BC :: Volume #12

#1192: Condition

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In this world, does not have the free lunch. 这个世界上,没有免费的午餐。 Ms. Tracy carries the way that the wine glass and uses to drink wine to cover up the fluctuation of innermost feelings again, she looks in the cup the golden liquid, ponders to have anything is can return Lynch. 翠西女士再一次端起酒杯并利用饮酒的方式来遮掩内心的波动,她看着杯子里金色的液体,思考着自己这边有什么是能够回报林奇的。 Also only then in this moment, she realized that suddenly the present handsome young people are not her what nephew, is not small dessert, he is a successful capitalist. 也只有在这一刻,她才突然意识到眼前的这个英俊的年轻人不是她的什么侄子,更不是“小甜点”,他是一个成功的资本家。 Did not have the palpitation of reason to make her deeply inhale cold air, when putting down cup the smile is not so natural. 没来由的一阵心悸让她深吸了一口凉气,放下杯子时笑容已经不那么自然了。 What do you want?”, She asked. “你想要什么?”,她问。 Her vision closely locks Lynch, seems inquiring into the Lynch real demand. 她的目光紧紧锁定林奇,似乎在探究林奇的真实需求。 Lynch is carrying the cup, swaying gently, has not put down, does not have the upper opening, in federal person there are many people to have the belief, I am also.” 林奇端着杯子,轻轻的摇晃,没有放下,也没有上口,“联邦人中有很多人都有信仰,我也是。” I am interested in these very much, you know, after the person has money, will consider many at sixes and sevens things.” “我对这些都很感兴趣,你知道,人有了钱之后,就会考虑很多乱七八糟的东西。” For example has the science and technology, for example......”, he is smiling, „...... religion.” “比如说有科技,比如说……”,他笑着,“……宗教。” „The history of human is always full of many riddles, we are unable to spy on the natural world complete truth through the method of science, sometimes we also with the method that the way achievement of religious and theology studies.” “人类的历史总是充满了很多的谜团,我们通过科学的方法无法窥探自然世界全部的真相,有时候我们也会用宗教和神学的方式作为研究的手段。” I thought that I and patriarch could chat.” “我觉得我和牧首阁下或许可以聊一聊。” Has the topic about religion!” “有关于宗教的话题!” Ms. Tracy understood all of a sudden, Lynch wants her to recommend own uncle to him. 翠西女士一下子就明白了过来,林奇想要她把自己的叔叔引荐给他。 Why her not clear Lynch will be interested in the religion, but she considered after meeting, complied. 她不清楚林奇为什么会对宗教感兴趣,但她考虑了一会之后,就答应了下来。 She does not need to pay more things, but lets two people in specific time, a specific place met on the line. 她不需要付出更多的东西,只是让两个人在一个特定的时间,一个特定的地点见面就行了。 She complied, I will convince him.” 她答应了下来,“我会说服他。” This matter is very difficult most people, the position of patriarch is special, Pope anything in the federation is only one mascot, even the mascot was inferior. 这个事情在大多数人来说都很困难,牧首的地位非常特殊,教宗什么的在联邦只是一种吉祥物,甚至连吉祥物都不如。 Is having the religious power truly, is the patriarch in each pastoral area, the federal politicians very vigilant religion, therefore they used many methods to break up the religion. 真正掌握着宗教大权的,就是每个牧区的牧首,联邦的政客们非常警惕宗教,所以他们利用很多种方法把宗教拆散了。 Like this time Mali Luo, each church parish is the relative independence, each patriarch seems like these warlords, they will not submit to not actually the Pope and elder assembly of control. 就像此时的马里罗一样,每个教区都是相对独立的,每个牧首都像是那些军阀,他们不会臣服于没有实际控制权的教宗和长老会。 The religion of fission feels better in a religion of unity, in addition the population of federal belief religion a little are really many, regardless of religious inside person whether has the ambition, does that is very necessary. 分裂的宗教好过于一个团结的宗教,加上联邦信仰宗教的人数着实有点多,无论宗教里面的人是否有野心,这么做都是很有必要的。 Most people want to see the patriarch, except for at various religious activities distant looks at one , can only probably on the television. 