BC :: Volume #14

#1304: Passing

„Can I replace the leader position?” “我要顶替领袖位置?” Mr. President cannot bear laugh, soon smiled his tears to come out. 总统先生忍不住哈哈大笑起来,笑得他眼泪都快要出来了。 This is indeed good to laugh, but first you must have the brain, yes?” “这的确是个好笑话,但是首先你得有脑子,明白吗?” He gradually stopped with a smile with a smile, breathes a sigh of relief. 他笑着笑着逐渐停了下来,舒了一口气。 Actually smiles, is very exhausting, he takes the receiver of telephone to shake the head saying that you made a mistake a point, while federal anyone cannot be the parties leaders, is Mr. President.” 其实笑,也很累人,他拿着电话的听筒摇着头说道,“你弄错了一点,在联邦任何一个人不能是党派领袖的同时,又是总统先生。” Charter does not allow us to do that when I can replace that position time is the two years later things, we and others was so long.” “宪章不允许我们这么做,等我能接替那个位置的时候已经是两年后的事情了,我们等不了那么久。” They will not permit the leader position vacant two years of Progressive Party, therefore bigger possibly was they will find another person, rather than I......” “他们也不会允许进步党的领袖位置空置两年的时间,所以更大的可能是他们会找到另外一个人,而不是我……” Afterward also chatted several, Mr. President made the telephone call. 随后又聊了几句,总统先生就挂掉了电话。 Since Progressive Party this moon/month will start time, this is fifth calls him, said that the chairman suggested must let Mr. President hold the post of the person who the parties leaders work. 自从进步党这一次的月会开始之后,这已经是第五个给他打电话,说委员会主席暗示要让总统先生担任党派领袖工作的人了。 Looked like me saying that this was impossible!”, He spreads out the hand to shrug, on the face also has one type the expression that is difficult to approve. “就像是我说的,这不可能!”,他摊开手耸了耸肩,脸上还带着一种很难认同的表情。 Mr. Truman sits in his opposite, in his hand clamps cigarette, on the face residual does not have the smile of restraining. 特鲁曼先生就坐在他的对面,他手里夹着一根烟,脸上还残留着一些没有收敛的笑容。 His bullet hit cigarette ash, is nodding, „, moreover Lynch and our relations are good, he such stupid considering parties leaders will not be better than the president!” 他弹着烟灰,点着头,“是的,而且林奇和我们的关系不错,他不会这么蠢的认为党派领袖比总统更好!” The matter they know, although Mr. President does not have personally to attend this conference, but in this conference all, he very clear. 整件事他们都知道,总统先生虽然没有亲自参加这场会议,但是这场会议中发生的一切,他都非常的清楚。 He is also who clear that person Lynch said that definitely is not he, he is the first senior official in Progressive Party Development Office. 他也清楚林奇说的那个人,肯定不是他,他是进步党发展办公室的第一长官。 Any parties need to develop, surely needs some people to do this matter specially, Progressive Party's such rule big party, cannot totally depend on these to want specially probably to join the people of parties spontaneously, maintains the scale and foundation of parties. 任何一个党派需要发展,就肯定需要有人专门来做这件事,特别像是进步党这样的执政大党,不能完全靠那些自发想要加入党派的人,来维持党派的规模和基础。 The parties also has the intense development desire, this develops the work of office. 党派内部也有强烈的拓展欲望,这就是发展办公室的工作。 They will look for some outstanding young people, then develops to become the member of Progressive Party these people. 他们会寻找一些优秀的年轻人,然后把这些人发展成为进步党的成员。 Person who can hold the post of this work, is not will definitely be putting on a serious face the performance severe person, that will only make the will of the people be awestruck to fear, but does not dare extremely in being intimate with Progressive Party. 能担任这份工作的人,肯定不会是板着脸表现严厉的人,那只会让人心生畏惧而不敢太过于亲近进步党。 This was also Mr. Douglas before and Lynch as opinion exchange candidate. 这也是道格拉斯先生之前和林奇作为“意见交换”的人选。 Mr. President lowered the head to ponder a meeting, these years entered success that quite the work of development office made, naturally this also and environment had the relations, some people thought that he did not do well enough.” 