BC :: Volume #12

#1196: Opens the mouth is the focus

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Lynch also at the scene, as one expert, he has the qualifications here. 林奇也在现场,作为一名“专家”,他还是有资格在这里的。 His position few notices, in most edge, sits in his surrounding person mostly is also so, not by the attention of people. 只是他的位置几乎没有人注意到,在最边缘,坐在他周围的人大多也都是如此,不受人们的关注。 In these people some are also the experts, some mix qualifications purely. 这些人中有些也是专家,有些则是纯粹来混一个资历的。 Any back to historical influential matter has the forms of various interest groups, some people profit directly the profit because of these historical events, some people want to ride the bandwagon. 任何一件对历史具有影响的事情的背后都有各种利益群体的身影,有些人直接因这些历史事件受益获利,也有些人只是想要搭顺风车。 Can mix the most leaning seat, to the future of these people, has the extremely vital function and value. 能混一个最偏席,对这些人的未来,也有着极为重要的作用和价值。 Atmosphere very warm, although many people to this alliance also some not clear places, but at least everyone understands, that will be this alliance will change many things! 现场的气氛非常的热烈,虽然很多人对这个联盟还有些不明白的地方,可至少大家都明白一点,那就是这个联盟将会改变很多的东西! After Mr. President asked three issues continuously, gave others the right of choice, in plan from the beginning, Mr. President answered three issues, other representatives must answer some issues. 总统先生连续提了三个问题之后,就把选择的权利让给了别人,在一开始的计划中,总统先生回答三个问题,其他代表也要回答一些问题。 This conforms to the federal international great nation, the bearing of international core! 这样才符合联邦国际大国,国际核心的气度! When Mr. President choosing the opportunity of reporter gave Frat's representative, this Frat's representative direct selection that has raised hand, blonde miss but who had not been elected. 当总统先生把挑选记者的机会让给了盖弗拉的代表时,这位盖弗拉的代表直接选择了那名一直举手,但始终没有被选上的金发姑娘。 This ambassador has treated a long time in the federation, style that his very clear federation person works, is clearer their cherishing degree to the blonde beautiful woman. 这位大使在联邦已经待了很长一段时间,他很清楚联邦人做事的风格,更清楚他们对金发美女的钟爱程度。 Reporter who Mr. President avoided that golden hair for successive three times, this means this woman possibly some issues. 总统先生连续三次回避那名金发的记者,这就意味着这个女人可能有些问题。 Puts to trouble to the federal person is his work, he referred to that girl, „the woman of that blonde......” 给联邦人添麻烦就是他的工作,他指了指那个女孩,“那位金发的女士……” When Lynch sees the girl who that mentioned by name to stand knits the brows, he has seen this reporter, was previous press conference asked the reporter of not too appropriate issue. 林奇看见那个被点名站起来的女孩时皱了皱眉,他见过这个记者,就是上次新闻发布会现场问了不太合适问题的记者。 Has some news to gather Lynch this from certain channels, he knows that this girl had lost her work, but has not thought, unexpectedly saw her here. 从某些渠道有一些消息汇聚到林奇这,他知道这个女孩已经丢掉了她的工作,只是没想到,居然又在这里看见了她。 Mr. Truman also knits the brows, he cast a sidelong glance slantingly an eyelid Frat's diplomatic ambassador, the latter looks like anything not to detect that such smiles. 特鲁曼先生也皱了皱眉,他斜睨了一眼盖弗拉的外交大使,后者就像是什么都没有察觉到那样笑了笑。 This women's watch raises! 这个女表子养的! Mr. Truman knows immediately this is intentionally, did not elect this girl absolutely casually. 特鲁曼先生立刻就知道了这是故意的,绝对不是随便选到了这个女孩。 The press women stood, reported in advance own name, my Judy......” 女记者站了起来,先报上了自己的名字,“我朱蒂……” Ambassador Frat selected under one, he did not care to this name, he is very curious, how this press woman, some as if people did not like her, to be honest I do not care about this, what you have to ask?” 