BWH :: Volume #6 力量即正义,魔法即强权!

#936: World Wizard joint conference

„The host of joint conference in the Magical Congress of North America headquarters, the time decides later mornings...... president your distinguished self two weeks to make me probably invite you to participate together.” Conor spoke , also exhorted Ivan to remember that reminded England Minister Pius, went to meet took that key. “联合会议的举办地就在北美魔法国会总部,时间定在两周后的上午……主席阁下让我务必邀请你一同参加。”康纳尔出言说着,顿了顿后,又嘱咐伊凡记得提醒英伦部长皮尔斯,前去开会的时候带上那把钥匙。 Key? What key?” The Ivan curious opens the mouth asked. “钥匙?什么钥匙?”伊凡好奇的开口问道。 Concrete I do not facilitate to disclose, but you can inquire Pius Minister, he knows should be more.” Saying that Conor considers. “具体的我并不方便透露,不过你可以自行询问皮尔斯部长,他知道的应该更多一些。”康纳尔斟酌的说道。 Good, I understood, two weeks later my certainly punctual appearance.” Ivan nods, has not pressed Conor's meaning. “好吧,我明白了,两周后我一定准时到场。”伊凡点了点头,也没有难为康纳尔的意思。 After two people exchanged greetings several, Conor then said goodbye hastily, as Head of the Department of Enforcement of North America, had too many things to need him to process, if not Ivan Hals' attitude key, he to not give the message from the start runs specially. 两人寒暄了几句后,康纳尔便匆匆告辞,作为北美的执行司长,有太多的事情需要他去处理,若非伊凡-哈尔斯的态度十分的关键,他压根就不会为了传递消息而专门跑一趟。 After Conor leaves, Ivan sits before the chair was recalling in that in the memory sees, especially that prediction of Grindelwald. 等康纳尔离开后,伊凡独自一人坐在椅子上回想着之前在记忆中看到的一幕幕,特别是格林德沃的那个预言。 He has the eight parts above assurance, these about the future illusion will be real not empty, these words that but Grindelwald will speak may not necessarily...... 他有八成以上的把握,那些关于未来的幻象都是真实无虚的,不过格林德沃说的那些话可就未必了…… Ivan is willing to believe that after this future is defeat Grindelwald, personally creation. 伊凡更愿意相信这个未来是自己击败格林德沃之后,亲手创造的。 ...... …… Over the following several days, Ivan is receiving the information that transmits from England and North America, while is continuing own teaching profession. 接下来几天,伊凡一边接收着从英伦和北美那边传来的情报,一边继续着自己的教学工作。 Although the magical world situation is recently intriguing, often some Wizard attack the report of muggle, but England under the Ministry of Magic's domineering control, becomes the entire European only paradise on the contrary. 虽然近段时间以来魔法界的局势错综复杂,不时有巫师袭击麻瓜的报道,但英伦在魔法部的强势管控下,反倒是成为了全欧洲唯一的世外桃源。 The Hogwarts' students regarded a subject the accident that had frequently, the shadow that the attack of last school year brought also gradually wore down during the daily learn/study and played to be noisy. 霍格沃茨的学员们更是将频发的事故当成了一种谈资,上学年的袭击行动所带来的阴影也逐渐消磨在了日常学习与玩闹之中。 However Ivan is actually understands that the present situation has how sternly, the time drags for a long time, the Grindelwald influence even more will be huge, and is hard to deal with. 不过伊凡却是明白如今的形势有多么的严峻,时间拖得越久,格林德沃的势力就会越发庞大且难以应付。 Two weeks of time in a flash, the time of because meeting decides in Monday morning, Ivan has to be Deputy Headmaster McGonagall requests several days of vacations, asked the opposite party to replace itself on while convenient several classes. 两周的时间转瞬而过,由于开会的时间定在周一的上午,伊凡不得不向身为副校长麦格请求几天的假期,顺带拜托对方代替自己上几节课。 