BC :: Volume #12

#1191: The process is unimportant

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Regarding Ms. Tracy again seeking help, Lynch is not completely accidental. 对于翠西女士的再一次“求助”,林奇完全不意外。 She does not have the steamroll advantage, the nature, in the governor elects in this issue to be somewhat difficult. 她并不具备碾压性的优势,自然在州长选举这个问题上有些困难。 Starting from last year Ms. Tracy continuously very high-profile moves in the society, after a year of activity, finally had some political bases. 从去年开始翠西女士就一直非常高调的在社会上活动,经过一年的活动之后,终于有了一些政治基础。 These are many her father and her uncle addition gives her, in this case wants to run for a governor not that easy matter directly. 这其中还不乏她父亲和她叔叔加成给她的,在这种情况下想要直接参选州长本身就是不那么容易的一件事。 Similar that with other to her Lynch is willing to invest money actually to donate money the person who thinks, if won? 林奇愿意投钱给她其实和其他捐了钱的人想的差不多,万一赢了呢? If by some chance won, the federation will welcome in history the first female governor, when this is also Ms. Tracy running a campaign basic point that takes, the federation the female politician who needs one to take acts. 万一赢了,联邦就会迎来有史以来第一个女州长,这也是翠西女士参选时拿出来的一个竞选基点,联邦需要一名能拿得出手的女政客。 The entire campaign team thinks that the federation has not had a female governor for these years, is to female rights biggest trampling, is the most ignominious sexual discrimination! 整个竞选团队认为联邦这么多年以来都没有过一名女州长,就是对女性权益最大的践踏,是最可耻的性别歧视! This view had many female support, the support of some especially capable women. 这种说法得到了很多女性的支持,特别是一些女强人的支持。 Probably Saiwei and so on, contributed part of campaign funds to Ms. Tracy, possibly are not many, possibly expressed to her support, but had the supporter generally speaking. 像是赛维瑞拉之类的,都给翠西女士捐献了一部分竞选资金,可能不多,也可能只是表示一下对她的支持,但总体来说还是有支持者的。 Has the supporter , indicating that has the probability to win, after attaining the voting of female voter, takes the votes of some male voters through the normal election way, she wants to win is not difficult. 有支持者,就表明有概率获胜,拿到女性选民的投票后再通过正常的选举方式拿下一部分男性选民的票,她想要赢并不难。 However the premises, that does not have extremely in the nice opponent. 不过有一个前提,那就是没有太过于像样的对手。 Progressive Party looks in her father and in her uncle's face, arranged a running together candidate, when necessary will withdraw from the campaign on own initiative. 进步党这边看在她父亲和她叔叔的面子上,安排了一个陪跑的候选人,必要的时候会主动退出竞选。 As for the Conservative Party that side......, they are not in the range of transaction, when they discovered when in this state does not have a nice opponent unexpectedly, they sent out a elite go-getter. 至于保守党那边……,他们不在交易的范围内,当他们发现在这个州内居然没有一个像样的对手时,他们派出了一名精锐的干将。 Even Lynch suspected that this may be tacit understanding between Progressive Party and Conservative Party! 甚至林奇怀疑这有可能是进步党和保守党之间的默契! They do not want to let the Ms. Tracy victory essentially, therefore the two sides person with the tacit coordination, completed this. 他们本质上不希望让翠西女士胜选,所以两边人在默契的配合下,完成了这一幕。 After having the guess, Lynch is waiting for peacefully, the speed that Ms. Tracy comes compared with rapidness that he imagines. 有了一些猜测后林奇安静地等待着,翠西女士来的速度比他想象的更快。 After more than ten minutes, her car(riage) stopped outside the villa. 十多分钟后,她的车就停在了别墅外。 The young maid welcomed in her the study room, Lynch is getting some liquor in the bar for oneself, „can you come one cup?” 小女佣把她迎进了书房里,林奇正在吧台为自己弄一些酒,“你要来一杯吗?” Ms. Tracy hesitant, later is nodding saying that „can me one cup, I happen to need to relax.” 翠西女士犹豫了一下,随后点着头说道,“可以给我一杯,我正好需要放松一下。” After carrying two glasses of liquor were returning to the desk, he cup gave Ms. Tracy, naturally tablemat. 