BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13572: Restoration

Chapter 13588 restores 第13588章恢复 The kings defended traditional moral principles one hear of him saying that first gawked, later thinks, actually nods, then open the mouth and said: This arrives is a good way, no matter how, our strengths, must restore to be good as soon as possible, otherwise, did not have the means to shake the scene, moreover we must make anything, let as we all know, we hated the pledge greatly are still not they can stir up.” 王卫道一听他这么说,先是一愣,随后想了想,却是点了点头,接着开口道:“这到是一个好办法,不管如何,我们的实力,必须要尽快的恢复才行,不然的话,就没有办法震得住场面了,而且我们必须要做一些什么,让所有人都知道知道,我们大恨盟依然不是他们能惹得起的。” The people all nod, at this time elder open the mouth and said: We were also just-received information, before sea watching pledge person, has visited Flying Dragon pledge person, what they chatted no one to know, but one thing is certain, what they have certainly said that alliance leader, you looked that this matter we can use, copes with the Flying Dragon pledge, making everyone know our fierce?” He said that defends traditional moral principles on the look at king, after king Weidao listened to his words, actually thinks, then shakes the head. 众人全都点了点头,这时一个长老开口道:“我们也是刚刚收到的消息,之前观海盟的人,去拜访过飞龙盟的人,他们聊了什么没有人知道,但是有一点儿可以肯定,他们双方一定是说过什么,盟主,你看这件事情我们能不能利用一下,就是对付一下飞龙盟,让所有人都知道知道我们的厉害?”他说完就看着王卫道,王卫道听了他的话之后,却是想了想,接着摇了摇头。 Looked king Weidao shakes the head, this arrived stemmed from unexpected of many, they have not thought, the king defended traditional moral principles did not agree unexpectedly, king Weidao looked at people one eyes, then open the mouth and said: I know you to feel strange why I did not agree, its emperor very simple, the Flying Dragon pledge is also good, the Ba Huang pledge is also good, their initially may all follow our together to dispatch troops to cope with the iron bone pledge, the although halfway they had withdrawn, but this is because, they by attack, they have to draw back, this matter many people know, although the Flying Dragon pledge had not dispatched troops from the behind attack sea watching pledge person afterward, but also met with the person of sea watching pledge, but if we because of this on attack they, that will certainly be denounced by others, therefore we cannot cope with the Flying Dragon pledge at this time, conversely, We must win over the Flying Dragon pledge to be good.” 一看王卫道摇头,这到是出乎了很多人的意料之外,他们没有想到,王卫道竟然不同意,王卫道看了众人一眼,接着开口道:“我知道你们奇怪,我为什么不同意,其帝十分的简单,飞龙盟也好,八荒盟也好,他们当初可全都跟着我们一起出兵对付过铁骨盟,虽然半路他们就退出了,但是这是因为,他们被攻击了,他们不得不退回来,这件事情很多人都知道,虽然后来飞龙盟没有出兵从后面攻击观海盟的人,还跟观海盟的人见了面,但是如果我们因为这个就攻击他们,那一定会被其它人所诟病,所以这个时候我们不能对付飞龙盟,相反的,我们还要拉拢飞龙盟才行。” As soon as the people listened to him saying that all gawked, their complexion also somewhat were later ugly, has not said anything, because king Weidao said was very reasonable, they truly cannot cope with the Flying Dragon pledge in this moment, in that case, will let the Ba Huang pledge their several alliances, everybody feels insecure, will be will not listen to their summons with the lingering fear in some people, acted with their together. 众人一听他这么说,全都是一愣,随后他们的脸色也都有些难看,却也没有说什么,因为王卫道说的很有道理,他们确实是不能在这个进候对付飞龙盟,那样的话,会让八荒盟他们几个联盟,人人自危的,而且以后怕是也不会在有人听他们的号召,跟着他们一起行动了。 king Weidao looked at people one eyes, then open the mouth and said: I thought that we must to cope with the sea watching pledge their give priority to, after our strengths restore, we are sending people to cope with the sea watching pledge, before I feel us, some underestimated the sea watching pledge their several alliances, our methods also used simultaneously mistakenly, the sea watching pledge, iron bone pledge their these alliance, can give up their Encampment, we, they can melt entire are the fog, attacks us, we are also the same can melt put in order for the attack of fog they, their these defeats us time, certainly thinks, we in not attacking them, but we are actually must counter-. Is coming, we must attack them, and wants our strength restoration, immediately to attack them, aren't the attack of breaking up the whole into parts we? We also break up the whole into parts attacks them, I to have a look, how can they us, you feel?” 