BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13535: level up

Chapter 13551 level up 第13551章升级 Zhao Hai regarding the Divine Beast strengthen, this point attaches great importance to, because of Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, everyone has own Divine Beast, moreover only one head, naturally, their Life Source Divine Beast, only then a head, any a little change of this Divine Beast, regarding Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, is very important, will affect that disciple, but their another two Divine Beast, were Alien, the Alien strengthen, regarding Blood Slaughter Sect disciple was also very important, but Zhao Hai actually did not like becoming way too gigantic by Divine Beast, way too gigantic, regarding disciple fighting strength, not too big help., It looks like present Divine Beast to be the same, Divine Beast in present Divine Beast, very enormous, but these huge do Divine Beast, help in a big way regarding the Divine Beast here person? It looks like in Zhao Hai , helping actually limitedly, Divine Beast although is very powerful, but they can only promote fighting strength of these people, moreover degree that promotes, them , from the beginning estimate must be smaller, they think most from the beginning, these Divine Beast, can help these Divine Beast people, about improvement half fighting strength, but now seems like, feared that is one third does not even have, reason that meets appears this situation , because, these Divine Beast, are at the one type of malnutrition now the condition, in adding on these Divine Beast builds was too big, they do not have the means during the fight, many help these cultivator, If makes these Divine Beast clash, then fights time will be stronger, moreover one, but Divine Beast died, then regarding cultivator, is a very troublesome matter, do not forget, each Island Lord, they have battle soldier, has own islander, the islander refers to is these average people, but one, but their Divine Beast died, these battle soldier what to do? These islanders what to do? These are very troublesome things, therefore in Divine Beast here, these Island Lord, will directly rarely conduct the charge fight with Divine Beast, they fight with battle soldier generally, like this they are safe, the Divine Beast security, although will lose some battle soldier, but they can select some battle soldier from the islander, therefore then formed the present Divine Beast here forms of combat. 赵海对于神兽变强,这一点是十分重视的,因为血杀宗弟子,每一个人都有自己的神兽,而且还只一头,当然,他们的本命神兽只有一头,这头神兽的任何一点儿变化,对于血杀宗弟子来说,都是十分重要的,甚至会影响到那个弟子,而他们的另外两头神兽,就是异形了,异形变强,对于血杀宗弟子来说也是十分重要的,但是赵海其实并不喜欢让神兽变得太过于巨大,太过于巨大,对于弟子战斗力,并没有太大的帮助,就像是现在的神兽界一样,现在的神兽界里的神兽,也十分巨大,但是这些巨大的神兽,对于神兽这里的人帮助大吗?在赵海看来,帮助其实有限,神兽虽然很是强大,但是他们只能提升一下那些人的战斗力,而且提升的成度,比他们当一开始估计的要小,最一开始他们以为,那些神兽,可以帮着那些神兽界的人,提升一半左右的战斗力,但是现在看起来,怕是连三分之一都没有,之所以会出现这种情况,就是因为,这些神兽,现在都处于一种营养不良的状态,在加上那些神兽的体形太大了,他们没有办法在战斗之中,过多的帮助那些修士,如果让那些神兽对撞的话,那么战斗的时候会更强,而且一但神兽死了,那对于修士来说,也是一件十分麻烦的事情,你不要忘了,每一个岛主,他们都是有战兵的,都是有自己的岛民的,岛民指的就是那些普通人,而一但他们的神兽死了,这些战兵怎么办?这些岛民怎么办?这些都是十分麻烦的事情,所以在神兽这里,那些岛主,很少会用神兽直接进行冲锋战斗,他们一般都只是用战兵进行战斗,这样他们自己安全,神兽安全,虽然会损失一些战兵,但是他们可以从岛民之中在选出一些战兵,所以这才形成了现在神兽这里的战斗方式。 