BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13590: Surrender

Yang true slightly smiled said: could be said as us organizing in back command(er) all these, we organized most from the beginning only then three mountains pledge alliance, then we annexed the sea watching pledge, then these two alliances started to act in a play, mutual attack, then colored glaze pledge appears , the iron bone pledge for own benefit, meddled the colored glaze pledge, then the colored glaze pledge turned into our branch, then iron lion by Pan Wanfang replacing, but has not let the iron lion when then iron bone pledge alliance leader, was not because his not agrees bent down, because he was Shadow Clansman, therefore he must die, After the iron lion dies, hates the pledge to for him revenge greatly, therefore organized this alliance time, alliance leader your is possible don’t know, all hates the pledge greatly subordinate staff, so long as is we can meet, we have all conducted the test to them, without any exception, they all are the Shadow Clansman spies, but in our alliance, including alliance leader you, we have also all tested, alliance leader you are not the Shadow Clansman spy, if you are the Shadow Clansman spy, your simply is impossible knows that existence of our organization, in these Shadow Clansman spies on now our alliance is likely same, they had been tested by us., But they and don’t know.” 杨真微微一笑道:“可以说是我们组织在背后指挥了这一切,我们组织最一开始就只有三山盟这一个联盟,然后我们吞并了观海盟,然后这两个联盟开始演戏,相互攻击,接着琉璃盟出现了,铁骨盟为了自己的利益,插手了琉璃盟,然后琉璃盟变成我们的一个分支,接着铁狮就被潘万方给取代了,而之所以没有让铁狮接着当铁骨盟的盟主,并不是因为他不肯屈伏,而是因为他是一个影族人,所以他必须要死,在铁狮死后,大恨盟就要为他报仇,所以组织了这一次的联盟,盟主可能不知道,所有大恨盟的直属人员,只要是我们能遇到过的,我们全都对他们进行过测试,无一例外的,他们全都是影族人的奸细,而我们联盟里,包括盟主你在内,我们也全都测试过,盟主你并不是影族人的奸细,如果你是影族人的奸细,你根本就不可能知道我们组织的存在,就像现在我们联盟里的那些影族人奸细一样,他们都被我们测试过,但是他们并不知道。” Dragon Feiyu look at Yang true, what his don’t know Yang true said is really or fake, but he is open the mouth and said: If my not join you? How will you do?” Dragon Feiyu is very curious, if his not join Yang true they, how then Yang true will do? Yang does true also dare to kill him to be inadequate? If Yang true killed him, his immediately discover, Yang true they will also be exposed when the time comes, dragon Feiyu looked, Yang true they do not want to expose, therefore he then asked this question. 龙飞宇看着杨真,他不知道杨真说的是真的还是假的,不过他还是开口道:“如果我不加入你们呢?那你会怎么做?”龙飞宇很好奇,如果他不加入杨真他们,那么杨真会怎么做呢?难道杨真还敢杀了他不成?如果杨真杀了他,那他马上就会被人发现,到时候杨真他们也就暴露了,龙飞宇看出来了,杨真他们并不想暴露,所以他这才问出了这个问题。 Yang true smiled bitterly said: "Frankly, this issue is possible many people to ask, later will have more people to ask, but did not have the means that because no one knows, we organize to have such ability, in we organized to have the a batch person, they called Undead Race, you can believe, they were Ghost, Ghost that but they and we knew, had the vast gap, Ghost that we knew, they almost from main consciousness, the relying on instinct have not all handled affairs, but Undead Race was different, they had the independent consciousness, they can also to the cultivator same practice, even they stand even. In your front, your also is impossible knows that they are Undead Race, but I said that in our alliance has half of people, turned into our people, has plenty person, actually turned into Undead Race, but do not think, they turned into Undead Race, lost anything, their anything has not lost, I said that your is possible does not believe that but if you if really does not surrender, you will also turn into Undead Race, to be honest alliance leader, I do not want to be turned into Undead Race by you, because not Undead Race is not good, is only pure