BC :: Volume #13

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The leisurely and carefree afternoon, Frat's imperial capital had just had rain. 悠闲的午后,盖弗拉的帝都刚下过一场雨。 After the rain , the moist spatial gas range the fragrance of soil, any plant in pot is stretching the branch, in the flowers brings some raindrop, all make people feel that comfortably, relieved. 雨后潮湿的空气带着泥土的芬芳,花盆中的什么植物正在舒展着枝条,花朵中带着一些雨滴,一切都让人感觉到那么的舒适,安心。 After the window under pot, some gentlemen sit together, in their hands or takes Ke Lefu, or takes the big tobacco pipe, everyone was pondering news that the prime minister brings. 在花盆下的窗台后,一些先生们坐在一起,他们手里或者拿着柯乐芙,或者拿着大烟斗,每个人都在思考着首相带来的消息。 Federal Mr. President, telephones to blackmail their sum of money personally. 联邦的总统先生,亲自打电话来想要敲诈他们一笔钱。 When they just heard this news...... thought that was the prime minister was too certainly bored, he wanted to deceive everyone to look for a good time. 当他们刚听到这个消息的时候……都觉得一定是首相太无聊了,以至于他想要欺骗大家图个乐。 When he really everyone gathers, all talents realized, this does not crack a joke. 当他真的把大家聚集在一起的时候,所有人才意识到,这不是开玩笑。 I thought that...... we can them some, these money are not many, moreover our present situations did not allow us to make other what resolutions at this time.” “我觉得……我们可以给他们一些,这些钱不多,而且我们现在的情况也不允许我们在这个时候作出什么其他的决断了。” What first spoke was the secretary of war, compared with letting his these brought death, he felt or gives money good, must give money in any case finally. 最先说话的是陆军大臣,比起让他那些手下去送死,他觉得还是给钱好,反正最后都是要给钱的。 He turns into the family member who money the comforting and aiding a bereaved family golden hair gave to issue to these soldiers killed in action, besides will let the war department to his disaffection even more, but also some people midnight will throw the stone toward his courtyard, or threw the dog shit to his car(riage) windshield on. 他把钱变成抚恤金发放给那些阵亡士兵的家属,除了会让陆军部对他愈发的不满之外,还会有人半夜往他的院子里丢石头,或者把狗屎丢到他的车挡风玻璃上。 But gave the federal person money, casualties that not only will not create the home boy, but can also manifest Frat's function in entire event. 而把钱给了联邦人,不仅不会造成本国人的伤亡,还能体现出盖弗拉在整个事件中的作用。 He supplemented, this we must send a military observation mission time, we must native of Austria , Czech Republic to the federal person and army battle efficiency of Peng conduct to re-evaluate.” 他又补充了一句,“这一次我们还是要派遣一个军事观察团,我们要对联邦人和彭捷奥人的陆军战斗力进行重新评估。” After these words saying, the atmosphere in room had some changes. 这句话说出来之后,房间里的气氛就有了一些变化。 When covers a native of Flat arrogant requests Peng Jieao to give away a harbor to their warship good supplies, they were not clear that what person oneself opponent is. 当盖弗拉人傲慢的要求彭捷奥必须让出一个港口给他们的军舰挺好补给的时候,他们并不清楚自己的对手是什么样的人。 Then the war broke out, Peng native of Austria , Czech Republic was hit does not dare close to coast, this naturally is the Frat's official view. 然后战争就爆发了,彭捷奥人被打得不敢靠近沿岸,这个当然是盖弗拉官方的说法。 They after the naval battle is defeated fast moving emptied the littoral area, then covers a native of Flat to think that this is only a soft egg country, fed in their soldiers the hell. 他们只是在海战失败之后快速的迁空了沿岸地带而已,然后盖弗拉人就以为这只是一个软蛋国家,把他们的士兵送进了地狱中。 That is one is unable to let the travel of hell the person forgets absolutely, a barbaric Peng native of Austria , Czech Republic is cruel and cruel, is every nightmare that person who has attended that war! 那绝对是一场无法让人忘记的地狱之旅,野蛮的彭捷奥人残忍又残暴,是每一场参加过那场战争的人的噩梦! Then both sides made the real anger, more and more people were pulled in the vortex. 然后双方打出了真火气,越来越多人被扯进了漩涡中。 Also is such a war makes native of Flat realize that a brutal fact, the navy could handle a lot powerful, but is unable to complete aggression only complete step! 