BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13534: Gold Core

Chapter 13550 Gold Core 第13550章金丹 very smooth that also matter conducts, the iron bone pledge acts quickly also the people of these alliances, from sea watching pledge there wanting, these people on returned to in their alliance, these alliances did not dare do not come back these people, if they do not come back these people, then these person of is possible join sea watching pledges and three mountains pledges, because the sea watching pledge and three mountains pledge this loss is big, after the fight of long time, their losses was very so big, in this case, the sea watching pledge and three mountains pledge these person will stay behind, by their join . Is normal, but one, but these person of join the sea watching pledge or the three mountains pledge, later these person of is possible will look for their troubles in turn, because they had not gone to save them at that time, then looks like in these people, this is their alliance, regarding their betrayals, they naturally must look for these alliances troubled, if they do not come back these people, later also who dares join their alliance, their alliance is wanting to restore the original strength, may on very difficult, therefore they must these person probably come back, only then they can guarantee that like this own position, this little is very important.. 事情进行的也十分的顺利,铁骨盟出面也很快的就将这些联盟的人,从观海盟那里给要了出来,那些人也就回到了他们的联盟里,那些联盟是不敢不将那些人给要回来,如果他们不将那些人要回来,那么那些人可能就会加入观海盟和三山盟,因为观海盟和三山盟这一次的损失都不小,经过了这么长时间的战斗,他们的损失都很大,在这种情况下,观海盟和三山盟将那些人留下,让他们加入自己,也是正常的,而一但那些人加入了观海盟或是三山盟,以后那些人可能会反过来找他们的麻烦,因为他们当时没有去救他们,那在那些人看来,这就是他们联盟,对于他们的背叛,他们当然就要找那些联盟的麻烦了,而且如果他们不将那些人给要回来,以后还有谁敢加入他们联盟,他们联盟在想要恢复原来的实力,可就十分的困难了,所以他们必须要将那些人要回来,只有这样他们才能保证自己的地位,这一点儿是十分重要的。 When these person of returned to their alliance, this matter even if also passed, naturally, this is only temporary, the three mountains pledge and sea watching pledge do not have the ability to hit now, their these can be said as strength/Origin Qi damaging severely time, but the colored glaze pledge still stays in the original position, others have not gone to iron bone pledge there, but in the colored glaze pledge, the people of all iron bone pledges, still all retreated, colored glaze pledge present strength, on compared with on three mountains pledge strong 1, naturally, this is only the strength on paper surface, if really hits, they also really uncertain are the sea watching pledge opponent, That military strategy of three mountains pledge, really wanted the human life. 等到那些人回到了他们联盟,这件事情也就算是过去了,当然,这只是暂时的,三山盟和观海盟现在没有能力在打了,他们这一次可以说是元气大伤,而琉璃盟依然呆在原来的位置,他人并没有去铁骨盟那里,不过琉璃盟里,所有铁骨盟的人,也全都退走了,琉璃盟现在的实力,也就比三山盟强上一点儿,当然,这只是纸面上的实力,要是真打起来,他们还真的不一定是观海盟的对手,三山盟的那种战法,真的是太要人命了。 The person of three mountains pledge, in the fight, they really not awfully, this does not install, they really must trade a life with your life, such military strategy, originally is only battle soldier is using, now Island Lord level Expert is using, to be honest, facing such military strategy, everybody will feel fearful and apprehensive, anybody treasures the life, but the person of three mountains pledge is an exception probably, they were really not awfully, you were very difficult to imagine, before these person, on was the person of ordinary alliance, they were also like the people of ordinary alliance, treasures. Life, when their join the three mountains pledge, they, they came up to go all out with you probably not awfully, this lets everyone feels heart startled at the same time, will feel puzzled, why don’t know will have such change. 三山盟的人,在战斗的时候,他们是真的不要命,这并不是装出来的,他们是真的要跟你一命换一命,这样的战法,原本只是战兵在用,现在就连岛主高手都在用,说实话,面对这样的战法,谁都会感到心惊肉跳,任何人都是爱惜生命的,但是三山盟的人好像除外,他们是真的不要命了,你很难想像,这些人以前也就是普通联盟的人,他们也跟普通联盟的人一样,也是爱惜自己生命的,但是当他们加入三山盟,他们就好像不要命了,他们上来就会跟你拼命,这让所有人都感到心惊的同时,也都会感到不解,不知道为什么会有这样的变化。 