BC :: Volume #13

#1210: Or gets up,

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

If you had the absolute advantage, you can let off your enemy? 如果你占据了绝对的优势,你会不会放过你的敌人? Everyone hopes others can benevolent forgives own mistake, but in turn? 每个人都希望别人能够仁慈的原谅自己的过错,但是反过来呢? After you were in the superior position, will you choose to forgive others? 当你占据了优势性的地位后,你会选择原谅其他人吗? No, most people will not forgive others! 不,大多数人都不会原谅别人! People always hope that in others' body can discover almost the cleanliness/mysophobia benevolent with morals, but has actually never thought to oneself. 人们总是希望在别人的身上能发现几乎洁癖的仁慈与道德,但是对自己却从来不这么想过。 They very loose treats itself on these issues and problems, and thinks that human was called human! 他们会很宽松的对待自己身上的那些问题和毛病,并且认为“人类就是如此才叫人类”! If the opportunity makes the choice to Mr. Rouneau, he will not only not let off his opponent, will also open the opposite party threw into the pot, does not boil several pounds oil, calculates that he declined in this confrontation leeward! 如果给杰鲁诺先生机会作出选择,他不仅不会放过他的对手,还会把对方拆了丢进锅里,不熬出几磅油来,都算他在这次交锋中落了下风! Mr. Rouneau also responded, but he looked simultaneously to Lynch, „said that if we and Peng native of Austria , Czech Republic had the friction is also inferior, it is very likely this will evolve to become a war?” 杰鲁诺先生也反应了过来,但他同时看向了林奇,“这么说,如果我们和彭捷奥人发生了摩擦并且处于劣势地位,很有可能这就会演变成为一场战争?” The military adviser nods, „, they look like the pack of wolves to be the same, if they can defeat the opposite party, they can the launch general attack without hesitation.” 军事顾问点了点头,“是的,他们就像是狼群一样,如果他们能战胜对方,他们就会毫不犹豫的发动总攻。” Only then makes them feel that they will do that will not have any good result, they will flinch.” “只有让他们觉得他们这么做不会有什么好结果,他们才会退缩。” With the pack of wolves described that Peng Jieao empire is a very vivid analogy, Peng Jieao imperial family supports a national core, looks like a wolf. 用狼群来形容彭捷奥帝国是一个非常形象的比喻,彭捷奥的皇室支撑起一个国家核心,就像是头狼。 But others, the upper crust, the privileged class, the third estate, looks like follows closely wolf behind pack of wolves! 而其他的人,贵族阶级,特权阶级,平民阶级,就像是紧随头狼身后的狼群! The special national dividend mechanism makes everyone have very strong aggressivity, the history also cherishes them, until now they have not perished, is really a miracle! 特殊的国家红利机制让每一个人都具有很强的攻击性,历史也钟爱他们,直到现在他们还没有灭亡,真是一个奇迹! Most similar dynasties the trend in the war will perish finally, but it lived. 大多数类似的皇朝最终都会在战争中走向灭亡,但它活下来了。 Lynch also noticed the vision of Mr. Rouneau, he smiled was responding, the opposite party was also the nod expresses best wishes. 林奇也注意到了杰鲁诺先生的目光,他微笑着回应了一下,对方也是点头致意。 Afterward, he said, looks like us unable wanting to pin on others' body, I have some friends in Ministry of Defence, they think, even if we had the friction in Nagat Leir area and Peng native of Austria , Czech Republic, for does not cause the friction to promote, the range expands, had better be able make certain concession.” 随后,他说道,“看来我们不能把希望寄托在别人的身上,我在国防部里有一些朋友,他们认为即便我们在纳加利尔地区和彭捷奥人产生了摩擦,为了不导致摩擦升级,范围扩大,最好能作出一定的让步。” I do not like these words, they when always seem have the wisdom together very much, but we know that lowers the head!” “我不喜欢这些词,它们在一起时总显得很具有智慧,但是我们知道,那就是低头!” Federation can compromise, we are not good, this is also I the reason that everyone seeks, our current main development can say that in Nagat Leir, threw this place to us, losing was too serious.” “联邦可以妥协,我们不行,这也是我把各位找来的原因,我们目前的主要的发展可以说都在纳加利尔,丢了这个地方对我们来说,损失太严重了。” We must protect our interests!” “我们要保护我们自己的利益!” In the giant conference room does not have the slight static, everyone was pondering Mr. Rouneau's proposition, is also digesting these words that he was speaking a moment ago. 