BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13574: Choice

Chapter 13379 chooses 第13379章选择 The piece of region that now we are, is Divine Beast region, in region of Divine Beast, has plenty region can see the person frequently, for example some vestiges, before these vestiges all are, Immortal Realm remains, now became various Divine Beast islands to carry out the transaction the place, was one type of spontaneous market, can trade in there.” “现在我们所在的这片区域,已经算是神兽界的区域了,在神兽界的区域里,有很多区域是可以经常的看到人的,就比如一些遗迹,这些遗迹全都是以前仙界留下来的,现在成了各神兽岛进行交易的地方,算是一种自发的坊市,可以在那里进行交易。” Some big vestiges, there is Encampment of some big alliances, these big alliances in Encampment that there establishes, but also there some formation to restoration, therefore there became their domain, these places we are easily cannot go, if we must go, must stop Divine Beast in the safe place, then leads over hundred people not to go visit the mountain, this is the custom of these big alliance.” “还有一些大的遗迹,那里全都是一些大联盟的驻地,那些大联盟在那里建立起的驻地,还将那里的一些法阵给恢复,所以那里就成了他们的地盘,那些地方我们是轻易的不能去,如果我们要去,必须要将神兽停在安全的地方,然后领着不超过百人前去拜山,这是那些大联盟的规矩。” However we walk about five days now forward, will arrive at vestige market, because there is quite near to the place of danger, but place of here danger, has plenty mine, therefore some there almost everyday people, us can have a look to there, naturally, we can also walk to east, we walk about 15 days to east, can arrive at Encampment of big alliance, that alliance named mirror mountain Meng, place that because is at for them, is a place mirror mountain Gong vestige, there defensive formation, had been given to restore by them, but I. Reason that said there, because of mirror mountain palace alliance there alliance leader, heard has been troubled by strength of Shadow Clan, but we can help him remove Shadow Clan energy in body, if we really can help mirror mountain Meng alliance leader remove Shadow Clan energy of his within the body, we became famous, we later in Divine Beast here, no matter arrives at there, will receive others' respect, therefore I said how we then must do, must thinking well, goes to mirror mountain pledge there, first is market there, if we market there, that we can with other. The people trade, then in slowly creates some reputations, naturally, this process is possible will be very long, if we go to mirror mountain pledge there, we can become famous within the short time, do you feel?” “而我们现在向前走五天左右,就会到达一处遗迹坊市,因为那里离危险之地比较近,但是危险之地这里,又有很多矿山,所以那里几乎每天都会有人在,我们可以到那里去看看,当然,我们也可以向东走,我们向东走十五天左右,可以到达一个大联盟的驻地,那个联盟名叫镜山盟,因为为他们所在的地方,是一处名镜山宫的遗迹,那里防御法阵,已经被他们给恢复了,而我之所以说那里,是因为镜山宫联盟那里盟主,听说一直受到影族之力的困扰,而我们可以帮着他去除掉身体里的影族能量,如果我们真的能帮着镜山盟的盟主去除他体内的影族能量,那我们就出名了,我们以后在神兽这里,不管是走到那里,都会受到别人的尊敬,所以我才说,我们接下来要如何做,必须要好好的想一想,是去镜山盟那里,还是先去坊市那里,如果我们去坊市那里,那我们可以跟其它人进行交易,然后在慢慢的创出一些名头,当然,这个过程可能会很长,如果我们去镜山盟那里,那我们就可以在短时间之内出名了,你们觉得呢?” After saying these, the blue jade bell on look at Ding Chunming their several people, Ding Chunming they all was deep during the thought that the meaning of their understand blue jade bell, this was actually two roads, one was the shortcut, can let their as soon as possible becoming famous, but another was different, another was the rushing out reputation slowly, looked how they must elect. 说完这些之后,蓝玉铃就看着丁春明他们几人,丁春明他们全都陷入到了沉思之中,他们明白蓝玉铃的意思,这其实就是两条路,一条就是捷径,可以让他们尽快的成名,而另一条却不一样了,另一条就是慢慢的闯出名声,就看他们要怎么选了。 