BC :: Volume #13

#1203: Redemption

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Lynch is observing front two people. 林奇观察着面前的两个人。 The men a little clamp the chest, he does not want also to squeeze out a ditch to himself, he feels for some reasons anxiously, therefore shoulders this can inward to his some security senses, but will also make him seem like very base and low. 男人有点夹胸,他不是想要给自己也挤出一条沟,他只是因为某些原因感觉到不安,所以双肩向内这样能给他一些安全感,但也会让他看起来非常的卑微。 His both hands mutual buckle gathers together from the beginning, but loosens later, both hands rub, grasps subconsciously mutually after the same place is also separated, later the woman put out a hand to grip his hand, making his mood tranquil. 他的双手一开始是互相扣拢的,但随后又松开,双手搓动,下意识地互相握在一起后又要分开,随后女人伸手握住了他的手,让他的情绪平静了下来。 He lowers the head, looks at oneself both hands, I went bankrupt, Mr. Lynch.” 他低着头,看着自己的双手,“我破产了,林奇先生。” He said that smiled two unexpectedly, seemed like amused such by oneself, later smile gradual disappearance, the sound also became low and deep. 他说完竟然笑了两声,就像是被自己逗乐了那样,随后笑容逐渐的消失,声音也变得低沉。 He seems like affirming, seems like in the confirmation same repeated, „, I went bankrupt.” 他像是在肯定,又像是在确认一样的重复了一遍,“是的,我破产了。” He shakes the head slightly, looks up Lynch, lowers the head, I do not hate anybody, no one handled any dreadful matter to us, all these are our life.” 他微微摇了摇头,抬头看了一眼林奇,又低下头去,“我不怨恨任何人,没有谁对我们做了什么可怕的事情,这一切都是我们的生活。” Some people made the mistake, should pay the price, the law and just exists for these.” “有人做错了,就应该付出代价,法律和正义就是为了这些存在。” I come here not to provoke you, but wants to tell you, we went bankrupt.” “我来到这里并不是挑衅您,只是想告诉您,我们破产了。” If this is a penalty, then it......”, the man lowers the head as before, squeezed a smile, was enough?” “如果这是一个惩罚的话,那么它……”,男人依旧低着头,挤出了一个笑容,“是不是足够了?” Naturally, I will educate my girl, making her understand that the happiness as well as brutality of this world, this teaches, we accepted.” “当然,我会教育好我的女孩,让她明白这个世界的美好以及残酷,这就是教训,我们接受了。” Lynch is observing this couple, he not from an angle of young people, but by, has experienced all hearts. 林奇观察着这对夫妻,他并不是以一个年轻人的角度,而是以曾经的自己,经历过了一切的心。 He saw a ray, perhaps does not illuminate the world, but can protect their heart the place. 他看见了一点光芒,也许并不照亮世界,但能守护住他们心底的地方。 Why, doesn't give them an opportunity? 为什么,不给他们一个机会? This will let the entire item emergency to Lynch interesting. 这对林奇来说会让整件事变得更有趣。 He blinks, „I am sorry hears this news, no one likes going bankrupt, I am also.” 他眨了眨眼,“我很抱歉听到这个消息,没有人喜欢破产,我也是。” But looks like such that you said that made the mistake the matter, must be punished, this is not I, or somebody's right gives the ability that we did this, it came from the truth.” “但就像是你说的那样,做错了事情,就要受到处罚,这不是我,或者某个人的权利赋予了我们这样做的能力,它来自于真理。” When I come under attack, I will counter-attack, this is the truth.” “当我挨打时,我会反击,这就是真理。” Slightly crosses these to make us awkward, and not the happy content, has saying that you are a very extraordinary father, naturally this woman is also a extraordinary mother.” “略过这些让我们彼此之间尴尬并且不愉快的内容,不得不说,你是一位非常了不起的父亲,当然这位女士也是一位了不起的母亲。” As the penalty, the bankruptcy to you, was enough, but it to that girl, but also insufficiently, now where is she at?” “作为惩罚,破产对你们来说,足够了,可它对那个女孩来说,还不够,她现在在哪?” The men purse the lips, always lowers the head, this is his attitude, is his base and low stance, we cannot pay the bail, she because of using others document was detained, can put by next month.” 