王卫道看了众人一眼,接着开口道:“我觉得我们还是要以对付观海盟他们为主,等我们的实力恢复之后,我们就在派人去对付观海盟,我觉得我们之前,有些小看了观海盟他们几个联盟,同时我们的方法也用错了,观海盟,铁骨盟他们这些联盟,可以放弃他们的驻地,我们也可以,他们可以化整为雾,进攻我们,我们也一样可以化整为雾的进攻他们,他们这一次将我们打败,一定会以为,我们不会在进攻他们了,但是我们却是要反着来,我们还是要进攻他们,而且只要我们的实力一恢复,马上就进攻他们,他们不是化整为零的进攻我们吗?那我们也化整为零的去进攻他们,我到是想看看,他们能将我们怎么样,你们觉得呢?” One hear of kings defended traditional moral principles said, the people all gawked, later nods, to be honest, these fight with sea watching pledge, making them feel that time very aggrieved, their had the powerful nowhere use giant probably, but the person of sea watching pledge, looked like some loathful mosquito, you can always hear him to call , can always discover own body have by the package that the mosquito bit, but you could not find that mosquito, you could not project on him, this really by person repugnancy. 一听王卫道这么说,众人全都是一愣,随后点了点头,说实话,这一次跟观海盟的战斗,让他们感到十分的憋屈,他们就好像个有个有力无处使用巨人,而观海盟的人,就像是一些让人讨厌的蚊子,你总是能听到他叫,也总是能发现自己的身上有被蚊子咬出来的包,但是你就是找不到那蚊子,你也打不到他,这真的是让人十分的讨厌。 But if they also look like the sea watching pledge to do, that can let the sea watching pledge headache? You do not like breaking up the whole into parts copes with us? We also break up the whole into parts copes with you, if you in attack us when the time comes, that center our below cherished, we can tidy up you well, you coped with us like before, thought of here, on the face of people, all showed the smile, the king defended traditional moral principles look at their appearance, knew their understand his meaning, therefore his slightly smiled said: "OK, that we did, after you went back, immediately sent the letter/believes to other alliances, best will be direct some loyal alliances, the income to our alliance, by our strength as soon as possible restorations., Told the people of other alliances simultaneously, we agreed that they expanded oneself strength, even can have some commodities, helping them restore their strengths, we must make us hate the pledge region strength greatly, as soon as possible restoration. ” 但是如果他们也像观海盟那么做,那会不会让观海盟头痛?你们不是喜欢化整为零的来对付我们吗?那我们也化整为零的对付你,如果到时候你在来进攻我们的话,那就正中我们的下怀了,我们就可以好好的收拾你们了,就像之前你们对付我们一样,一想到这里,众人的脸上,全都露出了笑容,王卫道看着他们的样子,也知道他们明白了他的意思,所以他微微一笑道:“好,那我们就这么干,你们回去之后,马上就给其它联盟去信,最好是直接将一些忠心的联盟,收入到我们的联盟里,让我们的实力尽快的恢复,同时告诉其它联盟的人,我们同意他们扩大自己的实力,甚至可以出一部分物资,帮他们恢复他们的实力,我们要让我们大恨盟区域的实力,尽快的恢复。” The people all complied with one, later king Weidao then beckons with the hand, the people all drew back, after they drew back, immediately called the people of other alliances, them told the meaning that the king defended traditional moral principles, the people of other alliances, one hear of they said, immediately had the people of several alliances said, they wanted join to hate the pledge greatly, as the matter stands, hated the pledge greatly the strength, one restored, when although has not restored to most flourishing, when also restored the eight layers strength to most flourishing. 众人全都应了一声,随后王卫道这才摆了摆手,众人就全都退下去了,等到他们退下去之后,马上就将其它联盟的人召集了起来,将王卫道的意思跟他们说了,其它联盟的人,一听他们这么说,马上就有几个联盟的人表示,他们愿意加入大恨盟,这样一来,大恨盟的实力,一下就恢复了很多,虽然还没有恢复到全盛之时,但是也恢复到全盛之时的八层力量了。 Besides hates the pledge the strength to restore greatly, other alliances also announce to the public directly, they starting today, must recruit staff join they, but hated pledge although losses greatly, however their prestige also, Divine Beast here, were has plenty Rogue Cultivator and small alliance, wanted join their here, even if they cannot join hate the pledge greatly, join hated some alliances that the pledge governed greatly, they were still want, therefore did not meet them when the grandson, not returned to sea watching pledge that piece of region, in a big way hated the pledge the strength, had basically restored, this truly was. Astonishing, obviously hates the pledge greatly in the Divine Beast here prestige high, even if they were defeated one time, they still have the huge prestige, still has countless people, wanting join to hate the pledge greatly, this is many people have not thought. 