BC :: Volume #13

#1216: Cultivating the behavior is more initiative

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What the whole world uses is the commonly used language, perhaps certain areas will have some local voices, for example covers the native of Flat arrogant voice, when they pronounced after joining some, nasals. 整个世界都使用的是通用语,也许某些地区会有一些地方性的口音,比如说盖弗拉人傲慢的口音,他们发音时会加入一些后鼻音。 When this person they speaks certainly is the feeling of nostril appearance upwards! 这会给人一种他们说话时一定是鼻孔朝天的样子的感觉! The federal person also has own voice, this is a big fusion country, here almost can find each race in the world, therefore the federal voice will be simpler, simple, efficient. 联邦人也有自己的口音,这是一个大融合的国家,在这里几乎可以找到世界上的每一种人种,所以联邦的口音会更干脆,简单,高效。 Naturally also the countries of some ancient history ridiculed that secretly the federal voice is countryside voice, only then country folk in speech that simple direct. 当然也有一些历史久远的国家暗地里嘲笑联邦口音是“乡下口音”,只有乡下人在说话的时候才会那么的简单直接。 The aristocrats, should use some similar graceful end tones or the method of articulation type, manifests the characteristics of superior nationality. 贵族,应该用上一些类似优雅的尾音或者发音方式的方法,来体现上等民族的特点。 However the federal person does not care, sometimes the federal person is the pragmatism. 不过联邦人不在乎,有时候联邦人更是实用主义。 Has many affixes to express insufficiently simply, must imitate the federal person to speak is actually very simple, went straight there and came straight back on the line. 有过多的词缀就有可能表达得不够干脆,要模仿联邦人说话其实很简单,直来直去就行了。 Possibly should not be the end tone or that the articulation type is used to manifest own status add to be good these, is simple and efficient. 别把那些可能是用来体现自己的身份的尾音或者发音方式加上去就行了,简单又高效。 Several mixed in the base at the back of the soldier of spear/gun fast, can their goals are to seek for the command headquarters, look first solve the commander. 几名背着枪的士兵快速的混入了基地内,他们的目标是寻找到指挥所,看看能不能先解决掉指挥官。 Benefits wants richly from the federal person, the mental disposition that anything dares to sell, starts the earliest possible time of elevating temperature in conflict of both sides, Peng Jieao military headquarters obtained through some ways federal army military uniform that does not have the military rank, as well as corresponding standard weapon- is suspending selling in the store. 得益于联邦人只要有钱,就什么都敢卖的秉性,在双方的冲突开始升温的第一时间,彭捷奥的军部就通过一些方式得到了没有军衔的联邦陆军军装,以及相应的制式武器-就在商店里摆着卖。 This set of they have used many times, is very practical. 这一套他们用过了很多次,很实用。 The federal army replacement time span is very long, in addition the loss is not very serious, military industry group to compete for order, often when the production will provide to the standard weapon of army, will make some non- standard weapons. 联邦陆军换装时间跨度很长,加上损耗并不是特别严重,军工集团为了争夺订单,往往会在生产提供给军队的制式武器的时候,多生产一些非制式武器。 These weapons mostly were re-equipped some components, making it in certain aspects be well below that standard rifle that fatal, operating a little is also complex. 这些武器大多都被改装了一些零件,让它在某些方面远远不如制式步枪那么地“致命”,操作起来也会有点复杂。 Only from the outward appearance, these firearms and standard rifles actually has no difference, the designer is not necessarily able to discover differences between two spears/guns at first sight. 单从外观来看,这些枪械和制式步枪其实没有什么区别,就连设计师乍一看都未必能发现两把枪之间的差别。 This also caused these people to walk in the camp, unexpectedly no one doubted their identities. 这也导致了这些人就这么走在了营地中,居然没有人怀疑他们的身份。 That side is the barracks area of black stone security......” “那边的就是黑石安全的营区……” These people looked at the past toward the camp of black stone security simultaneously, the black stone internationally had certain fame safely, many people were regarded as one concealing of federal army the black stone safely, foreign actively explored the attempt that dealt with. 这些人同时朝着黑石安全的营地看过去,黑石安全在国际上都有一定的名气,很多人把黑石安全看作是联邦陆军的一种掩饰,一种对外积极探索应对的尝试。 The group took back the vision quickly , to continue the front to walk toward the camp. 一行人很快就收回了目光,继续朝着营地中前方走去。 On the road some people can greet with them, they can also greet with the opposite party. 