男人抿了抿嘴,始终低着头,这是他的态度,也是他卑微的姿态,“我们支付不起保释金,她因冒用他人证件被拘留了,到下个月才能放出来。” This is investigation of Mr. Truman, actually really must make, can throw into the public prison to sit several years her firmly, only needed to sue her to harm the national security on the line. 这是特鲁曼先生的追究,其实真要往死里弄,能把她丢进公立监狱里坐上几年牢的,只需要起诉她危害国家安全就行了。 But she is only a conceited girl, some penalties were enough, uses the document to close her one month, enough made her engage in introspection in inside. 但她只是一个自以为是的女孩,有一些惩罚足够了,一个冒用证件关她一个月,足够让她在里面反省了。 The Lynch hear lifted the brow tip, I to your bitter experience unusual sympathies, moreover I seriously consider, perhaps should give you an opportunity.” 林奇听完抬了抬眉梢,“我对你们的遭遇非常的同情,而且我认真的考虑一下,也许应该给你们一个机会。” I always think the redemption, compared with strangling educational!” “我始终认为救赎,比扼杀更具有教育意义!” The men lifted the head again, on the face bring some at a loss, pleasantly surprised, as well as careful, I was not quite clear your meaning, Mr. Lynch.” 男人再一次抬起了头,脸上带着一些茫然,惊喜,以及小心,“我不太明白您的意思,林奇先生。” Lynch has not explained this issue, but mentioned itself to say that my teacher once believes, the difficult work was transforms the mind should better the most effective way.” 林奇没解释这个问题,而是说起了自己想说的,“我的老师曾经认为,艰苦的劳动是改造心灵最好最有效的办法。” People in the labor process will be sensing before many laboriously by thing that they neglect, I approve of the view of my teacher very much, the work is very meaningful, especially laborious work.” “人们会在辛苦地劳动过程中感悟到很多以前被他们忽略掉的东西,我很赞同我老师的看法,劳动很有意义,特别是辛苦的劳动。” I am promoting the planter industrial crop in Mali Luo, that side people do not understand to these, somewhat guards, if you want......” “我在马里罗境内正在推广种植经济作物,那边的人们对这些不太懂,也有些提防,如果你们愿意的话……” Lynch smiles, I can hire you, but will not pay your any wage, you can convince more people to plant the industrial crop through your way, the crops.” 林奇笑了笑,“我可以雇佣你们,但是不会支付你们任何薪水,你们可以通过自己的方式说服更多的人种植经济作物,农作物。” Every time convinced the whole family, I gave you 100 investments, you can use these investments, purchases these industrial crops, crops, then transported to domestic trades, will have very good market.” “每说服一家人,我给你们一百块的投资,你们可以用这些投资,去收购那些经济作物,农作物,然后运输到国内来贩卖,会有很好的市场。” Profit part, we to half a point.” “盈利部分,我们对半分。” As for your daughters, Miss Judy......”, Lynch pondered a meeting, I will make one arrange ten mu open land to give her, and how arranges the expert guidance she to cultivate, when she planted to fill the crops ten mu ground, and after a harvest in the true sense, I will forgive her.” “至于你们的女儿,朱蒂小姐……”,林奇思考了一会,“我会让人安排十亩荒地给她,并且安排专家指导她如何耕种,当她把十亩地上种满了农作物,并且经过一次真正意义上的丰收后,我就会原谅她。” Naturally this is only my proposition, you greatly refusable.” “当然这只是我的一个提议,你们大可拒绝。” I suggested that you are best to approve of this proposition, because I think that Ms. Judy is not one the girl who is easy to give up, if has again the next time, perhaps we will not meet......” “不过我个人建议你们最好赞同这个提议,因为我认为朱蒂女士并不是一个很容易放弃的女孩,如果再有下一次,也许我们就再也不会见面了……” Threat without a doubt, Judy's father made the most correct decision fast, we are willing to go to Mali Luo, Mr. Lynch......” 毫无疑问的威胁,朱蒂的父亲快速的做出了最正确的决定,“我们愿意去马里罗,林奇先生……” After dozen minutes, the couple left the Lynch house, this looks like has a dream to be the same to them. 十几分钟后,夫妻两人离开了林奇的房子,这对他们来说就像是做梦一样。 Their original intentions are beg final pitying, they had paid the price for daughter's actions, they want to make Lynch know. 