BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13579: Statement

One second remembers New Ding Chunming the meaning of their understand white eyes, they are must outward develop(ment), but Divine Beast here, too many people are staring at them now, if they attack rashly, that will certainly bring to everyone's attention now, when the time comes these people meet unite to cope with them, such only trouble, therefore they want make a move even, still needs one be good to give a pretext is good. 一秒记住【新】,!丁春明他们都明白白眼的意思,他们是一定要向外发展的,但是现在神兽这里,太多的人盯着他们,如果他们现在冒然的出击,那一定会引起所有人的注意,到时候那些人一定会联合起来对付他们,那样的话只会更加的麻烦,所以他们就算是要出手,也必须要有一个好借口才行。 However now they for a short time, but also the good way, they have not really had no personal enemy after all now, the sole personal enemy hates the pledge greatly, they cannot at this time, but also goes to attack to hate the pledge greatly? Not attack hates the pledge greatly, if optional goes to other attack alliances, then the Divine Beast here person, understood at a glance that they are expanding, that will certainly cope with them, must know that Divine Beast here has the custom, but it can be said that does not have the custom, they do not need what evidence, can cope with you directly, why this Ding Chunming they will also feel the headache reason. 但是现在他们一时半会儿的,还真的没有太好的办法,毕竟现在他们也没有什么仇人了,唯一的仇人就是大恨盟,他们总不能在这个时候,还去攻击大恨盟吧?不攻击大恨盟,要是随意的去攻击其它联盟,那么神兽这里的人,一看就知道他们是在扩张,那一定会对付他们,要知道神兽这里是有规矩,但是也可以说是没有规矩,他们不需要什么证据,就可以直接对付你,这也是为什么丁春明他们会感到头痛的原因。 Some little time Ding spring/lust guts then open the mouth and said: „The sound that these days, we make was too big, had really brought to the attention of Divine Beast here person, if we at this time, are conducting the expansion, that will certainly trigger their reactions, this was incorrect, therefore my idea was, we were first low-key some time, do not have any movement, when later had opportunity, we were not late in the action, did you feel?” Ding Chunming said own idea, he thought that they should low-key some time, otherwise, was too remarkable, if really stirs up the Divine Beast here person to cope with them, that may trouble. 好一会儿丁春胆这才开口道:“这一段时间,我们弄出来的动静实在是太大了,已经引起了神兽这里人的注意了,如果我们在这个时候,在进行扩张的话,那一定会引起他们的反弹,这是不行的,所以我的想法是,我们还是先低调一段时间,不要有任何的动作,等到以后有机会了,我们在行动也不迟,你觉得呢?”丁春明还是说出了自己的想法,他觉得他们应该低调一段时间了,不然的话,就太惹人注意了,要是真的惹得神兽这里的人来对付他们,那可就麻烦了。 At this time rumor book open the mouth and said: Elder Bai, I also felt, we should the low-key conduct some time, although hate the pledge the strength to restore now greatly, but this their prestige, actually came under the huge blow, now hates pledge here greatly, some big alliances, faint some are not steady, if later Divine Beast here is really chaotic, by that time, we are not late in the action, even when the time comes, Divine Beast here is not chaotic, we can still make them chaotic, but that is and wait/etc, is not now.” 这时风传书开口道:“白长老,我也觉得,我们应该低调行事一段时间,虽然现在大恨盟的实力恢复了,但是这一次他们的声望,却是受到了巨大的打击,现在大恨盟这里,有一些大联盟,已经隐隐的有些不稳了,如果以后神兽这里真的乱起来,到那个时候,我们在行动也不晚,就算是到时候,神兽这里没有乱起来,我们也可以让他们乱起来,不过那是在等等,不是现在。” white eyes one hear of rumor books said, he to stares, later his open the mouth and said: „Isn't the Divine Beast here big alliance steady? What's the matter?” He also real don’t know this matter, therefore somewhat curious issue. 白眼一听风传书这么说,他到是一愣,随后他开口道:“神兽这里的大联盟不稳?怎么回事儿?”他还真的不知道这件事情,所以有些好奇的问题。 