BWH :: Volume #6 力量即正义,魔法即强权!

#937: Magical Congress of North America

The 11 moon/month on the morning of 18 th, Ivan packed a baggage simply, leaves Hogwarts to go to decide the good place through fireplace alone. 十一月十八号早晨,伊凡简单的收拾了一下行李,独自通过壁炉离开霍格沃茨前往约定好的地点。 After reaching the destination, Ivan has not actually seen the Pius form, numerous Aurors that but Percy and Dawlish as well as are responsible for guarding has arrived. 等到达目的地后,伊凡却没有看到皮尔斯的身影,不过珀西德力士以及负责守卫的一众傲罗们都已经到了。 Pius Minister? How hasn't he come?” Ivan strange asked one. 皮尔斯部长呢?他怎么还没来?”伊凡奇怪的问了一句。 The Dawlish opens the mouth then must reply, but nearby Percy Weasley is actually takes the lead to open the mouth, talks bureaucratese to say. Mr. Minister has very important secret matter to need to process, this is not you should know.” 德力士张口便要回复,但一旁的珀西-韦斯莱却是率先开口,打着官腔说道。“部长先生有很重要的机密事情需要处理,这不是你应该知道的。” Ivan looked at Percy Weasley one, but has not said anything, waited for with the people together. 伊凡看了珀西-韦斯莱一眼,不过也并没有多说什么,就这么和众人一同等待了起来。 Dawlish several people somewhat are actually fearful and apprehensive, looked that is very bad to the Percy Weasley vision. 德力士几人倒是有些心惊胆战,看向珀西-韦斯莱的目光很是不善。 About after one minute, Ivan turns the head to look suddenly to the right side, along with one light sound, the Pius form then emerged out of thin air there. 大约一分多钟后,伊凡突然转头向右侧看去,伴随着一阵啪嗒的轻响,皮尔斯的身影便凭空出现在了那里。 Very sorry, I came late, Hals your distinguished self.” Pius in big strides walks to go forward, on the face full is the look of apology. Quite important things, need me to take personally, has not thought that so will be troublesome, therefore lost some time......” “很抱歉,我来晚了,哈尔斯阁下。”皮尔斯大踏步的走上前,脸上满是歉意的神色。“有一个比较重要的东西,需要我亲自去取,没想到会那么麻烦,所以耽误了一些时间……” Is that thing?” The Ivan intention moved, remembered Conor once with he has mentioned the key, then spoke the inquiry to say. “是那个东西吗?”伊凡心念一动,想起了康纳尔曾和他说起过的钥匙,便出言询问道。 ...... right!” The Pius tone is saying ambiguously, the vision shoots a look at indistinctly to Percy, Dawlish and the others, the meaning at the scene not having explained. “唔……对!”皮尔斯语气含糊的说着,目光隐约瞥向珀西德力士等人,并没有当场解释的意思。 Ivan nods, although is very curious, but sees the Pius so cautious attitude, then has not continued to ask again, waits, only then their two person time was good. 伊凡点了点头,虽然很是好奇,但看到皮尔斯这般谨慎的态度,便没有再继续问下去,还是等只有他们两个人的时候好了。 Since arrived, no other matters, we now.” Ivan was suggesting said. “既然都到了,没什么其他事的话,那我们现在就出发吧。”伊凡建议着说道。 Pius has certainly no opinion, presses the hat brim, greeted Dawlish several people to lead the way together, their time will go to North American New York through a special gate key directly...... 皮尔斯当然没有什么意见,压了压帽檐,招呼着德力士几人一同前行,他们这次将会通过一个专门的门钥匙直接前往北美纽约…… All the way, Ivan and Pius are chatting the Magical Britain recent situation. 一路上,伊凡皮尔斯聊着英伦魔法界最近的形势。 Although compares in chaotic continental Europe, British Isles could have been called are the paradise, Grindelwald do not know that situated in dreading or is busy with other matters, for a short time has not infiltrated the influence on England comes. 尽管相较于混乱的欧洲大陆,英伦三岛已经称得上是世外桃源,格林德沃不知是处于忌惮还是在忙于其他事,一时半会并没有将势力渗透到英伦来。 But even so Ministry of Magic Auror in the process of investigation, still discovered some Wizard, that set of idea being interested very in Grindelwald, follower but who is not the opposite party, without handling any illegal matter, how Pius for should process these people to have. 