BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13536: Cleaning up

Chapter 13552 cleans up 第13552章清理 For this reason, therefore Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, is conducting level up to own Divine Beast now, but Blood Slaughter Sect to their requests, only then one, that is Divine Beast must concentrate Gold Core is also good, naturally, this Divine Beast refer to their Life Source Divine Beast, not that two apportion their Alien, that two Alien, have not been able to let their level up now, reason that like this will be safe, for the security concern of Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, because Alien extremely in formidable, to these Blood Slaughter Sect disciple not advantage. 正是因为这个原因,所以现在血杀宗弟子,就在对自己的神兽进行升级,而血杀宗对他们的要求只有一个,那就是神兽必须要凝也金丹才行,当然,这个神兽指的是他们的本命神兽,并不是那两只分给他们的异形,那两只异形,现在还不能让他们升级,之所以会这样安全,也是为了血杀宗弟子的安全考虑,因为异形太过于强悍,对那些血杀宗弟子没有好处。 Alien that two become Blood Slaughter Sect disciple mount, they are not Blood Slaughter Sect disciple Life Source Divine Beast, because is not Life Source Divine Beast, a then that two Alien strength, surpassed Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, that may trouble, their is possible will not take Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, they do not need to betray, so long as they in opposing the enemy, appears do not listen to the order the situation, will want the Blood Slaughter Sect disciple life, it is for this reason that therefore that two Alien cannot level up, be able now level up, only then Blood Slaughter Sect disciple Life Source Divine Beast. 那两只成为血杀宗弟子坐骑异形,他们并不是血杀宗弟子本命神兽,正是因为并不是本命神兽,一便那两只异形的实力,超过了血杀宗弟子,那可就麻烦了,他们可能不会服血杀宗弟子,他们不需要背叛,只要他们在对敌的时候,出现不听命令的情况,就会要血杀宗弟子的命,正是因为如此,所以现在那两只异形并不能升级,能升级的只有血杀宗弟子本命神兽 But Divine Beast here Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, no matter Undead Race is ordinary Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, they need to conduct level up to oneself Divine Beast time, but this level up requires the time time, what most important is, all in Divine Beast here is staying the person, needing in returned to Black Tortoise Space conduct level up, because in Divine Beast here, simply enough Spiritual Qi has not made them conduct level up, you can only deliver the place of wild herbs in one, non- can by them the fitness, that on not be in must their lives? Therefore must let in their returned to Black Tortoise Space, must enable Divine Beast to absorb enough Spiritual Qi, like this they can level up. 神兽这里血杀宗弟子,不管是死灵一族还是普通的血杀宗弟子,他们都需要对自己的神兽进行一次升级,而这一次的升级可是需要时间的,最主要的是,所有在神兽这里呆着的人,必须要回到玄武空间里去进行升级,因为在神兽这里,根本就没有足够的灵气让他们进行升级,你在一个只能产出野菜的地方,非要让他们去健身,那不就是在要他们的命吗?所以必须要让他们回到玄武空间里去,必须要让神兽能吸收到足够的灵气,这样他们才能升级 But these require the time, especially in Divine Beast here originally these people, their Divine Beast must conduct level up time, must let their Divine Beast, becomes Blood Slaughter Sect the Life Source Divine Beast, the build can increase, can become smaller, but can also provide all sorts of help to them, therefore their Divine Beast must conduct level up time. 而这些都是需要时间的,特别是在神兽这里原本的那些人,他们的神兽必须要进行一次升级,必须要让他们的神兽,成为血杀宗的这种本命神兽,体形可以变大,也可以变小,还可以给他们提供种种的帮助,所以他们的神兽必须要进行一次升级 However no matter now the three mountains pledge is also good, is the sea watching pledge is also good, all the has plenty person is staring, cannot make these person of discover their here have anything to change, therefore they must conduct level up in turn, as the matter stands, they cannot resort to arms, must handle affairs low-key, therefore their nearest/recent such honest, maintains is very low-key. 但是现在不管是三山盟也好,还是观海盟也好,全都有很多的人在盯着,不能让那些人发现他们这里有什么变化,所以他们必须要分批的进行升级,这样一来,他们就不能对外用兵了,必须要低调行事,所以他们最近才会这么的老实,一直都保持的很是低调。 If understood that the Blood Slaughter Sect person knows, after Blood Slaughter Sect each such low key, their strengths, huge promotion, what a pity is, in Divine Beast here, no one knows that existence of Blood Slaughter Sect, will not certainly know these, therefore this their level up, conducts in the silence, no one disturbs them. 