BWH :: Volume #6 力量即正义,魔法即强权!

#907: No-Fly Magic Array

Suddenly was attacked, the response of Thunderbird is nothing less than quickly, hid rapidly, later exudes intermittent angry songs and calls, the pure golden wing shakes furiously, several sturdy lightnings then rumbled in the past. 突然遭受攻击,雷鸟的反应不可谓不快,迅速的躲了过去,随后发出一阵阵愤怒的鸣叫声,纯金色的翅膀奋力一震,几道粗壮的闪电便轰了过去。 However, this is exerting its utmost strikes actually cannot play any role, was raised the invisible barrier that easily to disintegrate by the midair. 然而,这是势在必得的一击却是没能起到任何作用,被半空中升起的无形屏障给轻易瓦解了。 The Thunderbird scarlet golden pupil is staring below five Wizard, was that person of head feels the greatest threat, almost instantaneously, Thunderbird then made the resolution, drops out lamb that just caught, turned around to escape. 雷鸟赤金色的瞳孔凝视着下方的五名巫师,在为首的那人身上感受到了莫大的威胁,几乎瞬间,雷鸟便做出了决断,抛下刚捕获的羊羔,转身夺路而逃。 Pitifully only the raider comes prepared obviously, ahead of time prepare No-Fly Magic Array was activated instantaneously, Thunderbird received immediately probably hit hard general, the figure became incomparably slow, finally sway fell. 只可惜袭击者显然是有备而来,提前布置好的禁空法阵瞬间被激活,雷鸟顿时像是受到了重击一般,身形变得无比迟缓,最后摇摇晃晃的摔了下去。 Looks at this Ivan impatiently, but as him of flying lifeform, also came under the influence of No-Fly Magic Array inevitably, falling that finally can only be forced conducted the back in Rolf's, making this spotted panther lead to run. 看着这一幕的伊凡心急不已,但作为飞行生物的他,也同样不可避免的受到了禁空法阵的影响,最后只能被迫的落在了罗尔夫的背上,让这只花豹带着自己跑。 Damn, will the movements of these poachers be so how quick?!” Rolf indignant scolding, the speed of running improved a scale again, wants to catch up before these people go well rushes to there. “该死,那些偷猎者的动作怎么会那么快?!”罗尔夫气愤的骂道,奔跑的速度再度提高了一档次,想要赶在那些人得手之前赶到那里。 Perhaps is not the poacher...... Ivan in the heart silently is thinking, he flew in the upper air to see that several people of appearance a moment ago, is that Wizard of head makes him feel inexplicable familiar. 恐怕不是偷猎者……伊凡在心中默默的想着,他刚才飞到高空中看到了那几人的模样,其中为首的那名巫师让他感到莫名的熟悉。 Rolf was not clear this information, rapidly runs toward the place that Thunderbird crashes. 罗尔夫并不清楚这个情报,急速的向着雷鸟坠落的地点跑去。 However after waiting to rush, Rolf discovered that the fight had ended, the ground is sprinkling the colorful red blood, ten golden feathers. 然而等赶到后,罗尔夫才发现战斗早就结束了,地上洒落着艳红色的鲜血,还有十来根金色的羽毛。 Damn, we slow one step!” Rolf changes the human form, picks up the ground a feather, annoyed hammered sandy soil of ground. “该死了,我们慢了一步!”罗尔夫变回人形,捡起地上的一根羽毛,恼火的锤了一下地上的沙土。 Nearby Ivan is not accidental/surprised, powerful such as Thunderbird before that person had no way to insist too for a long time, the opposite party even this time made the sufficient preparation let alone. 一旁伊凡却一点都不意外,在那个人面前就算是强大如雷鸟也没法坚持太久,更何况对方这次做了充足的准备。 „Did you see these poachers in the space a moment ago? How many people do they have?” The inquiry that Rolf clenches jaws said. “你刚才在天上看见那些偷猎者了吗?他们有多少人?”罗尔夫咬牙切齿的询问道。 Altogether five people!” Ivan simple and brief said. “一共五个人!”伊凡简洁明了的说。 That also some hit! Rolf equaled secretly, many that although the population of opposite party are more than them, but he and Ivan have not exposed, but also at hidden place, if can sneak attack to solve a two person, both sides can definitely fight! 