BC :: Volume #13

#1212: All for federation!

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Some people who an always then meeting, Peng Jieao trend is scared the federation. 一场会总是接着一场会,彭捷奥的动向吓着联邦的一些人了。 Just since Ministry of Defence came out, but also without sitting boarded, the car(riage) of presidential palace already in he. 刚从国防部出来,还没有坐上车,总统府的车就已经在等他了。 Naturally some Ministry of Defence key members can go to the presidential palace with him. 当然还有一些国防部要员会和他一起前往总统府。 If now who is most startled, that certainly is Mr. President, he most feared to go to war, everyone knew this point. 如果说现在有谁是最惊慌的,那一定是总统先生,他最怕打仗了,大家都知道这一点。 Arrived the president, just got out, Lynch saw Mr. True horse, he also saw Lynch. 到了总统,刚下车,林奇就看见了特鲁马先生,他也看见了林奇 After wielding dispersed person, he on own initiative welcomed, after Lynch shakes hand toward the presidential palace in walks. 挥散了身边的人后,他主动迎了过来,和林奇握手之后朝着总统府里走去。 On way forward, people will avoid them on own initiative, this is the advantage of position. 在前进的路上,人们都会主动避开他们,这就是地位的好处。 I heard that you gave Ministry of Defence them not to have the offer that the means withstand a moment ago.” “我听说你刚才给了国防部一个他们没办法承受的报价。” Lynch nods, „, therefore they did give you or Mr. President telephone?” 林奇点了点头,“所以他们给你或者总统先生打电话了?” 600 million...... were too many, you must know that this year the budget of army how much money, Congress will not approve this sum of money.”, Mr. Truman shakes the head, „, moreover actually the idea of military is they plans itself on.” “六亿……太多了,你要知道今年陆军的预算才多少钱,国会不会批这笔钱。”,特鲁曼先生摇了摇头,“而且其实军方的想法是他们打算自己上。” Lynch is not accidental/surprised, „, therefore I did come?” 林奇一点也不意外,“所以我来了?” Therefore you came!” “所以你来了!” Two people spoke arrived at outside the office of Mr. President, after they reorganized their clothing, opened the door to walk. 两人说话间走到了总统先生的办公室外,他们整理了一下自己的着装后,推开门走了进去。 In the office has many gentlemen, is the Federal Government important people, several can frequently in the senator who on the television sees. 办公室里已经有了不少先生,都是联邦政府的要员,还有几名经常能在电视上看见的参议员。 These are the committee members of federal military committee, this time situation and beforehand naval battle are different. 这些都是联邦军事委员会的委员,这一次的情况和之前的海战不同。 The eruption of naval battle to finishing the most that short several days of time, or 1-2 weeks of time, it will not tow to see the result too for a long time. 海战的爆发到结束最多就那么短暂的几天时间,或者1-2时间,它不会拖得太久就能看见结果。 Mr. President can cross Congressional Direct Authorization Navy to start the war instruction with oneself privilege, but this situation seemingly may continue a long time time. 总统先生可以用自己的特权越过国会直接授权海军发动战争指令,可这一次的情况看起来有可能会持续很长一段时间。 This also means that the president privilege is not enough to be authorized the army and Peng Jieao army resists, the land war is very complex and long process, it like the naval battle, everyone's battleship does not align then opens fire, who lives finally who is a victor. 这也意味着总统特权不足以授权陆军和彭捷奥的陆军进行对抗,地面战争是非常复杂又漫长的过程,它不像海战,大家的战舰排列好然后开炮,谁活到最后谁就是胜利者。 The strategic tactics of land war are more, to the request of logistics and weapon is higher, needs to face many complex factors. 地面战争的战略战术更多,对后勤和军械的要求更高,也需要面临很多复杂的因素。 Ministry of Defence's preliminary estimation at least takes over three months, can decide that final victor, this goes beyond the range that the president was authorized, must be authorized to be good by Congress. 国防部初步的估测至少要三个月以上的时间,才能决定出最终的胜利者,这超出了总统授权的范围,必须由国会授权才行。 