BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13573: Hiring

Dragon Feiyu said solemnly: Don't worry, the person who if hates the pledge greatly, making our together cope with the sea watching pledge, we reject directly, they will not compel our, I suspected, not only we will not begin, the Ba Huang pledge will not begin, they be more miserable than us, they should not dare to cope with the sea watching pledge, I look at nearest/recent this several days, we can contact the Ba Huang pledge person, we must tie under one pledge , with entering with drawing back, if the sea watching treaty of alliance our together begins, we cannot agree, if they said our alliance, we. Also is unwarrantable, in brief this we are time two do not help.” 龙飞宇沉声道:“不用担心,如果大恨盟的人,让我们一起对付观海盟,我们就直接拒绝,他们不会逼我们的,我猜想不只是我们不会动手,八荒盟也不会动手,他们可是要比我们惨多了,他们应该是不敢在去对付观海盟了,我看最近几天,我们可以跟八荒盟的人联系一下,我们是要结一下盟了,以后同进同退,如果观海盟约我们一起动手,我们也不能同意,他们要是说我们联盟了,我们也不能承认,总之这一次我们是两不相帮。” As soon as the people listened to dragon Feiyu saying that also all nods, in Divine Beast here, the treaty of alliance can tearing up at any time, do not say that orally the forming an Alliance matter, can not acknowledge at any time, therefore also no one felt dragon Feiyu did had what incorrect. 众人一听龙飞宇这么说,也全都点了点头,在神兽这里,盟约都可以随时的撕毁,就更不要说口头上结盟的事情了,更是可以随时不承认,所以也没有人觉得龙飞宇做的有什么不对的。 Dragon Feiyu looked the people are not saying anything, he is direct open the mouth and said: "OK, that matter wrote, Elder Yang, you prepare, tomorrow you go to Ba Huang pledge there, represents us to go with Ba Huang pledge forming an Alliance, moreover you must talk clearly with them, if hates the treaty of alliance our together to cope with the sea watching pledge greatly, or others, we cannot agree, this is our forming an Alliance condition, we must act in unison, if they are different from our actions when the time comes, we can tear up the treaty of alliance momentarily. ” 龙飞宇一看众人都不在说什么了,他就直接开口道:“好,那件事情就这么写了,杨长老,你准备一下,明天你就去八荒那里一趟,代表我们去跟八荒结盟,而且你要跟他们说清楚,如果是大恨盟约我们一起对付观海盟,或是其它人,我们都不能同意,这是我们结盟的条件,我们必须要统一行动,如果他们到时候跟我们的行动不一样,我们随时可以撕毁盟约。” Elder Yang called Yang true, as soon as he listened to dragon Feiyu saying that immediately complied with one, dragon Feiyu nodded, later his said solemnly: "All right, everyone went back, later our Flying Dragon pledge, will not be participating in anybody's matter absolutely at will, got down. ” 杨长老叫杨真,他一听龙飞宇这么说,马上就应了一声,龙飞宇点了点头,随后他沉声道:“好了,大家都回去吧,以后我们飞龙盟,绝对不会在随意的参与任何人的事情了,都下去吧。” The people all complied with one, later to dragon Feiyu gave a salute, then turn around walked, when their leave, dragon Feiyu then let out a long breath, follows to hate pledge together to cope with the sea watching pledge previous time greatly, their loss although are smallest, but also makes him feel to love dearly, later he does not dare in optional participation such matter, is too dangerous. 众人全都应了一声,随后冲着龙飞宇行了一礼,接着转身走了,等到他们都离开,龙飞宇这才长出了口气,上一次跟着大恨盟一起对付观海盟,他们的损失虽然是最小的,但是却也让他感到心疼,以后他可不敢在随意的参与这样的事情里了,太危险了。 But white eyes they also heard certainly hates the pledge greatly the matter, heard hates the pledge greatly the strength extensively , white eyes all called the people, later his look at people said: everyone, really has not thought, this will hate the pledge greatly summon strength unexpectedly such big, we have defeated their one time, they will really have such strong rallying point, evidently we were underestimated they.” 