BC :: Volume #13

#1206: Reorganization

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In passing through Fox Jr. to the past, the present summary, as well as after giving free reign to the imagination the future speech, the light of hall dark. 在经过了小福克斯对过去,现在的总结,以及畅想未来的演讲之后,大厅的灯光暗了下来。 This is very traditional preview ceremony, but were more than old people of some academic the past, were many some movie critics, was short to purchase various types of commodities to pull out the lucky fellow of premiere invitation ticket. 这是一场很传统的首映式,只是比以往多了一些学院派的老人,多了一些影评人,少了一些购买各种商品抽到了首映礼邀请券的幸运儿。 Yes, this is also Laldimo traditional one, purchases any commodity in Laldimo, can conduct to draw one time. 是的,这也是拉尔地摩的传统之一,在拉尔地摩购买任何商品,都可以进行一次抽奖。 That jar of drawing came from the actor trade union, usually inside will put some ordinary movie theater admission tickets, if there is any premiere, will have the invitation tickets of some premieres. 抽奖的那个罐子来自于演员工会,平时里面会放一些普通的电影院门票,如果有什么首映礼,也会有一些首映礼的邀请券。 Holds these invitation tickets to attend the premiere, this probably is the entire city and even the entire industry to some benefits of average person, stimulates them to spend in this city. 持有这些邀请券可以参加首映礼,这大概就是整个城市乃至整个行业给普通人的一些福利,刺激他们在这座城市中消费。 After all, a more famous premiere, the heavyweight star of appearance are also more, with these person of short distance contacts ** can these to pull out in the clean pants pocket the final one cent! 毕竟,越大牌的首映礼,到场的重量级明星也就越多,和这些人近距离接触的**能让那些人掏干净裤兜里最后一分钱! The story that the story of movie and has really made some changes slightly, after all no one hopes the leading lady only in in the first half appearance, hopes that she can appear in the second half. 电影的故事和真实发生的故事稍微做了一些变动,毕竟谁都不希望女主角只在“上半场”出现,也希望她能在下半场出现。 In addition and screen opposition image, two girls also had the recent plot. 加上佩妮和奈莉的荧幕对立形象,两个女孩也有了新的剧情。 The actors enter the stage, some audience people of watching movies sent out calling out in alarm, a very charming actor, but also is very young. 男主角一出场,观影的观众们就有人发出了惊呼,一个非常帅气的男演员,还很年轻。 Naturally compared with Lynch he was bad, but has to acknowledge that he is very handsome. 当然比起林奇他还是差了一些,但不得不承认他已经很英俊了。 For this fellow, the shooting plan has been postponed......”, explained in the Lynch ear, this actor is that the sea chooses. “为了这个家伙,拍摄计划一直被推迟……”,佩妮在林奇耳边解释了一下,这个男演员就是海选出来的那个。 , not only the victory from several tens of thousands of applicants, the luck that he needs is so simple, many other payouts, for example...... contract. 从数万申请者中胜选而出,他需要的不只是运气那么简单,还有很多其他的付出,比如说……合约。 Fox and he signed for one six years the entire contracts of 20 movies, he can attain unusual are few!” 福克斯和他签了一份六年二十部电影的全合约,他能拿到的非常少!” This is also definitely inevitable, chooses the goal of rookie is to exploit the value of actor for greatest squeezing. 这肯定也是必然的,选新人的目的就是为了最大程度的压榨剥削演员的价值。 Brokerage firm and production company that in federal many these is good at unearthing the rookie, however their excavations and training do not have the price. 在联邦不乏那些善于挖掘新人的经纪公司和制片公司,但是他们的挖掘和培养并不是没有代价的。 Many people only saw star scenery side, actually cannot see real them. 很多人只看见了明星风光的一面,却看不见真实的他们。 For example now on screen this graceful dregs, actor who also definitely will detonate the cinema world, regardless in the next six years his worth rises to high, he by the contract price that from the beginning signs, about 20,000 money prices meet to make the movie of company. 就比如说现在荧幕上这个帅得掉渣,也必然会引爆电影圈的男主角,在未来六年里无论他的身价涨到多高,他都会以一开始签的合同价格,大约两万块钱一部的价格接拍公司的电影。 