The brief war can ignores Mr. President be willful, but long-term, the large-scale war is impossible to allow Mr. President to be willful, this is the federation prevents the dictator the means that the entire country leads into the abyss. 短暂的战争可以放任总统先生任性,但是长期的,大规模的战争就不可能允许总统先生任性,这就是联邦防止独裁者把整个国家带入深渊的办法。 The military committee was responsible for the work of this part, they will first make an appraisal and prediction in the committee to the entire war, then Congress will vote the war bill. 军事委员会负责了这部分的工作,他们会先在委员会内对整个战争进行一次评估和预测,然后国会会对战争议案进行投票。 When passes by ballot, the military will be authorized to start to transfer, prepares for the war as well as greets the war. 投票通过时,军方才会得到授权开始调动,为战争做准备以及迎接战争。 If through...... is not unlikely to have such situation to happen generally, this inside matter imagines people are more. 如果不通过……一般不太可能会有这样的情况发生,这里面的事情比人们想象中的还要多。 Mr. President does not need to find the way to convince these parliament members, the people of military and Ministry of Defence has the means to convince them. 总统先生都不需要自己去想办法说服这些国会议员,军方和国防部的人就有办法说服他们。 The value that in the final analysis, the military has is the war, even if a war of failure, will not have what substantive effect on the high level of military. 说到底,军方存在的价值就是战争,哪怕是一场失败的战争,也不会对军方的高层有什么实质性的影响。 If prevents the war to erupt now, parliament member offends is actually not Mr. President, but is the Ministry of Defence key members and senior militaries. 如果现在阻止战争爆发,国会议员得罪的其实不是总统先生,而是国防部要员和军方高层。 These people not only have the extremely fearful strength, the widespread interpersonal relationship, the price of their crime is also actually small. 这些人不仅有着极为可怕的实力,广泛的人际关系,他们犯罪的代价其实也非常的小。 The active soldier only stands the trial of court martial, this means that if issues the order is the senior military, the court martial will sentence several hundred years later are possibly lost to some place care for the aged. 在役军人只接受军事法庭的审判,这就意味着如果发出命令的是军方高层,他们可能会被军事法庭判个几百年后丢到某个地方去养老。 In addition had the board member of relations also to represent the interests of military with the military to a certain extent, wanted to block the war, and is the war of military hope, that absolutely was not an easy matter! 加上和军事有关系的委员会委员一定程度上也代表了军方的利益,想要拦住战争,并且是军方渴望的战争,那绝对不是一件容易的事情! When Lynch comes , the conference had started, they will not wait for Lynch. 林奇进来时,会议已经开始了,他们不会等林奇 At this time what spoke was some military officer of military, looked at his military rank, should be the major general. 此时说话的是军方的某位将领,看他的军衔,应该是少将。 „...... We can assemble 15 th and guard the 17 th infantry division to Nagat eastern Lier, moreover we believe that we can complete this task!” “……我们可以调集第十五和第十七步兵师到纳加利尔东边驻守,而且我们相信我们能完成这次任务!” In the federation, one infantry division about 20,000 people, as for are few point are many a point or many look at military oneself mood completely. 在联邦,一个步兵师大约两万人左右,至于是少一点还是多一点或者多很多完全看军方自己的心情。 They thought that should provide some people, then natural will be many, if thought that does not need to go to so many people, will reduce few people, very willowy. 他们觉得应该多配备一些人,那么自然就会多一点,如果觉得没有必要去那么多人,也会减少一部分人,很有弹性。 Mr. President selected under one, two divisions enough?” 总统先生点了一下头,“二个师够吗?” Replied Mr. President is not the major general of military, but is a senator. 回答总统先生的不是军方的少将,而是一名参议员。 Mr. President, 15 th and 17 th infantry division adds about 43,000 people, this quantity are many.” “总统先生,第十五和第十七步兵师加起来大约有四万三千人,这个数量已经非常的多了。” If increases some manpower again, we are very difficult to convince other congressmen to approve of this military conflict.” “如果再增加一些人手,我们很难说服其他的议员赞同这场军事冲突。” We need warned that our these potential enemies, we are not affable, rather than launches a true war!” “我们需要的只是警告我们的那些潜在的敌人,我们不好惹,而不是发动一场真正的战争!” The words of senator represented the ideas of most parliament members, the small friction, the small conflict, did they agree indifferently. 