BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13571: Wiping out

develop(ment) of matter, such that just like also these people think, Blood Slaughter Sect these disciple, quick will hate in pledge army greatly, remaining these battle soldier killing, after killing these battle soldier, Blood Slaughter Sect these disciple, to these Divine Beast make a move, these Divine Beast although thought rebel, but does not have the means that Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, fighting strength was really strong, their simply rebel, can only be killed finally, but other aspect various elders they were want to rescue these Divine Beast, but their not means that because their strengths are placed in there, simply not means. Rescues these Divine Beast, they by Ding Chunming their tying down stubbornly, without the ability were rescued, can only look at these Divine Beast helplessly be killed, after these Divine Beast were killed, their fighting strength, came under very tremendous impact, the Divine Beast here person, unlike the Blood Slaughter Sect person, Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, in their general situations, in the practice, Divine Beast to their help is very big, but truly to fight time, Divine Beast to their help, is not big, but the Divine Beast here person is different, they already be used to it strength fight that borrows Divine Beast, One but did not have the help of Divine Beast strength, their fighting strength, the influence is very big, this does not have the matter of means that they are this. 事情的发展,也正如那些人所想的那样,血杀宗的那些弟子,很快就将大恨盟大军之中,剩下的那些战兵给杀了,在杀了那些战兵之后,血杀宗的那些弟子,就对那些神兽出手了,那些神兽虽然反抗,但是没有办法,血杀宗弟子,战斗力实在是太强了,他们根本就反抗不了,最后只能是被杀死,而另一面诸长老他们是想要救援那些了神兽的,但是他们没有办法,因为他们的实力在那里摆着呢,根本就没有办法去救援那些神兽,他们被丁春明他们死死的缠住,没有能力去救援,只能眼睁睁的看着那些神兽被杀,在那些神兽被杀之后,他们的战斗力,受到了很大的影响,神兽这里的人,与血杀宗的人不一样,血杀宗弟子,他们一般的情况下,是在修练的时候,神兽对他们的帮助是很大的,但是真正到了战斗的时候,神兽对他们的帮助,并没有那么大,而神兽这里的人不一样,他们早就习惯了借用神兽的力量战斗,一但没有了神兽力量的帮助,他们的战斗力,影响还是很大的,这也是没有办法的事情,他们一直都是这样的。 Now these Divine Beast were killed, they did not have the support of Divine Beast strength, finally died in battle was also nothing unusual, as dead Island Lord were getting more and more, the remaining these people, the situation was also more and more dangerous, because of their very clear, the person who they died is many, the three mountains pledge and iron bone pledge will have more and more expert to cope with them, they naturally also on danger even more. 现在那些神兽被杀,他们没有了神兽力量的支援,最后战死也就不足为奇了,而随着死去的岛主越来越多,剩下的那些人,处境也是越来越危险,因为他们十分的清楚,他们死去的人越是多,三山盟和铁骨盟就会有越来越多的高手可以来对付他们,他们当然也就越发的危险了。 At this time white eyes suddenly ordered said: to following disciple everyone, loud persuade to surrender.” His order issues, following these disciple immediately understand his meaning, all of them simultaneously said loudly: Surrender and you won't die, Surrender and you won't die!” Their sounds, everyone all heard, in person who these hate the pledge greatly, the person who latter join hates the pledge greatly, looked at one mutually, later they surrendered directly, they may not have for the consciousness to hate the pledge greatly dying in battle, they regarding hate the pledge the sense of belonging to be very low greatly. 这时白眼突然对下面的弟子下令道:“所有人,大声劝降。”他的命令一下达,下面的那些弟子马上就明白了他的意思,他们所有人同时大声道:“投降免死,投降免死!”他们的声音,所有人全都听到了,那些大恨盟的人中,后加入大恨盟的人,互望了一眼,随后他们直接就投降了,他们可没有为大恨盟战死的觉悟,他们对于大恨盟的归属感可是很低的。 Instead to is the person who originally hates the pledge greatly, they no one are willing to surrender, these people almost all are the Shadow Clansman spies, they before coming to have known, the iron bone pledge their is possible has to distinguish the Shadow Clansman method, if really has this method, then they surrender even that are still die, therefore they will not surrender, it is for this reason that therefore these people pledge to fight to the death do not fall. 反到是原本大恨盟的人,他们没有人愿意投降,这些人几乎全都是影族人的奸细,他们在来之前就已经知道了,铁骨盟他们可能有分辨出影族人的方法,如果真的有这种方法的话,那么他们就算是投降那也是一个死,所以他们是不会投降的,正是因为如此,所以那些人誓死不降。 