如果是了解血杀宗的人都会知道,血杀宗每一次如此的低调之后,他们的实力,都会有一次巨大的提升,可惜的是,在神兽这里,没有人知道血杀宗的存在,当然也就更加不会知道这些了,所以这一次他们的升级,是在无声无息之中进行的,没有人去打扰他们。 All is staring at the iron bone pledge, the three mountains pledge, the sea watching pledge and colored glaze pledge person, how all don’t know should handle, these alliances the peaceful fearfulness, they have no sound now, the quick these people thought understand, the sea watching pledge and three mountains pledge, this loss was very big, but the iron bone pledge just traded alliance leader, moreover these small alliances under governing, lost big, they were given to plan by Pan Wanfang, currently will not certainly have any action, they all in resting and building up strength, if they in have hit like this, that. Really the danger, the people of these alliances may not be the fools, they do not certainly want to be given to tidy up by others, therefore they display like this, is normal, you cannot make them always go to war, that was too illogical. 所有盯着铁骨盟,三山盟,观海盟和琉璃盟的人,全都不知道该怎么办好了,这几个联盟现在安静的可怕,他们没有任何的动静,不过很快的那些人就想明白了,观海盟和三山盟,这一次的损失很大,而铁骨盟刚刚换了盟主,而且治下的那些小联盟,也损失不小,他们又被潘万方给算计了,现在当然也不会有任何的行动了,他们全都在休养生息,如果他们在这样一直打下去的话,那才是真的危险了呢,这几个联盟的人可都不是傻瓜,他们当然不想被别人给收拾了,所以他们这样的表现,也是正常的,你不能让他们总是打仗,那太不合逻辑了。 These person don’t know, they may certainly , is not only resting and building up strength, they are also enhancing oneself strength, in these small alliances that their don’t know, the iron bone pledge governs, in occur the change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down, these person who comes back from Blood Slaughter Sect there, had all turned into Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, these people after to become Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, the meeting want certainly completely all means that the person in their alliance, all turns into Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, just before the people in their alliance turn into Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, they must measure these person, has the Shadow Clansman spy, but after they have measured, Also cannot help but startled, in each alliance, really all had the Shadow Clansman spy, in the most alliance, the number of Shadow Clansman spy, achieved ten unexpectedly, this was a very fearful number, how therefore they some don’t know should handle at once. 那些人当然不知道,他们可不只是在休养生息,他们也是在提升自己的实力,他们更加不知道,铁骨盟治下的那些小联盟内,也在发生天翻地覆的变化,那些从血杀宗那里回来的人,已经全都变成了血杀宗弟子了,这些人在成为血杀宗弟子之后,当然会想尽一切办法,将他们联盟里的人,也全都变成血杀宗弟子,只不过在将他们联盟里的人变成血杀宗弟子之前,他们还必须要测一测那些人,是不是有影族人的奸细,而他们测过之后,也不由得惊到了,他们每一个联盟里,竟然全都有影族人的奸细,最多的一个联盟里,影族人奸细的数量,竟然达到了十个之多,这可是一个十分可怕的数字,所以他们一时之间有些不知道该怎么办好了。 When they reported this situation after white eyes, white eyes somewhat was also surprised, but quick white eyes on understand what's the matter, iron bone pledge originally is the den of Shadow Clansman spy, but the iron bone pledge in the influences of their piece of region was very big, the iron lion used own status, multi- develop(ment) had/left some Shadow Clansman spies, this was also normal, therefore there appears so many Shadow Clansman spies, had nothing well strange, looking at a sample scrap casting lion finally goal, on will be in that piece of region, all Island Lord, all turned into the Shadow Clansman spy, he was tidied up fortunately, otherwise, That piece of region may really the danger. 当他们将这种情况上报给了白眼之后,白眼也有些吃惊,不过很快白眼明白是怎么回事儿了,铁骨盟原本影族人奸细的一个老巢,而铁骨盟在他们那片区域的影响还是很大的,铁狮利用自己的身份,多发展出一些影族人的奸细,这个也就正常了,所以那里出现这么多的影族人奸细,也没有什么好奇怪的,看样子铁狮的最终目地,就是将那片区域内,所有的岛主,全都变成影族人的奸细,还好他被收拾了,不然的话,那片区域可就真的危险了。 