BC :: Volume #13

#1204: «Startled Navigation»[ this chapter by: Book friend 2019 ** 8248 Titles -10?]

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In the life of person must experience many things, spent the long time, an innocent girl in the Lynch life possibly is only a pebble. 人的一生中要经历很多的事情,度过漫长的时光,一个不懂事的女孩在林奇的生命中可能只是一颗小石子。 It fell into the river of years, the ripples that starts have not touched the shore to return to normal. 它掉进了岁月的长河中,掀起的涟漪还没有触碰到岸边就恢复了平静。 On this day, Fox Jr. came to telephone to Lynch, invites his forthcoming «Lynch Adventures 2» also names: «Startled Navigation». 这天,小福克斯林奇来了一通电话,邀请他即将上映的《林奇历险记二》又名:《惊海奇航》。 Meanwhile he also needs to inform Lynch, must open the board of directors, to go on the market. 同时他也需要通知林奇,要开董事会了,为了上市。 Fox Pictures to go on the market has arranged to be very long, repeatedly delays, even photographing half of «Lynch Adventures 2» reduced completely photographs. 福克斯影业为了上市已经筹备了很久,一拖再拖,甚至把拍摄到了一半的《林奇历险记二》全部砍掉重新拍摄。 For a listing attains an excellent momentum, they decided that gives up photographing in the movie studio, but shifts the scene to the genuine luxurious cruise on, is that every time. 为了一上市就拿到一个好势头,他们决定放弃在摄影棚内拍摄,而是把场景转移到真正的豪华游轮上,还是每时每刻的那一艘。 This made the movie increase many budget, opinion that but the board of directors had no, they also thought do that are helpful to after the company went on the market promoted the Fox Pictures stock price rapidly. 这让电影增加了很多的预算,但董事会对此没有任何的意见,他们也认为这么做,有助于在公司上市后迅速提升福克斯影业的股价。 Many budget, a bigger scene, a more advanced technology, these mean that this movie will become a history. 更多的预算,更大的场面,更先进的技术,这些都意味着这部电影将会成为一个历史。 Regardless of it succeeds is defeated, can so. 无论它成功还是失败,都会如此。 Now the movie photographs to complete, arranges the premiere. 现在电影拍摄完成,筹备首映礼。 Lynch as the lead of this movie true story, is the major stockholder in company, he needs. 林奇无论是作为这部电影真实故事的主角,还是公司的大股东,他都有必要去一趟。 Afterward, he made Anna help him arrange the traveling schedule. 随后,他让安娜帮他安排了行程。 In early August hot steaming that in the ground ascends made Laldimo turn into the human purgatory. 八月上旬,地面上升腾的热蒸让拉尔地摩变成了人间炼狱。 A little exaggerating, but really hot! 有点夸张了,但真的热! Hotter, is the enthusiasm of people! 更热的,则是人们的热情! The avenue puts on the young men and women of vanguard, they come to here to track down the footsteps of star, or the hope can be bumped into by the talent scout, changes own life. 满大街都是穿着前卫的年轻男女,他们来这里追寻明星的脚步,或者希望能被星探撞见,改变自己的人生。 Many people think that the actor is very relaxed work, but this work is not in fact relaxed. 很多人都认为演员是很轻松的工作,但实际上这份工作并不轻松。 In the morning, from having the room of cold air/Qi wakes up, she kicks out of the way was pressing the light velvet quilt, turns around to sit up, after washing , who and has gotten up said a hello. 早晨,佩妮从有着冷气的房间里醒来,她踢开了身上压着的薄薄的天鹅绒被子,转身坐起,一番洗漱之后和已经起来的奈莉打了一声招呼。 Two girls relate for some reasons are together now well, during Laldimo lived in villa. 两个女孩因为某些原因关系现在相处得不错,在拉尔地摩期间佩妮就住在了奈莉的别墅里。 It is not she buys, is the company assigns, the entire community is similar situation. 不是她买的,是公司分配的,整个社区都是类似的情况。 The production company or the brokerage firm purchased the entire community, then arranges the company affiliated signing artist here. 制片公司或者经纪公司购买了整个社区,然后把公司旗下的签约艺人安排在这里。 Does not have the fame, lives in the bad house, and there is in a possibility villa to force one's way in more than ten 20 people. 