It looks like in many people, perhaps is the three mountains pledge person, mastered the methods of what control these people, they can control these people, before be able to let these person of not awfully same to/clashes, this method is really evil he, but is actually the method that everyone wants, naturally, these all guessed, because on the other hand, the three mountains pledge was really mysterious, they rarely can contact with the bystander, but the three mountains pledge has contacted person, not discover any exceptionally, but wants you to many and person contact of three mountains pledge, actually was also. is impossible, this makes everyone feel that headache, what the don’t know three mountains pledge is. 在很多人看来,也许是三山盟的人,掌握了什么控制这些人的方法,他们可以控制这些人了,可以让这些人不要命一样的前冲,这种方法真的是太邪恶他,但是却又是所有人都想要得到的方法,当然,这些全都是猜测,因为相对来说,三山盟真的是太神秘了,他们很少会与外人接触,而与三山盟接触过的人,也并没有发现任何的异常,但是想你要过多的与三山盟的人接触,却也是不可能的,这让所有人都感到十分的头痛,不知道三山盟内部到底是什么样的。 What their don’t know is, Blood Slaughter Sect nearest/recent calms down, two reasons, one is the sea watching pledge puts in order to calculate that region fell their in hand, but iron bone pledge there, soon fell to their in hand, two were they welcomed good news, that was they in Divine Beast research, in made the breakthrough one time, Divine Beast that because they obtained were too many, therefore they also conducted more thorough research regarding Divine Beast, especially Laura they, Laura they have been conducting research to Divine Beast here Divine Beast, reason that their discover, Divine Beast here Divine Beast, they such. Huge, such formidable, three reasons, one, bloodline reason, their bloodline, what is natural is formation, moreover is very complex 3D formation, therefore their builds so huge, two, formation, this formation refers, on their skeletons, their bodies, have formation of hidden, these formation can succeed one another with bloodline formation, making these Divine Beast powerful, but the third reason is, these Divine Beast will practice, they will absorb Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi to enter to their bodies, then conducts the practice, by own. The strength is getting more and more powerful, because of Divine Beast here, is energy that the shadow puts, this made them absorb Spiritual Qi speed to slow down, therefore their builds long arrived such greatly not in steadily, if in the Spiritual Qi sufficient place, then their build is possible compared with present even bigger, this are these Divine Beast powerful reasons. 他们不知道的是,血杀宗最近之所以安静下来,有两个原因,一个是观海盟整算区域都落到了他们手里,而铁骨盟那里,也快要落到他们手里了,二就是他们迎来了一个好消息,那就是他们地于神兽研究,在一次有了突破,因为他们得到的神兽太多了,所以他们对于神兽也进行了更加深入的研究,特别是劳拉她们,劳拉她们一直在对神兽这里神兽进行研究,他们发现,神兽这里神兽,他们之所以这么巨大,这么强悍,有三个原因,一,血脉原因,他们的血脉,天然的是一个法阵,而且还是一个十分复杂的立体法阵,所以他们的体形才会如此的巨大,二,法阵,这个法阵是指,他们的骨骼上,他们的身上,都有隐藏的法阵,这些法阵会与血脉法阵相辅相承,让这些神兽变得更加的强大,而第三个原因就是,这些神兽会修练,他们会吸收天地灵气进入到他们的身体里,然后进行修练,让自己的实力越来越强大,不过因为神兽这里,全都是影放的能量,这让他们吸收灵气速度变慢了,所以他们的体形长到这么大就不在长了,如果是在灵气充足的地方,那么他们的体形可能会比现在更大,这就是这些神兽强大的原因。 Laura they are want to know that these Divine Beast powerful reasons, know these Divine Beast powerful reasons, they can use these methods, making Blood Slaughter Sect own Divine Beast powerful, but wanted to trade these reasons, truly was very difficult, most difficult one was, how these Divine Beast were in is the Shadow Clan energy places, can still absorb energy, this was Laura they had not made the understand place, afterward underwent many times experiment, after many times investigation, reason that their discover, these Divine Beast can in all be Shadow Clan energy Divine Beast here, Absorbs enough energy to survive, a most important reason is, in their internal organs, there is own one set of unique operating law, in other words, in their internal organs, there is own one set of unique formation, these formation can transform energy that they need the energy absorption of Shadow Clan, the time that but this process, is possible requires is longer, seems like a person, he ate many not easy digestion thing to be the same. 