BC :: Volume #12

#1197: Presents one's credentials newly

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The people repugnant humorous person, most people will not like chatting with the humorous person excessively, because people like joyfully. 人们不会过分的讨厌幽默的人,大多数人喜欢和幽默的人聊天,因为人们都喜欢快乐。 A Lynch opens the mouth, he becomes the focus. 林奇一开口,他就成为了焦点。 And he not only becomes the focus is so simple, but also controlled the mood of people. 并且他不只是成为焦点这么简单,还掌握住了人们的情绪。 He received the sound with a smile with a smile, the easy laughter in room as also he shut up, complete receiving lived. 他笑着笑着收住了声,房间里的轻松的笑声也随着他闭上嘴,完全的收住了。 This is the control to the aspect, people had not even detected their mood short time was taken over control. 这就是对局面的控制权,人们甚至都没有发觉他们的情绪已经短时间的被接管了。 Then I replied this Ms. Judy's issue, why I will sit as economic expert here.” “那么我来回答一下这位朱蒂女士的问题,为什么我会以一名经济专家的身份坐在这里。” He is always with smile on the face, as if always did not think that Judy in view of his behavior is offending, humorous, charming, did not like the Lynch person, is also very difficult to dislike facing such Lynch. 他始终面带微笑,似乎从来都不觉得朱蒂针对他的行为是一种冒犯,幽默,风趣,就连本来不那么喜欢林奇的人,面对这样的林奇也很难讨厌起来。 He to the satire of upper circles of society, to oneself self-ridiculing, satisfied most people's certain mood to demand, in this moment, all in his grasping. 他对上流社会的讽刺,对自己的自嘲,满足了大多数人的某些情绪诉求,在这一刻,一切都在他的掌握中。 Some people helped me reorganize one set of me once the speeches in some salons, yes, I very thick-skinned thought that is the speech, the entire journey was I was saying, others are listening.” “有人帮我整理了一套我曾经在一些沙龙中的演讲,是的,我很皮厚的把那认为是演讲,全程都是我在说,别人在听。” „The draft that these reorganize ultimately formed three very meaningful......”, he slightly leaning the head, was sorry, I have not gone to college, does not know that it is the paper, perhaps the lecture notes are more suitable I.” “这些整理下来的稿子最终形成了三份很具有意义的……”,他微微偏头,“抱歉,我没上过大学,不知道它算不算论文,也许讲稿更适合我。” These three lecture notes respectively are «Economic war», «Financial war», «Theory of crises», I thanked the expert and scholar who helped me reorganize these lecture notes very much, and thanked them in these three drafts, in the foundations of three ponders, extended the views and explanations about 20-30 editions.” “这三份讲稿分别是《经济战争》、《金融战争》、《危机论》,我很感谢帮我整理这些讲稿的专家和学者,并且也感谢他们在这三份稿子,三种思考的基础上,延伸出了大约20-30个版本的看法和解读。” I forecast the big decline of economy, forecast crashing of finance, I promoted to establish Nagat Leir Union development company, making us compared with earlier to walk from the great depression, to be honest probably flaunted similarly my own thing I can say the morning.” “我预测了经济的大衰退,预测了金融的崩盘,我推动了成立纳加利尔联合开发公司,让我们比原来更早从大萧条中走出来,老实说像是类似标榜我自己的东西我能说上半天。” I am not one like myself promoting itself to have the fierce person, perhaps and me the third party beside you, these people of neutral stand, can give us some more objective view.” “我不是一个喜欢自己鼓吹自己有多厉害的人,也许在你和我之外的第三方,中立立场的那些人,能给我们一些更客观的看法。” An economist who his looks at to own side, mister, you thinks that I do have the qualifications enrolling economic expert to attend in this process of human history one of the most important grand meetings?” 他偏头看向自己身边的一名经济学家,“先生,你认为我有没有资格挂名经济专家出席这场人类历史进程中最为重要的盛会之一?” Sits the expert near Lynch right hand does not have to think oneself have the opportunity to beam with joy unexpectedly, he nodded again and again, approached the microphone, Mr. Lynch research in economic aspect exceeded many experts, including me, has read some exchange rate thought and lecture notes of Mr. Lynch, and was subdued by some contents.” 