BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13589: Face-off

dragon Feiyu takes a jade sword, carefully looked at the content in jade sword, after having looked, he thinks, then open the mouth and said: Comes the person, goes to invite Yang true elder.” disciple to receive complied with one, later his body invited the person, before long that disciple Yang true inviting, Yang true saw alliance leader to dragon Feiyu gave a salute said:.” 龙飞宇拿着一把玉剑,仔细的看了看玉剑里的内容,看过之后,他想了想,接着开口道:“来人,去将杨真长老请来。”一个弟子以收就应了一声,随后他身就去请人了,不一会儿那个弟子就将杨真给请来了,杨真冲着龙飞宇行了一礼道:“参见盟主。” dragon Feiyu beckons with the hand said: not to need to be polite, please sit down.” Yang Zhenying, sat later, dragon Feiyu to Yang Zhenyang the jade sword that raises in hand, just Palestinian alliance leader gave me to receive a letter to Yang true said:, he said beforehand Anyan by the attack matter, he thinks that this matter inside some fishy, thinks that this matter is impossible is the Iron Hand pledge their three pledges does, is possible inside has the secret facts, therefore what he meant was that we first do not regard the enemy these three pledges, after they have probed, is having a look at the result, you and Palestinian not language has contacted several times, you think that what the Palestinian not language is meaning.? He really thinks in this matter has the strangeness, because he is actually is worried about us one, but makes war with another three pledges, they will have the loss of even bigger, therefore said?” 龙飞宇摆了摆手道:“不必客气了,请坐吧。”杨真应了一声,随后坐了下来,龙飞宇就冲着杨真扬了扬手里的玉剑,对杨真道:“刚刚巴盟主给我来信了,他说了之前安岩被攻击的事情,他认为这件事情里面有些蹊跷,认为这件事情不可能铁手盟他们三盟干的,可能里面另有隐情,所以他的意思是,我们先不要将这三盟当成敌人,等他们试探过之后在看看结果,你与巴不语接触过几次,你认为巴不语是什么意思?他是真的认为这件事情里面有古怪,还是因为他其实是担心我们一但与另个三盟开战,他们会有更大的损失,所以才这么说的?” Dragon Feiyu regarding this matter, is some worries, previous they during the fight with sea watching pledges, their six pledges lose time heavily, is the Ba Huang pledge, but the matter of this iron two fingers of their attack Anyan, he is also knows that iron two fingers of make a move, he felt this matter, nothing more to be said that what he has not thought that the Palestinian not language actually does not want immediately and three pledges makes war in addition, but is thinks that in this matter has the strangeness, dragon Feiyu some are in doubt, the Palestinian not language is because on a loss. Without the restoration, does not want to make war, an excuse that therefore finds, really thinks that the here surface has the strangeness, therefore dragon Feiyu wants to ask Yang true, Yang true nearest/recent and close to did not speak to meet several times, he wanted to know how close to does not speak the present state of mind, therefore then Yang Zhenqing, if close to did not speak nearest/recent is quite low-key, then dragon Feiyu believes that this proposition that close to did not speak, is possible had the issue. 龙飞宇对于这件事情,还是有一些担心的,上一次他们与观海盟之间的战斗,他们六盟损失最重的,就是八荒盟,而这一次铁二指他们攻击安岩的事情,他也是知道的,铁二指都出手了,他觉得这件事情,没有什么好说的了,但是他没有想到的是,巴不语却不想马上就与另个三盟开战,而是认为这件事情里面有古怪,龙飞宇有些拿不准,巴不语是因为上一次的损失没有恢复,不想开战,所以找的一个借口,还是真的认为这里面有古怪,所以龙飞宇想要问一问杨真,杨真最近与巴不语见过几次面,他想要知道,巴不语现在的精神状态怎么样,所以这才将杨真请了过来,如果巴不语最近比较低调的话,那么龙飞宇就认为,巴不语的这个提议,可能有问题了。 