BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13581: Visiting

One second remembers New white eyes nods, then open the mouth and said: "OK, that we with the person who hates the pledge greatly, hits some time, wins more time to you, hates pledge time to attack us greatly, I look mainly because of the Flying Dragon pledge their matter, the Flying Dragon pledge and that statement of Ba Huang pledge announce, making the person who hates the pledge greatly, discover they weaken regarding the control of Divine Beast here, therefore they must set up the prestige, but does not have any to be able compared with destroying completely us, can by they set up the prestige, do you feel? ” 一秒记住【新】,!白眼点了点头,接着开口道:“好,那我们就在跟大恨盟的人,多打一段时间,给你争取更多的时间,大恨盟这一次来进攻我们,我看主要还是因为飞龙盟他们的事情,飞龙盟和八荒发表的那份声明,让大恨盟的人,发现了他们对于神兽这里的掌控变弱了很多,所以他们必须要立威,而没有什么能比灭掉我们,更能让他们立威的了,你们觉得呢?” The people all nod, Ding Chunming then open the mouth and said: We can also through this matter, have a look at the responses of other Divine Beast alliances, if other alliances of Divine Beast, while this opportunity chaotic, we in must tidy up hate the pledge greatly, worry that has no, therefore our cannot worry.” 众人全都点了点头,丁春明接着开口道:“我们也可以通过这件事情,看看神兽界其它联盟的反应,如果神兽界的其它联盟,也趁着这个机会乱了起来,那我们在要收拾大恨盟,就没有任何的顾虑了,所以我们更加的不能着急了。” white eyes said solemnly: "OK, that this, one, but we destroyed completely hated the pledge greatly, then we were entire Divine Beast, the most noticeable alliance, by that time, we thought low-key still is impossible even, therefore we must prepare this aspect, everyone also went back to prepare, perhaps it will not take long, we must fight with the person who hated the pledge greatly. ” 白眼沉声道:“好,那就这样吧,一但我们灭掉了大恨盟,那么我们就是整个神兽界,最引人注目的联盟了,到那个时候,我们就算是想低调也不可能了,所以我们也必须要做好这方面的准备,大家也回去准备一下吧,也许用不了多长时间,我们就要与大恨盟的人大战了。” The people all complied with one, later the people then diverge, they instead to somewhat anticipate now, they to have a look, how these hates the pledge to cope with them time greatly, to be honest, they also very anticipate. 众人全都应了一声,随后众人这才散去,他们现在反到是有些期待了,他们到是想要看看,这一次大恨盟要如何的对付他们,说实话,他们还挺期待的。 But at this time, Yang true also returned to Encampment of Flying Dragon pledge, Encampment of returned to Flying Dragon pledge, his immediately went to Divine Beast there of dragon Feiyu, dragon Feiyu also knows that Yang true came back, heard Yang true came back, his immediately makes one wait for Yang true, Yang true to arrive at his there outside his Divine Beast Space, immediately is arranged by him in the there person, taking into his small Space, Yang true enters to study room of dragon Feiyu, immediately salutes said: to see alliance leader to dragon Feiyu.” 而这个时候,杨真也回到飞龙盟的驻地,一回到飞龙盟的驻地,他马上就去了龙飞宇的神兽那里,龙飞宇也知道杨真回来了,一听说杨真回来了,他马上就让人在他的神兽空间外等着杨真,杨真一到他那里,马上就被他安排在那里的人,给带进了他的小空间里,杨真一进入到龙飞宇的书房里,马上就冲着龙飞宇行礼道:“参见盟主。” dragon Feiyu is smiling said: Elder Yang to be polite, your time was laborious, please sit down in a big hurry.” Yang true quickly said: „It is not laborious, alliance leader was too polite.” However sat, his very clear, dragon Feiyu is polite with him, he has not taken seriously. 龙飞宇笑着道:杨长老客气了,你这一次辛苦了,快快请坐。”杨真连忙道:“不辛苦,盟主太客气了。”不过还是坐了下来,他十分的清楚,龙飞宇就是在跟他客气,他并没有当真。 Dragon Feiyu look at Yang true, is smiling said: time this matter, is very good, we and alliance of Ba Huang who pledge Elder Yang you do, can smooth join, be lucky you, right, what don’t know close to alliance leader can say?” Said dragon Feiyu on look at Yang true. 龙飞宇看着杨真,笑着道:“这一次的事情,杨长老你做的很好,我们与八荒盟的联盟,能顺利的结成,多亏了你了,对了,不知道盟主可有说过什么吗?”说完龙飞宇就看着杨真。 