BC :: Volume #12

#1190: Opens the mouth again

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Many people hope that can have a own office in the Bupen town center, this to many professional people, possibly is the dream of lifetime. 很多人都希望能够在布佩恩的市中心拥有一间属于自己的办公室,这对很多职业人来说,可能是毕生的梦想。 Sounding...... this matter should be very easy to accomplish probably, after all here is Bupen, so long as is rich, can definitely rent an office. 听上去好像……这种事情应该很容易办到,毕竟这里是布佩恩,只要有钱,就肯定能租下一间办公室。 Most people are considered that but they are facing two issues. 大多数人是这么考虑的,但他们面对着两个问题。 The house rent was too either high, the average person cannot withstand the house rent price of Bupen town center, that is one lets the person to turn very quiet the price of breath! 要么房租太高了,普通人根本承受不起布佩恩市中心的房租价格,那是一个让人能屏住呼吸的价格! Either is the person who the inexpensive house rent only rents to assign, here after all is Bupen, is the capital and political connection fusion place. 要么就是廉价的房租只租给指定的人,这里毕竟是布佩恩,是资本和政治交汇融合的地方。 You can see for a month in this, so long as 165 dollars have 500 draws office, can see one month of takes 2000 office that but only 100 draws. 你在这能看见一个月只要一百六十五块钱却有500平的办公室,也能看见一个月要两千块但只有100平的办公室。 They even possibly in each other next door! 它们甚至可能就在彼此的隔壁! Ms. Tracy has a good office here, 200 squares, are not too big, naturally absolutely is also big, each month rent 650. 翠西女士在这里就有一间不错的办公室,两百来平方,不算太大,当然也绝对不小,每个月的租金六百五十块。 This price possibly including 50 squares not to rent in other places. 这个价格在其他地方可能连五十平方都租不到。 This point benefits from her uncle, a patriarch in federal numerous church parish, when she said that she wants when Bupen places an office, some quick people take are renting the announcement to come. 这一点得益于她的叔叔,联邦众多教区中的一位牧首,当她表示自己想要在布佩恩安置一个办公室时,很快就有人拿着招租启事找上了门。 The operational site that is hanging the personal election office sign, Ms. Tracy on the face cannot see too many joys at this time, she met troublesome. 一个挂着私人竞选办公室牌子的工作场所,翠西女士此时脸上看不见太多的喜悦,她又遇到了麻烦。 She has not thought in the ticket Cangzhou campaign of Progressive Party, she cannot let the committee and chairman in the Progressive Party such big energy supports her. 她没有想过在进步党的票仓州竞选,她在进步党内没有这么大的能量能让委员会和委员会主席支持她。 She will not look for the matter in the Conservative Party domain, although they discarded the president, but this does not mean that they discarded the basic plate. 她也不会在保守党的地盘上找事情,他们虽然丢掉了总统,可这不意味着他们丢掉了基本盘。 President by unusual shame the way ended his presidential career, actually saved the Conservative Party dignity and dignity. 总统以一个非常“耻辱”的方式结束了他的总统生涯,却挽救了保守党的体面和尊严。 Is damaged not that serious Conservative Party domain regarding the prestige, they same did not welcome the outcomer with the past. 对于信誉受损不那么严重的保守党地盘来说,他们和过去一样不欢迎外来者。 She can only elect in the swing state, the state that before she locked had no too nice competitor, in addition greatly money scattered, but also without starting to campaign, she has made person many of entire state understand her. 她只能在摇摆州选举,之前她锁定的这个州没有什么太像样的竞争对手,加上大把的钱撒下去,还没有开始竞选,她就已经让整个州的人多少都了解到了她。 The strategy of entire campaign team also very simple effective, transfers the female supporter to vote, the swing state female proportion that they choose is almost coordinated with the male. 整个竞选团队的策略也非常的简单有效,调动女性支持者来投票,他们选的这个摇摆州女性的占比几乎和男性对等。 But recently, presented a very domineering opponent. 但最近,出现了一个很强势的对手。 Conservative Party seems to have started to plan after several years of quiet contraction to enliven, her opponent is one 42 years old, has individual charm, and has become a soldier, veteran of rendering meritorious service. 