白眼他们当然也听说了大恨盟的事情,一听说大恨盟的实力已经恢为了,白眼就将众人全都召集了起来,随后他就看着众人道:“各位,真是没有想到,这个大恨盟的召唤力竟然会如此之大,我们都已经打败他们一次了,他们竟然还会有这么强的号召力,看样子我们还是小看他们了。” The people all nod, Sheng Si open the mouth and said: I felt, hates in the pledge new these people greatly, before has plenty is possible, is the Shadow Clansman spy, they need to restore the strength now as soon as possible, only then recruits these Shadow Clansman spies, will make their strengths restore within the shortest time, others are not good, therefore this to us, not necessarily went bad the matter, like this we later eliminate hate the pledge greatly, can eliminate many Shadow Clansman, I want now is, in a big way hated the pledge the strength to restore, can that they in attack us, the person who in a big way hated the pledge should be can. Thinks, we can distinguish them are Shadow Clansman spy matter, they will certainly not let off us, certainly will send people to attack us, because they, if cannot give to annihilate us, that to them, is one is a danger, therefore I suspected that they can also attack us, moreover does not do well uses our advancing to attack their methods to attack us, do you feel?” Sheng Si said that also looked at other person of one. 众人全都点了点头,盛兕开口道:“我觉得,大恨盟新招的这些人中,有很多可能以前就是影族人的奸细,他们现在需要尽快的恢复实力,只有招那些影族人的奸细,才会让他们的实力在最短的时间之内恢复,其它的人却不行,所以这对于我们来说,也不见得就是坏了事儿,这样我们以后消灭大恨盟,就可以消灭更多的影族人了,我现在想的是,大恨盟的实力恢复了,那他们会不会在来进攻我们,大恨盟的人应该是能想到,我们可以分辨出他们是影族人奸细这件事儿了,那他们就一定不会放过我们,一定会派人来进攻我们,因为他们如果不能将我们给消灭掉,那对于他们来说,就是一是一个危险,所以我怀疑他们还会来进攻我们,而且弄不好就用我们之前进攻他们的方法来进攻我们,你们觉得呢?”盛兕说完还看了其它人一眼。 As soon as the people listened to him saying that all gawked, later nodded, this is possible nature was very big, the person who hated the pledge greatly, really had is possible to attack them, but they actually did not fear, they with hated the pledge to be different greatly, they can early his on the discover enemy, but the person who hated the pledge greatly was not good, therefore their simply had nothing to be worried. 众人一听他这么说,全都是一愣,随后点了点头了,这种可能性是很大的,大恨盟的人,确实有可能会来进攻他们,不过他们却不怕,他们跟大恨盟可不一样,他们可以早早他的就发现敌人,而大恨盟的人却不行,所以他们根本就没有什么好担心的。 Ding Chunming at this time open the mouth and said: If they really cope with us with this method, we happen to can tidy up their well, now I am thinking is actually another matter, we these days, occur several wars, our pledges had very big loss properly speaking, I thought that we can use this opportunity, in recruiting some people enters to various pledges, this is the Divine Beast here most common method, if we do not use this method, that counter- to was not normal, therefore my meaning, we now on starting hiring accession, when they. Incurring, then visits them is Shadow Clansman, so long as they are not Shadow Clansman, we do make his join our Sect, everyone feel?” After Ding Chunming said that also looked at people one eyes, is waiting for people's reply. 丁春明这时开口道:“如果他们真的用这种方法来对付我们,我们正好可以好好的收拾他们一下,我现在在想的其实是另一件事情,我们这一段时间,发生了多次的大战,按理说我们各盟都是有很大的损失的,我觉得我们可以利用这个机会,在招一些人进入到各盟之中,这才是神兽这里最常见的方法,如果我们不用这种方法的话,那反到是不正常了,所以我的意思,我们现在就开始招人入盟,等到将他们给招进来,然后看一看他们是不是影族人,只要他们不是影族人,我们就让他加入我们宗门,大家觉得呢?”丁春明说完之后,也看了众人一眼,等着众人的回答。 As soon as the people listened to Ding Chunming saying that they also all nod, thought that Ding Chunming the proposition correct/pretty good, they truly can the hiring enter the pledge now, will not cause anybody's suspicion, because of their several pledge nearest/recent wars, was really many, the conflict of three mountains pledge and sea watching pledge, the sea watching pledge, the conflict of three mountains pledge and colored glaze pledge, the iron bone pledge also participated afterward, in was and hates the conflict of pledge greatly, so many time conflicted, but their losses were big, loss that naturally, here said that all was the loss that gave others to see, they actually. Does not have any loss, but said no matter how, the loss that others see is also big, in this case, their hiring comes is right, the non- hiring to is not instead normal, therefore one hear of Ding Chunming said, the people all thought right, should do that the hiring attack, then turns into the Sect person them, this truly is a good way. 众人一听丁春明这么说,他们也全都点了点头,觉得丁春明的这个提议很不错,现在他们确实是可以招人进盟了,而且不会引起任何人的怀疑,因为他们几盟最近的大战,实在是太多了,三山盟与观海盟的冲突,观海盟,三山盟和琉璃盟的冲突,后来铁骨盟也参与了进来,在然后就是与大恨盟的冲突,这么多次冲突下来,他们的损失可是不小,当然,这里所说的损失,全都是给别人看到的损失,他们其实没有什么损失,但是不管怎么说,别人看到的损失也不小,在这种情况下,他们招人进来才是对的,不招人反到是不正常了,所以一听丁春明这么说,众人全都觉得没错,应该这么做,招人进攻,然后将他们变成宗门的人,这确实是一个好办法。 