BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13588: forest Lei

Han left lived them to strike to kill iron two fingers of their information, quick spread, Han left lived them not to plan to conceal the truth, therefore spread simply directly, they were want to take a look, what response the people were. 韩左生他们击杀铁二指他们的消息,很快就传开了,韩左生他们也没有打算瞒着,所以干脆就直接传开了,他们就是想要看看,众人都是什么样的反应。 Divine Beast here, the mixed reactions of various alliances, the king defends traditional moral principles regarding this matter naturally is very delighted, iron two fingers of they are he arrange, his these got down the initial capital time, began in the Gold Sword pledge, the Tie Ying(Iron Hawk) pledge and Iron Hand pledge there several Shadow Clansman spies, making them go to the attack Anyan, moreover such that thinks like Anyan, feared that Anyan does not recognize the identities of these people, he also makes the iron two fingers lead a group specially, the goal on is on to recognize the opposite party by Anyan one, like this as we all know, was three pledges person together killed Anyan, In this case, Gold Sword pledge, Tie Ying(Iron Hawk) pledge and Iron Hand pledge, even if the whole body is the mouth, did not talk clearly. 神兽这里,各联盟的反应不一,王卫道对于这件事情当然是十分的开心,铁二指他们本身就是他安排的,他这一次可是下了血本了,动手了在金剑盟,铁鹰盟和铁手那里的几位影族人奸细,让他们去攻击安岩,而且就像安岩所想的那样,怕安岩认不出这些人的身份,他还特意的让铁二指领队去的,目地就是让安岩一眼就能认出对方来,这样所有人都知道,是三盟的人一起杀了安岩,这样的话,金剑盟,铁鹰盟和铁手盟,就算是全身是嘴,也说不清楚了。 Even if iron two fingers of they were defeated, that still has no relationship, Anyan recognized their identity in any case, they in also is impossible and Gold Sword pledge their three pledge forming an Alliance, this are the results that he wants, but now this result, he wants, Han left lived them to know the iron two fingers of their status, in this case, their is impossible forming an Alliance. 就算是铁二指他们失败了,那也没有什么关系,反正安岩认出了他们的身份,那他们就在也不可能金剑盟他们三盟结盟了,这就是他想要的结果,而现在这个结果,也正是他想要的,韩左生他们已经知道了铁二指他们的身份,在这种情况下,他们就更加不可能结盟了。 Originally even if the iron two fingers of their really successes, killed Anyan, he will still kill iron two fingers of them, making them come one dead not verifies, even if when the time comes this matter is not three pledges is done, that still turns three pledges do, now iron two fingers of they are killed directly, matter that to saved him, therefore the king defends traditional moral principles regarding develop(ment) of this matter, is very happy. 本来就算是铁二指他们真的成功了,杀了安岩,他也会杀了铁二指他们的,让他们来一个死无对证,到时候这件事情就算不是三盟做的,那也变成三盟做的了,现在铁二指他们直接就被杀了,到是省了他的事儿了,所以王卫道对于这件事情的发展,还是很开心的。 Regarding the Gold Sword pledge their three pledges, originally is still thinking, must with hate pledge forming an Alliance greatly, after occur this matter, the Gold Sword pledge they knows, in wanting with the Ba Huang pledge their three pledge forming an Alliance, is very difficult, therefore they want with hate pledge forming an Alliance greatly, but when they want with hates pledge forming an Alliance greatly, they receive the letter/believes that close to did not speak, close to do not speak in the letter/believes them told, iron two fingers of their although chase down Anyan, but they believe that this should not be three pledges meanings, how explanations he is willing to listen to three pledge. This matter, if three pledges are willing to explain to him, he likes to believe three pledges. 