没有名气的,住在差一些的房子里,并且有可能一栋别墅里要挤进去十几二十人。 If these famous, has become the star, then their possibly two person or a person live in a villa. 如果是那些有名气的,已经成为了明星的,那么他们可能两个人或者一个人住一个别墅。 The social brutal true portrayal displays here incisively, goes to bathroom compared with opposite that crowd continually must line up, is also flooding the girls of expectation to the future, here situation was much better. 社会残酷的真实写照在这里表现得淋漓尽致,比起对面那群连上厕所都要排队,对未来还充斥着憧憬的女孩们,这边的情况好多了。 Two girls finished eating the breakfast to go out, Lynch arrives here in the morning, he will first go to the company to meet, then in the evening attended the premiere. 两个女孩吃完早餐就出了门,林奇早上抵达这里,他会先去公司开会,然后晚上参加首映礼。 They must wait for him, then transfers one revolution with him here. 她们得去等着他,然后和他一起在这里转一转。 When going out opposite villa gate also opened exactly, several girl same splendid attire journeys, and a girl knew, she waves, opposite that girl is also responding. 出门时恰好对面的别墅门也开了,几个女孩同样盛装出行,奈莉和其中一个女孩认识,她挥了挥手,对面的那个女孩也回应着。 That side girl very natural walked, morning also has the circular?” 那边的女孩很自然的走了过来,“早上也有通告吗?” Shakes the head, she hesitant, private matter, you?” 奈莉摇了摇头,她犹豫了一下,“私人的事情,你们呢?” She saw these girls are drawing the tension bar box, some guessed, what thing can go to other places to photograph?” 她看到了这些女孩都拉着拉杆箱,有了一些猜测,“要去其他地方拍摄什么东西吗?” No!”, That girl smiles saying that has the screen test, several......” “不!”,那个女孩笑说道,“有试镜,好几场……” Is somewhat accidental, on the face were also many some sincere smile, wished you to succeed, my previous and company said that hopes that you can join my movie, the company said can consider......” 奈莉有些意外,脸上也多了一些真挚的笑容,“祝你成功,我上次和公司说了,希望你能加入我的电影,公司说会考虑的……” Two girls also said after several idle talks, that girl left. 两个女孩又说了几句闲话后那个女孩离开了。 She walks, curls the lip, saying that somewhat mocked, very false person, she smiled like roadside 20 women's watch, how did you know her?” 她一走,佩妮就撇了撇嘴,有些讥诮的说道,“很虚伪的人,她笑起来就像路边二十块的女表子,你怎么认识她的?” Was together with for a long time, knows this girl sometimes really very unkind, she spoke can offend somebody! 和佩妮相处久了,奈莉也知道了这个女孩有时候是真的非常的刻薄,她说话很能伤人! They and Lynch relations are that translucent relations, the person of entire federation almost knows this point, this also Gempek released for flight thoroughly oneself. 她们和林奇的关系属于那种半透明的关系,整个联邦的人几乎都知道这一点,这也让佩妮彻底的放飞了自己。 She is really me, the character is somewhat bad, but also some people like her sincerely. 她就是要做“真我”,性格有些恶劣,但也有人喜欢她的“率真”。 Sometimes she gives some hand signals to the media, or when bad language by publication or broadcast, makes many young people like her crazily. 有时候她对媒体做些手势,或者说脏话被刊登或播放出来时,也让很多年轻人疯狂的喜欢她。 Thought that she is a real girl, like these fake pitiful people, from beginning to end is not false. 觉得她是一个真实的女孩,不像那些假的可怜的人,从头到尾都是虚伪的。 In addition she likes playing, likes the outlandish clothes, the influence in young people community is getting bigger and bigger. 加上她喜欢玩,又喜欢奇装异服,在年轻人群体中的影响力越来越大。 Situation is just the opposite, peaceful, is polite, likes her is the age slightly is often big person, these people exactly are this time pillar/backbone. 奈莉的情况恰恰相反,安静,有礼貌,喜欢她的往往都是年纪稍微大一些的人,这些人恰好就是这个时代的“支柱”。 They are just the right time, have the power of consumption, therefore she is also rising in the position of entertainment world with steady steps. 他们正当时,有消费能力,所以她在娱乐圈的地位也正在稳步上升。 