From the strict sense, the First World Warended the presentalreadyfiveyears.
从严格意义上来说,第一次世界大战结束到现在已经五年时间了。Fiveyearsmakesmanycountrieswalksufficientlyfrom the dark clouds of war, the firstechelonhas completed the firstround of replacement, for examplecovers a native of Flat.
The federation, Frat, has the sofastdevelopment, thiswill not represent the development of defeated nationPengCzech Republic Austria Groupto be slow.
联邦,盖弗拉,都有如此快速的发展,这不代表战败国彭捷奥集团的发展就会缓慢。Theirdevelopmentalso are quite actually rapid, covers a native of Flatin the First World Waractuallyhas not plunderedmanyfromtheircountries the thing.
When thisis the seaoverlordsinmost a pointawfully to landoverlord, theycouldbeat the coastline, buttheyonestepis unable to visitthatmainland.
这就是海洋霸主在对上陆地霸主时最要命的一点,他们也许能打烂海岸线,但他们一步都无法踏足那片大陆。So long astheyare unable to land, theirallearlierwar advantages, are unable to transformas the wardividend.
只要他们无法登陆,他们所有的前期战争优势,都无法转化为战争红利。Theycannot the plunder resources, unable to plunder the wealth, cannotplunder the population, even a stonecannot carry off!
The warprojected onhad actually reachedin the impasslater, after covering a native of Flatwantedsomepeopleto challengetheirauthorities , unable „to livewell”, butPengCzech Republic Austria Groupalsoafterlosing the thalassocracyhadmanyproblems.
战争打到后期其实已经陷入了僵局之中,盖弗拉人不愿意有人挑战了他们的权威之后还能“好好活着”,而彭捷奥集团也在丧失了海权之后出现了许多的问题。Finally, builtFrat Groupto achieve the First World Warfinalsuccessafter the longnegotiations, theyonlyobtainedfewwar reparations.
最终,经过漫长的谈判盖弗拉集团获得了第一次世界大战最终的胜利,他们只得到了少量的战争赔偿。Simultaneouslytakes the corecountry, covered a native of Flatto obtainland- securebeautifulSyria.
同时作为核心国,盖弗拉人得到了一块土地-安美利亚。securebeautifulSyriaistheyvoluntarilyrequests, andinonlyuncompromisable the projectas the negotiationsnegotiated.
安美利亚是他们主动要求的,并作为谈判中唯一一项不可妥协的项目进行谈判。Fiveyearspassed by, securebeautifulSyria'ssuchplacestarts the fastdevelopment, not to mentionin factcore areaprotectioncompletePengCzech Republic Austria Group.
五年过去了,安美利亚这样的地方都开始快速的发展起来,就更别提实际上核心地区保护完好的彭捷奥集团了。Thesecountrieswithfive yearsfillthem the weak areainsea, to them, theydo not needoneselfbattleship to attack and sink the battleship of enemy, theyonlyneedoneselfshipsto be ablefastdelivers to ownsoldier the territory of opposite partythen.
Before in the federationhad the large-scale military exercise, PengCzech Republic Austria Groupalsohad a military exercise, timebutthistheyhitwas not the ordinaryland war, butlands the war.
之前在联邦进行大型军事演习时,彭捷奥集团也进行了一次军事演习,只是这一次他们打的不是普通的地面战争,而是登陆战争。Peopleinthisexercisediscovered that theywere manymanynew-stylelanding craft, theseshipshave no strongfirepower, the onlymeritis the speedis quick, the freight volumeis big.
在这一次演习中人们发现他们多了许多新式的登陆舰,这些船只没有什么强大的火力,唯一的优点就是速度快,运输量大。Canbreak through the firepowerblockadein the shortest time, delivers to the soldier on ship the sand beach!
能在最短的时间里突破火力封锁,把船上的士兵送到沙滩上!Theyas ifalsograspedcontrolled the war the key, butthistradeconfrontedtime, might be a probe.