The Blood Slaughter Sect person will be certainly impolite to them, the person of surrender, their direct seal cultivation level, lost one side, but did not surrender, they killed directly, this war, fought several double-hour, the person who finally all hated the pledge greatly, was all killed, remaining all surrendered, 10,000 many Island Lord, finally surrender about 4000, remaining all died in battle, so the large-scale Island Lord battlefield, this in Divine Beast here, was almost never occur, except for most from the beginning and Shadow Clansman to fighting, other time, almost not. So large-scale Island Lord dying in battle occur. 血杀宗的人当然也不会对他们客气了,投降的人,他们直接封印了修为,丢到了一边,而不投降的,他们就直接杀死,这一场大战,战斗了几个时辰,最后所有大恨盟的人,全都被杀死了,剩下的全都投降了,一万多的岛主,最后投降的不过四千左右,剩下的全都战死了,如此大规模岛主战场,这在神兽这里,几乎是从来都没有发生过的,除了最一开始与影族人对战的时候,其它的时候,几乎没有如此大规模岛主战死事件发生 All sees this person, is the secret heart startled, they have not really thought, the person of three mountains pledge will start such ruthless, really all gives to kill the person who has not surrendered, what most important will be, they almost all Divine Beast, all killed, has not remained, so many Divine Beast died in battle, so many Island Lord died in battle, these may all be created the record of Divine Beast here, before , Divine Beast here, but occur matter like this, this had not been seen all these people by these, how can not be startled. 所有看到这一幕的人,全都是暗暗的心惊,他们是真的没有想到,三山盟的人下手会如此之狠,真的将没有投降的人全都给杀了,最主要的是,他们几乎将所有的神兽,全都杀死了,一个都没有留,这么多的神兽战死,这么多的岛主战死,这些可全都是创造了神兽这里的记录了,以前神兽这里,可是从来都没有发生过这样的事儿,这让那些看到这一切的人,如何能不吃惊。 After the fight ended, the Blood Slaughter Sect person, immediately started to give to pile these Divine Beast, these Divine Beast in there, piled huge mountain directly, this huge mountain returned very enormous, later they also the bodies of these people, all lost on huge mountain, formed incomparably huge mountain of corpses, later a fire this huge mountain igniting, entire huge mountain burnt quickly, that flame all gave to scatter all around darkness, the heat of flame, had not been approached the simply means. 在战斗结束之后,血杀宗的人,马上就开始将那些神兽全都给堆了起来,那些神兽直接就在那里,堆成了一座大山,这大山十分的巨大,随后他们还将那些人的尸体,也全都丢到了大山上,形成了一座巨大无比尸山,随后一把火就将这座大山给点着了,整座大山很快就燃烧了起来,那火光将四周的黑暗全都给驱散了,火焰的热量,让人根本就没有办法靠近。 This fire has burnt the several days time, finally then extinguishment bit by bit falls, finally was good only to leave behind some skeletons, but these skeletons, was all given to destroy by the Blood Slaughter Sect person, finally buried, after completing all these, their then leave. 这大火一直烧了几天的时间,最后这才一点一点的熄灭掉,最后好里只留下了一些骸骨,而那些骸骨,也全都被血杀宗的人给打碎,最后埋了起来,做完这一切之后,他们这才离开了。 But these people, in one side look at, their look at all these, they were really don’t know should all say that what was good, how they have not thought, hated the pledge these to dispatch troops greatly time, finally can be such one type of result unexpectedly, stemmed from everyone's unexpected, before hating the pledge, greatly in Divine Beast here, had with the people of other alliances, occur conflict, but they have not been defeated, this was their first failure, moreover ate such big one to owe, must know that died the person in here, may all be the person who in a big way hated the pledge, in a big way hated the pledge. These alliance nearly half of people who they govern, all in here, but this war, they actually all died in battle, this regarding hates being defeated of pledge greatly, is very enormous, hates the pledge strength although to be very strong greatly, but they are now same before the imagination, said that the Divine Beast largest pledge, feared that will be some people will not acknowledge, because they truly do not have that qualifications now, was known as the Divine Beast largest pledge, their present Island Lord quantities, with Divine Beast here some big alliances already almost, but all alliances that under they governed added. Island Lord quantity, might as well other alliances, therefore he is not the Divine Beast largest alliance, but this will provoke Divine Beast here a series of chain-reactions, Divine Beast feared that will not be peaceful. 