feeling, if you turned into Undead Race, on. Wasted a life, although your position is possible will be higher, but we organize not to hope, if people like you, turns into Undead Race, if you can surrender, that naturally is best, if you do not surrender, you can only turn into Undead Race. ” 杨真苦笑了一下道:“说实话,这个问题可能很多人都问过,以后还会有更多的人问,但是没有办法,因为没有人会知道,我们组织会有这样的能力,我们组织里有一批人,他们叫死灵一族,你可以认为,他们是鬼物,但是他们与我们所知道的鬼物,是有巨大的差距的,我们所知道的鬼物,他们几乎没有自主意识,全都靠着本能行事,但是死灵一族不一样,他们有自主的意识,他们也可以向修士一样的修练,甚至他们就算是站在你的面前,你也不可能知道他们是死灵一族,而我所说的,我们联盟里有一半的人,都变成了我们的人,这其中有很多人,其实就是变成了死灵一族,不过你也不要以为,他们变成了死灵一族,就失去了什么,他们什么都没有失去,我这么说你可能不相信,但是如果你要是真的不投降,那你也会变成死灵一族,说实话盟主,我不想让你变成死灵一族,并不是因为死灵一族不好,只是单纯的觉得,如果你变成了死灵一族,就浪费了一条命,虽然你的地位可能会更高,但是我们组织还是不希望,如你这样的人,变成死灵一族的,所以如果你能投降,那当然是最好,如果你不投降的话,那你就只能变成死灵一族了。” Dragon Feiyu look at Yang true, said solemnly: You why? Depending on you? You feel your one person, can be our opponents? Can your one person, both of us, turn into Undead Race?” Dragon Feiyu look at Yang true, his although said that appearance that but on the face a little has not actually disdained, he attaches great importance to Yang true very much, because he is knows that Yang true strength, Yang true strength, is not truly weak, although is not his opponent, but is not worse than him are too many, he wants to take Yang true, is not an easy matter. 龙飞宇看着杨真,沉声道:“你凭什么?就凭你吗?你觉得你一个人,会是我们两个人的对手?你一个人,能将我们两个人,变成死灵一族?”龙飞宇看着杨真,他虽然这么说,但是脸上却没有一点儿不屑的样子,他对于杨真还是很重视的,因为他是知道杨真的实力的,杨真的实力,确实不弱,虽然不是他的对手,但是也不比他差太多,他想要拿下杨真,也并不是一件容易的事儿。 Yang true look at dragon Feiyu, on the face brings smile said: my strength alliance leader you are being knows that I am not your opponent, but this does not represent, others are not your opponent, alliance leader, I shut off you and outside world relation, but this does not represent, I did not have the means and outside world related, I can give support momentarily, but alliance leader you actually cannot.” Said Yang true on open the mouth and said: „ Come. 杨真看着龙飞宇,脸上带着笑容的道:“我的实力盟主你是知道的,我并不是你的对手,但是这并不代表,别人也不是你的对手,盟主,我切断了你与外界的联系,但是这并不代表,我就没有办法与外界联系了,我随时都可以让人前来支援,而盟主你却不能。”说完杨真就开口道:“来吧。 With his words, next one spins suddenly this in the room, had/left several people, these people unexpectedly all are the Flying Dragon pledge people, including person is Yang jade, Yang jade their appears in this in the room, sees dragon Feiyu good sitting in there, Yang jade cannot help but knits the brows fortunately said: really the elder brother, how not to have finished, the time was too long, is easy to cause the suspicions of these Shadow Clansman spies.” Yang true said solemnly: I want to let alliance leader join our alliance, does not make him turn into Undead Race directly, after all is also a life not? alliance leader, you also heard, the time are not much, if you do not hope join we, I also can only say that sorry, I know your strength, but we we organized after join, the strength also increased, if you do not believe that can try, when the time comes you knew our strengths, but by that time, you may not have opportunity, therefore alliance leader yourself elected, if you really must begin, that I also turn into Undead Race on can only you, will not have anybody discover.” ”随着他的话,下一旋突然这个房间里,多出了几个人,这几个人竟然全都是飞龙盟的人,其中有一个人就是杨玉,杨玉他们一出现在这个房间里,就看到龙飞宇还好好的坐在那里,杨玉不由得皱了皱眉头道:“真哥,怎么还没有结束,时间太长了,容易引起那些影族人奸细的怀疑。”杨真沉声道:“我想让盟主加入我们联盟,并不是让他直接变成死灵一族,毕竟也是一条命不是吗?