BC :: Volume #13

#1207: Do not annoy me

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In the evening when leaves the imperial palace theater, the Lynch three people also obtained a souvenir. 晚上离开皇宫影院时,林奇三人还得到了一份纪念品。 «Lynch Adventures 2» books, a drift bottle, inside has a boat, this is a handicraft, a gift certificate, as well as...... should also be the thing of artware. 一本《林奇历险记二》的书,一个漂流瓶,里面有一艘小船,这是一个工艺品,一份礼券,以及一件……应该也算是艺术品的东西。 The gift certificate is the watching movies ticket, person who holds the gift certificate can carry three people, watches any Fox Pictures movie in any theater in one year free, its value perhaps is not highest, but the sincerity arrived absolutely, and is very practical. 礼券是观影券,持有礼券的人可以携带三人,在一年之内在任何影院免费观看任何福克斯影业的电影,它的价值也许不是最高的,但诚意绝对到位了,而且很实用。 In the two years Fox Pictures will screen approximately ten to 20 movies every year, supposed that the price of each movie is together 99, according to 15 calculates, this is 30 dollars, in addition three people watch movies, that is 90 dollars. 这两年来福克斯影业每年都会上映约十到二十部电影,假设每部电影的票价是一块九十九分,按照十五部来计算,这就是三十块钱,加上三个人观影,那就是九十块钱。 Actually its 90 dollars, it can the reusable, mean that incessantly these 90 dollars can also use repeatedly. 其实它不止九十块钱,它可以重复使用,就意味着这九十块钱也可以重复的使用。 So long as the skin is thick enough, its value 900 dollars! 只要皮足够厚,它就值九百块钱! However believes that can enter majority here person, will not take this advantage, what they want is this watching movies ticket brings the privilege that! 不过相信能进入这里的人里的大多数,都不会占这个便宜,他们要的是这张观影券带来的特权! When others need to buy a ticket, they only need to show such watching movies ticket to enter watch the movie, this treatment, makes all movie critics be willing for Fox Pictures to inscribe several words of praise sufficiently. 当别人需要买票时,他们只需要出示这样的观影券就能进入观看电影,这种待遇,足以让所有影评人愿意为福克斯影业写上几句好话。 Is this not just respect that” they pursue? 这不正是他们追求的“尊重”吗? Makes the person a little not make clear it as for that is the thing of anything, in fact with that a paper money of money currency value forms a western cowboy who is riding the steed, at least seems like this. 至于那份让人有点搞不清楚它到底是什么东西的玩意,实际上是用一块钱面额的纸币编成的一匹骑着骏马的西部牛仔,至少看起来是这样。 It is spells completely by a paper money of money currency value, about 199, you must say that this is a bribe, then obviously it not necessarily is. 它全部是由一块钱面额的纸币拼成,大约有一百九十九张,你要说这是一种贿赂,那么显然它不一定是。 But you must say that it is really an artware, actually manufactures its person definitely with other materials to replace money. 但你要说它真的就是一件艺术品,其实制作它的人完全可以用其他的材料来代替金钱。 Perhaps in the eyes of rich man, in these will not notice this are in the person eyes of 199 dollars, it is an artware. 也许在有钱人的眼里,在那些不会注意到这是一百九十九块钱的人眼里,它就是一件艺术品。 In these are unable not it and money link people, it is 199 dollars! 但是在那些无法不把它和金钱联系在一起的人们来看,它就是一百九十九块钱! After returning to the hotel, Lynch and two girls did met the movement, lies down looks in Lynch that on the bed is smoking has report that about tonight's premiere in the television screen broadcast. 回到酒店后林奇和两个女孩做了一会运动,躺在床上吸着烟的林奇看着电视屏幕中播放的有关于今天晚上首映礼的一些报道。 Lay down proposes one in his right side suddenly is the request of issue, „can I attempt to be the director?”, She asked. 躺在他右侧的奈莉突然提了一个算是问题的要求,“我可以尝试着当导演吗?”,她问。 She could feel, she actually has no talent in performance, she not like, at any time any place, so long as she looked that the script can enter to the plot in immediately. 她感觉得到,自己在表演方面其实没有什么天赋,她不像佩妮,任何时候任何地点,只要她看完剧本立刻就能够进入到剧情中。 