Supplementary of two people make their screen combinations be popular very much, some audience write a letter to Fox Pictures unceasingly, hopes that can see once the classical scene to beat in the movie mutually. 两个人的互补让她们的荧幕组合很吃香,有些观众不断写信给福克斯影业,希望能在电影中看见曾经经典的场面互殴。 It is said Fox Pictures pledged that this can appear, this is also many people anticipated, after all in previous advertisement beat mutually was too real, looking like really same! 据说福克斯影业承诺这一幕会出现,这也是很多人期待的,毕竟上一次广告中的互殴实在太真实了,就像是真的一样! Two girls kidded around are driving to leave, the former roommate looks that the rear light of automobile revealed envying, the envy, her vision was somewhat profound, looks at one to awaken under touching of roommate. 两个女孩嬉闹着开着车离开了,奈莉的前室友看着汽车的尾灯流露出一种羡慕,嫉妒,她的目光有些深邃,看了一会才在室友的触碰下惊醒了过来。 A bus stopped in their front, yes, bus, but was not very big. 一辆大巴车停在了他们的面前,是的,大巴,但不是很大。 Sits on the vehicle, with automobile body the scenery of swaying out of the window starts the fast escape backward, the atmosphere on vehicle is very sad, no one spoke. 坐在车上,随着车身的摇晃窗外的景色开始快速的向后逃逸,车上的气氛很沉闷,没有人说话。 Everyone is very clear their following work is anything, the company hopes that can harvest at the end of this year awards ceremony, then they must complete the public relations. 每个人都很清楚她们接下来的工作是什么,公司希望能在今年年底的颁奖典礼上有所收获,那么他们就必须做好公关。 In the federation, is a movie award-winning movie, the audience said does not calculate, the movie critic said does not calculate, must these people by cinema institute decide. 在联邦,一部电影是不是“获奖电影”,观众们说了不算,影评人说了不算,必须由电影学院的那些人说了算。 Altogether 50 voters, they can decide whether a movie can win. 一共五十名投票人,他们能决定一部电影是不是能获奖。 In fact every year reports various award items the movies is very splendid, no one will apply for the award item with the rotten piece, this also makes everyone probably in numerous movies make the choice, this is a very difficult choice question. 实际上每年申报各种奖项的电影本身都是十分出色的,没有人会用烂片去申请奖项,这也让每个人都必须在众多影片中做选择,这是一个很难的选择题。 But if had at this time artificially interferes...... as if becomes simple. 但如果这个时候有人为的干涉……似乎就会变得简单起来。 Yes, the public relations, the person on vehicle, the duty of trip takes these to grasp the academic film-maker of voting rights in other words, making them leave Fox Pictures the ticket. 是的,公关,车上的人,此行的任务就是说服那些掌握着投票权的学院派电影人,让他们把票留给福克斯影业 Within a half hour, after the girl transfers to another vehicle, fed in a private villa by a van sedan, greets her is seemingly has 60 years old about, only put on an old person of frivolous sleeping robe. 半个小时之后,女孩转车后被一辆厢式轿车送进了一个私密的别墅里,迎接她的是一名看起来有六十来岁左右,只穿了一件轻薄睡袍的老人。 Under the sleeping robe is he is extremely fat, the lost shape body, on his face has some old age spots, seeming like also wants to be bigger , he actual age is smiling at this time, seems like sizing up a commodity such to observe the girl. 睡袍之下就是他臃肿的,已经走形的身体,他脸上有一些老年斑,看起来比实际年纪还要大一些,此时他微笑着,就像是在打量一件商品那样观察着女孩。 Afterward he very satisfied nod, turned around to arrive on the sofa to sit down, child, you also in what?” 随后他很满意的点了点头,转身走到了沙发上坐下,“孩子,你还在等什么?” The girl deeply inspires, squeezes some smile, one all day, she must treat one here all day, she has not resulted in elects, this is her such average person realizes the only way of dream...... 女孩深吸了一口气,挤出一些笑容,一整天,她要在这里待上一整天,她没得选,这就是她这样的普通人实现梦想的唯一途径…… Another side, in the Fox Pictures new office building, Lynch sits on the chair by the window, he behind is most Laldimo. 