大多数人想要见牧首,除了在各种宗教活动上远远的看一眼,大概也就只能在电视上了。 Do not look that the patriarch does not seem like has a lot of work to do, but wants to sit to chat a meeting with him, is not an easy matter. 别看牧首好像不是有很多的工作要做,但想要和他坐下来聊一会,也不是一件容易的事情。 Ms. Tracy can help Lynch and that patriarch mister make contact with the line, Lynch armor be able to throw over many some. 翠西女士能够帮林奇和那位牧首先生搭上线,林奇的“装甲”就能披得更多一些了。 Actually Lynch develops barbarically today, seeming like huge, but he lacked some time and background. 其实林奇野蛮发展到今天,看起来已经非常的庞大了,可他还是缺少了一些时间和底蕴。 A billionaire who buys the lottery ticket to draw a prize-winning ticket to become, fights through oneself both hands with one, kills a billionaire of bloody road in the market step by step, when coming across the crisis processes the way of dealing with be able to be the same? 一个买彩票中奖成为的亿万富翁,和一个通过自己双手打拼,一步步在商海中杀出一条血路的亿万富翁,在遇到危机时处理应对的方式能一样吗? Naturally no! 当然不! The social high level that the wealthy man of lottery ticket he contacts was too few, he except for rich, did not know person who anything can change his destiny. 中彩票的富翁他接触到的社会高层面还是太少了,他除了有钱,根本不认识什么能改变他命运的人。 Perhaps some people will say, the federation isn't a money-first society? 也许有人会说,联邦不就是一个金钱至上的社会吗? Rich isn't can achieve? 有钱不是什么都能做到吗? These words not wrong, but it is not completely does not have any condition, whose hand this must look at money, as well as how to use. 这句话本身没有错,但它也不是完全没有任何条件的,这要看钱在谁的手上,以及怎么用。 Compared with attaining some rewards goes to the front surface resistance to be greatly troublesome, why people do not choose the onlooking, after waiting for this billionaire to be finished, carved up his property? 比起拿到一些报酬去迎面对抗大麻烦,为什么人们不选择旁观,等这名亿万富翁完蛋之后瓜分他的财产呢? But another wealthy man was different, they have the broad connection, when they encounter the problem, this person could not solve, they can ask another person again. 而另外一种富翁就不同了,他们有广阔的人际关系网络,当他们遇到麻烦的时候,这个人解决不了,他们就可以再问问另外一个人。 They possibly know many people, but at this time, money can display its maximum value. 他们可能认识很多人,而在这个时候,钱才能发挥出它的最大价值。 Yes, wish makes money turn into the multipurpose gold/metal apples, needs to enable it to demonstrate own value, the value of wealth! 是的,想要让钱变成万能的金苹果,就需要让它能展现自己的价值,财富的价值! Lynch must expand own human relations circle, must expand own influence, the religion is actually a very good direction. 林奇要扩大自己的交际圈,要扩大自己的影响力,宗教其实是一个非常好的方向。 The federal at least 40 million followers, part is letter/believes half, not entire letter/believes, but entire letter/believes are also many, the devout person are also many. 联邦至少有四千万信徒,这其中有一部分是信一半,不全信的,但全信者也不少,虔诚的人也很多。 The religion has own newspaper «Hithavani» 宗教有自己的报纸《福音报》 Also there are own television station «Gospel Channel» 也有自己的电视台《福音频道》 They also photographed oneself soap opera «Holy Bible Entire» 他们还拍摄了自己的电视剧《圣经全记》 Indeed, these communities and ordinary communities have big coverage, however when facing religious issue, these people will transform. 的确,这些群体和普通群体有很大的覆盖,但是在面对宗教问题时,这些人们就会转变过来。 Lynch needs to create some religious images, this will make him does not have the flaw! 林奇需要树立一些宗教形象,这会让他变得更加没有破绽! Perhaps beforehand he, cannot use, because he could not have used the jury at that time. 以前的他,或许用不到,因为那个时候他还用不上陪审团。 But present he, once has an accident, affirmation useful jury, but in the jury overwhelming majorities do not have the high knowledge lower class. 但现在的他,一旦出事,就肯定用得上陪审团,而陪审团中绝大多数都是没有高学识的社会底层。 They contact many, possibly is the religion. 