盟主,你也听到了,时间不多了,如果你还是不愿加入我们的话,那我也就只能说一句对不起了,我知道你的实力强,但是我们在加入了我们组织之后,实力也增加了很多,如果你不信的话,可以试一试,到时候你就知道我们的实力了,不过到那个时候,你可就没有机会了,所以盟主你自己选吧,如果你真的要动手,那我也就只能将你变成死灵一族,而且不会有任何人发现。” look at Yang jade who dragon Feiyu is frowning they, he has not really thought that Yang true said unexpectedly all real, their people really can enter here unexpectedly at any time, but he does not have the means to have the contact to the present with oneself Divine Beast, must know that he may now in Divine Beast small Space, he should be able to contact with Divine Beast momentarily, but he actually cannot achieve now, he does not have the means and Divine Beast relates, but Yang jade they can actually come at any time, this was too startled by him, by his understand, Yang true has not deceived him, All that he said that all real, this makes complexion very difficult of dragon Feiyu look, because this does not have opportunity a little on behalf of him, if he today does not surrender, that only then dies, finally was turned into Undead Race that they said by them. 龙飞宇皱着眉头的看着杨玉他们,他是真的没有想到,杨真所说的竟然全都是真的,他们的人竟然真的可以随时的进入到这里,而他到现在也没有办法与自己的神兽取得联系,要知道他现在可就是在神兽空间里,他应该随时都可以与神兽联系的,但是现在他却做不到,他没有办法与神兽联系,但是杨玉他们却可以随时进来,这太让他吃惊了,同时也让他明白了,杨真并没有骗他,他所说的一切,全都是真的,这让龙飞宇的脸色十分的难看,因为这代表着他没有一点儿机会了,他今天要是不投降,那就只有死,最后被他们变成他们所说的死灵一族 Appearance of Yang true look at dragon Feiyu, then open the mouth and said: alliance leader, we actually respect very much your, otherwise, will not speak so many words to you, but you must know, we for entire Divine Beast, for entire Cultivation World, therefore we have to help, if actually, join Blood Slaughter Sect, to you, is a good matter, this is a rare chance, therefore I hope alliance leader you can join Blood Slaughter Sect, I give alliance leader now your ten breaths the time, after ten breaths, if alliance leader you do not want join Blood Slaughter Sect, that we on can only begin to you..” Yang true said that does not start the reciprocal, but at this time, complexion of dragon Feiyu was also uglier, his very clear, if in his ten breaths has not answered, he really must be finished, thinks of here, his cannot help but take deep breaths, he looked at Yang true they, then his said solemnly: Good, my join.” His saying says, probably full power body air/Qi, was drained all of a sudden was the same, the whole person did not have the spirit probably. 杨真看着龙飞宇的样子,接着开口道:“盟主,我们其实还是很尊重你的,不然的话,也不会跟你说这么多的话,但是你也要知道,我们是为了整个神兽界,是为了整个修真界,所以我们也不得不这么帮,其实要是真的算起来,加入血杀宗,对于你来说,也是一件好事儿,这是一次难得的机缘,所以我还是希望盟主你能加入血杀宗的,现在我给盟主你十息的时间,十息之后,如果盟主你还是不愿意加入血杀宗的话,那我们就只能对你动手了。”杨真说完不开始倒数,而这个时候,龙飞宇的脸色也更加的难看了,他十分的清楚,如果他十息之内没有答复的话,那他就真的要完蛋了,一想到这里,他不由得深吸了口气,他看了一眼杨真他们,接着他沉声道:“好吧,我加入。”他这话说出口,好像全力的身气,也一下子就被抽干了一样,整个人好像都没有了精神。 Yang true listened to dragon Feiyu saying that his cannot help but great happiness, his immediately look at dragon Feiyu said: "OK, fantastic, alliance leader, under that we only needed to plant restriction on your body, you can become our people, but alliance leader, I was the matter must say to you, if you were the sincerity wanted join we, we when your body planted restriction, will not have any effect on you, but if your not sincerity, in other words, you also wanted rebel, planted restriction in us in your., You may have the suffering to eat, this I must talk clearly with you a little am good. ” 杨真一听龙飞宇这么说,他不由得大喜,他马上就看着龙飞宇道:“好,太好了,盟主,那下面我们只需要在你的身上种上禁制,那你就可以成为我们的人了,不过盟主,我还是有一件事情要跟你说一下的,如果你是真心的愿意加入我们,那我们在你的身上种上禁制的时候,对你就不会有任何的影响,但是如果你并不是真心的,也就是说,你还想要反抗的话,那么在我们在你的身上种上禁制的时候,你可就有苦头吃了,这一点儿我必须要跟你说清楚才行。” Dragon Feiyu one hear of Yang true said, his cannot help but knitting the brows head, his look at Yang true said: what suffering does have to eat?” 龙飞宇一听杨真这么说,他不由得皱了皱眉头,他看着杨真道:“有什么苦头吃?” Yang true look at dragon Feiyu, on the face brings smile said: pain, the pain of ten points, but the time will not be long.” 