BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13580: information

One second remembers New Why hates the pledge to be considered as the Divine Beast largest pledge greatly, besides their originally strength, but also is a little their strong rallying points, their rallying points, not only manifests, in they govern in the rallying points of these alliances to themselves, to be honest, they to the alliance that oneself govern, has the strong rallying point this little, is not they are in sole possession, other has plenty alliances can also achieve, their rallying points, mainly manifest to the summons of other big alliance , is the same on likely this time matter. 一秒记住【新】,!大恨盟为什么会被认为是神兽界第一大盟,除了他们原本的实力强之外,还有一点就是他们强大的号召力,他们的号召力,不只体现在他们对自己治下那些联盟的号召力上,说实话,他们对自己治下的联盟,有着强大的号召力这一点儿,并不是他们独有的,其它有很多的联盟也是可以做到的,他们的号召力,主要体现在对其它大联盟的号召上,就像这一次的事情一样。 These hated the pledge to find an excuse time greatly, must cope with the iron bone pledge, the person who the person who everyone understand, person is impossible killing of no reason at all iron bone pledge hated the pledge greatly, hated the pledge greatly, is finding the excuse to cope with the iron bone pledge, but the Flying Dragon pledge they are still willing to follow to hate the pledge together action greatly, that was for anything, besides the benefit, their strong rallying points, hated certainly the pledge to call from a high place greatly, naturally was the has plenty big alliance, is willing to listen to his their order. 这一次大恨盟是找了一个借口,要对付铁骨盟,所有人都明白,铁骨盟的人不可能无缘无故的杀死大恨盟的人,大恨盟的人,就是在找借口对付铁骨盟,可是飞龙盟他们依然愿意跟着大恨盟一起行动,那是为了什么,除了利益之外,当然还有他们强大的号召力了,大恨盟登高一呼,自然是有很多的大联盟,愿意听他他们的命令的。 Because has this strong rallying point, therefore hates the pledge to become the Divine Beast largest alliance greatly, but actually had problems now, the Flying Dragon pledge and Ba Huang pledge, came a neutral statement directly, this on behalf of what? This after they can state with this, when gave a pretext, with is not hating pledge together to dispatch troops greatly, but others did not have the means to feel embarrassed the Flying Dragon pledge and Ba Huang pledge with this matter, because they announce the statement, had said that they will not be participating in the things of other alliances, this equal to was will hate the summons of pledge to give dead of suffocation ahead of time greatly , they in not eating in a big way hated the pledge the words, this was king Weidao unacceptable, the king defended traditional moral principles is also after hearing this statement, first on thinking of this point. 正是因为有着这种强大的号召力,所以大恨盟才会成为神兽界第一大联盟,但是现在却出了问题了,飞龙盟和八荒盟,直接就来了一份中立的声明,这代表着什么?这代表着以后他们就可以用这份声明来当借口,不在跟着大恨盟一起出兵了,而其它人还没有办法拿这件事情来为难飞龙盟和八荒盟,因为他们早就发表了声明,早就说过了,他们不会在参与其它联盟的事情,这就等于是提前就将大恨盟的号召给堵死了,以后他们不会在吃大恨盟的话了,这是王卫道不能接受的,王卫道也是在听到这份声明之后,第一时间就想到了这一点。 But others who hate the pledge greatly, one hear of kings defended traditional moral principles said, their complexion also changed, complexion that their also understand, why the king defended traditional moral principles will become that ugly/difficult to look at, originally because of this, if other alliances also after the Flying Dragon pledge and Ba Huang pledge, after that hated the pledge not to have the means greatly, summoned that what other alliances did make? If is really such, that hates the name of pledge Divine Beast largest alliance greatly, survived in name only on equal to, this is they most does not want to see. 而大恨盟的其它人,一听王卫道这么说,他们的脸色也是一变,他们也明白,为什么王卫道的脸色会变得那么难看了,原来是因为这个,如果其它联盟也跟飞龙盟和八荒盟以后,那以后是不是大恨盟就在也没有办法,号召其它联盟做些什么了?如果真的是那样的话,那大恨盟这个神兽界第一大联盟的名字,也就等于是名存实亡了,这是他们最不想看到的。 Thinks of here, complexion of these elders also became very difficult to look, elder open the mouth and said: alliance leader, this matter cannot such alright, this boss absolutely be unopenable absolutely, one, but opened this boss, if that other alliances also do that after us, how to summon that these alliances do act with our together? This regarding our influences, is a huge blow, therefore is not absolutely good, cannot make their statements disseminate absolutely, otherwise, was too big to our influences, I looked that was inferior we dispatch troops directly, gave to suppress them was saying, if they dare to refuse to accept, must take till them directly.” 