BC :: Volume #12

#1195: Bupen treaty

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The media report or books, the scientific advance is a phrase, it is ordinary. 在媒体报道或者书本杂志上来说,科学进步就是一个词组,它平淡无奇。 In fact the advance science, is the innumerable money. 实际上推动科学进步的,是数不清的钱。 One time is not every can get the positive/direct response in view of the research of science, every so often could not achieve this point, the research direction made a mistake, or the necessary science and technology is limiting, the fund of finally investing becomes an accumulation of technology. 不是每一次针对科学的研究都能得到正面的回应,很多时候做不到这一点,研究的方向错了,或者配套的科技限制着,最终投入的资金都成为了一种技术的累积。 The accumulation, is not successful, it to successfully conduct the necessary reserve, from the investor and return, at least loses money in a short time. 累积,不是成功,它只是为了成功进行必要的储备,从投资者和回报来看,短时间里至少是亏本的。 Is the state-of-art science and technology, is so. 越是尖端科技,越是如此。 Is the thing of people demand, the person of research are also more, money of investment are also who more, the person swamps into this industry are also more. 越是人们需求的东西,研究的人也就越多,投入的钱也就越多,涌入这个行业的人也越多。 If there is anything is the entire human race common prospect, that certainly is existing forever of life. 如果说有什么是全人类共同的愿景,那一定是生命的长存。 The poverty-stricken person, is the social high character, they are longing for can live for a long time. 无论是穷苦人,还是社会上流人物,他们都渴望着能够活得更久。 Is born at the beginning of the human civilization, the pursue eternal life as if carved in the gene of people. 从人类文明诞生之初,追求永生似乎就刻进了人们的基因中。 In other words , in human and even the genome eternal life of existence of instinct to the hope that exists forever. 或者反过来说,人类乃至生物基因中本能的存在着对永生长存的渴望。 Every year, will have lots of rich and powerful people, the politician, even changes over to so much funds from some secret accounts to some state-of-art medical research, when people are unable to obtain the immortal through the theology, their instinct looked at the medical service. 每年,都会有大量的富豪,政要,甚至从一些秘密账户中转入大量的资金到一些尖端的医学研究当中,在人们无法通过神学获得长生时,他们本能的把目光转向了医疗。 Perhaps the medical service is unable to let the human really eternal life, but can make people live to the full is longer. 也许医疗无法让人类真的永生,但能最大限度地让人们活得更久一些。 Long ago a named «Multi- Dough figurine» science fiction movie opened, the alien in story can conducts to trade the brain with the advanced science and technology and human, hid in human. 早些年一部名为《多面人》的科幻电影上映,故事里的外星人能用先进的科技和人类进行换脑,隐藏在人类之中。 This movie also gave the medicine to bring very big inspiration, the senility of senility and death of human organ -based, if that exchanged completely the brand-new organ to people, human won't die? 这部电影也给医学带来了很大的启发,人类的衰老和死亡基于器官的衰老,那么如果给人们换上全部崭新的器官,人类是不是就不会死了? Therefore has the topic about organ transplanting continuously in various rich and powerful people politicians, under various financial support constantly advances, people on the animal has started to have obtained. 于是有关于器官移植的课题一直在各种富豪政要,各种明里暗里的资金支持下不断推进,在动物身上人们已经开始有所得。 However the success ratio is quite low, some issues have been affecting the advances of these topics, for example rejection issue. 不过成功率还是比较低,一直有一些问题在影响这些课题的前进,比如说排异问题。 People are always solving these, some scientists believe, perhaps ten years to 20 years , the organ transplanting can tend to be mature, operation that in 50 years, can succeed clinical. 人们始终在解决这些,有科学家认为,也许十年到二十年时间里,器官移植就能趋于成熟,在50年内,将能成功的运营到临床。 