至于说金剑盟他们三盟,原本还在想着,要不要与大恨盟结盟,在发生了这件事情之后,金剑盟他们就知道,在想要与八荒盟他们三盟结盟,已经是十分的困难了,所以他们就想要与大恨盟结盟,但是就在他们想要与大恨盟结盟的时候,他们收到了巴不语的信,巴不语在信里跟他们说了,铁二指他们虽然追杀安岩,但是他们相信这应该不是三盟的意思,他愿意听三盟如何的解释这件事情,如果三盟愿意跟他解释一下,他愿意相信三盟。 Three pledges people, letter/believes that after seeing close to did not speak, they all were deep during the thought that meaning that because their some do not understand close to did not speak, their don't understand close to did not speak why so good to speak, why is willing to their such opportunity, this to make them very puzzled, finally they decided, discussed with Han left health/life, is making the decision. 三盟的人,在看到巴不语的信之后,他们全都陷入到了沉思之中,因为他们有些不太明白巴不语的意思,他们不明白巴不语为什么如此好说话了,为什么愿给他们这样的一个机会,这让他们十分的不解,最后他们还是决定,与韩左生谈一谈,然后在做决定。 But stretch/open land at this time, in Tie Ying(Iron Hawk) pledge there, he is first going to Gold Sword pledge there, wish made the Gold Sword pledge with hate pledge forming an Alliance greatly, but at that time Gold Sword pledge person, very hesitant, moreover had not given him an accurate answer, stretch/open land stopped over several days in Gold Sword pledge there, forming an Alliance that after obtaining him wants, arrived at Tie Ying(Iron Hawk) pledge here, but when he arrived at Tie Ying(Iron Hawk) pledge here, heard just right the iron two refer to the matter of their attack Anyan, moreover has the Tie Ying(Iron Hawk) pledge person to participate, at that time stretch/open land on feeling, This is king Weidao arranges certainly, he thought that this will be good opportunity, the Tie Ying(Iron Hawk) pledge in this case, certainly with his forming an Alliance, but will make him feel what accidental/surprised will be, the Tie Ying(Iron Hawk) pledge will most start is is truly warm to him, wants with his forming an Alliance appearance, even both sides have been discussing some forming an Alliance details, what will let not think, in two days, the Tie Ying(Iron Hawk) pledge unexpectedly will not be only warm, became with the Gold Sword pledge same attitude, this by land puzzled, stretch/open land in Tie Ying(Iron Hawk) pledge there dull two days, finally his not means., Has to go to Iron Hand pledge there, stretch/open land had thought that so long as in these three alliances, the alliance agreed that with their forming an Alliance, is convincing another two alliances, was easier, this was stretch/open land the idea. 而张陆这个时候,正在铁鹰那里,他先去了金剑那里,想要让金剑盟与大恨盟结盟,但是当时金剑盟的人,十分的犹豫,而且一直没有给他一个准确的答复,张陆在金剑那里逗留了几天,在没有得到一个他想要的结盟之后,就来到了铁鹰这里,而就在他到了铁鹰这里的时候,正好听说了铁二指他们攻击安岩的事情,而且这其中也有铁鹰盟的人参与其中,当时张陆就感觉到,这一定是王卫道安排的,他觉得这是一个好机会,铁鹰盟在这种情况下,一定会跟他结盟的,但是让他感到意外的是,铁鹰盟最开始确实是对他很热情,很想与他结盟的样子,甚至双方已经在商量一些结盟的细节了,但是让没有想到的是,只过了两天,铁鹰盟竟然就不在那么热情了,变得跟金剑盟一样的态度了,这让张陆十分的不解,张陆又在铁鹰那里呆了两天,最后他没有办法,只好去了铁手那里,张陆已经想好了,只要这三个联盟里,有一个联盟同意与他们结盟,在说服另外两个联盟,就更加的容易了,这就是张陆的想法了。 