BC :: Volume #13

#1213: Said that you possibly do not believe

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Let a private military outsourcing company, is responsible for the armed friction between national and country, this sounds, how...... to look like a joke? 让一个私人军事外包公司,负责国家和国家之间的武装摩擦,这听起来,怎么……就像是一个笑话呢? However no one will really think that this joke is very funny, the key forces in the Lynch hand grasping are not the black stone safe these elite, experiences staff who has fought repeatedly, but is his airplane and his cluster bomb. 但是没有人会真的觉得这个笑话很好笑,林奇手中掌握的核心力量并不是黑石安全那些精锐的,经历过多次战斗的员工,而是他的飞机和他的集束炸弹。 These things can give the army truly the thing of biggest casualties, especially in currently does not have in the situation of very good effective anti-aircraft defense, the bomber aircraft became more important. 这些东西才是真正能够给予陆军最大伤亡的东西,特别是在目前还没有很好的有效防空设备的情况下,轰炸机就变得更加重要了。 The black stone security also watches in the northern performance everyone, although indeed received a lot of setbacks from the beginning, after all but that the command system centered on military encounters. 黑石安全在北方的表现大家也看在眼里,虽然一开始的确受到了很多挫折,但那毕竟是以军方为核心的指挥体系所遭遇的。 After Blackstone is the commander arrives, all become safe. 等黑石系指挥官到位后,一切都变得稳妥起来。 Moreover Lynch also said that army that he do not demonstrate Peng Jieao, but assembles the creation time condition for the federation, then...... this is not a joke. 而且林奇自己也说了,他不是要展示彭捷奥的陆军,而是为联邦重新集结创造时间条件,那么……这就不是一个笑话。 Bites the enemy who is ready for any sacrifice to go all out with more than 10,000 people, drags in frontline one week of time, makes the federal hundreds of thousands of armies go to Nagat Leir sufficiently. 用一万多人豁出去拼了命的把敌人咬住,拖在前线一周时间,就足以让联邦数十万军队前往纳加利尔。 In addition the military industry group hopes that can continue with the black stone security cooperation, as well as some new-style equipment need to test, then looked does not have the reason of rejection. 加上军工集团希望能继续和黑石安全合作,以及一些新式装备需要测试,那么看起来就没有拒绝的理由了。 The key members of Ministry of Defence licked the lip, Mr. Lynch, your proposition good is good, is......”, he shakes the head, „the price that you open was too high.” 国防部的要员舔了舔嘴唇,“林奇先生,你的提议好是好,就是……”,他摇了摇头,“你开的价格太高了。” Mr. President then said, „, 600 million, I thought somewhat were indeed many.” 总统先生接着说道,“是的,六亿,我觉得的确有些多了。” This sum of money actually to navy, no. 这笔钱其实对海军来说,没什么。 They have with the score that acts, simultaneously various budget give the green light. 他们有拿得出手的战绩,同时各种预算都一路开了绿灯。 But the army situation is different, the big disarmament ended last year, the federation now the army total number of people placed about 1 million, including the militiaman. 但陆军情况不同,大裁军去年才结束,联邦现在陆军总人数保持在一百万左右,其中包括了民兵。 A year of military expenses are less than 8 billion, including 5 billion are various wage and daily expenses losses of army soldier. 一年的军费不到八十亿,其中有五十亿是陆军士兵的各种薪水和日常的开销损耗。 Remains is the maintenance cost of some base and military machinery, some military expenses as well as few operating expenses of replacement. 剩下来的则是一些基地和军事机械的维护费用,部分换装的军费以及少量的活动经费。 Congress like friendly to the navy to the army, after all the army has not confirmed their strength. 国会对陆军也不像对海军那么友善,毕竟陆军还没有证实过他们的实力。 This is not congressional broker, the capital and politics suppresses the influence uncontrolled inflation of military to have the duty to a certain extent, they do not think the federation presents what warlord, death that therefore the military budget must pinch. 这不是国会过于市侩,资本和政治在一定程度上抑制军方的势力不受控制的膨胀本身就是有义务的,他们可不想联邦出现什么军阀,所以军事预算就一定要掐的死。 Now Lynch wants so much money all of a sudden, the army cannot take. 现在林奇一下子就要这么多钱,陆军拿不出来。 