white eyes thinks, then open the mouth and said: We are as soon as possible collection Divine Beast here information now, that, went to mirror mountain pledge there nothing more to be said directly, only then our he had/left the reputation, we can collect the information as soon as possible, so long as we rushed out such reputation, we in Divine Beast here security, some people will not be wanting to attack us, when the time comes we, but can also relying on this reputation, in Divine Beast here, establish own influence, therefore I felt, we should mirror mountain pledge there, you feel?” white eyes said on look at Ding Chunming they. 白眼想了想,接着开口道:“我们现在就是要尽快的收集神兽这里的情报,那也就没有什么好说的了,直接就去镜山盟那里,只有我们他出了名头,我们才能尽快的收集到情报,而且只要我们闯出了这样的名头,我们在神兽这里才会更加的安全,才不会有人在想要来进攻我们,到时候我们说不定,还能靠着这个名头,在神兽这里,建立属于自己的势力呢,所以我觉得,我们应该去镜山盟那里,你们觉得呢?”白眼说完就看着丁春明他们。 Ding Chunming thinks, then open the mouth and said: "OK, I agreed, we go to mirror mountain pledge there, we must rush out the reputation to be good as soon as possible, this to our following actions, advantageous. ” Sheng Si they also all nod, agrees. 丁春明想了想,接着开口道:“好,我同意,我们去镜山盟那里,我们必须要尽快的闯出名头才行,这对我们接下来的行动,会更加的有利。”盛兕他们也全都点了点头,表示同意。 white eyes said solemnly: "OK, that decided that we go to mirror mountain pledge there, the blue elder, is referred to the road by you. ” 白眼沉声道:“好,那就这么定了,我们就去镜山盟那里,蓝长老,由你指路。” The blue jade bell complied with one, white eyes nodded said: "OK, that to decide, everyone went back to prepare, we directly soared mirror mountain Meng, right, after we arrived at there, said directly, we can remove their alliance leader the strength of Shadow Clan, can they believe us? Must otherwise, we first go to other place, when we rush out some reputations, then in mirror mountain pledge there, can better a little? ” white eyes was somewhat worried this matter, after all is pledge alliance leader, they direct told the person in the past, I can cure your alliance leader sickness, the opposite party can believe that this has not really said that if the opposite party does not believe that troubled, doing well can have the conflict, therefore white eyes will say, he does not want just to come Divine Beast here, has the conflict with a here big alliance, in that case, will give them this action, brings many variables, this is white eyes most does not want to see. 蓝玉铃应了一声,白眼点了点头道:“好,那就这么定了,大家都回去准备吧,我们直奔镜山盟,对了,我们到了那里之后,直接就说,我们可以去除他们盟主影族之力,他们会不会相信我们啊?要不然的话,我们先去别的地方,等我们闯出一些名头来,然后在去镜山盟那里,会不会更好一点儿?”白眼还是有些担心这件事情,毕竟是一盟的盟主,他们直接过去跟人说,我能治好你们盟主的病,对方会不会相信,这个还真的不好说,要是对方不相信,那就麻烦了,弄不好是会起冲突的,所以白眼才会如此的说,他可不想刚来神兽这里,就与这里的一个大联盟起冲突,那样的话,会给他们这一次的行动,带来很多的变数的,这是白眼最不想看到的。 Blue jade bell said solemnly: This does not need to be worried, I in mirror mountain pledge there, two friends, I told when the time comes them, presents to us by them, I want not to have what issue, everyone rest assured.” Before blue jade bell , because will manufacture medicine pill, truly with many people are the friends, after all without that person, does not want to become friends with a doctor, blue jade bell although cannot be a doctor, but her in hand medicine pill, in Divine Beast here, absolutely is the hard currency, on Pang is some big alliances, they have oneself specially Refining medicine pill person, but no one will dislike medicine pill to be many, moreover even the people of these big alliances, what they will not have matter all together action, they are also has the go it alone the time, so long as their go it alone, what experienced matter, Needed medicine pill, must look for the blue jade bell, this was also the reason of person why the blue jade bell can know mirror mountain Meng, because she has saved the mirror mountain Meng person. 蓝玉铃沉声道:“这个不用担心,我在镜山盟那里,也是有两个朋友的,到时候我跟他们说一下,由他们给我们引见,我想就不会有什么问题了,大家放心好了。”蓝玉铃以前因为会制做丹药,确实是跟很多人都是朋友,毕竟没有那个人,不想跟一个医生交朋友呢,蓝玉铃虽然不能算是医生,但是她手里丹药,在神兽这里,也绝对是硬通货,就逄是一些大联盟,他们有自己专门炼制丹药的人,但是没有谁会嫌丹药多的,而且就算是那些大联盟的人,他们也不会有什么事儿全都一起行动,他们也是有单独行动的时候,只要他们单独行动了,遇到什么事儿,需要丹药了,还是要找蓝玉铃的,这也是为什么蓝玉铃会认识镜山盟的人的原因,因为她救过镜山盟的人。 