CGA :: Volume #1

#11: 3 vulgar cup

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While he is thinking like this time, that side Wen Wen actually indifferent beckoning with the hand, considers as finished, how possibly, oh. Is all right, when you my hyperaesthesia. I was too anxious, hahahaha......” your in short supply chicken feather! Sees me also to be anxious, was I changes the graceful? Do you have to me move? Thinks after the old man crossed four levels, can...... then the heart have the feeling?” 正当他这样想着的时候,那边文雯却无所谓的摆摆手,“算了算了,怎么可能嘛,啊哈哈哈。没事没事,你就当我神经过敏吧。我太紧张了,啊哈哈哈哈……”“你紧张个鸡毛啊!看见我也能紧张,是不是我变帅了?你有没有对我动心?是不是一想到老夫过了四级之后就能……然后你内心深处产生了羞羞哒的感觉?” Thump! 咚! ! 噗! The box lunch that I have at noon must call you! Your this violent female controls a strength slightly!” The Chen Guang body assumes the arch to lie on the ground, being filled with righteous indignation accuses Wen Wen this to start the tactless violent tomboy, the heart was actually rejoicing secretly, got by under false pretences. “我中午吃的盒饭都要给你打出来了啊!你这个暴力女稍微控制一点力气啊!”陈光身子呈弓形趴在地上,义愤填膺的指责着文雯这个下手没轻没重的暴力男人婆,心头却在暗自庆幸,好歹蒙混过关了。 Never expected that Wen Wen easily let off him, pretending anything is different. 没想到文雯又这么轻易的放过了他,装作什么事都没有一样。 But Chen Guang knows, she definitely discovered anything. 陈光知道,她肯定是发现了些什么。 She is rare can hit, Chen Guang was musing at heart, is because she is also a expert, therefore on this type to oneself seemingly common, tremendous changes can see through actually, is the bloody air/Qi that hide reluctantly, was also detected by her? 她本人是超乎寻常的能打,陈光不禁在心里暗想,是不是因为她也是高手,所以对自己身上这种看似不起眼,实则翻天覆地的变化一眼就能看穿,还有就是自己勉强藏起来的血腥气,是不是也被她察觉到了? However since Wen Wen does not expose on own initiative, Chen Guang will not go looking for trouble, this matter he really does not have the method and Wen Wen explanation. 不过文雯既然不主动点破,陈光也不会自找麻烦,这种事情他也真没法子和文雯解释。 Two people go out of the school gate together, behind a snack street toward school goes. 两人一道走出校门,往学校后面的小吃一条街而去。 On the road, Wen Wen sees nearby hot pot, somewhat is actually greedy, but she eventually had not proposed that must eat the hot pot. 路上,文雯看到旁边的火锅店,倒是有些嘴馋,但她最终却没提出要吃火锅。 In the Chen Guang family/home has that matter, Wen Wen does not want to make him be moved by the scenery to recollect old feelings and emotions, although she seemingly is usually careless, but sometimes the thoughts are quite exquisite. 陈光家里发生那种事情,文雯也不想让他触景生情,虽然她平时看起来大大咧咧,但有时候心思还是颇为细腻的。 In the past in the Chen Guang family/home, operated the hot pot in his county, and in that county was largest, a business best hot pot. 过去陈光的家里,就是在他老家县城里开火锅店的,并且还是那县城里规模最大,生意最好的一家火锅店。 But last year time, in the shop was a big deal, nearly hundred people suffered food poisoning in Chen Guang family's hotpot restaurant, this all of a sudden, is only the compensation his wealthy family rapping torn to pieces. 但去年的时候,店里出了个大事,近百人在陈光家的火锅店里食物中毒,就这一下子,光是赔偿就将他那个原本富裕的家庭给敲击得支离破碎。 Chen Guang knows when by own father does business careful, on the food is absolutely impossible to have problems, seemingly simple food poisoning, the reasons of some back definitely also deep levels. 陈光知道,以自己老爸做生意时的小心,食材上绝对不可能出问题,看似简单的食物中毒事件,背后肯定还有些深层次的原因。 