The federationas a capitalcountry, anysituationwill displayon the stock marketdirectly.
联邦作为一个资本国家,任何情况都会直接表现在股市上。OpensafterMonday, besides the defensenational defensestockin the stablerise, otherstockspresentedfalling of differentscope, peopleregardingworry of war, obviously.
The speed that the pedestrian on roadwalks seems to be faster, feeling that as ifonetypeautumnarrives atahead of time.
路上的行人行走的速度似乎更快,仿佛有一种秋天提前到来的感觉。At this time, inanother side of Dongdaocean, the giantlands, has the historicalveryremotecountryonthisstretch of land, toFratthesecountriesdid not acknowledgetheirnationalhistoryare the degrees of history.
此时,在东大洋的另外一边,有一块巨大的陆地,在这片陆地上有着历史非常久远的国家,远到盖弗拉这些国家都不承认他们的国家历史是历史的程度。Theythink that thesehistoryare the myths, for examplePengJieaoIIemperorlived for more than 1000yearsin the history, thisobviouslyisnot possible.
他们认为那些历史都是神话,比如说彭捷奥二世皇帝在历史中活了一千多年,这明显是不可能的。Modern medicinesodeveloped, the life span of people did 60-70 years old good work, in the ancient timesperiod, possibly a personalsoon the short350years, whyPengJieaoIIlivehis entire life for more than 1000years?
现代医学如此的发达,人们的寿命才有60-70岁好活,在远古时期,可能一个人一生也就短短的三五十年,凭什么彭捷奥二世活了一千多年?Theseemperorsthenalsolived for several hundredyears, untilmodern times, thesehistoryprobablyrealhistory.
而后的那些皇帝们也都活了几百年,直到近代,那些历史才像是真的历史。No matterthat is really false, in brief the history of PengJieaoempirewas too remote, it was also onthisstaronlyonehadat least in 2000above the empire!
The dominantcore of PengJieaoempireestablishesunder the numerousDivine Mountain, the entirecityseems likeveryattractive, eachwill comeherepersonto make the extremelyprofoundimpression.
彭捷奥帝国的统治核心建立在众神山下,整个城市看起来非常的漂亮,每一个来过这里的人都会留下极为深刻的印象。How did thiscity...... say?
It looks like a city that increases the version, the gianthouse, the giantpillar, the giantbrick, as iflivedbeforehereis not the presenthuman, butis a giant, at leasthas45metershigh, orhighergiant.
就像是一个加大版的城市,巨大的房子,巨大的柱子,巨大的砖,似乎以前生活在这里的不是现在的人类,而是一种巨人,至少有四五米高,或者更高的巨人。Alsosomepeoplethink that thisis an architectural style and tradition, althoughsomepersonally written letterscrossin the book that the pastis havingto havesomedesigns, recordswas livingat that timehereis not„villainclan”, butthiscannotproveanything.
也有人认为这就是一种建筑风格和传统,尽管有些手札过着过去就存在的书中有一些图案,记录着当时生活在这里的不是“小人族”,但这也不能证明什么。In the core of rule, PengJieaoemperorsits, in his chairback the somewhatis highonexaggeratingchair, thischairbackat leasthas78metershigh!
The quality of material of pure gold, supplements with the redflannelette and softpacking, makingitlookshows the honoreduncommonnessespecially.
纯金的质地,辅以红色绒布和柔软的填充,让它看起来格外彰显尊贵的不凡。PengJieao the right handelbowpressure of emperoron the arm rest, heis supporting the chin, looks at many ministers.
彭捷奥的皇帝的右手手肘支压在扶手上,他撑着下巴,看着众多的大臣。Heremonarchyseveral hundredyears ago evolved the system of similarconstitutional monarchy, bigelder, Minister, jointlydecides the future of countrywith the monarchy.
在几百年前这里的君主制演变成了类似君主立宪制的制度,大长老,大臣,和君主共同决定国家的未来。Bigelderrepresentativeis not the religion, butis the ordinarypeople, it can be said thatcongressman.
