BC :: Volume #13

#1215: Mutually accommodate each other

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You thought that...... they can support the first round of attacks?” “你们觉得……他们能撑得住第一轮攻击吗?” Ryan held the spear/gun to sit after the defense line, at this time the fortification still in the unceasing construction, the federal army recruited many workers to construct these fortification. 瑞恩抱着枪坐在了防线后,此时防御工事还在不断的修建,联邦陆军招募了不少工人来修建那些防御工事。 Possibly is considered that this is the army to the international first fight, therefore Ministry of Defence's attaching great importance to this fight especially, but also dialed some funds to get down specially, provided many boosts to the army. 可能是考虑到这是陆军面向国际的第一场战斗,所以国防部格外的重视这场战斗,还特别的拨了一些款项下来,给陆军提供更多的助力。 The person of black stone security currently has no concrete work, they defined a region, constructed the fortification, then looks that the army tosses about in that side. 黑石安全的人目前没有什么具体的工作,他们自己划定了一片区域,也修建了防御工事,然后看着陆军在那边折腾。 Similarly is responsible for a soldier who goes on patrol to guard with a laugh replied, who knows that I felt a little difficult, therefore we must prepare fight momentarily.” 同样负责巡逻守卫的一名士兵笑呵呵的回答道,“谁知道呢,我觉得有点困难,所以我们随时都要做好战斗的准备。” During Mali Luo the resistance of they and warlord made them understand the true war, needs to bleed, especially land war. 在马里罗期间他们和军阀的对抗让他们明白了真正的战争,是需要流血的,特别是地面战争。 The battlefield is a giant meat grinder, both sides throw unceasingly the soldier, then turns into the corpse. 战场就是一个巨大的绞肉机,双方不断把士兵丢进去,然后变成尸体。 Where first cannot shoulder the pressure, where will lose this fight. 哪边先扛不住压力,哪边就会输掉这场战斗。 The advanced weaponry actually cannot play the role in the complex environment completely, is just like the bomber aircraft, when the tactical situation rubber in city, the bomber aircraft except for bombing the rear area of enemy assists to open up the perspective. 先进的武器装备在复杂的环境中其实并不能够完全的发挥作用,就好比轰炸机,当城市内的战况胶着时,轰炸机除了轰炸敌人的后方协助打开局面。 The enemy who directly the soldier who they cannot help the frontline eliminates the opposite party first line, can only play an auxiliary role. 他们并不能直接的帮助前线的战士消灭对方第一线的敌人,只能起到一个辅助的作用。 Because no one knows that these bombs can fall on the head of person on one's own side, perhaps was only the in the air wind was suddenly more violent, bomb dozens meters even are over a hundred meters. 因为谁都不知道那些炸弹会不会落在自己人的头上,也许只是空中的风突然猛烈了一些,炸弹就会偏个几十米甚至是上百米。 These distances were too easy to realize, no one dares to take risk. 这些距离太容易实现了,谁都不敢冒险。 Actually the present situation is also the same, the reconnaissance of airplane can only play the function of a early warning and caution, once the both sides short distance engagement, the airplane also can only bomb the rear area of opposite party. 其实现在的情况也一样,飞机的侦察只能起到一个预警和警示的作用,一旦双方近距离接战,飞机也只能轰炸对方的后方。 Frontline pressure, instead because the escape route of enemy was broken the sharp increase, this point they have felt in Mali Luo that side. 前线的压力,反而会因为敌人的后路被断剧增,这一点他们在马里罗那边已经感受到了。 Each airplane bombing the frontline will erupt a violent exchange of fire from now on, the militant attacks of these warlords they, will finish until bombing crazily. 每一次飞机轰炸过后前线就会爆发一次猛烈的交火,那些军阀的武装分子会疯狂的攻击他们,直到轰炸结束。 Some people are called as these for the desperate counter-attack, the existing space reduce, has to put behind the frightened crazy attack temporarily. 有人把这些称作为绝望的反击,生存空间缩减,不得不暂时忘却恐惧的疯狂进攻。 Ryan sighs, actually Ministry of Defence delivers to the frontline to go them is very irresponsible, although I also once was a soldier, but I knew something , if has not experienced, was very difficult to imagine.” 