坐在林奇右手边的专家没想到自己居然还有机会露脸,他连连点头,凑近了麦克风,“林奇先生在经济方面的研究超越了很多专家学者,包括我本人,都拜读过林奇先生的一些经济金融思想和讲稿,并被其中的一些内容折服。” Lynch nods, looks to the complexion already some Judy of becoming flushed, you can choose a person, so as to avoid you think me and my mister, because knew, he spoke my malicious remarks embarrassed, because my mind is very small, will retaliate him, making him lose the work.” 林奇点了点头,又看向脸色已经有些涨红的朱蒂,“你可以挑选一个人,免得你认为我和我身边的先生因为认识,他不好意思说我坏话,因为我心眼很小,会报复他,让他丢掉工作。” The reporters laugh, this may be much more interesting the content of what global development committee the interview is more bored. 现场的记者们又哄笑起来,这可比采访无聊的什么世界发展委员会的内容有意思得多。 Lynch appears before the media each time always brings the news, has him, means that tomorrow's newspaper had the sales volume, the television program had the viewing ratio. 林奇每次出现在媒体面前总是自带新闻,有他,就意味着明天的报纸杂志有了销量,电视节目有了收视率。 Judy has not spoken, but looks at Lynch. 朱蒂没说话,只是看着林奇 Lynch spreads out both hands, a helplessness of face, looked like Miss Judy as if not to have the issue, then why you didn't sit down?” 林奇摊开双手,一脸的无奈,“看来朱蒂小姐似乎没有问题了,那么为什么你不坐下呢?” We in you, this are not the polite behaviors, even if you are a woman!” “我们都在等你,这可不是礼貌的行为,哪怕你是一名女士!” Originally this is a very good attack Lynch opportunity, she thinks is this, making Lynch lose face before the media, she unearthed ruthlessly in the issue that Lynch has not gone to college. 本来这是一个很好的攻击林奇的机会,她认为是这样,让林奇在媒体面前出丑,她在林奇没有上过大学的问题上狠狠的挖掘了一下。 In exposing him enrolls Holy Peace Society such top colleges actually not to go on, can obtain the graduation certificate. 在曝光他挂名圣和会这样的顶级院校却不去上,就能获得毕业证书。 Aren't the people the people of most repugnant this spending purchase privilege? 民众们不是最讨厌这种花钱购买特权的人吗? Why...... all did not work to Lynch here. 为什么到了林奇这里……一切就行不通了。 Looks at the surrounding these is not very friendly vision, Judy after the silence, sat. 看着周围那些并不是很友善的目光,朱蒂在沉默之后,坐了回去。 Lynch with a smile crooked under one, was saying made one to fall from the forehead wiping away sweat water in the movement of ground, I mixed!” 林奇笑着歪了一下头,说着做了一个从额头擦了一把汗水摔在地上的动作,“我又混过去了!” Some reporters cannot bear laugh again, who knows obviously this is the attack to Judy, but no one thought that the Lynch insufficient gentleman, lacks the demeanor, will only think that he is very interesting. 有些记者再一次忍不住哈哈大笑起来,明明谁都知道这是对朱蒂的攻击,可却没有人觉得林奇不够绅士,缺少风度,只会觉得他很有趣。 He let this become to the general public arid congress interesting many! 他让这场对普通民众们来说枯燥的大会变得有趣了不少! Mr. Truman joined the Lynch words promptly, that invited next......” 特鲁曼先生及时的接上了林奇的话,“那么有请下一位……” The conference convenes is very smooth, an originally should turn into the small interlude of accident or scandal becomes a highlight under the control of Lynch. 会议召开的很顺利,一个原本应该变成事故或者丑闻的小插曲在林奇的控制下成为了一个亮点。 People do not have the means to dislike him, instead thought that he is very likable. 人们就是没办法讨厌他,反而觉得他很讨人喜欢。 In the retransmission, Catherine and her former professor staff also saw this. 在转播的时候,凯瑟琳和她的前大学教授幕僚也看到了这一幕。 They look peacefully, the first department of journalism professors deeply shouted the one breath, was too fierce, routed that child all-around.” 她们安静的看完,前新闻系教授深呼了一口气,“太厉害了,全方位的击溃了那个孩子。” She knows Judy, Judy is she has led the student, this student compares to lose face/show off, she has is very suitable to make the appearance of newspaper work. 