fist two feet relaxed taking down! 金正潘的厉害,他是知道的,不然这次他也不会只带金正潘一个人来了,但他万万没想到,这跆拳道黑带三段的高手,居然被陈光三拳两脚轻松给放倒了! In the meantime, Chen Guang has stood his front, a palm of the hand hits ruthlessly on his face, Zheng He, I said that I must kill you, don't you believe?” 就在此时,陈光已经站到他的面前,狠狠一巴掌打在他脸上,“郑河,我说我要杀了你,你是不是不信?” Zheng He was hit somewhat dumbstruck by a Chen Guang sudden palm of the hand, sits on the ground, covers the face to look at Chen Guang, you...... you......” 郑河陈光突如其来的一巴掌打得有些发懵,坐在地上,捂着脸看着陈光,“你……你……” Hehe, your what you? You think that I am chatting with you? Leads the person to ask me to trouble time and time again, didn't I sweep your face in front of Wen Wen slightly? Can you break my hand? Breaks my leg? Rich extraordinary? Can money thing, really the strong dog guts? You have thought that since you are so rich, really compelled the dead end me, I drew you to go to hell together, was what taste? In any case am I also a poor wretch not? You did not give me the escape route, was I die with you simply, was this simpler, comes a death ends all troubles?” Chen Guang holds the Zheng He collar, raised him, occupies a commanding position is staring him stubbornly, in the look is glittering the ray of danger. “呵呵,你什么你?你以为我在和你说笑?一次又一次带人来找我麻烦,我不就是在文雯面前稍微扫了你面子吗?你就要打断我手?打断我腿?有钱了不得?钱这东西,真就这么能壮狗胆?你有没有想过,既然你这么有钱,真把我逼到了绝路,我拉着你一起下地狱,是什么滋味?反正我也是个穷光蛋不是吗?你都不给我退路了,那我是不是索性和你一起死,这样更干脆,来个一了百了?”陈光抓住郑河衣领,将他提了起来,居高临下死死瞪着他,眼神里闪烁着危险的光芒。 Slaughters for 20 years in Instant Sea, kills with one's own hand dense murderous aura that dozens over a hundred people temper, unretentive release. 须臾海里厮杀二十年,手刃数十上百人锤炼出来的森森杀气,毫无保留的释放出来。 Chen Guang also knows, by the Zheng He family background , he if iron core does not want to let off itself , to continue to pester, oneself really must draw cash to be battered to death to this fellow sooner or later. 陈光也知道,以郑河的家世,他如果铁了心不想放过自己,继续纠缠下去,自己迟早真要给这家伙拿钱砸死。 The richness can make the ghost turn a millstone, can make one crazy. 有钱能使鬼推磨,也能让人变得疯狂。 Perhaps really had such a day, Zheng He annoys the homicide case, making him need to pay enough price to turn into a mature steady second generation of rich. 或许真有那么一天,郑河惹上了命案,让他需要付出足够的代价才能变成一个成熟稳重的富二代。 However, Chen Guang does not want to be turned into Zheng He to grow the stepping-stone by own life. 但是,陈光可不想让自己的性命变成郑河成长中的垫脚石。 He must make Zheng He understand, although oneself poor, but is actually a wolf, you compel me to the dead end, I dare to draw you to start off. 他必须让郑河明白,自己虽然穷,但却是一匹狼,你逼我到绝路,我就敢拉着你上路。 This time Chen Guang, indeed planned that like this, so long as Zheng He revealed this thoughts again, he will really do everything possible to want the Zheng He life. 这时候的陈光,的确是这样打算的,只要郑河再度露出这种心思,他真的会想尽办法要了郑河的命。 Kills many people in Instant Sea, Chen Guang to killing people this matter, has own attainment early. 须臾海中杀过不少人,陈光对杀人这种事情,早有自己的心得。 Also does not know that is whose luck, under Chen Guang this naked threat, Zheng He feared. 也不知道是谁的幸运,在陈光这赤裸裸的威胁之下,郑河怕了。 This time he really feared. 这次他是真的怕了。 Chen Guang, you calmly, calm! I...... I do not have that meaning......” Zheng He to tremble to say. 陈光,你冷静点,冷静点!我……我没有那个意思……”郑河颤颤着说道。 