BC :: Volume #13

#1209: We walked to throw an aristocrat[ this chapter by: All book friend together in addition -11 /?]

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Outside the imperial palace, an elder stopped by calling the empire marshal, empire marshals not, because the elder is only treats him who average person profanes. 在皇宫外,一名长老喊住了帝国元帅,帝国元帅没有因为长老只是一名“普通人”就轻慢的对待他。 Two people walk side-by-side on the path, passed by pedestrian some will salute to express the respect to them, some do not do. 两人肩并肩的走在道路上,路过的行人有些会对他们行礼表示尊敬,有些也不那么做。 They will not request people to maintain to their respectful, this was a Peng Jieao empire most special place it realized all people being equal from some perspective. 他们也不会要求人们必须保持对他们的恭敬,这是彭捷奥帝国最特别的一个地方从某方面来说它实现了人人平等。 But is only certain aspects, this society has the social class, is only the gap between social classes is not so big, the social resource completely does not grasp in the hand of aristocrat privileged class. 但只是某些方面,这个社会还是存在阶级的,只是阶级之间的鸿沟不那么大,社会资源也不完全掌握在贵族特权阶级的手中。 I saw these airplanes, if the federal person sets out the airplane to cope with us, we do have the means solution they?”, The elder asked words that oneself cared about. “我见到了那些飞机,如果联邦人出动飞机来对付我们,我们有办法解决他们吗?”,长老问出了自己关心的话。 Between the people and person cannot keep the secret, between the country and country are also. 人和人之间藏不住秘密,国家和国家之间也是。 Certain countries had attained strange from Lynch- the overseas edition on-hand merchandise of Type I bomber aircraft, these on-hand merchandise flowed in a broader market later. 某些国家已经从林奇那边拿到了奇-I型轰炸机的海外版现货,这些现货随后就流入了更广阔的市场中。 Here person spent the large sum of money, bought two airplanes, it is said the empire has been able, in duplicate/restores carves this model in the foundation of bomber aircraft , to promote performance better one generation of bomber aircraft, and entered in the condition of half mass production. 这里的人花费了重金,买到了两架飞机,据说帝国已经能够在复刻这个型号的轰炸机的基础上,推出性能更好的一代轰炸机,并进入了半量产的状态中。 Actually airplane these things, clarified beside some essential things, the industrialized nation can easily duplicate/restores carves. 其实飞机这些东西,弄清楚了关键的一些东西之外,工业大国都能轻易的复刻出来。 The empire marshals and military understand quickly the value of airplane, then starts to conduct to decode and attempt. 帝国元帅和军方很快就明白了飞机的价值,然后开始进行破解和尝试。 Rich, has the industrial capacity, these do not involve the things of some precise electronics technologies, to this time-honored country, is not considered as that what too difficult topic. 有钱,有工业能力,这些不涉及一些精密电子技术的东西,对于这个历史悠久的国家而言,不算是什么太难的课题。 The bomber aircraft that now the first generation produces is being produced, fearful lethality that simultaneously to suppress the airplane brings to the army, Peng Jieao military industry group also researched and developed some efficient anti-aircraft artilleries. 现在第一代自产的轰炸机正在生产中,同时为了抑制飞机对陆军带来的可怕杀伤力,彭捷奥的军工集团也研发出了一些高效的防空火炮。 In addition other new-style equipment, after these equipment produce, besides is used to exercise or try some new tactical coordination occasionally, not use actually. 除此之外还有一些其他的新式装备,这些装备生产出来之后除了偶尔用于演习或者尝试一些新的战术配合之外,并没有实际的用处。 They can only peaceful parking in the warehouse, possibly escort to next time the metal recovery factory by drawing. 它们只能安静的停放在仓库里,可能下一次被拉出来就是送往金属回收工厂。 The marshal nods, actually this to us is a good deed, everyone thinks Frat, the federation, is in the world the military technology and ability most splendid country, they simply have not paid attention to us.” 