Tomorrow do you want to leave Hogwarts? Why? Is has an accident?” Weekend morning, in Hogwarts' auditorium, Hermione after listening to the long journey plan of Ivan, the worried speaking inquiry said. “明天你要离开霍格沃茨?为什么?是出了什么事吗?”周末的早晨,霍格沃茨的大礼堂内,赫敏在听完伊凡的远行计划后,担忧的出言询问道。 Other day Ivan ran to go to France far away, finally ran upon Grindelwald in midway, both sides attacked brutally. 上回伊凡大老远跑去法兰西,结果中途撞上格林德沃,双方大打出手。 Although Ivan comes back said is very relaxed, but Young Witch actually from the past several months, Ivan soaks day and night, in library examined in the * * behavior to see some clue. 尽管伊凡回来的时候说的很轻松,但小女巫却从近几个月以来,伊凡没日没夜泡在图书馆查看**的行为中看出了一些端倪。 Relax, this time is only attended a small conference, most day...... graciousness, I meant that the 2~3 day came back most.” Ivan puts down in the hand «Protects magic Analysis», helpless shrugging, he one time will not be every went out to meet these bad concerns. “放心,这次只是去参加一个小会议而已,最多一天……恩,我是说最多两三天就回来了。”伊凡放下手中的《防护魔法解析》,无奈的耸了耸肩,他也不是每一次出去都会遇到那些糟心事的。 Conference......” the Hermione intention moves, suddenly probably remembered anything to resemble, turned out a newspaper from the pocket of Wizard robe, pointed at the above front page headline to ask. Should not be the world Wizard joint conference that on Daily Prophet said?” “会议……”赫敏心念一动,突然像是想起了什么似的,从巫师袍的口袋里翻出一张报纸,指着上面的头版头条开口询问道。“该不会是预言家日报上说的这个世界巫师联合会议吧?” How possibly?” Nearby Ron does not wait for the Ivan opens the mouth, then refuted to say. I listened to the father saying that was entire magical world other most advanced Wizard conference, only then various countries' Ministry of Magic's head had the qualifications to receive the invitation......” “怎么可能?”一旁的罗恩不等伊凡的开口,便反驳着说道。“我听爸爸说那可是全魔法界的最高级巫师会议,只有各国魔法部的首脑才有资格收到邀请……” Ron's finishes speaking, off-white Owl then brandished the wing to fly from the entrance hall, the envelope of League of Nations badge was delivering to the Ivan front a seal. 罗恩的话音刚落,一只灰白色猫头鹰便挥舞着翅膀从门厅外飞了进来,将一封印着国联徽章的信封送到了伊凡的面前。 Remembers that helps me keep secret!” Ivan spoke thoughtlessly to remind one, then envelope opening. “记得帮我保密!”伊凡随口提醒了一句,而后便将信封给拆了起来。 Incomparable curious Harry and Ron collected immediately, Hermione pulled down sound low voice discussing. 无比的好奇的哈利罗恩立马凑了上来,赫敏更是压低了声音小声的念道。 Respectable Ivan Hals your distinguished self: 【尊敬的伊凡-哈尔斯阁下: The 70 nine world Wizard joint conferences, will be held in the Magical Congress of North America headquarters in 11 moon/month 18 th, we invited you to attend this conference sincerely, jointly discusses the magical world future...... 】 七十九届世界巫师联合会议,将于十一月十八号在北美魔法国会总部举行,我们诚挚的邀请您参加此次会议,共同探讨魔法界的未来……】 Hermione read half, the whole person dumbfounded, Ron was a startled for the first time opens the mouth inquiry said. „, Won't they really invite you?” 赫敏念到一半,整个人都呆住了,罗恩更是一惊一乍的开口询问道。“不会吧,他们真的邀请你了?” If this invitation has not made a mistake in writing the name, I want and that's the end.” Ivan the envelope receiving, spoke to say. “如果这封邀请函没有写错名字的话,那我想就是了。”伊凡将信封给收了起来,出言说道。 But...... but how...... can......” the Ron stutter say, still some are unable to believe. “可是……可是……怎么会……”罗恩结结巴巴的说着,仍旧有些无法相信。 