端着两杯酒回到了书桌后,他把杯子递给了翠西女士,当然还有杯垫。 His table is the solid wood, for it is said that they this table cut off primitive great trees that grew several hundred years of nearly millenniums, then a body carving polishes, it is one overall, does not have any slit of splicing. 他的桌子是实木的,据说他们为了这张桌子锯掉了一颗生长了几百年近千年的原始巨树,然后一体雕刻打磨出来的,它是一个整体的,没有任何拼接的缝隙。 This also made the price of such table expensive/noble the pinnacle, if made these average people know that such a table was a price of their house, they will certainly suspect that the Lynch brain shattered. 这也让这样桌子的价格贵到了极致,如果让那些普通人知道这样一张桌子就是他们一套房子的价格,他们一定会怀疑林奇脑子坏掉了。 The table has made some waterproof processing, the idea that but should not be damaged in line with it, any cup of congealment mist outside the cup wall, will have a tablemat. 桌子本身已经做了一些防水处理,但本着它不应该被损坏的理念,任何会在杯壁外凝结水雾的杯子,都会有一个杯垫。 Two people sit down later not many exchanging greetings, directly soars the subject, now I have a headache very much, I will also sometimes suspect oneself made the wrong choice!” 两人坐下之后没有过多的寒暄,直奔主题,“我现在头疼的很,有时候我也会怀疑自己是不是做了错误的选择!” Ms. Tracy numerous sighing, „the present become more and more troublesome, Lynch, unusual regret, I know that I do that somewhat ignominiously, but I already not other means.” 翠西女士重重的叹了一口气,“现在变得越来越麻烦,林奇,非常的抱歉,我知道我这么做有些可耻,但我已经没有其他办法了。” She looks at Lynch, hoping Lynch can comply. 她看着林奇,希望林奇能答应下来。 The campaign team thinks, if Lynch can stand her, attended the honored guest when several essential speeches, to enhancing the public opinion has very big help. 竞选团队认为如果林奇能站在她这边,在几场关键的演讲时出席嘉宾,对提高民意有很大的帮助。 And also because has the appearance of Lynch, making her obtain inner-party many attention. 并且还会因为有林奇的出现,让她得到党内更多的瞩目。 Therefore this time except for must lend money, but must borrow face. 所以这次除了要借钱,还要借“脸面”。 She is not quite suitable to be a politician, if a true politician, probably what they will use to be guilty is you , once because I win, will give you very big return, may have a look at you to hesitate now unexpectedly, is really damn the attitude convinced Lynch. 她还不太适合做一名政客,如果是一名真正的政客,他们大概会用“应该愧疚的是你,因为一旦我获胜之后就会给予你很大的回报,可看看你现在居然犹豫了,真是该死”的态度来说服林奇 She somewhat is guilty, this very non- politician. 她还有些愧疚,这很不政客。 After Lynch hear of she said that without immediately replies, instead asked that what had this...... the material of attorney?” 林奇听她说完之后,没有立刻回答,反而问道,“有没有这个什么……律师的资料?” Perhaps is considered that Lynch will be interested in this opponent, perhaps is she has been making various preparations for emergency, she put out a material at the scene, handed over. 也许是考虑到林奇会对这名对手感兴趣,也许是她一直做着各种应急准备,她当场就拿出了一份资料,递了过去。 Lynch selected under one, takes up the file, read. 林奇点了一下头,拿起档案,翻看了起来。 Has to say the person who Conservative Party this time pushes conforms to at present this stage people the hope very much to the politician, becoming a soldier, is the attorney, and is the local animal protection society and member of environmental protection association. 不得不说保守党这次推出来的人很符合目前这个阶段民众们对政客的希望,当过兵,又是律师,并且还有是当地动物保护协会和环境保护协会的会员。 This type of personal history and Ms. Tracy the frail experience had no need of contrast in the past, he can win directly, in addition the support and resources of Conservative Party incline, no wonder Ms. Tracy will have such pressure. 这种履历和翠西女士过去单薄的经历没有任何对比的需要,他直接就能获胜,加上保守党的支持和资源倾斜,难怪翠西女士会有如此的压力。 This is the fearful place of political party, when a political party decided that promotes somebody to arrive at some position to come up, to achieve this, a spate of insider tradings will start. 这就是政党的可怕之处,当一个政党决定推动某个人走到某个位置上去,为了达到这个目的,大批的内幕交易就会开始了。 