But this matter has become an unsettled law case, when has an accident the Chen Guang father is not in the shop, no one knows where the issue leaves. 但这事情已经成了个悬案,出事时陈光父亲也不在店里,没人知道问题到底出在哪里。 Although Chen Guang pledged that must look for the food poisoning truth, but the police cannot find any clue, his student cannot turn the day. 虽然陈光发誓一定要把食物中毒事件的真相找出来,但就连警察都找不出任何线索,他一个学生也翻不出天来。 After that in the Chen Guang family/home is unable to recover, not only goes bankrupt thoroughly, owes the next 5 million debts. 此后陈光家里就一蹶不振,非但彻底破产,更欠下五百万的债务。 The room leaks meets continually the night rain, two months later, the whole family just spelled to go all-out to be detained two months of Chen Guoli to fish, here Chen Guang mother was found out the illness, average one month takes 20,000 dollars the charges for medicine, therefore Chen Guang this university student has to come out race car/taxi driver to make money. 屋漏偏逢连夜雨,两个多月后,一家人刚刚才拼尽全力把被拘留了两个多月的陈国利捞出来,这边陈光的母亲又被查出病症,平均一个月就要两万块钱的药费,所以陈光这个大学生才不得不出来跑车挣钱。 „To eat the hot pot?” The Chen Guang power of observation is actually keen. “想吃火锅吧?”陈光的观察力倒是敏锐。 Wen Wen grins, wants to eat, my did not fear that you are sad.” 文雯一咧嘴,“是想吃,我这不是怕你伤心嘛。” Chen Guang indifferent beckoning with the hand, this has anything is quite sad, I am not the young female student, where is so weak, walks, today I treat, has not eaten the hot pot for a long time, thinks of strangely.” 陈光无所谓的摆摆手,“这有什么好伤心的,我又不是小女生,哪有那么软弱,走吧,今儿个我请客,也是好久没吃火锅了,怪想念的。” Two people go upstairs together, the Wen Wen look glance, found that Chen Guang also that cup in hand, wonders saying: How you walk which take your cup, before you may not have this custom!” 两人一道上楼,文雯眼神一瞥,发现陈光还把那杯子拿在手上,纳闷道:“你怎么走哪儿都拿着你这杯子,以前你可没这习惯啊!” Chen Guang smiles saying: Recently didn't want race car/taxi driver? The cup fears the energy unable to follow, doesn't this make my tea to bring along? Was stranded tired came one, was crisp!” 陈光笑笑说道:“最近不是又要跑车吗?我怕精力跟不上,这不泡了杯茶随身带着吗?困了累了来一口,倍儿爽!” „, The tea leaves is not the stimulant, but also is crisp, seeming like an old man is the same, my grandfather your, which walks is lifting a sand-fired pot, you must install the bourgeoise, at least makes a purple sand, glass steel cup also too that anything.” Wen Wen is saying at the same time, “切,茶叶又不是兴奋剂,还倍儿爽呢,看起来像个老头子一样,我爷爷就你这样,走哪儿都举着个紫砂壶,你要装小资,也至少弄个紫砂的啊,玻璃钢杯也太那啥了。”文雯一边说着, At the same time has snatched the cup from Chen Guang, sizes up. Well...... really vulgar, the seal anything mountains and rivers, bamboo chrysanthemum is also good, unexpectedly prints the beautiful woman chart, putting on is cool, simply is three customs! Don't you fear disgraced?” Wen Wen is holding appreciatively this cup, while with despising the tone said. 一边从陈光手里抢过杯子,打量一下。“咦……真俗,印点什么山山水水,梅兰竹菊也好啊,居然印个美女图,穿得还这么清凉,简直就是三俗!你也不怕丢人?”文雯一边把玩着这杯子,一边用鄙夷的语气说道。 Chen Guang ill-humored snatches to reach behind the back in the cup, you understand anything, I am good this. Slender lady, the gentleman quite gathers together!” 陈光没好气的将杯子抢回手里,“你懂什么,我就好这口。窈窕淑女,君子好逑!” He is flurried, for fear that Wen Wen holds appreciatively this cup time, that anything Colored Glaze God Emperor emits what sound suddenly. 他心里慌慌的,生怕文雯把玩这杯子的时候,那什么琉璃神皇突然冒出什么动静来。 