那还有的打!罗尔夫暗自合计了一下,虽然对方的人数比他们多的多,但他和伊凡并没有暴露,还处在暗处,如果可以偷袭解决掉一两个人,那双方完全可以一战! Ivan saw the Rolf's plan, immediately is sprinkling the cold canal. I saw the Grindelwald form among them!” 伊凡一眼就看出了罗尔夫的打算,当即泼着冷水道。“我在他们当中看到了格林德沃的身影!” Depending on the eye of that pair of unusual look pupil...... even the opposite party all of a sudden is that young coming out dozens years old of Ivan can still identify. 就凭那双异色瞳的眼睛……即便对方一下子年轻了几十岁伊凡也能辨认的出来。 What did you say?!” The Rolf whole person was shocked, later held breath the tone cold air, saying of stutter. Green...... Devoe? You determined that hasn't made a mistake? How will he come to France suddenly?” “你说什么?!”罗尔夫整个人都愣住了,随后倒吸了口气凉气,结结巴巴的说道。“格林……德沃?你确定没有搞错?他怎么会突然到法兰西来?” In fact, before I received the relevant information, Grindelwald has moved in France in the near future...... is only no one knows that actually he wants to make anything.” Ivan speaking answered. “事实上,在来之前我就收到了相关情报,格林德沃近期一直在法兰西境内活动……只是没有人知道他究竟想要做什么。”伊凡出言解释道。 This may on the difficult office!” Listened to the Ivan words, the Rolf's brow to wrinkle immediately. “这可就难办了!”听着伊凡的话语,罗尔夫的眉头顿时皱了起来。 Grindelwald news that escapes from the Nurmengard prison, he has naturally seen in Nouvelles D'europe, but Rolf cannot think oneself one day can run upon with such legendary Dark Wizard unexpectedly. 格林德沃纽蒙迦德监狱脱逃的消息,他自然是在欧洲时报上看到过的,不过罗尔夫怎么也想不到自己有一天竟然会和这样的传奇黑巫师撞上。 Before 50 year many that catastrophe, he listens to oneself grandfather to tell many, therefore incomparably understood that Grindelwald this name represents Wizard that anything...... this is not being they can contend with! 五十年多前的那场浩劫,他听自己的爷爷讲述过很多遍,所以无比了解格林德沃这个名字代表着什么……这绝不是他们能够抗衡的巫师 Thinks of here, Rolf planned that convinced Ivan to give up this Quest, tracked the past again, look can eavesdrop on some important intelligence. 想到这里,罗尔夫就打算说服伊凡放弃这个任务,再独自一人跟踪过去,看看能不能探听到一些重要情报。 Now the degree of this place danger has been above his imagination, once the meeting engagement, Rolf were supposing have no way to care about the Ivan safety. 如今这地方危险的程度已经超乎了他的想象,一旦遭遇战斗,罗尔夫估摸着自己根本没法顾及伊凡的安危。 However waits for him to turn head prepares to speak the persuasion the time, the Ivan sound was actually first step passed on. 然而等他扭过头准备出言劝说的时候,伊凡的声音却是先一步的传了过来。 Mr. Scamander, you best go back to inform the Ministry of Magic's person to come immediately, perhaps the following fight unusual danger, I will not have the full assurance to protect your security......” the Ivan expression to be very serious, the meaning without cracked a joke. 斯卡曼德先生,你最好立刻回去通知魔法部的人来,接下来的战斗恐怕会非常的危险,我没有十足的把握能保护你的安全……”伊凡的表情很是严肃,一点也没有开玩笑的意思。 Un?? Ignorant a Rolf face compels looks at Ivan, this...... shouldn't this be the words that I spoke? 恩?啊?罗尔夫一脸懵逼的看着伊凡,这……这难道不应该是我说的话吗? Rolf by the Ivan sudden obscene talk fearing, cannot respond good long while. 罗尔夫伊凡突如其来的骚话给惊住了,好半天都没能反应过来。 Ivan after reminding one, then does not have paying attention to Rolf, put out a reagent bottle of blank in the pocket of Wizard robe directly, wielded wand to give to collect the blood that the ground scattered. 