Besides these, all representing and so on, Fox Corporation must take 80%, he can only obtain 20%. 除了这些之外,所有的代言之类的,福克斯公司要拿百分之八十,他只能得到百分之二十。 ...... It is seemingly incredible, even if this many people are willing to sign the contract with the company. 看上去好像……很令人难以置信,可即便是这样还是有很多人愿意和公司签合约。 Everyone has a star dream, some people are always willing to become the star pay any price! 每个人都有一个明星梦,总有人愿意为成为明星付出任何代价! Moreover there is a strength of company to hold, after waiting for the contract conclusion, he can enjoy the contract of A-lister, if he did not have the halfway to leave this industry. 而且有公司的力捧,等合约结束之后,他就能够享受一线明星的合约,如果他没有半路离开这个行业的话。 Actually in turn looked, this contract is not such is unreasonable, at least an rookie who does not have the fame holds, the company also needs to take various risks. 其实反过来看,这份合约也不是那么的不合理,至少把一个没有名气的新人捧起来,公司也需要承担各种风险。 Beginning shooting of each new movie, various activities, if he cannot imagine like the company becomes the federal big star, then company all payouts wasted! 每一次新电影的投拍,每一次各种活动,万一他不能够像公司想象的那样成为联邦的大明星,那么公司所有的付出都白费了! This is actually very fair transaction, a side took all risks, then their naturally need many returns. 这其实是很公平的交易,一方承担了所有的风险,那么他们自然需要更多的回报。 But an actor side does not take any risk, must through the return of work receiving in exchange equality. 而演员一方不承担任何的风险,就必须要通过劳动换取平等的回报。 Also some people want to solve with the company after becoming a hit, this matter is from the beginning impossible, the capitalist is clearer than the judge how each legal provision utilizes appropriately protects their interests. 也有一些人在爆红之后想要和公司解决,这种事情从一开始就不可能,资本家比法官更清楚每一条法律条款如何运用得当的去保护他们的利益。 Perhaps in this world indeed has the brokerage firm that is good at unearthing the rookie, the production company, or director, but their goals are not only also restricted to film a movie, but to pursue bigger wealth value! 也许这个世界上的确有善于挖掘新人的经纪公司,制片公司,或者导演,但他们的目的也不仅限于拍摄一部电影,而是为了追求更大的财富价值! Lynch continues to watch the movie, the story in movie from going on board to start, photography unusual is practical, because they indeed rented that ship of accident. 林奇继续看着电影,电影中的故事从登船开始,拍摄的非常写实,因为他们的确把事发的那条船租来了。 The ship belongs every time, before every year will run twice, if other time company do not use, will throw to the travel and so on place makes the sightseeing trip class travel. 船属于每时每刻,以前每年会跑两次,其他时间如果公司自己不用的话,就会丢到旅游公司之类的地方去做观光旅游类旅行。 In other words so long as to money, they are willing to rent the yacht, not to mention this yacht after the photography of disaster and movie becomes more valuable, the company does not have the truth to reject the request of Fox Pictures every time. 换句话来说只要给钱,他们就愿意把游艇租出去,更别提这艘游艇经过了劫难和电影的拍摄后会变得更值钱,每时每刻公司没有道理拒绝福克斯影业的要求。 All that from the beginning basically and has are really similar, ambush the pirate in crew, the route of deviation, arrival of pirate, the rhythm very anxious. 一开始基本上和真实发生的一切都差不多,潜伏在船员中的海盗,偏离的航线,海盗的登场,节奏非常的紧张。 From the beginning to people the time of too many relaxation, many people have not looked that the body tied tight, by the content influence of movie, as the plot also becomes more and more tight. 从一开始就没有给人们太多放松的时间,不少人看着看着身体就紧绷了起来,受电影的内容影响,随着剧情也变得越来越紧张。 The plot after the pirate goes on board had some changes, the Lynch story had no change, but story line had some changes. 剧情在海盗登船之后发生了一些变化,林奇的故事没有什么改变,但是佩妮的故事线发生了一些变化。 She was only hid to wait for all conclusions, however in movie she to be repaired the heavy responsibility of telegraph by entrust/winding. 原本她只是藏起来等待着一切的结束,但是在电影中她被委以修复电报机的重任。 