Perhaps actually luckily, Colored Glaze God Emperor this little while is busy, had not detected that outside some people nitpick to oneself, otherwise, three vulgar two characters, enough that female nerve , Goddess Emperor did not stamp one's foot. 倒是幸好,琉璃神皇这会儿或许正在忙,并未察觉到外面有人对自己品头论足,不然的话,就三俗两个字,就足够那个女神经,哦不,女神皇跳脚了。 After eating until full, Wen Wen draws Chen Guang to the library goes, no matter also he is willing not to want, compels him to read four levels of review materials. 饱餐一顿之后,文雯又是把陈光拉到图书馆去,也甭管他愿意还是不愿意,就是逼着他看四级复习资料。 For does not make Wen Wen discover on own unusuality, Chen Guang this time very intentional making the mistake many topics desirably, get by under false pretences with great difficulty. 为了不让文雯发现自己身上的异常,陈光这次又十分刻意的故意做错不少题,好容易才蒙混过关。 Two people separate, Wen Wen as if somewhat starts to speak but hesitates, she wants to probe on Chen Guang exactly to have anything to change. 两人分开的时候,文雯似乎有些欲言又止,她还是想试探一下陈光身上到底发生了什么变化。 However finally her corner of the eye split vision glance, the grove of look in female student bedroom not far away shook shaking, under the pale yellow street light, that side as if has a shadow to flash does not have, Wen Wen has not said anything finally, goes upstairs directly. 不过最后她眼角余光一瞥,眼神在女生寝室不远处的小树林里晃了晃,昏黄路灯下,那边似乎有个黑影一闪即没,文雯最终却没说什么,径直上了楼。 Crosses pass/test to come with great difficulty at heart long, Chen Guang breathes a sigh of relief, turns the head to walk toward own bedroom that side. 好容易过得关来,陈光心里长舒口气,转头往自己寝室那边走去。 Before he was an average person, Chen Guang thought that Wen Wen was a female student, can hit very strangely. 以前他还是普通人时,陈光就觉得文雯身为一个女生,这么能打很是古怪。 Now he himself also turns into the person who can hit not too big nor too small, particularly has studied many wrestle techniques on Royal Annie Ship with Captain Anne, clearly can detect, flavor that Wen Wen this tomboy does not leak once for a while carefully, that clearly is a person skilled in martial arts! 现在他自己不大不小也变成了个很能打的人,尤其是在皇家安妮号上和安妮船长学过不少格斗术,就分明能察觉得出来,文雯这男人婆举手投足间时不时不小心漏出来的味道,那分明就是个练家子啊! Also is not that type of flowery boxing, absolutely is true quite savage! 还不是那种花拳绣腿,绝对是真正的相当凶残! Had not asked in her family/home is to make anything, only knows that her background is very fierce, fucking awesome, now seems like is not so very simple! 一直没问过她家里到底是做什么的,只知道她的背景很厉害,很牛叉,现在看起来不那么简单啊! While he somewhat lost when hangs the head to proceed, front jumps out two people to come suddenly, blocked his way. 正当他有些出神的垂着脑袋往前走时,前面猛然窜出两个人来,将他的去路拦住了。 Catches the eye to look, unexpectedly is Zheng He this fellow! 抬眼看,居然又是郑河这家伙! He also led the person to stir up trouble! 他又带人来挑事了! Really is haunted by the ghost. 真是阴魂不散啊。 Previous time he brings five sports student, was actually shattered to pieces by oneself, this Zheng He only called a person, but also dares to come, it seems like he found the expert. 上次他可是带着五个体育生,却被自己打得落花流水,这次郑河只叫了一个人,还敢来,看来他是找到高手了。 This little while Chen Guang is arriving at the male student seven sheds to encircle about the back alley on, this time here did not communicate many people, even if naturally were seen, Zheng He was still indifferent, his matter, in the school also no one dares to interfere. 