They will make some compromises politically, to receive in exchange the thing that oneself want. 他们会在政治上做出一些妥协,以换取自己想要的东西。 Ms. Tracy does not have, she is only the ordinary member of Progressive Party, no personal connection in the party, Progressive Party is impossible to utilize the too multi-resources to support her. 翠西女士这边没有,她只是进步党的普通成员,在党内没有什么人脉,进步党就不可能动用太多资源支持她。 Lynch looked, generally has the idea at heart, he throws the file returns to the table, has saying that Ms. Tracy, you have no advantage before this opponent.” 林奇看完之后大抵已经心里已经有了想法,他把档案丢回到桌子上,“不得不说,翠西女士,在这个对手面前你没有任何的优势。” Ms. Tracy suppressed was selecting under one ill, her head was very sore, as if in the head forced in any thing, a drum drum, let her head also intermittent ache. 翠西女士强忍着不适点了一下头,她的头很疼,仿佛脑袋里被塞进了一个什么东西,一鼓一鼓的,让她的脑袋也一阵阵的疼痛。 Is this, I also want to make an attempt, if anything does not do admits defeat, not only we will lose the earlier investment, will make me feel regrettable.” “是这样,我还想做一次尝试,如果什么都不做就认输,不仅我们会损失前期的投入,也会让我觉得遗憾。” Therefore I come to here to seek your help, Lynch, will you help me?” “所以我来这里寻求你的帮助,林奇,你会帮我吗?” Lynch smiles, reply directly, Ms. Tracy, has not wanted the victory to have many means actually, spending is only the stupidest one method.” 林奇笑了笑,没有正面的回答,“翠西女士,其实要胜选有很多种办法,花钱只是最笨的一种方法。” I do not know campaign team how you choose, but seems like them to deal with your work very much obviously very much.” “我不知道你如何挑选的竞选团队,但很显然看起来他们很应付你的工作。” You should look some are able, has the means that not that inflexible team......” “你应该找一些有能力,有办法,又不那么死板的团队……” The Tracy campaign team is the recommendation of her father, she has believed this campaign team can bring the victory for oneself, but Lynch this time words make her also start some suspicions. 翠西的竞选团队是她父亲的推荐的,她一直相信这个竞选团队能为自己带来胜利,可林奇此时的一番话让她也开始有些怀疑。 Lynch has not deceived her reason, therefore these words generally should be the truth, she wear a look of some looks at Lynch puzzled, because of what?” 林奇没有欺骗她的理由,所以这些话大抵应该是真话,她面带着些许的困惑看着林奇,“因为什么?” Lynch referred to file on a desktop, opened p. 1, that handsome , and impressive middle-aged masculine picture appears in two people lines of sight. 林奇指了一下桌面上的档案,翻开了第一页,那个英俊且具有魅力的中年男性相片出现在两人的视线中。 Because he is very perfect, directly must defeat such opponent you to need to pay possibly were too many.” “因为他很完美,要正面击败这样的对手你需要付出的可能太多了。” Campaign, the politics, is not always the mathematics problems!” “竞选,政治,从来都不是数学题!” It is not you takes the thing that you have, I take the thing that I have, then compared with, who are many who wins.” “它不是你把你拥有的东西拿出来,我把我拥有的东西拿出来,然后比较一下,谁多谁获胜。” „It is not this, especially campaigns.” “不是这样,特别是竞选。” We do not need in the domain that in the opposite party most excels at attempts positive/direct routs them, we can definitely change a mentality to deal.” “我们没有必要在对方最擅长的领域里妄图正面的击溃他们,我们完全可以换一种思路来应对。” Thought of Ms. Tracy gradual was being pulled by Lynch, she asked that why should that what to do?” 翠西女士的思维逐渐的被林奇牵着走,她问道,“那为什么应该怎么办?” He is very perfect, then we collect his black material, in this world will never have absolutely the perfect person.” “他很完美,那么我们就去收集他的黑材料,这个世界上永远都不存在绝对完美的人。” If Lynch has referred, he has become a soldier, collects the performance of his becoming a soldier period, looked that he has maltreated the recruit, or sells the black market to come up the armament of reporting the loss of something to the authorities secretly.” 