BC :: Volume #13

#1205: First showing

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

The Laldimo tourism develops perfectly, here approximately must receive about 20 million tourists every year. 拉尔地摩的旅游业开发得非常完善,每年这里大约要接待两千万左右的游客。 Data that gives from the official, this digit is increasing every year, this was almost equal to that every year has 1/3 federal people to come to here! 从官方给出的数据来看,这个数字每年都在增加,这几乎等于每年有三分之一的联邦人都来过这里! Naturally, some these also overseas tourists, federal movie and culture, as Baylor Federation all-round strength internationally is getting stronger and stronger , gradual by more people accepts. 当然,这其中还有一些海外的游客,联邦的电影和文化随着拜勒联邦在国际上的综合实力越来越强,也逐渐的被更多人的所接受。 This truth is very easy to understand, looked like some people hit a fist, or looked that others were hit a fist by the federation, they will definitely analyze, why will the federation win? 这个道理很容易明白,就像是有人被打了一拳,或者看别人被联邦打了一拳,他们肯定会分析,为什么联邦会赢? Must have the reason! 总要有原因的! An understanding of national another country cannot pure from the angle of military or economy, should understand from all -around angle, this is not difficult to make the federal the culture output outward. 一个国家对另外一个国家的了解不能单纯的从军事或者经济的角度,应该从全方位的角度来了解,这就不难让联邦的文化向外输出。 Massive Federal Films, books, music and so on cultural product exits to the overseas, besides brought massive profits for the federal merchants, enabled more people to have a possibility also somewhat fuzzy all-around understanding of the federation. 大量的联邦电影,书籍,音乐之类的文化产品向海外出口,除了为联邦的商人们带来了大量的利润之外,也使更多人对联邦有了一个可能还有些模糊的全方位了解。 The federation contains the open culture to attract many people, the increasing number of people start to choose to take the federation as the choice that the international tourism must go to! 联邦包容又开放的文化吸引着很多人,越来越多的人开始选择把联邦作为国际旅游必去的选择! Now is on season, the avenue is a person! 现在又是旅游旺季,满大街都是人! The attention of people places in these scenic spots, they have not noticed, true big star in their sides! 人们的注意力都放在那些景点上,他们没有注意到,真正的大明星就在他们的身边! Three people ate bullet beef steak, this is food that in a western the lead often eats, he has three machine guns, the matter that most loves places on the beef steak the barrel, then opens fire! 三人吃了一顿“子弹牛排”,这是一部西部电影中主角经常吃的食物,他有一把三管机枪,最爱的事情就是把牛排放在枪管上,然后开枪! The persistent shooting club makes the barrel fast elevation of temperature, the temperature cook the ripe beef steak sufficiently, in addition some...... the smell of gunpowder, this became very famous bullet beef steak! 持续的射击会让枪管快速的升温,温度足以烧熟牛排,加上一些……火药味,这就成了非常有名的“子弹牛排”! Naturally, the cooking way in restaurant not that primitive, security. 当然,餐厅里的烹饪方式不会那么的原始,也更加的安全。 Actually these things are not big with the ordinary beef steak difference, they were placed the pure copper and made on the barrel same copper pipe to roast ripe. 其实这些东西和普通的牛排区别不大,它们只是被放在了纯铜的并且做成了枪管一样的铜管上烤熟的。 Because of cooking its kitchenware and general difference, its price is several times of other beef steaks. 就因为烹饪它的厨具和一般的不一样,它的价格是其他牛排的好几倍。 The Laldimo person will make money, the merchants so, the native is also this. 拉尔地摩的人非常会赚钱,商人们如此,本地人也是这样。 Lynch saw all the way in many hands takes the person who more than ten writing boards are peddling the star's autograph, these are the local residents. 一路上林奇见到了不少手里拿着十几块写字板兜售明星签名的人,这些都是本地的居民。 They usually have oneself work, at leisure might go to be the figurants, what will be more will be everywhere the running field. 他们平时也有自己的工作,闲暇时有可能会去当群众演员,但更多的还是到处跑场。 