Yang true thinks, then said solemnly: alliance leader, I think that Palestinian alliance leader was not worried makes war with another three pledges, what oneself have to lose, their strengths have restored was similar, simply does not have this worry, he thought certainly that in this matter has the strangeness, alliance leader you thinks, if we can form the ally with another three pledges, how many our strengths will increase? When the time comes feared hates the pledge not to dare easily to move us greatly? Moreover I also heard, hated pledge nearest/recent to send for the alliance Gold Sword pledge greatly probably their three pledges, wanted with their forming an Alliance, must therefore say that in the matter of iron two fingers of their attack Anyan not strange, I did not believe.” 杨真想了想,接着沉声道:“盟主,我认为巴盟主并不是担心与另个三盟开战,自己有什么损失,他们的实力已经恢复的差不多了,根本就不存在这种担心,他一定是觉得这件事情里面有古怪,盟主你想啊,如果我们能与另外三盟结成盟友的话,那我们的实力会增加多少?到时候怕是连大恨盟都不敢轻易的动我们吧?而且我还听说,大恨盟最近好像派人去联盟金剑盟他们三盟了,就是想要与他们结盟,所以要说铁二指他们攻击安岩的这件事情里面没有古怪,我是不太相信的。” One hear of he said, dragon Feiyu cannot help but nods, later his open the mouth and said: correct/pretty good, your view to is correct/pretty good, the here surface really has the strangeness, you also believe, we should and wait/etc, how having a look at other three pledges to say this matter?” 一听他这么说,龙飞宇不由得点了点头,随后他开口道:“不错,你的这种说法到是不错,这里面确实是有古怪,那你也认为,我们应该在等等,看看其它三盟怎么说这件事情?” Yang true nods the said: "Yes, ally, I think us should and wait/etc, if we at this time, announced that must make war with other three pledges, that is possible on center others' idea, therefore I believe, we wait/etc were saying. ” 杨真点了点头道:“是,盟友,我认为我们应该在等等,如果我们这个时候,就宣布要与其它三盟开战的话,那可能就正中了别人的计了,所以我认为,我们还是等等在说。” dragon Feiyu nods, then open the mouth and said: "OK, that we and wait/etc, so long as can determine, Palestinian alliance leader there no problem was OK, Elder Yang first goes back. ” Dragon Feiyu also decided first to wait was saying, to be honest, he does not want their three pledges to make war with the Gold Sword pledge. 龙飞宇点了点头,接着开口道:“好,那我们就在等等,只要能确定,巴盟主那里没有问题就可以了,杨长老先回去吧。”龙飞宇也决定先等等在说,说实话,他也不想与金剑盟他们三盟开战。 Yang true does not have immediately leave, but stood, to dragon Feiyu gave a salute said: alliance leader, the subordinate had a matter to want with alliance leader to say.” Did he stop speaking of here, look at dragon Feiyu, what matter dragon Feiyu somewhat curious look at his said: „? Said.” Dragon Feiyu is very curious, what matter Yang true can have, now their does here have no matter occur probably? 杨真却并没有马上就离开,而是站了起来,冲着龙飞宇行了一礼道:盟主,属下有一件事情想要跟盟主说。”他说到这里停了一下,看着龙飞宇,龙飞宇有些好奇的看着道:“什么事儿?说吧。”龙飞宇真的很好奇,杨真能有什么事儿,现在他们这里好像没有什么事儿发生吧? Yang true look at dragon Feiyu said: subordinate obtained thing, wanting the envy to give alliance leader.” Said that his hand moves, next quarter in his hand had/left a fist size hollows out the small sphere, 杨真看着龙飞宇道:“属下得到了一件东西,想要羡给盟主。”