BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13532: War

Chapter 13548 fights 第13548章大战 The iron lion gawked, later his complexion one changed, he just about to speaks, saw that two people flushed to him, a person has not flushed, all over the sky flying sword had arrived, sees these flying sword, complexion of iron lion changes, the hand moves, the next facet giant carapace on appears the front of iron lion, his only hand is also one moves simultaneously in addition, in his hand on were many one Great Blade, this Great Blade was both hands blade, seemed a little cuts the saber likely, horse body. Is long, the hilt is also more than one foot fully, such Great Blade, Might or very enormous, wield, the ordinary person cannot block, because of the person of such blade, generally is the violent force, super strong, therefore the ordinary person they do not have the means to use such blade. 铁狮愣了一下,随后他的脸色一下就变了,他刚要说话,就见到有两个人直向他冲了过来,其中一个人还没有冲过来,满天的飞剑就已经到了,一看到那些飞剑,铁狮的脸色就是一变,手一动,下一刻面巨大的龟甲就出现了铁狮的面前,同时他的另一只手也是一动,他的手里就多出了一把大刀,这把大刀是双手刀,看起来有点儿像斩马刀,马身很长,刀柄也足有一尺多,这样的大刀,威力还是十分巨大的,挥动起来,一般的人是挡不住的,因为用这样刀的人,一般都是猛力,力大无穷,所以一般的人他们都没有办法使用这样的刀。 These flying sword punctured on the carapace shield directly, by the carapace shield blocking, two person's shadows arrived at the front of iron lion to stop later, that two person iron lions knew, was Ding Chundan and Sheng Si, their two people, now were also the Divine Beast here famous characters, iron lion look at Ding Chunming and Sheng Si, said solemnly: Really has not thought that rebel colluded with together with you unexpectedly, I want to know when you colluded with together.” The iron lion said that also looked at a Pan Wanfang direction, he is certain, this matter is Pan Wanfang is certainly done, will not have others except for him, others do not have the time, does not have the ability to handle this matter. 那些飞剑直接就刺到了龟甲盾上,被龟甲盾给挡住了,随后两个人影就到了铁狮的面前停了下来,那两个人铁狮认识,正是丁春胆和盛兕,他们两个人,现在也算是神兽这里有名的人物了,铁狮看着丁春明盛兕,沉声道:“真是没有想到,那个叛徒竟然与你们勾结到一起了,我很想知道,你们是什么时候勾结到一起的。”铁狮说完还看了一眼潘万方的方向,他可以肯定,这件事情一定是潘万方做的,除了他就不会有别人的,别人也没有时间,也没有能力做这件事情。 Ding Chunming slightly smiled said: only some is no more than people want, when alliance leader of iron bone pledge, we cooperate, do not say is so coarse.” Ding Chunming this saying acknowledged them among equal to the matter, but complexion of iron lion ugly/difficult to look at. 丁春明微微一笑道:“只不过是有人想要当铁骨盟的盟主罢了,我们只是合作,不要说的那么难听。”丁春明这话就等于是承认了他们之间的事情了,而铁狮的脸色更加的难看。 Iron lion look at Ding Chunming said: you will not have the good result, his rebel, will not obtain other person acknowledgment.” 铁狮看着丁春明道:“你们不会有好结果的,他一个叛徒,是不会得到别的人承认的。” If we kill is Shadow Clansman? Can that obtain others' acknowledgment?” The Ding Chunming look at iron lion, slightly smiled said, but the iron lion listened to the Ding Chunming words, his complexion cannot help but changes, his look at Ding Chunming said: „your is the dirt falls.” “那如果我们杀的是影族人呢?那是不是就可以得到别人的承认了?”