除了大恨盟的实力恢复之外,其它联盟也直接就对外宣布,他们从今天开始,要招收人员加入他们,而大恨盟这一次虽然了,但是他们的威名还在,神兽这里,还是有很多散修和小联盟,愿意加入他们这里的,他们就算是不能加入大恨盟,加入大恨盟治下的一些联盟,他们也是愿意的,所以就在孙不遇他们,还没有回到观海盟的那片区域时,大恨盟的实力,已经基本上恢复了,这确实是让人吃惊,可见大恨盟在神兽这里的声望有多高,就算是他们失败了一次,他们依然有着巨大的声望,依然有无数的人,想要加入大恨盟,这是很多人都没有想到的。 This situation came as a surprise to everyone, everyone has not thought, hates the pledge to be able within such short time to restore the strength greatly unexpectedly, what most important is, hates the attitudes of pledge their several alliances greatly toward the Flying Dragon pledge, they sent for these alliances unexpectedly, moreover was good words comforting, entered gives back to these alliances to send to some commodities, was apologized, but these commodity original originally were complies to them, at that time what said after was acts to be successful, to them, but acts to be defeated now, actually gave them, this was that several alliances not. Thinks that including the Flying Dragon pledge, dragon Feiyu after will hate the person who greatly pledge sends off, directly the elder in their alliance, all called, he looked at these elder one eyes, then open the mouth and said: These all called time everyone, wanted to discuss with everyone, hated the pledge greatly the matter, hated pledge send people to come greatly, I think that this little everyone also knows, they did not have the meaning of a little bit strange crime, moreover before they, complied with our commodities, all sending, regarding this matter, what view everyone had?” dragon Feiyu said that on the look at people, is waiting for people's reply. 这种情况出乎了所有人的预料,所有人都没有想到,大恨盟竟然能在这么短的时间之内恢复实力,最主要的是,大恨盟对飞龙盟他们几个联盟的态度,他们竟然派人去了这几个联盟,而且都是好言安抚,同进还给这几个联盟送去了一些物资,算是赔罪了,而这些物资原本就是答应要给他们的,只不过当时说的是行动成功之后给他们,但现在行动失败了,却还是给他们了,这是那几个联盟都没有想到的,包括飞龙盟,龙飞宇在将大恨盟的人送走之后,就直接将他们联盟里的长老,全都召集了起来,他看了那些长老一眼,接着开口道:“这一次将大家全都叫来,就是想要跟大家商量一下,大恨盟的事情,大恨盟派人来了,我想这一点儿大家也都知道,他们没有一点儿怪罪的意思,而且他们还将之前答应我们的物资,全都给送来了,对于这件事情,大家有什么看法吗?”龙飞宇说完就看着众人,等着众人的回答。 As soon as the people listened to him saying that cannot help but gawked, later on their faces all showed a surprised expression, they think that hated the pledge to blame them greatly, has not actually thought, hates the pledge to do greatly unexpectedly this, this arrived really stems from their unexpected. 众人一听他这么说,都不由得一愣,随后他们的脸上全都露出了一丝惊讶的表情,他们以为大恨盟会来责怪他们,却没有想到,大恨盟竟然会如此做,这到真的是出乎他们的意料之外。 Some little time elder then open the mouth and said: alliance leader, if hates the pledge real doesn't blame crime greatly our meaning, we also do calculate with forming an Alliance of sea watching pledge? Hates the pledge to be correct/pretty good to us greatly, if we with sea watching pledge forming an Alliance, this are seeming like a little sorry hate the pledge greatly?” His this saying exit|to speak, many people nod, felt he said is reasonable. 好一会儿一个长老这才开口道:“盟主,如果大恨盟真的没有怪罪我们的意思,那我们与观海盟的结盟还算吗?大恨盟对我们可是不错,如果我们在与观海盟结盟,这个好像是有点儿对不起大恨盟吧?”他这话一出口,有不少人都点了点头,觉得他说的有道理。 But at this time another an elder was actually open the mouth and said: I thought that this with us with sea watching pledge forming an Alliance, does not have any influence, we with sea watching pledge forming an Alliance is secret, no one knows, said it, we with sea watching pledge forming an Alliance, did not mean, must help them cope hates the pledge greatly, we said that if hates the pledge to cope with us greatly, if the sea watching pledge is willing to help, can come to help, to be honest, we with sea watching pledge forming an Alliance, more does not want to make them come attack we, this with hates the pledge greatly to our attitudes, does not have too big