white eyes also immediately thought of ways to response, he lets these people, first their alliance, is not the Shadow Clansman person, all turns into Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, after these people all turn into Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, is finding the way to tidy up these Shadow Clansman to be good, in fact white eyes actually does not want to tidy up these Shadow Clansman, because tidied up these Shadow Clansman, having to be able to alert the enemy, but unfortunately, because of the Divine Beast level up matter, they have to tidy up these Shadow Clansman. 白眼马上就想到了应对之法,他让那些人,先将他们联盟内,不是影族人的人,全都变成血杀宗弟子,等到那些人全都变成血杀宗弟子之后,在想办法收拾那些影族人就行了,事实上白眼其实是不太想收拾那些影族人的,因为收拾了那些影族人,有要能会打草惊蛇,但是可惜的是,因为神兽升级的事情,他们就不得不收拾那些影族人了。 Divine Beast level up although they can control in the minimum range, not make the bystander know, but these Shadow Clansman, may all be various alliance's inside people now, wanted to hide the truth from them to be too difficult, originally white eyes they were the preparations, let want the level up person, leave their alliance, said that was goes out to handle anything, then level up ended, because was everyone needs level up, as the matter stands, the person of going out a little were too many, these Shadow Clansman met the discover not right place, naturally, you can also with adding the one type of method, on is these Shadow Clansman will send to go out, what handles matter., But if among these Shadow Clansman has anything to relate, their discover, these days, all of them will all be sent their alliance, then these Shadow Clansman will suspect, it is for this reason that therefore white eyes decided finally simply, one tidied up these Shadow Clansman, although said that will tidy up these Shadow Clansman, is possible will bring to the attention of other Shadow Clansman, other Shadow Clansman is possible will also aim at them, however looked like in white eyes, this was better, like this they know, in that some alliances had Shadow Clansman, at the worst all gave to tidy up these Shadow Clansman, moreover he does not believe that because this matter, entire Divine Beast The person, will all aim at them, if this is really the case, then they must fight one to fight with these people well, whom having a look at to be fiercer, what has a look to laugh last is. 神兽升级虽然他们可以控制最少的范围之内,不让外人知道,但是那些影族人,现在可全都是各联盟里面的人,想要瞒过他们可太难了,原本白眼他们是准备,让想要升级的人,离开他们联盟,就说是出去办什么事儿,然后升级完了在回去,但是因为是所有人都需要升级,这样一来,出去的人就有点儿太多了,那些影族人一定会发现不对劲的地方,当然,你也可以用加一种方法,就是将那些影族人打发出去,办什么事情,但是如果那些影族人之间有什么联系,他们就会发现,在这一段时间,他们所有人全都被打发出了他们的联盟,那么那些影族人还是会怀疑,正是因为如此,所以最后白眼干脆就决定,将那些影族人一都收拾了,虽然说收拾了那些影族人,可能会引起其它影族人的注意,其它影族人可能还会针对他们,但是在白眼看来,这样更好,这样他们就知道,那一些联盟里有影族人了,大不了就将那些影族人全都给收拾了,而且他也不相信,因为这件事情,整个神兽界的人,全都会针对他们,如果真的是这样的话,那么他们就要跟这些人好好的斗上一斗了,看看到底谁更厉害一些,看看笑到最后的是谁。 After obtaining the agreement of white eyes, iron bone pledge there various small alliances, all moved, Shadow Clansman in all small alliances, were all eliminated immediately, later they started to Divine Beast level up. 在得到了白眼的同意之后,铁骨盟那里的各小联盟,全都动了起来,所有小联盟里的影族人,全都在第一时间就被清除掉了,随后他们就开始了对神兽升级 But these Shadow Clansman eliminated things, the king defended traditional moral principles also knew immediately, his discover iron bone pledge there Shadow Clansman, was all eliminated, his first response was, was given to guess by him, these people had to discover the Shadow Clansman method, this discover made king Weidao restless, his very clear, if the opposite party really had such method, then all Shadow Clansman that stayed in here, all was unsafe, they, although outside could not look are Shadow Clansman, fight time also looked does not come out is Shadow Clansman, even was injured, still looked does not come out is Shadow Clansman, but their. Spiritually, is Shadow Clansman, it is for this reason that therefore they are afraid, they will be afraid itself by discover, one, but discover will have exposed is possible, they will be reckless, will want this is possible, strangling in cradle, therefore the king defends traditional moral principles now each think of will be, what kind of will want will all annihilate these fellows, do not let their discover is Shadow Clansman the status, because one, but he by person discover he will be Shadow Clansman, even he will be alliance leader of Divine Beast largest alliance, he can still immediately by other person. alliance kills, these cultivator and Shadow Clansman, that altogether does not treat the day, if really makes one know that they are Shadow Clansman, will cause besieging of entire Divine Beast. 