BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13533: Following

Chapter 13549 following 第13549章后续 Just this to the war, the iron lion was falls leeward, the iron lion actually was also Body Cultivator, what he mainly practiced was the defense capability of bone, therefore he called the iron bone pledge, his bone truly very hard, but unfortunately, he faced was actually Ding Chunming, Ding Chunming Law was the utilization of strength, he regarding control and utilization of strength, has achieved one type of very fearful degree, this degree the utilization of strength, that may not be the average person can compared with, he do not say the iron lion, therefore iron lion. Just to spelling suffers a loss, but at this time, the internal organs of iron lion have been injured, therefore he will bleed profusely from the head, internal injury that he was shaken. 刚刚这一阵对战,铁狮是落到了下风的,铁狮其实也是一个体修,但是他主要修练的是骨的防御能力,所以他叫铁骨盟,他的骨头确实是十分的硬,但是可惜的是,他面对的却是丁春明,丁春明法则是力的运用,他对于力量的控制和运用,已经达到了一种十分可怕的成度,这种成度的力的运用,那可不是一般人能比得了的,他更不要说铁狮了,所以铁狮在刚刚的对拼之中吃了大亏,而这个时候,铁狮的内脏已经受了伤了,所以他才会七窍流血,他是被震出来的内伤。 But at this time, suddenly formation appears around his body, directly him imprisoning, the iron lion does not have the strength to work loose this formation now, but at this time, Ding Chunming also in rushed to his front one time, a hammer hit on the head of clothing/taking, hit heard one that worked as, the head in a flash, but actually does not have any matter, but under one carved the iron lion is actually direct on soft to, dying cannot in dying, bone of iron lion defended although to be fierce, but in bone. thing, defense strength is not very strong, his brain fluid has been destroyed now completely, he also died certainly. 而就在这个时候,突然一个法阵出现在了他的身体四周,直接就将他给禁锢住了,铁狮现在已经没有力量在去挣脱这个法阵了,而就在这个时候,丁春明也在一次的冲到了他的面前,一锤子打在了服的脑袋上,就听到当的一声,脑袋被打的一晃,但是却没有什么事儿,但是下一刻铁狮却是直接就软到在地,死的不能在死了,铁狮的骨头防御虽然厉害,但是骨头里面的东西,防御力却并不是很强,他的脑浆现在已经全部被打碎了,他当然也就死了。 Iron lion after dying, his corpse also turned into wisp of black smoke vanish from sight directly, but Ding Chunming then let out a long breath, deeply attracted two tones later, returned to normal an own breath, then his turn the head and take a glance at the surrounding, the people of discover all around these iron bone pledges, escaping of escaping, the surrender of surrender, the fight had ended, Ding Chunming then let out a long breath. 铁狮在死后,他的尸体也直接就化成了一缕黑烟消失不见了,而丁春明这才长出了口气,随后深吸了两口气,平复了一下自己的呼吸,接着他转头看了四周一眼,发现四周那些铁骨盟的人,逃的逃,投降的投降,战斗已经结束了,丁春明这才长出了口气 But at this time white eyes also arrived at here, he looked at Ding Chunming their eyes, then open the mouth and said: Can make Old Ding you leave copes full power, evidently this iron lion truly is very fierce, ok, below battlefield cleanup, old Pan, you led the person to walk.” 而这时白眼也来到了这里,他看了丁春明他们一眼,接着开口道:“能让老丁你出全力对付,看样子这个铁狮确实是挺厉害的,好了,下面打扫战场吧,老潘,你带着人走吧。” Pan Wanfang nods, later he brought the iron bone pledge civil air defense to open directly, regarding person who these following iron bone pledge came, did not have leave, they were also not the Blood Slaughter Sect people, naturally cannot let them now on leave. 潘万方点了点头,随后他就直接带着铁骨盟的人防开了,至于说那些跟着铁骨盟来的人,却并没有离开,他们还不是血杀宗的人,当然不能让他们现在就离开了。 In fact in these people, some people they also are really the Blood Slaughter Sect people, but cannot display now, because after these people, must bleed off, is no more than must come the important person by Pan Wanfang, then can bleed off, after their returned to own alliance, but must others in their alliance, all turn into short the person who kills the sect, now cannot certainly put their leave. 事实上这些人中,有一些人他们还真的是血杀宗的人,不过现在了不能表现出来,因为这些人以后还是要放走的,不过是要由潘万方来要人,然后才能放走,他们回到自己的联盟之后,还必须要将他们联盟里的其它人,全都变成短杀宗的人呢,现在当然是不能放他们离开了。 