When stretch/open Luwang the Iron Hand pledge goes, Han left lived them to arrive at giant stone pledge there, after person to settle down of giant stone pledge good Han left to live them, Anyan is getting Han Zuosheng, went to forest rock pile Divine Beast there directly, 就在张陆往铁手盟去的时候,韩左生他们已经到了巨石盟那里了,巨石盟的人安顿好了韩左生他们之后,安岩就领着韩左生,直接去了林磊神兽那里, forest Lei the stone tiger, compared with stone tiger even bigger some of others, lie on the ground, is the same like hill, they arrived by that stone tiger time, some people have been waiting for them, this person of figure is not tall, actually is also very formidable, this person forest Lei small disciple, is small Junior Brother of Anyan, named the stone dragon talent, the stone dragon one sees two people, on has seen peaceful Senior Brother to two people gave a salute said:, Elder Han was courteous.” Han left health/life and Anyan salute to him, Anyan returned the salute, smiling said: „is Master well?” The stone dragon immediately said: master secure Yiqie are well, Elder Han, settles Senior Brother to invite, Master is waiting for you.” Two people nod, with the stone dragon entered in stone tiger internal space, to stone Hunei small Space, in stone tiger small Space was not very big, there also constructed a house, the stone dragon is getting two people to arrive at study room there, knocks on a door, heard one somewhat old, but the air/Qi full sound conveyed said: "Come in.stone dragon then to push the door, asking two people to go, Anyan and Han Zuosheng then entered in study room. 林磊的石虎,要比其它人的石虎更大一些,卧在地上,就如同一座小山一样,他们到了那石虎旁边的时候,已经有人在等着他们了,这人身材不高,却也是十分的强悍,此人正是林磊的小弟子,也是安岩的小师弟,名叫石龙才,石龙才一看到两人,就冲着两人行了一礼道:“见过安师兄了,韩长老有礼了。”韩左生和安岩就冲着他行礼,安岩还了一礼,笑着道:师父安好?”石龙才马上就道:“师安一切安好,韩长老,安师兄请,师父正在等着你们。”两人点了点头,就随着石龙才进入到了石虎的内空间里,一直到了石虎内的小空间里,石虎的小空间里也并不是很大,那里也建着一栋房子,石龙才领着两人到了书房那里,敲了敲门,就听到一个有些苍老,但是中气十足的声音传来道:“进来。”石龙才这才推门,请两人进去,安岩和韩左生这才走进了书房里。 here is study room, rather here is actually a conference room, besides the normal study room position, region, specifically is used to meet, but old person, is sitting in inside study room position, there is suspending one table of chairs, several large book frames, on the bookshelf are suspending many books, this old person uncombed hair, is somewhat grayish white, but the whole person is the same like fierce tiger, although age old, still has in the one type of mountain the aura of king, one was seen on cannot help but the secret heart startled. 这里与其说是一间书房,不如说这里其实是一间会议室,除了正常的书房位置之外,还有一个区域,是专门用来开会的,而一个老人,正坐在里面书房的位置,那里摆着一桌一椅,几个大书架,书架上摆着很多的书,这老人一头的乱发,已经有些灰白了,但是整个人就如同一头猛虎一样,虽然年纪老了,却依然有一种山中之王的气息,让人一看到就不由得暗暗的心惊。 This old person is not others, is giant stone pledge alliance leader forest Lei, he in hand takes a pen now, don’t know is writing anything, written very earnest, but this, still has one type of not to get angry from imposing manner of prestige even. 这个老人不是别人,正是巨石盟的盟主林磊,他现在正手里拿着一只笔,不知道在写着什么,写的十分的认真,但就算是这样,却依然有一种不怒自威的气势 Anyan and Han left live immediately to salute to the forest rock pile, forest Lei looked up two people one eyes, then slightly smiled said: exempted, sat.” Two people complied with one, but Anyan has not actually sat down, but put out a hand to take the written pledge of sworn brothers, both hands put on forest rock pile front writing desk, later to forest rock pile said: Master, this was alliance leader, above has Palestinian alliance leader and dragon alliance leader mark.” Said that fell back on the one side, forest Lei took up that written pledge of sworn brothers to look at one, later nods correct/pretty good that said: "OK, made. ” Afterward he looked at two people said: to hear you came back, by person attack?” He spoke this saying time, continuously look at Han Zuosheng. 