路上有人会和他们打招呼,他们也会和对方打招呼。 They are very optimistic, is not anxious, I felt not a little right.”, One of them said. “他们很乐观,一点也不紧张,我感觉有点不对劲。”,其中一人这么说道。 When each they deal with the enemy time, these enemies anxious awfully, does not seem like these that now they see, on the face also has the smile, a point cannot manifest that tense atmosphere. 每一次他们应对敌人时,那些敌人都紧张的要命,不像是现在他们看到的这些,脸上还带着微笑,一点也体现不出那种紧张的氛围。 Soldier ranked the first silent a meeting, perhaps they are this......” 走在第一的士兵沉默了一会,“也许他们就是这样……” After one hour, saw that in the aerial photography has the place that the military officer presents crowded in not far away, the mood of several soldiers become unquenchable are excited. 一个多小时后,眼看着航拍中有军官密集出现的地方就在不远处,几名士兵的情绪变得难以抑制的兴奋起来。 They carried the blasting explosive along, so long as delivers the heaven these military officers, regardless of they die or do not die, glory that they acquisition will be inconceivable, their family members also therefore by greatly advantage. 他们随身携带了炸药,只要把这些军官送上天,无论他们死或者不死,他们都将获得难以想象的荣耀,他们的家人也会因此受到巨大的好处。 Moreover, they not necessarily must die. 而且,他们也不一定是必死。 They should not be in front of everyone to kill these military officers, they can make one to postpone the fuse mechanism, after they went to the safe place , the bomb will explode, this is not dangerous. 他们不是非要当着所有人的面炸死那些军官,他们可以做一个延后引信装置,等他们到了安全地方之后炸弹才会爆炸,这样就没有那么危险了。 But when they will soon approach that region, suddenly some people stopped by calling out them. 可就在他们即将靠近那片区域的时候,突然有人叫住了他们。 Your several......” “你们几个……” A major has two soldier somewhat doubts visits them, this major looked at this crowd of person one eyes, feels they a little not too right place. 一名少校带着两名士兵有些疑惑的看着他们,这名少校只是看了这群人一眼,就觉得他们有点不太对劲的地方。 Military uniform? 军装? Without the issue, standard new-style military uniform. 没问题,标准的新式军装。 Weapon? 武器? Does not have the issue, brand-new weapon. 也没有问题,崭新的武器。 These fittings of armed taking? 武装带上的那些配件? It seems like also no issue, then these not right feeling, from where? 看起来也没有什么问题,那么这些不对劲的感觉,来自什么地方呢? He has observed four people to have such more than ten seconds, at this time stopped by calling out their moment, a scalp slightly hemp that the feeling that these four people almost turn around simultaneously let the major. 他已经观察着四人有那么十几秒了,此时叫住他们的那一刻,这四人几乎同时转过身来的感觉让少校的头皮微微一麻。 Too neat, what the federal army is, he was clear compared with anybody! 太整齐了,联邦的陆军是什么样的,他比任何人都清楚! If this is the federal soldier, their turning around so will not be neat, acting consistently is not the characteristics of federal person. 如果这是联邦的士兵,他们的转身不会这么整齐,行动不一致是联邦人的特点。 Then that they take the lead, will run over on own initiative, inquired oneself have what issue, but they stand in same place, the performance must look like...... elite is the same. 然后他们带头的那个,会主动跑过来,询问自己有什么问题,但他们这些人就站在原地,表现得就像是……精锐一样。 This was too inconceivable, federation never so elite army! 这太不可思议了,联邦从来就没有过如此精锐的陆军! Subconscious, major military officer goes forward two steps, he is staring at these people, ordered to own adjutant, checked the documents of these people......” 下意识的,少校军官上前两步,他盯着这些人,给自己的副官下令,“检查这些人的证件……” His adjutant arrives in front of several people, puts out a hand to wait for them to give itself the document, what a pity what is he sees is the cold glow. 他的副官走到几人面前,伸出手等待他们把证件交给自己,可惜的是他看见的是一点寒芒。 The next second, a dagger punctured from his lower jaw, inserted in the head directly, after Peng native of Austria , Czech Republic who camouflages the federal soldier drew a pistol to hit a target the major, the other two insert the blasting explosive plug that carried along, lose to the barracks area of not far away. 下一秒,一把匕首从他下颌里刺了进去,直接插进了脑袋中,一名伪装成联邦士兵的彭捷奥人拔枪射中了少校之后,另外两人把随身携带的炸药插头插上,丢向了不远处的营区。 The sound of gunfire and explosive sound that the flash erupts shocked the soldiers in entire base thoroughly. 一瞬间爆发的枪声和爆炸声彻底地惊呆了整个基地内的士兵们。 What situation? 