说完他手一动,下一刻他的手里就多出了一个拳头大小的镂空小圆球, This small sphere seems like very exquisite, what most important is, small sphere inside thing, but also keeping rotation, seems like abstruse, these attracted dragon Feiyu and his disciple vision. Yang true look at their appearances, are actually slightly smiled, in the next quarter that sphere emitted five colors radiance, this five colors radiance, directly the room of dragon Feiyu covering, this change is dragon Feiyu and his disciple, never expected. 这个小圆球看起来十分的精美,最主要的是,小圆球里面的东西,还在不停的转动,看起来十分的玄奥,这一下就吸引了龙飞宇和他弟子的目光。杨真看着他们两人的样子,却是微微一笑,下一刻那圆球里冒出了五彩光芒,这五彩光芒,直接就将龙飞宇的房间给罩住了,这一变化是龙飞宇和他的弟子,万没有想到的。 When that radiance this room covering, Yang true then let out a long breath, later his look at dragon Feiyu said: alliance leader, this Five Elements dispersion of light how?” He said that this saying, although is still calling the dragon Feiyu alliance leader, but on before the face does not have, that careful appearance, conversely, on his face also has a smile, seeming like all is completely being grasped is the same. 等到那光芒将这个房间给罩住了,杨真这才长出了口气,随后他就看着龙飞宇道:盟主,这个五行分光界如何?”他在说这话的时候,虽然还在叫龙飞宇盟主,但是脸上却已经没有了之前那小心的样子,相反的,他的脸上还带着一丝的笑容,看起来好像一切尽在掌握中一样。 Dragon Feiyu from the Yang real expression, discover the incorrect place, his look at Yang true said: Elder Yang, what thing this is, why this can thing live to the cover our rooms?” Dragon Feiyu said that this saying, has been revolving secretly own Cultivation Method, but he quickly on discover an issue, his discover and relation between own Divine Beast, probably, in other words, he does not have the means from his Divine Beast there, obtained any help, this discover made complexion of dragon Feiyu one change, his two eyes like electricity same look at Yang true, he has known now, this thing that Yang Zhennong came out, certain was harbors evil intentions. 龙飞宇从杨真的表情之中,发现了不对的地方,他看着杨真道:杨长老,这到底是什么东西,为什么这东西可以将我们的房间给罩住?”龙飞宇在说这话的时候,已经在暗暗的运转自己的功法了,但是他很快就发现了一个问题,他发现自己与自己的神兽之间的联系,好像是断了,也就是说,他没有办法从他的神兽那里,得到任何的帮助了,这一发现让龙飞宇的脸色一下就变了,他两眼如电一样的看着杨真,他现在已经知道了,杨真弄出来的这个东西,一定是不怀好意的。 The appearance of Yang true look at dragon Feiyu, is smiling said: alliance leader, actually I have a matter to want with you to discuss, about our later develop(ment), alliance leader, in the future how you will feel Divine Beast here to be able?” 杨真看着龙飞宇的样子,笑着道:盟主,其实我是有一件事情想要与你商量,就是关于我们以后的发展的,盟主,你觉得神兽这里未来会怎么样?” Some dragon Feiyu don't understand Yang true meanings, Yang true caused that thing, him and his Divine Beast complete isolation, definitely is harbors evil intentions, but he says these chit-chat in here now, this makes dragon Feiyu very puzzled, don't understand Yang true wants to do, therefore he has not spoken, is only sitting of face calm in there look at Yang true said: Yang true, you did not use in there acted in a play, you caused this thing, me and my Divine Beast complete isolation, why you wanted? You must say that you do not have the ambition, I do not believe absolutely, therefore you said you want to do, the future of what Divine Beast, will you really care about this?” 龙飞宇有些不明白杨真的意思,杨真弄出了那个东西,将他与他的神兽完全的隔绝开了,肯定是不怀好意的,可是他现在却在这里说这些废话,这让龙飞宇十分的不解,不明白杨真想要干什么,所以他没有说话,只是一脸平静的坐在那里看着杨真道:“杨真,你不用在那里演戏了,你弄出这个东西,将我与我的神兽完全的隔绝开了,你到底想要干什么?