BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13570: Losing battle

Newest website: 最新网址: Now white eyes they have the advantage in population, Pan Wanfang they killed various elders in front of them, tied down various elder their these Island Lord level expert stubbornly, but following these Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, started to hate the pledge battle soldier also to have Divine Beast about these to conduct attack greatly, they lord wanted attack target, was actually these Divine Beast, killed Divine Beast was many, various elder their fighting strength of affected on is big, it is for this reason that therefore these Blood Slaughter Sect disciple most important attack target, on was these Divine Beast. 现在白眼他们是占了人数上的优势的,潘万方他们杀到了诸长老他们面前,将诸长老他们这些岛主高手给死死的缠住了,而下面的那些血杀宗弟子,就开始对那些大恨盟的战兵还有神兽进行攻击,他们主的要攻击目标,其实就是那些神兽,杀死的神兽越是多,诸长老他们的战斗力所受的影响就越是大,正是因为如此,所以那些血杀宗弟了的首要攻击目标,就是那些神兽 These Divine Beast fighting strength, although is also very formidable, because of their build way too gigantic, in adding on them basically be at the condition of malnutrition, therefore their fighting strength, came under very tremendous impact, Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, may be has all conducted level up to own Divine Beast, their Divine Beast after level up, all had Gold Core, but had Gold Core Divine Beast, without Gold Core Divine Beast, that fighting strength, but the difference between Heaven and Earth, can say that had Gold Core Divine Beast, their fighting strength, are present these Divine Beast ten times incessantly, Gold Core may , not only can release Magic be so simple, is alright. Transforms Spiritual Qi, making Divine Beast have more methods, regarding Divine Beast fighting strength, influence or very enormous. 那些神兽战斗力,虽然也是十分的强悍,但是因为他们的体形太过于巨大,在加上他们基本上都是处于营养不良的状态,所以他们的战斗力,受到了很大的影响,血杀宗弟子,可全都是对自己的神兽进行过升级的,他们的神兽升级之后,全都有了金丹,而有了金丹神兽,与没有金丹神兽,那战斗力,可是天差地别,可以说有了金丹神兽,他们的战斗力,是现在这些神兽的十倍都不止,金丹可不只是能放出术法那么简单,还可以转化灵气,让神兽有更多的手段,对于神兽战斗力,影响还是十分巨大的。 It is for this reason that therefore here these Divine Beast, their fighting strength, are actually not strong, the disciple coordination of several Blood Slaughter Sect, can kill Divine Beast fully, but these Divine Beast can provide the help to these cultivator, is mainly two points ; first, the strength, these Divine Beast builds are huge, therefore their strengths, very enormous, they can provide a more tremendous strength to these cultivator, second is to share the ability of injury, one, but cultivator is injured, can share the injury, this on is Divine Beast biggest doing uses, therefore Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, wants to kill these Divine Beast. It is not difficult, but white eyes their time, truly is while the person who these hate the pledge greatly, the strength weakens, wipes out them. 正是因为如此,所以这里的这些神兽,他们的战斗力,其实并没有那么强,几个血杀宗弟子配合,就足可以杀死神兽了,而这些神兽之所以能给那些修士提供帮助,主要就是两点,一是力量,这些神兽的体形巨大,所以他们的力量,也十分的巨大,他们可以给那些修士提供更加巨大的力量,第二个就是分担伤害的能力,一但修士受伤,就可以分担伤害,这就是神兽最大的做用,所以血杀宗弟子,想要杀死这些神兽并不困难,而白眼他们这一次,也确实就是要趁着这些大恨盟的人,实力变弱的时候,将他们一举消灭掉的。 They have harassed the person who these hate the pledge greatly before, most important target, is these battle soldier, gives to annihilate these battle soldier, this actually who is to hate the pledge greatly, is fat becomes thin, now hates the pledge greatly army, had turned into the thin person, that next step is thinly killing, although they, only then battle soldier this little advantage, but this is enough, so long as comes out to the display this point advantage completely, life that on the person who can probably these in a big way hate the pledge, white eyes they have wanted to be good, their also is impossible with big. Hated the pledge they to hit such long time, finally made them injure a little fur/superficial knowledge, that was incorrect, they must hate a pledge lesson greatly, lets person who hated the pledge greatly, later in does not dare easily provoked them, must Divine Beast here to know, they were not affable, provoked them, is to pay the price. 