总统先生低头思考了一会,“这几年进发展办公室的工作做的比较成功,当然这也和大环境有关系,有人觉得他做得还不够好。” On his face showed the smile of ridicule, „, therefore some people move the position!” 他脸上露出了一些嘲弄的笑容,“所以得有人挪一挪位置!” Mr. President has many shortcomings, naturally also some merits, but in any event, he is not one ordinary, can by the person who the person easily deceives. 总统先生有很多的缺点,当然也有一些优点,可无论如何,他都不是一名普通的,能被人轻易蒙骗的人。 He is Mr. President, what kind of family background background regardless of he has, he must walk from an city first-level stair. 他是总统先生,无论他有怎样的出身背景,他总得从城市一级一步一个台阶地走上来。 This also represented him in fact to have little says more than ten years of basic job experiences, in such complex environment, he can obtain the success, he possibly was not a mediocre person. 这也代表着他实际上有着少说十几年的基础工作经验,在那样复杂的环境中,他能取得成功,他就不可能是一个平庸的人。 He is very intelligent, has the political wisdom very much, but his present position and status do not need to make itself display too sharply, this is also he in people eyes. 他很聪明,很具有政治智慧,只是他现在的地位和身份不需要让自己表现得太锐利,这也就是人们眼中的他。 But this absolutely is not real he, the federation needs such a president now, he responded this country as well as everyone's desire, displays this appearance. 但这绝对不是真实的他,联邦现在需要有这样一个总统,他只是响应了这个国家以及所有人的愿望,表现成这个样子。 But if really has anyone to think that he is really that appearance that he displays, then this person was certainly insane, or silly. 但如果真有什么人以为他就真是他所表现出来的那个样子,那么这个人一定疯了,或者傻了。 Mr. Truman is also the Progressive Party person, he knits the brows, this person...... his personal connection had, but the prestige is insufficient.” 特鲁曼先生也是进步党人,他皱了皱眉,“这个人……他的人脉有了,但是声望还不够。” Parties leaders are not the ordinary what party roles, if he is insufficient in the prestige of entire federation, pushes him to become the leader of Progressive Party forcefully,...... was too a little reluctant.” “党派领袖不是普通的什么党内职务,他如果在整个联邦的声望不够的话,强行推他成为进步党的领袖,有点……太勉强了。” Mr. President had some different views at this time, this is not the issue, the acceptance of federal person is very strong, only needs the small work to make him be known very well by most people quickly.” 总统先生此时有了一些不同的看法,“这不是什么问题,联邦人的接受能力很强,只需要一点小小的工作就能让他很快被大多数人所熟知。” What is most essential is he now to us, is most appropriate.” “最关键的是他现在对于我们来说,是最合适的。” Mr. Truman does not continue to express the opinion in the issue of candidate, leader the accident/surprise of is very indeed accidental, has no emergency measure the accident/surprise to happened accidentally/surprisingly Progressive Party. 特鲁曼先生不继续在人选的问题上发表意见,领袖身上发生的意外的确很意外,意外到意外发生的时候进步党都没有什么应急的措施。 Now elects a person first in this position fill, probably was the Progressive Party high level most urgent demand. 现在推选出来一个人先把这个位置填补上,大概就是进步党内高层最迫切的需求了。 After all no one hopes what was lost to that position is oneself, their only hope is others. 毕竟谁都不希望被丢到那个位置上的是自己,他们只希望是别人。 But at this time true lead, cannot say that is happy, is not happy. 而此时真正的“主角”,也说不上来是高兴,还是不高兴。 This was one is close to the 60-year-old venerable, the figure was very fine, seems like also some quite middle and old aged man unique handsome. 这是一位接近60岁的老先生了,身材很匀称,看起来也颇有一些中老年男人特有的英俊。 Many people felt after person old, becomes senile, becomes ugly, does not become more attractive. 很多人觉得人老了之后就会变得衰老,变得丑,不会变得更好看。 Perhaps this point on most people are this, but in this world always has that a few by the person who the God is partial. 也许这一点在大多数人身上是这样,但这个世界上总有那么少数受天主偏爱的人。 Some people, is bigger, makings that they display, is more temperate, is more appealing. 有些人,年纪越大,他们所表现出的气质,也越温和,越吸引人。 The first senior official in parties development office, needs these performance obviously, he is very handsome. 党派发展办公室的第一长官,显然就需要具备这些表现,他就很英俊。 