However looks like in Zhao Hai, this forms of combat, regarding cultivator, help not very be big, looks like in Zhao Hai, Divine Beast like Blood Slaughter Sect, regarding the help of cultivator is biggest, Blood Slaughter Sect disciple Divine Beast, is their Life Source Divine Beast, their bloodline is even interlinked, Divine Beast can own strength, to the cultivator use, be able to share the injury, but can also turn into weapon, full body armor, helping cultivator fight, most important is a little, these Divine Beast some innate skill abilities, will be slowly will pass on part to give cultivator, in other words, cultivator slowly can appears Some special abilities, these abilities have big relationship with their Divine Beast innate skill, for example, if your Divine Beast, strength very big, then your strength slowly also meets getting bigger and bigger, your Divine Beast, defense strength special, then your defense strength slowly will also be getting stronger and stronger, naturally, this way has what side effect, now could not have looked, because of so far, this way has not seen any side effect. 但是在赵海看来,这种战斗方式,对于修士来说,帮助却并不是很大,在赵海看来,像血杀宗这样的神兽,对于修士的帮助才是最大的,血杀宗弟子神兽,是他们的本命神兽,他们甚至血脉都是相通的,神兽可以将自己的力量,给修士使用,可以分担伤害,还可以变成武器,盔甲,帮着修士进行战斗,最重要的一点儿是,这些神兽的一些天赋能力,也是会慢慢的传一部分给修士的,也就是说,修士慢慢的会出现一些特别的能力,这些能力跟他们神兽天赋是有大的关系的,就比如说,如果你的神兽,力量十分的大,那么慢慢的你的力量也会越来越大,你的神兽,防御力特别的强,那么慢慢的你的防御力也会越来越强,当然,这种方式是不是有什么副做用,现在还看不出来,因为到目前为止,这种方式还没有看出任何的副做用 Moreover Blood Slaughter Sect Divine Beast, their builds can actually change at will, they can become like the normal wild beast size, can become very enormous, naturally, without present Divine Beast here Divine Beast is so big, but also was very big, if these were completed to Divine Beast level up time, then Blood Slaughter Sect Divine Beast, can certainly become huge, even was bigger than Divine Beast here Divine Beast, but this also Zhao Hai desired, but some Zhao Hai also worries, he worried that these Divine Beast will change will not come back, so has been huge, if changed does not return normally. wild beast size, without the transformation ability, that this Divine Beast regarding Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, but on some weaks, therefore Zhao Hai must let these Divine Beast, while level up, but can also retain their original strong point, this is good, but now this Gold Core appears , lets Zhao Hai discover, he before or underestimated Divine Beast here Divine Beast. 而且血杀宗神兽,他们的体形其实是可以随意变化的,他们可以变得如同正常的野兽大小,也可以变得十分的巨大,当然,没有现在神兽这里神兽这么大,但是也算是很大了,如果这一次对神兽升级完成,那么血杀宗神兽,一定可以变得更加的巨大,甚至是比神兽这里神兽还要大,而这也正是赵海所希望看到的,但是赵海也有些担心,他担心这些神兽会变不回来,会一直那么巨大,要是变不回正常的野兽大小,也没有了变形的能力,那这神兽对于血杀宗弟子来说,可就有些鸡肋了,所以赵海必须要让这些神兽,在升级的同时,还能保留他们原有的优点,这样才行,而现在这金丹出现,让赵海发现,他之前还是小看神兽这里神兽了。 Divine Beast here Divine Beast, is not absolutely simple, this Gold Core seems like Divine Beast one type of innate magic skill to be the same, this Magic can be regarded as Divine Beast one type of Law to manifest, cultivator comprehend has Strength of Law, around their bodies, has had one layer Strength of Law to protect them, this Strength of Law, will not consume the cultivator strength, naturally, when all cultivator, after have Strength of Law protected, then this protection on equivalent to did not have, because everyone had the protection of this Strength of Law, that also on representative their attack, is can broken this Law protection, Therefore this protection did not have on equivalent to. 神兽这里神兽,绝对不简单,这种金丹就好像是神兽一种天赋术法一样,这种术法可以看做是神兽一种法则体现,修士参悟法则之力,他们的身体四周,就会一直有一层法则之力在保护着他们,这层法则之力,是不会消耗修士的力量的,当然,当所有的修士,都有了法则之力保护之后,那么这种保护也就相当于没有了,因为所有人都有了这个法则之力的保护,那也就代表着他们的攻击,是可以破去这种法则保护的,所以这种保护也就相当于没有了。 But Divine Beast Magic on the Gold Core, on the Law protection of equivalent to cultivator, because on Gold Core appears Magic, does not need to consume Divine Beast Spiritual Qi, can actually help them fight, this is like cultivator Law. 神兽的这种金丹上的术法,就相当于修士法则保护,因为金丹出现术法,也是不需要消耗神兽灵气的,却可以帮着他们进行战斗,这就跟修士法则一样。 