也是这样一场战争让盖弗拉人认识到了一个残酷的事实,海军强大或许可以做很多事情,但唯独无法完成“侵略”的全部步骤! They do not have the means to encroach upon others, this looked like one to be sheared the strong man of egg egg. 他们没办法侵犯别人,这就像是一个被割了卵蛋的强壮男人。 Because no longer has many desires to make him rest well, the spirit is good, the thought simple and long much. 因为不再有过多的欲望让他休息好,精神好,思想简单并且长得很快。 He after careful training can easily defeat several times in own enemy, can hit a miss cries. 他经过精心的训练后能轻易的击败几倍于自己的敌人,更可以把一个姑娘打得哭哭啼啼。 But inside they in any event, are unable to let encourage to proceed from shivering! 但他们无论如何,都无法让鼓励发自内里的颤抖! This is Frat, looks like castrated general, he can defeat his enemy, actually could not conquer any land. 这就是盖弗拉,就像是被阉割了的将军,他能打垮他的敌人,却征服不了任何的土地。 Now Frat's army started to have some transformations with the help of some mercenaries, but...... the change was limited. 现在盖弗拉的陆军在一些雇佣军的帮助下开始有了一些转变,可……变化有限。 Compared with letting the soldiers brings death, nobles and ministers Frat's have some ideas, perhaps they more suitable these advanced war machines. 比起让士兵们去送死,盖弗拉的王公大臣们已经有了一些想法,也许他们更适合那些先进的战争机器。 Secretary of war's proposition soon had everyone's support, can hold the post of the important duty in the election aristocrat who Frat indeed does not need the people, but people always treasure the reputation. 陆军大臣的提议很快就得到了大家的支持,在盖弗拉的确不需要民众们的选举贵族就能担任重要的职务,可人们总是爱惜名声的。 Even may also under the pressure, makes some political compromises. 甚至也有可能迫于压力,做出一些政治妥协。 Everyone does not have the opinion, the prime minister is naturally impossible to violate everyone's opinion, he selected under one, truly, this is only a small sum of money, other things are more important!” 大家都没有意见,首相自然也不可能违背所有人的意见,他点了一下头,“确实,这只是一小笔钱,其他的事情更重要!” Frat agreed with the bill of federal representative in the representatives of global development committee quickly, and changes course in the account number that money the global development committee assigned. 盖弗拉在世界发展委员会的代表很快同意了联邦代表的议案,并且把钱转进了世界发展委员会指定的账号里。 Covered natives of Flat to set the model, will other countries resist these two strongest countries? 盖弗拉人都作出了表率,其他国家又怎么会对抗这两个最强的国家呢? Moreover they are also very clear, in the First World War they are actually profit, really projects on definitely is they who finally cannot endure, if made Peng Jieao develop at this time through plundering, it is estimated that the next world war did not need them to participate. 而且他们也很清楚,在第一次世界大战中他们其实是占了便宜的,真打到最后吃不消的肯定是他们,如果这个时候让彭捷奥通过掠夺发展起来,估计下一次世界大战就不需要他们参加了。 Because participated is not useful, the entire his mother ended! 因为参加了也没有什么用,全他妈完了! Rich disbursing money, some people the person, this also lets Ministry of Defence and international affairs department, and presidential palace understands suddenly how the thing that oneself do not want, imposes on by the person with the name of justice. 有钱的出钱,有人的出人,这也让国防部和国际事务部,以及总统府突然间明白了如何把自己不愿意的东西,强加给被人以正义之名。 Blackmails the international community indeed to have the sense of achievement very much, knocked how much money leave alone, at least had the sense of achievement very much! 敲诈国际社会的确很有成就感,别管敲来了多少钱,至少很有成就感! As the speaker of Nagat Leir new federation applied for the military assistance to the federation on own initiative, and under the federal the dual agreements of president and Congress, 15 th and 17 th army divisions started to go on board. 随着纳加利尔新联邦的议长主动向联邦申请军事援助,并在联邦总统和国会的双重同意下,第十五和第十七陆军师开始登船。 13,500 staff who simultaneously the black stone draws in safely, starts to go on board, the harbor gathered lots of residents and reporters, everyone was praying for these soldiers, hopes they can defeat the evil core, saves the peace in the world on behalf of the federal person! 