盖弗拉大使点了一下头,他对这个名字不关心,他只是很好奇,这个女记者到底怎么了,似乎有人不喜欢她,“老实说我不关心这个,你有什么想问的吗?” Judy as if not worry, she asked that what can ask?” 朱蒂似乎并不着急,她反问道,“什么都能问吗?” Ambassador Frat selected under one, naturally, this is the question and answer link, I heard that the federation most advocates in any situation expresses own power, this is your power, Madame, you can ask that your any wants to ask.” 盖弗拉大使点了一下头,“当然,这是问答环节,我听说联邦最崇尚在任何场合表达自己的权力,这就是你的权力,女士,你可以问你任何想问的。” Judy smiles, that was too good, previous I asked time I should not ask, I lost my work finally......” 朱蒂笑了笑,“那就太好了,上一次我问了我不该问的,结果我丢掉了我的工作……” Some reporters realize immediately who this girl is, becomes excited. 有一些记者立刻意识到了这个女孩是谁,一个个都变得兴奋起来。 Actually because the reporter asked the question that should not ask, interviewed the person who should not interview, publishes the report that should not publish to lose the work the matter, was not rare in the federation, even can describe with common. 其实记者因为问了不该问的问题,采访了不该采访的人,刊登了不该刊登的报道丢掉工作的事情,在联邦并不少见,甚至可以用常见来形容。 Would some people are very sensitive, in the surface some issues seem like no issue, actually meets stabbing pain certain people. 总会有一些人很敏感,表面上一些问题看起来好像没有什么问题,却会刺痛某些人。 These narrow-minded people have the power that most people have not been having, they only need to telephone, can determine a destiny of reporter. 这些小心眼的人偏偏掌握着大多数人们没有掌握的权力,他们只需要一通电话,就能决定一名记者的命运。 People do not know how Judy mixes, but without a doubt, in this international event, she could promote some flash news. 人们不知道朱蒂是怎么混进来的,但毫无疑问,在这个国际事件中,她可能要搞出一些大新闻来。 Mr. President is also maintaining the smile, he turned head to look at a Mr. Truman, the latter looked to nearby Manager secure Weihui. 总统先生还保持着微笑,他扭头看了一眼特鲁曼先生,后者看向了一旁的安委会主管。 The managers of secure Commission nod the head slightly, later turns around to leave, he must make clear, how this woman mixes. 安委会的主管微微颔首,随后转身离开,他要去搞清楚,这个女人是怎么混进来的。 But these were later things, but now, the congress is still continuing. 但这些都是随后的事情了,而现在,大会还在继续。 Ambassador Frat became had the interest suddenly, you can ask that my any issue, I will not make you lose your work again.” 盖弗拉大使突然间变得有了兴趣,“你可以问我任何问题,我不会让你再一次丢掉你的工作。” Thank your frankness, what I want to ask was Mr. Lynch......”, Judy looked that to sat in most nearby Lynch, Lynch also smiled is visiting her, did not have the slight anxiety. “感谢你的直率,但我想问的是林奇先生……”,朱蒂看向了坐在最旁边的林奇,林奇也微笑着看着她,没有丝毫的紧张。 The time and place that actually this girl chooses are good, what she faces is Lynch, can only say under several-month long interrogating and torturing person who should say. 其实这个女孩选择的时间和地点都不错,但她面对的是林奇,一个能在长达数个月拷问下只说了该说的人。 This pressure, had not been cared by him. 这点压力,还不被他放在心上。 It seems like I somewhat misunderstand with this woman, but that is unimportant, what do you want to obtain from here?”, Lynch asked. “看来我和这位女士有些误会,不过那不重要,你想从我这里得到一些什么?”,林奇反问道。 Very friendly attitude, Lynch actually has no negative news in addition, people to his attitude are very tolerant. 很友善的态度,加上林奇其实没有什么负面的新闻,人们对他的态度还是非常宽容的。 As for his private life? 至于他的私生活? Excuse me, he is only 24 years old, compared with young people who these excessive drinking also indiscriminate in making friends and finding sexual partners, he has done unusual was good, that is not considered as that the negative report, is only the bordered news. 拜托,他才二十四岁,比起那些酗酒还滥交的年轻人,他已经做的非常好了,那根本都不算是负面新闻,只是花边新闻。 Harmless! 