When Zhao Hai tried Magic on these Divine Beast release Gold Core to conduct the attack strength, his discover this strength, want to be stronger than the Law strength, this also made Zhao Hai have the one type of new understanding regarding Gold Core, these Divine Beast can practice Gold Core, that represented them also to practice this Gold Core, if they can also practice this Gold Core, that is representing, the following Nascent Soul boundary, was exists, was the true Nascent Soul boundary, but not before him, wants that Gold Core and Nascent Soul boundary? If this is really the case, that is also representing, they later also the has plenty road must walk, thinks of here, Zhao Hai cannot help but let out a long breath. 赵海试过了那些神兽放出金丹上的术法进行攻击时的力量,他发现这种力量,要比法则的力量还要强大一些了,这也让赵海对于金丹有了一种新的认识,这些神兽能修练出金丹,那是不是代表着他们也可以修练出这种金丹,如果他们也能修练出这种金丹,那是不是代表着,后面的元婴境,也是存在的,是真正的元婴境,而并不是他之前所想的那种金丹元婴境?如果真的是这样的话,那也就代表着,他们以后还有很多的路要走,一想到这里,赵海不由得长出了口气 To be honest, in others opinion, Zhao Hai is possible is the strength direct access to the highest authorities, but Zhao Hai is actually knows from the family affairs, his strength is very strong, but he now is actually a little confused, he in comprehend Law, that is because his Law was extremely great, therefore he needs comprehend Law bit by bit, but this does not represent, he did not have other idea, the nearest/recent continuously idea, in Zhao Hai mind, can hardly be removed, this idea actually also very simple, that after is him group in there. 说实话,在别人看来,赵海可能是实力通天,但是赵海却是自家知自家事,他的实力是很强,但是他现在却是有一点儿迷茫,他一直在参悟法则,那是因为他的法则太过于宏大了,所以他需要一点一点的参悟法则,但是这并不代表,他就没有了别的想法,最近就一直有一个想法,在赵海脑海之中,挥之不去,这个想法其实也十分的简单,那就是他以后的路在那里 This issue seems like very simple, how did he do before? Step by step walks forward, finally arrived at today, after him, still walked was good, then ascend, then enhanced own strength, this was his road. 这个问题看起来好像是很简单,他之前是怎么做的?一步一步的向前走,最后走到了今天,那他以后依然这么走就好了,接着飞升,然后接着提升自己的实力,这就是他的路啊。 However the fact is actually not this, what his later road is, Zhao Hai is very really confused, he like a on the ship of navigation on ocean, he has been navigating now before forward, now is also navigating forward, he has not stopped, but his equal to has actually been feeling the black navigation, he only knew walks forward, don’t know own end point in there, he did not have a direction, therefore his although can walk forward, but where must arrive, he was actually very confused. 但是事实却并不是这样的,他以后的路是什么样的,赵海现在真的很迷茫,他现在就像个一条航行在大海上的船上,他以前是一直在向前航行,现在也是在向前航行,他并没有停下来,但是他却等于是一直在摸着黑航行,他只知道向前走,却不知道自己的终点在那里,他没有一个方向,所以他虽然可以向前走,但是到底要走到什么地方,他却是很迷茫的。 But this Alien the Gold Core, probably a lighthouse was the same, gave a Zhao Hai direction, since Gold Core were like Law, that is representing, can cultivator also practice Gold Core? If cultivator can also practice Gold Core, how that can practice Gold Core to come? This is the issue that Zhao Hai must ponder, but currently he has a direction at least, Gold Core, Nascent Soul, the words in these legends, are target that he must try hard, therefore Zhao Hai on suddenly discover, he has the direction, he saw the lighthouse on ocean, although lighthouse is possible is very far from him, but the lighthouse had actually pointed out the direction to him, making him know how oneself should walk. 而这一次异形的这枚金丹,却好像一座灯塔一样,给了赵海一个方向,既然金丹法则一样的,那是不是就代表着,修士也可以修练出金丹?如果修士也可以修练出金丹,那要如何才能修练出金丹来呢?这是赵海要思考的问题,但是现在他最起码有了一个方向了,金丹,元婴,这些传说中的词,就是他要努力的目标,所以赵海突然发现,他已经有了方向了,他在大海上看到了灯塔,虽然灯塔可能离他很远,但是灯塔却已经给他指明了方向,让他知道自己该如何走了。 Laura stands in the Zhao Hai side, he sees the Zhao Hai appearance, cannot help but somewhat curious said: Elder Brother Hai, what happened? 劳拉就站在赵海的身边,他看到赵海的样子,不由得有些好奇的道:海哥,怎么了? Zhao Hai shakes the head, later his slightly smiled said: not, but thought that should accompany you well some time, since these days, I have accompanied your time to be getting fewer and fewer, therefore is also the time accompanies you well some time.” 