50 years...... were too long, Mr. Wycliffe may be unable to wait for 50 years. 五十年……太久了,威克利夫先生可等不了五十年。 After a new consultation, Mr. Wycliffe left behind his physician-in-charge, two people alone in the same place. 在一次新的会诊之后,威克利夫先生留下了他的主治医生,两个人单独在一起。 I felt recently my heart is getting more and more weak......”, the complexion of Mr. Wycliffe a little turns green, his expression is also very ugly. “我最近感觉我的心脏越来越无力……”,威克利夫先生的脸色有点发青,他的表情也很难看。 The doctor nods, this is an inevitable process, some people will be quicker, some people will be slower, we cannot judge precisely specific time, however your situation is not very indeed good.” 医生点了点头,“这是一个必然的过程,有些人会快一些,有些人会慢一些,我们不能精确的判断出一个具体的时间,但是你的情况的确很不好。” Mr. Wycliffe stands, arrived at the window, looks that under the sunlight these child who ran in the lawn, on the face reveal wiped the envy. 威克利夫先生站起来,走到了窗边,看着阳光下那些在草坪上奔跑的孩子,脸上露出了一抹嫉妒。 „Does the surgery that you said...... refer to the heart transplantation?” “你们说的手术……是指心脏移植吗?” The doctor has not concealed, „, if your situation to must make the degree of surgery, that means that takes a drug is also very difficult to control, the choice that you face only has two.” 医生也没有隐瞒,“如果你的情况到了必须做手术的程度,那就意味着吃药也很难控制,你面临的选择只有两个。” Undergoes the surgery to try possibly less than 5% success rates, or gave up all treatments greeting the death.” “做手术尝试可能不到百分之五的成功概率,或者放弃所有治疗迎接死亡。” Heart failure type of thing it like other thing, somewhat did not cut cut, the heart does not jump, said that anything did not have the significance. 心衰这种东西它不像其他的玩意,有些切了就切了,心脏不跳了,说什么都没有意义了。 Intervenes has no good way intervention, trades a healthy heart as if to become the only means. 就连干预都没有什么好办法干预,换一颗健康的心脏似乎就成为了唯一的办法。 Mr. Wycliffe silent a meeting, I do not plan to give up my life, I have an idea......” 威克利夫先生沉默了一会,“我不打算放弃我的生命,我有一个想法……” Looks in the share of money, the doctor is bearing the temper, please say, I am listening.” 看在钱的份上,医生耐着性子,“请说,我在听。” He turned around to look to the doctor, the look was somewhat threatening, why we did not test on the body of person directly, this compared with the research on the animal should apply quickly on human!” 他转身看向了医生,眼神有些逼人,“为什么我们不直接在人的身上进行实验,这比在动物身上研究应该更快应用到人类本身身上!” The words are so right, animal type of thing, studies again well, even if the success ratio 100%, will have many problems to the body of human. 话是如此没错,动物这种东西,研究得再好,哪怕成功率百分之百了,到人类的身上也会存在很多的问题。 Why then from the beginning, doesn't conduct the research on the body of human? 那么为什么不从一开始,就在人类的身上进行研究呢? The doctor hollow laugh two, Mr. Wycliffe, I can understand your worry to your present body, the issue that but you ask......” 医生干笑了两声,“威克利夫先生,我能理解你对你现在身体的担忧,可你提的这个问题……” He shakes the head, we did not have absolutely masters these technologies, will be used clinical to cause the death of massive experimenters rashly, moreover it violated the morals.” 他摇了摇头,“我们还没有完全的掌握这些技术,贸然用于临床会造成大量实验人员的死亡,而且它违背了道德。” Mr. Wycliffe lifted the hand, preventing the doctor from continue say, I did not care about the morals, did not care about others to die, I only cared, if, me had the big probability to live when necessary.” 