Without money, is the key. 没钱,才是关键。 Lynch also knows obviously this issue, the army does not have money is everyone's consensus. 林奇显然也知道这个问题,陆军没钱是大家的共识。 At this time he...... is seeming like with bewildered in a point is actually facing the person who the intelligence is damaged such looks at everyone, why...... you have thought that this sum of money does want us to leave?” 只是此时他却用一脸茫然之中略带着一点……像是在面对智力受损的人那样的看着大家,“为什么……你们会一直觉得这笔钱要我们自己出?” The cigarette ash tumbles from the cigarette butt, lifeform regarding dynamic visual catching probability strong in static state, Lynch avoided, avoided the cigarette ash to leave what trace on his over a thousand pants. 烟灰从烟头滚落,生物对于动态的视觉捕捉能力强于静态的,林奇回避了一下,避开了烟灰在他那条上千块的裤子上留下什么痕迹。 He smoked cigarette, arrives at the tea table, pinches out the cigarette butt. 他又吸了一口烟,走到茶几边,把烟头掐灭进去。 At this time the people in room understood Lynch these words, understands including Mr. Truman meaning that he must express. 这个时候房间里的人们才读懂了林奇的这句话,包括特鲁曼先生也才明白了他要表达的意思。 He looks at Lynch to ask, will have others to come for us to pay this sum of money?” 他看着林奇问道,“难道还会有别人来为我们支付这笔钱吗?” Lynch sits well on the sofa, nods, „, Mr. Truman......”, then looks to Mr. President, Mr. President......”, is others. 林奇端坐在沙发上,点了点头,“是的,特鲁曼先生……”,然后看向总统先生,“总统先生……”,接下来是其他人。 He grasped in this house again current, concerns with a national future talk initiative. 他再一次掌握了这间房子里正在进行的,关乎与一个国家未来的谈话的主动权。 In my opinion, the evil group centered on Peng Jieao empire is the enemies of all just unions, now the evil Peng Jieao empire has started to try to challenge the world existing order, undermines the peace the atmosphere.” “在我看来,以彭捷奥帝国为核心的邪恶集团是所有正义同盟的敌人,现在邪恶的彭捷奥帝国已经开始重新试图挑战世界现有的秩序,破坏和平的氛围。” Then as our just companions, all member nations in global development committee, and First World War stands in these countries of their opposite, should contribute part of strengths?” “那么作为我们正义的同伴们,世界发展委员会内的所有成员国,以及第一次世界大战站在他们对立面的这些国家,是不是也应该贡献一部分力量?” Mr. Truman eye one bright, he realizes immediately idea of Lynch, later is almost the proposition of Lynch applauds to applaud! 特鲁曼先生眼睛一亮,他立刻意识到了林奇的想法,随后差点为林奇的提议鼓掌叫好! Others also noticed the difference of Mr. Truman, Mr. President was here oldest, worry that therefore also most had no, seemed like you to understand the meaning of Lynch?” 别人也注意到了特鲁曼先生的异样,总统先生在这里年纪最大,所以也最没有任何的顾虑,“看起来你明白了林奇的意思?” I was old, asking you to leave to toss about my withered brain daily ?” “我年纪这么大了,拜托你们别天天折腾我干瘪的脑子了,好吗?” Mr. Truman looks to Lynch, Lynch smiles continues saying that all stands in the just here companion, needs for this military action contribution strength.” 特鲁曼先生看向林奇,林奇则笑眯眯的继续说道,“所有站在正义这边的同伴,都有必要为这次军事行动贡献力量。” If they cannot deploy the army to help us resist the invasion of Peng Jieao army, then we have the reason to suspect that they had been bought over by the evil group, stand on our opposite.” “如果他们不能派遣军队来帮助我们抵御彭捷奥军队的入侵,那么我们就有理由怀疑他们已经被邪恶集团所收买,站在了我们的对立面上。” Naturally, the armies of some indeed countries did not have the faction of street to have the battle efficiency, for example Frat, making them come indeed somewhat to feel embarrassed them, but we can levy this time war costs to them.” “当然,的确有一些国家的军队还没有街头的帮派有战斗力,比如说盖弗拉,让他们来的确有些为难他们,但是我们可以向他们征收这次的军事费用。” Able output, without disbursing money of ability, this is the real reason that we compose the strategic alliance!” “有能力的出力,没有能力的出钱,这就是我们组成战略同盟的真实原因!” We can stand in the same trench, is resists the Peng Jieao evil group together!” “我们能站在同一个战壕内,为的就是共同对抗彭捷奥邪恶集团!” Mr. Truman supplemented one in the heart deep place, this yes damn blackmail!” 