劳拉她们就是想要知道这些神兽强大的原因,知道了这些神兽强大的原因,他们就可以利用这些方法,让血杀宗自己的神兽变得强大了,不过想要将这些原因全都换出来,也确实是很难,其中最难的一条就是,这些神兽是如何在全都是影族能量的地方,依然可以吸收能量的,这是劳拉她们一直都没有弄明白的地方,后来经过了多次的试验,多次的探查之后,他们发现了,这些神兽之所以能在全都是影族能量神兽这里,吸收到足够的能量进行生存,最主要的一个原因就是,他们的脏腑之间,有自己的一套独特的运行规律,也就是说,他们的脏腑之中,有自己的一套独特的法阵,这些法阵可以将影族能量吸收转化成他们所需要的能量,只不过这个过程,可能需要的时间更长一些,就好像是一个人,他吃了很多不容易消化的东西一样。 If, Divine Beast here Divine Beast, they are really powerful, four reasons, bloodline, formation, the practice, last is their internal organs, but this point is Laura their finally discover, was nearest/recent just discover, simultaneously this was also the most important part, without these internal organs helped them absorb to transform Spiritual Qi, that Divine Beast will also be like cultivator, had been given to pollute by Shadow Clan energy, even was direct on dying. 所以要是真的算起来,神兽这里神兽,他们之所以强大,是有四个原因的,血脉,法阵,修练,最后一个就是他们的脏腑,只不过这一点是劳拉她们最后发现的,也是最近才刚刚发现的,同时这也是最重要的一部分,因为如果没有这些脏腑帮着他们吸收转化灵气的话,那神兽也会跟修士一样,早就被影族能量给污染了,甚至是直接就死掉了。 If, Divine Beast these four abilities, have the use respectively, the internal organs help them absorb energy, the practice helps them revolve energy, bloodline helps them tie combined together energy with own body, but formation in their body, are enables them energy to display, Laura their research discover, these Divine Beast, they can actually be stronger, even has is possible still to have the fifth way, can become by their energy stronger, but this fifth way, in present Divine Beast here, actually. Cannot appears , therefore they now also the don’t know this fifth way is anything. 要是真的算起来,神兽的这四种能力,都是各有用处的,脏腑是帮着他们吸收能量的,修练是帮着他们运转能量的,血脉是帮着他们将能量与自己的身体结合在一起的,而他们身体里的法阵,却是让他们可以将能量发挥出来的,劳拉她们研究发现,这些神兽,他们其实可以更强的,甚至有可能还存在第五种方式,可以让他们的能量变得更强,但是这第五种方式,在现在的神兽这里,却不能出现,所以他们现在也不知道这第五种方式是什么。 However is only knows that these four ways, is enough, Blood Slaughter Sect most powerful is a little, they can with formation explain that many thing, bloodline of Divine Beast within the body, their internal organs, formation in their body, these all can explain with formation for example, regarding the Divine Beast practice way, this can be regarded as one type of Cultivation Method, does not need to explain with formation. 但是光是知道这四种方式,就已经足够了,血杀宗最强大的一点儿就是,他们可以用法阵去解释很多的东西,就比如说神兽体内的血脉,他们的脏腑,他们身体里的法阵,这些全都可以用法阵来解释,至于说神兽的修练方式,这个可以看做是一种功法,并不需要用法阵去解释。 However this is enough, Laura their immediately conducted the experiment, they let some Alien Race, the absorption energy way of control internal organs, simultaneously lets bloodline formation of these Alien within the body, some occur changes, become complex, then their bodies, are increasing add some formation, simultaneously is making them conduct the practice, but the result of like this experimenting is, these Alien builds, growing up fast, moreover getting bigger and bigger, really grew Divine Beast is so big finally, the most important thing is, they unexpectedly also in long, moreover finally that Alien build, unexpectedly appears a bead same. thing, this bead same thing, is not in their brains, but in their bodies, in the internal organs of their body, but he is the independence beside the internal organs, seemed like Divine Beast within the body to grow an organ to be the same, but Laura they after research discover, this new grow out bead, very mysterious, he can help Alien absorb energy, can store up energy, can energy spin release, most important was, on this bead, can some appears patterns, but these pattern unexpectedly each and every one very complex 3D formation, But these formation, unexpectedly are various Magic, attack Magic, defense Magic, is respectively different, they tried several Alien final results are, each Alien, on that bead of their within the body, appears formation, was all different, even with one type of formation, was still different in the subtle point, Laura they tried, how these Alien must use that formation. 