巨大的会议室里没有丝毫的杂音,每个人都在思考着杰鲁诺先生的提议,也在消化着他刚才说的那些话。 Regarding the choice of Federal Government, actually has the foresight, because they have one are not the true that domineering presidents, in addition federation have not actually been ready for war, therefore there are various ideas to be very normal. 对于联邦政府的选择,其实是有预见的,因为他们有一个不是真正的那么强势的总统,加上联邦自己其实也还没有做好战争的准备,所以有各种想法很正常。 Protects own interests...... this point to have no too major problem as for oneself actually, everyone some determinations that protects the self-interest, but the issue is, person who in their hands cannot protect the self-interest. 至于自己保护自己的利益……这一点倒是没有什么太大问题,每个人都有保护自己利益的决心,但问题是,他们手里并没有可以保护自己利益的人。 In most manpower does not have the militants, only then a small number of talents have. 大多数人手里没有武装人员,只有少数人才有。 People vision quickly in these grasp on the role face of private military forces to past, was paid attention to do many, is Lynch. 人们的们目光很快就在那些掌握着私人武装势力的角色脸上流转,被人们关注做多的,就是林奇 In the federation, the person in any place had heard the black stone security, it is not only responsible for the security work, but also is responsible for invading the work, naturally this is a joking view, because the federation never takes the lead to use force to any country, will not invade these countries. 在联邦,任何一个地方的人都听说过黑石安全,它不仅负责保卫工作,还负责入侵工作,当然这是一个开玩笑的说法,因为联邦从来不率先对任何国家使用武力,更不会去入侵这些国家。 Lynch......”, Mr. Rouneau mentioned by name Lynch, the latter nods slightly expressed oneself heard, „can you put out some people to come, your person very elite.” 林奇……”,杰鲁诺先生点名了林奇,后者微微颔首表示自己听见了,“你能不能拿出一些人来,你的人非常的精锐。” Lynch thinks, selected under one, no major problem, but the expense who comes?” 林奇想了想,点了一下头,“没有什么大问题,不过费用谁来出?” Saying of his faint smile, does not have the truth I to have the person, oneself must bear the losses and various expenses, right?” 他似笑非笑的说道,“没有道理我又出人,自己又要承担损失和各种费用的,对吧?” Rouneau first on the unfamiliar face were many some smile, money to us is not the issue, this order, how much money do you want?” 杰鲁诺先生脸上多了一些笑容,“钱对我们来说不是问题,这份订单,你要多少钱?” The response of Lynch is quick, this depends on you to need many people, as well as many intensity.” 林奇的回应很快,“这取决于你们需要多少人,以及多少的强度。” From 3500 people to 35,000 or over ten thousand people, from the ordinary exchange of fire all -out war, how much money some, has what treatment, this is very fair, right?” “从三五百人到三五千或者上万人,从普通的交火到全面战争,有多少钱,就有什么样的对待,这很公平,对吗?” Everyone nods in abundance, as for is fair, they cannot feel. 大家纷纷点头,至于公平不公平的,他们感觉不出。 Defers to 10,000 people, can protect our bottom line to calculate with every effort, how much money wants?” “就按照一万人,必须尽力保护我们的底线来计算,要多少钱?” Lynch as if understands these contents for everyone intuitively, said own compilation method. 林奇似乎为了方便大家更直观的了解这些内容,把自己的计算方法说了出来。 First is the armament expenditures of everyone 1000 dollars, this expense is used to pay to purchase everyone's complete equipment and ammunition, this is 30 million.” “首先是每个人一千块钱的装备费,这笔费用用于支付购买所有人的全部装备和弹药,这就是三千万。” Then according to our subsidy ways, first defers to 150 money one day to calculate at present, then every day is 1.5 million, we supposed this friction must continue for a month, is 45 million.” “然后按照我们的补贴方式,目前先按照一百五十块钱一天来计算,那么每天就是一百五十万,我们假设这场摩擦要持续一个月的时间,那么就是四千五百万。” Considering us will probably need some air support, or fleet, either the support in other aspects, we according to each sortie expense are 