Rumor book open the mouth and said: Before Divine Beast here did not have the occur what big conflict , because has in a big way hates the pledge to press above, before hating the pledge, greatly does not allow various Divine Beast here alliances to have the conflict, if some people really had the conflict, they will directly meddle, but often their first moves, they will win, therefore Divine Beast here, no one dares optional conflict, but this time situation is different, this time our here on conflict, our here situation some specially, because our here most from the beginning, was our interior the conflict, then. The iron bone pledge meddles, later we within the shortest time, iron bone pledge also gave to tidy up, the person who hated the pledge greatly wants even under the pretext of this was not good, they can only look for one to help the iron lion finally revenge such excuse, but they were actually given to be defeated by us, can say that hated pledge action greatly, not only an ordinary failure, representative, before them was losing the control, the means have not conducted to control to Divine Beast here, in this case, other's some alliances, Will naturally have other thoughts, among various Divine Beast alliances, is not so peaceful, they will have the conflict, before is only, this conflict, was hated the pledge pressing greatly, now their discover, hates the pledge also not necessarily to be able to suppress greatly probably, then among them the conflict, meets occur, Divine Beast will be when the time comes chaotic, by that time, we are acting, issue that has no.” 风传书开口道:“以前神兽这里之所以没有发生什么大的冲突,就是因为有大恨盟在上面压着,大恨盟之前是不允许神兽这里各联盟起冲突的,如果有人真的起了冲突,那他们就会直接插手,而往往他们一插手,那他们就会胜利,所以神兽这里,没有人敢随意的起冲突,但是这一次的情况不一样,这一次我们这里就起了冲突,不过我们这里的情况有些特别,因为我们这里最一开始,是我们内部起了冲突,然后铁骨盟才插手进来的,随后我们就在最短的时间之内,将铁骨盟的也给收拾了,大恨盟的人就算是想以这个为借口也不行,他们最后只能是找了一个帮着铁狮报仇这样的借口,但是他们却还是被我们给打败了,可以说大恨盟这一次的行动,不只是一个普通的失败,也代表着,他们失去了以前的掌控力了,他们已经没有办法对神兽这里进行掌控了,在这种情况下,其它的一些联盟,自然也就会有别的心思了,神兽界各联盟之间,可并不是那么太平的,他们也会有冲突,只是以前这种冲突,被大恨盟给压了下去,现在他们发现,大恨盟好像也并不一定就能压得住,那么他们之间的冲突,就一定会发生,到时候神兽界就会乱起来,到那个时候,我们在行动,就没有任何的问题了。” white eyes their all understand the meaning of rumor book, among various Divine Beast here alliances also had the contradiction before, but there are in a big way hates the pledge to press, therefore these contradictions, have not exploded, but now was different, now hates the pledge to be defeated greatly, although they were only failed one time, but this made the people of other alliances look, person who hated the pledge greatly, was not invincible, the ambition that their originally was pressed, braved certainly coming out, the sea watching pledge and iron bone pledge unite, on can in a big way hate the pledge to give to be defeated, moreover has pressed is hitting., Are they can also like this? What they have to be good to fear? Had such idea, the people of these alliances, feared that will move, at any time, will not borrow few ambitious family, but these ambitious family, so long as sees a little opportunity, will not let off, therefore they will have is possible really to take an action, such Divine Beast will be naturally chaotic. 白眼他们全都明白了风传书的意思,以前神兽这里各联盟之间也有矛盾,只不过有大恨盟压着,所以这些矛盾,并没有暴发出来,而现在不一样了,现在大恨盟失败了,虽然他们只失败了一次,但是这却让其它联盟的人看出来了,大恨盟的人,并不是不可战胜的,那他们原本被压下去的野心,当然也就冒了出来,观海盟和铁骨盟联合起来,就可以将大恨盟给打败,而且一直都是压着打的,那他们是不是也可以这样呢?那他们还有什么好怕的呢?有了这样的想法,那些联盟的人,怕是就会动起了,在任何时候,都是不会借少野心家的,而那些野心家,只要看到一点儿机会,就不会放过,所以他们有可能真的会有所行动,这样神兽界自然就会乱起来了。 Divine Beast wants one to be chaotic, their opportunity came, by that time, is really the ritual collapses is wild with joy, can manage the iron bone pledge and sea watching pledge in also no one will dispatch troops, they dispatch troops to cope with anyone, some people will not manage, therefore the meaning of rumor book is, they and other time, when Divine Beast here, is after really chaotic, they are not late in the action, by that time they are acting, on will not have any issue, one thinks of here, white eyes also nods is reasonable, if Divine Beast here that said: wind elder said is really chaotic, That to us, truly is a good matter, we are not late in the action when the time comes.” 