安岩和韩左生马上就冲着林磊行礼,林磊抬头看了两人一眼,接着微微一笑道:“免了吧,坐吧。”两人应了一声,不过安岩却并没有坐下,而是伸手将盟书拿了出来,双手放到了林磊面前的书案上,随后对林磊道:师父,这是盟主,上面已经有了巴盟主和龙盟主的印记了。”说完就退到了一旁,林磊拿起了那盟书看了一眼,随后点了点头道:“好,做的不错。”随后他又看了两人一眼道:“听说你们回来的时候,被人攻击了?”他说这话的时候,一直看着韩左生。 Han left health/life nods said: "Yes, forest alliance leader, we have followed orders, in protects Anyan in secret, when arrives at half, met iron two fingers of their attack, altogether six people, are the Iron Hand pledge, the Tie Ying(Iron Hawk) pledge and people of Gold Sword pledge these three alliances, in each pledge two people, look at their appearances, was wants to kill Anyan, was good because of our alliance leader, has made us protect Anyan in secret, this has not made them go well, that six people had been given to kill by us, but I thought that this matter, was not their three alliance leader causes. ” 韩左生点了点头道:“是,盟主,我们一直奉命,在暗中保护安岩,在走到一半的时候,遇到了铁二指他们的攻击,一共六个人,是铁手盟,铁鹰盟和金剑盟这三个联盟的人,每一盟里两个人,看他们的样子,是想要杀了安岩,好在我们盟主,一直让我们在暗中保护安岩,这才没有让他们得手,那六个人已经被我们给杀了,不过我觉得这件事情,并不是他们三盟主使的。” forest Lei listened to Han Zuosheng saying that cannot help but somewhat curious said: oh? Why said? Holds true by?” 林磊一听韩左生这么说,不由得有些好奇的道:“噢?为什么这么说?有什么理由吗?” Han left lives said solemnly: Reason has two, one, we and between their three pledges, does not have the enmity without the injustice, even can say, some friendship, moreover our three pledges the forming an Alliance advantage, they should also be able to look now, their have no reason with us for the enemy, matter that conversely, they and our forming an Alliance, most should handle, but they do not have, but must attack us, this is not very right, two, if is really their three pledges wants the life of Anyan, is impossible sends the tapping two to refer to person make a move like this, the iron two refer to is Iron Hand alliance leader. Two disciple, with Anyan are knew that Iron Hand alliance leader, if really wants the life of Anyan, sends iron two fingers of make a move, some, this is feared that others don't recognize him to come? Must know our present movements, but was paying attention by many people, even they are unexpected others, can still guard against these information alliances? But they actually sent the iron two fingers, this very unreasonable, therefore I think that this matter should not be their three alliance leader causes, I have reported this matter to our alliance leader, our alliance leader will also send the letter/believes to them, must ask well their three pledges, has a look at them is what meaning.” 韩左生沉声道:“理由有两个,一,我们与他们三盟之间,无冤无仇,甚至可以说,还有一些交情,而且我们三盟现在结盟的好处,他们也应该能看得出来,他们没有理由与我们为敌人,相反的,他们与我们结盟,才是最应该做的事情,可是他们却没有,而是偏偏的要进攻我们,这很不对劲,二,如果真的是他们三盟想要安岩的命,不可能派出铁二指这样的人出手,铁二指是铁手盟主的第二弟子,与安岩是认识的,铁手盟主要是真的想要安岩的命,派铁二指出手,就有些过了,这是怕别人认不出他来吗?要知道我们现在的动作,可是被很多人注意着呢,就算是他们不防着别人,也要防着那些情报联盟吗?