她认识朱蒂,朱蒂是她带过的学生,这个学生比较出彩,她有很适合做新闻工作的外貌。 Sometimes can suiting be regarded as a discrimination this type, an attractive cheek, the splendid stature, golden hair, the television station is also then good, the publication newspaper office and magazine are also good, will like such woman. 有时候可以把这种“适合”看作是一种歧视,一张漂亮的脸蛋,出色的身材,然后一头金发,电视台也好,出版报社和杂志也好,都会喜欢这样的女人。 They will make an appearance in the television station frequently, these people of television station are very clear the pretty woman to have the big help to the viewing ratio. 在电视台她们会经常露面,电视台的那些人很清楚漂亮的女人对收视率有多大的帮助。 Even if the most arid weather forecast, the woman who so long as manages the weather forecast is pretty enough, the viewing ratio will not lower. 哪怕是最枯燥的天气预报,只要主持天气预报的女人足够漂亮,收视率也不会低。 The newspaper is also, people like by the attractive girl interview, liking them is very near to oneself, looks at itself with the hot vision. 报纸也是,人们喜欢被漂亮的女孩采访,喜欢她们离自己很近,用火辣的目光看着自己。 In such a case, people will not say anything parsimoniously, even if they should not say. 在这样的情况下,人们不会吝啬说点什么,哪怕他们原本不该说的。 She thinks that Judy should have a good future, to she writes the letter of recommendation time also commended her personal ability, but looks like...... Judy not to square own position now obviously. 她认为朱蒂应该会有一个不错的未来,给她写推荐信的时候也称赞了她的个人能力,但现在看来……朱蒂显然没有把自己的位置摆正。 Many people thought that the reporter should tell the truth, this looks like these female ticket guests to think that has the women of technology to shout crisp certainly really crisply is the same, no, the fact often is not this. 很多人都觉得记者就应该说真话,这就像是那些女票客们觉得有技术的女人们喊爽就一定是真的爽一样,不,事实往往不是这样。 People actually do not care to the truth, people need serves the self-interest the lie, whose his mother does care about the truth is what?! 人们其实对真话一点也不在乎,人们需要的只是符合自己利益的假话,谁他妈在乎真话是什么?! Judy pounded all lane, she somewhat is also sigh with emotion, what are more is to the Lynch dealing with changes ability, and exclamation of control ability. 朱蒂把一切都弄砸了,她也只是有些感慨,但更多的还是对林奇应变能力,以及控制局面能力的惊叹。 Almost does not have any hesitates hesitant, all smooth looks like...... is developing according to the script. 几乎没有任何迟疑犹豫,一切流畅的就像是……按照剧本在演。 But she knows that is not the script, that was the situation, Lynch is too fierce. 可她知道,那不是剧本,那是突发情况,林奇真的太厉害了。 Catherine also detected that the different things, from the beginning, he had seized the initiative, all by his grasping firmly, people could not have been being saw him to have how strongly, only thought that he is very interesting. 凯瑟琳也察觉到了不同的东西,从一开始,他就夺过了主动权,一切都在被他牢牢的掌握,偏偏人们还看不出他有多么的强硬,只觉得他很有趣。 Natural actor, natural politician, inborn...... capitalist! 天生的演员,天生的政客,天生的……资本家! Perhaps we should collect some Lynch beforehand interviews and programs, we can some learned things from this.” “也许我们应该收集一些林奇以前的采访和节目,我们可以从这里面学会一些东西。” Catherine bites the lip to nod, that makes us take a look at him fiercely.” 凯瑟琳咬着嘴唇点了点头,“那就让我们瞧瞧他有多厉害吧。” Another side, the congress breaks up the smile on later Lynch face to restrain, Mr. Truman and he walks in the same place, two people are walking abreast in row, walks, while explained that this was mistake on a work......” 另外一边,大会散会之后林奇脸上的笑容收敛起来,特鲁曼先生和他走在一起,两人并排走着,一边走,一边解释,“这是一个工作上的失误……” We had found Judy, he told our Judy to give him a kiss, pledged and his appointment, therefore he took risk to make Judy replace itself.” “我们已经找到了朱迪,他告诉我们朱蒂给了他一个吻,承诺和他约会,所以他才冒险让朱蒂代替了自己。” The main key of this big event basically is the report adds on some positive/direct mood to express, for example commended that the federation has how greatly, Mr. President has how wisely, the federal official had professional is similar. 