丁春明看着铁狮,微微一笑道,而铁狮听了丁春明的话,他的脸色不由得一变,他看着丁春明道:“你们这是污陷。” Ding Chunming is smiling said: he who succeeds becomes king, he who fails becomes bandit, so long as you died, that was also not we said when the time comes what was what, incorrect what had? When the time comes even if some people know that you were unjust, some people can manage? We are the victors, how that was also not we said how to calculate?” Ding Chunming has not spoken the truth with the iron lion, he will not tell the iron lion truth, because of these words, their later is possible, will make others see when necessary, he cannot certainly speak the truth, but also a little, lets him to speak the truth, if the iron lion has what special means that can make Shadow Clansman know the here occur matter, then Shadow Clansman will hear them saying that if at this time, they speaks the truth, exposed their true strength, that is not the good matter, therefore Ding Chunming has not spoken the truth, he said that like this, no one will suspect, that. Why does he also want to speak the truth? 丁春明笑着道:成王败寇,只要你死了,那到时候还不是我们说什么就是什么,有什么不对的吗?到时候就算是有人知道你是被冤枉的,有人会管吗?我们是胜利者,那还不是我们怎么说就怎么算?”丁春明没有跟铁狮说实话,他是不会告诉铁狮真相的,因为这些话,他们以后可能在必要的时候,会让其它人看到,他当然不能说实话了,还有一点儿,也让他不能说实话,如果铁狮有什么特别的办法,可以让影族人知道这里发生的事儿,那么影族人就会听到他们所说的话,如果在这个时候,他们说了实话,暴露了他们的真正实力,那也不是什么好事儿,所以丁春明没有说实话,他说这样的话,也没有人会怀疑,那他为什么还要说实话呢? Iron lion look at Ding Chunming said: „can you definitely leave behind me? Were you too underestimated I?” 铁狮看着丁春明道:“你们就这么肯定可以留下我?你们是不是太小看我了?” Ding Chunming shakes the head said: not, no, no, we may not have underestimated you, conversely, we regard as important very much your, otherwise not by our two simultaneously make a move, therefore you should feel honored is right, ok, these were loyal to your under the hand/subordinate, all died was similar, you cannot make them wait for a long time.” Said that Ding Chunming moves, in his hand had/left two skeleton hammers, later his figure moves, flushed to the iron lion, iron lion wields, that carapace shield in kept off in his front one time. 丁春明摇了摇头道:“不,不,不,我们可没有小看你,相反的,我们是很看重你的,不然的话也不会由我们两个同时出手,所以你应该感觉荣幸才对,行了,那些忠于你的手下,也全都死的差不多了,你也不能让他们久等了。”说完丁春明手一动,他的手里就多出了两把骷髅锤,随后他身形一动,直向铁狮冲了过来,铁狮手一挥,那龟甲盾在一次挡在了他的前面。 However at this time, on that carapace, suddenly appears huge formation, this formation directly carapace wrapping up, later fiercely goes toward flying in the sky, that carapace by control of iron lion, was not flown away unexpectedly directly. 但是就在这个时候,那龟甲上,突然出现了一个巨大的法阵,这个法阵直接就将龟甲给包住了,随后猛的往天上飞去,那龟甲竟然不受铁狮的控制,直接就飞走了。 But Ding Chunming had also rushed to the front of iron lion at this time, the iron lion saw Ding Chunming to clash, his complexion cannot help but changes, in his hand moves, a blade cut to Ding Chunming, Ding Chunming saw the movement of iron lion, he has not actually stopped, the hammer of left hand, a hammer hit on the long blade, heard one that worked as, the iron lion in hand long blade, fierce trembled, obviously the strength of this hammer had much big, figure with subway lion also straight toward retreat, but on at this time, his behind, suddenly Also emitted huge