但是这就已经足够了,劳拉她们马上就进行了试验,他们让一些异形一族,控制自己脏腑的吸收能量方式,同时让那些异形体内的血脉法阵,发生一些变化,变得更加的复杂,然后他们的身上,在增加一些法阵,同时在让他们进行修练,而这样试验的结果就是,那些异形的体形,在飞快的长大,而且越来越大,最后真的长到了神兽那么大,最重要的是,他们竟然还在长,而且最后那异形的体形,竟然出现了一颗珠子一样的东西,这颗珠子一样的东西,并不是在他们的脑子里,而是在他们的身体里,就在他们身体的脏腑之中,但是他又是独立于脏腑之外,就好像是神兽的体内又多长出了一个器官一样,而劳拉她们通过研究之后发现,这个新长出来的珠子,十分的神奇,他可以帮着异形吸收能量,可以储存能量,同时也可以将能量放出去,最主要的是,这颗珠子上,会出现一些花纹,而这些花纹竟然一个个十分复杂的立体法阵,而这些法阵,竟然是各种术法,攻击术法,防御的术法,各不一样,他们试了好几个异形最后的结果是,每一头异形,他们体内的那颗珠子上,出现法阵,全都是不一样的,就算是同一种法阵,在细微之处也不一样,劳拉她们就试了一下,那些异形要如何的使用那种法阵 They have tried later discover, if Alien used formation on that bead, their immediately meets release corresponding Magic, but this Magic Might is very big, but consumes is very small this is also better compared with before them has contacted magic beast or Monster Beast Life Source Magic, this Magic can instantaneous, Might be big, the consumption is small, even can say, basically does not have any consumption, this was too astonishing. 他们试过之后发现,如果异形用了那珠子上的法阵,他们马上就放出相应的术法,而这种术法威力很大,但是消耗却很小这比他们以前接触过的魔兽或是妖兽本命术法还要好,这处术法是可以瞬发的,威力大,消耗小,甚至可以说,基本上没有什么消耗,这就太让人吃惊了。 Laura their immediately told Zhao Hai this situation, but Zhao Hai after knowing this situation, looked at these Alien situations personally, his discover also is really this, this makes Zhao Hai also very surprised, after his careful research that bead, thing of his discover this bead in one type of legend looks like very much, that is Gold Core, legend person cultivator can practice Gold Core, in also has Nascent Soul upward, but before Zhao Hai, has not practiced has come out these thing, even has, still in Gold Core and Nascent Soul completely different with legend, but a these Divine Beast within the body appears this bead, looks like. Gold Core in legend, this lets Zhao Hai being startled, he has not thought, these Divine Beast will practice Gold Core to come unexpectedly, this may be too mysterious, his immediately also research, why Divine Beast here Divine Beast, does not have Gold Core appears now, was quick his understand what's the matter, was actually very simple, here Divine Beast did not have Gold Core appears , was because here Spiritual Qi were too few, or here Shadow Clan energy, simply did not have the means to be formed Gold Core by Divine Beast, this looked like a person, you by his wild herbs, you are also only wanted to be brought forth the healthy champion same muscle by him daily., That is is impossible, now Divine Beast here Divine Beast is this situation, Shadow Clan energy that they absorb, eats the wild herbs on a equivalent to person, although is possible hungry undead, but also can only be reluctant is living, wish makes them stronger, that is is impossible. 劳拉她们马上就将这种情况告诉了赵海,而赵海在知道了这种情况之后,亲自看了那些异形的情况,他发现还真的是这样,这让赵海也很是吃惊,他仔细的研究了那珠子之后,他发现这珠子跟一种传说中的东西很像,那就是金丹,传说人修士可以修练出金丹,在往上还有元婴,但是赵海以前并没有修练出来过这些东西,就算是有,也跟传说中的金丹元婴完全的不同,但是这些神兽体内出现的这种珠子,就像是传说中的金丹,这让赵海十分的吃惊,他没有想到,这些神兽竟然会修练出金丹来,这可太神奇了,他马上就研究了一下,为什么现在神兽这里神兽,并没有金丹出现,很快他就明白是怎么回事儿了,其实很简单,这里神兽之所以没有金丹出现,就是因为这里灵气太少了,或者说,这里影族能量,根本就没有办法让神兽结成金丹,这就像是一个人,你天天只让他野菜,你还想让他练出健美冠军一样的肌肉,那是不可能的,现在神兽这里神兽就是这种情况,他们吸收的影族能量,就相当于一个人吃野菜,虽然可能饿不死,但也只能是勉强的活着,想要让他们变得更强,那是不可能的。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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