可是他们却还是派了铁二指,这十分的不合情理,所以我认为这件事情应该不是他们三盟主使的,我已经将这件事情上报给了我们盟主,我们盟主也会给他们去信,要好好的问一问他们三盟,看看他们到底是什么意思。” Forest rock pile slightly smiled said: correct/pretty good, analysis correct/pretty good, I , since receiving this information, is thinking this matter , the discover here surface has the issue, I had also sent the letter/believes to that three pledges, moreover I also told them, by the person with high aspirations use, if really by the person with high aspirations use, that may be the kissing/betrothal pain, enmity was quick, moreover I also told them, this matter who can benefit, that should on be who did, they also gave replied in writing, said this matter truly was not they. Does, therefore I prepare to send Anyan to follow your together to go to their three pledge there to have a look, in name is condemns, in fact actually wants with their forming an Alliance, how has a look at their responses, but I only received three pledge the replies of two pledges, the Tie Ying(Iron Hawk) pledge and Gold Sword pledge replied in writing to me, the Iron Hand pledge has not actually replied in writing to me, don’t know they are what meanings, your goes time, must ask the Iron Hand pledge well, they want to do.” Han left health/life complied with one with Anyan, they now are the allies, forest Lei left lives the front speech in Han, naturally also had the component, therefore Han Zuosheng will so listen to forest Lei the order, the order that he received in any case before was also the same. 林磊微微一笑道:不错,分析的很不错,我自从在收到了这个消息之后,也在想这件事情,也发现这里面有问题,我也已经给那三盟去了信,而且我还告诉他们了,不要被有心人利用,如果真的被有心人利用,那可就是亲者痛,仇者快了,而且我还跟他们说了,这件事情谁能得到好处,那应该就是谁做的,他们也给了回信了,说了这件事情确实不是他们做的,所以我准备派安岩跟着你一起去他们三盟那里看看,名义上是去问罪,实际上却是想要跟他们结盟,看看他们的反应如何,不过我只收到了三盟中的两盟的回信,铁鹰盟和金剑盟都给我回信了,铁手盟却没有给我回信,也不知道他们是什么意思,你们这一次去,一定要好好的问一问铁手盟,他们到底想要干什么。”韩左生和安岩都应了一声,他们现在是盟友,那林磊在韩左生前面说话,当然也就更有份量了,所以韩左生才会如此的听林磊的命令,反正他之前接到的命令也是一样的。 Forest rock pile look at they, then said solemnly: You rest for day, tomorrow walk, I received information, hated the pledge to send out stretch/open land to go to three pledge there greatly, wish let three pledges with their forming an Alliance, our forming an Alliance matter, has caused evidently hated the attention of pledge greatly, touched hated the pledge benefit greatly, will therefore hate the pledge to want greatly with their three pledge forming an Alliance, but this matter, should hate the ghost who the pledge did time greatly, but the present situation is, the intention of Iron Hand pledge was unclear, after you, first contacted the Tie Ying(Iron Hawk) pledge, then in contacted the Gold Sword pledge., Because the Tie Ying(Iron Hawk) pledge and Iron Hand pledge leave is quite near, you must first stand firm the Tie Ying(Iron Hawk) pledge, is contacting the Gold Sword pledge, finally in contacts the Iron Hand pledge, first Tie Ying(Iron Hawk) the matter of pledge and Gold Sword pledge determining, is then having a look at the Iron Hand pledge situation, if the Iron Hand pledge wants forming an Alliance, that naturally is best, if they do not hope forming an Alliance, that also does not have any, along with them goes, we do not lead them also and that's the end, so long as our five pledges can form an alliance, then in Divine Beast here, dares easily to move us on no one.” 林磊看着他们,接着沉声道:“你们休息一天,明天就走,我收到了消息,大恨盟派出了张陆去了三盟那里,想要让三盟与他们结盟,看样子我们结盟的事情,已经引起了大恨盟的注意了,触动了大恨盟的利益了,所以大恨盟才会想要与他们三盟结盟,而这一次的事情,应该就是大恨盟搞的鬼,而现在的情况是,铁手盟的意向不明,你们去了之后,先去接触铁鹰盟,然后在去接触金剑盟,因为铁鹰盟与铁手盟离的比较近,你们先要稳住铁鹰盟,然后在接触金剑盟,最后在去接触铁手盟,先将铁鹰盟和金剑盟的事情给确定下来,然后在看看铁手盟的情况,如果铁手盟愿意结盟,那自然是最好,要是他们不愿结盟,那也没有什么,随他们去吧,我们不带他们也就是了,我们五盟只要能结成联盟,那在神兽这里,就没有人敢轻易的动我们。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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