特鲁曼先生在内心深处补充了一句,“这就是他妈的敲诈!” Naturally he will not say, will not at least say before so many people, he can say with Mr. President in secret. 当然他不会说出来,至少不会在如此多的人面前说出来,私底下他还是会和总统先生的说的。 The key members of Ministry of Defence have not thought that unexpectedly also has damn such means collection military supplies, later his vision looked to the senators. 国防部的要员也没想到居然还有他妈的这么一种办法筹集军资,随后他的目光看向了参议员们。 The senators also...... were a little done by the mysterious idea of Lynch not, when one of them pushed the spectacle frames to hide a moment ago a brain blank awkwardness. 参议员们也被林奇的神奇想法给……搞得有点不会了,其中一人推了推眼镜架来隐藏刚才大脑一片空白时的尴尬。 He coughed, „, if this sum of money does not need to walk the special budget and military budget, we thought that we do not have the issue.” 他咳了一声,“如果这笔钱不需要走特别预算和军事预算的话,我们觉得我们没有问题。” Moreover this obviously has the action of aggregation to the international community, will have the support of Congress very much obviously, the people will also like.” “而且这样明显对国际社会有团结作用的行动,很明显会得到国会的支持,民众们也会喜欢。” The federal person is such romantic, is always thinking must shoulder more responsibility, now the opportunity appeared, this to the entire federal society is a good deed. 联邦人就是这么的“浪漫”,总是想着要承担更多的责任,现在机会出现了,这对整个联邦社会都是一件好事。 We were in an important position in an important group, and led a very important move, what but also there is able compared with these to encourage these average people? “我们在一个重要的团体内占据了一个重要的位置,并且主导了一次非常重要的行动”,还有什么能比这些更激励那些普通人的? Perhaps declares goods they will be more positive, each one cent will turn into the just bullet crushing evil head after all! 也许报税的时候他们都会更积极一些,毕竟每一分钱都会变成正义的子弹击碎邪恶的脑袋! Lynch smiles looks to Mr. President, Mr. President, as the two core countries of previous world war, Frat's hatred to Peng Jieao absolutely is deepest, can perhaps you to their prime ministers, or the emperor make a phone call to chat our these ideas?” 林奇笑眯眯的看向总统先生,“总统先生,作为上一次世界大战的两个核心国家,盖弗拉对彭捷奥的憎恨绝对是最深的,也许你可以给他们的首相,或者皇帝打一个电话聊聊我们这些想法?” If we cannot repel Peng native of Austria , Czech Republic, allowing them to enter Nagat Leir, then they grasped the springboard to secure beautiful Syria area!” “如果我们不能击退彭捷奥人,让他们进入了纳加利尔,那么他们就掌握了通往安美利亚地区的跳板!” Long jab strategic point! 直击要害! Present Franet has the opposition of aristocrat group and imperial family, outside has the security problem of secure beautiful Syria area, when is so sensitive they at all not possible large-scale reassignment army. 现在的盖弗拉内有贵族集团和皇室的对立,外有安美利亚地区的安全问题,在这么敏感的时候他们根本不可能大规模的调动军队。 Even the reassignment is still useless, these army masters definitely meet the casualty to be serious, with its payment a lot of pension, might as well accept the blackmailed destiny from the beginning, perhaps can also save. 就算调动也没用,那些陆军老爷肯定会死伤惨重,与其支付大量的抚恤金,不如一开始就接受被敲诈的命运,说不定还能省一点。 Mr. President cracks a joke to say with a laugh, this I excel very much!” 总统先生笑呵呵的开玩笑道,“这个我很擅长!” Had a very standard guidance, the quick conference ended, participates in the idea of this fight about the black stone safely, was included during the overall plan. 有了一个非常标准的指导意见,很快会议就结束了,关于黑石安全也参与这场战斗的想法,被列入了整体计划当中。 Naturally, this must look at everyone and negotiation results of other countries, the army cannot pull out this money in any case. 当然,这还得看大家和其他国家的交涉结果,反正陆军是掏不出这个钱的。 When delivers Lynch leaves, stands near the car(riage), Mr. Truman curious asking, how you find out this means to blackmail these people?” 林奇离开时,站在车边,特鲁曼先生好奇的问道,“你是怎么想出这个办法去敲诈那些人的?” These people who he said that is actually the rulers in these countries, the leader and so on. 他说的那些人,其实是那些国家的统治者,领袖之类的。 Lynch stands near the car(riage), looks up to the sunny sky, the sunlight is throwing over like a tissue on his body. 