参议员的话代表了大多数国会议员的想法,小摩擦,小冲突,他们无所谓同意不同意。 Even if looked that will still pass to this bill in the face of military, but if also seems like on the investment huge forces must let the war escalation from the beginning, then Congress will pour cold water. 就算看在军方的面子上也会给这个议案通过,但是如果一开始就投入大量的兵力并且看上去像是要让战争升级,那么国会就会泼冷水。 At least in a short time will not pass, they can the need more specialized assessment report, then decide whether agrees to such request. 至少短时间里不会通过,他们会需要更加专业的评估报告,然后再决定是否同意这样的要求。 The time, regarding the war, is one of the most important factors. 时间,对于战争来说,是最重要的因素之一。 The senator also knows that like this said seems like will seem like that type by oneself escapism member, therefore he supplemented, we first approve the concrete military bill, determines, then increased the army relatively to be simpler.” 参议员也知道这样说看起来会让自己像是那种“逃避主义分子”,于是他补充了一句,“我们先把具体的军事议案通过,确定下来,然后增派军队就相对简单多了。” The person in office nods in abundance, this is also the congressional most mysterious place, everyone can achieve being conscientious in discharging official duties. 办公室里的人纷纷点头,这也是国会最神奇的地方,每个人都能做到“公事公办”。 This did not praise them, but was a satire. 这不是夸奖他们,而是一种讽刺。 They will only see the thing that oneself can see, for example reported some few words that they will not see behind these words these things absolutely, does not think, pondered. 他们只会看见自己能看见的东西,比如说一张报告上的某一段话,他们绝对不会看见这段话背后的那些东西,也不会去想,去思考。 Such being conscientious in discharging official duties is actually not good, they look like some old-fashioned also to have the voting machine of being opportunistic way, sometimes will make you feel that they are very good to cope, sometimes will make you feel that these people have no significance of existence. 这样的公事公办其实并不好,他们就像是某种古板又有取巧方式的投票机器,有时候会让你觉得他们很好对付,有时候又会让你觉得这些人没有什么存在的意义。 Mr. President also asked, what safe measure we do have?” 总统先生又问,“我们有没有什么保险的措施?” I do not hope that will present one to end in failure the war in my term, for the federation, for the people, we must win!” “我不希望在我的任期内会出现一场以失败告终的战争,为了联邦,为了人民,我们必须赢!” The major general also nodded saying that „, once the frontline situation presented us to expect that beside the change, the navy will shut off the bull horn channel quickly the transit point, Peng Jieao person in dire straits in frontline.” 少将也点头说有,“一旦前线的局势出现了我们预料之外的变化,海军很快会切断牛角海峡的运输通道,把彭捷奥的人困死在前线。” They cannot obtain the supplies, without the escape route, we also grasped and key of Peng Jieao empire negotiations.” “他们得不到补给,没有退路,我们也掌握了和彭捷奥帝国谈判的钥匙。” The plan is very good, cannot be victorious is called the person, the strategic requirement of this actually very responsible war, what war do not conduct under the fair and just condition. 计划很好,打不过就叫人,这其实很负责战争的战略要求,从来没有什么战争一定是要在公平公正的条件下进行的。 Does not have the despicable approach in the war, all for the final victory, handles anything in this process, permits! 在战争中也不存在卑鄙不卑鄙的做法,所有的一切都是为了最终的胜利,在这个过程中做任何事情,都是允许的! Includes harmed the morals, the ethics and so on matter. 包括了有损道德,伦理之类的事情。 Moreover this calls the person. 而且这只是叫人而已。 At this time, Lynch inserted a mouth suddenly, was sorry very much, I break......” 