赵海摇了摇头,随后他微微一笑道:“没怎么,只是觉得应该好好的陪你们一段时间了,这一段时间以来,我陪你们的时间越来越少了,所以也是时候好好的陪你们一段时间了。” Because to the future uncertainty, lets Zhao Hai always has such a anxiety at heart, it is for this reason that therefore he even more practiced diligently, as the matter stands he naturally did not have the too much time to accompany Laura they, but now is different, now he had seen the front road, he has oneself direction, his big stone, fell to the ground even, therefore he felt, had a long time, not well accompanied Laura they, was time this/should accompanying well they, this said words like this., But Laura one hear of he said that on face cannot help but one happy, her immediately open the mouth and said: Good, we rest well some time, but Elder Brother Hai, can this Divine Beast matter, conduct the promotion?” 因为对未来的不确定,让赵海的心里总是有那么一丝的不安,正是因为如此,所以他就越发努力的修练了,这样一来他自然也就没有太多的时间去陪劳拉她们了,但是现在却不一样了,现在他已经看到了自己前面的路了,他已经有了自己的方向了,他心里的那块大石,也就算是落了地了,所以他才觉得,自己有很长一段时间,没有好好的陪劳拉她们了,是时候该好好的陪陪她们了,这才说出了这样的话,而劳拉一听他这么说,脸上不由得一喜,她马上就开口道:“好啊,那我们就好好的休息一段时间,不过海哥,这神兽的事情,要不要进行推广啊?” Zhao Hai thinks, later open the mouth and said: That promotes, this method, told Old Wen them directly, making Old Wen they improve, is conducting the entire sect promotion, you did not need to worry, our well rest some time.” 赵海想了想,随后开口道:“那就推广吧,将这种方法,直接就告诉老闻他们,让老闻他们在完善一下,然后在进行全宗推广,你们就不用操心了,我们好好的休息一段时间。” Laura complied with one hastily, later her immediately conducted to reorganize their experimental achievements, then overall issued Wen Yuming to make Wen Yuming they conduct some follow-up experiments and improvements, they rested directly with Zhao Hai. 劳拉连忙应了一声,随后她马上就将他们的试验成果进行了一下整理,然后整体的发给了闻于名闻于名他们进行后续的一些试验和完善,她们就直接跟赵海去休息去了。 Wen Yuming after seeing Laura issues his these experimental achievements, being startled, they in research these Divine Beast , Laura they still have achieved this degree, he naturally is very delighted, his immediately arrangement person begins research these experiment notes, simultaneously he also knows, Laura they accompanied Zhao Hai to rest, he will not certainly disturb Laura they. 闻于名在看到劳拉发给他的那些试验成果之后,也是十分的吃惊,他们还在研究那些神兽呢,没有想到,劳拉她们已经做到了这种成度了,他当然是十分的开心,他马上就安排人着手研究这些试验笔记,同时他也知道,劳拉她们是陪着赵海去休息去了,他当然也不会去打扰劳拉她们了。 Laura their experiments, have actually been completed, moreover completes is very good, Wen Yuming they, this experiment was more perfect was OK, this it will not take long, therefore quick did well, they also reorganized set, the level up Divine Beast method, wanted level up Divine Beast, must let Divine Beast and cultivator spiritual force, complete knot combined together, came some changes of command(er) Divine Beast within the body by cultivator, only then this can complete level up, but Wen Yuming they, after this method research completed, on directly reports gave Zhao Hai, Zhao Hai also agreed that conducted to promote by them, Wen Yuming immediately Sickness information told Wen Wenhai. 劳拉她们的试验,其实已经完成了,而且完成的很好,闻于名他们,也只是将这份试验更加的完善一些就可以了,这个用不了多长时间,所以很快就弄好了,他们也整理出了一整套的,升级神兽的方法,想要升级神兽,就必须要让神兽修士精神力,完全的结合在一起,由修士指挥神兽体内的一些变化,只有这样才能完成升级,而闻于名他们,将这种方法研究完成之后,就直接上报给了赵海,赵海也同意让他们进行推广了,闻于名马上就瘵这个消息告诉了温文海 Wen Wenhai after knowing this information, his also immediately agreed their action, this matter promoted later in Blood Slaughter Sect, all Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, must immediately conduct level up to their Divine Beast time, no matter you were what race, so long as you had Divine Beast, you must conduct level up to Divine Beast. 温文海在知道了这个消息之后,他也马上就同意了他们的行动,随后这件事情就在血杀宗里推广开了,所有血杀宗弟子,都必须马上就对他们的神兽进行一次升级,不管你是什么种族的只要你有神兽,你就必须要对神兽进行升级 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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