Although his is also very old, hair also some gray, but anybody can give him a good appraisal. 虽然他的年纪也很大,头发也有一些花白,但是任何人都可以给他一个不错的评价。 At this time he looks that in front of one beef in dinner plate is somewhat in a daze, he himself has not thought, such matter can fall on own head. 此时他看着自己面前餐盘中的牛肉有些发愣,他自己也没有想到,这样的事情能落在自己的头上。 Why however does not know, his present mood is very contradictory. 但是不知道为什么,他现在的心情很矛盾。 Doesn't suit your appetite?”, His wife sat in the opposite of table asked one, but his son and daughter, then also looked to him. “不合你的胃口吗?”,他的妻子坐在桌子的对面问了一句,而他的儿子和女儿,则也看向了他。 This is the rich advantage, when is rich, the whole family can live together. 这就是有钱的好处,只有有钱时,一家人才能生活在一起。 If lives on limited means that a family will also separate early, undertakes own life respectively. 如果生活拮据,一个家庭也就会早早的分开,各自承担自己的生活。 If you see the girl who some need to help in the federal street, please do not want to be parsimonious your aid. 如果你在联邦的街头看见一些需要帮助的女孩,请一定不要吝啬你的援助。 Most of them are alone the girls of life, needs to bear own living expense, needs the help of people. 她们大多都是独自生活的女孩,需要负担自己的生活费用,也需要人们的帮助。 The rich men, do not have these worries. 有钱人,就没有这些苦恼。 Richer, is so, why this probably is also is the star politician celebrities, more is emphasizes family the reason of this concept. 越有钱,越是如此,这大概也是为什么越是明星政要名流,越是强调“家庭”这个概念的原因。 I?”, He looked up to the wives and children, is smiling shaking the head, I am thinking something.” “我?”,他抬起头看向了妻子和孩子们,微笑着摇了摇头,“我在想一些事情。” He starts to manipulate the beef steak in tray, his present work makes in his hand also grasp some powers. 他开始操弄起盘子里的牛排,他现在的工作让他手里也握着一些权力。 In this world does not lack itself these to work and arrangements for daily life the appropriate person, tests many minutes/shares, what person with is in love, after graduating, is to enter the work place or considers to take part in government. 这个世界上不缺少那些把自己工作和生活安排得妥妥当当的人,考多少分,和什么样的人谈恋爱,毕业后是进入职场还是考虑从政。 The taking part in government words are enter Progressive Party or Conservative Party, or Socialist Party? 从政的话是进入进步党还是保守党,亦或是社会党 After joining Progressive Party, where from starts? 加入了进步党之后从什么地方开始? He can manage these, he can development become the member who Progressive Party needs, then appoints the work of foundation to give the opposite party. 他能管理到这些,他可以把人“发展”成为进步党需要的成员,然后指派基础的工作给对方。 Although the wages of basic job are similar, but is an ordinary worker and is the secretariat member to some great people, the following development that brings is completely different. 虽说基础工作的工资都差不多,但是做一个普通的工作者和给一些大人物做秘书组成员,所带来的后续发展是完全不同的。 This also lets his life unusual is good, when every year to graduation season, would some people delivering him warmly a local product souvenir anything. 这也让他的生活过的非常不错,每年到了毕业季时,总会有人热情的送他一点土特产纪念品什么的。 As for becoming leader...... 至于成为领袖…… He smiles, this lets sit in the table nearby family members is somewhat surprised, his wife asks finally, has anything the matter that is worth celebrating, you ate the beef steak a moment ago time smiled to make noise.” 他笑了笑,这让坐在桌子边上的家人们觉得有些意外,最终他的妻子问道,“是不是有什么值得庆祝的事情,刚才你吃牛排的时候笑出声了。” The highest senior official in development office somewhat is also accidental, „did I really smile to make noise?”, He thinks that oneself is smiling at heart, has not thought that unexpectedly smiled. 发展办公室的最高长官又有些意外,“我真的笑出声了吗?”,他以为自己只是心里在笑,没想到居然笑出来了。 He put down the knife and fork, swallows the food in mouth, nodding, cannot say that is the good matter, but cannot say that is the bad matter, will have the possibility they to elect me to hold the post of the position of Progressive Party leader......” 