BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13531: Battle

Chapter 13547 makes war 第13547章开战 Under everyone's gaze, the sea watching pledge and three mountains pledge first moved unexpectedly, the people of their two pledges, the set had army, drives past to the direction of colored glaze pledge, their such approaches, to are make people of many watching the fun feel accidental/surprised, now is the strengths in iron bone pledge their aspect is obviously in the upper hand, why does the person of three mountains pledge and sea watching pledge, dare first to begin unexpectedly? 就在所有人的注视之下,观海盟和三山盟竟然先动了起来,他们两盟的人,集合起了大军,直向琉璃盟的方向开了过去,他们这样的做法,到是让很多看热闹的人感到意外,现在明显是铁骨盟他们这方面的实力占了上风,为什么三山盟和观海盟的人,竟然敢先动手呢? The person who quick these watch the fun thought what's the matter, here was the sea watching pledge domain, it can be said that three mountains pledge domain, if they did not accept a challenge, no one thought highly of them, others projected on your house/family to come, you are actually not willing to accept a challenge, from this on a little can look, you must have how vexed, therefore for face, sea watching pledge and three mountains pledge, must first begin the line, only then they can protect own position, the iron bone pledge give to repel like this otherwise even, they feared that cannot maintain their position, therefore this weaponry in any event they. Must first begin to be good, that feared that only suspends an appearance, they must do that lose the person not to lose, this is the present sea watching pledge and three mountains pledge condition. 很快的那些看热闹的人就想到是怎么回事儿了,这里是观海盟的地盘,也可以说是三山盟的地盘,如果他们不应战的话,那没有人看得起他们,别人都打到你家里来了,你却还是不肯应战,从这一点儿上就可以看得出来,你得有多么的窝囊,所以为了面子,观海盟和三山盟,也必须要先动手才行,只有这样他们才能保住自己的地位,不然的话就算是他们将铁骨盟给打退,他们怕是也保不住他们的地位了,所以这一仗无论如何他们都必须要先动手才行,那怕是只摆一个样子,他们也必须要这么做,输人不输阵,这就是现在观海盟和三山盟的状态。 Everyone's vision, all centralized to iron bone pledge there, how having a look at them to do, quick iron bone pledge there reacted, their anything has not done, is only in colored glaze pledge there, suspended the posture, is waiting for the arrival of three mountains pledge and sea watching pledge. 所有人的目光,全都集中到了铁骨盟那里,看看他们想要怎么做,很快的铁骨盟那里就做出了反应,他们什么也没有做,只是在琉璃盟那里,摆好了架式,等着三山盟和观海盟的到来。 All the people of watching the fun, all excited, they know, this fight, certainly is a war, how then looked at the result of fight, entire Divine Beast vision, all centralized to here. 所有看热闹的人,全都兴奋了起来,他们都知道,这一次的战斗,一定是一场大战,接下来就看战斗的结果如何了,整个神兽界的目光,全都集中到了这里 The army of quick sea watching pledge and three mountains pledge, arrived at colored glaze pledge here, both sides are distanced ten li (0.5 km), suspended the pattern, later from the sea watching pledge and three mountains pledge there, departed some people, but also departed some people from iron bone pledge here, all the people of watching the fun know, both sides must conduct most one to negotiate, although said that this negotiations will certainly be defeated, but discussed that must discuss. 很快的观海盟和三山盟的大军,就到了琉璃盟这里,双方相距十里,摆好了阵式,随后就从观海盟和三山那里,飞出了一些人,而从铁骨盟这里也飞出了一些人,所有看热闹的人都知道,双方要进行最一的谈判了,虽然说这一次的谈判一定会失败,但是谈还是要谈的。 Quick both sides on being distanced about ten meters, stood firm the position, once the sea tide look at iron lion and Wang Bo, white eyes are also taking a look at two people, the iron lion is also taking a look at two people, once the sea tide he had seen, but white eyes he was actually first seeing. 很快的双方就相距十米左右,站定了位置,曾海潮看着铁狮和王博,白眼也在打量着两人,铁狮也在打量着两人,曾海潮他是见过的,但是白眼他却是第一次见。 Once the sea tide look at iron lion, his complexion gloomy said: iron lion, really has not thought that you dare unexpectedly blatant extended the hand, didn't you fear us chopping your hand?” He said that this saying, complexion gloomy fearfulness, two eyes stubbornly is staring at the iron lion, but iron lion look at once sea tide, cannot help but slightly smiled, then said solemnly: Divine Beast here all domains, all are the places of ownerless, your strength, you occupied, that this place is your, your strength is insufficient, your domain was occupied, your domain is others, is always this truth, now the strength is weak, my strength is strong enough, can I occupy here, what? you had the opinion?” The iron lion said that this saying, is a smile of face, but tone actually very strong. 