CGA :: Volume #1

#10: Not 1 type

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This morning Chen Guang crosses coyly, him should attend class, but where currently he also has the thoughts to go to the classroom, cannot calm the mind completely. As for reviewing four levels, when he opens the examination paper, the one set of four levels of simulation examination papers almost made with the time that ordinary 1/5 are not to later, he felt, this did not have the meaning. 这一个上午陈光都过得很是扭捏,原本他是该去上课的,但现在他又哪里有心思去教室,完全静不下心来嘛。至于复习四级,当他打开卷子,用平常五分之一都不到的时间把一整套四级模拟考卷几乎做了个全对之后,他就觉得,这太没意思了。 Elder Brother, already today we are no longer as we have been! 哥,已经今非昔比了啊! To go out in the school takes a stroll idly, but he heart is always thinking about Exceedingly High Chalice, although knows that now Instant Sea will not receive to affect, but in this cup actually lives in Goddess Emperor, after Chen Guang for fear that this thing slides out of the line of sight, will annoy to have an accident. 想出门在学校里闲溜达一圈呢,可他又心念念着通天圣杯,虽然知道现在须臾海界已经不会受到影响了,但这杯子里却住着个女神皇,陈光生怕这东西脱离视线之后会惹出什么事来。 Thinks it over, he takes up the tea leaves from the Lin Jingwei desk, uses Exceedingly High Chalice to brew up one cup of strong tea, carries is going out. 思来想去,他从林经纬的书桌上拿起茶叶,就用通天圣杯泡上一杯浓茶,端着就出了门。 Since cannot calm the mind, is also all right in any case in the morning, first went running the car(riage). 既然静不下心来,反正上午也是没事,先去把车给跑了吧。 No matter oneself in Instant Sea again how flamboyant, again how extraordinary, since now returned to the real world, that is must continue life in the real world. 甭管自己在须臾海里再怎么牛逼,再怎么了不得,现在既然回了现实世界,那还是要继续现实世界里的生活。 This money, must make, how also did not know the parents now. 这钱,还是要挣,也不知道爸妈现在怎么样了。 Although previous and in the family/home telephoned on outwardly is last week matter, but in Chen Guang at heart, had actually separated fully for 20 years. 虽然上次和家里打电话明面上不过就是上周的事情,但在陈光的心里,却已经整整隔了二十年。 Sits in the car(riage), Chen Guang dialed father's telephone. 坐在车里,陈光拨通了父亲的电话。 Telephone that confusion of voices, this point father should be busy handling the inventory in the morning the matter. 电话那头人声嘈杂,上午这个点儿老爹应该忙着操办进货的事情。 Over the past several years, the fathers were this rhythm of life, but he to himself the hot pot inventory of family/home, he is actually helping the hot pot of Uncle Zhou family/home overcome the hand before now. 过去的十几年,老爹都是这个生活节奏,不过以前他是给自己家的火锅店进货,现在他却是在帮周叔叔家的火锅店打下手了。 What does boy you make? Today isn't Tuesday? I remember your Tuesday morning has class? Also skipped classes? Under punches not?” Chen Guoli sound one hear is very busy, but he remembers unexpectedly Chen Guang has the class this morning, is actually unusual. “小子你做什么呢?今天不是星期二吗?我记得你星期二上午是有课的吧?又逃课了?欠揍是不?”陈国利的声音一听就很忙,不过他居然记得陈光今上午是有课的,倒是稀奇。 The Chen Guang corners of the mouth pull out, said: Father, I have the class, but this class is unimportant, I escaped. This little while I in the car(riage), prepare race car/taxi driver.” 陈光嘴角一抽,说道:“爸,我是有课,不过这课不要紧,我逃了。这会儿我在车里,准备去跑车。” Acts sloppily! Although in the family/home is short of money very much, but does the sky collapse not to have your father I to withstand/top? You can manage well your living expenses to be good, does not go the class on, this is anything!” The Chen Guoli tone all of a sudden becomes severe. “胡来!虽然家里是很缺钱,但天塌下来不还有你老爹我顶着吗?你能管好自己的生活费就行了,连课都不去上,这算什么事!”陈国利的语气一下子变得严厉起来。 