他们之前一直骚扰这些大恨盟的人,最主要目标,就是那些战兵,将那些战兵给消灭掉,这其实就是要让大恨盟的人,胖得变瘦,现在大恨盟的大军,已经变成了瘦子了,那下一步就是要将瘦的给杀死了,虽然他们只有战兵这一点儿优势,但是这已经足够了,只要将这一点优势给完全的发挥出来,那就可以要这些大恨盟的人的命,白眼他们早就已经想好了,他们也不可能跟大恨盟他们打了这么长时间,最后却只是让他们伤了一点儿皮毛,那是不行的,他们必须要给大恨盟一个教训,让大恨盟的人,以后在也不敢轻易的来招惹他们,同时也要让神兽这里的人都知道,他们并不是好惹的,招惹了他们,是要付出代价的。 white eyes has not participated in the fight, but is the look at entire battlefield form, simultaneously conducts command(er) to all disciple, that corps want advancing, that corps want retreat, these under his command(er), he look like a chess player, regarded the a piece giant checkerboard the entire battlefield, all people, all are chess piece on checkerboard, all under his command(er), he lets advancing on advancing, he lets retreat on retreat, among the onset and retreat, has let hate pledge army remaining these battle soldier greatly, gave the division to surround. 白眼并没有参与战斗,而是看着整个战场的形式,同时对所有的弟子进行指挥,那一个战队要前进,那一个战队要后退,这些都在他的指挥之下,他就像是一个棋手,将整个战场当成了一块巨大的棋盘,所有的人,全都是棋盘上的棋子,全都在他的指挥之下,他让前进前进,他让后退后退,进退之间,就已经让大恨盟大军剩下的那些战兵,给分割包围了。 Ding Chunming they are not at white eyes under their command(er), they many deviations in independent combat, this did not need white eyes to conduct command(er), white eyes only need the fights of command(er) good these disciple to be OK, but he also did truly was very good, these hated the pledge greatly battle soldier, under their attack, had nothing strength to hit back. 丁春明他们并不在白眼他们的指挥之下,他们更多的偏向于单打独斗,这个不用白眼来进行指挥,白眼只需要指挥好那些弟子的战斗就可以了,而他也做的确实是很好,那些大恨盟的战兵,在他们的攻击之下,已经没有任何的还手之力了。 But at this time outside battlefield, the person but who also has plenty watches the fun, in look at this war, the person who these watch the fun, somewhat is puzzled, how many watching the fun people, get together are chatting, said:felt strange, the top three mountain pledge they, are not with the person who hates the pledge greatly, fights directly? Now why fights directly, 而这时在战场之外,还有很多看热闹的人,正在看着这一场大战,那些看热闹的人,都有些不解,其中几个看热闹的人,聚在一起正在聊着天,其中一个道:“奇怪了,之前三山盟他们,不是一直不与大恨盟的人,正面交手吗?为什么现在又正面交手了, Moreover hates the pledge army situation greatly , aren't some right? Why hates the battle soldier quantity in pledge army is so few greatly? Such relaxed by the three mountains pledge and iron bone pledge army dividing? Isn't this right? That did hate the pledge battle soldier to run up to there greatly? This quantity missed much. ” Another person look at battlefield said:I know now, the person of three mountains pledge and iron bone pledge, why must to hate the pledge army to harass before greatly, originally must kill hates these battle soldier in pledge army greatly, from hates the pledge greatly army, from hates pledge there to come out greatly not long after, they start to hate the pledge army to harass greatly, continuously in attack of keeping, but target that they attack, is these battle soldier, since such long time, they have been beginning to these battle soldier, but person who in a big way hates the pledge, discover this point, when their discover. Time, already late, when their discover time, their battle soldier have lost were many, the person who therefore hated the pledge before greatly, sped up speed, because their discover own battle soldier quantity was insufficient, therefore they want to walk quickly a little, quick a little returned to hates pledge there to go greatly, however their ideas, actually by the three mountains pledge and iron bone pledge person seeing through, because this is they continuously at the matter of doing, therefore they to a big way hated the pledge army to conduct attack directly, this was also finally the decisive battle, because three mountains pledge and iron bone pledge person, Has been waiting for this day, the person who these hated the pledge time greatly, feared that was more unfortunate than fortunate. 而且大恨盟大军的情况,也有些不对劲儿啊?