同时黑石安全收拢回来的一万三千五百名员工,也开始登船,港口聚集了大量的市民和记者,每个人都在为这些士兵们祈祷,希望他们能够击败邪恶核心,代表联邦人拯救世界的和平! Only used one week of time, arrived in Nagat east Lier close to 80,000 people, included Unit Union of other countries. 只用了一周时间,接近八万人就抵达了纳加利尔的最东边,其中也包括了其他国家的联合 These people possibly are also want the short distance to observe the combat capability of federal person, as well as Peng Jieao land power. 这些人可能也是想要近距离观察一下联邦人的战斗能力,以及彭捷奥的陆军实力。 Topography of Nagat eastern Lier very smooth, has primitive jungle that the big piece no one visits, origin of life rivers. 纳加利尔的东边的地势非常的平坦,有大片没有人踏足的原始丛林,还有一条生命之源的河流。 After arriving in the pre-calculated position, the line of battle headquarters start to get online, according to their analyses, Peng native of Austria , Czech Republic might follow the coast to attack to northwest by southeast very much, then the fortification first should arrange in both banks of river course. 抵达了预定位置后,战列指挥部开始上线,根据他们的分析,彭捷奥人很有可能会顺着沿岸由东南方向向西北方向进攻,那么防御工事首先应该布置在河道的两岸。 Draws such conclusion is not actually complex, the strategic direction room, riverside both banks because of the reason of natural environment, the field of vision is relatively open, moreover there is shallow seas and tidelands that can provide the driving conveniently. 得出这样的结论其实并不复杂,在战略指挥室来看,沿河两岸因为自然环境的缘故,视野相对开阔,而且有能提供行车便利的滩涂。 If from the virgin forest as the advance way, a little idealized obviously. 要是从原始森林中作为突进路径的话,显然有点理想化了。 The woods of these covers are unable to pass through any vehicles, only if they spend lots of time and labor forces pave a way to come out, but that is obviously impossible. 那些茂密的树林无法通行任何车辆,除非他们花费大量的时间和劳动力开辟一条道路出来,但那显然不可能。 Therefore some quick Nagat Leir natives under the coordination of allied armies, start to establish the fortification around the shallow seas and tidelands. 于是很快一些纳加利尔本地人在联军的协同下,开始在滩涂周围建立防御工事。 The fort, the blockhouse, these are quite common, they still dug many traps in nearby jungle. 炮台,碉堡,这些都是比较常见的,他们还在附近的密林中挖了不少的陷阱。 The massive bright sentry post dark sentry posts dispersed, is watching Peng Jieao That side situation. 大量的明哨暗哨都散了出去,关注着彭捷奥那边的情况。 ...... Sometimes existences of some people to break general knowledge. 只是……有时候有些人的存在就是为了打破常识。 For example Peng Jieao army. 比如说彭捷奥的陆军。 „The airplane of Baylor person has spun in the head for these days, I am a little agitated!” 拜勒人的飞机这几天一直在头上打转,我有点烦躁!” In the jungle, a military officer rides on the warhorse, compared to slightly runs by one quick speed, shuttles back and forth in the jungle. 密林中,一名军官骑在战马上,以一个相对于小跑快一些的速度,在密林中穿梭。 In his behind, 2000 cavalries! 在他的身后,还有两千名骑兵! All warhorses very peaceful, fast follows the forefront warhorse slightly to run. 所有的战马都十分的安静,快速的跟着最前面的战马小跑着。 The tree in jungle like people imagine is actually not crowded, by one. 密林里的树其实并不像人们想象中的那么密集,一颗挨着一颗。 In the ecological environment of nature, in certain area can grow many big trees is have several, because the tree also needs to fight for the resources to grow. 在大自然的生态环境中,一定面积上能生长多少棵大树都是有数的,因为树也需要争夺资源才能生长。 The under foot of each big tree, is lying down many similar or the different kind. 每一棵大树的脚下,都躺着许许多多的同类或者异类。 These cannot obtain the plant that the sunlight shines to fester the corruption in rounds of round of rainwater quickly, finally becomes the nourishment of some big tree, therefore here is not that crowded. 那些始终得不到阳光照耀的植物很快就在一轮轮雨水中溃烂腐败,最终成为了某一棵大树的养料,所以这里并不是那么的密集。 Short bush in ground actually some troublesome, but Peng native of Austria , Czech Republic has the means of dealing, all horse's hooves and pony legs are wrapping skin armor, does not affect the movement of warhorse, can protect its hoof and leg. 地面上的矮灌木倒是一些麻烦,但是彭捷奥人早就有了应对的办法,所有的马蹄和小马腿都包裹着一层皮甲,不影响战马的动作,又能保护它的蹄和腿。 