But their time wars, the iron bone pledge alliance that person complete dumbfounded of also around letting watching the fun, in their opinion, originally has soon been in the upper hand, actually among suddenly occur the civil strife, this civil strife occur very abruptly, the person of iron bone pledge started frantic attack all around person, later the alliance leader iron lion of iron bone pledge was given to kill, from this on a little can also look, in the iron bone pledge certainly was occur the rebellion, but the person of rebellion also and three mountains pledge and sea watching pledge colluded, the iron lion will give to tidy up at one fell swoop, like this he on can become iron bone pledge alliance leader., After that who becomes iron bone pledge alliance leader, who with the person who the three mountains pledge and sea watching pledge collude with. 而他们这一次的大战,也让四周看热闹的人完全的傻了眼,在他们看来,原本已经快要占了上风的铁骨盟联盟,却突然之间发生了内乱,这内乱发生十分的突然,铁骨盟的人开始疯狂攻击四周的人,随后就连铁骨盟的盟主铁狮都被人给杀了,从这一点儿上也可以看得出来,铁骨盟里一定是发生了叛乱,而叛乱之人还与三山盟和观海盟勾结,一举将铁狮给收拾了,这样他就可以成为铁骨盟的盟主了,那以后谁成为铁骨盟的盟主,那谁就是与三山盟和观海盟勾结的人。 All the people of watching the fun, have not thought, this iron bone pledge invasion sea watching pledge, lot however meets occur such matter, this was too astonishing, the iron bone pledge itself/Ben thinks that comes conquer sea watching pledge piece of region, has not actually thought, finally by conquer, unexpectedly is oneself, this is everyone has not thought that no one has thought, matter can be such one type of result finally unexpectedly. 所有看热闹的人,都没有想到,这一次铁骨盟入侵观海盟,阄然会发生这样的事儿,这太让人吃惊了,铁骨盟本以为是来征服观海盟这片区域的,却没有想到,最后被征服的,竟然是自己,这更是所有人都没有想到的,谁都没有想到,事情最后竟然会是这样的一种结果。 Now sees the sea watching pledge they already in the battlefield cleanup, the person who these watch the fun also on understand, today's liveliness can only see here, but the influence of this matter, will actually not end, even can say that just started, the person who these watch the fun, immediately reported this information, they must immediately, report this information to their alliance, lets the person of their alliance, was certainly careful one time, watches the sea here to cloud over, finally the iron bone pledge and sea watching pledge here, what will have change, has not really said that but is a little certain. Yes, the iron bone pledge these actually owed time, later iron bone pledge there how, does not say, after all iron bone pledge loss was big, naturally the losses of iron bone pledge there remaining small alliances were also big, later can these small alliances, with the iron bone pledges, have the conflict, this has not really said that they prepared look well to say. 现在一看到观海盟他们已经在打扫战场了,那些看热闹的人也就明白,今天的热闹就只能看到这里了,但是这件事情的影响,却不会就此结束,甚至可以说才刚刚开始,那些看热闹的人,马上就将这个消息上报了,他们必须要在第一时间,将这个消息上报给他们联盟,让他们联盟的人,一定要小心,观海这里在一次的变天了,最后铁骨盟和观海盟这里,会有什么样的变化,还真的不好说,但是有一点儿可以肯定的是,铁骨盟这一次却是亏了,以后铁骨盟那里会如何,也不好说了,毕竟铁骨盟这一次的损失不小,当然铁骨盟那里剩下的小联盟的损失也不小,以后那些小联盟,与铁骨盟之间,会不会起冲突,这个还真的不好说,他们准备好好的看看在说。 But at this time, the sea watching pledge they have cleaned the battlefield, that such as the corpse of mountain, fired the ash, then buried, after there cultivated/repaired a grave, direct leave, the sea watching pledge and three mountains pledge separated leave, in other words, they, when facing iron bone pledge, although alliance, but this did not represent among them is a friend, very obviously was not such. 而这个时候,观海盟他们已经打扫完了战场,将那如山的尸体,烧成了灰,然后又埋了起来,在那里修了一座坟之后,就直接离开了,观海盟和三山盟是分开离开的,也就是说,他们在面对铁骨盟的时候,虽然联合了起来,但是这并不代表他们之间就是朋友了,很显然并不是这样的。 In these people of watching the fun, some person following iron bone pledges went, some people remained, these following iron bone pledge went to person, they are very curious, iron bone pledge there, whom will elect to work as new alliance leader, how they also explained the iron lion their death, when no matter who alliance leader, is actually a little certain, was he colludes with the three mountains pledge and sea watching pledge, killed the iron lion, regarding the other small alliance of iron bone pledge, can the clothing/taking he, this really not say, the loss of these small alliance was also big, run away. The person is only a few, many people actually surrendered, can say that these iron bone pledge region small alliances, they are strength/Origin Qi damaged severely, like this small alliance, they do not have the ability to threaten the iron bone pledge, iron bone pledge although also has the loss, but loses is not big. 