为什么大恨盟大军之中的战兵数量那么少?这么轻松的就被三山盟和铁骨盟的大军给分割开了?这不对劲儿啊?那个大恨盟的战兵都跑到那里去了?这数量差得太多了。”另一个人看着战场道:“我现在才知道,三山盟和铁骨盟的人,之前为什么要一直对大恨盟的大军进行骚扰,原来是要杀死大恨盟大军之中的那些战兵,从大恨盟的大军,从大恨盟那里出来不长时间,他们就开始对大恨盟的大军进行骚扰,一直在不停的进攻,而他们进攻的目标,就是那些战兵,这么长时间以来,他们一直在对那些战兵动手,而大恨盟的人,可能没有发现这一点,但是等到他们发现的时候,已经晚了,等到他们发现的时候,他们的战兵已经损失了很多了,所以之前大恨盟的人,加快了速度,因为他们发现自己的战兵数量不够了,所以他们想快一点儿走,快一点儿回到大恨盟那里去,但是他们的想法,却是被三山盟和铁骨盟的人给识破了,因为这本来就是他们一直在做的事情,所以他们直接就对大恨盟的大军进行了攻击,这也是最后的决战,因为三山盟和铁骨盟的人,早就等着这一天了,这一次大恨盟的人,怕是凶多吉少了。 As soon as the people listened to him saying that all gawked, later the situation in their all look at battlefield, discover truly hated the pledge in greatly army, battle soldier quantity very few, this made them cannot help but believe several points to that person, but some people of open the mouth and said: How do you know?” Obviously, he regarding that person of words, is not complete trust. 众人一听他这么说,全都是一愣,随后他们全都看着战场上的情况,发现确实是大恨盟的大军之中,战兵的数量十分的少,这让他们不由得对那人的话信了几分,不过还是有人开口道:“你怎么知道?”很显然,他对于那人的话,还不是完全的相信。 That person is actually the Blood Slaughter Sect person, but he is the information pledge person, as soon as he listens to some people to ask, is smiling said: I from to hate the pledge most from the beginning greatly army, each fight, I all looked in the eye, I before on discover an issue, that am the three mountains pledge person, when to hated greatly the pledge army conducted attack, in the general situation, is few and expert of these Island Lord level directly fights, they only attack these battle soldier, my I also think that most from the beginning they were bully softly broken. Hard, but thinks afterward, when the three mountains pledge hasn't bullied the weak and feared the strong right? They often with the person who the person goes all out, how will is possible bully the weak and fear the strong? Therefore we think, they have certainly other goal, therefore I have been observing them, afterward they also blocked are hating the pledge greatly army, goes to iron bone pledge there, that was also the war time, that war, will hate pledge army team leader Elder Liu killing directly greatly, but that fought actually hates in pledge army greatly, the Island Lord dying in battle quantity were not many, dying most, these battle soldier, three mountains pledge their target, on were battle soldier and Divine Beast, after discover this little, I on observing, afterward me on discover. Not right place, their only attack these battle soldier, moreover starts very ruthlessly, I general idea alright, my discover am hated the pledge battle soldier quantity that they killed afterward greatly, has achieved one type of to be very fearful is the digit, this discover let my greatly surprised, I think their conspiracy, what a pity was, the person who hated the pledge greatly, did not have discover this point, therefore they will face such aspect.” Speaking of here that person of also look at battlefield, then said solemnly: Now the situation in battlefield, you also see, hated the pledge these battle soldier to end greatly, these battle soldier ended, their Island Lord were given to tie down by the person of three mountains pledge, in these people who also no one can prevent the three mountains pledge, slaughters these Divine Beast, these Divine Beast died, hated the pledge these Island Lord, fighting strength to reduce greatly greatly, in this case, their how is possible or the opponent of three mountains pledge and iron bone pledge, I can only say, hated the pledge these to lose alright greatly time.” 那人其实是血杀宗的人,不过他是风信盟的人,他一听有人这么问,就笑着道:“我从最一开始就跟着大恨盟的大军了,他们每一次战斗,我全都看在了眼中,我之前就发现了一个问题,那就是三山盟的人,在对大恨盟的大军进行攻击的时候,一般的情况下,是很少与那些岛主级的高手直接交手的,他们只会去攻击那些战兵,我最一开始我还以为他们是欺软破硬,但是后来一想不对啊,三山盟什么时候欺软怕硬过?他们可是动不动就跟人拼命的主儿,怎么可能会欺软怕硬呢?所以我们想,他们一定是有别的目地,所以我就一直在观察着他们,后来他们还拦着大恨盟的大军,去铁骨盟那里,那一次也算是大战了,那一战,直接就将大恨盟大军的领队刘长老给杀了,但是那一战其实大恨盟大军中,岛主的战死数量并不是很多,死的最多的,还是那些战兵,三山盟他们的目标,就是战兵神兽,发现了这一点儿之后,我就一直在观察,后来我就发现了不对劲的地方,他们只攻击那些战兵,而且下手十分的狠,我后来大概的计算了一下,我发现被他们杀死的大恨盟的战兵数量,已经达到了一种十分可怕是数字了,这一发现让我都大吃了一惊,我就想到了他们的这个阴谋,可惜的是,大恨盟的人,并没有发现这一点,所以他们才会面临这样的局面。”