BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13587: Blocking the way

Newest website: Giant stone pledge, the Flying Dragon pledge and Ba Huang pledge, official forming an Alliance, they issued information this morning simultaneously.” The kings defend traditional moral principles the complexion ugly/difficult to look at look at people, complexion of people is not quite attractive, although they have long known that can be this result, when their three pledge true issue a statement, the mood of people actually still is not very good. 最新网址:“巨石盟,飞龙盟和八荒盟,正式的结盟了,他们今天早上同时发布了消息。”王卫道脸色难看的看着众人,众人的脸色也不太好看,虽然他们早就知道会是这种结果,但是当他们三盟真正的发表声明的时候,众人的心情却依然十分的不好。 king Weidao looked at people one eyes, then said solemnly: Now the strength had restored, the strengths of various alliances simultaneously we govern, fully restored, but they actually started forming an Alliance, even if we really they form an alliance with the Gold Sword pledge, feared that did not have the means to move them, their three pledge forming an Alliance, on equal to to the Divine Beast here person, made a bad start, if later various alliance often forming an Alliance, we did not need to mix, therefore we must want the means that to be dismissed by their alliance now fall, cannot be succeeded by them absolutely, what regarding this did everyone have idea?” 王卫道看了众人一眼,接着沉声道:“现在我们的实力已经恢复了,同时我们治下的各联盟的实力,也完全的恢复了,但是他们却开始结盟了,我们就算是真的与金剑盟他们结成了联盟,怕是也没有办法动他们了,他们三盟这一结盟,就等于是给神兽这里的人,开了一个坏头,以后要是各联盟动不动就结盟,那我们也就不用混了,所以我们现在必须要想办法,让他们这个联盟解散掉,绝对不能让他们成功,对此大家有什么想法吗?” As soon as these elders listened to the king to defend traditional moral principles said, cannot help but gawked, later elder open the mouth and said: alliance leader, if wish makes them dismiss, the best way is to let their interior produces the contradiction, my idea is, our whether only attack their alliance, then can let other two alliances, without the means supports them, such that by the attack alliance, will have the misunderstanding to another two alliances, if an alliance were been many by the attack number of times, he had not obtained any support, I believe that he will certainly be angry, when the time comes their alliance will also dismiss, but this matter, if begins by us, feared that is can only by. Their unite, we must try to find a solution, lets other begins to be good, if makes other two pledges not dare to support by the attack alliance, this is also an issue, therefore I now only then such a mentality, how must do, I have not thought.” 那些长老一听王卫道这么说,都不由得一愣,随后一个长老开口道:“盟主,如果想要让他们解散,最好的办法就是让他们内部产生矛盾,我的想法是,我们是不是可以只攻击他们一个联盟,然后让另外的两个联盟,没有办法支援他们,这样那个被攻击的联盟,就会对另外两个联盟产生误会,如果一个联盟被攻击的次数多了,他还没有得到任何的支援,那我相信他一定会生气,到时候他们这个联盟也就会解散了,但是这件事情如果由我们动手的话,怕是只会让他们更加的团结,我们必须要想一个办法,让别的来动手才行,而且如果让其它两盟不敢去支持被攻击的联盟,这也是一个问题,所以我现在只有这么一个思路,到底要如何做,我还没有想好。” The kings defended traditional moral principles one hear of him saying that actually gawked, later his cannot help but two eyes shined, then his said solemnly: This means are good, fantastic, we truly cannot begin, but if others begins, that this matter may not blame our heads, regarding does not make other two pledges help one another, this also very simple position, so long as our army to their two pledge there, their two pledges naturally do not dare to move heedlessly, this matter we must need further consideration.” The people all complied with one. 王卫道一听他这么说,却是一愣,随后他不由得两眼一亮,接着他沉声道:“这个办法好,太好了,我们确实是不能动手,但是如果是其它人动手,那这件事情可就怪不到我们的头上了,至于说不让其它两盟相助,这个也十分的简单位,只要我们的大军向在他们两盟那里,他们两盟自然也就不敢乱动了,这件事情我们得从长计议。”众人全都应了一声。 The kings defend traditional moral principles said solemnly: First information of wait a moment elder, I must and other information, should better also to simultaneously have a look at Feng elder there information, after these information determine, we were saying that tidies up the giant stone pledge their three pledges the matter.” 