他们接触最多的,可能就是宗教。 The church in each community will donate in the rough period, some of them depended upon the donation of church to pass the most difficult dark time, they to the belief and irreverence of religion, strengthened a lot compared with the upper class. 每个社区的教堂在困难时期都会布施,他们中的一部分依靠着教堂的布施度过最艰难的黑暗时刻,他们对宗教的信仰和虔诚,比上层社会坚定得多。 But when these people, often choose the jurors is easiest to select. 而这些人,往往是挑选陪审团成员时最容易选中的。 They do not have very high culture, is not thinking achieves the maximum benefit through the different choices. 他们没有很高的文化,不会想着通过不同的选择来达到利益最大化。 These people have small problems on some characters, perhaps is extreme, perhaps is rigid, there are crudely testy. 这些人都存在着一些性格上的小问题,也许偏激,也许执着,也有粗暴易怒。 But exactly is these people, will become the most sincere juror, they not because will stand the person on defendant's seat is a big capitalist thought that person will be innocent. 但恰恰就是这些人,会成为最率真的陪审团成员,他们不会因为站在被告席上的人是一个大资本家就觉得那个人无罪的。 Can affect their things is few, but are freely few, so long as has, would the means. 能够影响到他们的东西很少,可尽管少,只要不是没有,就总会有办法。 And matter that Lynch must handle, to him, matter that but telephones. 并且林奇要做的事情,对他自己来说,只是一通电话的事情。 After Lynch sends off Ms. Tracy, gave Brother Green to make a phone call. 林奇送走翠西女士之后给格林兄弟打了一个电话。 On the murder or the protection, the black stone safely absolutely is the great expert. 论杀人或者保护,黑石安全绝对是一等一的好手。 May mention the dry/does dirty job, they were inferior to Brother Green. 可说起干脏活,他们就不如格林兄弟了。 Since they dare attacks also kills the masthead, Lynch knows they always have applying time. 从他们两人敢于袭击并且杀死报头时,林奇就知道他们总有派上用场的时候。 In Brother Green leave to do this matter, the goal that they must investigate is also discussing their opponent Ms. Tracy. 就在格林兄弟动身做这件事时,他们要调查的目标也在谈论他们的对手翠西女士 She does not have the too big advantage, below regarding selecting call of female governor looks very high, but the significance is not big.” “她没有太大的优势,下面对于选出一个女州长的呼声看起来很高,可意义并不大。” She does not have the splendid director personal history, people to her whether can manage city not such confidence, we only need to continue to expand in propaganda, questioned that her ability can make the voter stand us.” “她没有出色的主政履历,人们对她是否能管理好一个城市并不那么的确信,我们只需要继续扩大在宣传方面的,质疑她的能力就能让选民站在我们这边。” In the specialized election office has more specialized campaign team, these people thought that they plan the campaign of governor waste the resources completely. 专业的竞选办公室里有着更专业的竞选团队,这些人觉得他们来策划州长的竞选完全是浪费资源。 However the Conservative Party supporter is willing to pay for their services, then who will dislike money to be many? 不过保守党的支持者愿意为他们这些人的服务买单,那么谁会嫌钱多呢? Campaign, even if the governor, will involve to 1 million and even the campaign fund ten million/countless, these money...... are the money! 竞选,哪怕是州长,也会涉及到百万乃至千万的竞选资金,这些钱……都是钱啊! This absolutely is not an idle talk. 这绝对不是一句废话。 Sits is very satisfied these campaign strategies in an oval-shape table candidate, he leisurely and carefree relaxed is playing the pencil in hand, is not anxious. 坐在椭圆形桌子一头的候选人很满意这些竞选策略,他悠闲轻松的玩着手中的铅笔,一点也不紧张。 This is in his life is highest time light/only, was quick he to become the governor, has not made the time that one anticipated compared with the present again. 这是他人生中最高光的时刻,很快他就要成为州长了,再也没有比现在更令人期待的时刻了。 He is enjoying the present all, enjoys is conquering the enemy, from enemy corpse on seizes the fruits of victory the wonderful taste, he likes now all. 他享受着现在的一切,享受着战胜敌人,从敌人的“尸体”上夺走胜利果实的美妙滋味,他喜欢现在发生的一切。 