林奇若有所指,“他当过兵,就去搜集一下他当兵时期的表现,看他有没有虐待过新兵,或者把报失的军备偷偷卖到黑市上去。” Checks his attorney profession again, looked that he has not to have the promising these obvious criminals to make plead not guilty and succeeds.” “再查一查他的律师生涯,看他有没有为那些明显的罪犯做过无罪辩护并且成功的。” I believe that he is willing to make to order, regardless of the size of case, it looks like a fly that in the cream mushroom thick soup flutters, can just be disgusting to let drink the next person soon to vomit!” “我相信他肯定做过,无论案子的大小,它就像是奶油蘑菇浓汤里飘起来的一颗苍蝇,能恶心得让刚喝下一口的人快要呕吐出来!” Checks his private life, his family, his public relations, the person is impossible not to have the shortcoming, no one is perfect.” “查一查他的私生活,他的家庭,他的社交,人不可能没有缺点,没有人是完美的。” Found these flaws then to enlarge, his issue, his shortcoming exposure under the sunlight, people knows when the time comes how to choose.” “找到那些破绽然后放大,把他的问题,他的缺点曝光在阳光下,到时候人们就知道如何去选择了。” Ms. Tracy stared in a big way the eye to look at Lynch, looking like understood that for the first time this young people were the same. 翠西女士瞪大了眼睛看着林奇,就像是第一次了解这个年轻人一样。 She carried the wine glass to sip one, attempted to come calmly with the alcohol, she after swallowing, somewhat arbitrary asking, „, if on him could not find the slight flaw, what to do we should?” 她端起酒杯抿了一口,妄图用酒精来镇静,她在吞咽之后,有些蛮横的问道,“如果他身上找不到丝毫的破绽,我们该怎么办?” Actually she has believed that Lynch said many, does this can indeed give this opponent's destructive attack. 其实她已经相信林奇说得很多,这样做的确能够给这个对手毁灭性的打击。 He now perfect, people discovered when dirty matter that he hides, angry. 他现在有多完美,人们发现他藏起来的龌龊事情时,就会有多愤怒。 The people of grass-root angriest forever was deceived, they will not forgive will not forgive to deceive their sentiment person. 底层的民众最愤怒的永远都是被欺骗,他们不会饶恕更不会原谅欺骗了他们感情的人。 The sentiment, altogether the sentiment, probably is they have only, not many wealth, this also people attempt to deceive them, is really is unforgivable! 感情,共情,可能是他们唯一拥有的,不多的财富,就这样还有人企图欺骗他们,真是不可原谅! But she was the argue obstinately one, without shortcoming what to do? 但她还是强辩了一句,万一没有缺点怎么办? Lynch spread out both hands, that manufacture shortcoming, makes the scandal, Ms. Tracy, what we discussed was the politics, it was this world's dirtiest thing, was the cleanest thing.” 林奇摊开了双手,“那就制造缺点,制造丑闻,翠西女士,我们讨论的是政治,它是这个世界上最肮脏的东西,也是最干净的东西。” You cannot regard these with your beforehand attitude and vision, it obviously is inappropriate.” “你不能以你以前的态度和眼光看待这些,它显然是不合适的。” Perhaps you because thinks that made some scandals to make the opposite party disgraced, lost the opportunity of campaign to be guilty, you can definitely apologize to request his forgiving after the conclusion to him in private.” “也许你会因为认为制造了一些丑闻让对方名声扫地,失去了竞选的机会而愧疚,你完全可以在结束之后私下向他道歉请求他的原谅。” But on outwardly, in the campaign, you are the enemy, absolutely is not the friend.” “但是在明面上,在竞选中,你们是敌人,绝对不是朋友。” He might be handsome, is very attractive, so long as thinks that he must win to be your future, you should not have slight pitying to him, Ms. Tracy.” “他可能很英俊,很有魅力,但只要想到他要夺走属于你的未来,你就不应该对他有丝毫的怜悯,翠西女士。” The present woman is a person who pays great attention to the appearance, Lynch does not hope that her brain gives off heat from the frontal attack, such she will suffer a more disastrous defeat, but money that oneself invest will also vanish does not see. 眼前的女人是一个注重外貌的人,林奇不希望她脑子发热从正面进攻,那样她会输得很惨,而自己投的钱也会消失不见。 Lynch reorganized an own lower hem, how, if you do not know do, I can help you solve these small problems, but you know......” 林奇整理了一下自己的衣摆,“如果你不知道如何做,我可以帮你解决这些小问题,但你知道……” He is shaking the head slightly, the expression is somewhat subtle, in this world does not have the free lunch......” 他微微摇着头,表情有些微妙,“这个世界上没有免费的午餐……”
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