This month the Pusi Company free medicine must expire, can pay next month charges for medicine? Probably wants 40,000?” Chen Guang said suddenly. “这个月普思公司的免费药就要到期了,得交下个月的药费了吧?好像是要四万?”陈光突然说道。 The Chen Guoli anger vanishes all of a sudden, silent moment, he somewhat low and deep saying: Son, was laborious you.” 陈国利的怒气一下子消失殆尽,沉默片刻,他才有些低沉的说道:“儿子,辛苦你了。” Chen Guang grins, has anything to be laborious, the father, I have grown up, therefore family's matter, I will try to find the solution, should not be tired.” 陈光咧咧嘴,“有什么辛苦不辛苦的,爸,我早就长大了,所以家里的事情,我会想办法的,你也别太累。” That side seems like some people to call Chen Guoli, he only hmph hmph two, made the telephone call rapidly, bustled about. 那边似乎有人在叫陈国利,他只哼哼两声,就迅速挂了电话,忙乎去了。 Places on the cell phone the rack, Chen Guang carried the teacup to sip one, secretly calculating, the Pusi Company medicine usually was the payment eats for three months, ate free for three months, time one month of payment at least wanted 40,000, calculates on average was also one month 20,000 charges for medicine expenditures. 将手机放在架子上,陈光端起茶杯抿了一口,暗自盘算着,普思公司的特效药通常是付费吃三个月,免费吃三个月的,付费的时候一个月至少要四万,平均算下来也就是一个月两万的药费开支。 That side father, Uncle Zhou again how really kind, is impossible to the wages that the shopkeeper pays for over one month 15,000. 老爸那边,周叔叔再怎么够意思,给店长开的工资也不可能超过一个月一万五。 Every month even if the father does not eat and drink, still has no other unnecessary expenditure, misses 5000. 每个月就算老爸不吃不喝,也没有任何别的多余开支,也还差五千。 Own here race car/taxi driver, at least must make every month 6,000-7,000, the life of whole family has the basic guarantee, to the Pusi Company charges for medicine. 自己这边跑车,每个月至少得挣个6,000-7,000,一家人的生活才有基本保障,才给得起普思公司的药费。 In the family/home the bankrupt settlement fashion as for several million debts that must repay, Chen Guang and Chen Guoli absolutely do not have the means to consider now, they can only make enough the medical service now, saves the Chen Guang mother's life, thanked heaven and earth. 至于家里破产清算时尚需偿还的几百万债务,陈光陈国利现在完全没有办法去考虑,他们现在只能挣够医疗费,把陈光母亲的性命保住,就谢天谢地了。 As for other, walking one step looked at one step is. 至于别的,走一步看一步是一步了。 Made the telephone call, started the vehicle loudly, Chen Guang then started a day of race car/taxi driver profession. 挂了电话,轰然发动车子,陈光便又开始了一天的跑车生涯。 At noon, Chen Guang stops the car(riage) near the alley, sits digs the box lunch in the car(riage), Wen Wen is making the phone call actually. 中午时,陈光将车停在小路边,坐在车里刨着盒饭,文雯倒是打来电话。 You where? Comes to eat meal together.” The Wen Wen sound is somewhat soft, as if she still in the bedding, is hates to get out of bed to depend on the present. “你在哪儿呢?过来一起吃饭呗。”文雯的声音有些软绵绵的,似乎她还在被窝里,想必是赖床一直赖到了现在。 Separated obviously for day, hears the Wen Wen sound again, feeling of another era. 明明只是隔了一天,再听到文雯的声音,却恍若隔世。 Chen Guang stares slightly, recovers, „my little while outside race car/taxi driver, is having the dinner in the evening together.” 陈光稍稍一愣,才回过神来,“我这会儿正在外面跑车呢,晚上一块儿吃晚饭吧。” „Don't you have the class in the morning?” Wen Wen is slightly surprised. “你们上午不是有课么?”文雯略显惊奇。 It‘s nothing mood went, comes out race car/taxi driver.” Chen Guang wonders secretly, how these people were, oneself this was not first skipping classes, how to become big criminal probably. “没什么心情去,出来跑车了。”陈光暗自纳闷,这些人都是怎么了,自己这又不是第一次逃课,怎么好像成了个大罪人似的。 Ok, you in the afternoon? Goes to the chart?” Wen Wen said again: Do not forget, commitment of this lady.” “行吧,那你下午呢?去图吗?”文雯再度说道:“你可别忘了,本淑女的承诺哟。” After saying, this woman also hee hee, chatted two, she to was sobers. 