Alwayssomeartificialbanksworried,every year the banklets outso much money, ifsomepeoplealsowhat to do?
总有人为银行担心,每年银行放出去那么多钱,如果有人还不起怎么办?Actuallydoes not needcompletely, bank'severy yearprofitveryastonishing, theywill rarely have money, orcomes back, becausetheynevergive the poor personmoney, onlymoneytaking advantage ofreturning the rich person of money.
其实完全没有必要,银行每年的利润都非常地惊人,他们很少会有钱要不回来,因为他们从不给穷人钱,只会把钱借给还得起钱的富人。Therefore the poor people can only whenownwealthis not enoughto realizeownidea, hasinmoney the bank, then the banklends the rich person the money of poor person, making the rich personcontinueto expandownenterprise, becomesricher.
于是穷人们只能在自己的财富不足以实现自己的想法时,把钱存在银行里,然后银行把穷人的钱借给富人,让富人继续扩张自己的事业,变得更富有。Butis notallpeople who canborrowmoneyfrom the bankcanalsoprobablymoney, for exampleJudy'sfamily, theypresented the financial crisis, andsomeevidenceproved,theyhave walkedto fade.
但也不是所有能从银行借到钱的人都能还得起钱,比如说朱蒂的家庭,他们就出现了财务危机,并且有证据证明,他们会一直走衰。Therefore the bankappearshere.
所以银行出现在这里。„BeforeIhad only seensuchsceneon the television.”, When the after people in banktake inventoryleaves, the husbandholds the chairback in restaurantto smile.
The abovealsobuckle, as well as a label, a number, before thisthinghas not demolishedin addition, itcannotcarry off, orsell.
The husbandturns aroundto lookto the mistress, somefeeling sorry, „were sorry,finallycannotpreserveyourcar(riage).”
The couplehugged, mutualcomfort.
夫妻两人拥抱了一下,互相安慰。Judyhas not recoveredto the present,...... the wealthyfamilyflashwas destroyed, shehas not realizedoneselffamilyfraillyunexpectedlyso.
朱蒂到现在都没有回过神来,原本……富裕的家庭一瞬间就被摧毁了,她从来都没有意识到自己的家庭居然如此地脆弱。Since childhoodstartsherlifeverywealthily, andis getting more and more rich, possiblythisbeing rich and does not seem like that wealth of rich and powerful people, the usebill that cansquander moneypurchasesjoyfullyforoneself, butat least the middle-levellifeis not the issue.
从小开始她的生活就非常的富裕,并且越来越富有,可能这种富有并不像是富豪们的那种富有,可以挥霍无度的使用钞票为自己购买快乐,但至少中层的生活不是问题。As the work of her parentsstraightens out, perhapscould not needseveralyears to become the shareholders in theirrespectivecompany, solelydepended upon the year's endto draw bonuscanscaleandexpenses that haunched the family.
随着她父母的工作步入正轨,也许要不了几年就能够成为他们各自公司的股东,仅仅依靠年终分红就能支撑起家庭的规模和开销。Ifstarts an undertakingagain, ormakessomefinancial investments, thisfamilywill becomemore and morerich, until one day, theydecided that oneselfwill start an undertaking......
如果再创业,或者做一些金融投资,这个家庭就会变得越来越富有,直到某一天,他们决定自己创业……Butinthese daystime, heroncecognitionthoroughlychanged, sheis unable to acceptthisfamilyto be vulnerableto the presentlooks likeheralready the newsmanagementdream that breaks, said that brokenbroke to pieces!
可就在这几天时间里,她曾经的认知彻底变了,她到现在都无法接受这个家庭脆弱得就像是她已经破碎的新闻主持梦,说碎就碎了!Shesitson the sofa, is in a daze.
她坐在沙发上,发呆。After a while, shecannot bearsay,„wewill go bankrupt?”
The husbandsighs, „felt relieved, but alsowithoutthatbad......”
男主人叹了一口气,“放心,还没有那么糟……”InJudy'slookblooms the vision that immediatelyChongorchidhopes, shevisitsherindifferently unable the father, hopes that hetold himself, all thesewere a dream.
