BC :: Volume #12

#1198: That is you thinks

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The exchange rate security problem has become various countries' new safety program, the Nagat Leir's economic system becomes it to turn into the new federal from Nagat Leir the main cause. 经济金融安全问题已经成为了各国新增的安全项目,纳加利尔的经济体系成为了它从纳加利尔变成新联邦的主要诱因。 Moreover with the development of international market, many new cheating methods is renewing every day, in addition establishment and collapse of silver federation, people even more have understood that improving of economic system has importantly how to a country. 而且随着国际市场的开拓,更多新型的诈骗方法每天都在更新,加上白银联邦的建立和倒塌,人们已经愈发地明白经济体系的健全对一个国家有多么的重要。 Each country is attaching great importance , the federation is no exception, the peaceful commission financial security office is born in these circumstances. 每个国家都在重视,联邦也不例外,安委会金融安全办公室就是在这样的情况下诞生的。 Lynch as promoting the behind-the-scenes forces of some big event, confirmed after an examination layer upon layer, finally becomes the senior adviser. 林奇作为推动了一些大事件发生的幕后推手,经过一层层的审批确认,最终成为了高级顾问。 The senior adviser does not seem like the special adviser, does not need to be able time can hang is not working, the senior adviser at least also needs several days of time disposal some issues every month. 高级顾问不像是特殊顾问,没有必要可以的时候可以一直挂着不工作,高级顾问每个月至少也需要几天时间处理一些问题。 It is an official work, although also holds concurrent jobs, but is at least official. 它是一份正式的工作,虽然也是兼职,但至少正式。 Hangs a goal of senior adviser actually not to owe the favor to Lynch in the final analysis frequently, if there is any matter unable to solve, called to ask him, every telephoned is a favor. 林奇挂一个高级顾问的目的其实说到底还是不想频繁的欠下人情,如果有什么事情解决不了,打电话问他,每一通电话都是一个人情。 Might as well gives him simply an official work, these turned into his job. 还不如干脆给他一个正式的工作,那些都变成了他分内之事。 Regarding the idea of Mr. Truman, Lynch is very clear, he has not rejected. 对于特鲁曼先生的想法,林奇很清楚,他没有拒绝。 To him grasps some secrets in national financial arena, only then advantage, without fault. 对他来说掌握一个国家金融领域内的一些机密,只有好处,没有坏处。 Afterward Lynch drives to leave. 随后林奇开车离开。 The small interlude in this press conference becomes today's best, some television stations rebroadcast this small interlude repeatedly, the broadcast can trigger one of the viewing ratio each time ** rises. 这场新闻发布会中的小插曲成为了今天的“最佳”,有的电视台多次重播这个小插曲,每次播放都能引发收视率的一**涨。 People are like Lynch, this point means do not have, the viewing ratio must compromise. 人们就是喜欢林奇,这一点办法都没有,收视率都必须妥协。 Some people guessed, if Lynch plays the lead in a movie personally, even if he develops looks like lump of excrement, can still certainly sell very high price! 有人猜测,如果林奇亲自主演一部电影,即便他演得像一坨屎,也一定能卖出很高的价格! Meanwhile, Judy's father and mother go home after a day of exhausted work. 与此同时,朱蒂的父亲和母亲经过一天疲惫的工作回到了家中。 The senior partner in company is one has the title of deterrent effect regarding the third estate absolutely, the senior partner, one hear is that type in the middle class community, family member everyone has in one to produce the car(riage), is crossing the person of dignified life. 公司的高级合伙人对于平民阶级来说绝对是一个非常具有震慑力的头衔,高级合伙人,一听就是那种住在中产阶级社区,家庭成员每个人都有一辆中产车,过着体面生活的人。 Actually to the upper layer of society, the so-called senior partner, is one crowd of higher paraffins staff, that has not safeguarded. 其实对社会的上层来说,所谓的高级合伙人,就是一群更高级的员工,还是没有保障的那种。 Draws bonus, the dividend, is only one method of exploitation. 分红,红利,只是剥削的一种手段。 A capitalist can give partner 10,000 dividends, then must exploit 20,000 dollars from his body, even is 80,000 profits. 一名资本家能给一名合伙人一万块的红利,那么就必须从他的身上剥削出两万块钱,甚至是三万五万的利润。 