什么情况? This possibly is in their heads thinks that only, they do not even think now is dangerous, only thought that possibly accidentally discharged, they do not think that some people can touch. 这可能是他们脑袋里唯一想到的,他们甚至都不认为现在是危险的,只觉得可能是走火了,他们不认为有人能摸进来。 The explosive sound alarmed black stone security that side person, they first entered in the battle condition, at the same time, some mortar shells in nearby mountain forest fell into the artillery position suddenly, the explosive sound, the sound of gunfire, covered in the hostile camp completely the instantaneous clamoring sound. 爆炸声惊动了黑石安全那边的人,他们第一时间就进入了战斗状态中,与此同时,在附近的山林中突然有一些迫击炮炮弹落入了炮兵阵地中,爆炸声,枪声,完全掩盖了敌营内瞬间的喧哗声。 The federal person is regarded as that group of people of enemy main force also rapidly goes into action, inside and outside they want the converging attack, breaks the defense line. 被联邦人看做是敌人主力的那群人也迅速的行动起来,他们要内外夹击,打破防线。 The rear bomber aircraft takes off immediately, when they fly the river course sky, in the team of Peng Jieao act, some instrument are revealed the true colors by the canvas is covering. 大后方的轰炸机立刻起飞,当它们飞行到河道上空时,彭捷奥行径的队伍中,一些一直被帆布遮盖着的器械露出了真面目。 These are not the artilleries in federal person imagination, but is the anti-aircraft gun, and these anti-aircraft guns start the rapid work. 这些不是联邦人想象中的火炮,而是高射炮,并且这些高射炮开始迅速的工作起来。 The firing that passes entirely vibrated nearby jungle, massive birds fly into in the air circle, is not willing to depart, does not fall. 通通通的射击声震动了附近的密林,大量的飞鸟飞入空中盘旋,既不愿离去,也不远落下来。 Bird of these suddenly lift-off, tried first to solve the bomber aircraft of some enemies to make the enormous trouble through bombing to these. 这些骤然间升空的飞鸟,也给那些试图通过轰炸先解决一部分敌人的轰炸机造成了极大的麻烦。 Propeller often will collide with these birds, because several airplanes even the propeller projected on some large-scale birds, but the disintegration loses the power, grips! 螺旋桨不时的就会和那些飞鸟碰撞,有几架飞机甚至因为螺旋桨打到了一些大型鸟类而崩碎失去动力,一头扎下来! From all sides more than ten days was broken by the flash tranquilly! 前前后后十多天的平静被一瞬间打破! Suppression of Peng native of Austria , Czech Republic very clear airplane to army, their at the same time research airplane at the same time, in the research the ground equipment that the airplane hits. 彭捷奥人很清楚飞机对陆军的压制,他们一边研究飞机的同时,也在研究把飞机打下来的地面装备。 On the contrary is artillery belt/bring not many, this combat is not the large-scale group war, the value and significance of artillery is not big. 反倒是火炮这次带得不多,这次作战不是大规模的集团战争,火炮的价值和意义不大。 Was torn tranquilly, the defense line above electric wave flash becomes crowded. 平静被撕裂,防线上空的电波一瞬间就变得密集起来。 Federal person must prevent on the shallow seas and tidelands the enemy who approaches to cross the defense line, while must clean up internal these enemies. 联邦人一边要防止滩涂上已经非常靠近的敌人越过防线,一边又要清理内部的那些敌人。 War brutal in the incisiveness that this moment displays, no one will ask why must open fire, why must counterattack, everyone in the fight of instinct. 战争的残酷在这一刻表现的淋漓尽致,没有人会去问为什么要开枪,为什么要还击,每个人都在本能的战斗着。 These professionalisms of usually in grasping, becomes the instinct that survives in this moment fast transformation, but the opponent was too ominous! 平日里掌握的那些专业素养,在这一刻快速的转变成为生存下去的本能,但对手太凶了! The sailor who if in the same situation, covers a native of Flat is their invincible guarantees. 如果说在相同情况下,盖弗拉人的水手是他们无敌的保证。 Then in the land war, Peng Jieao society and military system, is in addition well-trained, is their army's invincible guarantee. 那么在地面战争中,彭捷奥的社会以及军事体制,加上训练有素,就是他们陆军无敌的保证。 Everyone looks like the efficient precise instrument, unceasing conducts to search for the enemy, the aiming, the breakthrough, the advancement! 所有人就像是高效精密的仪器,不断的进行搜敌,瞄准,突破,推进! Does not need some people of directors their somebody to make anything, but each of them knows oneself must make anything! 不需要有人指挥他们某个人要做什么,但他们每个人都知道自己要做什么! The artillery position first was destroyed, bombs the shell is not used to explode these special lumps, but is explodes the ammunition of artillery. 炮兵阵地第一时间就被破坏,炮击炮弹并不是用来炸那些特疙瘩的,而是去炸火炮的弹药。 