杨真看着龙飞宇,脸上带着一丝笑容道:“痛苦,十分的痛苦,不过时间并不会很长。” Dragon Feiyu take deep breaths, he closed the eye later, some little time he then opened eye said: "All right, to come. ” 龙飞宇深吸了口气,随后他闭上了眼睛,好一会儿他这才睁开了眼睛道:“好了,来吧。” The appearance of Yang true look at dragon Feiyu, his also cannot help but slightly smiled, his intention moves later, next quarter a white light fell dragon Feiyu directly, dragon Feiyu actually had no response, this arrived is to make Yang true stare, later Yang true was actually one happy, then his look at dragon Feiyu said: congratulated alliance leader, starting today, you were also our people.” Said that he looked at that disciple of dragon Feiyu, that disciple also immediately open the mouth and said: I also want join.” Yang true nods, planted restriction on his body. 杨真看着龙飞宇的样子,他也不由得微微一笑,随后他心念一动,下一刻一道白光直接就落到了龙飞宇的身上,龙飞宇竟然没有什么反应,这到是让杨真一愣,随后杨真却是一喜,接着他看着龙飞宇道:“恭喜盟主,从今天开始,你也是我们的人了。”说完他又看了一眼龙飞宇的那个弟子,那个弟子马上就开口道:“我也愿意加入。”杨真点了点头,也在他的身上种上了禁制 After completing these, Yang true turns the head their said: you first to go back to Yang jade, I deliver to Black Tortoise Space there alliance leader. Yang jade they nods, Yang jade they were later direct leave, but Yang true was also the hand moves, solved Five Elements dispersion of light in Space directly, then he to dragon Feiyu said:alliance leader, I first leave, then I in others don’t know situation in your here, leading you to go to Sect to have a look, you also said one to outside person, said that today does not see others on the line.” dragon Feiyu nods, later lets his disciple, brings Yang true leave, after Yang true leave, he makes his disciple announce to the public, he does not see the person today, must rest well, later his disciple also returned to in his small Space, but Yang true before long appears in small Space, like former Yang jade their appears time, suddenly appears , felt dragon Feiyu to the present, their method, mystery, he had not asked many, is only look at Yang true, he. To know how Yang true then must do. 做好这些之后,杨真就转头对杨玉他们道:“你们先回去,我把盟主送到玄武空间那里。杨玉他们点了点头,随后杨玉他们就直接离开了,而杨真也是手一动,直接就解去了空间里的五行分光界,接着他对龙飞宇道:盟主,我先离开,然后我在别人不知道的情况下在来你这里,带你去宗门看看,你也跟外面的人说一声,就说今天不见其它人了就行。”龙飞宇点了点头,随后就让他的弟子,带着杨真离开了,等到杨真离开之后,他就让他的弟子对外宣布,他今天不见人了,要好好的休息,随后他的弟子回到了他的小空间里,而杨真不一会儿就又出现在了小空间里,就像之前杨玉他们出现的时候一样,就那么突然出现了,龙飞宇到现在还是觉得,他们的这种方法,十分的神奇,不过他也没有多问,只是看着杨真,他到是想知道杨真接下来要怎么做。 Yang true to dragon Feiyu said: alliance leader, I leads you to go to Sect to have a look now, simultaneously makes you also receive the Sect benefits.” dragon Feiyu nods, later Yang true arrived at side two people, next quarter he waves, three people on direct vanish from sight, when they in appears , had arrived at Black Tortoise Space, but arrived at Black Tortoise Space here, dragon Feiyu and his disciple was shocked, they wanted to raise the head, actually by Yang true preventing, dragon Feiyu and his disciple facial expression one excited, how they have not thought that in Black Tortoise Space will really have sunlight, they were startled, later Yang true on starting the belt/bring they are visiting Black Tortoise Space, finally belt/bring they True Illusion Boundary there, Allowing them better to understand a Blood Slaughter Sect situation, after these all completed, Yang true then brought dragon Feiyu to lead to spread out Celestial Sphere and Blood Gold, then came out from Black Tortoise Space.( This chapter ends) 杨真冲着龙飞宇道:盟主,我现在就带你去宗门里看看,同时让你也领到宗门的福利。”龙飞宇点了点头,随后杨真就来到了两人身边,下一刻他一挥手,三人就直接消失不见了,等到他们在出现的时候,已经到了玄武空间了,而一到玄武空间这里,龙飞宇和他的弟子就愣住了,他们就想要抬头,却被杨真给阻止了,龙飞宇和他弟子的神情一下就激动了起来,他们怎么都没有想到,玄武空间里竟然会有阳光,他们太吃惊了,随后杨真就开始带着他们参观玄武空间,最后又带他们去了真实幻境那里,让他们更好的了解了一下血杀宗的情况,等到这些全都做好之后,杨真这才带着龙飞宇去领了衍天球血金,然后这才从玄武空间里出来。(本章完)
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