而那些影族人被清除的事情,王卫道也在第一时间就知道了,他发现铁骨盟那里影族人,全都被清除掉了,他的第一个反应就是,被他给猜中了,那些人有找出影族人的方法,这一发现让王卫道坐立不安,他十分的清楚,如果对方真的有这样的方法,那么所有呆在这里影族人,全都不安全,他们这些人,虽然外面看不出来是影族人,战斗的时候也看不出来是影族人,就算是受伤的时候,也看不出来是影族人,但是他们的精神上,已经是一个影族人了,正是因为如此,所以他们更加的害怕,他们害怕自己会被发现,一但发现自己有暴露的可能,他们就会不顾一切的,想要将这种可能,给扼杀在摇篮之中,所以王卫道现在每一个想到的就是,要如何的将那些家伙全都消灭掉,不要让他们发现自己是影族人的这个身份,因为一但他被人发现他是一个影族人,就算他是神兽界第一大联盟的盟主,他也会在第一时间被其它人联合杀死,那些修士影族人,那是不共待天的,所以如果真的让人知道他们是影族人,会引起整个神兽界的围攻的。 However what excuse with copes with the iron bone pledge? Under the pretext of them how colludes with Shadow Clansman? What matter also no one knows iron bone pledge there occur now in any case, no one knows, iron bone pledge there, eliminated so many Shadow Clansman, therefore their who strikes the first blow has the advantage, on the person of by iron bone pledge, colluding with Shadow Clansman is the excuse, summoned that the everyone together composition allied armies do cope with them? 但是用什么样的借口来对付铁骨盟呢?以他们勾结影族人为借口怎么样?反正现在也没有人知道铁骨盟那里发生了什么事儿,也没有人知道,铁骨盟那里,清除了那么多的影族人,所以他们先下手为强,就以铁骨盟的人,勾结影族人为借口,号召大家一起组成联军对付他们? Transmitted said: in this time suddenly sound Master, had iron bone pledge there newest information.” The person of speech, is disciple that the king defends traditional moral principles, the special manager collection information, the king defends traditional moral principles regards as important very much his, one hear of his said that immediately open the mouth and said: Came to say.” He had also said to this disciple before, if iron bone pledge there has information, first told him, therefore this disciple can enter to his Divine Beast Space. That disciple complied with one, later pushed the door to walk, defended traditional moral principles gave a salute to the king. 就在这个时候突然一个声音传来道:师父,有铁骨盟那里最新的消息。”说话的人,是王卫道的一个弟子,专门负责人收集情报的,王卫道还是很看重他的,一听他这说,马上就开口道:“进来说。”他之前也跟这个弟子说过,如果铁骨盟那里消息,第一时间告诉他,所以这个弟子才能进入到他的神兽空间里。那个弟子应了一声,随后推门走了进来,冲着王卫道行了一礼 king Weidao beckons with the hand said: „saying that is anything.” That person of quickly said: Returns to the Master words, just the iron bone pledge there big or small alliance, together unite, announce a statement, in this statement, they said that before iron bone pledge, after the discover iron lion is a Shadow Clansman spy, conducted a check to the interior of various alliances, found out many Shadow Clansman spies, for does not let the spy vigilance that these shades put, they before and does not have any action, afterward when thought that the time is up, they then conducted the unified action, in their alliance, all Shadow Clansman spies, will all give the elimination to fall, they added that If he other alliances have to check the Shadow Clansman spy, can look for them, they have means discover the Shadow Clansman spy in their alliance, this method can teach the people of other alliances free.” Said that person stands in there does not speak, but king Weidao after listening to his words, is actually the complexion big change, he has not thought, he just about to throws filthy water toward the body of iron bone pledge, the iron bone pledge forestalled one step, this move, but he never expected. 王卫道摆了摆手道:“说,到底是什么事儿。”那人连忙道:“回师父的话,刚刚铁骨盟那里的大小联盟,一起联合起来,发表了一份声明,这份声明里,他们说,铁骨盟之前在发现铁狮是一个影族人的奸细之后,就对各联盟的内部进行了一次清查,从中查出了很多影族人的奸细,但是为了不让那些影放的奸细警觉,他们之前并没有什么行动,后来在觉得时间差不多的时候,他们这才进行了统一的行动,将他们联盟内,所有的影族人奸细,全都给清除掉了,他们还说了,他如果其它联盟有想要查影族人奸细的,可以找他们,他们有办法发现他们联盟里的影族人奸细,这种方法可以免费的教给其它联盟的人。”说完那人就站在那里不说话了,而王卫道在听了他的话之后,却是脸色大变,他没有想到,他刚要往铁骨盟的身上泼脏水,铁骨盟就抢先了一步,这一招可是他万没有想到的。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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