The husbanddoes not know that daughterso manyideas, helooks upthishouse, is sighing saying that „wesold the house, thisdoes not needto continueto pay the real estate the expense.”
男主人不知道女儿有那么多的想法,他抬头看着这栋房子,叹着气说道,“我们把房子卖了,这样就不需要继续支付房产的费用。”„Thissum of moneycanpayusto owe the loan of bankprobably, thereforeweare not the bankruptcies.”
“这笔钱大概能支付我们欠银行的贷款,所以我们还不算破产。”Judysilent, theirfamily/homebe onlythishouse, the federalproperty taxis not cheap, Bupenis not cheaper.
朱蒂沉默了下来,他们家只有这一栋房子,联邦的房产税不便宜,布佩恩的更不便宜。„Ifwesold the house, wedo wantto live?”, Shealsoasked.
The husbandlookedto the wife, „Iknow that the cityouter ringhad a motel, an eveningwantedfivedollars, the additionaltwodollarsprovided the hot water and television.”
男主人看向了妻子,“我知道城外环有一家汽车旅馆,一晚上只要五块钱,加两块钱提供热水和电视。”„Wecanfirstlive there, thenlooks for a work, at leastcannot starve to deathwe......”
“我们可以先居住在那里,然后找一份工作,至少饿不死我们……”Was saying the husbandloosenedoneselfwife, „Imustfind the personto buythishouse, ifgives the bankto auctionit, itsprice will be very low.”
The bankdid not speak the favorcompletely, was unreasonable, so long asindeadline of stipulation, waswithin15dayscanreturnmoney, theywill not makeanything.
The familyreceives the customer that the bankrespects, naturallytheircredit ratingswill decline.
But if cannot returnthissum of moneyin the deadline, bankpetition for executionfromcourt, thenthishousejudicial sale.
The auction of bank, has the matter that toomanybystandersdo not know, in the newspaper, in the news, alwayssays that the bankinsomeunceasingauctionassets, how manyaverage peoplemaytruly have heard, has seen, knows the accuratetime and place?
银行的拍卖,有太多外人不知道的事情,报纸上,新闻里,总是说银行在不断的拍卖一些资产,可有几个普通人真正的听说过,看见过,知道准确的时间和地点?No, no oneknows,alldigested in, byverylowlyverylowprice!
The husbandknowsthese, hemustcatch up withbefore the banksold the house, otherwisehereallymustgo bankrupt.
男主人知道这些,他必须赶在银行之前把房子卖了,否则他就真的要破产了。Purchasing homesthismatter...... is not very actually easy, especiallyrecoversin the social economyalsostarts the initial period of rapid growth.
买房子这种事……其实很不容易,特别是在社会经济复苏并且开始快速发展的初期。So muchfundsare investing the entityindustry, the factory, the foreigninternaltrade, the expensiveproperty taxno onewill buytoo the uselesshousein addition, the rich manis an exception.
大量的资金都在投入实体产业,工厂,对外对内的贸易,加上昂贵的房产税没有谁会买太多没用的房子,有钱人除外。Thisalsocausesitwas poorto sellto produce the mansion in community, becomingdoes not sell.
这也导致了本身就不怎么好卖的中产社区的豪宅,变得更不好卖。Looks down upon the people in thesehousesnot to consider the consideration,looks likethese unable to afford the people in thesehousesto be the same, theirbeing indifferenttopriceanything.
看不起这些房子的人连考虑都不会考虑,就像是那些买不起这些房子的人一样,他们对价格什么的漠不关心。As forbeing able to afford can also have a liking forthesehouses and personincommunity , is Judyfamily'ssimilarmiddle classfamily.
至于买得起也看得上这些房子和所在社区的人,也都是和朱迪家庭差不多的中产阶级家庭。Buttheycannot draw cash, does not have the meansto collectso much money at least in a short time.
但他们也拿不出钱来,至少短时间里没办法凑这么多钱。Somepeoplesaid that the middle class and low productivitysocial class and proletariatbiggestdifferencelie inmiddle class'scognitionto the wealthare very sufficient, theyknowsomemoney in handare usedto make the financial investment, the stock, ordirectshare-holdingcompanyand so on.