你要说你没有野心,我是绝对不相信的,所以你还是说说你想要干什么吧,什么神兽界的未来,你真的关心这个吗?” Appearance of Yang true look at dragon Feiyu, then open the mouth and said: alliance leader, I really care about Divine Beast the future, moreover I must you tell that also truly is the Divine Beast future, Divine Beast gets down according to current situation develop(ment), will not have in the future, because of the future of Divine Beast, will certainly be seized by Shadow Clansman, but now various Divine Beast alliances, in a state of disunity, simply will not have the means and Shadow Clansman resists, therefore I said, Divine Beast will not have the future, the Divine Beast future, will want the powerful organizations, everyone unite, together will all resist Shadow Clansman, will drive out from Divine Beast here Shadow Clansman, restores the Immortal Realm honor, this will be Divine Beast Future.” 杨真看着龙飞宇的样子,接着开口道:“盟主,我真的关心神兽界的未来,而且我要跟你说的,也确实就是神兽界的未来,神兽界照目前的情况发展下去,是没有未来的,因为神兽界的未来,一定会被影族人占领,而现在神兽界各联盟,一盘散沙,根本就没有办法与影族人对抗,所以我说,神兽界没有未来,神兽界的未来,一定要有一个强有力的组织,将所有人全都联合起来,一起对抗影族人,将影族人神兽这里赶出去,恢复仙界的荣光,这才是神兽界的未来。” Yang true words, making dragon Feiyu stare, dragon Feiyu look at Yang true, his said solemnly: You me told that these to do what? Your join that organization that wants unify/unified Divine Beast? This is thing the person of that organization gives you? Does your wish let my also join that organization?” dragon Feiyu almost knew Yang true meaning, therefore he will ask, he is to have a look, how Yang true replied. 杨真的话,让龙飞宇一愣,龙飞宇看着杨真,他沉声道:“你跟我说这些干什么?难道你加入了那个想要一统神兽界的组织?这东西就是那个组织的人给你的?你想要让我也加入那个组织?”龙飞宇差不多知道了杨真的意思,所以他才会如此问,他就是想要看看,杨真如何的回答。 Yang true slightly smiled, then said solemnly: alliance leader guessed right, I truly was join such a organization, I also truly was wish let alliance leader your join this organization, in fact before alliance leader, in our Flying Dragon pledge, already half of people, already join this organization, but I today this , must therefore look for alliance leader you ; first, wish let alliance leader your join this organization, second had information to tell alliance leader you, we were wish let in the alliance everyone, after join organization, in looked for alliance leader you, but our discover, in our alliance, really had the Shadow Clansman spy afterward., Moreover is not one or two, Shadow Clansman spy who so far, we measure, more than 20, this digit is very astonishing, therefore we have to first look for alliance leader you.” 杨真微微一笑,接着沉声道:“盟主猜对了,我确实是加入了这样的一个组织,我也确实是想要让盟主加入这个组织,事实上在盟主之前,我们飞龙盟里,已经有一半人,已经加入了这个组织,而我今天这所以要找盟主你,一是想要让盟主加入这个组织,第二就是有一个消息要告诉盟主你,我们本来是想要让联盟里所有人,都加入组织之后,在来找盟主你的,但是后来我们发现,我们联盟里,竟然有影族人的奸细,而且还不是一个两个,到目前为止,我们测出来的影族人的奸细,就有二十多个,这个数字已经十分的惊人了,所以我们不得不先来找盟主你了。” Dragon Feiyu look at Yang true, sneers to is really same, you who said: said really think that I believe your words? Yang does true, what organization you dare to be says your organization? Divine Beast here, the appears excessively innumerable organizations, want unify/unified Divine Beast, finally was all defeated, why you think that you can succeed?” Dragon Feiyu does not believe Yang true words obviously. 