Yang true listened to dragon Feiyu saying that his immediately open the mouth and said: Returned to the alliance leader words time, Palestinian alliance leader these to has not said anything, I said to Palestinian alliance leader, invited him after attained the written pledge of sworn brothers, on a announce statement, he also agreed that could look, Palestinian alliance leader regarding this time forming an Alliance, was very satisfied, he regarding that statement, dislike that also had no.” 杨真一听龙飞宇这么说,他马上就开口道:“回盟主的话,巴盟主这一次到是没有说什么,我只是跟巴盟主说了,请他在得拿到盟书之后,就发表一份声明,他也同意了,看得出来,巴盟主对于这一次的结盟,也是十分满意的,他对于那份声明,也没有任何的反感。” dragon Feiyu nods said: "OK, fantastic, this best, from our discover this statement, but hates the pledge to have no response greatly, can look, our time forming an Alliance, no mistake, if before, hates the pledge to fear that greatly must look for us, now was good, because we and Ba Huang pledge tied the pledge, they do not dare to act unreasonably, then we are to have a look, how in a big way will hate the pledge to do, if their does not have any response, we to be can try to relate under one giant stone pledge their several alliances, before them . Just like us, as hates pledge together to dispatch troops greatly, all suffers a loss, are we have a look at them are also willing with our forming an Alliance, if our six pledges really can form an alliance, even if hates the pledge greatly, how does not dare to us. ” 龙飞宇点了点头道:“好,太好了,这样最好,从我们发现这份声明,而大恨盟没有任何的反应,就可以看得出来,我们这一次的结盟,没有错,如果是以前,大恨盟怕是已经要找上我们了,现在好了,因为我们与八荒盟结了盟,他们也就不敢乱来了,接下来我们就是要看看,大恨盟会如何做了,如果他们还是没有什么反应的话,我们到是可以试着联系一下巨石盟他们几个联盟,他们之前跟我们一样,随着大恨盟一起出兵,也全都吃了亏,我们看看他们是不是也愿意跟我们结盟,如果我们六盟真的能结成一个联盟,那就算是大恨盟,也不敢对我们怎么样。” Yang true nods, dragon Feiyu this saying to real, but Yang true is actually very clear, without Blood Slaughter Sect, plan also is impossible of that dragon Feiyu succeeds, will hate pledge certainly look at not to manage greatly, dragon Feiyu fantastic that the matter will think, was too simple, but he has not said that dragon Feiyu will want with person forming an Alliance of other alliances, this to him, will be a good matter , he on having opportunity, contacted with other alliance, that he perhaps, can the person of other alliance, all turn into the Blood Slaughter Sect person, therefore Yang true. Naturally will not say anything, he instead to is hopes that dragon Feiyu does that does that to him, only then the advantage does not have the fault. 杨真点了点头,龙飞宇这话到是真的,但是杨真却是十分的清楚,如果没有血杀宗的话,那龙飞宇的计划也不可能成功,大恨盟一定不会看着不管的,龙飞宇还是将事情想的太好了,太简单了,不过他并没有说出来,龙飞宇想要跟其它联盟的人结盟,这对于他来说,也是一件好事儿,以后他就有机会,跟其它联盟接触了,那他说不定,可以将其它联盟的人,也全都变成血杀宗的人,所以杨真当然不会说什么了,他反到是希望龙飞宇这么做,这么做对他只有好处没有坏处。 However dragon Feiyu also not confused, but this matter first is not anxious about Yang true said:, we need observe to hate the response of pledge greatly, is making the decision, Elder Yang you were laborious, goes back rest well some time, these days, you have no duty, goes.” Yang Zhenying, he stood later, to dragon Feiyu gave a salute, then turn around walked. 不过龙飞宇也并没有晕头,而是对杨真道:“这件事情先不急,我们必须要在观察一下大恨盟的反应,然后在做决定,杨长老你辛苦了,回去好好的休息一段时间吧,这一段时间,你没有任何的任务,去吧。”杨真应了一声,随后他站了起来,冲着龙飞宇行了一礼,接着转身走了。 When leave small Space of dragon Feiyu, Yang true on direct returned to in own Divine Beast Space, he prepared rest one day well, starts from tomorrow, he must do obeisance other length old in this/should Flying Dragon pledge, he must measure, in these people, there is a Shadow Clansman spy, without the Shadow Clansman spy, he must turn into the Blood Slaughter Sect person them, if there is a Shadow Clansman spy, he must report this matter gives white eyes to know, he must first start from own good friend, one thought of here, on Yang true face cannot help but revealed one. The silk disturbed facial expression, he really does not hope that in own friend, there is a Shadow Clansman spy, if in them, really has the Shadow Clansman spy, that may too be disappointing, but is this, he is anxious, finally without the means that he also can only be returned to Black Tortoise Space there, entered in True Illusion Boundary, went to research War Armor to go, like this can by his calm, he only be hoped test of tomorrow, can all smooth, otherwise, on was been too sad by him. 