大长老代表的不是宗教,而是普通的民众,也可以说是议员。Is selected the elderby the legislative body of eachcity, is elected the bigelderbytheseeldersagain, theycome from the folk, does not permit the bloodline and background of aristocrat, can only be the purepeople.
由每个城市的议院选出长老,再由这些长老推选出大长老,他们都来自于民间,不允许有贵族的血统和背景,只能是纯粹的民众。ThisalsoguaranteedPengJieaoEmpirePeople the sense of belonging and support to country , to promote of eachpolicy, is the peoplewants.
这也保证了彭捷奥帝国民众们对国家的归属感和支持,每一项政策的推动,都是民众们想要的。At leastsaid that isthis.
The ministersrepresented the aristocrat, but the monarchyis an emperor, represented the imperial family.
大臣们则代表了贵族,而君主则是皇帝,代表了皇室。Actuallyeruptsbeforehandanyonenot to think that at the First World Warwill triggeroneinthisstartwo sidescountrieswar that affects the world!
其实在第一次世界大战爆发之前谁都不会想到在这颗星球两边的国家会引发一场波及世界的战争!Becauseonlycovers a native of Flat to take over for usePengJieaoharbornot to succeed, itfrom the beginningis not the bigmatter.
只因为盖弗拉人想要征用彭捷奥的港口没有成功,它从一开始就不是什么大事情。Ifthismatter happened in the federation, will not have the First World War.
如果这种事情发生在联邦,就不会有第一次世界大战。Butit happened betweentwostrongempires, will not be doomed that simpleconclusion.
但它发生在两个强硬的帝国之间,就注定不会那么简单的结束。„Hownow can wedeal?”, The emperor asked that seeming likehimwas somewhat lazy.
“现在我们要怎么应对?”,皇帝问道,看起来他有些懒怠。HeandFrat'semperoris completely different, ifFrat'semperoris more like a tyrant, wantsto graspallinownhand, thenPengJieaoemperorlooks like the average person who...... has not awaked.
If nothisheadhas the imperial crown of gold/metalolive branch, if not the gem on eachpiece of Chinese oliveleafis reflecting the gorgeoushalo, hepossiblyis an average person!
如果不是他头上带着金橄榄枝的皇冠,如果不是每一片橄榄叶上的宝石折射着绚丽的光晕,他可能就是一个普通人!Helooked that tosatin the right sidebigelders , to promote to enhance the proposition of tariffistheseelderspromotes, oris the capitalists in thiscountry and average personpromotes.
他看向了坐在右侧的大长老们,推动提高关税的提议是这些长老们推动的,或者说是这个国家的资本家们和普通人推动的。Variouscommodities that exitsfromanother side of the world is low-priced, but alsoveryfineeasy-to-use, thishad the fearful impact on the local business.
从世界的另外一边出口来的各种商品价格低廉,还非常的精美好用,这对本地商业造成了可怕的冲击。Thereforedue to the promotion ofeach regionlegislative body, finally the ministers and emperoralsoapprovedfrom the folkidea, raisedthesetariffs.
The never expected thatfederationperson'sresponse is so rapidandintense, includedinsomequiteimportantcommodity the embargoname listall of a sudden.
The emperorhas sent the ministerandFederal Governmentnegotiated, firmness that verybut the opposite partydeclined, thisalsoletPengJieaoempireregarding this unusualdisaffection.
皇帝陛下已经派遣公使和联邦政府交涉了,但对方回绝的很坚定,这也让彭捷奥帝国这边对此非常的不满。Sitsraises slightlyin the largest elderslightly, toexpress that to the respect of imperial familyandemperor, „theycuts offoursupplies, we can also cut offtheir......”
The emperorinterruptedhiswords, „thatthen?”
The bigelderis somewhat surprised, does not seem to understand, the emperortradedwas supporting the chinat the same time, „did Isaythen?”