这会儿陈光正走到男生七舍围合背后的小路上,这个时间段这里来往没多少人,当然就算被人看到,郑河也无所谓,他的事情,学校里还没什么人敢干涉。 Chen Guang, this time you did not have that good luck.” Zheng He copies, stands there, in the facial features has the stock to sneer. 陈光,这次你没那么好运气了。”郑河抄着手,站在那里,面容上带着股冷笑。 Zheng He side that person is not tall, only then one meter 75 appearance, is shorter than Chen Guang, seeming like is not also strong, the martial arts clothing/taking that but on him wears, actually reveals his status without doubt, is practices martial arts. 郑河身边那人个子不高,只有一米七五的样子,比陈光还矮一些,看起来也并不怎么强壮,但他身上穿着的武道服,却将他的身份表露无疑,是个练武的。 This person holds both hands after behind, the face raises high, the nostril toward Chen Guang, is slanting the eye, the both legs is opening slightly, on foot cloth shoes. 这人将双手操在身后,脸庞高高扬起,鼻孔朝着陈光,斜着眼睛,双腿微微张开,脚上一双布鞋。 Although he not high is not strong, but on this simple movement and stance, one type will stick out suddenly the flavor that offends somebody actually momentarily. 他虽然不高不壮,但就这简单的动作和架势,倒是给人一种随时都会暴起伤人的味道来。 Heard that on you brings to fling the stick momentarily, but, in the face of the martial arts Tae Kwon Do of my South Korea, useless! I your bone, kicking inch by inch will be broken!” This person with faltering Chinese, arrogance imposing saying. “听说你身上随时带着甩棍,不过,在我大韩国的国术跆拳道面前,没用!我会把你身上的骨头,一寸一寸的踢碎!”这人操着蹩脚的汉语,傲气凛然的说道。 Tae Kwon Do?” The Chen Guang eyebrow selects, this Zheng He looks, is really the professional! “跆拳道?”陈光眉毛一挑,这次郑河找来的,果然是专业人士! However, this how? 但是,这又怎么样呢? I have not brought to fling the stick now, but this how? 我现在身上没带甩棍,可这又怎么样呢? Chen Guang, this, is the school Tae Kwon Do society director, Mr. Kim Jong Poon from South Korea, black belt three, you can feel the Mr. Kim method a while well.” Zheng He sees Chen Guang is not very tense appearance, thinks that he does not know fiercely, deliberately said: Told you, your flung the stick is also brings to deal with the average person to manage the point to use, but before Mr. Kim this true expert, did not have the significance. Mr. Kim, begins, breaks his leg!” 陈光,这位,是学校跆拳道社社长,来自韩国的金正潘先生,黑带三段,等会儿你可以好好感受一下金先生的手段。”郑河陈光不是很紧张的模样,以为他是不知道厉害,刻意说道:“告诉你,你那个甩棍也就是拿来对付普通人能管点用,但在金先生这种真正的高手面前,毫无意义。金先生,动手吧,打断他的腿!” Zheng He does not plan the multi- ink marks obviously, made Kim Jong Poon begin directly. 郑河显然不打算多墨迹,径直就让金正潘动手了。 Chen Guang look one cold, interesting, oneself solemn Royal Annie Ship two, in human life somewhat also dozens over a hundred that in Instant Sea contaminates, the number of times of hanging reaches much 95 times, that is also a skill that in tremendous dangers and difficulties uses all might. 陈光眼神一凛,有意思,自己堂堂皇家安妮号的二副,在须臾海里沾染的人命多多少少也有几十上百条,挂掉的次数更是多达九十五次,那也是刀山火海里摸爬滚打出来的一身本事。 Must experience this so-called Tae Kwon Do actually fierce! 倒是要见识见识这所谓跆拳道的厉害! Look is your black belt three is more flagitious, my these two murders seize the life the technique to be sharper! 看看是你这黑带三段更凶残,还是我这二副杀人夺命的手法更犀利! Zheng He has a dream does not think, this evening passes, Chen Guang that Chen Guang, but also had the change in bone! 郑河做梦也不会想到,这才一晚上过去,陈光还是那个陈光,但却又有了骨子里的变化! Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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