Chen Guang continues to stare him, that what do you mean? Best to explain one time, either, you gave me one to kill your reason, either, you gave me the reason of forgiving your life. In my truth, does not have the compromised choice! Today you lead the Tae Kwon Do expert to look for my trouble, how tomorrow I know that you can look for the killer directly? After all in your eyes can richly lawless not?” 陈光继续瞪着他,“那你是什么意思?最好一次说个明白,要么,你给我一个杀了你的理由,要么,你给我一个饶你一命的理由。在我的道理里,没有折衷的选择!今天你带着跆拳道高手来找我的麻烦,明天我又怎么知道你会不会直接找杀手来?毕竟在你眼里有钱就可以无法无天了不是吗?” Zheng He swings the head like the rattle-drum, I do not have to think, really no!” 郑河把脑袋摇得像拨浪鼓一样,“我没这么想,真没!” Good, I first let off you today. Finally warned that your one time, you are interested, your oneself to Wen Wen pursue her and that's the end, does not have the 10 cents to relate with me. Naturally, Wen Wen is impossible to have a liking for your goods. So long as do not come to be tired of me to be good!” Chen Guang hurls layer on layer/heavily, throws Zheng He on the ground, turns around to pick up Exceedingly High Chalice then to walk toward the bedroom. “那好,我今天先放过你。最后警告你一次,你对文雯有兴趣,那你自己去追她就是了,和我没一毛钱关系。当然,文雯也不可能看得上你这种货色。你只要别来烦我就好!”陈光重重一掼,将郑河扔在地上,转身捡起通天圣杯便往寝室走去。 If time unless it is absolutely essential, he was impossible really to kill Zheng He, now is just threatening him, here after all was the present society, was not Instant Sea, the human life in reality eventually be more valuable than Instant Sea. 如果不到万不得已的时候,他也不可能真杀了郑河,现在只不过是在威胁他而已,这里毕竟是现实社会,不是须臾海,现实里的人命终究要比须臾海中值钱多了。 Chen Guang is impossible easily to be turned into the most wanted terrorist by oneself, in the family/home also has that heavy economic pressures, oneself must support with the father. 陈光也不可能轻易让自己变成一个通缉犯,家里还有那么重的经济压力,自己还得和老爸一起撑着。 Wen Wen of concealed after big tree, heard Chen Guang finally saying that to the Zheng He words, on the face appeared wipes bitterly and astringently, he really thought? 藏在大树后的文雯,听到陈光最后说给郑河的一番话,脸上浮现一抹苦涩,他真这么想的啊? Others pursue me indifferently also? 别人来追我也无所谓的咯? Although does not know why the body of Chen Guang will have such change, but Wen Wen knows oneself cannot ask him on own initiative, perhaps, when which day he is willing to say on own initiative, naturally can tell itself, why also to ask? 虽然不知道为什么陈光的身上会出现这样的变化,但文雯知道自己不能主动问他,或许,等哪天他愿意主动说出口时,自然会告诉自己,又何必多问呢? Even if he can hit compared with the past, but, two people eventually are not the people in same world, not? 哪怕他比过去能打了许多,但是,两人终究也不是同一个世界的人,不是么? His idea, not wrong. 他的想法,并没有错。 Before returning to female student dormitory, the Wen Wen vision turns to nearby grove, the silent moment, said: Second Uncle, helping me give the new ray Zheng Yunhao to greet, lets his son law-abidingly, do not handle too matter out of the ordinary. Otherwise, I will not be good to speak.” 临回到女生宿舍之前,文雯目光转向旁边的小树林,沉默片刻,说道:“二叔,帮我给新光芒的郑运好打个招呼吧,让他的儿子安分一点,别做太出格的事情。否则,我不会那么好说话。” Little Wen, that Chen Guang hides very much deeply, am I......” in darkness, transmits a low and deep middle-aged person voice. 小雯,那个陈光藏得很深,我是不是……”黑暗中,传来一个低沉的中年人嗓音。 Wen Wen seemed like touched reverse scale general, the eye stared, he was my friend, was only a friend! You do not need to make anything to probe to him!” 文雯像是被碰触了逆鳞一般,眼睛一瞪,“他是我朋友,只是朋友!你不需要对他做什么试探!” Good.” The voice of middle-aged person sounds like some not to prefer, but has not said anything again. “好吧。”中年人的声音听起来似乎有些不情愿,但却也没再说什么。 Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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