无伤大雅! The Lynch attitude is more temperate, in Judy's eyes is more hateful. 林奇的态度越温和,在朱蒂的眼里越可恶。 Asking that she is relentless, I notice the today's honored guests on the scene am some experts who have the deep academic success and background, Mr. Lynch, your high school graduate after as far as I know, entered the society.” 她毫不留情的问道,“我注意到今天在场的嘉宾都是一些有着深厚学术成就及背景的专家,林奇先生,据我所知你高中毕业后就进入了社会。” Since I investigate you to enroll in the Holy Peace Society colleges beside, you have not had any higher education in fact.” “从我调查到你在圣和会院校挂名之外,你并没有接受任何实际上的高等教育。” Changes the way that everyone can understand what is heard, how that is you today is the status of by economic expert, sits here?” “换一种大家都能听明白的方式来说,那就是你今天是如何以经济专家的身份,坐在这里的?” I do not think a high-school student to be the economic expert, inside story that or behind some what we have not known.” “我不认为一名高中生就可以是经济专家,或者说这背后还有些什么我们不知道的内幕。” When Judy's words just said that the innumerable cameras shone suddenly, their goals only have a person, that is Lynch. 在朱蒂的话刚说完时,无数的照相机骤然间亮了起来,它们的目标只有一个人,那就是林奇 However was a pity very much, on the face of Lynch has not revealed any annoying mood, his expression even changes has not changed. 不过很可惜,林奇的脸上没有流露出任何懊恼的情绪,他的表情甚至变都没有变过。 Meanwhile, Manager secure who Weihui is responsible for the congress security is bending the waist to arrive at the side of Mr. Truman, understood in a low voice him the situation of said. 与此同时,负责大会现场安全的安委会主管弯着腰走到了特鲁曼先生的身边,低声把他了解到的情况说了一遍。 Judy used male reporter a registration certificate of named Zhu Di to come, this was the oversight that we worked, can please go out her?” “朱蒂用了一个名叫朱迪的男记者的登记证进来的,这是我们工作的疏漏,要不要把她请出去?” Truman first cast a sidelong glance slantingly his eyes, the expression very disgruntledly, Judy and Judy indeed cannot distinguish clearly, the picture words...... should also be replaced. 特鲁曼先斜睨了他一眼,表情非常的不悦,朱蒂和朱迪的确分不清,照片的话……也应该被替换了。 This matter actually cannot the person of completely strange secure Commission, others inspect the list, no issue, naturally must allow to pass, but has problems eventually. 这种事情其实也不能完全怪安委会的人,人家检查了名单,没有什么问题,自然就要放行,但终究还是出了问题。 As for please go out her, if her object is not Lynch, Mr. Truman did, finds an excuse casually, although will make the federation a little lose face, but at least talked nonsense to be much better here compared with her. 至于把她请出去,如果她的对象不是林奇的话,特鲁曼先生就那么做了,随便找个理由,虽然会让联邦有点丢脸,但至少比她在这里胡说要好得多。 But who she does not look, looks Lynch, Mr. Truman did not worry that this will become together diplomatic scandal, he is is so confident to Lynch. 可她谁不找,去找林奇,特鲁曼先生一点也不担心这会成为一起“外交丑闻”,他对林奇就是这么有信心。 Does not need to manage, first controls another person, do not make us lose face before the friend.” “不用管,先把另外一个人控制起来,不要让我们在朋友面前丢了脸。” After departure, Mr. Truman told Mr. President who oneself knew, latter's attitude was unexpectedly same as him. 主管离去后,特鲁曼先生把自己知道的告诉了总统先生,后者的态度居然和他一样。 If this girl can feel embarrassed Lynch, actually also good......”, is very optimistic, is very blind, this probably is the traditional federal person. “如果这个女孩能为难一下林奇,其实也挺好的……”,很乐观,也很盲目,这大概就是传统的联邦人。 The loose attitude created the federal relaxed environment, this is other countries does not have. 宽松的态度造就了联邦宽松的环境,这也是其他国家不具备的。 Faces Judy's cunning question, Lynch is not feeling troublesome. 面对着朱蒂刁钻的发问,林奇一点也不觉得麻烦。 