relationship, in a big way hates the pledge to be good to our attitudes, our not attack they., Does not help the sea watching pledge cope with them, this and that's the end, does not need to have clashes of opinion with the sea watching pledge, the sea watching pledge is also good, hates the pledge is also good greatly, is not that affable, we offend anyone not to have the advantage, said it, hates the pledge to be good to us greatly now, after not representative, they to our such attitudes, will also hate pledge loss to be very big greatly, although their population almost restore now, but present in a big way hates the pledge, their fighting strength, before affirmative are was inferior, in this case, to include us, they will certainly be good to us, because they were worried., We when they are weak attack them, but if their later strengths really fully restored, they to us can also be such attitude? This feared that is not necessarily? If when the time comes they really and we got angry, but we and sea watching pledge got angry, what advantage this has to us, the sea watching pledge with hates the matter between pledges greatly with our it doesn't matter, why do we want to be involved? Why can we choose sides stand in line? This unreasonable, we remain neutral, isn't this good? We are also a big alliance, our strengths, is possible is inferior to them, but they feared does not dare easily provokes us? Does everyone feel?” 而这时另一位长老却是开口道:“我觉得这跟我们与观海盟结盟,没有什么影响,我们与观海盟结盟秘密的,没有人知道,在说了,我们与观海盟结盟,也并不是说,要帮着他们对付大恨盟,我们只是说,如果大恨盟对付我们,观海盟要是愿意帮助的话,可以前来帮忙,说实话,我们与观海盟结盟,更多的是不想让他们来攻击我们,这跟大恨盟对我们的态度,没有太大的关系,大恨盟对我们的态度好,我们不攻击他们,不帮着观海盟对付他们,这也就是了,没有必要非得与观海盟闹矛盾,观海盟也好,大恨盟也好,都不是那么好惹的,我们得罪谁都没有好处,在说了,大恨盟现在对我们好,并不代表以后他们还会对我们这样的态度,大恨盟这一次损失很大,虽然他们的人数现在差不多恢复了,但是现在的大恨盟,他们的战斗力,肯定是不如以前了,在这种情况下,为了拉笼我们,他们当然会对我们好,因为他们担心,我们会在他们虚弱的时候进攻他们,但是如果他们以后实力真的完全的恢复了,那他们对我们还会是这样的态度吗?这个怕是不见得吧?如果到时候他们真的跟跟我们翻脸了,而我们又跟观海盟翻脸了,这对我们有什么好处,观海盟与大恨盟之间的事儿本身就与我们没有关系,我们为什么要参与其中呢?我们为什么一定要选边站队呢?这不合情理啊,我们就保持中立,这难道不好吗?我们也是一个大联盟,我们的实力,可能不如他们,但是他们怕是也不敢轻易的来招惹我们吧?大家觉得呢?” One hear of he said, the people all stare, later the people all nod, dragon Feiyu also nods said: correct/pretty good, hates the matter between pledges and sea watching pledges greatly, why do we want to be involved? simply that necessity, starting today, we have not remained neutral, no matter the sea watching pledge must cope hates the pledge is also good greatly, hates the pledge to cope with the sea watching pledge greatly is also good, has no relationship with us, won't we be involved, what opinion everyone to do have?” 一听他这么说,众人全都是一愣,随后众人全都点了点头,龙飞宇也点了点头道:不错,大恨盟和观海盟之间的事情,我们为什么一定要参与其中呢?根本就没有那个必要,从今天开始,我们就一直保持中立,不管是观海盟要对付大恨盟也好,还是大恨盟要对付观海盟也好,都与我们没有任何的关系,我们都不会参与其中,大家对些有没有什么意见?” The people all shake the head, originally is also, hates the pledge and sea watching pledge and iron bone pledge between greatly them the matter, has what relationship with their Flying Dragon pledge, the beforehand matter, had passed, the later matter they were not good because of the participation, does not need also to choose sides stands in line, therefore people felt, did this it would be the best, but some people were worried, elder open the mouth and said: But alliance leader, if we do not follow to hate pledge together to cope with the sea watching pledge greatly they, after that hates the pledge, greatly can cope with us? If the sea watching pledge wants our together to cope hates the pledge greatly, we did not agree, they can be the matter of ally say us and they? Must really be such words, we may trouble, does alliance leader feel?” 众人全都摇了摇头,本来也是如此,大恨盟与观海盟和铁骨盟他们之间的事情,与他们飞龙盟有什么关系,之前的事情,已经过去了,以后的事情他们不在参与就好了,没有必要还要选边站队,所以众人者觉得,这样做最好不过了,不过还是有人担心,一个长老开口道:“可是盟主,如果我们不跟着大恨盟一起对付观海盟他们,那大恨盟以后会不会对付我们?如果观海盟要我们一起对付大恨盟,我们不同意,那他们会不会将我们与他们是盟友的事情说出去?要真的是这样的话,那我们可就麻烦了,盟主觉得呢?” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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