伊凡在提醒了一句后,便没在理会罗尔夫,径直在巫师袍的口袋里拿出了一个空白的试剂瓶,挥动着魔杖将地上散落的血液都给收集了进去。 Almost sufficient?” Ivan shook the bottle, talking to oneself that muttered, as the matter stands fused the material that bloodline needs to use the collection to be uneven, he came the main goal of France also to achieve perfectly. “差不多够用了吧?”伊凡晃了晃瓶子,喃喃的自语道,这样一来融合血脉需要用到的材料就已经集齐了,他来法兰西的最主要的目标也完美达成了。 If more discrete, he should stop the footsteps now, finds an uninterrupted place to conduct sixth Bloodline Fusion Ceremony, the strength that on the flower ten days of half a month times familiar one obtains newly, considered again looks for Grindelwald to fight it out. 若是谨慎一些的话,他现在应该止住脚步,找一个无人打扰的地方进行第六次血脉融合仪式,花上十天半个月的功夫熟悉一下新获得的力量,再考虑找格林德沃一决胜负。 But Ivan really curious Grindelwald ambushes France to come specially, actually also the flowered big strength seizes this only Thunderbird to have what intention, can make the opposite party put down the matter that the business handles on hand personally, certainly very important! 伊凡实在好奇格林德沃特意潜伏到法兰西来,又花大力气抓捕这只雷鸟究竟有何用意,能让对方放下手头事务亲自去做的事情,一定十分的重要! Realizes this point, Ivan decided immediately with looks! 意识到这一点,伊凡当即决定跟上去看一看! Compared with the past, does not need to depend on now in any case boasted that own strength consolidates the rule, really cannot be victorious, at the worst travels and that's the end. 反正现在不比从前,不需要靠着吹嘘自己的力量来稳固统治,实在打不过,大不了跑路就是了。 After setting firm resolve, Ivan then no longer delays, the figure transformed from Owl turned into a vigorous cheetah, smells smell that the Thunderbird blood remains, dashed about wildly to pursue. 下定决心后,伊凡便不再耽搁,身形转换从猫头鹰变成了一头矫健的猎豹,嗅着雷鸟血液残留下来的气味,一路狂奔着追了上去。 Rolf witnesses Ivan to turn into the cheetah from Owl, the whole person was silly, can Animagus have the two kinds shape to be inadequate? 罗尔夫亲眼目睹着伊凡猫头鹰变成猎豹,整个人都傻了,难道阿尼玛格斯还可以有两种形态不成? However now does not consider obviously this time, looked that to the form that Ivan departs, Rolf hesitated, finally clenches teeth also to turn into the shape of spotted panther with. 不过现在显然不是考虑这个的时候,看向伊凡离去的身影,罗尔夫踌躇了一下,最后咬了咬牙也变成花豹的形态跟了上去。 Even Ivan such underage Young Wizard can abandon the life and death, what does he have to be good to fear? 伊凡这样未成年的小巫师都能够抛开生死,那他还有什么好怕的? Depends in Rolf head smelling, is using that not big small head, earnest was considering must jump off simply halfway, the Thunderbird terrifying power and influence makes it remember profoundly, but was such powerful mysterious animal actually by the enemy relaxed uniform/subdue, the hidden lifeform instinct let the impulsion that it had to plant travels immediately. 赖在罗尔夫头上的嗅嗅,则是在用那颗不大的小脑瓜,认真的在考虑着要不要干脆半路跳车,雷鸟恐怖的威势让它记忆深刻,但就是这样强大的神奇动物却被敌人轻松制服了,潜藏的生物本能让它有种立马跑路的冲动。 Such thought quickly by another instinct scattering, because it, in the front smelled one type not the smell that allows to reject, that is a lot of precious treasure flavors...... 只是这样的念头很快就被另一种本能给驱散了,因为它在前方嗅到了一种不容拒绝的气味,那是大量珍贵宝物的味道…… ( PS: Thank 100000 beginning coins that book friend Something went wrong hits to enjoy again! Tomorrow continues two......) (PS:感谢书友[Not Found]再度打赏的100000起点币!明天继续两更……)
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