First thanked Ms. Judy to my care, and also so investigated in private many about my personal privacy news, seemed certainly like you......”, he shakes the head, had very big prejudice to me.” “首先感谢朱蒂女士对我的关心,并且还私下调查了如此之多关于我的个人隐私消息,看起来你一定……”,他摇了摇头,“对我有很大的成见。” He said these words time, no matter on the stage under the stage, or were these audience before television, at this time had some dislike to Judy suddenly. 他说出这句话的时候,不管是台上还是台下,抑或是电视机前的那些观众们,此时突然间对朱蒂有了一些厌恶。 Before they somewhat were curious, as well as sympathized with Judy's bitter experience, lashed out at suddenly probably also the mood of understanding her. 之前他们还有些好奇,以及同情朱蒂的遭遇,对她突然发难大概也有一种理解的情绪。 But after Lynch said these words, the attitude to Judy, had the huge change all of a sudden. 但在林奇说出这些话之后,他们对朱蒂的态度,一下子发生了巨大的改变。 Because of...... privacy. 因为……隐私。 No one liked some people spying on own privacy, the federal person's concern over the privacy surpassed to the free attention. 没有人喜欢有人窥探自己的隐私,联邦人对隐私的关注超过了对自由的关注。 They would rather lose part of freedoms, does not want to be monitored, for these, they can go all out. 他们情愿失去一部分自由,也不愿意自己被人监视着,为了这些,他们可以和人拼命。 Now, a reporter uses her work convenience to investigate others' privacy casually, people will not have many approvals to this reporter. 现在,一个记者利用她的工作便利随便的调查别人的隐私,人们就不会对这个记者有多少认同。 When Lynch always knows, said that what words, achieves what effect. 林奇总是知道在什么时候,说什么样的话,来达到什么样的效果。 Which then I should from reply?”, He thinks, replied from the school record issue.” “那么我该从哪回答呢?”,他想了想,“就从学历问题来回答吧。” Did not deny regarding me who Ms. Judy mentioned, I indeed after the high school graduated entered the society, indeed hung a name in the Holy Peace Society colleges as she said.” “对于朱蒂女士提到的我不否认,我的确在高中毕业之后就进入了社会,也的确如她所说在圣和会的院校挂了一个名。” You know, so long as donates money, they always welcome our.” “你们知道,只要捐钱,他们总是欢迎我们的。” Some reporters smile to make noise, Lynch is not the traditional rich man, or the person of political family, he is an average person, realized the federal dream through own effort. 有些记者笑出声来,林奇不是传统的有钱人,或者政治世家的人,他就是一个普通人,通过自己的努力实现了联邦梦。 In he said when oneself through spending to solve certain problems, people will not think that is some contemptuous, but is self-ridiculing. 所以在他说自己通过花钱解决某些问题时,人们不会觉得那是某种轻蔑,而是一种自嘲。 On his face has some smile, I go out to meet with the new friend each time, this is not what bachelor of such and such university, that is such and such outstanding students, I cannot say, ‚, my his mother has not attended the university, therefore I introduced embarrassed my school, I feared that you don't know?” 他脸上带着些许笑容,“每次我出去和新朋友见面,这位不是某某大学的什么学士,那位就是某某高材生,我总不能说,‘嘿,我他妈连大学都没上过,所以我不好意思介绍我的学校,我怕你们不认识吧’?” People smile to make noise again, they even can imagine on the high-level social occasion, is facing the elite of face, the alma mater of everyone is the resounding university, Lynch says a high school suddenly, then in the room falls into to the inexplicable awkward atmosphere. 人们再一次笑出声来,他们甚至能够想象得到在高级的社交场合,面对着脸面的精英,每个人的母校都是响当当的大学,林奇突然说出一个高中来,然后房间里陷入到莫名的尴尬气氛中。 Why thinks, makes some people unable to bear smile to make noise? 为什么只是想一想,就让一些人忍不住笑出声来? Possibly was he is too interesting! 可能是他太有意思了! Lynch is also smiling, hopes that they took the magnifying glass to dig the buttocks to look on the map quite a while will say to me, oh, Mr. Lynch, I found this damn high school, this high school was wonderful!” 林奇也在笑,“希望他们拿着放大镜撅着屁股在地图上找了半天才会对我说,‘噢,林奇先生,我他妈的找到了这所该死的高中,这所高中棒极了’!”
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