瑞恩叹了一口气,“其实国防部把他们送到前线去是非常不负责任的,尽管我也曾经是一名军人,但我知道有些事情如果没有经历过,就很难想象。” This is Ryan sighs with emotion, he has not experienced these, never knows that enemy in this word contained these old people, the woman even is a child, no one is innocent in the back of this word. 这是瑞恩自己最真实的感慨,他没有经历过那些,就永远不知道“敌人”这个词中包含了那些老人,妇女甚至是孩子,没有人在这个词的背后是无辜的。 Also is clearer, shooting at the target and hits the person is the complete two different experience, will have a more tremendous pressure at heart. 也更清楚,打靶和打人是完全两种不同的体验,心里会有更大的压力。 The mood in the battlefield is easiest to present the collapse is not the charge in the first line soldier, but is these gun crew. 在战场上情绪最容易出现崩溃的不是冲锋在第一线的士兵,而是那些机枪手。 They are used to touch off the finger of trigger in highly anxiously under to cramp to buckle frequently, then looks that the enemy looks like by the invisible sickle is wielded has such dropped down. 他们用来扣动扳机的手指经常会在高度紧张下抽筋扣死,然后看着敌人一茬一茬的就像是被无形的镰刀挥过那样倒下。 The pressure and psychological barrier that this killing massive similar creates will become their psychological diseases, these counseling in army, Pastor, rarely will be used to comfort these ordinary soldiers. 这种杀死大量同类带来的压力和心理障碍会成为他们的心理疾病,部队里的那些心理辅导,牧师,很少会用来安慰那些普通的士兵。 In situation that in the community mood erupts, few people will dread the war thus to hide in the frontline, under most people will erupt in the community mood will not be afraid the death. 在群体情绪爆发的情况下,只有极少数人会在前线畏惧战争从而躲藏起来,大多数人在群体情绪爆发下都是不会害怕死亡的。 Needs to counsel truly, is these gun crew that kill the enemy massively. 真正需要辅导的,是那些大量杀死敌人的机枪手们。 These things, in the military academy, no one told them in the army, some people will not teach them. 这些东西,在军校,在部队的时候没有人告诉他们,更不会有人教他们。 Even slaughters indigenous, was still several generations of person beforehand things, this generation of soldiers, did not seem like the soldier. 就算是屠杀土著,也是几代人之前的事情了,这一代的军人,一点也不像是军人。 Ryan also gave an idea quickly, „, if you are Peng native of Austria , Czech Republic, you know we constructed so perfect fortification here, will you also launch the attack from here?” 瑞恩很快又提出了一个想法,“如果你是彭捷奥人,你知道了我们在这里建造了如此完善的防御工事,你还会从这里发动进攻吗?” Another person laughs, each time when family/home that I go to my girlfriend is to climb a wall the eaves of two buildings goes, because her father takes the spear/gun to sit in the living room, I never meet positive/direct and that was unreasonable, but also is grasping the person of spear/gun reasonable.” 另外一人哈哈大笑,“我每次去我女朋友的家时都是爬墙上二楼的屋檐进去的,因为她的父亲拿着枪坐在客厅里,我从来不会正面的和那个不讲道理,还掌握着枪的人讲道理。” Ryan also nod name is, he then looks at the rearward immediately, I feel am also, Peng Jieao army it is said very elite, they conquered many countries through the army, I do not believe that they can hit......” 瑞恩也点头称是,他随即回头看向后方,“我觉得也是,彭捷奥的军队据说很精锐,他们通过陆军征服了很多的国家,我不相信他们会一头撞上来……” In fact this issue, started to discuss on the direction level of black stone security, the federal person constructed the perfect fortification in the shallow seas and tidelands, the blockhouse, the fort, the thick barrier, will Peng native of Austria , Czech Republic same attack with the fool? 实际上这个问题,在黑石安全的指挥层也开始讨论了起来,联邦人在滩涂建造了完美的防御工事,碉堡,炮台,还有厚实的壁垒,彭捷奥人会和傻子一样来袭击吗? Only if they do not know, but don't they possibly know? 除非他们不知道,但他们怎么可能不知道? The airplane in sky from the head of everyone has flown once again, Ryan looked up one, knits the brows, on the wing of that airplane drew anything probably......” 天空中的飞机又一次从每个人的脑袋上飞过,瑞恩抬头看了一眼,皱了皱眉,“那架飞机的翅膀上好像画了什么东西……” Another person is also on the rise, he narrowed the eye to watch a meeting, later indifferent shrugging, indeed had, but was not very clear, I heard that after these opened liking of airplane completed task, some picture things a time on the fuselage.” 