元帅点了点头,“其实这对我们来说是一件好事,所有人都认为盖弗拉,联邦,是世界上军事技术和能力最出色的国家,他们根本没有把我们放在眼里。” However we also indeed need before recapturing to be our honors, understands disparities between we and their these so-called technical developed countries.” “而我们也的确需要在夺回属于我们的荣光之前,了解到我们自身和他们这些所谓的科技发达国家之间的差距。” This can be a probe, we can discover our disparities from here!” “这会是一次试探,我们能从这里发现我们彼此之间的差距!” Actually had some sounds in last year Peng Jieao, the development of their unceasing advancement science and technology , to promote the development of industry, makes various equipment for war, these equipment make the place that was unable to use! 其实早在去年彭捷奥内部就有了一些声音,他们不断的推进科技的发展,推动工业的发展,建造各种用于战争的设备,偏偏这些设备造出来还没有能用的地方! Also cannot do without, purely is waste money. 又不能没有,纯粹就是浪费钱。 Takes them with the idea, gradual becomes tidal current. 把它们拿出去用一用的想法,逐渐的成为了一股潮流。 Now tests them with the aid of the opportunity of friction and disparity between federal military forces, to the entire country also necessary. 现在借助摩擦的机会去试探他们和联邦军力之间的差距,对整个国家来说也是有必要的。 If we lost, we can find our defective things from this inside, then revises it.” “如果我们输了,我们可以从这里面找到我们欠缺的东西,然后修正它。” „After like this waits for all -out war to start, we will at least not fall behind too many.” “这样等全面战争开始之后,我们至少不会落后得太多。” The elders nod , asked that won by some chance?” 长老点了点头,又问道,“万一赢了呢?” The empire marshals stare slightly, immediately laughs, won the words we can help Nagat Leir's royal family realize the political power independent desire!” 帝国元帅微微一愣,随即大笑起来,“赢了的话我们就可以帮助纳加利尔的王室实现政权自主的愿望了!” The elders listened also to show the smile, I know how to convince these merchants, they will be interested in this news!” 长老听完也露出了笑容,“我知道如何去说服那些商人了,他们会对这个消息感兴趣!” Peng Jieao empire commercial atmosphere is quite relaxed, after all the millennium aristocrat and millennium sovereign chamber pressure, the capital is very difficult to turn the spray on this lands. 彭捷奥帝国内部的商业氛围比较轻松,毕竟有千年贵族和千年皇室压着,资本在这片土地上很难翻起浪花。 However this does not mean that limit of power to capital very strict, what is opposite every so often what is the power can intend is the capital allows to pass through, for example foreign expedition and plundering. 不过这也不意味着权力对资本的限制会非常的严格,相反的是很多时候权力都会有意的为资本让路,比如说对外的征战和掠夺。 In this mainland, many people think that this expansion outward, the aggression and plundering come from Peng Jieao aristocrat the interest demand of group or ruling class. 在这一片大陆上,很多人都认为这种向外的扩张,侵略和掠夺是来自于彭捷奥贵族集团或者统治阶级的利益诉求。 Actually is not, these demands from the middle and lower level of society, when they think when the present life is unable to satisfy itself to yearning of life, when or is hard to support, they are thinking expands outward, aggression or plundering. 其实不是,这些诉求都是来自于社会的中下层,当他们认为现在的生活无法满足自己对生活的向往时,或者难以支撑时,他们就会想着向外扩张,侵略或者掠夺。 The people will enlist in the military massively, rush to the frontline. 民众们会大量的参军,赶赴前线。 They can plunder in the first line directly, can be promoted through military exploit and other ways, each war to Peng Jieao empire is a revelry! 他们可以直接在第一线进行掠夺,也能够通过军功等方式获得晋升,每一次战争对彭捷奥帝国来说都是一场狂欢! Except that among war with Frat. 除了和盖弗拉之间的战争。 Covered a native of Flat firmly to grasp controlled the thalassocracy, letting Peng native of Austria , Czech Republic only to come under attack, is unable to hit back, they are waiting eagerly, want to give to cover a native of Flat to take a look fiercely. 盖弗拉人牢牢的掌握了控海权,让彭捷奥人只能挨打,无法还手,他们都在憋着劲,想要给盖弗拉人一点厉害瞧瞧。 The pressure of head tank is oversized, will explode. 压力罐的压力过大,就会爆炸。 The pressure of society is oversized, will explode. 社会的压力过大,也会爆炸。 These friction can also be taken as a release society internal pressure and contradictory way time. 