white eyes nods said: "OK, this person of means to be good, we start the hiring now, having a look at us to recruit many people to come, this is also we give Divine Beast here opportunity of person, looked at them to be able capture this opportunity, if they could not hold this opportunity, that was also their lives, no wonder we, regarding hated pledge is possible greatly to our attack, that made them come, their strengths, definitely is impossible had us, we can well tidy up them under just right one, even can use this matter, when gave a pretext, in one time. To hates the pledge to conduct attack greatly, everyone feels? ” The people all nod, no one opposed, they had known, Stronghold that hates the pledge greatly is the Shadow Clansman spy, eliminates hates the pledge greatly, they is a little opinion do not have. 白眼点了点头道:“好,这人办法好,我们现在就开始招人,看看我们能招多少人进来,这也算是我们给神兽这里的人的一个机会,就看他们能不能抓住这个机会了,如果他们抓不住这个机会的话,那也是他们的命,怪不得我们,至于说大恨盟可能对我们的攻击,那就让他们来好了,他们的实力,是绝对不可能有我们强的,我们正好可以好好的收拾他们一下,甚至可以用这件事情来当借口,在一次对大恨盟进行攻击,大家觉得呢?”众人全都点了点头,没有人反对,他们已经知道了,大恨盟就是影族人奸细的一个据点,消灭大恨盟,他们是一点儿意见也没有。 white eyes looks at no one to oppose, his immediately open the mouth and said: "OK, everyone did not oppose that did, immediately foreign release information, said that our several pledges start the hiring now, the status do not limit. ” The people all complied with one, simultaneously they also know, this matter strives most, should be the rumor book, because only then passes them, can this information, as soon as possible release go. 白眼一看没有人反对,他马上就开口道:“好,大家都不反对,那就这么干了,马上就对外放出消息,就说我们几盟现在开始招人,身份不限。”众人全都应了一声,同时他们也知道,这件事情出力最多的,应该就是风传书,因为只有通过他们,才能将这个消息,尽快的放出去。 The quick sea watching pledge, the iron bone pledge, the three mountains pledge and colored glaze pledge, information of hiring spread over entire Divine Beast, hears this information, the Divine Beast person, all knew what's the matter, but the has plenty person welled up toward the sea watching pledge and iron bone pledge there, because of these person of very clear, sea watching pledge and iron bone pledge, but will just hate the pledge being defeated greatly, such strength, was worth their join, these wanted the join person, had Rogue Cultivator , some Encampment the people of small alliance, regarding these person, the sea watching pledge they are not direct on accepting . A little very strange, that is the sea watching pledge, the iron bone pledge and colored glaze pledge, hiring very simple, the has plenty person, wants join they, but some people will actually rarely go to the join three mountains pledge. 很快的观海盟,铁骨盟,三山盟和琉璃盟,招人的消息就传遍了整个神兽界,一听到这个消息,神兽界的人,全都知道是怎么回事儿了,不过还是有很多的人往观海盟和铁骨盟那里涌了过去,因为这些人十分的清楚,观海盟和铁骨盟,可是刚刚将大恨盟给打败了,这样的实力,值得他们加入,这些要加入的人,有散修,也有一些没有自己驻地的小联盟的人,对于这些人,观海盟他们也直接就收下了,不过有一点儿十分的奇怪,那就是观海盟,铁骨盟和琉璃盟,招人都十分的简单,有很多的人,想要加入他们,但是却很少会有人去加入三山盟。 white eyes they return don’t know most from the beginning what's the matter, but was quick their understand, these people do not think join three mountains pledge, was because they by military strategy of three mountains pledge frightening, the three mountains pledge one excitedly came one to trade the life by the life, such forms of combat, do not say that their enemies could not bear, even thinks that join their people could not bear, they wanted join these big alliances, was because they do not want dead, they want to live some time, they want well to live, but one but join three mountains pledge, one but came across the war, they did not do well on must and enemy. Perished together, this is these people does not want to do, therefore the person of join three mountains pledge is few, regarding this situation, white eyes they also not bears very much, but also has no relationship, so long as some people of join other three pledges, the effect is also the same, after these people became Blood Slaughter Sect disciple truly, they naturally can also the join three mountains pledge. 