BC :: Volume #12

#1200: Rank

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

How long can your ships overhaul?”, Judy's father brings asking of last ray of hope. “你们的船要检修多久?”,朱蒂的父亲带着最后一丝希望的问道。 The manager shakes the head, is not clear, the inspection probably requires 2-3 days, without the issue can be operational.” 经理摇了摇头,“不清楚,检查可能需要2-3天的时间,如果没有问题就可以投入使用。” Judy father has not cheered up with enough time, the manager also said that may, if the examination has problems, no one knows how long it must stop.” 朱蒂父亲还没有来得及高兴起来,经理又说道,“可如果检测出问题,就没有人知道它要停多久了。” „Did other ships, have returned to port over the two days?” “其他船呢,有没有这两天回港的?” The manager puts out a book from the table, turned several pages, four days later has the ship to return to port, loading and unloading approximately requires two days, next week this time almost can leave port.” 经理从桌子上拿出一个本子,翻了几页,“四天后有船回港,装卸大约需要两天的时间,下周这个时间差不多能出港。” Next week, really waited till the bone ash to be cool next week! 下周,真等到下周骨灰都凉了! Judy's father could not bear scold a bad language, he also knows that this cannot blame the transport company, came across hidden rock matter to sometimes happen, time was only these too not fortunately. 朱蒂的父亲忍不住骂了一句脏话,他也知道这不能怪运输公司,碰到了暗礁这种事时有发生,只是这一次太不凑巧了。 He looks at the manager, the manager realizes anything immediately, drew back one step, lifts both hands seems like resisting anything, we do not draw back the advance payment......” 他看着经理,经理立刻意识到了什么,退了一步,抬起双手像是在抗拒什么,“我们不退定金……” Yes, does not draw back the advance payment, wanting the order warehouse to have the advance payment, regardless of orders a side of service whether continues to fulfill the contract, these money will not draw back. 是的,不退定金,想要订货仓就必须有定金,无论订购服务的一方是否继续履行合约,这些钱都是不会退的。 Moreover are not few, Judy's father realized that this sum of money may want to carry, he left the room crassly. 而且也不算少,朱蒂的父亲意识到这笔钱可能要自己背了,他骂骂咧咧的离开了房间。 Is good because of can also retrieve some losses, he can relate other person who wants to transport the commodity, transfers the shipping space that oneself order in the inexpensive way, this at least can make 1,000-2,000 dollars. 好在还能找回一些损失,他可以联系其他想要运输商品的人,以廉价的方式转让自己订购的仓位,这样至少能捞回来1,000-2,000块钱。 He left here, went to other places to inquire, but was a pity very much, when others heard him to come from what company, named the word-time, expressed that was helpless to his request. 他离开了这里,去了其他地方询问,不过很可惜,当别人听到了他来自什么公司,叫什么名字时,纷纷表示对他的要求无能为力。 He ran one all day, does not have any company can help him, but also some people proposed that he goes to other places to transfer one revolution. 他跑了一整天,没有任何公司能帮助他,还有人提议他去其他地方转一转。 But the issue is...... he if now draws a cargo of warehouse to other places, the cartage expense of this land transportation and moves in the tenancy of artificial expense as well as warehouse of warehouse, is very big expenses, in the time also allows him to do that. 可问题是……他现在如果把一仓库的货物拉到其他地方,这个陆运的运输费用和搬进仓库的人工费用以及仓库的租用,又是一笔很大的开销,时间上也允许他这么做。 He falls into a vacant condition now, yesterday was similar is normal, is only overnight, all changed. 他现在陷入到了一种茫然的状态中,昨天仿佛一切都还是正常的,只是一夜之间,一切就都变了。 He returned to at first that ships company, arrived at the front of manager, he looks at the manager, the expression is somewhat strange. 他回到了最初那家船舶公司,又来到了经理的面前,他看着经理,表情有些古怪。 The adults, are in average person eyes the successful adult, without so many weakness and naive. 成年人,还是一名普通人眼中成功的成年人,没有那么多的幼稚和天真。 He gave the opposite party a cigarette, sat on the sofa, lowered the head, sorption smudge. 