They run quickly, depends on the person who front leads the way to clean up these barriers quickly the speeds. 他们跑得多快,取决于前面开路的人清理那些障碍的速度有多快。 Another military officer hears word is also on the rise, looks at the airplane that in a leaf gap flashed past, somewhat contemptuous smiling. 另外一名军官闻言也抬起头,看了一眼树叶间隙中一闪而过的飞机,有些轻蔑的笑了笑。 Sometimes you cannot extremely in depending upon the technology, he cannot see us, but we can see him......” “有时候你不能太过于依靠技术,他看不见我们,但是我们能看见他……” Another military officer curls the lip, closed the mouth. 另外一名军官撇了撇嘴,闭上了嘴巴。 The group shuttle back and forth fast in the jungle, similar squad in fact four, their very clear federation person made anything, not just will cover a native of Flat to place the spy toward the federation. 一行人快速的穿梭在密林之中,类似这样的小队实际上有四支,他们很清楚联邦人做了什么,并不是只有盖弗拉人会往联邦安插间谍。 They know that the federal person established a defense line on the shallow seas and tidelands, but they neglected the jungle deep place. 他们知道联邦人在滩涂上建立了一道防线,但是他们忽略了密林深处。 The federal geographical environment does not have the possibility of forming the tropical primitive jungle, therefore they to here situation understanding are not many. 联邦的地理环境不具备形成热带原始丛林的可能,所以他们对这里的情况了解的并不多。 Peng native of Austria , Czech Republic is different, they have conquered many areas, how they know the shuttle fight and fight in the jungle. 彭捷奥人不一样,他们征服过很多地区,他们知道如何在丛林中穿梭战斗以及战斗。 So long as bypassed the defense line to destroy their line of supply then the two sides converging attack, the federal person will collapse quickly. 只要绕过了防线摧毁了他们的补给线然后两边一夹击,联邦人很快就会崩溃。 The military officer waves, as if had the mosquito to approach him, he took out a small bottle from the pocket, is exposing the skin in air to spurt spurting. 军官挥了挥手,似乎有蚊虫又靠近了他,他从口袋里取出了一个小瓶子,对着自己裸露在空气中的皮肤喷了喷。 That several linger in his mosquito turns head to depart. 那几只萦绕在他身边的蚊虫扭头离去。 The poisonous snake, the mosquito, various poisonous plants and accurate directions, can solve these problems, the jungle will become security especially. 毒蛇,蚊虫,各种有毒的植物以及准确的方向,能解决这些问题,密林就会变得格外的安全。 When both sides have started attempts to contact, the speakers of Nagat Leir new federation have not been idling, they condemned Peng Jieao sneaking a look and invasion to Nagat Leir new federation in the international community unceasingly. 双方已经开始尝试着去接触时,纳加利尔新联邦的议长们也没有闲着,他们不断在国际社会中谴责彭捷奥对纳加利尔新联邦的窥觑与入侵。 Thinks that this is ignominious, the evil invasion act, hopes that Peng Jieao ruling class can realize as soon as possible the gravity of matter they struggle to make, leaves from the eastern area of Nagat Leir new federation immediately. 认为这是可耻的,邪恶的入侵行径,希望彭捷奥统治阶级能够尽快的认识到他们争做的事情的严重性,立刻从纳加利尔新联邦的东部地区离开。 The chief foreign ministers in Peng Jieao empire had not acknowledged that also without denying, they always stated that they are looking for their aristocrats, once found leaves immediately, and similarly appealed that both sides maintain the restraint and calmness, the initiation war easily. 彭捷奥帝国的首席外交大臣既没有承认,也没有否认,他们始终声明他们正在寻找他们的贵族,一旦找到了就会立刻离开,并且也同样呼吁双方保持克制和冷静,不要轻易的引发战争。 These people always handle this matter absolutely, lie opens the mouth. 这些人绝对是老做这种事情的,谎话张口就来。 The member nation of global development committee also joins to the war of this quarrel/corners of the mouth , is these member nations of Peng Czech Republic Austria Group. 紧接着世界发展委员会的成员国也加入到这场口角之战里,然后是彭捷奥集团的那些成员国。 As if suddenly people forgot in Nagat eastern Lier momentarily the conflict friction that may erupt, centralized how , to stand in the commanding point of public opinion morals gives the enemy one to suspend the fist! 仿佛一时间人们都忘记了在纳加利尔东部随时有可能爆发的冲突摩擦,都集中在如何站在舆论道德的制高点上给敌人一记摆拳!
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