王卫道沉声道:“先等一等张长老的消息,同时我还要在等另一个消息,最好还要看看冯长老那里消息,等到这些消息都确定下来之后,我们在说收拾巨石盟他们三盟的事情。” The people complied with one, the king defended traditional moral principles then makes them get down, after people leave, the king defended traditional moral principles let out a long breath, later looked up sky, muttered said: „, if made you all form an alliance, how I also mixed.” 众人都应了一声,王卫道这才让他们下去了,众人离开之后,王卫道长出了口气,随后抬头看了一眼天空,喃喃道:“要是让你们全都结成了联盟,那我还怎么混。” But other side, Anyan leave the Flying Dragon pledge, he had flown to the direction of Ba Huang pledge, underwent the flight of several days, he arrived at Ba Huang pledge there, gives after the written pledge of sworn brothers close to did not speak, he is direct leave the Ba Huang pledge, flies to the direction of giant stone pledge. 而另一面,安岩已经离开飞龙盟,他直向八荒盟的方向飞去,经过了几天的飞行,他到了八荒那里,将盟书给了巴不语之后,他就直接离开八荒盟,直向巨石盟的方向飞去。 From the Ba Huang pledge to the giant stone pledge, altogether needs to fly about 12 days, Anyan in leave Ba Huang pledge, to forward flight six days of times, his suddenly was blocked the way, is blocking his person, altogether six, these six people from six directions, directly Anyan sphering, Anyan came out from Divine Beast Space, that several people who complexion gloomy look at encircles, that several have not blocked the face, stands on their Divine Beast, the static look at Anyan, Anyan looked at that several people, suddenly his. two eyes shined, look at person said: „are you iron two fingers?” He has seen this person, simultaneously he is looking at the hand of that person, was more definite the status of opposite party. 八荒盟到巨石盟,一共需要飞行十二天左右,安岩在离开八荒盟,向前飞了六天的时候,他突然就被人拦住了去路,拦着他的人,一共有六个,这六个人从六个方向,直接就将安岩给围住了,安岩从神兽空间里出来,脸色阴沉的看着围上来的那几个人,那几个并没有挡住脸,就那么站在他们的神兽上,静静的看着安岩,安岩看了那着那几个人,突然他的两眼一亮,看着其中的一个人道:“你是铁二指?”他见过这个人,同时他在看那个人的手,就更加确定了对方的身份。 That person looked at Anyan one, then slightly smiled said: really has not thought, you actually know me, but do you recognize me to come to be the same, you must die today.” That person does not seem to care to be the same, the look at Anyan said. 那人看了安岩一眼,接着微微一笑道:“真是没有想到,你竟然认识我,不过你认不认出我来都是一样的,你今天必须要死。”那人好像一点儿也不在乎一样,看着安岩道。 Anyan knows certainly the opposite party, but he knows the opposite party, because of the name of opposite party, opposite party originally did not call this name, his originally named, no one knows, but he calls this name now, was because, he was Iron Hand pledge alliance leader Iron Hand two disciple, Iron Hand disciple had several, he called Iron Hand, founded the Iron Hand pledge, but his disciple actually according to referring to ranking, because his disciple after formally join his follower, needed the changing surname iron, the name must change, must according to one finger/refer, two referred to arranging like this, because had. Such a custom, Anyan will remember the opposite party, because the opposite party called the iron two fingers, can look from the name, the opposite party was Iron Hand two disciple, Iron Hand First Disciple calls iron one finger/refers, Third Disciple to call the iron middle finger, ranking arranged. 安岩当然认识对方,而他认识对方,也是因为对方的名字,对方原本并不叫这个名字,他原本叫什么名字,也没有人知道,而他现在之所以叫这个名字,就是因为,他是铁手盟主铁手的二弟子,铁手弟子有好几个,他本身叫铁手,创建了铁手盟,而他的弟子却是按指来排名的,因为他的弟子拜入到他的门下之后,就必须要改姓铁,名字也要改,要按一指,二指这样来排列,正是因为有了这么一个规矩,安岩才会记得对方,因为对方叫铁二指,从名字上就可以看得了来,对方是铁手的二弟子,铁手大弟子叫铁一指,三弟子就叫铁三指,排名就是这么排的。 Anyan is only has not thought, the opposite party meets appears unexpectedly in here, moreover surrounded him, this makes his complexion very difficult look, his look at iron two fingers, said solemnly: Iron two fingers, what do you mean? Why gathers round me?” They and Iron Hand pledge has no hatred, even some friendship, his also is impossible understanding iron two fingers, with hated pledge together to dispatch troops otherwise before greatly, but he has not thought, the opposite party blocks him in here now unexpectedly, this arrives really stems from his unexpected, therefore the Anyan then look at iron two fingers, he to is to have a look, they want to do, do these fellows also really have the courage to kill him to be inadequate? 