而那些人,全都在一旁看着,他们一直看着这一切,他们真的是不知道该说什么好了,他们怎么都没有想到,大恨盟这一次出兵,最后竟然会是这样的一种结果,就出乎了所有人的意料之外,大恨盟以前在神兽这里,也不是没有与其它联盟的人,发生过冲突,但是他们从来都没有失败过,这是他们第一次失败,而且还吃了这么大一个亏,要知道在这里死去的人,可全都是大恨盟的人,大恨盟和他们治下的那些联盟近一半的人,全都在这里,而这一战,他们竟然全都战死了,这对于大恨盟的打败,是十分巨大的,大恨盟的实力虽然还是很强,但是他们现在在想像以前一样,自称神兽界第一大盟,怕是都不会有人承认了,因为他们现在确实是没有那个资格,号称神兽界第一大盟了,他们现在的岛主数量,跟神兽这里的一些大联盟已经差不多了,而他们治下的所有联盟加起来的岛主数量,还不如其它联盟呢,所以他已经不在是神兽界第一大联盟了,而这会引起神兽这里一连串的连锁反应,神兽界怕是不会太平了。 Hates the pledge greatly, not only the Divine Beast largest pledge is so simple, their influences are also very enormous, like this time, they must cope with the iron bone pledge, several big alliances are willing to dispatch troops with their together, obviously their summon strength big, before had in a big way hates the pledge to depress, Divine Beast here, to has not gone wrong, because hates pledge these years greatly, has been shouting a mouth, that is to counter-attack Shadow Clansman, before this major premise, in a big way hates the pledge does not allow other alliance to conduct internal strife, naturally, internal strife situation. When has occur, but in their general situations, does not allow Divine Beast here to be chaotic. 大恨盟不只是神兽界第一大盟那么简单,他们的影响力也是十分巨大的,就像这一次一样,他们只是要对付铁骨盟,就有几个大联盟愿意跟他们一起出兵,可见他们的召唤力到底有多大,之前有大恨盟压下,神兽这里,到是没有出什么乱子,因为大恨盟这些年,一直都在喊一句口,那就是要反攻影族人,在这个大前题之前,大恨盟是不允许其它联盟进行内斗的,当然,内斗的情况还是时有发生,但是他们一般的情况下,是不允许神兽这里乱起来的。 However now hates the pledge to be defeated greatly, their rallying points will also drop, but some customs that they subscribed before, some people will not certainly honor, therefore these have stared at the person of this fight to know, Divine Beast here must cloud over, feared that was here will not be peaceful, hated the pledge to defeat the brought influence greatly, certainly will appear slowly, only if were also a appears big alliance, again set the normal square in Divine Beast here, otherwise, Divine Beast here, feared that was really must be chaotic. 但是现在大恨盟被打败了,他们的号召力也会随之下降,而他们之前所订下来的一些规矩,当然也就不会有人去尊守了,所以那些一直盯着这一场战斗的人都知道,神兽这里要变天了,怕是这里也不会太平了,大恨盟被打败所带来的影响,一定会慢慢的显现出来,除非是又出现一个大的联盟,重新的在神兽这里定下矩规,不然的话,神兽这里,怕是真的要乱起来了。 But this moment, the grandson did not meet them from hate pledge there retreat greatly, white eyes they do not think that will hate the pledge extinguishing greatly, such words influence was too big, moreover feared that was other alliances, will not agree, before other alliances, reason that with will hate the fight between pledges to them greatly, no matter did not ask, is possible felt, in a big way hates the pledge to win, but they will actually not give to annihilate, therefore in a big way hated the pledge to do that on the ignores, but develop(ment) of matter, actually came as a surprise to their, in a big way hated. The pledge defeated unexpectedly, moreover army that sends, but also was given to annihilate, if this moment, the grandson will not meet them to hate the pledge to give to annihilate greatly, that influence was too big, some alliances feared that was really wants make a move, white eyes has not wanted to let such matter occur now, therefore the grandson did not meet them to withdraw troops decisively, but they after withdrawing troops, king Weidao also know information that various elders they were annihilated, this information regarding king Weidao, without doubt on was bolt from the blue, how he has not thought, various elders they will be annihilated, This information to them, really shocked, the king defends traditional moral principles even in that flash, had forgotten how to ponder. 而这个进候,孙不遇他们已经从大恨盟那里退兵了,白眼他们不想一下就将大恨盟给灭了,那样的话影响太大了,而且怕是其它的一些联盟,也不会同意,之前其它的一些联盟,之所以会对他们与大恨盟之间的战斗,不管不问,可能是觉得,大恨盟会胜,但是却不会将他们给消灭掉,所以就放任大恨盟这么做了,但是事情的发展,却是出乎了他们的意料,大恨盟竟然败了,而且派出去的大军,还被人给消灭掉了,如果这个进候,孙不遇他们在将大恨盟给消灭掉,那影响力就太大了,有一些联盟怕是就真的要出手了,白眼现在还不想让这样的事情发生,所以孙不遇他们果断的撤兵了,而他们在撤兵之后,王卫道也知道了诸长老他们全军覆没的消息了,这个消息对于王卫道来说,无疑就是晴天霹雳,他怎么都没有想到,诸长老他们会全军覆没,这个消息对于他们来说,实在是太震撼了,王卫道甚至是在那一瞬间,都已经忘记如何的思考了。 