Was different from being born in muggle family, about magical world knew weight/quantity that limited Harry and Hermione, the Ron very clear world Wizard joint conference represented, that was the true great person converges, the heads as well as various domain peak characters in various countries will arrive. 不同于出生于麻瓜家庭,对魔法界了解有限的哈利赫敏,罗恩十分清楚世界巫师联合会议所代表的分量,那可是真正的大人物云集,各国的首脑以及各领域最顶尖的人物都会到场。 Before he was listens to George and Fred is believing saying that Percy Weasley had a dream wants to follow Pius Minister to go to the world Wizard joint conference to see sees the world, for this reason spent several days to ask others for help to help him speak everywhere, rubbed through the glib lips, finally obtained an assistant position that reluctantly was responsible for running about. 之前他更是听乔治弗雷德在信里说,珀西·韦斯莱做梦都想要跟随皮尔斯部长去世界巫师联合会议上见一见世面,为此花了好几天的时间到处求人帮他说话,把嘴皮子都磨破了,最后才勉强得到了一个负责跑腿的助手职位。 Even so, Percy Weasley is also very satisfied, sees people the capital that this matter takes to treat as to show off, because in the family/home also this matter celebrated well. 即便这样,珀西·韦斯莱也已经很满足了,见人就把这件事拿出来当做炫耀的资本,家里也因为这件事情好好的庆祝了一下。 But now Ivan actually obtains an invitation alone...... 而现在伊凡竟然单独得到了一封邀请函…… Who knows that but meets, perhaps I was being taken along by Pius Minister. Ivan has not made the meaning of explanation, after all really must say that may be endless. “谁知道呢,只是去开个会罢了,说不定我是被皮尔斯部长捎带着的。伊凡并没有多做解释的意思,毕竟真要说起来那可就没完没了了。 The threat that in fact because Grindelwald brings, Ivan did not plan that participates in this political council that does not have the nutrition. 事实上要不是因为格林德沃带来的威胁,伊凡根本就不打算参加这种没营养的政治会议。 Sometimes according to the view of Pius, discussed that an important topic is only the slapping in the face artillery takes several days, a congress holds anything not to solve is the normal state. 根据皮尔斯的说法,有时候讨论一个重要议题光是打嘴炮就要好几天,一场大会开下来啥事都没解决才是常态。 Ivan only hopes that this time can be different from the past, at least do not let him waste the time. 伊凡只希望这次能和以往不一样,至少别让他白费功夫。 However a little makes Ivan feel what is strange, that side North America has not chosen to hold the secret meeting unexpectedly, but makes such on a grand scale, was not worried that Grindelwald is tripping somebody up secretly? 不过有一点让伊凡感到奇怪的是,北美那边竟然没有选择举行秘密会议,而是弄得这么大张旗鼓,难道就不担心格林德沃在暗地里使绊子吗? Ivan hesitated the long time, finally thought that probably is because the conference are too many unable to conceal the truth related to the personnel, Grindelwald is very easy to receive the message through various types of channels, therefore might as well manages frank and upright upright, clarifies the carriages and horses to be to cope with Grindelwald, can suppress these followers rampant arrogance while convenient. 伊凡沉吟了半晌,最后觉得大概是因为会议涉及人员太多根本瞒不住,格林德沃很容易通过各种渠道收到消息,所以还不如办得正大光明正大,摆明车马就是要对付格林德沃,顺带还能打压那些信徒们嚣张的气焰。 Should not need him to be worried as for the security issue to be right, when the time comes so many heads present, that side North America definitely does not dare to idle, perhaps the trap the arrange/cloth is good, only waits for Grindelwald to walk into a trap. 至于安保问题应该不需要他担心才对,到时候那么多首脑在场,北美那边肯定不敢懈怠,说不定陷阱都已经布好了,只等着格林德沃自投罗网。
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