等到离开了龙飞宇的小空间,杨真就直接回到了自己的神兽空间里,他准备好好的休息一天,从明天开始,他就要去拜该飞龙盟里的其它长老了,他必须要测一测,这些人中,有没有影族人的奸细,如果没有影族人的奸细,那他就要将他们变成血杀宗的人,如果有影族人的奸细,他就必须要将这件事情上报给白眼知道,不过他必须要先从自己的好朋友下手,一想到这里,杨真的脸上不由得露出了一丝忐忑的神情,他真的不希望自己的朋友里,有影族人的奸细,如果他们之中,真的有影族人的奸细,那可就太让人失望着了,而越是这样,他就越是不安,最后没有办法,他也只能是回到玄武空间那里,进入到了真实幻境里,去研究战甲去了,这样才能让他平静下来,他只希望明天的测试,能一切顺利吧,不然的话,就太让他伤心了。 Next morning, Yang true visited itself best the friend in the Flying Dragon pledge, Yang jade, Yang jade and Yang true has no relationship, is only surnamed Yang, they after the join Flying Dragon pledge knew, because two people will be surnamed Yang, will therefore walk also, was adding on two people characters is very similar, will therefore walk was also naturally nearer, became the good friend. 第二天一早,杨真就去拜访了自己在飞龙盟里最好的朋友,杨玉,杨玉与杨真两人没有任何的关系,只是都姓杨,他们是在加入飞龙盟之后认识的,因为两人都姓杨,所以走的也就近了一些,在加上两人的性格也很是相似,所以走的自然也就更近了,成了好朋友。 Yang true visits to Yang jade there, Yang jade naturally welcome, Yang Zhenqing to own small Space, then sent all servant directly, only leaves behind two people, Yang jade then to Yang true said: really the elder brother, your time is laborious enough, one after another ran two toward Ba Huang pledge there, has not encountered what danger fortunately.” 杨真到杨玉那里去拜访,杨玉自然是十分欢迎的,直接就将杨真请到了自己的小空间里,然后将所有仆从都打发了出去,只留下两人,杨玉这才对杨真道:“真哥,你这一次可是够辛苦的,接连的往八荒那里跑了两趟,还好没有遇到什么危险。” Yang true is smiling said: rest assured, can have what danger, the Ba Huang pledge will not cope with me, but the people of other alliances, don’t know we want to do, why must cope with us, therefore don't worry, all right, right, these went to Ba Huang pledge there time, Palestinian alliance leader delivered me two jug liquor, today we drink one cup.” Said that his hand moves, put out jug liquor directly, later put out two jade cups, Yang true somewhat was anxious at this time, he suspended in front of wine glass both sides, filled to the brim the liquor toward the cup, later Yang true came to Yang jade said:, my liquor I have drunk in Ba Huang pledge there, flavor correct/pretty good, you also taste very much.” 杨真笑着道:放心好了,能有什么危险了,八荒盟不会对付我,而其它联盟的人,也不知道我们想要干什么,为什么要对付我们,所以不用担心,没事儿的,对了,这一次去八荒那里,巴盟主送了我两坛子酒,今天我们就喝上一杯。”说完他手一动,直接就拿出了一坛子酒,随后又拿出了两个玉杯,杨真这个时候还是有些紧张的,他将酒杯摆到了两面前面,往杯子里倒满了酒,随后杨真对杨玉道:“来吧,我酒我在八荒那里喝过,味道很是不错,你也尝尝。” Yang jade takes up the jade cup, laughs said: "OK, I to tasting well, but good long time not to have drunk. ” Said that he raised glass Yang true also to lift a cup to Yang true, later their liquor in cup doing, after they did the liquor, Yang jade cup has not waited to put down, he was motionless, Yang true immediately moved, his hand wiped on Yang Yu's arm, next one carved him on looking down a in hand metal small bottle, in result discover his metal small bottle does not have any response, was only are many drop red liquid, he then relaxes, but at this time Yang. The jade also wine glass putting down, then laughed said: nice wine, the flavor is really very good.” But Yang true at this time, wine glass putting down, on his face also revealed the smile. 杨玉拿起玉杯,哈哈大笑道:“好,我一定要好好的尝尝,可是好长时间没有喝过酒了。”说完他冲着杨真一举杯杨真也举了一下杯,随后两人一口就将杯里的酒给干了,就在他们将酒干了之后,杨玉的杯子还没等放下,他就不动了,杨真马上就手一动,他的手在杨玉的手臂上一抹,下一刻他就低头看了一眼自己手里的一个金属小瓶,结果发现他的金属小瓶里没有任何的反应,只是里面多出了一滴红色的液体,他这才松了口气,而这时杨玉也将酒杯给放下了,接着哈哈大笑道:“好酒,味道真的是很好。”而杨真这个时候,也将酒杯给放下了,他的脸上也露出了笑容。 