保守党经过几年的沉寂收缩似乎已经开始筹谋重新活跃起来,她的对手是一名四十二岁,非常具有个人魅力,并且当过兵,立过功的退役军人。 After this soldier retires, studied independently the laws, now participates in the governor's race as attorney. 这位军人退役之后自学了法律,现在以律师的身份参与州长竞选。 His personal history almost could not find any inappropriate place, soldier, Attorney, this unusual meets federal people's demand to the politician background. 他的履历几乎找不到任何不恰当的地方,军人,律师,这非常的符合联邦民众对政客底子的需求。 The occupation of attorney showed that he at least is a reason, person who understands the right and wrong. 律师的职业表明他至少是一个理智的,明白是非的人。 But soldier background, then means that he will not look like in the past these Conservative Party politicians that conservatively, same is offensive. 而军人背景,则意味着他不会像过去那些保守党的政客那么的保守,也同样的具有攻击性。 The politics, the parties, will not always cling to tenaciously regarding some political program, when there are the need they change, they anybody will change are quicker. 政治,党派,从来都不会围绕着某一个政治纲领死守,当有需要他们改变的时候,他们会比任何人改变得都更快。 Looked like Progressive Party in the a few years ago talks about the conservative strategy, now, was one's turn Conservative Party to enter into the radical camp on own initiative. 就像是在前些年里进步党大谈保守策略,现在,也轮到保守党主动迈入激进阵营了。 The people need anything, the politicians give them to need, then has been supported, this is the politics. 民众们需要什么,政客们就给他们需要的,然后得到支持,这就是政治。 Compared with Conservative Party these senior politician, Ms. Tracy a little...... cannot keep up with the rhythm obviously. 比起保守党的这些“老政客”们,翠西女士显然有点……跟不上节奏。 In federal a person who does not have the political ability if wants the victory in some political election, has possibly, so long as rich on line! 在联邦一个没有政治能力的人如果想要在某一场政治选举中胜选,也不是没有可能,只要有钱就行了! This probably is the federalism most mysterious place, any candidate does not need at the experience of any rank taking part in government director. 这大概就是联邦政治最神奇的地方,任何一个参选者都不需要具备在任何级别从政主政的经验。 They before becoming the mayor and governor even are Mr. President, can be a singer, an actor, a chef, a beggar even is one washes the lathe worker. 他们在成为市长、州长甚至是总统先生之前,可以是一名歌手,一个演员,一个厨子,一个乞丐甚至是一名洗车工。 They take part in government the experience to the voter, to the politicians, is unimportant. 他们有没有从政经验对选民来说,对政客们来说,不重要。 But where this does not will do, for example Congress. 但这一条也不是在什么地方都行得通,比如说国会。 To win a seat in Congress , without enough political experience to be very difficult, this is the off topic. 想要在国会里拿到一个席位,没有足够的政治经验很困难,这是题外话。 The woman who then inexperienced how defeats her to experience richly in the campaign, personal history attractive to not being able to pick up problem opponent? 那么一名经验不足的女士如何在竞选中战胜她经验丰富,履历漂亮到挑不出毛病的对手呢? Very simple, the federal characteristics, spent on the line. 很简单,联邦的特色,花钱就行了。 Yes, so long as spent to be good, this possibly was the entire world elects only unique. 是的,只要花钱就行了,这可能是全世界唯一最具有特色的选举了。 Speech that a more crowded poster, a more intense activity, the high price solicitation obtains, in addition a splendid campaign team, the victory is very relaxed. 更密集的海报,更密集的活动,高价征稿获得的演讲稿,加上一个出色的竞选团队,胜选很轻松。 A cat, a dog can the victory, this fully explain the federal politics stupidly sometimes how. 一只猫,一条狗都能胜选,这就足以说明联邦的政治有时候何其的愚蠢。 However on the other hand, this is the country that a capital advances, didn't this meet the need of capitalists exactly? 不过话又说回来,这是一个资本先行的国家,这不恰恰满足了资本家们的需求吗? So long as spends, can hold a political spokesman. 