说到这里那人还看着战场,接着沉声道:“现在战场上的情况,你们也看到了,大恨盟的那些战兵完了,那些战兵一完,他们的岛主又被三山盟的人给缠住,在也没有人能阻止三山盟的那些人,去屠杀那些神兽了,那些神兽一死,大恨盟的那些岛主,战斗力大减,在这种情况下,他们怎么可能还是三山盟和铁骨盟的对手,我只能说,大恨盟这一次失算了。” One hear of he said, the people were all silent, some little time with talent open the mouth and said: Really has not thought, within the multi- congresses are this, the three mountains pledge and iron bone pledge, really enough have the patience, they used such long time unexpectedly, is special in view of battle soldier, to be honest, if they use this method to cope with us, we do not have the means to deal, because we do not think, this battle soldier so important, we everyone had not taken seriously battle soldier before , three mountains pledge these specifically aimed at battle soldier make a move time unexpectedly, their was also too ruthless, so many battle soldier, did they all give to kill? This must die many people.” 一听他这么说,众人全都沉默了下来,好一会儿和一个人才开口道:“真是没有想到,间多大会是这样,三山盟和铁骨盟,真的是够有耐心的了,他们竟然用这么长时间,就是专门的针对战兵,说实话,如果他们用这种方法来对付我们,我们都没有办法应对,因为我们也不会想到,这战兵会如此的重要,我们之前所有人都没有重视过战兵,没有想到,三山盟这一次竟然专门的针对战兵出手了,他们这也太狠了,那么多的战兵啊,他们全都给杀了?这得死多少人啊。” Others also all nod, but has person open the mouth and said: What to do under the stingy cannot, the three mountains pledge, the sea watching pledge, the colored glaze pledge, the iron bone pledge, they experience the war before, the losses of various alliances are big, but hated the pledge these to gather greatly time the strengths of other six big alliances, together coped their, if they not ruthless a little, that present feared that had been finished, I actually admired their several alliances very much, they can unexpectedly at the weak military, the person who will in a big way hate the pledge gave to repel, this point, my very admired them, if were we experienced this matter, We feared that cannot try to find their such solutions.” 其它人也全都点了点头,但是却有一个人开口道:“不下手狠能怎么办,三山盟,观海盟,琉璃盟,铁骨盟,他们之前可是经历过大战的,各联盟的损失都不小,而大恨盟这一次可是集合了其它六个大联盟的力量,一起来对付他们的,他们要是不狠一点儿,那现在怕是已经完蛋了,我其实是很佩服他们几个联盟的,他们竟然是能以弱势的兵力,生生的将大恨盟的人给击退,这一点,我十分的佩服他们,如果是我们遇到了这种事儿,我们怕是想不出来他们这样的办法。” Others also all nod, that's true, although said that the sea watching pledge their several pledges started truly to suppress a little, but if they were not ruthless, that death was they, hated pledge time greatly, but alliance several other big alliances, conducted attack to them, facing such powerful enemy, if their not formidable a little, feared that was really a little opportunity did not have, therefore they so ruthless, was normal, the people also all can understand, but at this time person open the mouth and said: No matter how said, these was time the sea watching pledge they won evidently, heard that now the sea watching pledge still gathers round in there hates the pledge to hit greatly, moreover defeated the Ba Huang pledge, they truly were fierce, we imagined was much fiercer.” 其它人也全都点了点头,确实如此,虽然说观海盟他们几盟下手确实是狠了一点儿,但是如果他们不狠,那死的就是他们了,大恨盟这一次可是联合了其它几个大联盟,对他们进行攻击的,面对这么强大的敌人,如果他们不强悍一点儿,怕是就真的一点儿机会都没有了,所以他们如此的狠,也是正常的,众人也全都可以理解,而这时一个人开口道:“不管怎么说,这一次看样子是观海盟他们胜了,听说现在观海盟还在那里围着大恨盟打呢,而且还将八荒盟给生生的打败了,他们确实是厉害,我们想像的还要厉害得多啊。” Several people all nod, that's true, sea watching pledge their these alliance, demonstrated fighting strength that truly went beyond everyone's expectation, everyone has not thought that their fighting strength such, but said no matter how, their these truly won time . Moreover the Divine Beast largest alliance that wins, hates the pledge greatly, consequence that this matter incurs, that is absolutely inestimable, no one thinks, they will win, but they won. 几人全都点了点头,确实如此,观海盟他们这几个联盟,所展示出来的战斗力,确实是超出了所有人的预料,所有人都没有想到,他们的战斗力会如此之强,但是不管怎么说,他们这一次确实是胜了,而且胜的还是神兽界第一大联盟,大恨盟,这件事情所引发的后果,那绝对是不可估量的,没有人会想到,他们会胜,可是他们就是胜了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完) Newest website: 最新网址:
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