他们的本意是来乞求最后的怜悯,他们已经为了女儿的所作所为付出了代价,他们想让林奇知道。 Has not thought, unexpectedly has had not thought the opportunity, directly with opportunity of Lynch cooperation! 可没想到,居然得到了一个从来都没有想过的机会,一个直接和林奇合作的机会! Even they lose this year, later can also take carry back through this cooperation! 甚至他们今年失去的,以后还能够通过这次合作拿回来! Simply is...... inconceivable! 简直是……不可思议! Stands on the sidewalk, in the eyes of man had the appearance again. 站在马路边上,男人的眼睛里再一次有了神采。 This year's grain is very tight, the price rose quickly, the extremely cold weather froze to death many crops and domestic animals last year, affected this year's spring sowing.” “今年的粮食很紧张,价格上涨得很快,去年极寒天气冻死了很多农作物和牲畜,也影响了今年的春播。” Federation in the grain import, the gap has always existed, perhaps will be getting bigger and bigger!” “联邦始终在进口粮食,缺口一直存在,也许还会越来越大!” He gripped the fist, seems like the grain profit to be very low, but the scale is very big, same can bring many profits to us, in addition has the name of Mr. Lynch......” 他攥了攥拳头,“看上去粮食的利润很低,可规模很大,一样可以给我们带来很多的利润,加上有林奇先生的名字……” He deeply inspires, this is we want probably, dear, new work, as well as an opportunity.” 他深吸了一口气,“这大概就是我们想要的,亲爱的,新的工作,以及一个机会。” Slightly 1 : 00 pm time, the police station informs the couple- they stay overnight in somebody's home at present temporarily in the grandparent Judy's the family/home, the telephone hit directly. 稍微晚 1 点的时候,警察局通知夫妻两人-他们目前暂时借宿在朱蒂的爷爷奶奶家,电话直接打过去的。 The operator in police station told them, Judy must be released in the evening, no talked about the reason, they said. 警察局的接线员告诉他们,朱蒂晚上就要被释放,没有什么说原因,他们只是这么说。 Afterward the couple go to the police station, because one month does not need to detain in the prison, therefore closed/pass in the police station directly. 随后夫妻两人驱车前往警察局,由于一个月的时间不需要关押在监狱里,所以直接关在了警察局。 In fact this is also a protection, at least in the police station, these detained criminals will not be overdone. 实际上这也是一种保护,至少在警察局里,那些被关押的犯人们不会那么过火。 In the prison, these female criminals bumped into the miss of such blonde, first will clutch her hair, then gives her chest ruthlessly comes on several fists. 在监狱里,那些女罪犯碰到了这样金发的姑娘,首先会揪掉她的头发,然后给她的胸狠狠的来上几拳。 When Judy comes out had not been clear why were ahead of time, she thinks the parents planned the bail. 朱蒂出来时还不清楚自己为什么提前出来了,她只是认为父母筹到了保释金。 When grandfather family/home that in the evening returns to Judy, three people mentioned the future in room. 晚上回到朱蒂的爷爷家时,三人在房间里谈起了未来。 They have not told Judy to go to Mali Luo are Lynch to their choice, they feared that will stimulate Judy, if said Judy is not willing to pass, this will destroy this opportunity. 他们没有告诉朱蒂去马里罗是林奇给他们的选择,他们怕会刺激到朱蒂,而且万一说了朱蒂不愿意过去,这就会破坏这个机会。 Judy's father talked at length that the future of grain, discussed the federal population inflation issue, discussed the gap of grain, then also talked about that side Mali Luo situation. 朱蒂的父亲大谈特谈粮食的未来,谈联邦的人口膨胀问题,谈粮食的缺口,然后也谈到了马里罗那边的情况。 Judy is also very exhausted, she buoys up also very happily to oneself parents, but she has oneself idea. 朱蒂也很疲惫,她对自己的父母重新振作起来也非常的开心,不过她有自己的想法。 I must keep the federation, I must the ugly feature exposure of Lynch, making people know that he does not match youth leader name......” “我要留在联邦,我要把林奇的丑恶嘴脸曝光,让人们知道他根本不配青年领袖这个称呼……” The couple look at each other one, without the attempt convinced her, but left the room, and said good night mutually. 夫妻两人对视一眼,没有尝试说服她,只是离开了房间,并且互道晚安。 