一想到这里,那些长老的脸色也变得十分的难看了起来,一个长老开口道:“盟主,这件事情绝对不能就这么算了,这个头儿绝对不能开,一但开了这个头儿,那其它联盟要是也这么做,那我们以后还怎么号召那些联盟跟我们一起行动?这对于我们的影响力,是一个巨大的打击,所以绝对不行,绝对不能让他们的这份声明传播开,不然的话,对我们的影响太大了,我看不如我们直接就出兵,将他们给压伏在说,如果他们敢不服的话,就直接要到他们服为止。” Another elder is actually open the mouth and said: „It is not good, if we did that other alliance, only believes, we extremely in overbearing, later they do not dare to deal with us . Moreover the Flying Dragon pledge and Ba Huang pledge, this although has some losses, correct/pretty good that however their strengths also restore, moreover their alliance unite, the strength is also very correct/pretty good, is adding on the reason that we have does not have any now to cope with them, if we cope with them at will, that will only cause dislike of other alliance, other alliance does not do well to be able unite, together to resist us, in that case, to we only disadvantage., Therefore I thought that this is not good.” 另一个长老却是开口道:“不行,如果我们这么做了,那别的联盟,只会认为,我们太过于霸道了,以后他们就更加不敢跟我们打交道了,而且飞龙盟和八荒盟,这一次虽然有一些损失,但是他们的实力也恢复的不错,而且他们两个联盟联合起来,实力也是很不错的,在加上我们现在也没有任何的理由对付他们,如果我们随意的对付他们,那只会引起其它联盟的反感,其它联盟弄不好会联合起来,一起对抗我们,那样的话,对我们只会更加的不利,所以我觉得这样也不行。” What to do did you say should? Now the Flying Dragon pledge and Ba Huang pledge, have passed on this information, everyone had known their statement, if we cannot make their as soon as possible this stated that receiving, after that how we also summoned others, therefore we must take action now, moreover speed that acted was certainly quick.” “那你说该怎么办?现在飞龙盟和八荒盟,已经将这个消息传出去了,所有人都已经知道了他们的这份声明,如果我们不能让他们尽快的将这份声明给收回去的话,那以后我们还怎么去号召其它人,所以我们现在必须要采取行动,而且行动的速度一定要快。” alliance leader, I feel all these, is we copes with the iron bone pledge setback aftermath, if we can now the iron bone pledge and sea watching pledge tidying up, then all these issues all were not the issues, therefore my idea was, we dispatched troops to cope with the iron bone pledge and sea watching pledge, must give dozen of clothing/taking them, like this we are going with the Flying Dragon pledge and Ba Huang pledge discussed, effect is possible will be better a little.” 盟主,我觉得这一切,全都是我们对付铁骨盟失利的后遗症,如果我们现在能将铁骨盟和观海盟给收拾了,那么这一切问题就全都不是问题了,所以我的想法是,我们出兵对付铁骨盟和观海盟,一定要将他们给打服,这样我们在去跟飞龙盟和八荒盟去谈,效果可能会更好一点儿。” The kings defend traditional moral principles calmly is listening to the words of these elders, now one hear of these elders say, the king defends traditional moral principles cannot help but stares, later his complexion cannot help but changes, his immediately open the mouth and said: This idea correct/pretty good, our original originally is to cope with the iron bone pledge and sea watching pledge very much, now had the Flying Dragon pledge and Ba Huang pledge matter, we must cope with them, so long as we tidied up the iron bone pledge and sea watching pledge, then we are turning the head with the Flying Dragon pledge and Ba Huang pledge discussed matter that they stated that certainly easy, therefore the key of matter, was in the iron bone pledge and sea watching pledge, we on dispatching troops, coped with them to be good directly, did you feel?” 王卫道静静的听着那些长老的话,现在一听那些长老这么说,王卫道不由得一愣,随后他的脸色不由得一变,他马上就开口道:“这个主意很不错,我们原本就是想要对付铁骨盟和观海盟的,现在有了飞龙盟和八荒盟的事情,我们就更要对付他们了,只要我们收拾了铁骨盟和观海盟,那么我们在转过头来跟飞龙盟和八荒盟去谈他们声明的事情,一定会更加的容易,所以事情的关键,还是在铁骨盟和观海盟上,那我们就出兵,直接对付他们好了,你们觉得呢?” The people all nod, the king defends traditional moral principles said solemnly: This I look at this time, Feng elder, is led by you, I select ten thousand Island Lord to come out to you, these people meet secret follows you, sneaks goes to the iron bone pledge and sea watching pledge there, after there, you before they cope with our methods to cope with them, I to am want to take a look, how they deal, so long as you can give well them tidies up, best to destroy completely several alliances, we in the Divine Beast here right to speak, on will again become heavy, Flying Dragon pledge and Ba Huang pledge, nature. Does not dare not to listen to our words, their sound pledges, on a equivalent to scrap paper.” 