But white eyes one hear of blue jade bells said, she knew person who mirror mountain Meng, he cannot help but stares, later immediately open the mouth and said: "OK, fantastic, such matter was simpler, that blue elder, you return to Divine Beast Space now, in a front finger/refers of road, our together went to mirror mountain pledge there. ” The blue jade bell nods, later she stood, holds the fist in the other hand to the people, next quarter form on vanish from sight. 白眼一听蓝玉铃说,她认识镜山盟的人,他不由得一愣,随后马上就开口道:“好,太好了,这样事情就简单多了,那蓝长老,你现在就回神兽空间里去,在前面指路,我们一起去镜山盟那里。”蓝玉铃点了点头,随后她就站了起来,冲着众人一抱拳,下一刻身影就消失不见了。 Common woman, when sees others, can the line of squatting rituals, like blue jade bell, line of traditional Chinese salutes are actually not many, in Cultivation World, such matter is not rare, in Cultivation World here, many women, is the line snatches the fist ritual, after all cultivator and common woman, there are very in a big way different, they will be the rivers and lakes children, the nature on will not care about these section. 一般的女人,在见到别人的时候,都会行蹲礼,像蓝玉铃这样,行抱拳礼的其实并不多,不过在修真界,这样的事情也不少见,在修真界这里,很多的女人,都是行抢拳礼的,毕竟修士与一般的女人,还是有很大的不同的,她们算是江湖儿女,自然也就不会在意那些小节了。 Ding Chunming their also all returned the salute, after the blue jade bell walks, Ding Chunming on look at white eyes, looks at somewhat puzzled white eyes, his look at Ding Chunming said: what happened? why look at I?” Said that white eyes somewhat looked at own body one puzzled, he thinks where oneself body has is not right, finally on discover all normal, does not have any incorrect place. 丁春明他们也全都还了一礼,等到蓝玉铃走后,丁春明看着白眼,把白眼看得有些不解,他看着丁春明道:怎么了?为什么看着我?”说完白眼就有些不解的看了自己的身体一眼,他以为自己的身上有什么地方不对劲儿呢,结果发现自己身上一切正常,没有任何不对的地方。 Ding Chunming look at white eyes said: old white, in steeping tea, we arrived, your discover?” 丁春明看着白眼道:“老白,在沏茶的时候,我们就到了,你发现了吗?” white eyes one hear of Ding Chunming said, he is different said: „, when I steep tea did you arrive? You are not when we drink up the first cup of tea arrives? If you arrived, why doesn't come? But stands in the one side is waiting?” 白眼一听丁春明这么说,他不同得一愣道:“在我沏茶的时候你们就到了?你们不是在我们喝完第一杯茶的时候才到的吗?你们要是到了,为什么不过来?而是站在一旁等着?” Ding Chunming one hear of white eyes said, cannot help but slightly smiled said: looked, this is the issue is, old white, we truly are when you steep tea arrived, but you had not actually noticed us at that time, must know that your although is not good at the fight, but you are title level expert, your feeling is very keen, why won't have discover we to arrive?” 丁春明一听白眼这么说,不由得微微一笑道:“看,这就是问题所在,老白,我们确实是在你沏茶的时候就到了,但是当时你却没有注意到我们,要知道你虽然不善长战斗,但是你可是一个称号级高手啊,你的感觉是十分灵敏的,为什么会没有发现我们到来呢?” white eyes one hear of Ding Chunming said, he cannot help but stares, later does he cannot help but knit the brows said: „? What's the matter? Is Divine Beast here Shadow Clan energy, affected my sensation? is impossible? Do you have this feeling?” 白眼一听丁春明这么说,他不由得一愣,随后他不由得皱了皱眉头道:“是啊?怎么回事儿?难道说是神兽这里影族能量,影响了我的感知了?不可能吧?你们有这种感觉吗?” Ding Chunming one hear of white eyes said, he cannot help but laughed, later his look at white eyes said: old white old white, you may be really good, this saying you could say, you did not fear that makes me laugh at you, Shadow Clan energy affected the sensation, simply no matter, I asked you, you felt, with blue elder in together, at heart very comfortable, liked with the blue elder in together?” 