他给了对方一根香烟,坐在了沙发上,低着头,吸着闷烟。 After a while, he asked that „did I aim at?” 过了一会,他才问道,“我是不是被针对了?” He with this dissemination company cooperation several years, each other relations was also very harmonious, the manager looks that this old friend starts to speak but hesitates, does not know how to open the mouth. 他和这家传播公司合作了好几年,彼此的关系也很融洽,经理看着这个老朋友欲言又止,不知道怎么开口。 The federal marine transportation was grasped in the hands of several steamship kings, these people can say that occupied the 90% markets of marine transportation, they have oneself domain respectively, does not conflict. 联邦的海运被掌握在几大船王的手里,这些人可以说占据了海运的90%市场,他们各自有自己的地盘,互相也不冲突。 Sometimes can also the coordination with each other, this industry be the same with all industries, once the internal seal forms the monopoly group, outside person was very difficult. 有时候还能互相配合,这个行业和所有行业一样,一旦内部封闭形成垄断集团,外面的人就很难进去了。 These small transport companies in some sense, look like a middle man. 这些小的运输公司从某种意义上来说,就像是一个中间商。 They spend to rent the freighter then to run oneself business from the hand of ship king, most transport companies do this. 他们从船王的手里花钱租用货船然后经营自己的生意,大多数运输公司都是这样做的。 They could not support the freighter expensive production and maintenance cost, bought a freighter then to bear the large amount of cost to operate compared with oneself, was inferior that the chartering was simple. 他们支撑不了货轮昂贵的生产和维护费用,比起自己买一条货轮然后承担巨额的成本去运营,不如租船简单省事。 Perhaps some people will say, the words a lot of money of chartering will definitely be made by others. 也许有人会说,租船的话很多钱肯定会被别人赚去。 Yes, that said that but oneself buy money enough them of ship to rent five even is ten ships, how long ten ships ran probably unable to be able to come back together money Zhuan of ship! 是的,话是这么说的,但是自己去买一条船的钱足够他们租五条甚至是十条船,十条船一起跑也许要不了多久就能把一条船的钱赚回来! The capital is not always stupid, without the profit, without the considerable profit, whom does not need to tell them this industry not to make money, they drew back on own initiative! 资本从来都不愚蠢,如果没有利润,没有可观的利润,不需要谁去告诉他们这个行业不赚钱,他们自己主动就退了! Today, this piece of ship king told the following these contractors, during a period of one week forbade to draw the goods of such and such company, otherwise they ended the cooperation. 今天,这一片的船王告诉下面的这些承包商,一周之内禁止拉某某公司的货,否则他们就结束合作关系。 Under this international trade frequent big time, ended the cooperation to might as well want the lives of these transport companies! 在这个国际贸易频繁的大时代下,结束合作关系不如要了这些运输公司的命! Telephones, on thorough cut off Judy father's idea. 只是一通电话,就彻底的断绝了朱蒂父亲的想法。 I do not know that perhaps what's the matter,...... you offended should not the person of offending, in brief this week of time the thing do not want to go to sea!” “我不知道是怎么回事,也许……你们得罪了不该得罪的人,总之这一周时间你们的东西别想出海!” Judy's father brings to make itself guess anxiously returned to the company, he these things and boards of directors reported very accidentally/surprisingly, the board of directors have not meddled, but makes him carry out the contract as soon as possible. 朱蒂的父亲带着一些令自己不安的猜测回到了公司,他把这些事情和董事会汇报了一下,董事会很意外的没有插手,而是让他尽快履行合同。 If company, because his serious damage causes the loss, then the company will investigate his responsibility, the response of company is very desolate. 如果公司因为他的重大损失导致亏损,那么公司将追究他个人的责任,公司的反应很冷淡。 Everyone is not a fool, before the business did well, because suddenly a daughter of senior partner aimed at Lynch, ship king Kaikou embargoes, this not already very obvious matter? 