安岩只是没有想到,对方竟然会出现这里,而且还包围了他,这让他的脸色十分的难看,他看着铁二指,沉声道:“铁二指,你是什么意思?为什么围着我?”他们与铁手盟没有任何的仇恨,甚至还有一些交情,不然的话他也不可能认识铁二指,之前还跟大恨盟一起出兵,只是他没有想到,对方现在竟然在这里拦住了他,这到真的是出乎他的意料之外,所以安岩这才看着铁二指,他到是想要看看,他们到底想要干什么,难道这些家伙还真的有胆子杀他不成? The iron two fingers of look at Anyan, on the face have the smile, later his open the mouth and said: Anyan, I arrived at here, you also asked that this words, didn't you feel somewhat unnecessarily? HaHaHa, you said why I can gather round you?” The iron two fingers heard a very funny joke to be the same probably, the look at Anyan has laughed, several other people also all laughed. 铁二指看着安岩,脸上带着笑容,随后他开口道:“安岩,我都到这里了,你还问这种话,你不觉得有些多余吗?哈哈哈哈,你说我为什么要围着你?”铁二指好像是听到了一句十分好笑的笑话一样,一直看着安岩哈哈大笑,其它的几个人也全都哈哈大笑。 Anyan look at their appearances, complexion cannot help but changes, later his said solemnly: „Were you preparation begin to me evidently? The iron two fingers, your courage may be big, must know that around us has the innumerable eyes to stare, you dare to begin to me, my Master definitely knows when the time comes your cannot escape, the matter that not only you, your alliance, must do for you pays the price, do you really want to do that? I urged you well am thinking well, the alliance do not annoy troublesome to you to oneself.” 安岩看着他们的样子,脸色不由得一变,随后他沉声道:“看样子你是准备对我动手了?铁二指,你的胆子可不小啊,要知道我们四周可是有无数双眼睛在盯着呢,你们敢对我动手,我师父一定会知道,到时候你们一个都跑不了,不只是你们,就连你们联盟,都要为你们所做的事情付出代价,你真的想要这么做吗?我劝你最好是好好的想想,不要给自己给你们联盟惹麻烦。” Iron two fingers of look at Anyan said: I dare to do that did not fear that is known, Anyan, no matter today you say anything, you died.” 铁二指看着安岩道:“我敢这么做,就不怕被人知道,安岩,今天不管你说什么,你都死定了。” Anyan look at his appearance, cannot help but slightly smiled said: “Really? I look not necessarily. ” Said that all around this saying he looked looked at one, at this moment, iron two fingers of their also discover the incorrect place, their discover their behind, some probably people came, this made iron two fingers of complexion cannot help but change, their immediately turned the head toward to look behind, this looked that their complexion cannot help but changed, saw them now surrounding by dozens Divine Beast, but a person who led, was Ba Huang pledge an elder, named Han left health/life. 安岩看着他的样子,不由得微微一笑道:“是吗?我看不见得。”说完这话他看四周看了一眼,就在这时,铁二指他们也发现了不对的地方,他们发现他们的身后,好像有人过来了,这让铁二指的脸色不由得一变,他们马上就转头往身后望去,这一看他们的脸色不由得大变,就见到他们现在已经被几十头神兽给包围了,而领头的一个人,正是八荒盟的一位长老,名叫韩左生。 But this Han Zuosheng in Ba Huang pledge quite famous an elder, strength formidable, naturally, what most important is his appearance, the stature of this life five short, but actually seems like very strong, the body muscle sticks out, seems like appearance very strange. 这韩左生可是八荒盟里比较有名的一位长老,实力强悍,当然,最主要的是他的长相,此人生的身材五短,但是却看起来十分的强壮,身上肌肉隆起,看起来样子十分的古怪 Han left lives the although year in which one was born as represented by an animal to be strange, however his strength, is actually very formidable, in Divine Beast here, is very famous existence, his appears , iron two fingers of their immediately understand what's the matter, the Ba Huang pledge has been sending people to protect Anyan in secret, was worried that some people will cope with him, therefore they in this time appears , this truly will be very astonishing. 韩左生虽然生相怪异,但是他的实力,却是十分强悍的,在神兽这里,也是十分有名的存在,他一出现,铁二指他们马上就明白是怎么回事儿了,原来八荒盟一直在派人暗中的保护安岩,就是担心有人会对付他,所以他们才会在这个时候出现,这确实是很让人吃惊。 Iron two fingers of look at Han Zuosheng, said solemnly: Really has not thought, you come this unexpectedly, no matter what's the big deal? Even if you know that is we do, how you do dare us? Do you produce to dare to kill us to be inadequate? If you dare to kill us, then the people of our several pledges, will not let off absolutely your, do you really want like this?” Iron two fingers of look at Han Zuosheng. 