只要花钱,就能捧出一名政治代言人。 Now Ms. Tracy wants to defeat her opponent, she must put out many money to come either, either found the weakness of opposite party. 现在翠西女士想要战胜她的对手,她要么就要拿出更多的钱来,要么就找到对方的弱点。 The election office gives her suggestion to make a political business using the status of her father mayor, has the support of State Assembly from state senate, like this she when campaigning for governor the winning percentage will promote. 竞选办公室给她的建议是利用她父亲市长的身份去做一次政治交易,从州参议院得到州议会的支持,这样她在竞选州长时的胜率就会提升。 Simultaneously also wants her uncle to start the advantage in religious, had better be able in the process that the television does missionary work, increases some mysterious backgrounds to her, then makes the voter give her to vote. 同时还要她的叔叔发动起宗教方面的优势,最好能够在电视传教的过程中,给她增加一些神秘背景,然后让选民给她投票。 Finally, makes several million campaign funds to come in again, the issue is not big. 最后,再弄几百万的竞选资金进来,问题就不大了。 Regarding the campaign team, a value and significance of mayor are less than a value and significance of governor forever, therefore discards a mayor to trade to come the support of local State Assembly, this was cost-effective. 对于竞选团队来说,一名市长的价值和意义永远都不及一名州长的价值和意义,所以舍弃一个市长换来本地州议会的支持,这就非常划算了。 Ms. Tracy was considering that this idea, she has a little not known now how to open the mouth to raise this matter with her father 翠西女士正在考虑这个想法,她现在还有点不太知道如何开口和她的父亲提起这个事情 For your dear daughter's political career, we decided that makes you retire early......” “为了你亲爱的女儿的政治生涯,我们决定让你提前退休……” A little cruel. 有点残忍。 If can get so far as more money?”, Ms. Tracy holds the frontal eminence to ask, „, if can get so far as 10 million, to our elections whether helpful?” “如果能弄到更多的钱呢?”,翠西女士扶着额角问道,“如果能弄到一千万,对我们的选举是否有帮助?” In the office these seem like very not common women and gentlemen nod, in which head, was the team leaders of campaign team gave the affirmative answer, „, if 10 million, indeed will play very big use.” 办公室里那些看起来就非常不一般的女士和先生们点了点头,其中的负责人,也是竞选团队的领队给了肯定的答复,“如果有一千万的话,的确会起到很大的用处。” But I favor using your father trade, the support of state legislative body is more important than money, they is a big net......” “但是我更加倾向于用你的父亲进行交易,州议院的支持比钱更重要,他们本身就是一张大网……” The plan is actually very simple, trades three to the support of five state senators with a mayor position of real power as the transaction, this is not difficult to do. 计划其实很简单,用一个实权的市长位置作为交易换来三到五名州参议员的支持,这个不难做。 The politicians care to the mayor very much, seeming like this is only a mayor, but it can manage to a city after all accurately the specific work and life of resident. 政客们对市长还是很在意的,看上去这只是一个市长,可它毕竟能确切的管理到一个城市内居民的具体工作和生活。 Can affect an industry and commerce development situation in city specifically, formulates some policies. 能具体影响到一个城市的工商业发展情况,制定一些政策。 If the overtop structure is used to sell a good price the political resource, then the floor politician is the concrete performer, the position of this performer is very important. 如果说上层建筑是用来把政治资源卖个好价钱的,那么底层政客就是具体的执行者,这个执行者的位置很重要。 Not can only make the policy that some upper characters promise the reality, can make in some cities the emerging capitalist put into the bosom of parties, is very important. 不仅能让一些上层人物许诺的政策成为现实,也能让一些城市内新兴的资本家投入党派的怀抱,很重要。 A transaction of mayor position, the back often involves to be many, very complex relations, a pit can only install a radish after all, so long as there are 35 state senators to support Ms. Tracy, then in addition some public relations, making state legislative body's issue in reverse not big. 