Without so many profits, the capitalist will not take that big risk. 没有这么多的利润,资本家就不会承担那么大的风险。 Actually sales deducting a percentage is the low-end form of partner, takes the resources of company, pathfinding in the channel in company. 其实销售提成就是合伙人的低端形式,拿着公司的资源,在公司的渠道里寻找目标。 What the partners also use is the resources of company, actually pathfinding in own channel. 合伙人同样用的是公司的资源,却在自己的渠道里寻找目标。 Everyone takes actually draws bonus, is only the circle of partner is higher, in the final analysis, is the sales workers. 大家拿的其实都是分红,只是合伙人的圈子更高一些罢了,说到底,都是销售人员。 Ordinary seller success sold a product, the partner success, possibly is a freight car. 普通销售员的“成功”是推销了一件产品,合伙人的“成功”,可能是一车皮。 The partners do not mean that can not work, the partner must work, and is more exhausted than others, they need to continue to the board of directors display oneself value, thus obtains looking upon with favor of board of directors. 合伙人不意味着可以不工作,合伙人也要工作,并且比别人更疲惫,他们需要继续向董事会表现出自己的价值,从而得到董事会的垂青。 Allows them to spend, the purchase that a wee bit corporation stocks, become the shareholder in company. 允许他们花钱,购买那么一丁点的公司股份,成为公司的股东。 This probably was all company partners finally goal extremely. 这大概是所有公司合伙人最终极的目标了。 In order to achieve this goal, the exploitation that they must double oppresses itself. 为了达成这个目标,他们就必须加倍的剥削压迫自己。 After going home, Judy's father sits on the sofa, tore down the tie, is moving the shoulder. 回到家后,朱蒂的父亲坐在沙发上,拆掉了领带,活动着肩膀。 The maids sent one glass of liquor hastily, the husband likes after returning home from work to drink, if he has not treated with courtesy in the evening. 女佣连忙送来了一杯酒,男主人喜欢在下班回到家之后喝一点,如果他晚上没有应酬的话。 The mistresses are also, flung Gauguin shoes directly on the floor, barefoots, sat is rubbing the heel in the sofa. 女主人也是,直接把高更鞋甩在了地板上,赤着脚走进来,坐在沙发边揉着脚跟。 Today she attended the conference of company, as the president, she must show most perfect side. 今天她参加了公司的一场会议,作为主持者,她必须展现出自己最完美的一面。 In three hours of conference she has been saying, is expressing, consistently standing, has not been sitting even if one second. 三个多小时的会议中她一直在说,在表达,始终站着,没有坐过哪怕一秒钟的时间。 This feeling, was ruined. 这感觉,糟透了。 Was good finished because of the present all. 好在现在一切都结束了。 „Did Miss Judy come back?”, The mistress asked. “朱蒂小姐回来了吗?”,女主人问。 The maids selected under one, an immigrant maid. 女佣点了一下头,一个移民女佣。 The immigration maid is very popular in the federation, their price relative small advantages, at least are much cheaper than the federal local area maid, moreover criterion also big. 移民女佣在联邦很受欢迎,她们的价格相对便宜,至少比联邦本地女佣便宜得多,而且“尺度”也大。 Here did not say that made them make anything to surpass between the master and servant the matter of boundary, but said you can scold them. 这里不是说让她们做点什么超过了主人和佣人之间界限的事情,而是说你可以骂她们。 The federal maid temperament sometimes will be very big, cannot do well also to annoy aiming at trade union, after all the federation is a pursue free country, you cannot look down upon anybody and their work! 联邦女佣有时候脾气会很大,搞不好还会惹来工会的针对,毕竟联邦是一个追求自由的国家,你不能看不起任何人和他们的工作! But the immigration maid is different, they do not well, you can scold them, even begins not the too big relations slightly. 但移民女佣不一样,他们做得不好,你可以骂她们,甚至是稍微动手都没有太大的关系。 They needed this to work, the price was low, this met various level families' physical demands very much. 她们太需要这份工作了,价格还低,这就很符合各种层次家庭的实际需求。 The mistresses knit the brows, dinner preparation?” 女主人皱了皱眉,“晚餐准备了吗?” Quick was good, Madame.”, The maid replied. “很快就好了,夫人。”,女佣回答道。 The mistresses lift the hand to make her leave, „the present does, after good, invited the young lady.” 女主人抬手让她离开,“现在就做吧,好了后把小姐请下来。” Two people turn on the television conveniently, at this time puts the news time. 