但即便如此魔法部傲罗在调查的过程中,仍旧发现有部分巫师,对格林德沃的那套理念十分的感兴趣,只是算不上是对方的信徒,又没做任何违法的事情,皮尔斯正在为该如何处理这些人而感到头疼。 Actually to stamp out the source of trouble, chokes to death this symptom directly in the cradle, so as to avoid will appear in the future guides the party, is the ignores surveillance, when the opposite party really has problems arrests. 究竟是斩草除根,将这点苗头直接掐死在摇篮里,免得日后出现带路党,还是放任监视,等到对方真出问题的时候予以逮捕。 The former gets it over and done, however is extremely really cruel, the latter must put down takes lots of manpower white/in vain. 前者一劳永逸,然而实在太过残忍,后者则是要平白占用大量的人手。 Ivan hesitated a meeting, along with, even if proposed that Pius can start from the propaganda, for example makes one disguise as Acolyte secretly, deliberately causes some incidents, does the person god indignant, like this these receive to mislead civilian Wizard naturally to see clearly the Grindelwald cruel true colors. 伊凡沉吟了一会,随即便提议皮尔斯可以从宣传上入手,比如让人偷偷假扮圣徒,刻意弄出些事端来,搞得人神共愤,这样那些受到蛊惑平民巫师们自然能够看清格林德沃残暴的真面目。 Also can play? Pius eye one bright, looks like the front door of new world to be the same, shamelessness of Ivan , no, was the wisdom is above his imagination...... always to think of some easy-to-use wrong ways of doing things simply. 还可以这么玩?皮尔斯眼睛一亮,就像是新世界的大门一样,伊凡的无耻,哦,不,是智慧简直超乎了他的想象……总能想到一些好用的歪点子。 Tumultuous times work as with the severe laws, sometimes to achieve the just goal, making some methods also indisputable.” Ivan shrugs, says, at heart is also somewhat sigh with emotion. “乱世当用重典,有时候为了达成正义的目的,使些手段也无可厚非。”伊凡耸了耸肩,开口说道,心里也是有些感慨。 Because of person few reasons, Wizard compares in muggle probably is quite simple and honest, this small method, was common in the political struggle of muggle. 大概是因为人少的缘故,巫师相较于麻瓜而已还是比较淳朴的,这点小手段,在麻瓜的政治斗争中再常见不过了。 Acrobatics that although Ivan similarly unhappy these cannot amount to something, but sometimes the enemy does not need that to be with you must suffer a loss! 伊凡虽然同样不喜这些上不了台面的把戏,但有时候敌人用你不用那可是要吃大亏的! Percy of not far away, looks that the front and Pius talked really happy Ivan, at heart envy. 身后不远处的珀西,看着前方与皮尔斯交谈甚欢的伊凡,心里嫉妒不已。 The opposite party is England most has Wizard of talent in history, has boundless prospects, naturally can be recognized by Pius Minister, this Percy is speechless. 对方是英伦有史以来最具天赋的巫师,前途无量,自然是能得到皮尔斯部长的赏识,这点珀西无话可说。 However makes him feel what is quite discontented, Ivan does not treasure Pius Minister evidently to his tolerance, somewhat relies on to favor on the contrary, but arrogant meaning, even again and again refutes the viewpoint of Pius Minister, said coarse selects this to hit the face of leadership in the presence of everyone! 不过让他感到极为不满的是,伊凡看样子根本就不珍惜皮尔斯部长对他的宽容,反倒有些恃宠而骄的意味,甚至一而再再而三的驳斥皮尔斯部长的观点,说得难听点这就是在当众打领导的脸! Percy keen realized that this possibly is an own opportunity, then the courage is inserting during the talk greatly, the maintenance Pius diligently face, successfully terminated the talks of two worlds finally. 珀西敏锐的意识到这可能是自己的一个机会,便大着胆子插入到了谈话之中,努力的维护皮尔斯的脸面,最后成功的终止了两人间的谈话。 Pius incomparably annoyed stared Percy one, he knows that in Ivan friend has named Ron- Weasley, therefore this time made an exception to give a ride the Weasley Family little rascal, actually does not think opposite party unexpectedly so did not have the eyesight vigor. 