大长老有些意外,似乎没明白,皇帝陛下换了一边支撑着下巴,“我说然后呢?”„Theycontinueto adjustandbetweenus the trade ties, breaks diplomatic relationtousfinally, goesagaindownward, then?”
“他们继续调整和我们之间的贸易关系,到最后我们断交,再往下去,然后呢?”„Some thingsIheard that lackedwas not good, moreoverwehave not been ableto realize itselfto producethesethings......”, the emperorlooked that tominister who was in charge of the industry.
The latternods, the science and technology of federalpersondevelopedis the fact that the entire worldknows, acknowledged that there is no issue.
The emperorlookedto the bigelder, „thatthen?”
The bigelderunderstands the emperor the meaning, according totheirwishes, they make somelimitstofederalthat sidesituationnow.
大长老明白了皇帝陛下的意思,按照他们的意愿,现在他们对联邦那边的情况作出了一些限制。But during thiswar, always the Little Brother of necking inneutrality, becomesgets tough, not to give the empirefacesuddenly.
但这个战争期间始终缩头中立的小弟弟,突然变得强硬起来,还不给帝国面子。Caused the presentaspect.
After the bigeldersilentmetsaid,„wecanwantcompletelyallmeanssolutionthisissues, the historyto teachus, othershave, was inferioroneselfhave.”
大长老沉默了一会之后说道,“我们会想尽一切办法解决这个问题,历史教会我们,别人有,不如自己有。”Words that hespoke, represented the entiresocialmiddle and lower level and capitalist, PengJieaosocial systemveryunusual.
After today'sconferenceended, the research and developmentstrength and capitalist of entirecountrywill go into action, theywill usevariousmethods, comes back the thingbelt/bring that theyneed.
今天的会议结束之后,整个国家的研发力量和资本家都会行动起来,他们会用各种方法,把他们需要的东西带回来。Emperorverysatisfiednod, „thisbest, Ido not hope that anythingprevents the honorshiningworld of ancestor.”
皇帝陛下很满意的点了点头,“这样最好,我不希望有任何东西阻挡先祖的荣光照耀世界。”„The federalpersonsoprovokestous, wecannotanythingnot do, perhapswecan......”, hesmile, „makesintenselysomein the local area.”
“不过联邦人对我们如此的挑衅,我们也不能什么都不做,也许我们可以……”,他笑了笑,“在局部地区制造一些紧张。”„Theycare aboutNagatLeir'ssafetyvery much, wecanfrom the east roadattemptclose to that side, givethemsomepressures.”
“他们很在意纳加利尔的安全,我们可以从东路尝试靠近那边,给他们一些压力。”Helooks attoward left the empiremarshalon hand, „can ourpresentstrengthssupportusto conduct a smallfriction?”
The empiremarshalsstood, pats the chest, „completelydoes not have anyissue, your majesty, Iwill make the federationlook down onusto pay the priceartificially!”
The emperoras beforeisthatsluggish, the appearance of nostrength, helifts the handemptyto press, „ok, ok, sat, youstoodtimeIhad very tremendouspressure, alwaysthought that youcancome uptome a sword......”
The empiremarshalssatawkwardly, hewill definitely not do, whodoes, whodied.
An empireinherited for several thousandyears, has the reason.
The imperial familylooksdraws close to the average person, theywill leave the imperial palace and average personfrequentlymix up, someroyal family membersevenlivedoutside the imperial palace.
皇室看上去非常的贴近普通人,他们经常会离开皇宫和普通人混在一起,有些皇室成员甚至都住在了皇宫外。Mayregardingsafe, theyhave not actually relaxed.
可对于安全,他们却从来都没有放松过。Allcross„red string” the persondied, never hasexceptionally.
The emperordeeplyinspires, pattedclapping, stood, on the facewere manysomesmile, looking like„gets off workto long live”infeeling is the same.
皇帝陛下深吸了一口气,拍了拍手,站了起来,脸上多了一些笑容,就像是在感慨“下班万岁”一样。„Thenall asked that hopes that youcangivemesomegoodnews......”
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