The sympathatic detonation of ammunition becomes murderer who kills the federal person soldier fearfully, everywhere is the shrapnel that fly to shoot. 弹药的殉爆成为了杀死联邦人士兵最可怕的凶手,到处都是飞射的弹片。 Earliest possible time when the sympathatic detonation ended, the Peng native of Austria , Czech Republic in jungle starts to advance, they selected the method of progressive, bit by bit advances to the defense line, the speed of advancement is not possibly fast, but they are always forwarding. 当殉爆结束的第一时间,密林内的彭捷奥人开始推进,他们采用了递进的方式,一点一点向防线推进,推进的速度可能不快,但他们始终在向前。 Some people dropped down, no one cared that these people are living or died, some people will only replace that person of work, carries out the efficient forms of combat. 有人倒下了,没有人去关心那些人是活着还是死了,只会有人接替那人的工作,执行高效的战斗方式。 The federal army first was hit ignorant, this and their plan closely coincides go together. 联邦的陆军第一时间就被打懵了,这和他们的计划完全重合不到一起去。 In their opinion they can fight a positive/direct battle with Peng native of Austria , Czech Republic, then they by more artillery and bomber aircraft definite superiority, drive out Peng native of Austria , Czech Republic! 在他们看来他们会和彭捷奥人打一场正面的交战,然后他们凭借更多的火炮和轰炸机确定优势地位,将彭捷奥人赶出去! But this after all is only the thing of idealization, the reality not to the opportunity that they pant for breath. 可这毕竟只是理想化的东西,现实一点没有给他们喘息的机会。 After Peng native of Austria , Czech Republic cleans up the artillery position, they then must face is the multinational forces, and person of black stone security. 在彭捷奥人清理完炮兵阵地之后,他们接下来要面对的就是多国部队,以及黑石安全的人。 Frat's military observation mission has hidden at this time, trembles, they thought several years ago that landing operation. 盖弗拉的军事观察团此时已经躲藏了起来,瑟瑟发抖,他们又想到了几年前的那场登陆战。 Almost does not have any means and ability change in anything's situation, they by Peng native of Austria , Czech Republic wave in an bosom that returned to the sea and god. 几乎没有任何办法和能力去改变什么的情况下,他们被彭捷奥人一波送回了大海和神的怀抱中。 They, here we go again! 他们,又来了! Major general at this time immediately here bitter experience sneak attack sent back the strategic direction section, anchors to start to move in the line of battle group of Nagat Leir open sea, they must shut off the bull horn channel as soon as possible the transit point, cuts off the supply route of Peng native of Austria , Czech Republic, and brings the pressure on the area that Peng Jieao seizes. 少将此时立刻把这里遭遇到的偷袭情况发回了战略指挥部,停靠在纳加利尔外海的战列群开始移动起来,他们必须尽快切断牛角海峡的运输通道,切断彭捷奥人的补给路线,并对彭捷奥占领的地区施加压力。 Also has more soldiers to go on board in the federal harbor, perhaps this fight has escalated as war! 同时又有更多的士兵在联邦的港口登船,这场战斗也许已经升级为“战争”! Regarding the federal war department, the war, must win. 对于联邦的陆军部来说,战争,必须赢。 Lynch also received the news at this time, Peng native of Austria , Czech Republic went round the defensive position of forefront, attacked the rear from the flank. 林奇此时也接到了消息,彭捷奥人绕开了最前线的防御阵地,从侧翼袭击了大后方。 Regarding this matter...... he cannot say oneself have expected or guessed correctly, can only express very regrettably. 对于这种事情……他不能说自己已经有所预料或者猜到了,只能表示很遗憾。 But the current special details are not obvious, he orders everyone to aim at as far as possible defending, do not attack rashly. 但目前的具体情况还不明显,他命令大家尽量的以防守为目的,不要贸然出击。 The telephone just hung, the people of Ministry of Defence force one's way into the telephone. 电话刚挂,国防部的人就把电话打了进来。 Now after the multinational forces are battling in Peng native of Austria , Czech Republic with circling, simultaneously the upfront fight also fully erupts, federal most important main force in big frontline. 现在多国部队正在和绕后的彭捷奥人交战,同时正面战斗也全面爆发,联邦最重要的主力都在大前线。 They want to remove to require the time, now few is the time. 他们想要撤回来需要时间,现在少的就是时间。 Therefore Ministry of Defence hopes that the Lynch black stone security can fill the defense line that was torn rapidly, annihilates after this circles the enemy! 所以国防部希望林奇的黑石安全能迅速的填补被撕扯开的防线,把这股绕后的敌人歼灭掉! Possibly is afraid Lynch not to make contribution, the opposite party was driving the abstract to add money...... 可能是害怕林奇不尽力,对方还主动提要了要加钱……
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