Majority and has cooperated the directors have commended her, is not her performing skill, is her talent. 大多数和佩妮合作过的导演都称赞过她,不是她的演技,是她的天赋。 Has such talent, performing skill such day after tomorrow thing, can definitely through obtain diligently, she can definitely become the federal extra-superior star. 有这样的天赋,演技这样后天的东西,完全可以通过努力获得,她肯定能成为联邦超一流的明星。 But are not good, she does not have such talent, in this movie photography, she felt itself already with every effort. 但奈莉自己不行,她没有这样的天赋,在这一次的电影拍摄中,她就感觉到自己已经“尽力”了。 From her own perspective, she thinks that she can display well, has the tensity and power, but she does not have the means to have these qualities by oneself. 从她自己的角度来看,她认为自己可以表现得更好一些,更有张力和感染力,但是她就是没办法让自己具备这些素质。 She is thinking, perhaps she can try to be a director. 她就在想,也许自己可以试一试当一个导演。 Lynch selected under one, „!”, Nothing hesitant. 林奇点了一下头,“可以!”,没有任何犹豫的。 It is not he trusts, or favor and trust, but is this small matter is not worth him pondering. 不是他如此的信赖,或者宠信奈莉,而是这种小事情不值得他去思考。 The desire of his gearing brain does not have, is only some change, that is unimportant. 他连动脑子的欲望都没有,只是一些小钱,那不重要。 Obtained her to want, the smile on face were more, like this she can help oneself former roommate. 奈莉得到了她想要的,脸上的笑容更多了,这样她就可以帮一帮自己的前室友了。 Perhaps oneself can also on the road of director, go out of a different future. 也许自己也能在导演的这条路上,走出一个不一样的未来。 But all these, because of Lynch. 而这一切,都因为林奇 She shrank in the quilt quietly, afraid to say a word, the words that somewhat thanked said. 她悄悄的缩进了被子里,吞吞吐吐,有些感谢的话说不出口。 Laldimo played two days later Lynch returned Bupen, in addition Fox was listed, he also needs to come back. 拉尔地摩玩了两天之后林奇就重新回到了布佩恩,加上福克斯的挂牌上市,他也都需要回来了。 But he to Fox is listed not to care very much, from the current appraisal, Fox Pictures will be listed later total market value not over 10 million federation Sol. 但他对福克斯的挂牌上市不是很在意,从目前的评估来看,福克斯影业挂牌上市之后总市值也不会超过一千万联邦索尔 Stock that Lynch holds after dilution is also left over 15%, is 1 million, he to these change, does not care very much. 林奇持有的股份经过稀释之后还剩下百分之十五,也不过是一百万,他对这些小钱,不是很在意。 the second day that Lynch comes back, had an unexpected matter. 林奇回来的第二天,发生了一件意料之外的事情。 Perhaps is „the other half of the world” Peng Jieao and its these allies detected that the federation took to their pressure, they not only stick together, handled a very special matter to raise the tariffs of some federal products. 也许是“世界的另外一半”彭捷奥和它的那些盟友察觉到了联邦带给他们的压力,他们不仅抱团,还是做了一件非常特别的事情提高了一些联邦产品的关税。 Enhances tariff matter, in fact was equal to these things that in telling these international trade merchants me said no damn again toward us delivered the meaning. 提高关税这种事情,实际上就等于在告诉那些国际贸易商人“我说的这些东西别他妈的再往我们这边送了”的意思。 Raises the tariff, the cost increases, does not have the competitiveness in the market. 提高关税,成本增加,在市场中就不具备了竞争力。 This time was included in the tariff adjustment list by Peng Czech Republic Austria Group the commodity related to 13 classifications, more than 40 types of concrete commodities, included the probably inexpensive cigarette lighter and luxury cigarette lighter, gas lamp oil lamp daily lighting attachments, as well as some small-scale computerized equipment. 这次被彭捷奥集团列入关税调整名单的商品涉及到十三个分类,四十多种具体的商品,其中就包括了像是廉价的打火机和奢侈品打火机,还有汽灯油灯等日常照明设备,以及一些小型的电子化设备。 This not in view of some country, but aims at the global development committee member nation. 这不是针对某一个国家,而是针对整个世界发展委员会成员国的。 