formation, if he will be flying in the future, his figure on strong to that formation on, the iron lion also worthily is Expert, his hand moves, in hand long blade fierce in the future a thorn, under the long blade will prick law in the formation, the next quarter is centered on the long blade, huge Qi Strength exploded directly, under one of the that formation also bang on opened shatter, but at this moment, Ding Chunming attack to, a hammer pounded to the head of iron lion one time straight, complexion of iron lion In changes one time, his figure lets, has let to side. 丁春明这个时候也已经冲到了铁狮的面前,铁狮一看到丁春明冲了过来,他的脸色不由得一变,他手上一动,一刀直向丁春明斩了下去,丁春明看到了铁狮的动作,他却并没有停下来,左手的锤子,一锤就打在了长刀上,就听到当的一声,铁狮手里的长刀,猛的一颤,可见这一锤的力量有多大,同地铁狮的身形也直往后退去,但是就在这个时候,他的身后,突然又冒出了一个巨大的法阵,如果他在往后飞的话,那他的身形就壮到了那个法阵上,铁狮也不愧是一个高手,他手一动,手里的长刀猛的往后一刺,长刀下刺入到了法阵里,下一刻以长刀为中心,一股巨大的气劲直接就暴发了,那个法阵也轰的一下就破碎开了,但是就在这时,丁春明攻击在一次到了,一锤子直向铁狮的脑袋砸了过来,铁狮的脸色在一次一变,他身形一让,直向旁边让过。 However a Ding Chunming this seemingly heavy incomparable hammer, actually suddenly becomes must like feather same light, the hammer transferred curved directly, in hit to the iron lion one time, complexion of iron lion cannot help but changes, later his fierce opening mouth, bellowed, with this sound, powerful Qi Strength, raided to Ding Chunming, Ding Chunming has not really thought, the opposite party will really have such a move, his in addition only hand fierce toward chest front one horizontal, under one on blocking that Qi Strength, but the whole person will also fly in the future. Going. 但是丁春明这看起来沉重无比的一锤,却突的变得如羽毛一样的轻,锤子直接就转了一个弯,在一次向铁狮打了过来,铁狮的脸色不由得一变,随后他猛的一张嘴,大吼了一声,随着这个声音,一股强大的气劲,直向丁春明袭了过去,丁春明还真的没有想到,对方竟然会有这么一招,他的另一只手猛的往胸前一横,一下就挡住了那股气劲,但是整个人也往后飞去。 But at this time, in the middle of the sky suddenly however appears a golden big hand, grasped to the iron lion, the iron lion figure moves, long blade fierce pulls up upward, is cutting on that big hand, but can look, his blade a little suddenly, hears with a bang sound, his figure by that only Great Blade patting falls downward, one of the bang pounded to fall in the ground, obviously this he suffers a loss time. 而就在这个时候,天空中突出现了一只金色的大手,直向铁狮抓了过去,铁狮身形一动,长刀猛的往上一撩,正斩在那大手上,但是看得出来,他这一刀有点儿突然,就听到轰的一声,他的身形被那只大刀给拍的直向下掉去,轰的一下就砸落到了地面上,显然这一次他吃了亏。 The iron lion pounded a big hole in the ground, but his actually immediately jumped from that big hole, his body could not see the wound, was only complexion is not quite attractive, his figure flew directly, such as the shell was the same, pounded to Ding Chunming, Ding Chunming saw the appearance of iron lion, cannot help but laughed said: interestingly, was too interesting.” Said that his figure is also the same like the shell, pounded to the iron lion, two people seem like the shell that two high speed clash to be the same, meaning that no one has stopped, fierce one hit together, heard a loud explosion sound one time, Ding Chunming flies upside down the straight sentiment fan, the iron lion in fell to the ground, later heard with a bang sound, the iron lion, in smashed in the ground