两人随手打开电视,此时正是放新闻的时候。 Many people do not like reading the news, actually the news is very important, regardless at any time, any world, the news in fact plays the political role that one type is unable to be replaced. 很多人不喜欢看新闻,其实新闻很重要,无论任何时候,任何世界,新闻实际上都起到了一种无法被代替的政治作用。 The politicians need more to know that through the news some policy trends, including Mr. President is also so. 政客们需要通过新闻让更多的人知道一些政策动向,包括总统先生也是如此。 They need people to know, feedback information that also needs people, construction and decision policy throughout is a handful, the news is quickest letting more people understood had anything's way. 他们需要人们知道,也需要人们的反馈信息,构建和决定政策的始终是一小撮,新闻则是最快的让更多的人了解到发生了什么的途径。 Two people saw the news of global development committee quickly, the husband mentioned some company's recent things, has the relations with the global development committee. 两人很快就看到了世界发展委员会的新闻,男主人说起了公司最近的一些事情,也和世界发展委员会有关系。 Executive has attained some name lists, to us has the guiding sense very much.” “公司高层已经拿到了一些名录,对我们来说很有指导意义。” Where to outputs anything, what subsidy can obtain, these are very clear, naturally some things were also included the embargo, but in the foreign trade issue, we can become generally speaking on own initiative.” “向什么地方输出什么东西,能获得什么样的补贴,这些都很清楚,当然也有一些东西被列入了禁运,不过总体来说在对外贸易问题上,我们可以变得更主动。” The mistresses quite approve of his view, „after afternoon meets, I and manager chat, perhaps the end of this year to the first half of next year, will have a number of booms.” 女主人颇为赞同他的看法,“下午开完会后我和经理聊了聊,也许今年年底到明年上半年,会有一批创业热潮。” „The name list of global development committee gave people the opportunities of many being able to see, perhaps we can also try.” “世界发展委员会的这份名录给了人们很多看得见的机会,也许我们也能试一试。” The husband is somewhat surprised, but later earnest ponder. 男主人有些意外,但随后认真的思考起来。 He makes the trade, he is very clear, before wanted to attain the subsidy and policy, first needed you to know that had these subsidies and policies. 他就是做贸易的,他很清楚,以前想要拿到补贴和政策,首先需要你知道有这些补贴和政策。 Federal Government not initiative told you, you exported or imported anything, conformed to one in domestic trade provision, what kind of subsidy can obtain, they will not remind you. 联邦政府不会主动的告诉你,你出口或者进口了什么东西,符合国内贸易条款中的某一条,能得到怎样的补贴,他们不会提醒你。 You must discover, then you applied, can obtain the corresponding subsidy subsidy. 你必须自己发现,然后自己去申请,才能得到相应的补贴补助。 Moreover some, has the target nature, only then some people can eat these dividends, most people cannot eat. 而且其中有一些,是具有指标性质的,只有部分人能吃到这些红利,大多数人都吃不到。 Why in the international trade can make money either is the big organization, either is the small organization, situated in middle cannot say does not make money, can only say that is very difficult to make more money? 为什么国际贸易里能赚钱的要么是大机构,要么是小机构,处于中间的不能说不赚钱,只能说很难赚更多的钱? Because of the issue of policy trend, the small company does not matter these, small size, the tone is quick, anything makes money, their noisy crowd makes anything. 就因为政策动向的问题,小公司无所谓这些,体积小,调头快,什么赚钱,他们就一窝蜂的去做什么。 Makes directly a product, then rapid trades another product, seems like them to follow behind the time buttocks to eat the fart throughout, but at least this has the flavor, compared with having nothing to eat to guarantee all one wants to eat. 直接把一个产品做垮,然后迅速的换另外一个产品,看上去他们始终跟在时代屁股后面吃屁,但至少这个屁是有味道的,比喝风管饱。 The medium enterprise tone is difficult, if chose to make a mistake from the beginning the product, or could not attain the target, had the possibility product not to go abroad very much, had the loss, at this time also wanted the tone, the price was bigger. 