这一次的“摩擦”也可以看作为一种释放社会内部压力与矛盾的途径。 If they win in the friction, and wins unceasingly, then this is a war. 如果他们在摩擦中获胜,并且不断获胜,那么这就是一场战争。 At this time wealthy Nagat Leir can bring the thing that everyone wants for the empire absolutely, the wealth, the power, the position, or other anything. 此时富裕的纳加利尔绝对能为帝国带来每个人都想要的东西,财富,权力,地位,或者其他什么。 If lost, instead can transform the social internal pressure as the power, this is also one of ways Peng Czech Republic Austria Group develops. 如果输了,反而能够把社会内部的压力转化为动力,这也是彭捷奥集团发展的方式之一。 It has had the strong opponent, but these opponents finally 11 poured in its under foot. 它不是没有过强劲的对手,但是这些对手最终都一一倒在了它的脚下。 Kneels down several hundred bronze statues in the foot of Holy Mountain, Peng Jieao empire is conquering an influence every time, a political power, will portray the bronze statue that their rulers kneels to bend down, suppresses under Holy Mountain! 在圣山的山脚下跪着数百座铜像,彭捷奥帝国每征服一个势力,一个政权,就会把他们的统治者塑造成跪伏的铜像,镇压在圣山下! If people know that quick must have some military equipment to rub, they certainly very happy. 如果人们知道很快就要有一些武装摩擦,他们一定会非常的高兴。 Even does not need to convince, the merchants will invest the war, the average person invests with the way of enlisting, this looks like a grand feast, everyone could not wait! 甚至都不需要说服,商人们就会投资战争,普通人则用入伍的方式进行投资,这就像是一场盛宴,每个人都等不及了! An over a thousand years of dynasty consistently is maintaining its unusual vitality, not only somewhat absurd, and some alarmed and afraid. 一个上千年的皇朝始终保持着它异常的生命力,既有些诡诞,又有些令人惊惧。 The response of quick Peng Jie Austria fed back the front of federal person, as the core country of defeated nation, Ministry of Defence when evaluating its war-making potential, given graded Frat to be high, and was much higher. 很快彭捷奥方面的反应反馈到了联邦人的面前,作为战败国的核心国,国防部在评估它的战争潜力时,给的评分比盖弗拉还要高,并且高得多。 Its overall strength in the war has no too big harm, but the coastal city was cleaned by the shell. 在战争中它整体实力没有什么太大的损害,只是沿海城市被炮弹清洗了一遍。 But this loss with is actually different to this empire, is only in the face is unattractive. 可这点损失对于这个帝国来说其实和没有一样,只是面子上不好看而已。 They have the powerful army, is populous, the national territory is broad, if the navy follows again, they in any country to this world will pose the fearful threat. 他们有强大的陆军,人口众多,国土广阔,如果海军再跟上,他们就会对这个世界上任何一个国家构成可怕的威胁。 Frat is different, is small, the population are not many, this has almost been doomed it to have no war-making potential. 盖弗拉不一样,国土狭小,人口数量不多,这几乎就已经注定它没有什么战争潜力了。 The war spoke of finally, was puts together the consumption and background of effective strength. 战争说到了最后,就是拼有生力量的消耗与底蕴。 You kill me, I kill your one person, whom looks at to predecease. 你打死我一个人,我打死你一个人,看谁先死完。 This is in the fair situation the appearance of war, if adds on some limits and advantages again, it in the final analysis, is putting together the digit as before. 这就是公平情况下战争的模样,如果再加上一些限制和优势,它说到底,依旧是在拼数字。 Frat population were too few, once the flames of war light the native place, quick combustion entire main island. 盖弗拉人口太少了,一旦战火点燃到本土,很快就会燃烧整个本岛。 But Peng Jieao is different, even if landed, facing clamoring the strength world's first army, and huge land and huge population, to any country is being a disaster! 但彭捷奥不一样,哪怕登陆了,面对叫嚣着实力世界第一的陆军,以及庞大的土地和庞大的人口,对任何国家来说都是一场灾难! Therefore the entire world country is paying close attention to Peng Jieao, when Peng Jieao empire is missing in Liege Vyse islands by an aristocrat uses as an excuse, when dispatches the search-and-rescue team serached, entire world anxious. 所以全世界国家都在密切的关注着彭捷奥,当彭捷奥帝国以“一名贵族在列格维斯群岛失踪”作为借口,派遣了搜救队进行搜查时,全世界都紧张了起来。 