Afterward the man left the house, looked for a telephone, dialed to telephone. 随后男人离开了房子,找了一个电话,拨打了一通电话。 Within a half hour, several young people drive two car(riage)s to appear here, a truck, Che Douli of truck has a basket. 半个小时之后,几名年轻人开着两辆车出现在这里,其中还有一辆卡车,卡车的车斗里有一个笼子。 Some people told here to have a work also to pay the expense, what can tell me me to make?” “有人告诉我这里有一份工作并且付了费用,能告诉我我要做什么吗?” The person of lead was saying also put out a consignment ticket and two 1 : 00 pm train ticket, this is the ticket that the opposite party makes me book, said that is to make us give you.” 带头的人说着还拿出了一张托运车票和两张今天晚上一点的火车票,“这是对方让我去订的票,说是让我们交给你。” The men looked at a that truck, the side of truck wrote is recycling various fierce pets the inscription, he does not know why wants to smile suddenly. 男人又看了一眼那辆卡车,卡车的侧面写着“回收各种凶猛宠物”的字样,他不知道为什么突然间很想笑。 My daughter......” “我的女儿……” That person of lead interrupted his words, you do not need to tell me what happened, where so long as you told the thing that I must recycle, then I delivered her, consigned for shipment the destination, was so simple.” 领头的那人打断了他的话,“你不需要告诉我发生了什么事情,你只要告诉我要回收的东西在什么地方,然后我把她送进去,托运到目的地,就这么简单。” „Won't you be injuring her?”, Judy's mother is somewhat worried asked one. “你不会伤着她吧?”,朱蒂的母亲有些担心的问了一句。 That person smiles saying that felt relieved, we are specialized!” 那人笑说道,“放心,我们是专业的!” After ten minutes, when Grandpa Judy's neighbor goes to bathroom saw fearful one, later he dialed the telephone call, said that he saw a girl to be thrown into a basket of truck by one group of kidnappers. 十分钟后,朱蒂爷爷的邻居上厕所时看见了可怕的一幕,随后他拨打了电话报警,说他看见有一个女孩被一群绑匪丢进了一辆卡车的笼子。 After five minutes , the police arrived here, but is quick the police police to return to the police authorities, this is misinformation, no one was kidnapped! 五分钟后警察抵达了这里,不过很快出警警察就向警局回报,这是一起误报事件,没有人被绑架! Judy's parents after packing baggage, said goodbye with her grandparent, and explained some situations. 朱蒂的父母在收拾了行李之后,和她的爷爷奶奶告别,并说明了一些情况。 This perhaps is the best result, two old people also think. 这或许是最好的结局,两位老人也这么想。 They rode in a carriage to go to the station, in waiting for the process of train, but also found time a consignment warehouse, saw their daughters in the living specimen warehouse. 他们乘车前往了车站,在等候火车的过程中,还抽空去了一趟托运仓库,在活体仓库里看见了他们的女儿。 Here is very smelly, distinguishes everywhere, Judy spat, she is swaying the basket angrily, requests her father to let out her loudly. 这里很臭,到处都是分辨,朱蒂吐了,她愤怒的摇晃着笼子,大声的要求她的父亲把她放出去。 But the man has not done that but told her, these matter and her following life that she must do. 可男人没有这么做,只是告诉她,她要做的那些事和她接下来的生活。 All desires have not been responded, after the train enters the station, two people left, they are the berth tickets, moreover was so late, indeed needs to sleep. 所有的乞求都没有得到回应,列车进站后,两人离开了,他们是卧铺票,而且这么晚了,也的确需要睡一觉。 As for Judy? 至于朱蒂? At staff accident/surprise and in the curious vision, she almost fainted, this is this whole life most disgraced one time! 在工作人员意外且好奇的目光中,她几乎晕厥了过去,这是她这辈子最丢人的一次! In the dark compartment, she is cursing Lynch, the gorilla of next door to her as if a little interest. 在幽暗的车厢里,她咒骂着林奇,隔壁的大猩猩对她似乎有点兴趣。 But in the compartment of sleeping berth, the couple have one type complex the gratitude to Lynch, heavy goes off. 而在卧铺的车厢里,夫妻两人带着一种复杂的对林奇的感激,沉沉睡去。 Mr. Lynch, but is really very good person! 林奇先生,可真是很好的人呢!
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