one time, in the ground was pounded a big hole one time, but later incomparably huge Great Sword, fierce on punctured the past to that pit, on hearing bang. A sound, large hole in ground was deeper, that Giant Sword also vanish from sight, but Ding Chunming also stopped at this time, the next quarter hears a sound to transmit said: "OK, to be happy! ” With this sound, a person's shadow flew from that big hole directly, the person's shadow that this flies is not others, is the iron lion. 铁狮在地面砸出了一个大坑,但是他却马上就从那大坑里跳了出来,他的身上看不到一点儿的伤,只是脸色不太好看,他的身形直接就飞了起来,如炮弹一样,直向丁春明砸了过去,丁春明一看到铁狮的样子,也不由得哈哈大笑道:“有意思,太有意思了。”说完他的身形也如炮弹一样,直向铁狮砸了过去,两人就好像是两颗高速对撞的炮弹一样,谁也没有停下来的意思,猛的一下就撞到了一起,就听到轰的一声巨响,丁春明倒飞了直情迷,铁狮在一次向地面上落去,随后就听到轰的一声,铁狮在一次砸到了地面上,地面上在一次的被砸出了一个大坑,但是随后一巨大无比大剑,猛的就向那坑里刺了过去,就听到砰一的声,地面上的大洞更深了,那巨剑消失不见了,而丁春明这时也停了下来,下一刻就听到一个声音传来道:“好,痛快!”随着这个声音,一个人影从那大坑里直接就飞了起来,这个飞起来的人影不是别人,正是铁狮。 However the present iron lion, actually turns into another appearance, his chest place, the huge wounds, the body of that wound place is whirling around, seems like very scary, you even can see his bone, however his bone is actually very special, his bone is the black, moreover is flashing metal gloss, but the iron lion now the probably wound is been different, regarding the wound of own chest front, does not care, but his chest front wound, heal/fuse fast. 不过现在的铁狮,却是变成另一个样子,他的胸口处,有一道巨大的伤口,那伤口处的皮肉翻卷着,看起来十分的吓人,你甚至可以看到他的骨头,但是他的骨头却是十分的特别,他的骨头是黑色的,而且还是闪动着金属的光泽,而铁狮现在却好像一点儿伤都没有受一样,对于自己胸前的伤口,一点儿也不在乎,而他胸前的伤口,也正在飞快的愈合着。 Ding Chunming look at iron lion, his slightly smiled said: suddenly interesting, called the iron bone pledge worthily, originally this is related with Cultivation Method that you practiced, good, I to was want to take a look, your strength how.” The Ding Chunming figure moves, rushes over to the iron lion, but before Ding Chunming overruns, a long sword, suddenly on appears in the front of iron lion, a sword punctured to the iron lion. 丁春明看着铁狮,他突的微微一笑道:“有意思,不愧叫铁骨盟,原来这跟你修练的功法有关,好啊,我到是想要看看,你的实力到底如何。”说完丁春明身形一动,直向铁狮冲了过去,而就在丁春明冲过去之前,一把长剑,突然出现在了铁狮的面前,一剑直向铁狮刺了过去。 However this time this sword, with previous thorn to the thorn of iron lion, but has very big difference, this the sword, has been braving Cold Qi/cold air time probably outward, all around air was frozen probably, but the iron lion also felt certainly that Cold Qi/cold air, his complexion slightly changes, later his hand wields, next one carved one directly on to fly going out from in his hand short blade, that short blade direct on hitting on that long sword, on hearing, when a sound, short blade flew, but that long sword also vanish from sight, at the same time iron lion hand. Proceeds to wield, a blade cuts forward, but Ding Chunming at this time was actually fierce raised the in hand skeleton hammer, supported the iron lion this to strike, simultaneously another skeleton hammer, attacked to the iron lion, the iron lion in hand long blade turned, using the long blade blade close to the position of hilt, blocked Ding Chunming attack, later the iron lion roared fiercely said: broken saber!” With his sound, a giant long blade, appears outside his body, that is Dao Avatar, but the iron lion figure moves, cuts forward, with his movement, that huge Great Blade, cuts forward. 