Therefore next day Lynch on by federal security committee economic security office senior adviser the status, participated in one economic security conference situated in international affairs department. 所以第二天林奇就以“联邦安全委员会经济安全办公室高级顾问”的身份,参加了一场位于国际事务部的经济安全会议。 Before the conference starts, Lynch smokes in the balcony, happen to bumped into Mr. Truman, two people collected in one. 会议开始前林奇在阳台吸烟,正好碰到了特鲁曼先生,两人又凑在了一起。 This their pointedness is very strong, has the possibility we to divide two halves the world......”, he stopped the words, pulls out the cigarette lighter to ignite, was Lynch ignited the cigarette. “这次他们的针对性很强,有可能我们会把世界分割成两半……”,他停下了话,掏出打火机点着,又为林奇点着了香烟。 Lynch is looking into the distance, has no response regarding the view of Mr. Truman. 林奇眺望着远方,对于特鲁曼先生的看法没有任何的回应。 Before appearing has the genuine deterrent strategic weapon, human will display without hesitation to each other hostility, no strength can make them shut up, lets the matter that they stop them to handle. 在没有出现具有真正威慑性的战略性武器之前,人类对彼此的敌意会毫不犹豫的表现出来,没有什么力量能让他们闭上嘴,让他们停下他们要做的事情。 Therefore the world actually from the beginning, was divided into many shares, was only now some fragment gradual fusions in one, finally becomes the present appearance. 所以世界其实从一开始,就被分成了很多份,只是现在一些碎块逐渐的融合在了一起,最终成为了如今的模样。 Half were the federation, Frat these countries are the alliance of head, half are the organizations of Peng Jieao as well as other countries, the world had completely opposed. 一半是联邦,盖弗拉这些国家为首的联盟,一半是彭捷奥以及其他国家的组织,世界已经完全对立了起来。 Mr. Truman shot the cigarette ash, you thought that we do need to counter-attack?” 特鲁曼先生弹了弹烟灰,“你觉得我们需要反击吗?” The Lynch expression had some changes finally, he turns head to look at Mr. Truman, surprised of face, „do some people plan to consider as finished like this?” 林奇的表情终于有了一些变化,他扭头看着特鲁曼先生,一脸的惊讶,“难道有人打算就这样算了?” Mr. Truman then looked at the gate of balcony, gate well is closing, no one pays attention to here, no one approaches here. 特鲁曼先生回头看了看阳台的门,门好好的关着,没有人关注这里,也没有人靠近这里。 He lowered some sounds slightly, you know, Mr. President a little fears about the war......” 他稍稍压低了一些声音,“你知道,总统先生对战争有点恐惧……” Lynch understands immediately. 林奇立刻明白了。 Yes, Mr. President, he almost forgot this person. 是的,总统先生,他差点忘记了这个人。 Mr. President is a politician, the political program of any politician to elect to formulate. 总统先生是一名政客,任何一名政客的政治纲领都是为了选举而制定的。 Also starts to be partial like the Conservative Party political program is radical and strong, they elect to start to discuss the initiative issue with the local election in the state, hears these words, who can also be able to imagine them is Conservative Party? 就像保守党的政治纲领也开始偏向于激进和强硬,他们在州选和地方选举上开始谈论主动性的问题,听到那些话,谁还能想象得到他们这些人都是保守党 But they are Conservative Party, because their political programs are to unite more international allies, isolates the international enemy, this can also be regarded as conservative, conservative under international community. 可他们就是保守党,因为他们的政治纲领是团结更多的国际盟友,孤立国际敌人,这也能看做是一种保守,国际社会下的保守。 Mr. President actually is also so, conservative faction in Progressive Party, moreover he dreads the war. 总统先生其实也是如此,进步党中的保守派,而且他畏惧战争。 The fearfulness of a few years ago time federation person excessive propaganda war, many people were afraid the war, in addition at that time federal society was not self-confident, people loathed the mood of war to achieve the pinnacle. 前些年的时候联邦人过分的宣传战争的可怕,以至于很多人都害怕战争,加上当时联邦社会的不自信,人们厌恶战争的情绪达到了极致。 Now all change, many people transformed, a younger person, the speed of transformation is faster. 