20,000 dollars, the expense that six destroyers set out each time is 3 million calculates.” “考虑到我们可能会需要一些空中支援,或者舰队,或者其他方面的支援,我们按照每一架飞机出动架次的费用为两万块钱,六艘驱逐舰每次出动的费用为三百万来计算。” For the time being first defers to 1000 sorties, ten fleets set out the number of times, this is 50 million.” “姑且先按照一千飞机架次,十次舰队出动次数,这就是五千万。” In addition may in the bomb that in the sending out process uses, shell and other expenses, we according to budgeting 50 million calculate.” “加上有可能在出动过程中使用的炸弹,炮弹等费用,我们按照预算五千万来计算。” If presented the battle loss, no matter personnel casualty, our war weapons were wrecked, the expense is paid by you.” “如果出现了战损,不管是人员伤亡,还是我们的战争兵器被击毁,费用都由你们出。” Everyone at least needs to pay me is not lower than the 190 million first fund, my talent active......” “各位至少要支付我不低于一亿九千万的第一笔款项,我的人才能动起来……” From the beginning the expression of Mr. Rouneau is very relaxed, looks like such that he thinks, or looks like such that people often said that issue that money can solve, is not the issue. 一开始杰鲁诺先生的表情还很轻松,就像是他想的那样,或者就像是人们常说的那样,钱能解决的问题,都不是问题。 If it became an issue, that was solves issue the money in person hand to be insufficient obviously. 如果它变成了一个问题,那显然是解决问题的人手里的钱不够了。 190 million, this expense was too high, he in this moment thought that Lynch does want to make their money? 一亿九千万,这笔费用太高了,他在这一刻觉得林奇是不是想要赚他们的钱? Great person like Mr. Rouneau, always anything, will not solve, therefore under his look hints, an ordinary shareholder raised some questions. 像杰鲁诺先生这样的大人物,总不会什么事情都自己来说,来解决,于是在他的眼神示意下,一名普通的股东提出了一些疑问。 Mr. Lynch, was this budget too high?” 林奇先生,这笔预算是不是太高了?” Was too high?”, Lynch pulled out the cigarette leisurely, disassembled the packing, put out the cigarette lighter to ignite the cigarette, attracted one, saying of faint smile, this was only the cost price, the gentlemen.” “太高了?”,林奇慢条斯理的掏出了香烟,拆开了包装,拿出打火机点着了香烟,吸了一口,才似笑非笑的说道,“这只是成本价,先生们。” This does not hire one group of inexpensive ringers to make them go to the indigenous strafe that some will not be hitting back, our soldiers are going to face the world's first land power.” “这不是雇佣一群廉价的枪手让他们去对着一些不会还手的土著扫射,我们的士兵将要面对世界第一陆军强国。” „If not Mr. Rouneau opens the mouth, I do not want to receive this order, who knows how many young fellows I do have to die in that damn place?” “如果不是杰鲁诺先生开口,我都不想接这个订单,谁知道我有多少小伙子要死在那个该死的地方?” As for the price that you consider, you know me is the price that in the north opens how many?” “至于你考虑的价格问题,你知道我在北方开的价是多少吗?” That person shakes the head, Lynch smiles saying that is I gives your several times!” 那人摇了摇头,林奇则笑说道,“是我给你们的几倍!” This is the war, the gentlemen, this is not the internecine strife between factions, if who thought that the flower several million can solve our enemies, I suggested that he goes to Frat.” “这是战争,先生们,这不是帮派之间的火拼,如果有谁觉得花几百万就能解决我们的敌人,我建议他去盖弗拉。” They to you a work of secretary of war, then you can attempt to use several million prices several times to conquer the entire world!” “他们会给你一份陆军大臣的工作,然后你可以尝试着用几次几百万的价格征服全世界!” Some people exuded the chuckle sound in a low voice, is not everyone to sitting has many awes in the first row of major stockholders, although Lynch also sits in the first row. 有人发出了低声的轻笑声,不是所有人都对坐在第一排的大股东们有多少敬畏,虽说林奇也坐在第一排。 Slightly changed by that person of complexion of Lynch response, however one month, 190 million, were too many, even if our person deals with this expense together, somewhat is still strenuous.” 林奇回应的那人脸色稍微变了变,“但是一个月,一点九亿,真的太多了,即便我们这里的人一起来应对这笔费用,也有些吃力。” The Union development company about 2000 shareholders, seemingly divide to seem like everyone not to need on average to undertake too. 