丁春明一听白眼这么说,他不由得哈哈大笑了起来,随后他看着白眼道:“老白啊老白,你可真行,这话你都说得出来,你也不怕让我笑话你,影族能量影响了感知,根本就没有的事儿,我这么问你吧,你是不是觉得,跟蓝长老在一起的时候,心里十分的舒服,喜欢跟蓝长老在一起?” white eyes one hear of Ding Chunming said, he cannot help but stares, later his immediately understand the meaning of Ding Chunming, he shook the head hastily said: is impossible, absolute is impossible, you meant, I did like the blue elder? This is impossible, we have met several absolutely, this absolutely is impossible.” white eyes repetitive denial, even if has no Sheng Si of experience still to look to this matter, he was somewhat afraid, do not say Ding Chunming such seasoned person. 白眼一听丁春明这么说,他不由得一愣,随后他马上就明白丁春明的意思,他连忙摇了摇头道:不可能,绝对不可能,你的意思是说,我喜欢上了蓝长老?这绝对不可能,我们才见过几面啊,这绝对不可能。”白眼连连的否认,但是就算是对这种事儿没有什么经验的盛兕也看得出来,他是有些心虚了,就更不要说丁春明这样的过来人了。 Ding Chunming look at white eyes appearance, then slightly smiled said: good old white, do not deny that this matter I very experienced, initially I to my wife am this feeling, said it, this is not the disgraced matter, what has to acknowledge embarrassed? You acknowledged even, how can that? Young Master will not oppose, will also be glad to see him succeed, therefore old white, I thought that you acknowledged that this was the good matter, moreover I looked at the blue elder to some of your also meanings, did not believe you to ask is experienced they, was you in steeping tea, two eyes continuously look at of blue elder you, never from your leave, moreover we arrived at her not to notice, this explained anything, this explained that she with your feeling was the same, therefore old white, you on do not deny.” 丁春明看着白眼的样子,接着微微一笑道:“行了老白,你就别否认了,这种事儿我可是很有经验的,当初我对我老婆就是这种感觉,在说了,这也不是什么丢人的事儿,有什么不好意思承认的?你就算是承认了,那又能怎么样呢?少爷也不会反对,还会乐见其成,所以老白,我看你还是承认了吧,这是好事儿,而且我看蓝长老对你也有些意思,不信你问问老成他们,是不是你在沏茶的时候,蓝长老的两眼一直看着你,从来都没有从你的身上离开过,而且我们到来她也没有注意到,这说明什么,这说明她跟你的感觉是一样的,所以老白,你就别否认了。” white eyes one hear of Ding Chunming said, he cannot help but gawked, later he turned the head to look at Cheng Wanchun their eyes, Cheng Wanchun they all nodded, Cheng Wanchun was open the mouth and said: Right, at that time we came time, the blue elder has not noticed us, moreover her two eyes on your body, I could have looked, the blue elder is also interesting about you, this, old white your good matter to come absolutely mistakenly evidently, this matter, your simply does not need to deny, this is the good matter, having anything is good to deny.” 白眼一听丁春明这么说,他不由得愣了一下,随后他转头看了成万春他们一眼,成万春他们全都点了点头,成万春更是开口道:“没错,当时我们来的时候,蓝长老也没有注意到我们,而且她的两眼一直都在你的身上,我看得出来,蓝长老对你也有意思,这绝对错不了,老白看样子你的好事儿要来了,这种事儿,你根本就没有必要否认,这是好事儿啊,有什么好否认的。” white eyes one hear of Cheng Wanchun said, he cannot help but smiled bitterly, later on look at Cheng Wanchun said: line, I acknowledged, I really am have a little meaning to the blue elder, I appreciate her very much, but this matter, must slowly comes, first this, cannot I now go to say with the blue elder, come, we form Dao companion, that will frighten her, ok, you did not need to worry, rest assured, I will process.” white eyes arrived at this time, still very calm, but Cheng Wanchun their white eyes said that also looked at one mutually, later also nods, this matter, they, truly cannot help, can only depend on he himself, this is not other matter, others can also help handle, this matter, how others help, therefore they also can only alright, this matter make white eyes process, therefore several people also all stood, to white eyes gave a salute, turn around walked. 白眼一听成万春这么说,他不由得苦笑了一下,随后就看着成万春道:“行吧,我承认,我确实是对蓝长老有那么一点儿意思,我很欣赏她,但是这种事儿,得慢慢的来,不先这样吧,总不能我现在就去跟蓝长老说,来吧,我们结成道侣吧,那会吓到她的,行了,你们就不用操心了,放心好了,我会处理好的。”白眼到了这个时候,依然十分的冷静,而成万春他们白眼这么说,也是互望了一眼,随后同时点了点头,这种事儿,他们这些人,确实是帮不上什么忙,只能靠他自己,这又不是别的事情,别人还能帮把手,这种事儿,别人怎么帮啊,所以他们也只能算了,这种事儿还是让白眼自己来处理吧,所以几人也全都站了起来,冲着白眼行了一礼,转身走了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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