龙飞宇看着杨真,冷笑道:“说的跟真的一样,你真的以为我会相信你的话吗?杨真,你敢将你的那个组织是什么组织说出来吗?神兽这里,出现过无数的组织,想要一统神兽界,最后全都失败了,你凭什么认为你们能成功呢?”龙飞宇显然是不相信杨真的话。 The appearance of Yang true look at dragon Feiyu, he cannot help but sighed said: I also to know that lightly alliance leader you do not believe that but alliance leader, I said all real, I to alliance leader you said that we organize the present strength, we organize the present member to have, the sea watching pledge, the three mountains pledge, the colored glaze pledge, the iron bone pledge, is adding on the Ba Huang pledge and our Flying Dragon pledge half of strengths, don’t know you believes that such strength how? Moreover strength that we organize, but also not only this, these are placed in outwardly on strength, in also has other strength in the back, don’t know alliance leader has heard the information pledge, how many information alliance bug pledge their? They are also one that we organize, what kind of? alliance leader, you thought that we do organize is possible unify/unified Divine Beast?” 杨真看着龙飞宇的样子,他不由得轻叹了口气道:“我也知道盟主你不相信,但是盟主,我所说的全都是真的,我跟盟主你说一下我们组织现在的实力吧,我们组织现在的成员有,观海盟,三山盟,琉璃盟,铁骨盟,在加上八荒盟和我们飞龙盟的一半力量,不知道你认为,这样的力量如何?而且我们组织的实力,还远不只这此,这些只是摆在明面上的力量,在背地里还有别的力量,不知道盟主有没有听说过风信盟,小虫盟他们几个情报联盟?他们也是我们组织的一员,怎么样?盟主,你觉得我们组织有没有可能一统神兽界呢?” One hear of Yang true said, dragon Feiyu cannot help but stares, later his complexion cannot help but changes, his look at Yang true said: this is impossible, on fighting strength of three mountains pledge, is not the average person can conquer, their perishing together fighting methods, simply is impossible surrender.” 一听杨真这么说,龙飞宇不由得一愣,随后他的脸色不由得一变,他看着杨真道:“这不可能,就三山盟的战斗力,就不是一般人所能征服的,他们那种同归于尽的打法,根本就不可能投降的。” Yang true listened to dragon Feiyu saying that his slightly smiled, he to dragon Feiyu said: alliance leader, you have cannot help but thought later, three mountains pledge that perishing together fighting method, after join we organized had? Before three mountains pledge, is what organization? However is three small alliances, their why suddenly had that strong fighting strength, why can suddenly resist with the sea watching pledge? Sea watching pledge their three pledges, why suddenly on alliance? Sea watching pledge their how many alliance why the strength might as well hate the pledge obviously greatly, actually relaxed will hate the pledge being defeated greatly? Are all these only the coincidences? alliance leader do you feel this is possible?” 杨真一听龙飞宇这么说,他不由得微微一笑,随后他对龙飞宇道:盟主,你有没有想过,三山盟那种同归于尽的打法,是在加入了我们组织之后才有的?三山盟之前是什么组织?不过就是三个小联盟罢了,他们为什么突然就有了那么强的战斗力,为什么突然就可以跟观海盟对抗了?观海盟他们三盟,为什么突然联合了起来?为什么明明实力不如大恨盟的观海盟他们几个联盟,却轻松的就将大恨盟给打败了?这一切难道都只是巧合吗?盟主你觉得这可能吗?” Dragon Feiyu one hear of Yang true said, he cannot help but stares, later his two eyes cannot help but shrinks, is he staring at Yang true said: stubbornly all these all because of you? Was you organizes to operate all these in the back?” 龙飞宇一听杨真这么说,他不由得一愣,随后他的两眼不由得一缩,他死死的盯着杨真道:“这一切全都是因为你们?是你们组织在背后操纵了这一切?” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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