但是这一次的这把剑,跟之前刺向铁狮的刺可是有很大的不同,这一次的这把剑,好像一直在向外冒着寒气,四周的空气好像都被冻住了一样,而铁狮当然也感觉到了那寒气,他的脸色微微一变,随后他手一挥,下一刻一把短刀直接就从他的手里飞了出去,那短刀直接就撞到了那长剑上,就听到当的一声,短刀飞了,而那长剑也消失不见了,同时铁狮手往前一挥,一刀直向前斩去,而丁春明这个时候却是猛的一扬手里的骷髅锤,架住了铁狮这一击,同时另一把骷髅锤,直向铁狮攻了过去,铁狮手里的长刀一翻,利用长刀刀刃靠近刀柄的位置,挡住了丁春明攻击,随后铁狮猛吼了一声道:“碎马刀!”随着他的声音,一把巨大的长刀,出现在他的身体外面,那正是一个法相,而铁狮身形一动,直向前斩去,随着他的动作,那巨大的大刀,也直向前斩去。 Ding Chunming sees that huge Great Blade Dao Avatar, his complexion also cannot help but slightly changes, later his said solemnly: Good that to have a look my.” With his sound, outside next quarter his body, appears Dao Avatar, this Dao Avatar very special, good is a man, looks very ordinary, in his hand not with weapon, but now is actually a fist, fought with the fists to that greatly, the fist and Great Blade hit together, hears a loud explosion sound, Great Blade goes toward retreat, that man is actually only slightly in a flash, the next quarter that man in one step, the fist of his in hand, in pounded the past to Great Blade one time forward simultaneously one time. 丁春明一看到那把巨大的大刀法相,他的脸色也不由得微微一变,随后他沉声道:“好那就看看我的。”随着他的声音,下一刻他的身体外面,也出现了一个法相,这个法相十分的特别,好就是一个男人,看起来很是普通,他的手里也没有拿武器,但是现在却是一拳,直向那大拳打了过去,拳头与大刀撞到了一起,就听到轰的一声巨响,大刀后退去,那个男人却只是微微的一晃,下一刻那个男人在一次向前一步,同时他手里的拳头,在一次向大刀上砸了过去。 Also is with a bang sound, that Great Blade in goes toward retreat one time, later that man seems like the hammering to be the same, pounding of fist fist on Great Blade, to retreat that Great Blade kept, finally after that man attacked 18 fists, that Great Blade on vanish from sight, that man also vanish from sight, revealed Ding Chunming and appearance of iron lion directly later, Ding Chunming seemed like very normal, his complexion somewhat was also red, simultaneously the mouth also breathing heavily in gulps, just attack time although was not long, but he was actually already full power, so many years, Can under his full power attack, but can also living the person are not many, but this iron lion is also actually living, this made Ding Chunming have such a admiration to the iron lion, but the situation of that iron lion, now actually also very distressed. 又是轰的一声,那大刀在一次往后退去,随后那个男人就好像是打铁一样,一拳一拳的砸在了大刀上,大刀不停的向后退,终于在那个男人攻出了十八拳之后,那大刀直接就消失不见了,随后那个男人也消失不见了,露出丁春明和铁狮的样子,丁春明看起来到是很正常,不过他的脸色也有些红,同时嘴里也正在大口大口的喘着粗气,刚刚的攻击时间虽然并不长,但是他却是已经出了全力了,这么多年了,能在他全力攻击之下,还能活着的人可不多,而这个铁狮却是还活着,这让丁春明对铁狮也有了那么一丝的敬佩,但是那铁狮的情况,现在却也是十分的狼狈。 No, the iron lion cannot say that was distressed, he can be said as frigid, his body could not look that injured, however in his seven orifices is actually all bleeding outward, on whole person, steaming hot, probably just fished to be the same from the hot water. 不,铁狮已经不能说是狼狈了,他已经可以说是惨烈了,他的身上看不出来伤,但是他的七窍里却全都在往外流着血,整个人身上,热气腾腾,好像刚从热水里捞出来一样。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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