The so-called running field, pursues star at the back of a backpack writing board everywhere. 所谓跑场,就是背着一背包写字板到处“追星”。 Here is the movie, almost will have the every large or small star to come and go out every day here, the native has own channel to these news, they must do is demands the signature. 这里是电影之都,几乎每天都会有大大小小的明星在这里出入,本地人对这些消息有自己的渠道,他们要做的就是去索要签名。 But these signatures, are the signatures in these peddler hands. 而这些签名,就是这些小贩手中的签名。 From dozens dollars, to several thousand dollars, the treasures of some special collections takes over ten thousand. 从几十块钱,到几千块钱不等,还有一些特别珍藏的珍品要上万块。 The tourists like these things very much, after they want itself to go home, is in front of family member friend to put out a writing board harvest scream and envying of having the star genuine signature. 游客们很喜欢这些东西,他们希望自己回家之后,当着亲人朋友的面拿出一个有明星亲笔签名的写字板收获尖叫和羡慕。 According to not that authoritative organization statistics, Laldimo must sell the signatures of 1 million different stars every year, including 0% eighty are false! 据不那么权威的机构统计,每年拉尔地摩都要售出一百万张不同明星的签名,其中有百分之八十几是假的! Yes, is almost false. 是的,几乎都是假的。 From the beginning perhaps real, but to behind people discovered that these tourists will even purchase the signature of star oneself do not understand, this gave them to make the false courage and power. 一开始也许是真的,但到后面人们发现那些游客甚至会购买自己不了解的明星的签名,这就给了他们制假的勇气和动力。 The tourists in any case what need is only some souvenirs, they sell is also the souvenir. 反正游客们需要的只是一些纪念品,他们出售的也是纪念品。 Does not need the running field, not to need to yell, only needs to put out writing board to trace, the commodities of dozens dollars appeared, this is not slower than the speed of seal money. 不需要跑场,不需要喊叫,只需要拿出写字板自己临摹一下,几十块钱的商品就出现了,这不比印钱的速度慢。 This also caused Laldimo to have many signature accrediting body, the handwriting Grandmasters in these organizations can appraise the genuine and fake of signing, they will issue the certificate to prove its truth for the signature. 这也导致了拉尔地摩有不少签名鉴定机构,这些机构中的笔迹大师能够鉴定签名的真假,他们会为签名颁发证书以证明它的真伪。 Naturally these organizations will also sell the signature, in the person hand that but here signature price peddles in the roadside compared with outside these, wants is too many expensively. 当然这些机构也会出售签名,可这里的签名价格比外面那些在路边兜售的人手里的,要贵太多。 Do not sign casually, you do not know that these people are the movie fan or the signing peddler, I do not hope that my good intention was treated as a transaction!” “不要随便给人签名,你不知道那些人是影迷还是签名贩子,我不希望我的好心被人当作一场交易!” This is tells Lynch, the good three people had not been discovered. 这就是佩妮告诉林奇的,还好三人一直没有被发现。 In the afternoon they returned to the hotel to rest a meeting, prepared for evening's premiere. 下午他们回到酒店里休息了一会,为晚上的首映礼做准备。 The time of premiere decided at five points, this time...... was a little subtle. 首映礼的时间定在了五点,这个时间……有点微妙。 The imperial palace is one of the Laldimo five big theaters, it very luxurious, it to film a biography class movie constructs, what the lead is natural is an emperor. 皇宫是拉尔地摩五大影院之一,它非常的奢华,它本来是为拍摄一部传记类电影而建造的,主角理所当然的是个皇帝陛下。 In the ages of that not many movie technologies, to pursue a more real sense of reality, the producer spent the large amount of money to build a micro real imperial palace. 在那个没有多少电影技术的年代里,为了追求更真实的质感,制片方斥巨资打造了一个微缩的真实的皇宫。 After the movie shoots, it had not been torn down, but sold to a merchant. 电影拍完之后它并没有被拆掉,而是卖给了一名商人。 This merchant transformed a multipurpose theater it later, not only here can watch the movie, but can also watch the opera, the restaurant, the conference room, had very high position in Laldimo. 