看热闹的那些人中,有一些人跟着铁骨盟去了,有一些人却还是留了下来,那些跟着铁骨盟去了的人,他们都很好奇,铁骨盟那里,会选谁来当新的盟主,他们又如何的解释铁狮他们的死亡,不管是谁当盟主,有一点儿却是可以肯定的,就是他跟三山盟和观海盟勾结,杀了铁狮的,至于说铁骨盟的其它小联盟,会不会服他,这个还真的不好说,那些小联盟的损失也不小,逃走的人只是少数,很多人却是投降了,可以说那些铁骨盟区域的小联盟,他们已经是元气大伤了,这样的小联盟,他们是没有能力威胁到铁骨盟的,铁骨盟虽然也有损失,但是损失却并不大。 The quick iron bone pledge on direct returned to Encampment of iron bone pledge, Encampment of returned to iron bone pledge, Pan Wanfang directly made the statement to the outside, starting today, Pan Wanfang was iron bone pledge alliance leader, but original iron bone pledge ally iron lion, because colluded with Shadow Clansman, but was killed by them, they must rally the iron bone pledge, established a brand-new iron bone pledge. 很快的铁骨盟就直接回到了铁骨盟的驻地,一回到铁骨盟的驻地,潘万方就直接对外发布了声明,从今天开始,潘万方就是铁骨盟的盟主了,而原铁骨盟的盟友铁狮,因为与影族人勾结,而被他们杀死,他们要重整铁骨盟,建立一个全新的铁骨盟。 This statement lets the person who all sees, all was shocked, because they have not thought, Pan Wanfang will install such a charge to the iron lion unexpectedly, colludes with Shadow Clansman, that is in Divine Beast here, a biggest charge, but many people see this charge time, does not believe that because of as we all know, Pan Wanfang they colludes with the three mountains pledge and sea watching pledge in the fight, betrayed the iron lion, this becomes iron bone pledge alliance leader, now said that the iron lion and Shadow Clansman have to collude, they will be do not certainly believe. But they also only dare in secret scolding, actually no one to jump to accuse them at heart, because this charge was too big, is adding on the iron lion they dead, now equal to is dies not verifies, therefore they will not certainly jump to say anything. 这个声明让所有看到的人,全都愣住了,因为他们怎么也没有想到,潘万方竟然会给铁狮安上这样的一个罪名,勾结影族人啊,那可是在神兽这里,最大的一个罪名了,但是很多人看到这个罪名的时候,都是不相信的,因为所有人都知道,潘万方他们是与三山盟和观海盟勾结在战斗的时候,出卖了铁狮,这才成为了铁骨盟的盟主的,现在说铁狮与影族人有勾结,他们当然是不会相信了,但是他们也只敢在心里暗暗的骂骂,却没有人会跳出来指责他们,因为这个罪名太大了,在加上铁狮他们已经死了,现在等于是死无对证,所以他们当然是不会跳出来说什么了。 However person, actually this information perceiving, this person is not others, hates the pledge alliance leader, the king to defend traditional moral principles greatly, king Weidao is knows that the status of iron lion, the iron lion is really a Shadow Clansman spy, this point he is knows that but Pan Wanfang they also said that the iron lion and Shadow Clansman collude, this, this charge that they kill is very interesting, Pan Wanfang they said that actually no one believes that but this charge was, now king health/guard true understanding was some don't understand, Pan Wanfang they. Really knows that iron lion their status, is don’t know iron lion their status, but casual they settled a charge to the iron lion? 但是有一个人,却是将这个消息给听进去了,这个人不是别人,正是大恨盟的盟主,王卫道,王卫道是知道铁狮的身份的,铁狮真的是一个影族人的奸细,这一点他是知道的,而潘万方他们又说铁狮与影族人勾结,这才被他们所杀的,这个罪名很有意思,潘万方他们说出来,却没有人相信,但是这个罪名偏偏又是真的,现在王卫道真的是有些不明白,潘万方他们到底是真的知道铁狮他们的身份,还是不知道铁狮他们的身份,只是随便的给铁狮他们安了一个罪名? king Weidao looked at this situation, later his open the mouth and said: Comes the person!” immediately had a person to walk, this person was his disciple, the king defends traditional moral principles said solemnly: We send the sea watching pledge there person, has information to deliver?” 王卫道看了一眼这种情况,随后他开口道:“来人!”门外马上就有一个人走了进来,这人正是他的弟子,王卫道沉声道:“我们派去观海盟那里的人,有没有消息送回来?” That disciple immediately said: teacher, has information to deliver, they now are very safe, moreover sea watching pledge there also restored calm, they are also catching up toward iron bone pledge there now, they felt, iron bone pledge there, is possible has matter occur.” 