大家都不是傻子,以前生意做得好好的,突然因为一个高级合伙人的女儿去针对了林奇,船王开口禁运,这不是已经很明显的事情了吗? Judy's father also realized, matter looks like such that he guessed, except for desperate, was desperate! 朱蒂的父亲也意识到,事情就像是他猜测的那样,除了绝望,还是只有绝望! When he realized that Lynch when beginning, he completely had lost the hope, possibly to Lynch is only a telephone, a statement, was so simple easily ruined his life. 当他意识到林奇在动手时,他已经完全的失去了希望,可能对林奇来说只是一个电话,一个表态,就如此简单轻易的毁掉了他的生活。 He did not have the means to go to angry accusation Lynch, is his daughter first makes the mistake, this is only the counter-attack of Lynch. 他还没办法去愤怒的指责林奇,是他的女儿先做错的,这只是林奇的反击。 In the evening, the somewhat thin and pale husband is driving home, he sits in the car(riage), is not willing to get down. 晚上,有些憔悴的男主人开着车回到了家中,他坐在车里,不愿意下去。 As if sits in this narrow and small space can make him feel that an unexpected security, he is holding the steering wheel, wants to cry. 似乎坐在这狭小的空间里能让他感觉到一份意料之外的安全,他抱着方向盘,想哭。 Sat for a half hour in the car(riage), smoked several cigarettes, comes out from the car(riage). 在车里坐了半个多小时,抽了好几根烟,才从车里出来。 After he returns to the study room, immediately opens the safe cabinet, saw that contract. 他回到书房里后立刻打开了保险柜,看见了那份合同。 He is the senior partner, from some perspective he is the partner in factory, both sides no longer is a body. 他是高级合伙人,从某方面来说他就是工厂的合作伙伴,双方已经不再是一体的。 This contract, in his hands. 这份合同,就在他的手里。 When he also records to be appropriate he to take this order excitement through oneself relations, the side of this agreement is some overseas company, but another side...... is oneself. 他还记得当他通过自己的关系拿下这份订单时的兴奋,这份协议的一方是国外的某家公司,而另外一方……是自己。 His fast turning to last page, 150,000 penalties, and every day 3% compound interests till completing transaction. 他快速的翻到了最后一页,十五万的违约金,并且每日百分之三的复利直到完成交易为止。 According to the current situation, this large stock of goods will tow to load a ship to next week, will then deliver, at least needs to exceed the time limit for five days to six days. 按照目前的情况来看,这批货拖到下周装船,然后再送过去,至少要逾期五天到六天的时间。 By five days of computation...... he wrote to draw a meeting on the paper, more than 170,000. 就按五天计算……他在纸上写写画画了一会,十七万多。 Damn......! 该死……! He sits on oneself chair, looking like died was the same. 他坐在自己的椅子上,就像是死了一样。 In the evening when dinner, for he does not make the family member worry, took a bath, changed clothes, disguises own very energetic appearance. 晚上晚餐时,他为了不让家人担心,洗了一个澡,换了一身衣服,假装自己很精神的样子。 He sat when the restaurant, discovered that the wife was also a face anxious look. 只是他坐在了餐厅里时,才发现妻子也是一脸愁容。 What's wrong?”, He asked. “怎么了?”,他问。 The mistresses open mouth, just prepared to say anything, Judy comes out from the room, she shuts up. 女主人张了张嘴,刚准备说什么,朱蒂从房间里出来,她又闭上了嘴。 Judy thinks that the parents will continue to preach oneself, she is ready that leaves immediately, what made one not think, her parents have not continued to preach she. 朱蒂本以为父母会继续说教自己,她都做好了立刻离开的准备,但令人没有想到的是,她的父母没有继续说教她。 But atmosphere unusual constraining of this dinner, the couples are lowering the head, is thinking own matter, the air soon solidified. 但这一顿晚餐的气氛非常的压抑,男女主人都在低着头,都在想着自己的事情,空气都快要凝固了。 Judy somewhat cannot bear such atmosphere, after she uses up the meal, sat a meeting dry/does, she thinks that the parents can say anything with her, but no one spoke, she set out to leave, no one stopped by calling her. 朱蒂有些受不了这样的气氛,她用完餐后干坐了一会,她以为父母会和她说点什么,但没有人说话,她起身离开,也没有人喊住她。 Such atmosphere makes her very anxious, she does not know that had anything, heartbeat fiercely. 这样的气氛让她非常的不安,她不知道发生了什么,心跳得厉害。 