另外一边,在福克斯影业新的办公大楼里,林奇坐在靠窗的椅子上,他身后就是大半个拉尔地摩 Burning Sun makes the entire city elevate temperature, seems like from here, the air looked like boils was the same. 火辣辣的太阳让整座城市都在升温,从这里看上去,空气就像是沸腾了一样。 All become after the air of transpiration twist, is not so real. 一切都在蒸腾的空气后变得扭曲,不那么真实。 Fox Jr. is still reading out something, after including the listing, has some situations of possibility, as well as some tray contracts. 小福克斯还在宣读着一些事情,包括了上市后有可能的一些情况,以及一些托盘合约。 The hackneyed stuff thing, Lynch has not paid attention very much. 很老套的东西,林奇都没有留心。 The board of directors pays attention to these very much, after all this involved the interests of everyone, Lynch did not care, this money is not so big to his attraction. 董事会很关注这些,毕竟这涉及到了每一个人的利益,林奇不太在乎,这点钱对他的吸引力已经不那么大了。 He also has the Fox Pictures stock, to a certain extent, is returning old Mr. Fox friendship. 他还持有福克斯影业的股票,从某种程度上来说,是在回报老福克斯先生的“友谊”。 He endured, a few words had not said that therefore Lynch must return the old person. 他挺住了,一句话都没有说,所以林奇也要回报老人。 Has the stock of company is the best way, merely is because in the shareholder has his name, can be hard to estimate the recessive asset that for Fox Pictures increase. 持有公司的股票就是最好的办法,仅仅是因为股东中有他的名字,就能为福克斯影业增加难以估算的隐性资产。 When all things ended, the time also almost to noon, declined Fox Jr. and other board of directors people advances together the invitation of lunch, Lynch in the VIP suite in company, saw two girls. 等所有的事情都结束了,时间也差不多到了中午,谢绝了小福克斯和董事会其他人共进午餐的邀请,林奇在公司的贵宾室里,见到了两个女孩。 „, Do you think me?”, Jumped to grasp Lynch. “哇,你想我没?”,佩妮跳起来抱住了林奇 Lynch is somewhat helpless, you must act with constraint, you are an adult.” 林奇有些无奈,“你得矜持一点,你已经是成年人了。” Who stipulated that the adult does want to act with constraint?”, She digs the mouth on the face of Lynch kissed, some Lynch exclusions her head to shove open. “谁规定成年人就要矜持的?”,她撅着嘴巴在林奇的脸上亲了一下,林奇有些嫌弃的把她的脑袋推开。 You are quite disgusting, is the saliva......”, he picking gets down from oneself body, loses on the sofa, pulls out the handkerchief wiping the face cheek, has not forgotten to supplement one, really disgusting!” “你好恶心,都是口水……”,他把佩妮从自己的身上“摘”下来,丢在沙发上,掏出手绢擦了擦脸颊,还不忘补充一句,“真恶心!” Sometimes something very interesting,...... defers to the remarks of these media to be called for the time being sincerely, to Lynch such old man actually has the lethality very much. 有时候有些事情非常的有趣,佩妮的……姑且按照那些媒体的说法叫做率真,对林奇这样的“老男人”其实很有杀伤力。 If there are girl to be very tactful, acts with constraint very much, is not so initiative, implicit expressed the feelings, he may not bump opposite party for a lifetime. 如果有个女孩很委婉,很矜持,不那么主动,含蓄的表达感情,他可能一辈子都不会碰对方一下。 It is not his physiology has the issue, but is experiences too many, these things have no attraction to him. 不是他生理有问题,而是经历得太多,这些东西对他来说早就没有什么吸引力了。 His innermost feelings are very calm, comes a peaceful girl again, two people possibly sit face-to-face sit for day what happened. 他的内心很平静,再来一个安静的女孩,两个人可能面对面坐着坐一天都不会发生什么事。 She was different, she looks like a giant stone to fall from the space, pounding ruthlessly in the lake, the flood spray moistened the lakeshore directly! 她就不同了,她就像是一块巨大的石头从天上掉下来,狠狠的砸进了湖泊中,泛起的浪花直接打湿了湖岸! Therefore Lynch does not dislike her,...... he displays relative peaceful some as. 所以林奇并不讨厌她,至于奈莉……他就表现得相对“安静”一些。 After two people hugged one next, where discussed afternoon to go to play. 两人拥抱了一下之后,谈论着下午要去什么地方玩。
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