白眼他们最一开始还不知道是怎么回事儿,但是很快他们就明白了,那些人之所以不想加入三山盟,就是因为他们被三山盟的战法给吓到了,三山盟一激动就来一个以命换命,这样的战斗方式,不要说他们的敌人受不了,就算是想加入他们的人也受不了,他们之所以要加入那些大联盟,就是因为他们不想死,他们想多活一段时间,他们想好好的活着,但是一但加入三山盟,一但遇到战事,他们弄不好就要与敌人同归于尽了,这是那些人不想做的,所以加入三山盟的人很少,对于这种情况,白眼他们也很是无耐,不过也没有什么关系,只要有人加入其它三盟,效果也是一样的,等到那些人真正的成了血杀宗弟子之后,那他们自然也就会加入三山盟了。 But in person who this they recruit time, let their discover unexpectedly several Shadow Clansman spies, regarding these people, white eyes they will not be certainly polite, hated the pledge to know that greatly they can distinguish these are the Shadow Clansman spies, these, they did not certainly need to conceal the truth, therefore Shadow Clansman deceitful tired, killed completely, did not remain, is in a big way to be hated the pledge they to know, they truly were can distinguish these are the Shadow Clansman spies, these person was not. 而这一次他们招上来的人中,竟然让他们发现了几个影族人的奸细,对于这些人,白眼他们当然是不会客气了,大恨盟已经知道他们能分辨出那些是影族人的奸细,那些不是了,那他们当然也不用在瞒着了,所以影族人的奸累,全部杀死,一个都不留,就是要让大恨盟他们知道,他们确实是能分辨出那些是影族人的奸细,那些人不是。 But when the sea watching pledge their hiring, Yang true also arrived at Ba Huang pledge here, close to did not speak heard Yang Zhenlai, he let people Yang Zhenqing to oneself small Space in directly, when Yang true arrived, after two people coreferenced delivered the betrothal gifts, close to does not speak then to Yang true said: Elder Yang, actually does not know that you came our Ba Huang pledge, did?” They, do not like beating around the bush, has anything directly to ask, in Divine Beast here, some superficial politenesses, was given to give up by them directly, because they do not have too many times wastes at these things, therefore close to did not speak on coming straight to the point directly asked that he actually also almost knows Yang Zhenlai did do. 而就在观海盟他们招人的时候,杨真也到了八荒这里,巴不语一听说杨真来了,他就直接让人将杨真请到了自己的小空间里,等到杨真到了,两人相互见过礼之后,巴不语这才对杨真道:杨长老,却是不知你来我们八荒盟,有何贵干哪?”他们这些人,不喜欢拐弯抹角的,有什么就直接问,在神兽这里,有一些虚礼,直接就被他们给放弃了,因为他们没有太多的时候浪费在那些事情上,所以巴不语就开门见山的直接问了,他其实也差不多知道杨真来干什么的。 Yang true immediately did not speak said: to return to Palestinian alliance leader words to close to, before this I presented our alliance leader time, came to discuss that with Palestinian alliance leader forming an Alliance matter, before we with hated the pledge, together to dispatch troops to cope with the iron bone pledge greatly, the sea watching pledge actually meddle, but the losses of our two pledges were biggest, afterward the sea watching pledge tied the pledge with our both pledges, is worried to hate the pledge to retaliate us greatly, but now seems like, hated the pledge do not retaliate our meanings greatly, but our alliance leader felt, our two pledges should forming an Alliance, by dealing with have the is possible accident., Doesn't know Palestinian alliance leader what do you think?” Yang true said that did not speak on the look at close to, he sea watching pledge will take to say the matter, actually is also changing to reminder close to did not speak, sea watching pledge to our both pledges threatening, we should unite, he also mention simultaneously hated the pledge, although he to say greatly, hated the pledge not to retaliate them greatly, but he is also reminding close to not to speak, hates pledge is possible to be discontented with them greatly, they should forming an Alliance, Yang true this saying although not be therefore long, but in information content was actually many.( This chapter ends) 杨真马上就对巴不语道:“回巴盟主的话,这一次我是奉了我们盟主之前,前来与巴盟主商议结盟的事情的,之前我们与大恨盟,一起出兵对付铁骨盟,观海盟却是从中插手,而我们两盟的损失最大,后来观海盟与我们两盟都结了盟,就是担心大恨盟会报复我们,但是现在看起来,大恨盟并没有要报复我们的意思,但是我们盟主觉得,我们两盟还是应该结盟,以应付有可能的变故,不知巴盟主意下如何?”杨真说完就看着巴不语,他将观海盟拿出来说事,其实也是在变向的提醒巴不语,观海盟对我们两盟都是有威胁的,我们更应该团结,同时他还提到了大恨盟,虽然他说了,大恨盟没有报复他们,但是他同时也是在提醒巴不语,大恨盟可能会对他们不满,他们更应该结盟,所以说杨真这话虽然不长,但是里面的信息量却是不少。(本章完)
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