皮尔斯无比恼火的瞪了珀西一眼,他知道伊凡朋友里有个叫罗恩-韦斯莱的,所以这次才破例捎上了韦斯莱家的小鬼,却不想对方竟这般的没有眼力劲。 Is good because of Ivan not, because this small matter loses one's temper, Pius does not think, because destroyed good mood along the way mental handicap, this has not flown into a rage Percy gives to hurry back, but in the heart actually got down the decision secretly, when this time comes back after North America asks a reason to move to sweep the restroom this idiot immediately...... 好在伊凡并没有因为这点小事儿动怒,皮尔斯也不想因为一个智障破坏了沿途的好心情,这才没有大发雷霆将珀西给赶回去,但心中却是暗自下了决定,等这次从北美回来后就立马找个理由把这个蠢货调去扫厕所…… But this time Percy successfully is still maintaining the Minister face to be pleased with oneself for oneself, in joy that the immersion will soon be promoted. 而此时的珀西还在为自己成功维护了部长脸面沾沾自喜,沉浸在即将升迁的喜悦之中。 ...... …… North American Ministry of Magic Congress Headquarters, situated in the New York lively Woolworth Building, this reach as high as the 200 many meters style construction not only to belong to Wizard alone, is the business locations of many well-known muggle enterprises. 北美魔法部国会总部,位于纽约市区繁华的伍尔沃斯大楼内,这座高达两百多米的气派建筑不仅仅独属于巫师,也是许多知名麻瓜企业的办公地点。 Ivan one group of before Dahmenite time, is the peak period that muggle go to work, one after another puts on the suit and dress shoes exactly, takes social elites look passing in and out in a hurry briefcase, has not detected in them possibly to mix slightly met magic Wizard. 伊凡一行人到达门前的时候,恰好是麻瓜们上班的高峰时期,一个个穿着西装革履,拿着公文包的社会精英们神色匆匆的进进出出,丝毫没有察觉到他们之中可能混了一些会魔法巫师 Magical Congress of North America opens an independent space in this busy building, and decides the entrance in the so conspicuous place, pouring is also innovative. 北美魔法国会在这座繁忙的大楼里开辟一个独立的空间,并将入口定在如此显眼的地方,倒也是蛮有创意的。 Pius pushes to the front to step into this building, hid wand in sleeve, then branched off the path with surrounding muggle lightly, stepped into another deeply broader space. 皮尔斯一马当先踏入这栋大楼内,藏在袖子里的魔杖轻点,便和周围的麻瓜们岔开了道路,踏入了另一个更深更广阔的空间之中。 Welcome to North American magic Headquarters!” “欢迎来到北美魔法总部!” The high-pitched and fine sound made a sound in several people of ears together immediately, Ivan looked down the eye, discovered that under the front staircase is standing goblin that is bowing to salute. 一道尖细的声音顿时在几人的耳边响了起来,伊凡低头看了眼,发现前方的楼梯下正站着一位躬身行礼的妖精 Is two Pius Minister and Mr. Hals?” goblin looked down list in the hand, is confirming asking, after obtaining two people affirmation, the attitude became more respectful. Also please come along with me, gentlemen!” “请问是两位皮尔斯部长哈尔斯先生吗?”妖精低头看了眼手里的名单,确认着问道,在得到了两人的肯定后,态度变得更加恭敬了一些。“还请随我来,先生们!” Ivan and the others step the steps to walk into the hall under the direction of goblin. 伊凡等人在妖精的指引下迈上阶梯步入大厅。 England Minister comes visiting personally, Magical Congress of North America only dispatched goblin to come to receive without doubt is somewhat poor, but considering the opposite party needs to receive over a hundred guests, was the great person of head rank, but must be responsible for the security work, even if all Auror of North America set out the estimate together unbearably busy still...... 英伦部长亲自来访,北美魔法国会只派遣了一个妖精前来接待无疑是有些寒酸,不过考虑到对方需要接待上百名宾客,都是首脑级别的大人物,还得负责安保工作,就算北美的所有傲罗一起出动估计也忙不过来……
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