In the federation, some media clamored the scary opinion that the Second World War is arriving, and attracted the attention of audience. 在联邦,一些媒体更是叫嚣着第二次世界大战降临的骇人言论,并且抓住了观众们的眼球。 Federal Ministry of Defence first entered the second-level alert posture, this in antiwar is the highest alert condition. 联邦国防部第一时间进入了二级警戒状态,这在非战时已经是最高警戒状态了。 If enters the red alert, then means that the war arrived truly. 如果进入红色警戒,那么就意味着战争真正的到来了。 Meanwhile Frat's diplomatic ambassador met with Mr. Truman at the same night, discussed Emperor Frat and prime minister, safeguards the world peace to Baylor Federation hand in hand the idea and determination. 同时盖弗拉的外交大使连夜会见了特鲁曼先生,谈论了盖弗拉皇帝陛下以及首相阁下,对携手拜勒联邦维护世界和平的想法和决心。 Obviously is only at the end of August, proud Sun hangs in the sky the thermal energy shoots towards ground, people actually cannot feel warm, is fearful! 明明只是八月末,骄傲的太阳挂在天空中把热力射向地面,人们却感觉不到温暖,只有心寒! Liege Vyse islands about place in Nagat about 600 km east side of Lier, if they choose the fast advance, the most three weeks of time can enter Nagat east Lier.” “列格维斯群岛就在纳加利尔东边大约600公里左右的地方,如果他们选择快速突进的话,最多三周时间就能进入纳加利尔的最东边。” In the meeting hall of Bupen Union development company, people look is hanging the giant map projection, this is latest work technology. 布佩恩联合开发公司的会议大厅里,人们看着悬挂着的巨大地图投影,这是最新的办公技术。 They being used to broadcast the way of movie, used in the work, has saying that this was many conferences provided very good item. 他们把用来播放电影的方式,用在了办公上,不得不说这为多人会议提供了很好的道具。 Mr. Rouneau also came personally, he does not have the means to be regarded as a minor matter this. 杰鲁诺先生也亲自来了,他没办法把这当作是一件小事。 Nagat Leir provided the stable source of goods for him, moreover because of Nagat Leir's appearance, his industry starts to promote. 纳加利尔为他提供了稳定的货源,而且也因为纳加利尔的出现,他的产业开始升级。 These Nagat natives of Lier do not mind to work as the slave, naturally they pursue is not that consumables slave, but is that type of high-quality toy. 那些纳加利尔人并不介意当奴隶,当然他们追求的不是那种消耗品奴隶,而是那种高级的玩具。 This also enables them to be able better discovers these to be willing to coordinate, conducts various trainings, it is said that they in Nagat Leir already secret established a slave school, provides various slaves to the underground world of the world. 这也让他们可以更好的找出那些愿意配合的,进行各种训练,据说他们在纳加利尔已经隐秘的成立了一所奴隶学院,向全世界的地下世界输送各种奴隶。 These things, not pure are the money, is the personal connection and power! 这些东西,不单纯是钱,更是人脉和权力! Was illustrating that the situation person also made people realize the gravity of issue , some the military officers and military advisers of disbandment. 正在解说情况的人也让人们意识到了问题的严重性,现场也有一些退伍的军官和军事顾问。 Mr. Rouneau asked an issue, „will they leave?” 杰鲁诺先生提了一个问题,“他们会离开吗?” He is very graceful, seems like the aristocrat compared with the aristocrat, money and power gradually influenced his one aristocrat makings, each movement was graceful. 他很优雅,比贵族还像是贵族,金钱和权力熏陶出了他一身的“贵族”气质,每一个动作都是优雅的。 I mean, after they obtain the thing that they wanted, will leave?” “我的意思是,当他们得到了他们想要的东西之后,会离开吗?” He has not said the friction, has not said the probe, but said thing that they want, at the present does not know in specific situation, he is not good to give an accurate goal, this may create the miscarriage of justice. 他没有说摩擦,没有说试探,只是说了“他们想要的东西”,在现在不知道具体的情况下,他也不好给出一个确切的目标,这有可能造成误判。 A military adviser shakes the head, Mr. Rouneau, if you and your opponent had the conflict, discovered accidentally/surprisingly your opponent compared with small and weak that you imagine, will you let off him?” 一名军事顾问摇了摇头,“杰鲁诺先生,如果你和你的对手发生了冲突,意外的发现你的对手比你想象的要弱小,你会放过他吗?”
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