威克利夫先生抬起了手,阻止了医生继续说下去,“我不在乎道德,也不在乎别人会不会死,我只关心,万一到了必要的时候,我有多大的概率能活着。” You can with the high level of hospital, these specifically be responsible for studies these people chatting, I have the means to provide some appropriate places to study to you.” “你可以和医院的高层,那些专门负责研究这些人的聊一聊,我有办法给你们提供一些合适的场所进行研究。” In this world some people damn, is actually also living, this perhaps is the reason that they can live!” “这个世界上有些人早就该死了,却还活着,这或许就是他们能活下来的原因!” The doctor nods, has not continued to argue anything, he has a feeling faintly, perhaps this matter can succeed. 医生点了点头,没有继续争辩什么,他隐隐有一种感觉,或许这件事能成功。 The scientific progress must some people pay, the progress of medical science is so. 科学的进步总要有人付出,医疗科学的进步更是如此。 I will convey, Mr. Wycliffe......” “我会转达的,威克利夫先生……” Looks back that the doctor leaves, Mr. Wycliffe in the eye is unwilling, he is not willing early leaves this world, he starts the earnest ponder at this time, how to get so far as a sum of money. 看着医生离开的背影,威克利夫先生眼中只有不甘心,他不愿意早早的就离开这个世界,他此时开始认真的思考,如何弄到一笔钱。 Even here hospital does not approve of his proposition, he can still find some people to do these research, 1-2 years, he can also wait, can always find the means through the unceasing attempt. 即便这边的医院不赞同他的提议,他也可以找一些人去做这些研究,1-2时间,他还能等,总能通过不断的尝试找到办法。 But all these, need money. 而这一切,都需要钱。 Money becomes more and more important, is getting more and more essential! 钱变得越来越重要,越来越关键! Regarding the anxiety of Mr. Wycliffe, the Lynch slight sentiment altogether, he has not first gotten sick, next he is very young, he also has greatly the time spends freely actually is not completely. 对于威克利夫先生的焦躁,林奇没有丝毫的共情,首先他没有病,其次他还很年轻,他还有大把的时间去挥霍其实也不完全是。 The federal present average life span only then over 60 years old, this is in the medical standard very high situation, seems like Lynch to take 25 years old immediately, is young people. 联邦现在的人均寿命只有六十多岁,这还是医疗水平非常高的情况下,看上去林奇马上就要二十五岁,还是年轻人。 In fact in the average age part, he had gotten through half of lives. 实际上在平均年龄这一部分,他已经度过了一半的人生。 Human was really a pitiful race, the heaven gave the human brain, making one society have the radiant culture, actually also limited the life span of human cruelly. 人类真是一个可怜的种族,老天给了人类智慧,让人类社会有了璀璨的文化,却也残忍的限制了人类的寿命。 The short vitality is bearing too many pain, if human can live is longer, or do not make human produce, has the personality, that this/should good. 短暂的生命力承受着太多的痛苦,如果人类能活得更久一些,或者不要让人类产生自我,产生人格,那该多好。 Mediocre life, like these monkeys, ignorant comes, ignorant departure, without worry, not sad. 庸碌一生,就像那些猴子,懵懵懂懂的来,懵懵懂懂的离开,没有烦恼,没有忧愁。 As the pen of Mr. President falls in the agreement, «Bupen Treaty» is thorough signing. 随着总统先生的笔落在协议书上,《布佩恩条约》算是彻底的签订完毕。 The innumerable flashing lights shine, Mr. President stand in 24 diplomats or ministers, official and so on diploma most. 无数的闪光灯亮起,总统先生站在了二十四名外交官或者大臣,官员之类的外交人士的最中间。 This organization the thorough change at present in the international trade the disorderly fact, making all ordered, this is also everyone hopes. 这一组织将会彻底的改变目前国际贸易中无序的事实,让一切都变得有序起来,这也是所有人都希望的。 Actually to the small country, possibly they cannot understand these strategic intentions that Federal Government said that also the significance of not too clear international finance war, what they want is only the order. 其实对于小国家来说,可能他们领略不到联邦政府说的那些战略意图,也不太明白国际金融战争的意义,他们想要的只是订单。 The order can help them walk from the current economic crisis, but also some people want is the industrial aid, or other anything aids. 订单能够帮助他们从目前的经济困局中走出来,还有些人想要的是工业援助,或者其他什么援助。 What goal no matter they have, in this moment, everyone closely united in one. 不管他们有什么样的目的,在这一刻,所有人都紧密的团结在了一起。 Mr. President smiles very happily, reveals tooth that he a little turned yellow slightly. 