他放下了刀叉,把口中的食物吞咽下去,点了点头,“不能说是好事情,但也不能说是坏事情,有可能他们会推选我来担任进步党领袖的这个位置……” During his family members after the short shock, falling into are wild with joy to one type! 他的家人们在短暂的震惊之后,陷入到一种狂喜之中! The young girl even shouted that my father must work as the Progressive Party leaders such words! 年轻的女孩甚至喊出了“我的爸爸要当进步党领袖了”这样的话来! Looks at the wife pleasantly surprised expression, looks at the children pleasantly surprised expression, he suddenly thought that...... this is not too actually bad. 看着妻子惊喜的表情,看着孩子们惊喜的表情,他突然觉得……其实这也不算太坏。 Moreover he also believes, chairman to him compensation, after all he also young, has a period of very far time to the retirement! 而且他也相信,委员会主席会给他一些补偿的,毕竟他还“年轻”,离养老还有一段很远的时光呢! As various local governors start official entry to the work, crazy two months of federal people eventually finished in the winter revelry. 随着各地区州长开始正式的进入到工作中,疯狂了两个月的联邦民众们终于结束了在冬季的狂欢。 They start the relieved work, the activities that the worker trade union holds also fall at this time. 他们开始安心的工作,工人工会举办的活动此时也降了下来。 Without the election , there would be no capitalist through supporting the way of worker trade union, making them conduct aimed at supporting certain politician the activities. 没有选举,就没有资本家通过赞助工人工会的方式,让他们举办“以支持某些政客为目的的活动”。 Each by the free fried chicken that the workers eat, each cup by the free beer that they drink up, in fact is valuable! 每一只被工人们吃下去的免费炸鸡,每一杯被他们喝掉的免费啤酒,实际上都是有价的! The workers were not clear that were sold what price by the worker trade union, they only care free! 工人们并不清楚自己被工人工会卖了什么价钱,他们只在乎免费! Therefore a simpler person is easier to obtain many joys. 所以越简单的人越容易获得更多的快乐。 The whole world as if returned to normal, occasionally people can also see Frat's reform to encounter anything to trouble from the newspaper, how their prime ministers solve. 整个世界似乎都恢复了平静,偶尔人们还能从报纸上看见盖弗拉的改革遭遇了什么麻烦,他们的首相是如何解决。 Sometimes will also see mainstream media's discrediting to Peng Jieao, has starting from that moment of historical record from them, as if this states and their people live in this world are unnecessary, is a crime. 有时候也会看见主流媒体对彭捷奥的抹黑,从他们有历史记录的那一刻开始,仿佛这个国家和他们的人民活在这个世界上都是多余的,更是一种罪过。 The whole world, such no mighty waves unceasing is operating. 整个世界,就这么没有什么波澜的不断运作着。 The «Vanguard» second period, using Saiwei to make the title page, let people realized this magazine thickness ruthlessly. 《先锋》杂志的第二期,用了赛维瑞拉作封面,又狠狠的让人们认识到这份杂志的“厚度”。 All are such...... ordinary! 一切都是那么的……平常! March the matter of time television station had some features, this state has a local television station to operate the difficulty, a little could not support. 三月份的时候电视台的事情有了一些眉目,本州有一家地方电视台经营困难,有点支撑不下去了。 The competition of television station actually also very intense, the federal signal Internet company when almost sells goods at rock-bottom prices the signal circuit, will leave behind a small equipment the watching program that is used to record and feed back the user. 电视台的竞争其实也非常的激烈,联邦的信号网络公司在几乎半卖半送信号线路的时候,也会留下一个小设备用来记录和反馈用户的观看节目。 These write in the contract, although most users do not know this matter, but they sign in the contract, these spy on the personal privacy the matter to be legitimate. 这些都是写在合约上的,尽管大多数用户并不知道这件事,可他们在合约上签了字,这些窥探个人隐私的事情就是合法的。 Every day the different channels have many viewing ratios in the different time, is a very direct-viewing data. 每天不同的频道在不同的时间有多少收视率,都是一个很直观的数据。 The advertising agent will only like these having the television station of viewing ratio, rather than these were worse. 广告商只会喜欢那些有收视率的电视台,而不是那些原来越差的。 This television station, quick becomes the industry of Lynch. 这家电视台,很快就成为了林奇的产业。 But the television business of black stone media, will soon get online. 而黑石传媒的电视业务,也即将上线。
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