中型的企业调头困难,如果一开始选择错了产品,或者拿不到指标,很有可能产品没出国,就出现了亏损,这个时候还要调头,代价就更大了。 These big Group can eat the policy the dividend, their even cost price foreign sale can gain unable to support, finally the profit of mid-sized enterprise is a problem. 那些大集团公司能吃到政策的红利,他们甚至成本价对外销售都能赚到撑不下去,最终中型企业的盈利就成了问题。 Now was different, anything can do, has what fiscal subsidy, very obvious, this also gave everyone the undertaking power. 现在不同了,什么能做,有什么财政补贴,都非常地明显,这也给了大家更多创业的动力。 In the husband was pondering whether be able to be trying the undertaking, quick presents that had some time ago. 就在男主人思考着是不是可以尝试着创业时,很快就出现了不久前发生的那一幕。 Their eye stares the dog to look dull own daughter launched the attack to Mr. Lynch directly, then by Mr. Lynch calm resolution, should lets the scene that obviously the person laughed heartily, two people actually. 他们目瞪狗呆的看着自己的女儿直接向林奇先生发起了攻击,然后被林奇先生从容的化解,明明应该是让人欢笑的场面,两人却一身冷汗。 They each other looked at each other one, the scalp after tingles with numbness, tied tight. 他们彼此对视了一眼,头皮在一阵发麻后,紧绷了起来。 The husband just about to stands, the mistress held down his shoulder, I first come up to have a look......” 男主人刚要站起来,女主人按住了他的肩膀,“我先上去看看……” Dozen minutes, mistress from building, happening all said that after the husband listens, is somewhat dejected. 十几分钟,女主人从楼上走了下来,把发生的一切都说了一遍,男主人听完之后有些颓然。 Is regarded as a life style of labor force the child compared with the ordinary household since childhood, the middle class families like with princekin and little princess pack their children. 比起普通家庭把孩子从小就看作是一个劳动力的生活方式,中产阶级家庭更喜欢用“小王子”和“小公主”来包装他们的孩子。 Their liking still had a relative property superiority feeling by own child in the childhood- refers to with the lower class contrast. 他们喜欢让自己的孩子还在小时候就有一种对比性的优越感-指和社会底层对比。 But exactly is the superiority feeling that this they train, becomes troublesome. 但恰恰就是这种他们培养出来的优越感,成为了麻烦。 Actually does not like the Lynch person also having, does not like his person, regardless of he will make anything not to like him, some people think that Lynch will be a thief, they think that Lynch stole somebody's success, became successful that by oneself. 其实不喜欢林奇的人也有,不喜欢他的人无论他做什么都不会喜欢他,有些人会认为林奇是一个小偷,他们认为林奇偷了某个人的成功,让自己成为了成功的那个。 Also some people always thought that he is only the lower class family background, even if there is a today's achievement, he is still a floor person. 也有人总觉得他只是社会底层出身,即便有了今天的成就,他也还是一个底层人。 Would some people finds many excuses is not lead makes the reason for oneself. 总会有人找很多理由为自己不是“主角”做理由。 Judy since childhood is star, bon voyage with the current, until he wanted to look for a flash news to meet on Lynch the life the first time, was the most painful lesson. 朱蒂从小就是“明星”,一路顺风顺水,直到他想要在林奇身上找一个大新闻遇到了人生中第一次,也是最惨痛的教训。 Then such matter happened the second time. 然后这样的事情发生了第二次。 The mistresses are very helpless, later somewhat worried, I somewhat worried, she does went too far, perhaps we should apologize.” 女主人很无奈,随后又有些担忧,“我有些担心,她做的太过分了,也许我们应该去道歉。” The husband brain is a little chaotic, „, but the front door of our Banshan Villa area cannot go, how did we also apologize?” 男主人脑子有点乱,“可是我们连半山别墅区的大门都进不去,我们又怎么去道歉?” The Banshan Villa area is not the middle class can enter, only if they have oneself sincerity to wait in the entrance, goes to meeting by chance Lynch to go out or go home. 半山别墅区可不是中产阶级能进的,除非他们带着自己的诚意一直在门口等着,去“偶遇”林奇出门或者回家。 The men think, comfort saying, perhaps the matter does not become that bad, he is famous, will not haggle over these with us, Judy is only a young girl......” 男人想了想,安慰性的说道,“也许事情不会变得那么糟,他那么有名气,不会和我们计较这些,朱蒂只是一个年轻的女孩……” But Mr. Lynch, as if not think! 林奇先生,似乎并不这么想!
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