Naturally, the reorganization of collection plot does not make out of whole cloth, who knows that this girl has not gone to college, she is impossible to complete restores the heavy responsibility of telegraph independently. 当然,集剧情的改编不是瞎编,谁都知道这个女孩没上过大学,她不可能完成独立修复电报机的重任。 Her duty is to try to find the solution to the transmission level workshop, takes the spare detail that on the telegraph damages. 她的任务是想办法到传递层的工作间里,把电报机上损坏的备用零件拿出来。 Each below the deck has many pirates, naturally here is a small loophole, should not so many pirates, who cares? 在甲板以下每一层都有很多的海盗,当然这里是一个小小的漏洞,不应该有那么多的海盗,但是谁在乎? Experience that this obvious loophole does not affect to watch movies, because instead the enemy will become more, making one anticipate these exciting plots. 这种明显的漏洞并不影响观影的体验,反而会因为敌人变得更多,让人更期待那些激动人心的剧情。 Such Lynch tries to find the solution and pirates in the deck socializes, displays their wisdom and bravery, takes the risk that may be struck to kill anytime to submerge downward, the change of entire movie plot is also successful. 这样林奇在甲板上想办法和海贼们周旋,斗智斗勇,佩妮则冒着随时有可能被击杀的风险向下潜入,整个电影剧情的改变还算是成功的。 Role was arranged from the beginning on the tourist of embarking, but also was having some conflicts with from the beginning, after the pirates controlled the entire ship, before she arrived at the stage, thus started her and entire plot the story line. 奈莉的角色被安排成一开始就上船的游客,还和佩妮在一开始发生了一些冲突,等海盗们控制住了全船之后,她才走到台前,也从而开始了她和整个剧情的故事线。 Stimulates intensely, in addition the technique of photography is also very mature, the idea of screenwriter also has the originality, 80 minutes of length lets the moment that the person could not find a wee bit can relax! 非常紧张刺激,加上拍摄的手法也很成熟,编剧的想法也有独到之处,八十分钟的长度让人找不到一丁点可以放松的片刻! The expressions of academic these people are also very serious, regardless of they whether is interested in this movie, they sufficiently clear cognition its value, market value. 学院派那些人的表情也很严肃,无论他们是否对这部电影感兴趣,他们都足以清楚的认知它的价值,市场价值。 They did not acknowledge that it has the artistry, because its photography technique and plot lack the depth, only pursues the sensory stimulation, neglected the sublimation of mind and personality, without these, then it is not the art. 他们不承认它是有艺术性的,因为它的拍摄手法和剧情缺少深度,只追求感官刺激,忽略了心灵和人格的升华,没有这些,那它就不是艺术。 But it is to make money inevitably, people will like such movie, this makes in these old people hearts many somewhat discontented. 但它必然是赚钱的,人们会喜欢这样的电影,这让那些老人们心中多少有些不满。 They did themselves for a lifetime, possibly most also took the movie that acted to sell tens of thousands, but the casual movie can sell now several hundred thousand over a million, even 35 million, this made them the position in industry even more awkward. 他们干了一辈子,可能自己最拿得出手的电影也就卖了几万块,可现在随便一部电影都能卖个几十万上百万,甚至三五百万,这让他们在行业里的地位愈发的尴尬起来。 Although is called the founder, may indeed have nothing is very classical, or can take the thing that acts specially, this is they pursues the artistic reason probably crazily. 虽然被称为奠基者,可的确没有什么特别经典的,或者特别能拿得出手的东西,这大概就是他们疯狂追求艺术性的原因。 Because of art, priceless. 因为艺术,是无价的。 The movie critics very earnest watching movie, they treat the angle of this movie to be partial in the commercialization. 影评人们都很认真的观看电影,他们对待这部电影的角度更偏向于商业化。 Movie critic in society of commercialization must adjust own localization, what some people pursue is the artistry of movie, but the columns of these people depend on the roar in the movie report or the Film Journalen more and more, length getting smaller. 在商业化的社会中影评人的也要调整自己的定位,有些人追求的是电影的艺术性,但这些人的专栏在电影报或者电影杂志内越来越靠吼,篇幅越来越小。 