现在一切都发生了改变,很多人都转变了过来,越年轻的人,转变的速度越快。 Old people slowly. 老人们慢一点。 Mr. President does not hope that because of two world's largest war groups because of the friction in trade , to promote to the local war, this seems like some to be not quite cost-effective, insufficient security. 总统先生不希望因为两个世界上最大的战争集团因为在贸易方面的摩擦,升级到局部战争,这似乎有些不太划算,也不够安全。 Must counter-attack, moreover is vicious!”, Lynch gave own view finally, „, if our ignores Peng Jieao these people restrain us economically, the people will be disappointed......” “必须要回击,而且要凶狠!”,林奇终于给出了自己的看法,“如果我们放任彭捷奥那些人在经济上约束我们,民众们会失望……” Are the people disappointed, actually the politicians do not care. 民众失望不失望的,其实政客们早就不在乎了。 No one is not disappointing, the politicians promised the matter that the people must achieve if lists a form, at least 60-70% the things in this form has not realized. 就没有谁是不令人失望的,政客们许诺民众要做到的事情如果列出一个表格来,在这个表格里至少有60-70%的东西是没有实现的。 People continuously in disappointed, will continue to get down disappointedly, this is inevitable. 民众们一直在失望,也会继续失望下去,这是必然的。 Truly Lynch wanted to say people, in fact was these big capitalists, the capitalists was disappointed, then these by them representative voter, will be disappointed. 林奇真正想要说的“民众”,实际上是那些大资本家,资本家们失望了,那么那些被他们“代表”了的选民,也会失望。 Mr. Truman also understands obviously this truth, what you do have to be good to suggest?” 特鲁曼先生显然也明白这个道理,“你有什么好建议没有?” They give us, we also give back to them!” “他们予我们的,我们也还给他们!” After the moment, the conference formally starts, Lynch attendance in. 片刻后,会议正式开始,林奇出席其中。 After Mr. Truman some materials spread, talked about these things, as well as discussion countermeasure. 特鲁曼先生把一些资料传开之后,谈到了这些事情,以及商讨对策。 But this exactly is the primary responsibility of international affairs department, it mainly formulates and deals with some international changes. 而这恰恰就是国际事务部的主要责任,它主要制定和应对一些国际变化。 The main key from the beginning, determined, that competes, opposition, resistance! 基调从一开始,就确定了下来,那就是竞争,对立,对抗! The sky of August is very obviously sunny, actually gives people one type unable to say the feeling, looked like...... the storm to come! 八月份的天空明明很晴朗,却总是给人一种说不上来的感觉,就像是……暴风雨就要来了! Two days later, in Sydow Russ's global development committee temporary work conference room, the federal representative to all representatives submitted one sensitive material regulation suggestion the bill. 两天后,在赛多拉斯的世界发展委员会临时办公会议室中,联邦的代表向所有代表提交了一份“敏感物资调控建议”的议案。 The commodity that in this bill, the federation displays many sensitive needs to control, beside the country to global development committee will no longer transport. 在这份议案中,联邦罗列出了多个敏感的需要控制的物资,将不再对世界发展委员会之外的国家进行输送。 As the first bill of global development committee, the full-price ticket obtained passing, through the same day, all member nations started pointed stopped the exits of certain commodities. 作为世界发展委员会的第一份议案,全票得到了通过,在通过的当天,所有成员国开始针对性的停止某些物资的出口。 The federation simultaneously announced to the Peng Jieao and other country of the input products, increases 100% lowly, increases 500% protective tariffs high! 联邦同时宣布了对彭捷奥等国家的输入产品,最低增加百分之一百,最高增加百分之五百的保护性关税! Afterward when has the reporter to photograph Minister Peng Jieao comes out from the international affairs department the disaffection on face, he before departure also to front door loud roaring of international affairs department, domestic atmosphere all of a sudden anxious! 随后有记者拍摄到彭捷奥公使从国际事务部出来时脸上的不满,他在离开前还对着国际事务部的大门大声的咆哮,国内的气氛一下子就紧张了起来!
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