这名商人随后把它改造成了一座多功能的剧场,这里不仅能观看电影,还能观看歌剧,还有餐厅,会议室等,在拉尔地摩也有很高的地位。 This premiere, decides in the imperial palace theater, the film length probably 80 minutes, after waiting for the movie to end, happen to the time of dinner. 这次首映礼,就定在皇宫影院,片长大概有八十分钟,等电影结束之后正好到了晚餐的时间。 For this time to the prize, Fox Pictures naturally must be willing to spend to be good. 为了这次冲奖,福克斯影业自然要舍得花钱才行。 The audience of all participation premieres can after the broadcast ended can enjoy a rich dinner in the giant restaurant, here restaurant entertains 600 people sufficiently simultaneously! 所有参与首映礼的观众都可以在播放结束后就可以在巨大的餐厅享受一顿丰富的晚餐,这里的餐厅足以同时招待六百人! In Laldimo, possibly also only then here restaurant so huge, the value that after all it has, to manifest in the movie the imperial family invites the scene of aristocrat. 拉尔地摩,可能也只有这里的餐厅才如此的巨大,毕竟它存在的价值,就是为了体现出电影中皇室宴请贵族的场面。 The place of Fox Jr. choice, some people saw his thoughts personally, some people are playing the fool. 小福克斯亲自挑选的地方,有些人看出了他的心思,也有人在装傻。 Around when 4 : 00, Lynch and two girls have gotten out of bed and were ready, he as last entering the stage star, therefore some time. 四点多时,林奇和两个女孩就已经起床并且做好了准备,他将作为最后一名出场的“明星”,所以还有一些时间。 This premiere invited many stars, starts from around 3 : 00, outside the emperor theater was filled with the person. 这场首映礼邀请了很多的明星,从三点多开始,皇帝影院外就挤满了人。 The natives, the reporter also has various tourists, people look like go crazy same shout each name that star who steps onto the red carpet. 本地人,记者还有各种游客,人们就像是发了疯一样呼喊每一个走上红地毯的明星的名字。 Warm people make here look like celebrate a holiday to be the same! 热情的人们让这里就像是过节一样! Mainly manufactures the appearance of team, pushed to the peak the atmosphere! 主要制作团队的出现,更是把气氛推向了巅峰! People are shouting the actor hysteric, the names of directors and other actors. 人们歇斯底里的喊着男主角,导演和其他演员的名字。 As the social sociality animal, the mood of human is very complex manifestation, with the dissemination of community fanaticism, these was not interested, or has not started to be demented to star that blind frantic people! 作为社会群居性动物,人类的情绪是非常复杂的体现,随着群体狂热情绪的散播,原本那些不怎么感兴趣,或者对明星没有那么盲目狂热的人们也开始癫狂起来! Fox Jr. looks at all these, finally showed the satisfactory smile. 小福克斯看着这一切,终于露出了满意的笑容。 This is he moves toward the life peak the road which must be taken, several years ago he also can only provide the suggestion in the gloomy and cold moist basement for the father who he lends money at high interest. 这是他走向人生巅峰的必经之路,就在几年前他还只能在阴冷潮湿的地下室里为他放高利贷的父亲提供一些建议。 However several years later, he management knowledge that learns from the university is not only applied by himself, realized one of the own lifelong goals, becomes a president of listed company, and major stockholder. 但是几年后,他不仅让自己在大学里学习的管理知识派上了用场,也实现了自己的人生目标之一,成为一家上市公司的总裁,并且还是大股东。 So long as passed tonight, appraisal of movie critic, Fox Pictures will be listed the day after tomorrow, then the irritable box office in Bupen lit the enthusiasm of market directly, stock price crazy increasing! 只要过了今夜,影评人的评价一出,后天福克斯影业就会在布佩恩挂牌上市,然后火爆的票房直接点燃了市场的热情,股价会疯狂的攀升! He perhaps is not the strength strongest production company president, but he certainly is youngest! 他或许不是实力最强的制片公司总裁,但他一定是最年轻的! How many?” “还有多少?” He carries the wine glass to turn around to look at oneself assistant, the latter looked at one toward downstairs, also has the last car(riage)!” 