铁二指看着韩左生,沉声道:“真是没有想到,你们竟然来这一手,不管那又怎么样?就算是你们知道是我们做的,你们敢把我们怎么样吗?你产敢杀我们不成?如果你们敢杀我们,那么我们几盟的人,绝对不会放过你们的,你们真的想这样吗?”铁二指看着韩左生。 Han left lives the look at iron two fingers, smiles said: I to know that your how many, you are the Gold Sword pledge, the Tie Ying(Iron Hawk) pledge and Iron Hand pledge person, your does appears in here, represent your three pledges to want with us for the enemy? it doesn't matter, I will kill you, is taking your heads, the whereabouts your three pledges is condemning, I to am want to take a look, your three pledges really want with us for the enemy, some people are stirring up trouble, because I really cannot think, you must kill the reason of Anyan, only if your several do not present the life of your alliance, comes here to kill Anyan intentionally, but also makes others know your status, when the time comes your three pledges, but was the whole body is the mouth did not talk clearly, found a person of Anyan understanding of act specially, HaHaHa, interesting., Really is good to plan, but I to am want to take a look, can your planning become.” Said that Han Zuosheng does not wait for iron two fingers of them to answer, killed directly, but iron two fingers of they listened to Han Zuosheng words, actually is complexion changes, they have not thought, Han Zuosheng actually will say, moreover opportunity that in did not speak to them, opportunity that even did not surrender to them, came up to begin directly. 韩左生看着铁二指,嘿嘿一笑道:“我认识你们几个,你们是金剑盟,铁鹰盟和铁手盟的人,你们出现这里,是不是就代表着你们三盟想要与我们为敌啊?没有关系,我会杀了你们,然后在提着你们的脑袋,去向你们三盟问罪的,我到是想要看看,你们三盟是不是真的想要跟我们为敌,还是有人在从中挑事儿,因为我实在是想不出来,你们要杀安岩的理由,除非你们几个并不是奉了你们联盟之命,故意来这里杀安岩,还让别人知道你们的身份,到时候你们三盟,可就是全身是嘴也说不清了,还特意找了一个安岩认识的人出面,哈哈哈哈,有意思,真是好算计啊,不过我到是想要看看,你们的算计到底能不能成。”说完韩左生也不等铁二指他们回话,直接就杀了过去,而铁二指他们听了韩左生的话,却全都是脸色一变,他们没有想到,韩左生竟然会如此说,而且在不给他们说话的机会,甚至不给他们投降的机会,直接上来就动手。 Anyan at this time, had not actually begun, but standing of face calm in there, he has also somewhat thought don't understand before, why iron two fingers of they must come attack he, but one hear of Han Zuosheng says now why his understand this was, originally all these, all were others' plots, this arrived is very interesting, was who wants to instigate them and Gold Sword pledge their three pledges relationship? Anyan hardly with wants to guess correctly, certainly hates the pledge greatly, because of them one, but forming an Alliance, threat biggest is the Gold Sword pledge. 安岩这个时候,却并没有动手,而是一直一脸平静的站在那里,他之前还有些想不明白,为什么铁二指他们要来攻击他,但是现在一听韩左生这么说,他就明白这是为什么了,原来这一切,全都是别人的阴谋,这到是很有意思,是什么人想要挑拨他们与金剑盟他们三盟的关系呢?安岩几乎不用想就能猜到,一定是大恨盟,因为他们一但结盟,威胁最大的就是金剑盟。 Han left lives them to be possible really not to keep the meaning of hand, coming up is killing strike, iron two fingers of their strength although are not bad, but the population were too after all few, on Han Zuosheng they also is expert, therefore not long after, iron two fingers of they were all killed, has not remained, after iron two fingers of they were killed, Han Zuosheng they tried, really iron two fingers of they all are the Shadow Clansman spies, is not ordinary cultivator, this was lived their complexion by Han left attractively all, later Han left will be born with. The iron two fingers of their heads cutting, then all processed their Divine Beast, a fire all burnt, after outburning, Han left lives them then to protect Anyan then to walk forward, their these is to go to the giant stone pledge time, after going to giant stone pledge there, they are going to the Gold Sword pledge their several pledges to condemn, has a look at this matter is they do.( This chapter ends) 韩左生他们可真的没有留手的意思,上来就是杀招,铁二指他们的实力虽然不差,但是人数毕竟太少了,在上韩左胜他们也全都是高手,所以不长时间,铁二指他们就全都被杀了,一个都没有剩,在铁二指他们被杀之后,韩左胜他们试了一下,果然铁二指他们全都是影族人的奸细,并不是普通的修士,这让韩左生他们的脸色全都好看了一眼,随后韩左生就真的将铁二指他们的头给砍了下来,然后这才将他们的神兽全都处理,一把火全都烧了,烧完之后,韩左生他们这才护着安岩接着向前走,他们这一次是要去巨石盟的,去了巨石盟那里之后,他们在去金剑盟他们几盟去问罪,看看这件事情是不是他们干的。(本章完)
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