曾海潮看着铁狮,他的脸色阴沉的道:“铁狮,真是没有想到,你竟然敢公然的将手伸进来,你就不怕我们将你的手给剁了吗?”他在说这话的时候,脸色阴沉的可怕,两眼更是死死的盯着铁狮,而铁狮看着曾海潮,不由得微微一笑,接着沉声道:“神兽这里所有的地盘,全都是无主之地,你的实力强,你占了,那这片地方就是你的,你的实力不够,你的地盘被人占了,那你的地盘就是别人的,从来都是这个道理,现在你们的实力不够强,我的实力够强,我就要占了这里,怎么?你有意见吗?”铁狮在说这话的时候,一直都是一脸的笑容,但是语气却是十分的强硬。 Once sea tide one hear of iron lions said, he cannot help but sneered, then said solemnly: Good iron lion, you actually saying that is very concerned about face seriously, among us, we under saw the true facts evidently nothing more to be said while you are at it, I to am want to take a look, are you really that strength, can give to swallow down us.” Said that once the sea tide was not speaking, two eyes stubbornly is staring at the iron lion. 曾海潮一听铁狮这么说,他不由得冷笑了起来,接着沉声道:“好个铁狮,你竟然如此说,当真是好不要脸,看样子我们之间也没有什么好说的了,我们就手底下见真章吧,我到是想要看看,你是不是真那个实力,能将我们给吞下去。”说完曾海潮就不在说话了,两眼死死的盯着铁狮。 But the iron lion has not managed once sea tide complexion, but turned the head to look to white eyes, then open the mouth and said: „Are you three mountains pledge alliance leader white eyes? I give you opportunity, so long as you surrender now, your three mountains pledge, but can also retain your present domains, what kind of? Even if in any case we do not attack you, you still are still that big domains, why don't you surrender?” 而铁狮也没有管曾海潮的脸色,而是转头看向了白眼,接着开口道:“你就是三山盟的盟主白眼吧?我可是给你一个机会,只要你现在投降,那你们三山盟,还可以保留你们现在的地盘,怎么样?反正就算是我们不来进攻你们,你们也依然是那么大的地盘,你为什么不投降呢?” white eyes look at iron lion, said solemnly: Two brothers go to war, that is our own matters, but there is a bystander to participate in that being possible to be different, naturally must first give to expel the bystander, then we are handling our internal matters, iron alliance leader seemed like was extremely self-confident, my three mountains pledge since being established, has probably not defeated, I to was want to take a look, how iron alliance leader was defeated our.” 白眼看着铁狮,沉声道:“两兄弟打仗,那是我们自家的事儿,但是有外人参与进来那可就不一样了,当然是要先将外人给打跑,然后我们在处理我们内部的事儿了,铁盟主好像是太过于自信了,我三山盟自成立以来,好像还没有败过呢,我到是想要看看,铁盟主是怎么打败我们的。” Iron lion one hear of white eyes said that his cannot help but coldly snorted, then his said solemnly: Good, I make you have a look, how I am defeated your, is unappreciative, waits to have been to some time, you want to surrender even, I will not make you surrender.” 铁狮一听白眼这么说,他不由得冷哼了一声,接着他沉声道:“好啊,那我就让你看看,我是怎么打败你们的,不识抬举,等到过一段时间,你就算是想投降,我也不会让你投降了。” white eyes slightly smiled, then said solemnly: “Really? that I am waiting for arrival of that day. ” Said that his no longer pay attention to iron lion, direct turn around walked, once the sea tide was also turn around walked, but iron lion look at two people backs, coldly snorted, is leading person returned to in their Great Formation, as we all know, they have broken off conversation, then fought, the people who these watched the fun opened the big eye, simultaneously they were also praying, prayed their ten millions do not clean up, otherwise, they may be unable to see the good play. 白眼微微一笑,接着沉声道:“是吗?那我等着那一天的到来。”说完他不在理会铁狮,直接转身就走了,曾海潮也是转身就走,而铁狮看着两人的背影,冷哼了一声,也领着人回到了他们的大阵之中,所有人都知道,他们已经谈崩了,接下来就是战斗了,那些看热闹的人都睁开了大眼,同时他们也在祈祷,祈祷他们双方千万不要清理,不然的话,他们可就看不到好戏了。 However they also know, this is almost is impossible, both sides such war, will certainly be held to clear, they have prepared for by clearout, but waited for quite a while, has not actually seen the person who clears, but army of both sides has started to assemble, the war has pressed to send, sees this situation, person who these watch the fun, cannot help but one startled, later cannot help but the great happiness, they know, both sides these looked at a sample time are do not plan to clear, this to them, absolutely was the good matter. 不过他们也知道,这几乎是不可能的,双方这样的大战,一定会进行清场的,他们已经做好了被清场的准备了,但是等了半天,却还是没有见到来清场的人,而双方的大军已经开始集结了,大战已经一促即发了,一看到这种情况,那些看热闹的人,不由得一惊,随后不由得大喜,他们知道,双方这一次看样了是不打算清场了,这对于他们来说,绝对是好事儿啊。
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