Perhaps one batch of dying loyal powders support them, but the movie critic of pure art study many markets, have not been the commercial film especially are being on the contrary hot in the fire, the publishing house is also willing to give this kind of movie critic many page layouts, position near the top. 也许有一批死忠粉支持他们,但纯艺术学的影评人已经没有多少市场了,反倒是商业片正在大火特火,出版社也愿意给这类影评人更多的版面,更靠前的位置。 Could see, they are very earnest, this also fully explained that this is an outstanding movie. 看得出,他们都很认真,这也足以说明这是一部优秀的电影。 As for these ordinary lucky fellows, even is anxious breathes puts much lightly. 至于那些普通的幸运儿,早就紧张得连呼吸都放轻了不少。 Observes Fox Jr. of these watching movies people to relax in two buildings, he succeeded! 在二楼观察这些观影人的小福克斯松了一口气,他成功了! Seven o'clock, the movie ended, broke through the fireworks to tread the wave along with giant flame several speed boats, the leading actor and actress in movie successful realized the self-help, and coordinated the maritime police to eliminate the pirate. 七点钟,电影结束,伴随着巨大的火光几艘快艇突破了焰火踏浪而出,电影中的男女主角成功的实现了自救,并配合海警消灭了海盗。 The first audience stands up from sending applause, then the increasing numbers of people stood, in movie theater applause including the city a piece. 第一名观众站起来自发的鼓掌,然后越来越多的人都站了起来,电影院内掌声连城了一片。 The screening hall in imperial palace theater can accommodate 2000 people, this is also the Laldimo biggest screening hall, regardless of people want or do not want, when most people stand applauds, they must follow the crowd. 皇宫剧院的放映厅可以容纳两千人,这也是拉尔地摩最大的放映厅,无论人们愿意或者不愿意,当绝大多数人都站起来鼓掌时,他们也得随大流。 Applauds, and success of commendation movie. 鼓掌,以及称赞电影的成功。 Then was the sumptuous dinner, Fox Pictures prepares to be very long for this day, they not that parsimonious. 接下来就是丰盛的晚餐,福克斯影业为了这一天准备了很久,他们就不会那么的吝啬。 After watching movies to finish, under staff's leadership, everyone entered the giant restaurant, here has proliferated the chef and food, anybody can eat itself the thing that wanted to eat. 观影结束后在工作人员的带领下,所有人都进入了巨大的餐厅,这里已经遍布厨子和食材,任何人都能吃到自己想要吃到的东西。 After Fox Jr. and Lynch said a hello, first left one step, he must call these old men. 小福克斯林奇打了一个招呼之后,先离开了一步,他得去招呼那些老头子们。 In order to let their these old men felt that Fox Pictures to their respect, Fox Jr. entertains them in the restaurant in next door alone. 为了让他们这些老头子感觉到福克斯影业对他们的尊重,小福克斯在隔壁的餐厅里单独招待他们。 The graceful pure environment, the comfortable slow rhythm piano music, the attractive female attendant and sumptuous delicious dinner, this makes the founders of each movie art satisfy, they felt Fox Pictures to their attaching great importance, they felt that oneself were respected. 优雅清净的环境,舒适的慢节奏钢琴曲,漂亮的女侍应生以及丰盛可口的晚餐,这让每个电影艺术的奠基者都非常的满意,他们感受到了福克斯影业对他们的重视,他们感觉到了自己被人所尊重。 This is not they want? 这不就是他们想要的吗? They sit in the table is wielding the pure silver tableware unceasingly are swallowing food, during the conversations mutual thinking highly makes all these seem like such harmony. 他们坐在餐桌边上挥动着纯银的餐具不断的吞食着食物,交谈之间互相的恭维让这一切看起来都是如此的和谐。 In the next door, in the lively restaurant people are still discussing had just been watching the movie, movie critic very rare and pure audience discussed the plot of movie. 在隔壁,热闹的餐厅里人们还在谈论着刚刚所看过的电影,影评人很少有的和纯粹的观众们讨论起电影的剧情。 Lynch sits in the corner, some people want to chat with him, but was prevented. 林奇就坐在角落中,有人想要过来和他聊聊,但都被阻止了。 Rejected person not, therefore the vitality/angry, instead disturbed the ponder of Mr. Lynch to raise slightly to apologize for oneself rashly, then turned the head to leave. 被拒绝的人并没有因此生气,反而为自己贸然打扰了林奇先生的思考欠身道歉,然后转头离开。 If this is a picture, then its name certainly is «Vanity fair»! 如果这是一幅画,那它的名字一定是《名利场》!
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