另外一人也抬起头,他眯着眼睛看了一会,随后无所谓的耸了耸肩,“的确有,不过不是很清楚,我听说那些开飞机的喜欢完成一次任务之后在机身上画一些东西。” „When like this others see their airplanes, knows that they have carried out many tasks, it is said this is the boss proposes personally.” “这样别人看见他们的飞机时,就知道他们执行过多少次任务了,据说这还是老板亲自提出的。” „The treatments of these pilots may be really good, the subsidy is our several times.” “那些飞行员的待遇可真好,补贴是我们的好几倍。” Only needed to fly round good in the space......” “只需要在天上飞来飞去就行了……” Ryan supplemented, danger is also our several times, we were hit also had the opportunity to go on living, they were hit, died!” 瑞恩补充了一句,“危险也是我们的好几倍,我们中枪了还有机会活下去,他们中枪了,就死定了!” The picture that yes, airplane plants they have to see, basically some not possible people able to live, first died. 是啊,飞机一头栽下来的画面他们也不是没见过,基本上不可能有人能活下来,第一时间就死了。 Two people under that wing in the sky have not had the airplane of special painting to treat as a matter, the person who even from the sky performs duties, has not noticed this airplane. 两个人并没有把天空中那架机翼下方有特殊涂装的飞机当作一回事,甚至是在空中执勤的人,都没有注意到这架飞机。 But at this time the pilot of this airplane, then the fast use aerial camera to the concrete fortification of ground takes the fast photograph. 而此时这架飞机的飞行员,则快速的使用航空相机对地面的具体防御工事进行快速的拍照。 Installs on camera type of small part the airplane is not the complex work, letting the camera can the image formation in the process of rapid traverse, is a little difficult, but cannot block a research force of country. 把相机这种小部件安装到飞机上并不是什么复杂的工作,让相机能在快速移动的过程中成像,有点难,但也挡不住一个国家的研究力量。 In addition the bomber aircraft of Blackstone air export is black stone is, externally their unusual being close, therefore not some people of airplanes that suspect Peng native of Austria , Czech Republic, will infiltrate the detection team. 加上黑石航空出口的轰炸机都属于“黑石系”,从外观上他们非常的接近,所以就不会有人怀疑彭捷奥人的飞机,会混进了侦查队。 The fighter aircraft also in the research and security, wonderful- Type II bomber aircraft that currently uses makes the reconnaissance aircraft while convenient, after all the bomber flight radius many that the fighter aircraft is bigger, can walk is farther. 战斗机还在研究和保密中,现在使用的还是奇-II型轰炸机顺便做侦察机,毕竟轰炸机飞行半径比战斗机大的多,能走的更远。 Peng Jieao pilot after was relaying spatially two, was not so good to photograph the place that to conduct the second photography to some slightly angles, and reduced the flight altitude. 彭捷奥的飞行员在空中转了两圈之后,对一些稍微有些角度不那么好拍摄的地方进行了第二次拍摄,并且降低了飞行高度。 Those who surprised people somewhat was the army of ground even thinks that this was the pilot is greeting with them, some people also took off the hat to brandish to the pilot, but the latter also waved to them. 令人有些意外的是地面的部队甚至以为这是飞行员在和他们打招呼,有些人还摘掉了帽子对着飞行员挥舞起来,而后者也向他们挥手致意。 After gazing after the pilot to pull the flight altitude leaves, some people also sighed these pilots are really laborious...... 目送飞行员重新拉高飞行高度离开后,有些人还感叹了一下这些飞行员真辛苦…… After one hour, the picture that develops delivered to Peng Jieao outpost, entire federal person's an exposition of fortification not flaw in their eyes. 一个多小时后,洗出来的照片送到了彭捷奥前哨,紧接着整个联邦人的防御工事没有一点破绽的暴露在了他们的眼里。 Has no mistake with our judgments, they seemingly recognized we will definitely launch the attack from the shallow seas and tidelands, we must strengthen their confidence.” “和我们的判断没有任何的差错,他们看起来认定了我们肯定会从滩涂发动进攻,我们得加强一下他们的信心。” The commander proposed an idea, building up army, makes some ships again, we must make enemy discover our combat plan.” 指挥官提出了一种想法,“集结部队,再弄些船来,我们要让敌人‘发现’我们的作战计划。” They, since planned that blocks us in the shallow seas and tidelands, then we attack from the shallow seas and tidelands.” “他们既然打算在滩涂阻击我们,那么我们就从滩涂进攻。” Moreover after the relation circles army, after building up, takes the artillery position rapidly, we will coordinate here.” “另外联系绕后部队,集结后迅速拿下炮兵阵地,我们会在这边进行配合。” To army, the one who is most fearful is the artillery, if can wipe out the artillery position of federal person, by fort and blockhouse that they construct, cannot become taking advantage that repels Peng native of Austria , Czech Republic army. 