有人说中产阶级和低产阶级以及无产阶级最大的区别在于中产阶级对财富的认知很充足,他们知道把手中的一些钱用来做金融投资,股票,或者直接参股公司之类的。Thiscanmakethesemoney more and more, butthesepeople of lower classdo not understandthese, theyonlyknow that uses upmoney, orplacesin the bank.
这样能让这些钱变得越来越多,而社会底层的那些人不懂这些,他们只知道把钱用掉,或者放在银行里。Exactlyis the behavior that the middle classis willingto invest, lets, even to buy the person in thishouse, still is very in a short time difficultto put outmore than 200,000moneyto come.
恰恰是中产阶级愿意投资的行为,让即便想要买下这栋房子的人,短时间里也很难拿出二十几万的钱来。Somepeople and husband discussed that alsocame to see the house, theylikeherevery much, the onlyrequestrelaxes the time, orlowers the price.
The money of becausepurchasing homesentersin the account that the bankassignsdirectly, does not acceptby stages, therefore the buyermustpay in fullone time, thisalsofeels embarrassed the personvery much.
The husbandridesevery dayhas30yearshas not ridden the bicycleto rush aboutamong the differentreal estatemerchants, timeeachhewelcomedwas the disappointingnews.
男主人每天骑着有三十年没有骑过的自行车在不同的房地产商人之间奔波,每一次他迎来的都是令人失望的消息。Somepeoplethought that hishouseis good, butis only willingto pay100,000overprices, thisis far lower thanhispsychological expectation.
有人觉得他的房子不错,但是只愿意出十万出头的价格,这远低于他的心理预期。Healso a Bupenquitefamoussecond-handreal estateauction, hehung the price199,999dollarsforoneselfhouse, missing a dollaris200,000.
他还去了一趟布佩恩比较有名的二手房产拍卖会,他为自己的房子挂价十九万九千九百九十九块钱,差一块钱就是二十万。Hefeelsthisprice, althoughis a little low, butalsoinrange of acceptance, butwithout a doubt, flowed the racketfor successive two times, but alsowasted the handling charges of his200dollars.
他觉得这个价格虽然有点低,但也在接受的范围内,但毫无疑问,连续两次流拍,还浪费了他二百块钱的手续费。Until the people in bankappear, hehas not sold outoneselfhouse!
直到银行的人出现,他都没有卖掉自己的房子!During this period, Judy'sdissatisfactionand evenhatredtoLyncheven moregrave, shethinks that wasLynchis sufferedbyoneselfsomanydid not treatfairly.
在这期间,朱蒂对林奇的不满乃至憎恨愈发地深重,她认为就是林奇让自己遭受了如此之多的不公平对待。Shewantsto publishall these, making the peopleknow how the Lynchtruecountenanceis, maynot have the mediato be willingto publishthesecontents.
她想要把这一切都刊登出来,让民众们知道林奇真正的嘴脸到底是怎样的,可没有媒体愿意刊登这些内容。No oneforsheoffendsLynch, no one!
没有人会为了她得罪林奇,没有人!Finally the wholehousesuccessfullylaid outby98,125prices, in additiontheyremain not manydeposits, sells the money of second-hand vehicle, borrowed a pointfrom the friends and relativeshandagain, theypaid off the debt of bank.
最终整套房子以九万八千一百二十五块的价格被成功拍出,加上他们所剩不多的存款,还有卖二手车的钱,再从亲戚朋友手里借了一点,他们还清了银行的债务。Tried hard for 20years, overnight when returnedjustto graduate the situation.
After the lastdocumentsignedownname, the husband seems like as if in a tranceto be the same.
在最后一张文件上签下了自己的名字后,男主人就像是丢了魂一样。In the afternoon, Lynchcomes backfrom the office, industrialFuhuayuan of light of tomorrowwill soon complete, helooked, has the enterprisefirstto move into.
下午,林奇从办公室回来,明日之光的产业孵化园即将建成,他去看了一下,已经有企业先入驻了。Thisis a verygoodnews, after waitingto completeofficially the ceremony that convenes, canstartvigorouspropagandathisindustrial park.