众人全都点了点头,王卫道沉声道:“这一次我看这样吧,冯长老,由你来带队,我给你选出一万岛主出来,这些人会秘密的跟着你,潜入到铁骨盟和观海盟那里去,到了那里之后,你们就用之前他们对付我们的方法来对付他们,我到是想要看看,他们如何的应对,只要你们能将他们给好好的收拾一顿,最好是能灭掉几个联盟,那我们在神兽这里的话语权,就又会重新的变重,飞龙盟和八荒盟,自然也就不敢不听我们的话,他们的那份声盟,也就相当于一张废纸了。” The people all nod, Feng elder stood directly, complied with one, the king defends traditional moral principles to him nods, then open the mouth and said: This I to the person who you elect time, will perform is possible chooses some speed quick Divine Beast, this is more convenient you to act, ok, you first got down, this matter, our temporary did not want announce any statement.” The people all complied with one, later they all stood, drew back, they all are Shadow Clansman, the custom are also very big. 众人全都点了点头,那冯长老更是直接站了起来,应了一声,王卫道冲着他点了点头,接着开口道:“这一次我给你选的人,会尽可能的选一些速度快的神兽,这样更方便你行动,好了,你们都先下去吧,这件事情,我们暂时的不要发表任何的声明。”众人全都应了一声,随后他们全都站了起来,退了出去,他们全都是影族人,规矩也是很大的。 Person who in the afterward several days time, hates the pledge greatly continuously in the secret electing person, they sent the letter/believes to these alliances that they governed, making these alliances select some speed quick Divine Beast, did with Feng elder together action, but these people, all wanted secret leave their Encampment, proceeding iron bone pledge there, after there, will have the next action, therefore this matter, but also how many has not really known, only if the opposite party were has stared in a big way is hating the pledge, moreover no matter daytime evening's staring, only then can discover in a big way hate like this. The change of pledge, but luckily, but also really some people do not dare to be the daytime or in the evening, some people have been really staring are hating the pledge greatly. 随后的几天时间里,大恨盟的人一直在秘密的选人,他们给他们治下的那些联盟都去了信,让那些联盟选出一些速度快的神兽,跟着冯长老一起行动作,不过那些人,全都要自己秘密离开他们的驻地,往前铁骨盟那里,到了那里之后,才会有下一步行动,所以这件事情,还真的没有多少人知道,除非对方是一直都盯着大恨盟,而且还是不管白天晚上的盯着,只有这样才会发现大恨盟的异动,而巧的是,还真的有人不敢是白天还是晚上,真的有人一直在盯着大恨盟。 Stares is hating the pledge greatly, is rumor book under the hand/subordinate, they and others stare are hating the way of pledge to be different greatly, hates the pledge outside greatly Encampment, has the surveillance ball, therefore hates pledge here greatly, no matter release jade sword, some people go out, is first known by them, if the jade sword, they will block directly the jade sword, after seeing clearly the content in jade sword, is bleeding off the jade sword, if the person, that on the direct then these person, therefore in a big way hates the pledge to adjust the person to go to the iron bone pledge the matter, they also immediately on knowing., Feng elder leave hates the pledge greatly the matter, they also know, they also told white eyes this information. 盯着大恨盟的,就是风传书的手下,他们与其它人盯着大恨盟的方式不一样,大恨盟的驻地外面,早就有了监视球,所以大恨盟这里,不管是放出玉剑,还是有人出去,都会被他们第一时间知道,如果是玉剑,他们就会直接将玉剑拦下,看清玉剑里的内容之后,在将玉剑放走,如果是人,那就直接跟着那些人,所以大恨盟调人前往铁骨盟的事情,他们也在第一时间就知道了,冯长老离开大恨盟的事情,他们也知道,他们也将这个消息告诉了白眼 white eyes after receiving this information, immediately held a projection conference with the people, after people appears , white eyes just wind in upper heavens elder there transmitted information on look at people said:, the person who hates the pledge greatly, in the secret assembling manpower, the preparation is attacking us, this they assemble the manpower time, is secret assembles, how many people, this also real don’t know, but wants to come the manpower is not few, otherwise, they do not dare to cope with us, regarding this matter, how you to see?” 