林奇站在车边,仰望着晴朗的天空,阳光如同一件薄纱披在他的身上。 He is smiling, is young and self-confident, can always unknowingly to believe each few words that he spoke. 他笑着,年轻又自信,总能不知不觉的让人相信他所说的每一句话。 „The just world concerns the future of entire human race, Mr. President, is the tramp in roadside, they must have the necessity to undertake to safeguard the world peace the responsibility!” “正义的世界关乎到全人类的未来,无论是总统先生,还是路边的流浪汉,他们都必须也有必要承担起维护世界和平的责任!” After gazing after Lynch leaves, Mr. Truman the chapter of president's office, he directly had not gone to oneself office, he must the diplomats with these countries discuss that this matter, lets their many support. 目送林奇离开之后,特鲁曼先生没有回总统办公室,他直接去了自己的办公室,他还得和这些国家的外交官谈这件事,让他们多少支援一下。 No matter supports the military, is the support cash, Ok! 不管是支援兵力,还是支援现金,都可以! But Mr. President made the phone call to Frat's prime minister, now who knows Daugai Frat is who is taking responsibility, even the emperor agreed uselessly still. 而总统先生则把电话打给了盖弗拉的首相,现在谁都知道盖弗拉是谁在做主,即便皇帝陛下同意了也没什么用。 The financial power of entire Frat empire grasps in the hand of prime minister, the prime minister does not nod, the king also has no good way. 整个盖弗拉帝国的财政权掌握在首相的手里,首相不点头,国王也没什么好办法。 Frat's prime minister calls somewhat to be surprised oneself regarding the federal president suddenly, he entered into the middle of the spirit after short surprised quickly. 盖弗拉的首相对于联邦总统突然给自己打电话还是有些惊讶的,他在短暂的惊讶后很快进入了角色当中。 After the nutrition also knew perfectly well that the opposite party is impossible to comply also to invite the opposite party comes to play, the federal president said these words. 在没有营养并且明知对方不可能答应还邀请对方来自己这边玩之后,联邦总统说出了那些话。 Frat's prime minister has not responded from the beginning, he has concentrated on these days in the political struggles of imperial family these people, does not pay attention to the outside world very much. 盖弗拉的首相阁下一开始都没有反应过来,他这段时间一直把精力用在和皇室那些人的政治斗争中,对外界不是很关注。 He knows has such a matter, but does not know why this matter got up the relations with Flara, had the relations with. 他只是知道有这么一件事,但不知道为什么这件事就和盖弗拉拉上了关系,和自己也有了关系。 However he has to acknowledge, these words that federal Mr. President spoke, indeed make him somewhat anxious. 但是他又不得不承认,联邦的总统先生说的那些话,的确让他有些不安。 If Peng native of Austria , Czech Republic attacks secure beautiful Syria by Nagat Leir as the springboard, the domestic aspect has the possibility flash to have the change. 如果彭捷奥人以纳加利尔作为跳板去进攻安美利亚,国内的局面有可能一瞬间就出现变化。 The war can bring the fearful centralization, but the emperor in highest that person as the centralization, he has the reason to take over control of the army of nation directly! 战争能带来可怕的集权,而皇帝陛下作为集权中最高的那个人,他有理由直接接管全国的军队! This attempts to change Frat's political system to them, will be fatal will strike. 这对他们妄图改变盖弗拉的政治体系,将会是致命的一击。 Then seems like, as if to the money was the best way? 那么看起来,似乎给点钱就是最好的办法了? He does not have to answer immediately, but told the opposite party to need to ponder and discuss. 他没有立刻答复,而是告诉对方需要思考和讨论一下。 After making the telephone call, he called the steward, prepared to make the steward change the following traveling schedule. 挂了电话之后,他把管家叫来,准备让管家改变一下接下来的行程。 But does not know that thought of anything, had not made the sound. 但不知道想到了什么,一直没有作声。 Crossed some little time, steward exploratory shouted after mister, the prime minister recovers. 过了好一会,管家试探性的喊了一声“先生”后,首相阁下回过神来。 On his face has a very strange happy expression, said that you possibly do not believe that I was blackmailed by the Baylor Federation president a moment ago......” 他脸上带着一种很古怪的笑意,“说起来你可能不信,刚才我被拜勒联邦的总统敲诈了……”
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