Afterward Yang true to Yang jade said: brothers, I, actually has a matter to you tell today, after I wants you to hear, should not be surprised, the brothers can you achieve?” Yang true said that this saying, look at Yang jade, Yang jade listened to Yang true saying that he somewhat cannot help but puzzled, later his open the mouth and said: Real elder brother, what matter? You said by all means and that's the end, feel relieved, has the matter I certainly to help you full power.” Obviously, Yang jade is thinks that Yang true has the matter to want him to help, his immediately complied certainly. 随后杨真对杨玉道:“兄弟,我呢,今天其实是有一件事儿要跟你说一下,我希望你听到之后,不要惊讶,兄弟你能不能做到?”杨真在说这话的时候,看着杨玉,杨玉一听杨真这么说,他不由得有些不解,随后他开口道:“真哥,什么事儿?你只管说就是了,放心,有事儿我一定全力帮你。”很显然,杨玉是以为杨真有事儿要他帮忙,他当然马上就答应了。 Yang true nods, later his said solemnly: Brothers, my these goes to Ba Huang pledge there time, but saw many matters, the Ba Huang pledge is not the Ba Huang pledge that we know, their join another organization, moreover they led me to visit that organization, I did not fear to tell you, I join that has organized now, my these said these to you time, was wish makes you also follow my join that organization, how Brothers? Do you want?” Yang true spoke this saying, continuously look at Yang jade. 杨真点了点头,随后他沉声道:“兄弟,我这一次去八荒那里,可是看到了很多的事儿,八荒盟已经不是我们所知道的八荒盟了,他们加入了另一个组织,而且他们带我参观了那个组织,我也不怕告诉你,我现在已经加入了那个组织了,我这一次跟你说这些,就是想要让你也跟着我加入那个组织,怎么样兄弟?你愿意吗?”杨真说完这话,就一直看着杨玉。 Yang jade listened to Yang true saying that surprised look at Yang true, he has not cannot help but thought Yang true will say, his surprised look at Yang true said: really elder brother, what you said was real? Were you say your join the Ba Huang pledge?” Yang Yuzhen has not thought, Yang true will do that unexpectedly, as, Ba Huang pledge join that Yang true said other matters of organization, he very much does not believe that will therefore say. 杨玉一听杨真这么说,不由得吃惊的看着杨真,他没有想到杨真会这么说,他吃惊的看着杨真道:“真哥,你说的是真的?你是说你加入八荒盟?”杨玉真的是没有想到,杨真竟然会这么做,至于杨真所说的,八荒加入了其它的组织的事儿,他并不是很相信,所以才会如此说。 Yang true looked at Yang jade, said solemnly: Brothers, what my join is not the Ba Huang pledge, the Ba Huang pledge is only the member of that organization, member has plenty of that organization, the iron bone pledge, the sea watching pledge, the three mountains pledge, the colored glaze pledge, these all are the member of that organization, the Ba Huang pledge are nearest/recent join that organization, before the Ba Huang pledge defeated by the sea watching pledge, their join that organization, therefore the Ba Huang pledge is only the member of that organization, but their time, is wish by our Flying Dragon pledge also join that organization, but if said directly that affirmative is incorrect, therefore can only use. This method, I was they send, was to let the Flying Dragon pledge the person, join their organization, this can transit steadily, moreover was open about the facts the brothers you saying that before join that organization, must conduct the test, had a look at you are the Shadow Clansman spy, if you were the Shadow Clan spy, you did not have qualifications join that organization, will be given to kill by the people of that organization, I you had just conducted to test to the brothers, the brothers you were not the Shadow Clansman spy, therefore you have a qualifications join that organization., Brothers, I do that completely am for your sake, join that organization, to us, is a chance, the brothers you must grasp.” 杨真看了杨玉,沉声道:“兄弟,我加入的并不是八荒盟,八荒盟只是那个组织的一个成员罢了,那个组织的成员有很多,铁骨盟,观海盟,三山盟,琉璃盟,这些全都是那个组织的成员,八荒盟是最近加入那个组织的,之前八荒盟被观海盟打败,他们就加入了那个组织,所以八荒盟只是那个组织的一个成员,而他们这一次,是想要让我们飞龙盟也加入那个组织,但是如果直接说,那肯定是不行的,所以只能用这种方法了,我就是他们派回来的,就是要让飞龙盟的人,一个一个的加入他们组织,这样就可以平稳的过渡了,而且也不瞒兄弟你说,在加入那个组织之前,还是要进行测试的,看看你是不是影族人的奸细,如果你是影族的奸细,那你是没有资格加入那个组织的,还会被那个组织的人给杀死,我刚刚已经对兄弟你进行测试了,兄弟你不是影族人的奸细,所以你是有资格加入那个组织的,兄弟,我这么做完全是为了你好,加入那个组织,对于我们来说,就是一个机缘,兄弟你一定要把握住啊。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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