Then, did we win?”, He throws the pencil returns to the table, asked. “这么说来,我们赢定了?”,他把铅笔丢回到桌上,问道。 The team leaders of campaign group very discrete has not nodded or shaken the head, our present winning percentage are big, comes to see us to start to be in the lead from the poll, to campaign also four months, when we start full power, she at all is not our opponents.” 竞选小组的组长很谨慎的没有点头或者摇头,“我们现在的胜率非常大,从民意调查来看我们已经开始领先,离竞选还有四个月的时间,等我们全力发动起来,她根本不是我们的对手。” But we must be careful, must guard against the opposite party to play what dirty job.”, Campaigns for the team leaders of group to look at the candidate, what do you have us not to know that can be treated as the matter of handle?” “但是我们也必须小心,要提防对方玩什么脏活。”,竞选小组的组长看着候选人,“你有没有什么我们不知道的,可以被人当作把柄的事情?” If present, said as soon as possible, I do not hope that we arrived at the final moment to be found these issues, hurried dealt, making we a half year of work waste.” “如果有,尽早说出来,我不希望等我们到了最后关头被人找到这些问题,匆忙的去应对,让我们半年的工作都白费了。” Candidate earnest thinking, shakes the head saying that not, no!” 候选人认真的想了想,摇头道,“不,没有!” His a little small fondness, but these small fondness...... are not oneself strategic point, he thinks. 他有一点小癖好,但是这些小癖好……算不上是自己的要害,他认为。 He once a little being abused tendency, but the opposite party is his wife, the small appeal between this couples he did not think that is what issue, will be more impossible to affect itself. 他曾经有点受虐倾向,但对方是他的妻子,这种夫妻之间的小情趣他不觉得是什么问题,更不可能会影响到自己。 As for other...... he shakes the head again, the soldier family background makes him abide by certain rules. 至于其他的……他再次摇了摇头,军人出身让他恪守着某些规则。 The team leader relaxes, if so it would be the best, then you must do is shows you to actively the working zeal that people sever......” 组长松了一口气,“如果是这样的话就最好不过了,接下来你要做的就是更积极的展现你要为人们服务的干劲……” Just struck greatly has erupted, you should the issue in more initiative attention this aspect, this be able to make you obtain the ballot of working class......” “刚刚大罢工才爆发过,你应该更主动的关注这方面的问题,这能让你得到工人阶级的选票……” You must as far as possible praised your competitor on the media and public occasions, especially Ms. Tracy, this will make the female voter have the favorable impression to you.” “你要尽可能的在媒体和公开场合赞美你的竞争对手,特别是翠西女士,这会让女性选民对你也有好感。” We do not request them to vote to you, so long as they elect you, or direct forfeit on line!” “我们不要求她们都会给你投票,只要他们把你们都选上,或者直接弃权就行了!” You must pay attention......” “还有你要关注……” Four months, the work of election had however started, when various election the first half of the year to three months, is various politicians most active times. 还有四个月的时间,但是选举的工作已经开始了,每到各种选举前半年到三个月的时间里,就是各种政客们最活跃的时候。 If on the day of there are, the politician who wears the high-end formal dress entered in the workshop in factory, he can not shut out in the workshop the messy and dirty, hot and damp as well as noisy environment, but can also kind and workers shake hand. 如果有那一天,一名穿着高档正装的政客走进了工厂的车间里,他能够不嫌弃车间里脏乱,湿热以及吵闹的环境,还能亲切的和工人们握手。 Even if the engine oil smeared his sleeve cuff he is not noisy, instead with a smile and workers chatted, then did not need to think, certainly soon elected! 哪怕机油弄脏了他的袖口他也不会吵闹起来,反而笑着和工人们聊天,那么不用多想,一定是快要选举了! Also only then at this kind of time, the politician can so near being close lower class. 也只有在这种时候,政客才能够如此近的接近社会底层。 Once their real victories, or the defeat, they will turn into „the person in television! 一旦他们真的胜选,或者败选,他们又会变成“电视机中的人”!
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