这是一个很棒的消息,等正式建成的典礼召开之后,就能开始大力的宣传这个产业园。Healso met with the mayor, the mayoralsounderstands that value of thisindustrialFuhuayuan, heandLynchtalked abouthimto be willingto promote the city hallsas well assixbiglines, Uniongivessomepolicy support, for example the attendance in policyandfund.
The entrepreneurdefinitelyhas very biggapto the fund, theycanUnionhelptheseentrepreneurial companyfasttrendsbe mature.
创业公司对资金肯定有很大的缺口,他们可以联合起来帮助这些创业型企业快速的走向成熟。Tomayor, whathepaysis only the inclines of somepolicies, tosomesubsidies, canbringmanyemployment postsfor the city, increases the individualprestige, accumulates the political capitalforoneself.
对市长来说,他付出的只是一些政策的倾斜,给一些补贴,就能为城市带来很多的就业岗位,增加自己个人的声望,为自己累积政治资本。Whatbankwill not haveto owe, so long asin100undertakingshas to succeedonetime, theycanreturn to the itself/Ben, whydoesn't try?
银行方面也不会有什么亏的,一百次创业中只要有一次能成功,他们就能回本,为什么不试一试呢?Moreoverthere isLynchto standin the forefront, ifthisthingreallydoes not make money, Lynchwill do?
而且还有林奇站在最前面,如果这个东西真不赚钱,林奇会做?Was just proficienthas not rested a meeting, the telephone of communityservice companyrang.
刚到家还没有休息一会,社区服务公司的电话就响了起来。Afterward the youngmaidtoldLynch, having saying that wasMs.Judyparents'husband and wife, wantedto seehim.
随后小女佣告诉林奇,有自称是朱蒂女士父母的先生和夫人,想要见他。Has saying that the choice of Judyparentsis very intelligent.
不得不说,朱蒂父母的选择很聪明。Iftheygo to the companyto look forLynch, the onstage of verybigprobabilitycompanywill tellthemnot to bookthemto makeMr.Lynchknow the news that theycome visitingdoes not know, thensecurityverypoliteaskedthemto go out.
如果他们去公司找林奇,很大概率公司的前台会告诉他们没有预约他们连让林奇先生知道他们来访的消息都不会知道,然后保安会非常礼貌的请他们出去。Visits the residencea little to be crudedirectly, butat leastthisis an opportunity.
The communityservice companydoes not know that whothese twoare, theyonlyneedto tell the idea of gate guard, the gate guardmust certainlyrespond.
After Lynchhear, selected the brow tip, considered a meeting, thensameopinionthesetwopeople.林奇听完之后挑了挑眉梢,考虑了一会,然后同意见这两个人。Probably after severalminutes, Judy'sparentsappearedin the living room in thishouse.
大概几分钟后,朱蒂的父母出现在了这栋房子的客厅里。Theyare standing, Lynchsits.
他们站着,林奇坐着。„Take the libertydisturbedyourrest, Mr.Lynch, regarding thismyregretextremely!”
The menlookonemonth ago senileincessantlyten years old, the glossyhaircompletelyloses the glossnow, probablyeachinitshould notin the position, makinghimseeminglyfillbeing depressed.
男人看上去比一个月之前衰老了不止十岁,原本油亮的头发现在完全失去了光泽,好像每一根都在它不应该在的位置,让他看起来充满了暮气。On the facedid not havethatglowing countenance, is only left overdimly, helplessclass/flowinsuperficialmood.
脸上也没有了那种容光,只剩下黯淡无奈流于表面的情绪。Heis bending the backslightly, is bending the waist, the lifelooks like a mountain, crashedhim.
他微微弓着背,弯着腰,生活像一座山,把他压垮了。Lynchreferred tooppositesofa, „youcansit down saying that youknow, Ido not likeraising the headspeak.”林奇指了指对面的沙发,“你们可以坐下说,你知道,我不喜欢抬着头和人说话。”
The coupleare carefulimmediatelyanddiscretesittingon the Lynchoppositesofa......
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