就在这个时候,林奇突然插了一句嘴,“很抱歉,我打断一下……” The vision of people are centralized immediately on his body, he after everyone smile nod is expressing best wishes, said, we are always similar to our level Peng native of Austria , Czech Republic imagination, or slightly is high in our some levels......” 人们的目光立刻集中在了他的身上,他对着大家微笑点头致意之后,说道,“我们总是把彭捷奥人想象在和我们水平差不多,或者稍微高我们一些的水平上……” People nod in abundance, this is the blind optimism of federal person most foundation, because of the victory of navy, therefore they blind is also optimistic about the army, even before they soon, in north ate one to owe. 人们纷纷点头,这就是联邦人最基础的盲目的乐观,因为海军的胜利,于是他们就盲目的对陆军也乐观,哪怕他们不久之前才在北方吃了一个亏。 But they are optimistic, without means that inborn. 但他们就是乐观,没办法,天生的。 The major general asked that what had is not right, Mr. Lynch?” 少将问道,“有什么不对吗,林奇先生?” Lynch selected under one, why we do not trade an idea, perhaps Peng Jieao army's unusual, we may be routed in 35 days, isn't the navy able to cut off the transportation of commodities and personnel promptly?” 林奇点了一下头,“为什么我们不换一种想法,也许彭捷奥的陆军非常的强,可能在35天里我们就会被击溃,海军也无法及时地掐断物资和人员的输送?” And you are clear, once we were routed, the weapon that we leave behind can become their weapons, they will attack our people with our weapons.” “并且你们要明白,一旦我们被击溃,我们留下的武器会成为他们的武器,他们将会用我们的武器来攻击我们的人。” Even if the channel were blocked at this time, had no actual significance!” “哪怕这个时候海峡被封锁了,也没有什么实际的意义了!” The major general knits the brows, we in studying the combat example of their First World War, had not discovered that they have how, perhaps all you have not thought is so bad, Mr. Lynch.” 少将皱了皱眉,“我们在研究他们第一次世界大战的战例中,并没有发现他们有多么的强,也许一切没有你想的那么糟糕,林奇先生。” Lynch lifts the hand, that is because does not have many people able under the cover of without naval gun to fight with the enemy, their being repulsed that we see, in coastline.” 林奇抬起手,“那是因为没有多少人能在没有舰炮的掩护下和敌人战斗,我们看见的他们的败退,都是在海岸线内。” Beyond the firing distance of naval gun, precedents of they not too many failure!” “在舰炮的射程之外,他们并没有太多的失败的先例!” This time, we do not have the naval gun, we stand in same, in the condition environment of basic equality, who can guarantee that we do certainly win?” “这一次,我们没有舰炮,我们站在相同的,基本平等的条件环境中,谁能确保我们就一定赢?” The major general frowns, he looked at these people of Ministry of Defence, Mr. Lynch, is your meaning?” 少将皱起了眉头,他看了一眼国防部的那些人,“林奇先生,你的意思是?” The Lynch stand, made the vision that people horizontally viewed turn into looking up all of a sudden, he arrived at the window, opened the window, lit cigarette, we needed the multiple safety measures, once the frontline presented us to expect that beside the situation, like such that I said that we underestimated wrongly their strength, whom we needed to help us at this time withstand.” 林奇站了起来,一下子就让人们平视的目光变成了仰视,他走到了窗户边上,推开窗户,点了一根烟,“我们需要多重的保险措施,一旦前线出现了我们预料之外的情况,就像我说的那样,我们错误的低估了他们的实力,这个时候我们需要有谁能帮我们顶住。” Mr. President as if to this idea unusual approval, he referred to Lynch, you said is very reasonable, then we should arrange?” 总统先生似乎对这个想法非常的赞同,他指了指林奇,“你说的很有道理,那么我们应该安排呢?” Regarding Mr. President, the safe ratio is radically more appropriate, what he wants is only is not defeated, rather than winning! 对于总统先生来说,稳妥比激进更合适,他想要的只是“不失败”,而不是“赢”! Lynch shrugs the arm, I can.” 林奇耸了耸肩膀,“我可以。” We have the most specialized staff, the most advanced war weapon, directs experienced.” “我们有最专业的员工,最先进的战争兵器,还有经验丰富的指挥。” Only needs 12,000 people to 15,000 people, I do not dare to say army that the black stone security can rout Peng Jieao, but at least can resist some time, making us have enough time to adjust.” “只需要一万两千人到一万五千人,我不敢说黑石安全可以击溃彭捷奥的陆军,但至少可以抵挡一段时间,让我们有更充足的时间去调整。”
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