Some little time the king defends traditional moral principles then recover, his eye one was red, his very clear, various elders they are annihilated to represent anything, that represents them to hate the pledge greatly, later before the imagination such, goes to other command alliances, that almost on is impossible, that was also representing, all that so many years, he makes, must be defeated, this is the king defends traditional moral principles most is unacceptable. 好一会儿王卫道这才缓过神来,他的眼睛一下就红了,他十分的清楚,诸长老他们全军覆没代表着什么,那代表着他们大恨盟,以后在想像以前那样,去号令其它的联盟,那几乎就不可能了,那也就代表着,这么多年,他所做的一切,全都要失败了,这是王卫道最不能接受的。 These years, he to let hate the pledge greatly, can command Divine Beast, develop(ment) that non-stop strengthens own strength, must exhibit one to resist the Shadow Clansman appearance wholeheartedly, but also wants just and selfless formulates what custom, making Divine Beast here not want to be chaotic, can say, except for their people on one's own side, no one believes that they are the Shadow Clansman spies, fantastic that because they camouflage. 这些年,他为了让大恨盟,能号令神兽界,一面不停的发展壮大自己的实力,一面还要摆出一付一心对抗影族人的样子,还要大公无私的去制定什么规矩,让神兽这里不要乱起来,可以说,除了他们自己人,没有人会相信,他们是影族人的奸细,因为他们伪装的太好了 However his all efforts, in that moment that various elders they are annihilated, all vanish from sight, this made the king defend traditional moral principles, if can not get angry, he really wishes one could, immediately simultaneous/uniform soldiers and horses, overrun directly, they go all out with the sea watching pledge. 但是他所有的努力,在诸长老他们全军覆没的那一刻,就全都消失不见了,这让王卫道如果能不怒,他真的是恨不得,马上就点齐兵马,直接就冲过去,跟观海盟他们拼命。 However his also very clear, he wants they to go all out not to have is possible with the sea watching pledge, if they really dare to dispatch troops, that sea watching pledge dares to cope with them with the beforehand method, but they had not found to the present, can the method of to break sea watching pledge tactic, if cannot discover, the method of to break sea watching pledge tactic, even if that they dispatched troops, that is defeated finally, but can also be they. 但是他也十分的清楚,他想要跟观海盟他们拼命是没有可能的,如果他们真的敢出兵,那观海盟就敢用之前的方法来对付他们,而他们到现在也没有找到,可以破解观海盟战术的方法,如果找不出,破解观海盟战术的方法,那么就算是他们出兵了,那最后失败的,还会是他们。 It is for this reason that therefore king Weidao forces itself to calm down, he must think, they following, what kind of should facing this aspect, thought of here, the king defends traditional moral principles to order, to go to the elder who will hate the pledge greatly directly please, after elder who when hated the pledge greatly to, the king defended traditional moral principles on look at these elder said: I thinks that you also know, information that various elders they were annihilated? Regarding this information, how do you see?” The kings defend traditional moral principles the look at people, complexion also all very difficult of people look. 正是因为如此,所以王卫道强迫自己冷静下来,他必须要想一想,他们接下来,该如何的面对这种局面,一想到这里,王卫道就直接命令,去将大恨盟的长老给请了过来,等到大恨盟的长老全都到了之后,王卫道就看着那些长老道:“我想你们也都知道,诸长老他们全军覆没的消息了吧?对于这个消息,你们怎么看?”王卫道看着众人,众人的脸色也全都十分的难看。 At this time suddenly elder open the mouth and said: alliance leader, what now most important is, must as soon as possible restoration our strengths, but we cannot come from the outside hiring now, such words wanted to restore the strength is too slow, therefore I mean, we from various alliances, incurred some people join directly we, let our strength as soon as possible restorations, simultaneously sent the letter/believes to various alliances, enabling various alliances also to be able the hiring, strengthened their strengths, like this our strengths can quickly restore.”( This chapter ends) 这时突然一个长老开口道:“盟主,现在最主要的是,要尽快的恢复我们的实力,但是我们现在不能从外面招人进来,那样的话想要恢复实力太慢了,所以我的意思是,我们直接就从各联盟里,招一些人加入我们,让我们的实力尽快的恢复,同时给各联盟去信,让各联盟也可以招人,壮大他们自己的实力,这样我们的实力就可以很快的恢复了。”(本章完)
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