总统先生笑得很开心,露出了他微微有点发黄的牙齿。 His dentist told him that is not the ivory, was only his too old, that matter anything thing of tooth surface had been finished, revealed in -depth dentine. 他的牙医告诉他那不是牙黄,只是他的年纪太大了,牙齿表面的那层什么东西已经完蛋了,露出了更深层的牙质。 These dentines are very easy to color, therefore looks a little turns yellow, is actually not he does not pay great attention to the oral hygiene, this does not have the matter of means. 这些牙质很容易上色,所以看着有点发黄,其实并不是他不注重口腔卫生,这也是没办法的事情。 At this moment to him, is important and unforgettable, he actually does not have the too big ambition, can, because a paper approximately enters the history book, is an unexpected harvest. 这一刻对他来说,将是重要且难忘的,他其实没有太大的野心,能因为一纸条约进入历史书,也算是一个意外的收获。 This to this in fact some conservative old people, possibly is one of the biggest good news. 这对这个实际上还是有一些保守的老人来说,可能是最大的好消息之一。 After photographing, is the link that answers questions from reporters, today is very lively, because so many great people sit together, this possibly the first time is in history historically international grand occasions that gathered in so many countries. 拍摄完毕之后,就是答记者问的环节,今天很热闹,因为有这么多的大人物坐在一起,这可能是有史以来历史上第一次汇聚了这么多国家的国际盛事。 Each reporter wish stands the speech, to them, these valuable materials might also become history, they will also become „the fragment of history, was known very well by countless successors. 每个记者都想要站起来发言,对他们来说,这些宝贵的资料有可能也会成为“历史”,他们也会成为“历史的碎片”,被无数的后来人所熟知。 Front that girl is seemingly good......”, Mr. President smiled was saying with Mr. Truman in a soft voice. “前排那个女孩看起来不错……”,总统先生微笑着轻声和身边的特鲁曼先生说。 Mr. Truman looked to that young girl, similarly replied by very low sound, this was not our people.” 特鲁曼先生看向了那个年轻的女孩,同样以很低的声音回答道,“这不是我们的人。” Mr. President is somewhat regrettable, he aimed at that blonde girl's nearby person, a woman of brown hair, seemingly has over 30 years old. 总统先生有些遗憾,他指向了那个金发女孩旁边的人,一个棕色头发的女士,看起来有三十多岁。 Thank Mr. President to choose me, I was came from...... a reporter, my issue was......” “感谢总统先生选择了我,我是来自……的记者,我的问题是……” Reporter who fulfills responsibility very much, the issue that asked in fact was also to the one supplement of report. 一个很尽责的记者,提出的问题实际上也是对通稿的一种补充。 Probably this big political incident, before the reporters inquired, some important media organizations have attained the report, they know that should ask anything, should not ask anything. 像是这种大的政治事件,在记者们提问之前,一些重要的媒体机构就已经拿到了通稿,他们知道该问什么,不该问什么。 The person who does not break the rule, can coexist with the entire ecological environment. 只有不破坏规矩的人,才能和整个生态环境共存下去。 But these destroyed the person of rule, will then be kicked the circle. 而那些破坏了规则的人,则会被踢出圈子。 The president subordinate is listening to this press woman's inquiry very much earnestly, then conquered all reporters with the charming humorous reply. 总统下属很认真的听着这位女记者的提问,然后用风趣幽默的回答征服了所有的记者。 People applaud for the speech of Mr. President, is sighing the wisdom of Mr. President. 人们为总统先生的发言鼓掌,感叹着总统先生的智慧。 Actually some people are very clear, these are the model answers, before the inquiry, has the reply way. 其实有些人很清楚,这些都是标准答案,在提问之前,就已经有了回答方式的。 Also is a fool issue...... 又是一个傻瓜问题…… Many reporters is thinking, while is honest the reply record of Mr. President in book, content that these must publish. 不少记者一边想着,一边还是老实的把总统先生的回答记录在本子上,这些都是要刊登的内容。 People raised the hand again...... 紧接着,人们再次举起了手……
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