对陆军来说,最可怕的还是炮兵,如果能打掉联邦人的炮兵阵地,以他们修建的炮台和碉堡,并不能成为击退彭捷奥人部队的依仗。 They have various coping turtle tactical rules means that this is not first attempts to resist the influence of their soldier/weapon front with the fortification, naturally also absolutely will not be last. 他们有各种各样对付“乌龟战法”的办法,这不是第一个妄图用防御工事来对抗他们兵锋的势力,当然也绝对不会是最后一个。 A quick Peng native of Austria , Czech Republic starts in the shallow seas and tidelands building up army, and placed on some commodities the ship, seems like them to plan that follows the rivers to launch the attack. 很快彭捷奥人开始在滩涂集结部队,并且把一些物资放在了船上,看上去他们打算顺着河流发动进攻。 Airplane that from the sky investigates truthfully recorded all these, later some times, the federal military also obtains the reconnaissance intelligence that they wanted. 在空中侦查的飞机如实的把这一切都记录了下来,稍晚一些的时候,联邦军方也得到了他们想要的侦察情报。 Has no error with our judgments, they planned that attacks from the shallow seas and tidelands . Moreover the aircraft reconnaissance had discovered their artillery, is loading a ship.” “和我们的判断没有任何的误差,他们打算从滩涂进攻,而且空中侦察已经发现了他们的火炮,都在装船。” Continues to strengthen the speed of reconnaissance, particularly needs to pay attention to their artilleries, lets the pilots bomb on the rack flight.” “继续加强侦察的速度,特别需要注意他们的火炮,让飞行员们都挂弹飞行。” Once discovered that their artilleries unfold, immediately conducts bombing to their ammunition......” “一旦发现他们的火炮铺开,立刻就对他们的弹药进行轰炸……” The major general stands before directing the table looks at these military officers, „, this war relates to army's position in federal military system, can only win, cannot defeat!” 少将站在指挥桌前看着这些军官,“诸位,此战关系到陆军在联邦军事体系中的地位,只能胜,不能败!” We not only need win, but must win, the attractiveness that must win, wipes out Peng native of Austria , Czech Republic!” “我们不仅要赢,还要大胜,要胜的漂亮,全歼彭捷奥人!” The navy has set the model, the army was unable to fall behind, the commander must use to wipe out one time to establish army's position in federal military system! 海军已经做出了表率,陆军也不能落后,指挥官要用一次全歼来奠定陆军在联邦军事体系中的地位! All armies acted, temporarily in the airport, all reconnaissance aircraft start the bomb on the rack, this also bombs the beforehand indication. 紧接着所有的部队都行动了起来,临时机场内,所有侦察机都开始挂弹,这也是轰炸之前的征兆。 Until this moment, many people are maintaining to this war optimistic, because they have the most advanced military equipment, the most excellent tactical command, they will be impossible to lose! 直到这一刻,很多人都对这场战争保持着乐观,因为他们有最先进的军事装备,最出色的战术指挥,他们不可能会输! When the bomber aircraft took away the light of death for these people, they will certainly regret to take the federal army as the goal of challenge! 当轰炸机为这些人带去死亡之光时,他们一定会后悔把联邦陆军作为挑战的目标! From the map, the distance between both sides possibly is the distances of several palms, but wants the engagement truly, several days. 从地图上来看,双方之间的距离可能就是几个手掌的距离,但真正要接战,还有几天。 The morning of early September, several soldiers from the woods, they put on the federal the standard military uniform, at the back of federal weapon, unemotional walks toward the base, looks like the real federal soldier to be the same! 九月初的早上,几名士兵从树林中走了出来,他们穿着联邦的制式军装,背着联邦的武器,面无表情的朝着基地中走去,就像是真的联邦士兵一样! After several days of infiltrations, four armies had bypassed shallow seas and tidelands nearby fortification, infiltrated from the jungle. 经过几天的渗透,四支部队已经绕过了滩涂附近的防御工事,从密林中渗透了进来。 They do not know where from made the military uniforms and weapons of some federal people, was so simple and infiltrated in the base directly...... 他们不知道从哪弄了一些联邦人的军装和武器,就这么简单又直接的混进了基地中……
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