那个弟子马上就道:“师尊,有消息送回来,他们现在很安全,而且观海盟那里也恢复了平静,他们现在也正在往铁骨盟那里赶,他们觉得,铁骨盟那里,可能有事儿发生。” The kings defended traditional moral principles one hear of him saying that also nods, later beckons with the hand, that disciple on turn around leave, the king defended traditional moral principles actually to frown directly, he was real don’t know, Pan Wanfang they knows the don’t know iron lion their status, you said their don’t know iron lion their status, they actually iron lion killing, moreover settled such a charge, you said that he knows greatly the status of iron lion, their such Ming Dynasty put came to release this charge, that was not in informing the Shadow Clansman spy, I can discover. You come, you give me carefully, must really be such words, then that these Shadow Clansman spies, won't all add carefully? Moreover person who they send, is also safe by the present, that also explained, the opposite party now and status of don’t know their people, this matter truly is somewhat strange, the king defended traditional moral principles now also some headaches, he also real don’t know, how should handle the sea watching pledge there matter now, if he dispatched troops directly, needed a reason, but if you came up saying that the opposite party was the surveillance of Shadow Clansman, this could not be justified probably, in Divine Beast here also being able to come to a stop foot . Moreover the strength of opposite party was not weak, has not really been possible to take the opposite party, therefore now king Weidao is in a dilemma, at once. What to do real don’t know should. 王卫道一听他这么说,也点了点头,随后就摆了摆手,那个弟子直接就转身离开了,王卫道却是又皱起了眉头来,他是真的不知道,潘万方他们到底知不知道铁狮他们的身份了,你说他们不知道铁狮他们的身份吧,他们却将铁狮给杀了,而且还安了那么一个罪名,你说他知道铁狮的身份吧,他们这就这么大明大放的将这个罪名给放出来的,那不就是在通知影族人的奸细,我能找出你们来,你们都给我小心点儿,要真的是这样的话,那么那么那些影族人的奸细,不全都会加小心了吗?而且他们派去的人,到现在也是安全的,那也就说明,对方现在并不知道他们那些人的身份,这件事情确实是有些古怪,王卫道现在也有些头痛了,他现在还真的不知道,该如何处理观海盟那里的事情了,如果他直接出兵,需要一个理由,但是如果你上来就说对方是影族人的监视,这个好像说不过去,在神兽这里也站不稳脚,而且对方的实力也并不弱,还真的不一定能拿下对方,所以现在王卫道是左右为难,一时之间还真的不知道该怎么办了。 But at this time, Pan Wanfang did another matter, they sent for iron bone pledge region other small alliance there, said to these small alliances iron bone pledge the matter of accident, told the people of these small alliances, your present has plenty person, by sea watching pledge and three mountains pledge person grasping, so long as you acknowledged our status, then I can act, helping you probably come back these people, if you did not acknowledge our iron bone pledge status, that we may on, no matter your matters. 而这个时候,潘万方又做了另一件事儿,他们派人去了铁骨盟区域的其它小联盟那里,跟那些小联盟说了一下铁骨盟的变故之事,同时也跟那些小联盟的人说了,你们现在有很多人,被观海盟和三山盟的人给抓了,只要你们承认我们的身份,那么我就可以出面,帮你们将那些人要回来,如果你们不承认我们铁骨盟的身份,那我们可就不管你们的事儿了。 The people of these small alliances, one hear of Pan Wanfang they said, is criticizes Pan Wanfang they is not concerned about face, what initially makes us dispatch troops is you, now you must deliver us with our people a favor, you are not really concerned about face, but they do not have the means. Only can comply with the iron bone pledge, because of their very clear, their present simply did not have the rebel iron bone pledge ability, iron bone pledge strength although to receive certain loss, but lost is not very big, if really annoyed the iron bone pledge person, the iron bone pledge can also invite the sea watching pledge and three mountains pledge helps, if their three pledge unite, their these small alliance, is impossible were the opponent of opposite party, therefore they can only acknowledge that now the status of iron bone pledge, invited the iron bone pledge person, is helping them their people, gave to come back from sea watching pledge there. 那些小联盟的人,一听潘万方他们这么说,全都是暗骂潘万方他们不要脸,当初让我们出兵的是你们,现在你又要拿我们的人来送我们一个人情,你真的是不要脸啊,但是他们却没有办法。只能答应铁骨盟,因为他们十分的清楚,他们现在根本就没有反抗铁骨盟的能力,铁骨盟的实力虽然受了一定的损失,但是损失却并不是很大,要是真的惹毛了铁骨盟的人,铁骨盟还可以请观海盟和三山盟来帮忙,要是他们三盟联合起来,他们这些小联盟,不可能是对方的对手,所以他们现在只能承认铁骨盟的身份,请铁骨盟的人,帮着他们将他们的人,从观海盟那里给要回来。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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