他端着酒杯转身看着自己的助手,后者朝着楼下看了一眼,“还有最后一辆车!” Yes, the last car(riage), the leading lady and first supporting actress have not appeared, in the host created in the team to be discovered, they realized that definitely had a very substantive person also to attend the premiere, therefore kept two most important roles, independent arrangement. 是的,还有最后一辆车,女主角和第一女配角没有出现在主创团队中已经被人们发现了,他们意识到肯定有一个非常有分量的人也会来参加首映礼,所以把两个最重要的角色留了下来,单独安排。 As ivory white also has near the silver luxury car to drive from the distant place, the flashing light of scene has not stopped. 随着一辆象牙白色并且有银边的豪华轿车从远处驶来,现场的闪光灯就没有停下来过。 What first coming out is, people are shouting loudly her name, these frantic movie fans constantly are challenging the bottom line of security forward. 第一个出来的是奈莉,人们高呼着她的名字,那些狂热的影迷不断向前挑战着保安的底线。 Is, the call of people was higher , makes one anticipate the last person in car(riage). 紧接着是佩妮,人们的呼声更高了,也更让人期待车中的最后一人。 Some person of this time loud is shouting the Lynch name, only used several time of breath, everyone starts to shout loudly the Lynch name. 有人此时大声的呼喊着林奇的名字,只用了几个呼吸的时间,所有人都开始高呼林奇的名字。 When Lynch from car(riage) that moment, is this preview ceremony first high tide! 林奇从车中出来的那一刻,也是这场首映式的第一个高潮! The tourists in some foreign countries, the reporters in foreign country do not know Lynch, their unceasing to the surrounding person inquired that who this is. 有些外国的游客,外国的记者不认识林奇,他们不断的向周围的人打听这是谁。 In the imperial palace theater, some people look like the emperor of return same cheered Lynch, the expression vary. 在皇宫影院内,一些人看着如同归来的皇帝一样受人们欢呼的林奇,表情各异。 Some people like him, some people will not certainly like him, the old film-makers of some academic do not catch cold to Lynch very much, movie gradual was classified as art the name. 有人喜欢他,就一定会有人不喜欢他,有些学院派的老电影人对林奇不是很感冒,电影正在逐渐的被冠以“艺术”之名。 But they, is the founder of art. 而他们,则是艺术的奠基者。 Does not like the reason of Lynch having regarding these people. 对于这些人来说不喜欢林奇的理由有很多。 For example he is very young, but they are old, the time is sneaking off from their sides, this also makes their even more has hated about these young people. 比如说他很年轻,而他们已经老了,时代正在从他们的身边溜走,这也让他们愈发的对那些年轻人有所痛恨。 For example he is half screenwriter, in film industry, screenwriter...... always unpopular a handful people. 比如说他算是半个编剧,在电影行业中,编剧……总是不受待见的一小撮人。 For example he is the person of production company, these people do not understand the art, they always meddle the photography of movie carelessly. 比如说他是制片公司的人,这些人一点也不懂艺术,他们总是胡乱插手电影的拍摄。 For example...... he is very rich! 比如说……他很有钱! Has money it not wrong, but wrong here is the palace of art, the art is higher than the life! 有钱本身没有错,但错在了这里是艺术的殿堂,艺术高于生命! They must display oneself respectful to Lynch, because here is the federation, money is all! 偏偏他们又要对林奇表现出自己的恭敬,因为这里是联邦,金钱就是一切! Lynch hugs two right red girls to step in the red carpet, the tide common movie fan rushes to them, the good security blocked these lunatics. 林奇搂着两个正当红的女孩踩在红地毯上,潮水一般的影迷涌向他们,还好保安挡住了这些疯子。 Each he stops the footsteps to trigger the scream of crowd time, each he waves to meet the positive response to the crowd time, people fell into some mood completely! 每一次他停下脚步都会引发人群的尖叫,每一次他向人群挥手都会得到积极的响应,人们完全的陷入了某种情绪中! When walks the red carpet, the eye of Lynch soon was blind! 走完红地毯时,林奇的眼睛都快要瞎了! He admires the year of the snake two young girls very much, does not have the slight illness facing that intense light source unexpectedly. 他很佩服蛇年的两个小妞,面对那么强烈的光源居然没有丝毫的不适。 Signed own name in the sign-in book, three people finally after the crowd waves, entered in the theater. 在签到簿上签下了自己的名字,三人最后对人群挥手后,进入了影院里。 Finally finished......” “终于结束了……”
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