神兽界只要一乱起来,那他们的机会就来了,到那个时候,就真的是礼崩乐坏,在也没有人会管铁骨盟和观海盟是不是会出兵,他们出兵对付谁,都不会有人管,所以风传书的意思是,他们在等一段时间,等到神兽这里,真的乱起来之后,他们在行动也不迟,到那个时候他们在行动,就不会有任何的问题了,一想到这里,白眼也点了点头道:“风长老说的有道理,如果神兽这里真的乱起来,那对于我们来说,确实是一件好事儿,我们到时候在行动也不晚。” The people all nod, white eyes looked at people one eyes, then open the mouth and said: "All right, that today arrives at here, our in recent time, truly should low-key a little, before we handled affairs extremely in the high-sounding talk, must be careful. ” The people nod, later all leave, for some time, they should not have any big movement. 众人全都点了点头,白眼看了众人一眼,接着开口道:“行了,那今天就到这里吧,我们最近一段时间,也确实是应该低调一点儿了,之前我们行事太过于高调了,现在必须要小心了。”众人都点了点头,随后就全都离开了,未来一段时间,他们应该是不会有什么大的动作了。 But other aspect close to did not speak with Divine Beast Space that in Yang true returned to close to did not speak, Divine Beast Space that a returned to close to did not speak, close to did not speak to Yang true said: Elder Yang, matter also told you, I am not saying anything, after you went back, was certainly careful, if really had what need, must tell me, you can also relate Elder Bai directly, remembered, the conduct was certainly careful, cannot bad the plan of Sect.” Yang true nods, he today after white eyes has chatted, knows how oneself should do, naturally cannot act unreasonably, his very clear, if oneself really went bad the Sect big matter, that may become the Sect criminal. 而另一面巴不语和杨真也回到了巴不语的神兽空间里,一回到巴不语的神兽空间,巴不语就对杨真道:杨长老,事情也都跟你说了,我也就不在多说什么了,你回去之后,一定要小心,如果真的有什么需要的,一定要跟我说,你也可以直接联系白长老,记住了,行事一定要小心,不能坏了宗门的计划。”杨真点了点头,他今天跟白眼聊过之后,也知道自己该怎么做了,自然不会乱来了,他十分的清楚,如果自己真的坏了宗门的大事儿,那可就成了宗门的罪人了。 close to did not speak look at his appearance, knows that he will not act unreasonably, his then open the mouth and said: "OK, that you first went back, I am not keeping you, kept you, is possible will have problems, was good level up had completed because of your Divine Beast, safe also had the guarantee. ” 巴不语看着他的样子,也知道他不会乱来,他这才开口道:“好,那你就先回去吧,我也就不在多留你了,将你留下来,可能会出问题,好在你的神兽已经升级完成了,安全也就有了保证。” Yang true nods, later he did not speak time gave a salute said: this to close to matter, the thanks a lot close to elder, I first went back, the Palestinian elders do not forget the issue statement, this little very heavy wanted.” close to did not speak to nod, Yang true then leave, in returned to own Divine Beast Space, close to did not speak immediately Feiyu to send the letter/believes to the dragon, told the dragon Feiyu, close to does not speak had accepted the written pledge of sworn brothers, all smooth, invited dragon rumor feel relieved, after completing all these, his then leave Ba Huang pledge. 杨真点了点头,随后他冲着巴不语行了一礼道:“这一次的事情,多谢巴长老,那我就先回去了,巴长老不要忘了发布声明,这一点儿十分的重要。”巴不语点了点头,杨真这才离开,一回到自己的神兽空间里,巴不语马上就给龙飞宇去信,告诉龙飞宇,巴不语已经收下了盟书,一切顺利,请龙飞语放心,做完这一切之后,他这才离开八荒盟。 In the Yang true leave Ba Huang pledge multi- progress, close to has not spoken synchronizes watches directly issue a statement, said that they have formed an alliance with the Flying Dragon pledge, facing the challenge, stated together, their two pledges attack any alliance will not take the initiative, so long as no one attacks them, they will maintain the absolute neutrality at the future. This saying actually does not have many people to believe that but actually also indicated their attitude, their attitude very simple, tells the people, they will not participate in the matter of any alliance, these also included certainly hates the pledge greatly, but they have not stated clearly, but Divine Beast here person, actually all understand their meanings. 就在杨真离开八荒盟没有多长进间,巴不语就直接对表发表声明,称他们已经与飞龙盟结成联盟,共同面对挑战,同时也声明,他们两盟将不会主动进攻任何联盟,只要没有人进攻他们,他们将在未来保持绝对的中立。这话其实也没有多少人相信,但是却也表明了他们的态度,他们的态度十分的简单,就是告诉众人,他们不会参与任何联盟的事情了,这其中当然也包括大恨盟了,只不过他们没有明说,但是神兽这里的人,却全都明白了他们的意思。 