联合开发公司大约有两千名股东,看上去好像平均分一下似乎每个人不需要承担太多。 But this obviously is not realistic, about 60-70% shareholders only occupied very few stocks, is only formally, they can gain the advantage of some companies, but does not shoulder what responsibility. 可这显然是不现实的,其中大约有60-70%的股东只占据了非常非常少的股份,只是形式上的,他们能获得一些公司的好处,但不承担什么责任。 For example Derlager, he can only divide money, cannot concrete participation any business, such person not need to pay for this expense. 比如说德拉格,他只能分钱,不能具体的参与任何事务,这样的人是不需要支付这笔费用的。 Calculates, needs to undertake in the part of responsibility, few needs to pay several hundred thousand, many could pay over a million, occupied the shareholders of many stock like Mr. Rouneau, he almost must pay ten million levels the expenses. 这么算下来,需要承担责任的这部分中,少的需要支付几十万,多的可能要支付上百万,像杰鲁诺先生这样占据了很多股份的股东,他差不多要支付千万级的费用。 But this, but also is only one month of expense, if war must continue, and presented more casualties, possibly the price of second month must rise to 200 million! 而这,还只是一个月的费用,如果战争的还要持续下去,并且出现了更多的伤亡,可能第二个月的价格就要涨到两亿! Two months, three hundred million, they indeed a little cannot endure. 两个月,三个亿,他们的确有点吃不消。 In the room falls into to the silence, Mr. Rouneau the knitting the brows head, he thought makes Lynch force up, Lynch will perhaps give preferential benefit price. 房间里又陷入到沉默当中,杰鲁诺先生皱了皱眉头,本来他觉得让林奇顶上去,林奇说不定会给个“优惠”价。 Some people like this, embarrassed to person on one's own side lion big opens the mouth, but obviously Lynch is not such person. 有些人会这样,不好意思向自己人狮子大张口,可显然林奇不是这样的人。 Money so many that if he wants, why doesn't send own person? 如果他要的钱这么多,那么为什么不把自己的人派遣出去? Mr. Rouneau said after silent a meeting, price has no issue, can send out conveniently?” 杰鲁诺先生在沉默了一会后说道,“价格方面没有任何的问题,随手都可以出动吗?” Lynch nods, „, so long as money arrives, immediately can send out.” 林奇点了点头,“只要钱到位,立刻就能出动。” Mr. Rouneau seems like the reply of very satisfied Lynch, this is very good, we will give your further news.” 杰鲁诺先生看上去很满意林奇的回答,“这很好,我们会给你进一步的消息。” Before then, I hope that we can first send the person in our hand, provides some earlier information collection for the war of subsequent possibly eruption.” “在这之前,我希望我们能先把自己手中的人派出去,为后续可能爆发的战争提供一些前期的信息搜集。” As the model, I the person my...... company will transfer, naturally everyone does not need to worry, this does not ask for money.” “作为表率,我会把我的……公司的人调动起来,当然大家不需要担心,这不要钱。” He looked that to several other shareholders who have private arming, these people also said that approves of the approach of Mr. Rouneau, simultaneously they will also send for the gather information. 他又看向了其他几家有私人武装的股东,这些人也纷纷表示赞同杰鲁诺先生的做法,同时他们也会派人去收集信息。 Lynch knows that they are what meanings, the suspicion was expensive, he can understand. 林奇知道他们是什么意思,嫌贵了,他可以理解。 A month of basic two hundred million expenses, are not everyone can withstand, if gets for 35 months, possibly Mr. Rouneau cannot shoulder. 一个月基本两个亿的开销,不是所有人都能承受的,如果打上三五个月,可能杰鲁诺先生都扛不住。 He is very rich, but cash thing...... is almost all capital most longs, thing that also most has a headache about. 他很有钱,但是现金这玩意……几乎是所有资本最渴望,又最头疼的东西。 Now they do, but wants to attempt to resist Peng native of Austria , Czech Republic with own person, if successful, or the disparity was not big, they were not necessarily able to give the opportunity that the black stone set out safely. 现在他们做的,只是想要尝试着用自己的人去对抗一下彭捷奥人,如果成功了,或者差距不大,他们未必会给黑石安全出动的机会。 This is their choices, Lynch has no right to interfere. 这是他们的选择,林奇无权干涉。
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