白眼在收到了这个消息之后,马上就跟众人开了一个投影会议,等到众人都出现之后,白眼看着众人道:“刚刚风长老那里传来了消息,大恨盟的人,正在秘密的调集人手,准备来进攻我们,这一次他们调集人手,是秘密调集的,到底有多少人,这个还真的不知道,不过想来人手不会少,不然的话,他们也不敢来对付我们,对于这件事情,你们怎么看?” Ding Chunming one hear of white eyes said that his two eyes cannot help but one bright, later his open the mouth and said: This good is good news, they attack us, that made them come, we happen to can tidy up their well, tidied up them, perhaps we can also with this matter come, when gave a pretext, in coped hates the pledge greatly, will hate the pledge tidying up directly greatly, did you feel?” 丁春明一听白眼这么说,他的两眼不由得一亮,随后他开口道:“这好是一个好消息,他们来进攻我们,那就让他们来好了,我们正好可以好好的收拾他们一顿,收拾完了他们,我们说不定还可以用这件事情来当借口,在去对付大恨盟,直接就将大恨盟给收拾了,你们觉得呢?” white eyes thinks, then nods said: this means to is correct/pretty good, well tidies up to hate the pledge greatly, this truly is a good matter, regarding destroys completely at one fell swoop hates the pledge greatly, that is not good, if really does, we must prepare sacrifice, sacrifice that naturally, I said that does to the bystander looks, in other words, we must destroy completely hate the pledge greatly, that in bystander there, we on the has plenty person, in returned to Black Tortoise Space, cannot in coming out, otherwise, to cause the suspicion of other person, but. Simultaneously the here surface also issue, that is if we really destroyed completely hated the pledge greatly, greatly what to do that did hate the pledge the domain should? We are at one fell swoop the big alliance, all gives to extinguish with all small alliances that they govern, only destroys completely hates the pledge greatly, this also has very big difference, moreover in my opinion, will hate all alliances that the pledge governs greatly, all destroying completely, this truly was some, this will not do well will cause Divine Beast everyone's dislike, therefore we handled affairs, must be careful a little to well.” 白眼想了想,接着点了点头道:“这个办法到是不错,好好的收拾一下大恨盟,这确实是一件好事儿,至于说一举灭掉大恨盟,那也不是不行,不过如果真的那么做的话,我们就必须要做好牺牲的准备了,当然,我所说的牺牲,是做给外人看的,也就是说,我们要灭掉大恨盟,那在外人那里,我们就得有很多人,回到玄武空间里,不能在出来了,不然的话,会引起其它人的怀疑的,但是同时这里面也有一个问题,那就是如果我们真的灭掉了大恨盟,那大恨盟的地盘该怎么办?我们是一举将大联盟,和他们治下的所有小联盟全都给灭了,还是只灭掉大恨盟,这也是有很大的区别的,而且在我看来,将大恨盟治下的所有联盟,全都给灭掉,这个确实是有些过了,这弄不好会引起神兽界所有人的反感,所以我们行事,还是要小心一点儿为好。” Ding Chunming said solemnly: „To destroy completely to hate the pledge to govern all small alliances greatly, is not an easy matter, I thought that we can many with hate the person who the pledge comes to get some time greatly, best is eats owes a little, this can strive to the wind elder more often, making the wind elder go to hate these alliances that the pledge governs greatly, conducted to test, when the time comes we were deciding, what kind of dealt with the people of these alliances, everyone feels?” Ding Chunming said own idea, but his words, makes many people nod to agree. 丁春明沉声道:“想要灭掉大恨盟治下所有小联盟,并不是一件容易的事儿,我看我们可以多跟大恨盟来的人打上一段时间,最好是吃一点儿亏,这样就可以给风长老争取到更多的时候,让风长老去对大恨盟治下的那些联盟,进行测试了,到时候我们在决定,如何的对付那些联盟的人,大家觉得呢?”丁春明说出了自己的想法,而他的话,也让很多人都点头表示同意。 white eyes deep voice: Old Ding the means are good, I also agreed, we manage, the wind elder, what issue your does there have?” Rumor book that white eyes final these words, are held responsible, because the rumor book now is running the information, therefore each conference, he must participate, by convenient provides the support in information to the people, therefore white eyes can directly ask his opinion now. 白眼沉声:“老丁的这个办法好,我也同意,那我们就这么办,风长老,你那里有没有什么问题?”白眼最后这句话,是问的风传书,风传书现在因为掌管着情报,所以每一次会议,他都必须要参加,以方便给众人提供情报方面的支持,所以白眼现在可以直接问他的意见。 Rumor book quickly said: I do not have the opinion, we to hate these small alliances that the pledge governs to test greatly, but also needs to be good some time, within the short time, surely does not have the means to test, therefore we are to truly require some time now, so long as the time is enough, we can these small alliances, all test.”( This chapter ends) 风传书连忙道:“我没有意见,我们对大恨盟治下的那些小联盟进行测试,还需要一段时间才行,短时间之内,肯定是没有办法测试完的,所以我们现在确实是需要一些时间,只要时间足够,我们就可以将那些小联盟,全都测试一遍。”(本章完)
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