After the dinner , the couple have not watched the television, but returned to the room directly, two people lie on the bed, is looking at the ceiling, for a very long time no one spoke. 晚餐后夫妻两人没有看电视,而是直接回到了房间里,两人躺在床上,望着天花板,久久没有人说话。 Some probably such about ten minutes, the husband said, you first said that what bad matter has today?” 大概有那么十分钟左右,男主人说道,“你先说吧,今天发生了什么糟糕的事情?” The mistresses also realized anything, she sighs, I was managing a project recently, you know.” 女主人也意识到了什么,她叹了一口气,“我最近在主持一个项目,你知道的。” The husband nods, he knows that oneself wife works in a financial company, is the partner, is the middle and upper classes. 男主人点了点头,他知道自己的妻子在一家金融公司工作,也是合伙人,属于中上层人士。 Today the bank refuses to give us to approve, and claimed that contains errors to our appraisals, besides must investigate the responsibility of appraisal company, the loan that but must send receives.” “今天银行拒绝给我们批款,并且声称对我们的评估有误,除了要追究评估公司的责任外,还要把已经发出来的贷款收回去。” Proposal is I writes, the concrete content is also I decides, now the board of directors thinks that I made to pound this big business, they are walking the procedure/program.” “项目书是我自己写的,具体的内容也都是我拍板的,现在董事会认为我弄砸了这笔大生意,他们正在走程序。” Mistress numerous sighing, most until weekend, I must be dismissed probably, if they do not want to bear the loss, might also investigate my responsibility.” 女主人又重重的叹了一口气,“最多到周末,我大概就要被解雇了,如果他们不愿意自己承担损失,有可能也会追究我的责任。” Very disheartened, the people who make the financial industry are very clear, a financial item does not lose money fearfully, no one can guarantee that each project makes money. 很丧气,做金融行业的人都很清楚,一个金融项目赔钱不可怕,没有谁能确保每一个项目都是赚钱的。 What is fearful ruined this project for personal reasons directly, some people suspect that now she and appraisal company had the backstage deal, in addition making a move of bank, she was equal to this circle on the red list. 可怕的是因为个人原因直接毁掉了这个项目,有人现在怀疑她和评估公司有幕后交易,加上银行的出手,她等于在这个圈子里上了红名单。 The general company will not use her again, she must face the choice of changing professions, the future is completely destroying. 一般的公司已经不会再用她了,她必须面临着转行的选择,前途尽毁。 Actually to this time, she has not felt too desperate, after all own husband also very good work, she, if can deal with the following investigation, then she also has the opportunity to re-enter in this industry. 其实到这个时候,她都没有觉得太绝望,毕竟自己的丈夫还有一份非常好的工作,她如果能应付掉接下来的调查,那么她还有机会重新进入这个行业里。 But when the table, she sees oneself husband, realized that all were finished. 但在餐桌边,她看见自己的丈夫时,就意识到一切都完蛋了。 This you......”, her looked to your husband, the latter said all of today's, and told the wife own guess. “该你了……”,她偏头看向自己的丈夫,后者把今天发生的一切都说了一遍,并且告诉了妻子自己的猜测。 This matter absolutely and Lynch has the relations, only then he has such big energy to make us be also trapped.” “这件事绝对和林奇有关系,也只有他才有这么大的能量让我们同时受困。” The wife nods , asked that „, if you paid damages money, we also how much money can now emergency?” 妻子点了点头,又问道,“如果你把钱赔付了,我们现在还有多少钱能应急?” The husband turns around to sit, brought some documents from the study room, after calculating their all wealth, he is somewhat dispirited, „, if they did not investigate that our responsibility, finally is also left over probably is less than 50,000.” 丈夫转身坐起来,从书房里拿来了一些文件,计算完他们所有的财富之后,他有些颓废,“如果他们不追究我们的责任,最后大概还剩下不到五万块。” We currently each month bill has more than 3000, in addition the daily expenses, we most can only support for a half year.” “我们现在每个月的账单就有三千多块,加上日常的开销,我们最多只能支撑半年。” Wife silent a meeting, can first sell my car(riage), its how much value money.” 妻子沉默了一会,“可以先把我的车卖了,它多少值一点钱。”
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