Did not speak announce to state didn't have long time in close to, dragon Feiyu also issue a statement, the content does not speak with close to is the same, this also on solid two pledge official forming an Alliance things, but this information, quick passed to the ear that the king defended traditional moral principles, king Weidao after hearing this information, his complexion looked on very difficult, later his immediately the elder in their alliance, all called own in the room, after these elder to his room, the king defended traditional moral principles on look at these elder said: about the Ba Huang pledge and Flying Dragon pledge forming an Alliance matter, you also know.? Regarding their statements, how do you see?” 就在巴不语发表了声明没有多长时间,龙飞宇也随之发表声明,内容跟巴不语是一样的,这也就坐实了两盟正式结盟的事情了,而这个消息,也很快就传到了王卫道的耳中,王卫道在听到这个消息之后,他的脸色十分的难看,随后他马上就将他们联盟里的长老,全都叫到了自己的房间里,等到那些长老到了他的房间之后,王卫道就看着那些长老道:“关于八荒盟和飞龙结盟的事情,你们也都知道了吧?对于他们的这份声明,你们怎么看?” an elder open the mouth and said: Can look from this statement, before the sea watching pledge had truly contacted with them, is possible also permits to their some advantage, but we before with their contacts, making them vacillate, therefore their then forming an Alliance, announce this statement, I even suspected simultaneously, their is possible already forming an Alliance, but had not said, now says, to tell us, they later in us with the fight of sea watching pledge during, will remain neutral, two will not help.” 一位长老开口道:“从这份声明里可以看得出来,之前观海盟确实是跟他们接触过,可能还许给过他们一些好处,而我们之前跟他们的接触,让他们动摇了,所以他们这才结盟了,同时发表了这份声明,我甚至怀疑,他们可能早就结盟了,只不过一直没有说,现在说出来,就是为了告诉我们,他们以后会在我们与观海盟的战斗之中,保持中立,两不相帮了。” Others also all nod, some of their also this suspicions, but king Weidao also nods said: that's true, I look at them am also this meaning, alliance leader, this to us, is not good news, but isn't bad news?” 其它人也全都点了点头,他们也有这种怀疑,而王卫道也点了点头道:“确实如此,我看他们也是这个意思,盟主,这对于我们来说,不是什么好消息,但是也不是什么坏消息吧?” Other person also all look at kings defend traditional moral principles, in their opinion, isn't this statement to them, probably the bad matter? Why does the king defend traditional moral principles seems like angry? This makes them somewhat puzzled, king Weidao looked at people, then said solemnly: Their this statements, in the surface seem like, has no fault to us, but in fact is really this? Their this statements, equal to before we have not opened the mouth, our mouths blocking, their equal to tells us, later wants to cope with anyone, do not open the mouth to them, they will not agree, you also thought that this isn't the bad matter?” 其它人也全都看着王卫道,在他们看来,这份声明对于他们来说,好像也不是什么坏事儿吧?为什么王卫道看起来这么生气?这让他们有些不解,王卫道看了一眼众人,接着沉声道:“他们这份声明,表面上看起来,对我们没有任何的坏处,但是事实上真的是这样吗?他们这份声明,等于是在我们还没有开口之前,就已经将我们的嘴给堵上了,他们等于是告诉我们,以后想要对付谁,不要向他们开口了,他们是不会同意的,你们还觉得这不是什么坏事儿吗?” One hear of kings defended traditional moral principles said, the people all gawked, they still had not thought that this had what issue, later had anything to act, did not call this two Sects also and that's the end, this had anything, in their opinion does not have any issue. 一听王卫道这么说,众人全都是一愣,他们依然没有觉得这有什么问题,以后有什么行动,不叫上这两宗也就是了,这有什么,在他们看来没有什么问题啊。 The kings defend traditional moral principles look at their appearance, cannot help but the flavors of some ruthless iron inadequate steel, his look at these person of said: „do you return don't understand? Their this equal to is in front of Divine Beast everyone, rejected us, moreover ahead of time on door dying of suffocation, if other alliance this do, after that whom can we also summon?”( This chapter ends) 王卫道看着他们的样子,不由得有些狠铁不成钢的味道,他看着那些人道:“你们还不明白吗?他们这就等于是当着神兽界所有人的面,拒绝了我们,而且还是提前就将门给堵死了,如果其它联盟这这么干,那以后我们还能号召谁?”(本章完)
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