说完之后,这女人还嘻嘻一声,聊了两句,她到是清醒起来了。 In the afternoon did not go to the library, you felt relieved that in brief, you could not run away, I am keeping thinking, does not pull does not pull, came the order, me!” Chen Guang said that made the telephone call on one, manipulated the cell phone, while was capricious. “下午就不去图书馆了,你就放心吧,总之,你跑不掉的,我惦记着呢,不扯了不扯了,来订单了,我出发了啊!”陈光说完就啪的一声挂掉了电话,一边摆弄手机,一边心猿意马起来。 If that level, Chen Guang may think that yesterday has tested four levels rarely awfully, but today, old man already at this time different past! 如果还是昨天那水准,陈光或许会觉得考过四级难得要命,但是今天嘛,老夫已经今时不同往日了啊! He anticipated that for the first time like this four levels of tests are quicker come, only hates the time to walk too slowly, this must wait for a month! 他还是第一次这样期待四级考试快些来,只恨时间走得太慢,这还要等一个多月啊! When race car/taxi driver to approaching in the afternoon, Chen Guang leisure opens the car(riage) round trip. 一直跑车到临近下午时,陈光才慢悠悠的将车往回开。 If passing he drives the entire daytime car(riage), surely is much more tired, when gets out can hear joint flip-flop the resounding. 过往他如果开整整一个白天的车,必定是累得腰酸背痛,下车时都能听得到骨节子噼噼啪啪的脆响。 But today Chen Guang may be fierce, nest in car(riage) at least eight hours, landing time stretches oneself slightly, moves the body, unexpectedly a wee bit fatigues do not have. 但今天陈光可就厉害了,在车里窝了至少八个小时,下车的时候稍微伸了伸懒腰,就把身子活动开来,居然一丁点疲惫感都没有。 Pinches the fist again, feeling one to be sturdier than many muscles the past, Chen Guang was self-satisfied, trains hard for 20 years in Instant Sea, oneself this physique did, still have no time to let compared with the healthy mister even? 再是捏捏拳头,感受了一番比过去壮实了不少的肌肉,陈光不禁得意起来,在须臾海里苦练二十年,自己这身板儿,就算是比健美先生也不遑多让了吧? From looked outwardly, Chen Guang has not become compared with the past strongly, but the muscle structure in his whole person body had the tremendous changes. 从明面上看,陈光并未比过去变得强壮许多,但他整个人身躯上的肌肉结构却是有了翻天覆地的变化。 If called him to take off/escape the clothes, can discover, his muscle line might be called perfect, the massive muscle presented the pinnacle streamline, although was strong, actually did not see extremely fat, was full of the astonishing explosive force. 如果叫他把衣服脱了,就能发现,他身上的肌肉线条堪称完美,块状肌肉呈现出极致的流线型,虽然强壮,却丝毫不见臃肿,更充满了惊人的爆发力。 Without arriving two steps, Wen Wen has been waiting for him outside the parking lot unexpectedly, sees him from afar, then the half step walks toward here. 没走到两步,文雯居然已经在停车场外面等着他了,远远看见他,便快步往这边走来。 When close to Chen Guang, this tomboy unexpectedly fierce lived, takes a look at him with the surprised uncertain look up and down, who you...... is your boy?” 临近陈光时,这男人婆居然猛的顿住了,用惊疑不定的眼神上下打量他,“你……你小子是谁?” Chen Guang is showing the whites of the eyes, do not be noisy, who can I also be?” 陈光翻着白眼,“别闹,我还能是谁?” Wen Wen walks slowly, is narrowing the eye, is not right, is not really right. You hide the truth from others, cannot hide the truth from me!” 文雯慢慢走过来,眯缝着眼睛,“不对劲,真的不对劲。你瞒得过别人,瞒不过我!” Chen Guang heart one startled, the Wen Wen look was also too fierce, superficially oneself and yesterday also were really nothing distinguishes, even if the strengthen were indeed stronger, but the external build had no change. 陈光心头一惊,文雯的眼神也太厉害了吧,表面上看自己和昨天还真是没有任何区别,哪怕的确变强壮了许多,但自己外在的体型却没什么变化啊。 This eldest sister's power of observation was also too keen! 这位大姐的观察力也太敏锐了吧! Your Holmes or Edogawa Conan? 你福尔摩斯还是江户川柯南 Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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