一个市长位置的交易,背后往往涉及到非常多,非常复杂的关系,毕竟一个坑只能装一个萝卜,只要有三五个州参议员支持翠西女士,那么加上一些公关,让州议院倒过来的问题就不大了。 Thinks is very long, Ms. Tracy rubbed the temples, I need to make a phone call......” 想了很久,翠西女士揉了揉太阳穴,“我需要打一个电话……” The room women and gentlemen leave in abundance, to a Ms. Tracy enough personal space. 房间里的女士和先生们纷纷离开,给翠西女士一个足够私人的空间。 She picked up the telephone, a little hesitated, finally dialed the Lynch telephone. 她提起电话,又有一点犹豫,最终还是拨通了林奇的电话。 Dialed three different telephones to find Lynch continually, this was this time most discomforting issue, the communication cannot synchronize at the right moment. 连拨了三个不同的电话才找到林奇,这就是这个时代最令人不安的问题,通讯不能适时同步。 Once sometimes missed certain information, will evolve greatly troublesome, but this type missing is performing unceasingly. 有时候一旦错过了某些信息,就会演变成大麻烦,而这种“错过”正在不断的上演。 Met that moment of telephone, Ms. Tracy aroused the courage, after simple two chatted sincere saying, Lynch, I needed your help.” 接起电话的那一刻,翠西女士鼓足了勇气,在简单的两句闲聊之后恳切的说道,“林奇,我需要你的帮助。” Telephone another Lynch like had not signed a check that anything has not said for the first time , after the previous time do not say several words signed a check. 电话另外一头的林奇并没有像第一次那样什么都没有说的就签了一张支票,也不像上一次那样还要说几句话后才签了一张支票。 This time, he rejected. 这一次,他拒绝了。 I have given two money, Ms. Tracy.” “我已经给了两份钱,翠西女士。” But rejects even if, not angry, instead lets some Ms. Tracy red, ashamed. 可哪怕是拒绝,也不会让人愤怒,反而让翠西女士有些面红,羞愧。 Yes, Lynch gave two money, she calls to demand that now the appearance of campaign fund looks like a greedy ugly jealous wife. 是的,林奇给了两份钱,她现在又打电话索要竞选资金的样子就像是一个贪婪丑陋的恶妇。 „I am sorry, I know this...... was too much, but I indeed need to help now.”, Thinks that own campaign enterprise, Ms. Tracy braces oneself to continue to request. “我很抱歉,我知道这……有点过分了,但我现在的确需要帮助。”,想到自己的竞选事业,翠西女士还是硬着头皮继续要求。 Presented an opponent beyond the plan, moreover domineering that very displays, our here analyzes, if maintains by the present situation, we very difficult to win in the final election.” “在计划之外出现了一个对手,而且表现的很强势,我们这边分析如果以现在的情况保持下去,我们很难在最终的选举中胜出。” You know, not only you, others have invested the suitable fund to be pushy, I am also, we cannot such helplessly looks all that these invest wasted!” “你知道,不只是你,还有其他人都已经投入了相当的资金还有精力,我自己也是,我们不能就这么眼睁睁的看着这些投入进去的一切都白费了!” Does not need many, 35 million were good, I will also make up for us among other methods the disparity......” “不需要多少,三五百万就行了,我还会通过其他方法来弥补一下我们之间的差距……” Ms. Tracy said the recent matter, after Lynch hear, feels a little accidental/surprised, is not so accidental. 翠西女士把最近发生的事情说了出来,林奇听完后觉得有点意外,又不那么意外。 In a governor candidate in state does not have the obvious domineering candidate, especially when swing state, is the politicians launches attacks the best time to this state. 当一个州的州长候选人中没有明显的强势的候选者,特别是摇摆州时,就是政客们对这个州发动攻击的最好时候。 The special place of swing state lies in the change and uncertainty of political stand, this also means that everyone has the possibility, so long as this person can make the voters like. 摇摆州的特殊地方在于政治立场的变动和不确定性,这也意味着每个人都有可能,只要这个人能让选民们喜欢。 What if people like a cat or a dog, so long as its master paves the way for it richly, it also same can the victory. 如果人们喜欢的是一只猫或者一条狗,只要它的主人有钱为它铺路,它也一样能胜选。 „The method of defeating the opponent has, perhaps us can sit to chat......”, Lynch had not agreed directly, but wants to discuss with her. “打败对手的方法有很多,也许我们可以坐下来聊聊……”,林奇没有直接同意,而是想要和她谈一谈。 Ms. Tracy not hesitant, immediately complies. 翠西女士没多犹豫,立刻答应了下来。
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