这种大事件的基调基本就是通稿加上一些正面的情绪抒发,比如说称赞一下联邦有多么的伟大,总统先生有多么的英明,联邦的官员有多么的敬业就差不多了。 How extremely closes one's eyes regarding the reporter in the official official news knows to write, but he has not thought, such ordinary matter, had/left the big trouble. 太过于正式官方的新闻对于老记者来说闭着眼睛都知道怎么写,但他万万没有想到,就这么普通的事情,出了大麻烦。 Judy very unwise is being the surface of various countries' diplomatic representatives and reporters provokes Lynch, did her brain shatter? 朱蒂很不明智的当着各国外交代表和各国记者的面挑衅林奇,她的脑子难道坏掉了? Perhaps all these can put the blame on the arrogance and impracticality of woman, this is not the fairy tale world, without Hansel and Gretel, when the people of peaceful commission found his earliest possible time, he confessed all. 或许这一切都能归咎于女人的傲慢和不切实际,这不是童话世界,没有糖果屋,所以当安委会的人找到他的第一时间,他就把一切都交代了。 After Lynch hear, selected under one , indicating oneself knew, two people also went out of the building, arrived at the parking lot. 林奇听完之后点了一下头,表示自己知道了,两人也走出了建筑物,走到了停车场。 Stands before the car(riage), Lynch gave own idea, this matter we must process from two angles, first is the official nature.” 站在车前,林奇给出了自己的想法,“这件事我们要从两个角度去处理,首先是官方性质的。” Assumes a false identity other person of close approach country presidents and diplomats, this behavior has touched the legal red string, the arranged person has sued her.” “冒名顶替其他人近距离接近国家总统和外交官,这种行为已经触及了法律红线,安排人起诉她。” Moreover from her currently to the social superficial cognition angle, she needs to accumulate the experience of many life and work, I will find the way to help her.” “另外从她目前对社会浅薄的认知角度来看,她需要累积更多的生活和工作的经验,我会想办法帮助她。” You make half, I make half!” “你们做一半,我做一半!” Mr. Truman selected under one, he is not blind that silly stupid( pure) good politician, the soldier family background lets his enough blood and iron, is also willing to counterattack facing the provocation on own initiative. 特鲁曼先生点了一下头,他不是盲目的那种傻乎乎蠢(纯)善的政客,军人出身让他足够铁血,面对挑衅也愿意主动还击。 Does not have the issue, this matter indeed needs to process, the peaceful commission we will also comb one......” “没问题,这件事的确需要处理,安委会这边我们也会重新梳理一遍……” Lynch lifted the hand to prevent him, that was your work, are not related with me, let alone listened to me!” 林奇抬起手阻止了他,“那是你们的工作,和我没关系,别说给我听!” Mr. Truman does not believe, „, does not have the relations with you, that side plans to promote you for the advanced security adviser, you were also one of the peaceful commission full members.” 特鲁曼先生并不这么认为,“不,和你也有关系,那边打算提升你为高级安全顾问,你也算是安委会的正式成员之一了。” „Can I?”, Lynch frowning asked. “我可以吗?”,林奇皱着眉头反问道。 Senior adviser and special adviser, although is the advisers, but the latter is more like an honorary nature, but the former, might participate in the work truly. 高级顾问和特别顾问虽然都是顾问,但是后者更像是一种名誉性的,而前者,有可能会真正的参与到工作中。 Mr. Truman said matter that some Lynch do not know, financial security is also safe, the federation could not withstand a round new financial tsunami again, therefore secure Weihui established one financial security office, as the economic expert, you concurred this duty no one to oppose.” 特鲁曼先生说了一些林奇不知道的事情,“金融安全也是安全,联邦再也经不起一轮新的金融海啸了,所以安委会成立了一个‘金融安全办公室’,作为经济专家,你身兼这个职务没有人能反对。” Moreover if you are not willing to continue to have this status, can finish momentarily!” “而且你如果不愿意继续持有这层身份,随时可以结束!”
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